HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.m. Request to Adopt a Resolution in Support of the Livable Communities Demonstration Account Grant Application for Dakota County Community Development Agency Senior Housing�P0SEMO N j EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: June 18, 2013 AGENDA ITEM: Request to Adopt a Resolution in Support of the Livable Communities Demonstration Account Grant Application AGENDA SECTION: for Dakota County Community Consent Development Agency Senior Housing PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. Gf. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution; Project Concept Plan Application for the Dakota APPROVED BY: County /Rosemount Senior Housing; Concept Site Plan. Dal RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt a Resolution Identifying the Need for Livable Communities Demonstration Account Funding and Authorizing An Application for Grant Funds. ISSUE City staff is preparing an application for grant funding from the Metropolitan Council's Livable Communities Demonstration Account to assist the redevelopment of the north half of the former Genz- Ryan site into 60 units of Dakota County Community Development Agency (CDA) affordable senior rental housing and prepare the site for additional development. The application must be submitted to the Metropolitan Council by July 1, 2013. A City Council resolution supporting the project is required with the application. SUMMARY Annually, the Metropolitan (Met) Council provides a grants program through their Livable Communities Demonstration Account (LCDA). Staff is working with Dakota County CDA staff to prepare an application for 60 units of affordable senior housing on the northern portion of the former Genz -Ryan site and the northern four lots on the east side of Cambrian Avenue. The exact amount of the grant request has not been determined, but the grant is expected to assist items such as providing for an alternative stormwater system, streetscaping including decorative lights, sidewalks and benches. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the Resolution in support the Livable Communities Demonstration Account development grant for the Dakota County CDA affordable senior rental housing. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2013 - A RESOLUTION IDENTIFYING THE NEED FOR LIVABLE COMMUNITIES DEMONSTRATION ACCOUNT FUNDING AND AUTHORIZING AN APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS WHEREAS the City of Rosemount is a participant in the Livable Communities Act's Housing Incentives Program for 2013 as determined by the Metropolitan Council, and is therefore eligible to apply for Livable Communities Demonstration Account funds; and WHEREAS the City has identified proposed projects within the City that meets the Demonstration Account's purposes and criteria and is consistent with and promotes the purposes of the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act and the policies of the Metropolitan Council's adopted metropolitan development guide; and WHEREAS the City has the institutional, managerial and financial capability to ensure adequate project administration; and WHEREAS the City certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in the grant agreement; and WHEREAS the City agrees to act as legal sponsor for the project contained in the grant application submitted on July 1, 2013; and WHEREAS the City acknowledges Livable Communities Demonstration Account grants are intended to fund projects or project components that can serve as models, examples or prototypes for development or redevelopment projects elsewhere in the region, and therefore represents that the proposed projects or key components of the proposed projects can be replicated in other metropolitan -area communities; and WHEREAS only a limited amount of grant funding is available through the Metropolitan Council's Livable Communities Demonstration Account during each funding cycle and the Metropolitan Council has determined it is appropriate to allocate those scarce grant funds only to eligible projects that would not occur without the availability of Demonstration Account grant funding; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that, after appropriate examination and due consideration, the governing body of the City: 1. Finds that it is in the best interests of the City's development goals and priorities for the proposed projects to occur at these particular sites at this particular time. 2. Finds that the project components for which Livable Communities Demonstration Account funding is sought: (a) will not occur solely through private or other public investment within the reasonably foreseeable future; and (b) will not occur within three years after the grant award unless Livable Communities Demonstration Account funding is made available for these projects at this time. 3. Represents that the City has undertaken reasonable and good faith efforts to procure funding for the project component for which Livable Communities Demonstration Account funding is sought but was not able to find or secure from other sources funding that is necessary for project component completion within three years and states that this representation is based on the following reasons and supporting facts: (a) The City expended significant funds in acquiring the land of the former Genz -Ryan plumbing business. (b) The City has used significant TIF funds for other redevelopment in Downtown Rosemount (Waterford Commons — 2008 LCDA Grant). (c) The senior housing is an underserved housing type in Rosemount as determined by a Maxfield Market Study. (d) The City has a 2030 Comprehensive Plan Goal to provide a mixture of rental and home ownership opportunities to provide life cycle housing. (e) The Dakota County Community Development Agency is committed to construct an additional 60 units of affordable senior rental housing within Rosemount. 4. Authorizes its City Administrator to submit on behalf of the City applications for Metropolitan Council Livable Communities Demonstration Account grant funds for the project components identified in the application, and to execute such agreements as may be necessary to implement the project on behalf of the City. ADOPTED this 18'' day of June, 2013, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk METROPOLITAN ., O U N C 7 I_ 2013 Development Grant Project Concept Plan Livable Communities Demonstration Account and Transit Oriented Development Grants Refer to the Project Concept Plan User Guide for direction. 1. Identify the Project A. Project name Dakota County /Rosemount Senior Housing Project B. Applicant NOTE: Only ONE entity may be the applicant. The Council will not accept joint applications. Applicants are expected to be prepared to administer the grant, if awarded. City of Rosemount - a City, County or Development Authority City's contact Kim Lindquist Title Community Development Director Phone 651 - 322 -2020 Email kim .lindquist @ci.rosemount.mn.us C. Project location City Rosemount - a Developing city Address / intersection 3 Downtown locations possible (see map) D. Total amount requested $1706500 E Name of lead developer or development team Dakota County CDA F. When is the project expected to 2014 start hard construction: 2. Describe the current phase of the Project. The Project is the development or redevelopment work that through its design and execution will deliver benefits such as housing, connections, and /or jobs to the region. The City is working with Dakota County CDA to site an 60 -unit affordable senior housing project in the City of Rosemount. There are 3 sites being considered. The location decision will be made in the next few months with final design and approvals occuring throughout 2013 and construction anticipated in 2014. The primary benefit of the project is to provide 60 affordable housng units for area seniors. Rosemount currently has one other CDA senior housing project which has 44 units. All 3 sites are redevelopment sites and will introduce a high density residential project into the Downtown /Hwy 3 corridor. The outcome of redevelopment is to replace obsolete or very low residential density with a more viabrant development pattern. Introduction of the use in the potential locations will assist adjoining commercial development and meet Downtown Framework goals. The project will also provide and opportunity to improve or construct public connections to public amenities, recreational uses, and commercial services. 3. Funding Category(ies) and Grant - Funded Activities Applicants may not mix TOD and regular program requests. Complete either section A or B. A. Succinctly list the requested Grant - Funded Activities in the appropriate category. ® LCDA Development Check all that apply. ® Infrastructure $411,500 for Street, public utilities, stormwater, and lighting ® Site assembly $1,260,000 for 42 townhouse lots ® Placemaking $35,000 for a pocket park and furnishings Total Requested for LCDA $1,706,500 or Applicants may request funds from one or more TOD categories B. ❑ LCDA -TOD Development ❑ Infrastructure ❑ Site assembly ❑ Placemaking Total Requested for LCDA -TOD ❑ TBRA -TOD Cleanup Succinctly list the requested Grant - Funded Activities in each appropriate category. Note. LCDA -TOD Pre - Development and TBRA-TOD Site Investigation applications do not require a Project Concept Plan. $ for $ for $ for ❑ Environmental assessment ❑ Asbestos abatement ❑ Lead -based paint abatement ❑ Soil remediation ❑ Soil vapor mitigation ❑ Selective demolition to access soil contamination ❑ Other Total Requested for TBRA-TOD List and the requested Grant- Funded Activities in the appropriate category 4. Related development A. Describe expected future phases of this development. Do not include future phases in any other response. In one instance this project is part of the City's Downtown Redevelopment plan which envisions future phases. In another, the project will be a catalyst to complete a financially challenged subdivision. In the final site, the senior housing is part of a mixed use project and there will be additional residential and commercial development. B. Describe adjacent or prior development only if it is directly related to the Project. 5. For LCDA proposals and LCA -TOD proposals A. Describe the innovative qualities of this Project. The senior housing project will be located within the mixed use of the Downtown or within a mixed use neighborhood. In all locations the project is part of a redeveopment project and illustrates creative site design. B. Explain the demonstration value of this Project. The project will illustrate how to fit a high density affordable housing project into the larger context of a redevelopment area. It will demonstrate how suburban development can accommodate higher density development and create a sense of place even for a traditionally non - suburban development style. C LCA funds are not intended to serve as gap financing. To be eligible for LCA funding, the grant award must be a catalyst to move the Project forward. Explain specifically how LCA funds are essential for the Project to commence by 12/31/2016. The CDA has sufficient funds to allow construction of a senior housing building. However, the City project needs amenities to comply with the design criteria of the City's Downtown Design Framework and Design Guidelines. Street lighting, trails and public sidewalks, public spaces and landscaping,and infrastrucuture modifications are all required. D. Explain how the Project would change if LCA funds are not awarded. The housing portion of the project can be constructed but it will not provide the amenities for residents or the neighborhood desired in the Downtown /Hwy 3 corridor. Attributes anticipated for the project will elevate site design for future projects in the area. E. Describe the grant- funded activities, explaining how they serve as placemaking or connecting elements for the Project. Public trails and sidewalks will connect the project to services and pedestrian amenities which benefit residents of project and neighborhood. All project loations are on Hwy 3 and are highly visible requiring a higher level of design and sense of place. Infrastructure modifications will allow construction of project which require altering of in -place systems. F. Describe how the proposed Project will address LCA regional goals and the statutory requirements. The provision of well- designed affordable, dense senior housing addressing regional goals and statutory requirements. The locations for the project meet goals by being located along Hwy 3 in the more developed portion of the community and represent redevelopment opportunities to increase density in the core of the community versus low or rural development patterns that exised previously. Locations allow for transit connections to new residents of the project. G. 1. If housing is proposed, list the total number of units included in the Project: 60 2. List the total number of housing units that will be affordable at 30 %, 50 %, and 60% AMI 60 3. Of the total number of housing units proposed, provide a breakout of the number of bedrooms per unit Efficiency Three bedrooms One bedroom 30 Four or more bedrooms Two bedrooms 30 Uses for the requested LCDA - eligible costs: Project name: Rosemount DC CDA Senior Housing Site #1 Uses Land acquisition Description Acquire four single family lots ►• Ti1 $ 680,000 Other ♦ ublic $ Private $ Total $ 680,000 methodology City estimates Demolition and /or removal of obsolete structures Demolish four single family homes $ 100,000 $7,500,000 $ 100,000 Contractors' estimates Furnishings for parks, plazas or other public areas Neighborhood Pocket Park Furnishings $ 10,000 $ 10,000 City estimates Placemaking elements or improvements Neighborhood Pocket Park $ 25,000 $ 25,000 City estimates Stormwater management improvements Under Parking Lot Storage $ 325,000 1 $ 325,000 City estimates Lighting for parks, plazas or other public areas Streetlighting Consistent with Downtown $ 105,000 $ 105,000 City estimates Click to select Under Parking Lot Storage $325,000 $ Click to select Click to select Streetlighting Consistent with Downtown $105,000 $ Click to select Click to select $ Click to select Click to select $ Click to select Click to select $ Click to select Click to select $ Click to select Click to select $ Click to select Uses for the Project that will commence within 36 months Total LCDA Request $ 1,245,000 $ Project name: $ 1,245,000 Rosemount DC CDA Senior Housing Site #1 Uses Land Acquisition Description Half of the former Genz -Ryan Property D• TOD $ Other public $ $1,000,000 Private$ Total $1,000,000 Estimate methodolorr' Bidding Building Construction 60 Unit Senior Housing Building $7,500,000 $7,500,000 Bidding Land acquisition Acquire four single family lots $680,000 $680,000 City estimates Demolition and /or removal of obsolete Demolish four single family $100,000 $100,000 Contractors' estimates Furnishings for parks, plazas or other public areas Neighborhood Pocket Park Furnishings $10,000 $10,000 City estimates Placemaking elements or improvements Neighborhood Pocket Park $25,000 $25,000 City estimates Stormwater management improvements Under Parking Lot Storage $325,000 $325,000 City estimates Lighting for parks, plazas or other public areas Streetlighting Consistent with Downtown $105,000 $105,000 City estimates SO Click to select $0 Click to select $0 Click to select $0 Click to select $0 Click to select $0 Click to select $0 Click to select $0 Click to select $0 Click to select $0 Click to select $0 Click to select $0 Click to select $0 Click to select $0 Click to select $0 Click to select $0 Click to select $0 Click to select $0 Click to select $0 Click to select $0 Click to select $1245,000 $8,500,000i $0 $9,745,000 4/19/2013 11:24 AM I� i r Q \ "• _ r �F a• + � r , b 4 •�' �'^IR I ��lfi. . a Yew a �.• a PIN r .w CL t._ ... «<.. - s1•,'p.. �, .- .,rte.•,,. .• _ .. �� . ��� v .• -• w. , 1r X t r cc) �.• - .: O / CD Q ,� ► a s ' a.. 11.1 4w x, 'r l . co +M VA♦ tA a zn I� i r Q \ "• _ r �F a• + � r , b 4 •�' �'^IR I ��lfi. . a Yew a �.• a L- v ♦ 1 IY r, o m u 0 m' a �CD N a N t N C N O � d' Q i. 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