HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.i. City of Rosemount Site Plan Review & Conditional Use Permit to Allow Construction of the 1st Phase of the City’s Outdoor Recreation ComplexIfAh 96 D 1XI(DiSEMOLINT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting Date: June 18, 2013 AGENDA ITEM: Case 13 -18 -SP & 13 -19 -CUP City of Rosemount Site Plan Review & AGENDA SECTION: Conditional Use Permit to Allow Construction of the 1St Phase of the City's Outdoor Recreation Complex ��� PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, AICP AGENDA NO. Planner W ATTACHMENTS: Excerpt PC Minutes from 5- 28 -13, APPROVED BY: Resolution, Site Map, Preliminary Master Plan, Preliminary Phasing Plan, Overall Planting Plan, Electrical Site Lighting RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Approve a Conditional Use Permit Allowing an Outdoor Recreation Complex Use in the AG — Agricultural District. SUMMARY Applicant & Property Owner(s) Location: Area in Acres: Comp. Guide Plan Desig: Current Zoning: City of Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department North of Bonaire Path and East of Akron Avenue 57.6 Acres POS — Parks and Open Space AG - Agriculture The applicant, the City of Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department, applied for site plan and conditional use permit approvals to allow construction of the City's Outdoor Recreation Complex. The Planning Commission approved the site plan at their May 28th meeting. A conditional use permit requires City Council approval. The facility is planned for a 57 acre property located north of Bonaire Path and East of Akron Avenue. The subject property was donated to the City in 2007 by Flint Hills Resources. Overall, the site contains seven athletic fields, an access driveway, two parking lots, storm water ponds, bituminous trails (including a segment of the Rosemount Interpretive Trail), a concession building and designated space for future park amenities and a maintenance garage. This report evaluates the facility's 18 acres first phase including three athletic fields, internal bituminous trails and a 145 stall parking lot. Ames Construction has agreed to donate resources to grade and construct the fields this year. When complete, the fields must mature for one year prior to accommodating any events. Depending upon the economics of the project, the services donated by Ames Construction will likely include construction of the parking lot. In either event, the parking lot must be installed and paved prior to public use of the fields which is slated for 2015. Staff recommends approval of the requests subject to conditions. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION The Planning Commission reviewed this item on May 28, 2013. No public comments were offered during the public hearing. The Commission asked for further clarification about the features of the facility, its use and the phasing of future improvements. Parks and Recreation Director Dan Schultz stated the City's agreement with Flint Hills was for an outdoor facility with multi- purpose athletic fields for soccer, lacrosse and football. Mr. Schultz further explained that future phases will include 4 additional fields, concession building, parking lot, maintenance building and additional park amenities. There was also a question about the amount of parking provided and recognition that there are few parking opportunities in the neighborhood, except on site. Mr. Schultz indicated that the parking stall number was arrived at based upon experience at similar venues. There is also space available for temporary parking if a high demand activity is anticipated. The timing of future improvements is dependent on funding and surrounding development. The Commission then voted to approve the site plan and recommended the City Council approve the associated conditional use permit. ISSUE ANALYSIS Legal Authority City review of both site plan and conditional use permit applications are Quasi - Judicial actions. As such, the City has a set of standards and requirements for both applications. Generally, if the applications meet the ordinance requirements they must be approved. While the Planning Commission is empowered to approve all site plans, the City Council must act on the associated conditional use permit. The standards and requirements for each application along with staff's findings for the specific review criteria are provided below. Site Plan Review The purpose of a site plan review is to evaluate each project as it relates to the performance and site design standards of the zoning ordinance and is required for all commercial, industrial, institutional and multi - family development projects. In this case, the applicant proposes an outdoor recreation complex in the AG — Agricultural district. As a result of this analysis, staff recommends approval of the site plan subject to conditions. Land Use & Zoning. The 2030 Land Use map guides the subject property as POS — Parks and Open Space. According to the Comprehensive Plan, this category is intended to provide a wide variety of recreational and open space opportunities from ball fields to nature preserves and designates P/I — Public and Institutional as the corresponding zoning classification. The property's current AG — Agricultural zoning classification allows the proposed outdoor recreation complex as a conditional use. Lot and Building Standards. Overall, the Master Plan for the site includes a concession stand and maintenance garage. However, these structures are not part of the first phase and therefore not specifically addressed in this application. A condition of approval requires separate approvals prior to construction of any structures, including the concession stand or maintenance garage. The current application includes three athletic fields, internal bituminous trails and a 145 stall parking lot. Staff finds these features meet the minimum setback requirements of the AG — Agricultural zoning district detailed in the table below. 2 Building Performance Standards for the AG — Agricultural District Standard Required Propose & Future Structures Parking* Fields Park Amenities Maintenance Building Front South 30 ft. 100' 270' 360' 40' Side (East) 30 ft. 210' 260' 1,090' 910' Side (West) 30 ft. 550 370 40' 140' Rear (North) 30 ft. 1,640' 1 620' 1 1,140' 1 1,710' Bldg. Height 40 ft. N/A I N/A I N/A I N/A *Parking setback requirements are 50' frontyard and 5' side and rearyards Access. Access to the site will be provided through an internal access drive with connections to both Akron Avenue and Bonaire Path. The Bonaire Path access will be constructed as part of the current phase while the Akron Avenue access will be part of a future phase. Parking. Rosemount's parking regulations currently do not include a specific standard for outdoor recreation complexes. In designing the site, staff worked with the landscape architect to calculate appropriate parking requirements based upon established industry standards. The standard calls for 40 parking stalls per field based on the assumption that each field will host two teams of 10 players and parking should be designed to accommodate the current and futures users with some incidental overlap. Based on this model, the applicant plans to construct a 145 stall parking lot for the first three fields and additional 135 stall parking lot for the remaining four fields. Overall the site plan illustrates 280 off - street parking stalls and is consistent with the 40 stalls per field standard (40 stalls x 7 fields = 280 total stalls). Exterior Building Materials. The overall plan for the site includes a concession building and maintenance garage. However, these structures are not part of the current proposal and therefore not specifically addressed in this application. These structures must receive separate approvals prior to their construction in any future phase(s). Trash Enclosure. Staff finds that the three fields and associated parking lot planned for the first phase do not require a trash enclosure. The applicant plans to locate individual trash containers throughout the subject property similar to those used in the City's park system and empty them as necessary. Staff acknowledges that future development may raise activity on the site to a level necessitating installation of a trash enclosure and will account for this possibility when reviewing future phases. Landscaping. Rosemount's landscape regulations currently do not include a specific standard for outdoor recreation complexes within the AG — Agriculture district. The landscape plan for the 18 acres in the current phase includes a total of 67 trees. Forty one will be deciduous trees (a mixture of Maple, Birch, Honey locust, and White Pine) while the remaining 27 will be coniferous trees (Black Hills Spruce). The trees are distributed in groups around the perimeter of the athletic fields to further define each playing area and enhance screening of adjacent properties. Signage. The applicant has no definitive sign plans at this time and is still considering placing ground monument signs adjacent to the access points along Bonaire Path and Akron Avenue. Future installation of any signs on the site will be subject to the applicable sign standards and require approval of an administrative sign permit. K, Exterior Lighting. The lighting plan for the subject property illustrates eight safety and security lights around the perimeter of the proposed parking lot. The applicant has no plan to illuminate the athletic fields. Each of the proposed lights includes a LED cobra -head style fixture mounted on a 25 foot light standard. The photometric information included in the plan indicates the proposed lighting will not exceed the City's lighting standard of 0.5 lumens at any residential property line or 1.0 lumen at any non - residential property line. Pedestrian and Bicycle Access. Plans for the site call for bituminous trails to extend throughout the recreation complex. These trails will connect to the City's overall sidewalk and trail system through the existing County trail along Akron Avenue and a future segment of the Rosemount Interpretive Trail. Connection to the Interpretive Trail is dependent on the pace of surrounding development. Availability of Utilities. The subject property is located within the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) boundary; however, no sewer or water service for public consumption is planned as part of the current phase. Water will be brought on site to permit irrigation of fields. In the future, the water line would be extended to the concession building. The applicant intends to supply sanitary facilities through the use of portable satellites. As a result, staff recommends a condition of approval require the applicant to provide handicap accessible satellites in conformance with Dakota County Health standards for portable sanitary facilities. Conditional Use Permit The purpose of conditional use permits (CUPs) is to allow for those uses which may be suitable for a given site under certain circumstances. As a conditional use, the outdoor recreation complex is subject to the general CUP standards outlined in Section 11 -10 -7. These standards evaluate the City's land use and zoning performance standards in the context of the proposed use's potential impact on the surrounding properties. After reviewing the applicant's plans in comparison with the applicable standards, staff finds the proposed use meets the conditional use permit requirements and recommends approval. 1. Will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. Finding: The proposed use is consistent with the City's land use and development regulations for outdoor recreation complexes as detailed in the site plan review and conditional use permit sections of this report and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or general welfare of the neighborhood or the City of Rosemount. 2. Will be harmonious with the objectives of the comprehensive plan and city code provisions. Finding: The proposed outdoor recreation complex use is consistent with both the land use and zoning designations for the subject property. The subject property is located within the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) boundary and the 2030 Land Use map guides it as POS — Parks and Open Space. According to the Comprehensive Plan, this category is intended to provide a wide variety of recreational and open space opportunities from ball fields to nature preserves. M The site is compatible with the agricultural and residential character of the surrounding area. The surrounding present and future land uses are detailed in the table below. Currently, the site is bordered by rural residential uses to the north and south and agricultural uses to the east and west. The Future Land Use Map anticipates low density residential to the north, south and west and continued agricultural activity to the east. Present and Future Land Uses Surrounding the Outdoor Recreation Complex Direction Present Future North Rural Residential Low Density Residential South Rural Residential Low Density Residential East Agricultural Agriculture West Agriculture Low Density Residential The site is also consistent with the zoning standards for the AG — Agricultural district and the development standards for outdoor recreation complexes as detailed in the site plan review section above. 3. Will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so as to be compatible or similar in an architectural and landscape appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area, nor substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. Finding: The predominate surrounding existing and planned land uses are agriculture and residential. The site's landscape appearance will include natural open space, manicured athletic fields, bituminous trails and paved parking lots surrounded by continuous curb and gutter consistent with or better than the design of nearby development. While the current proposal does not include structures, future phases will likely include concession and maintenance buildings. As noted in the site plan review section of this report, any future structures will require separate site plan approval. 4. Will be served adequately by existing (or those proposed in the project) essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage, structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools. Finding: The existing site will be adequately served by essential public facilities and services. Access to the subject property will come from Bonaire Path and Akron Avenue. Currently both streets are paved up to the subject property but then transition to gravel surfaced rural sections. Plans to improve these roads are included in both the City's (Bonaire Path) and Dakota County's (Akron Avenue) 5 year Capital Improvement Plans (CIP) but are dependent on the pace of surrounding development. Police and Fire service will continue to be provided by the City of Rosemount. And the site will have adequate refuse, water and sewer services (see site plan review sections below). 5. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, material equipment and conditions of operation that will be hazardous or detrimental to any persons, property, or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors. Finding: The outdoor recreation complex use will not involve uses or activities that would be harmful to the surrounding area. The primary use of the site will be for soccer athletic fields. This use and other associated recreational activities are consistent with the Future Land Use designation and current zoning classification. 6. Will have vehicular ingress and egress to the property which does not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic on surrounding public streets. Finding: The site will have adequate ingress and egress from Bonaire Path and Akron Avenue. The Bonaire Path access will be constructed as part of the 1" phase parking improvements to be completed prior to 2015 while the Akron Avenue access will be constructed as part of a future phase. 7. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic, or historic feature of major importance and will comply with all local, state, and federal environmental quality standards. Finding: The proposed facility will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic, or historic feature of major importance and shall comply with all local, state, and federal environmental quality standards. Development of the subject property into an outdoor recreational complex featuring seven soccer fields, associated recreational activities, parking facilities, and bituminous trails (including a section of the Rosemount Interpretive Trail) serve to complement the natural, scenic, and historic characteristics of the site. 8. These standards apply in addition to specific conditions as may be applied throughout this code. Finding: Further analysis of the site can be found in the Site Plan Review sections of this report. CONCLUSION According to the City Code, the Planning Commission is authorized to act on all site plan applications while the City Council must take action on all conditional use permits. During the May 28`'' meeting, the Planning Commission held public hearings for both applications which produced no public comments, approved the site plan and recommended the City Council approve the associated conditional use permit. These applications approve the overall site design and the elements included in the 18 acre first phase including three athletic fields, internal bituminous trails and a 145 stall parking lot. R EXCERPT OF DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MAY 28, 2013 5.a. City of Rosemount Site Plan Review and Conditional Use Permit to Allow Construction of the First Phase of the City's Outdoor Recreation Complex Containing Three Soccer Fields and 145 Stall Parking Lot (13- 18 -SP, 13 -19 -CUP). Planner Lindahl stated that the City of Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department requests site plan and conditional use permit approvals to allow construction of the City's Outdoor Recreation Complex. The 57 acre facility is located within the northeast quadrant of Bonaire Path and Akron Avenue. Mr. Lindahl stated that staff recommends approval of the requests subject to conditions that he further explained. Parks and Recreation Director Schultz was present to answer questions. Commissioner Husain asked why the facility will only be an outdoor facility and only soccer. Mr. Schultz stated that the donation agreement with Flint Hills requested a complex for outdoor activities and that DCTC and the YMCA are potentially developing an indoor facility. Mr. Schultz further stated that the fields can be used for soccer, lacrosse and even football. He stated the fields could be at capacity in 2 -3 years if the city continues to grow at the current pace. Commissioner Husain asked for an explanation of the number of parking stalls and what would be included in the concession building. Mr. Schultz replied that the standard for parking is 20 stalls per field to insure parking for before and after the games, and to allow for players and spectators. He stated that the concession building is in a future phase so not too much detail has been decided yet but it would include a kitchen area, indoor restrooms, a storage area and possibly a sunshade structure. Commissioner Husain then asked if there will be increased security in the area and whether or not the whole complex will be fenced in. Mr. Schultz stated that the Police Department is aware of the site and will conduct increased patrol of the area once the fields are in use, similar to other parks in Rosemount. Mr. Schultz stated that there is no plan on fencing the entire complex. Chairperson Powell asked for the timeline of making improvements to the unpaved roads around the development. City Engineer Brotzler stated that there are no plans for paving Bonaire Path at this time. Akron Avenue is a placeholder in the County CIP and will likely be paved within the next 4 -5 years. Chairperson Powell asked if the fields will be sodded or seeded and the timeline of when the work will begin. Mr. Schultz replied that the fields will be seeded. He further stated that Dakota Aggregates has donated the grading and construction materials for the site and grading is expected to begin in approximately 3 weeks. Mr. Schultz stated that the goal is to try to having the parking lot paved later this summer or early fall. The public hearing was opened at 7:07p.m. MOTION by Powell to close the public hearing. Second by Weber. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 7:08p.m. Chairperson Powell stated that since the applicant is the City and there is no engineer's memo attached, Condition #6 is irrelevant and should be deleted. MOTION by Kurle to approve the site plan for the City's Outdoor Recreation Complex, subject to the following: 1. Approval of a conditional use permit allowing the outdoor recreation complex use in the AG — Agricultural district (public park). 2. Future development of any structures will require separate site plan approval by the Planning Commission. 3. Construction of the 145 stall off -street parking lot and its connection to Bonaire Path prior to any formal use of the site. 4. Provision of satellites in conformance with Dakota County Health standards for portable sanitary facilities. 5. Future installation of any signs on the site shall require approval of an administrative sign Permit. 6. Gonfor-inanee with all the requ4ements of the City Engifieer-. Second by Husain. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. MOTION by Powell to recommend the City Council approve a conditional use permit allowing the outdoor recreation complex use in the AG — Agricultural district. 1. Site plan approval for an outdoor recreation complex and compliance with all conditions of approval. Second by Weber. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2013 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ALLOWING AN OUTDOOR RECREATION COMPLEX USE IN THE AG — AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from the City of Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department requesting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) allowing an outdoor recreation complex use in the AG — Agricultural district; WHEREAS, on May 28, 2013, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed and conducted a public hearing for this conditional use permit application; and WHEREAS, during the same meeting, the Planning Commission also review, conducted a public hearing and approved the associated site plan application for the City's outdoor recreation complex; and WHEREAS, during that same meeting, the Planning Commission also adopted a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the conditional use permit application; and WHEREAS, on June 18, 2013, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed and agreed with the Planning Commission's recommendations to approve the conditional use permit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves a conditional use permit allowing an outdoor recreation complex in the AG — Agricultural district, subject to the following conditions: 1. Planning Commission approval of the associated site plan application. 2. Future development of any structures will require separate site plan approval by the Planning Commission. 3. Construction of the 145 stall off -street parking lot and its connection to Bonaire Path prior to any formal use of the site. 4. Provision of satellites in conformance with Dakota County Health standards for portable sanitary facilities. 5. Future installation of any signs on the site shall require approval of an administrative sign permit. ADOPTED this 18`' day of June, 2013, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk Flint Hills Athletic Complex Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a Map Scale legal document and should not be substituted for a title search, appraisal, survey, or for zoning 1 inch = 707 feet verification, Dakota County assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained in this data. 04/12/2013 i Future �1 Regional Trail i Z �C sal Future Concessions Building Parking Lot (135 Stalls) Infiltration Basin (typ) Space for — Future Park Amenities Space for Future Park Maint. Garage IF W, 1 1 1 r �I 1 �1 , �I 4 #i. 1 ? 4'x x 31 f t 1' 240'x 360' Ail;.etic (seen Athletic Green I'la Containers "j " f 1 { 1 «4 1' 9 P r 'f 240'x 360' Athletic Green i� 1 Z N Z N � c :} I 24tr x 360' 240 x 360 I Athletic Green Athletic Green I access to 1 Futur _ - -- Amenifie nA, Parking 1 Staus�V' � 7 _. 1 } ,. I y�n?.� i •�. c =.1 /4 of sic zs T t(2 19 BONAIRE PATH - Preliminary Master Plan Outdoor Recreation Complex City of Rosemount, MN " -.0,: &&%LF.Z & &SCk61IES. Crn. LV UW "~v - AM Ot5()r 11417 E.*— &W" -S.. �r Mcpk— W155343 le 452-2M-M? Fa f52- 23b�i333 I � I f Future Regional Trail A ' I W� a z' I al -� rj I i 1 Future Concessions ' Building Parking lot - -- (135 Stalls) n Infiltration V Y r� r8" 240' x 360' Athletic Greer P1 —av I�FF r� 24. x 360' Athletic Greed r I� Basin (typ) " LL n I 1 F- --1 PHASE 1 I `' IMPROVEMENTS; I I 240' )0' Athlefii Space for Future I Een Park Amenities - r` L- -J IC �tx� `II I Access to it Future , I� Amenities II N 120— ner Space for Future Park Maint. u . r Garage - - - - --- - �, - - ROSEMOUNT Prga. 00191&72 bale. A, y" IC 2012 MINNESOTA 1 I r� r -` I & &soa Ann, LTD. .I . I I I 1 I Outdoor Recreation (orm p(px ifa p1 IC $C31t INN 55 T,1 7Z541 4800 Fa, 783- 541-1700 r° 1 +� I •20' Athfetii �I ! I ! 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