HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Case 13-25-PP Request by Lennar Corporation, Inc. for a Preliminary Plat & Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Site & Building Plan to Develop a 68 Lot Subdivision named Prestwick Place 9th Addition���SEM0Ul T EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PLANNING COMMISSION City Council Meeting Date: July 16, 2013 AGENDA ITEM: Case 13 -25 -PP Request by Lennar Corporation, Inc. for a Preliminary Plat & Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Site AGENDA SECTION: & Building Plan to Develop a 68 Lot New gmi w% Subdivision named Prestwick Place Stn Addition PREPARED BY: Clarissa Hadler, Community Development Intern AGENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: Resolutions; Planned Unit Development Agreement; Excerpt of Draft Minutes from APPROVED BY: June 25, 2013 Planning Commission Meeting; Site Location Map; Comprehensive Plan; Preliminary Plat; Preliminary Grading Plan; Preliminary Utility Plan; Preliminary Phasing Plan; Preliminary Landscape Plan; City Council Resolution No. 2007 -92; Park Dedication Ordinance 12 -3 -6 B.1.; Planned Unit Development Ordinance 11 -10 -6 A. and B.; City Engineer's Memorandum dated June 18th, 2013; Park and Recreation Director's Memorandum dated June 18th 2013; Fire Marshall's Memorandum dated June 10th, 2013 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the City Council take the following actions: Motion to adopt a Resolution approving the Preliminary Plat for Prestwick Place 9th Addition. Motion to adopt a Resolution approving the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Site and Building Plan for Prestwick Place 9th Addition. Motion to approve the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Agreement for Prestwick Place 9th Addition and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into the Agreement. ISSUES The applicant is requesting approval of Prestwick Place 9`h Addition which is the 7`' residential phase of development in the Prestwick neighborhood. The plat includes 68 single family lots, which will be developed in two phases; 35 in the first phase and 33 in the second. The plat also recreated the remained of the pond and park associated with the neighborhood. Along with final platting, the application includes PUD final site and building plan approval and approval of the PUD agreement. JUNE 16 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING During their June 16th meeting, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing regarding the Lennar proposal of the Prestwick Place 9th Addition. There were four residents who spoke at the hearing, all of them from Atwood Circle or Atwood Court, the double cul -de -sac along 142 "d Street in the Bloomfield neighborhood, west of the proposed neighborhood. A number of residents were concerned about the increased traffic due to 142 "d Street connecting their neighborhood to Prestwick 9`h and requested a 4 -way stop sign at the intersection of 142 "d and Atwood Court. Staff responded that there will be a determination in the future, when the roadway is installed whether a 4 -way stop would be warranted. Staff informed the Commission that other residents had called regarding the project and favored the connection because it provided access to the new park in Prestwick Place. It was also noted that none of the other roads will lead to a full intersection with County Road 42 other than Connemara Trail; this will connect Bloomfield and everything south of Connemara; eliminating the connection would possibly delay emergency service; and this connection was shown as a future street in the 2007 Master Plan approval. Two residents asked if the development would require accessing or grading on their properties. Staff responded that the proposed grading plan will grade up to the property line and not beyond; that all drainage will stay within the development except for the extreme southwest corner adjacent to the pond just north of County Road 42; and the backyards are graded with a swale and catch basins will be installed. Kyle Pack, 14274 Atwood Circle, who lives at the end of the cul -de -sac just north of the stormwater pond, stated that he has a hill behind his house. Mr Pack is concerned that the lots on top of the hill will be looking down onto his property. Mr. Pack was also concerned about a drainage easement and whether additional water from the new lots would flow through his easement into the pond. Staff responded that there would be no grading beyond property lines; the hill would remain and the homes will be higher than the pond. Regarding the drainage question, it was stated that some water will flow from four lots to the southwest and will flow down through the drainage and utility easement on Mr. Pack's property to the pond; however the drainage and utility easement was determined to be to support the existing pond and the drainage information submitted indicates there will be less of water flowing through Mr. Pack's property after development than from the current agricultural field. Chairperson Powell said the purpose of the easement is for the anticipated runoff and the quantity wouldn't change much with development as the grading is oriented southwest not west toward property. During the Planning Commission discussion, Fran Hagen with Westwood Professional Services was present on behalf of applicant Lennar. Commissioner Miller, who lives in the Glendalough neighborhood, asked the applicant about the proposed sidewalks; inquired whether the number and location of the sidewalks are sufficient and if there is a potential for increasing the amount. The applicant advised that this was standard for what they've done in the past; more sidewalks are typically added if it is a heavy traffic road; and that Albany Way has a sidewalk on both sides leading down to the park per City staff instruction. Staff added that the City reviews plans based on adopted city code and plans; the City Council has adopted a pedestrian and bicycle plan has a standard of a sidewalk on one side of street in single family residential streets. Staff feels that the plan meets City's requirements but more sidewalks can be added if recommended by the Planning Commission. Chairperson Powell asked whether the Park and Recreation Commission reviews sidewalk and bike plans. Staff advised that the Parks and Recreation Director reviews and comments on subdivisions and sidewalks. Commissioner Miller wanted to make sure kids aren't crossing over intersections to get to the park. Staff replied that they planned to make as few intersection crossings as possible; and that sidewalks on both sides won't alleviate the need to cross at an intersection. Commissioner Miller asked how the City is planning on signage that will show cars that there are designated crossing areas there. Staff replied that a 2 zebra stripe would be reasonable at the intersection of Alborough Avenue and Ailesbury Avenue leading to the park, that traffic will stop at two T- intersections and the City will evaluate whether a dedicated crosswalk and additional signage is needed. Commissioner Kurle asked the applicant about 142 "a Street and whether most of the construction traffic would go through Connemara Trail and down Ailesbury. Staff stated that contractors will use Connemara and that they wouldn't allow construction traffic to use 142 "a Commissioner Husain inquired about areas on the proposal designated as future commercial and whether the City had considered traffic volumes if there are commercial lots there. Staff replied that the properties are owned jointly by Lennar, Pemtom Land Company and Arcon Land Company and that the City did evaluate the traffic during the CSAH 42 /US HWY 52 AUAR in 2005. Further, traffic was again evaluated with preliminary plat approval in 2007 and the comprehensive plan adopted in 2008. The roads in the area are designed to discourage use of local roads to access the commercial areas; access to the commercial area will be 3/4 access at County Road 42; the commercial area has access to Akron Avenue midblock between County Road 42 and Connemara; and the residential street makes a `T" at the commercial road. The Planning Commission unanimously (5 -0) recommended approval of the preliminary plat and PUD with the recommended conditions. SUMMARY Applicant: Location: Gross Acres: Met Council Net Acres Proposed Lots: Gross Density: Net Density: Existing Comp Plan Designation: Existing Zoning: Lennar Corporation West of Akron Avenue about '/2 mile and bordered by County Road 42 and Connemara Trail. 31 Acres 22 Acres 68 Lots 2.19 Units /Acre 2.98 Units /Acre LDR — Low Density Residential R1 PUD — Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development The applicant, Lennar Corporation ( Lennar) requests approval of a Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Site & Building Plan for the Prestwick Place 9th Addition to allow 68 lots on approximately 31 acres. The preliminary plat provides legal entitlement to a certain number of lots, but actual developable lots would not be created until a final plat is approved. Lennar has stated that they plan on submitting a final plat application this winter or next year. It is expected that Prestwick Place 9th will be developed in two phases. Phase 1 will create 29 lots along the north side of development and six lots on the south side adjacent to the existing Prestwick 7`h Addition for a total of 35 lots. Additionally the plat will extend the park property along Connemara Trail by 3.63 acres and add 4.37 acres of ponding. Phase 2 will create the remaining 33 lots in the central and western portion of the property. BACKGROUND Prestwick Place 9`h Addition is the seventh phase of single family developments within Prestwick Place, a planned multi -use development. Prestwick Place will include commercial development at the corner of Akron Avenue and County Road 42 with surrounding mix of high, medium and low density residential areas and park. Prestwick Place 9th Addition completes development of Prestwick Place between the planned commercial area to the east, existing Bloomfield to the west, Connemara Trail to the north, and County Road 42 to the south. 3 General Subdivision Design Prestwick 91h is approximately 31 acres between existing developments Falmoor Glen (also Lennar) and Bloomfield, between Connemara Trail and County Road 42. There are 8 acres designated for parks and ponding. Street systems include an extension of the existing street in Falmoor, one new street and one new cul -de -sac, and a short extension of 142nd Street. There is an exception property, Outlot A, at the southwest corner to allow for drainage to a neighboring pond. The Prestwick 9th property contains an existing 35 foot wide utility easement containing a Metropolitan Council Sanitary Sewer that runs through the dedicated park and for the most part along the rear property lines of lots on the north side of Block 4. The entire property is generally flat with approximately 25 feet of elevation change throughout. Earlier studies had shown no evidence of wetlands. There is a stormwater pond in the land adjacent to the development, southwest of the property that serves the Bloomfield neighborhood. With the development of Prestwick Place, the City has installed a stormwater overflow pipe to allow for drainage beyond the 100 year event. Planned Unit Development Final Site & Plan The subject property is currently zoned R1 PUD - Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development. There are several deviations from the R -1 standards requested by Lennar, which is consistent with other previously plated residential neighborhoods within Prestwick. The deviations requested include the following for lots within Blocks 2 & 4: reduction in the minimum lot size from 10,000 square feet to 8,300 square feet; reduction in the minimum lot width from 80 feet to 65 feet, reduction in the front yard setback from 30 feet to 25 feet; reduction in the side yard setback from 10 feet to 7.5 feet; and the increase of the maximum lot coverage from 30% to 35 %. The deviations from the R -1 standards for Blocks 1 & 3 are limited to just the reduction in the front yard setback from 30 feet to 25 feet. The modified standards proposed by the applicant are acceptable to staff. Comparison of Lot Requirements and Standards Category Current R -1 Standards Prestwick Place 2nd and 3rd Standard Proposed Prestwick Place 91h Addition Standards Blocks 1 & 3 Blocks 2 & 4 Min. Lot Area 10,000 s . ft. 8,500 s . ft. 10,000 s . ft. 8,300 s . ft. Min. Lot Width 80 ft. (Interior) 95 s . ft. Corner 65 ft. 80 ft. (Interior) 95 s . ft. Corner 65 ft. (Interior) 80 ft. Corner Min. Front Yard Setback 30 ft. 25 ft. 25 ft. 25 ft. Min. Side Yard Setback 10 ft. 7.5 ft. 10 ft. 7.5 ft Min. Rear Yard Setback 30 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft. Max. Impervious Surface 30% 35% 30% 35% Home Designs Typical home designs will be two story facades and are located on the site to permit construction of a three car garage. Lennar will be building homes with varying front facades that are consistent with homes in the neighboring Falmoor Glen development. Staff is proposing that all front elevation designs for the homes includes one of four design features: • A minimum of three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch; • A front porch with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; • A side entry garage; • No more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. n Preliminary Plat. The proposed preliminary plat would subdivide the 31 acre property into 68 single family lots. Eight (8) of those 31 acres is set aside as Oudot B and consists 4.37 acres for ponding and 3.63 acres of parkland and is adjacent to the existing parkland dedicated in the Prestwick 3 Addition. Dedication of Oudot B will complete City ownership of Prestwick Park. Five streets are proposed to serve the development. Ailesbury Avenue will extend from the existing Prestwick Yd and connect to Connemara Trail. A short extension of 142nd Avenue will connect the development to the Bloomfield neighborhood. Albany Avenue is an existing street, developed as part of the Prestwick 7`h Addition. Aldbororough Avenue connects 142nd to Ailesbury and the exception property on the south side, Oudot A. The stub at the south side of Aldborough Avenue allows for future connection should the property to the south be developed in the future. Alma Circle is a cul -de -sac off Albany Avenue and includes a landscaped island. City Code encourages connections to the neighboring parcels and discourages cul -de -sacs. The City Code limits cul -de -sacs to areas adjacent limited access roadways, as a result of topography, or adjacency to major utility corridors. Staff is supportive of the cul -de -sac of Alma Circle because of the existing sanitary /sewer easement. Additionally, making the road a "through" road would not provide any substantial improvements in accessibility for residents. Minimum lot widths for the majority of Prestwick Place will be 65 feet. However, City Council Resolution No. 2007 -92 adopted October 2, 2007, requires 80 foot minimum lot standards be imposed on Blocks 1 & 3 along the west side where properties back up to the existing Bloomfield 6`h Addition, which also has 80 foot lots. Lennar has proposed sidewalks on one side of all the streets except Alma Circle. Staff has prepared a recommendation that sidewalks be installed adjacent to Block 4, Lots 28 — 31, on Alma Circle. Otherwise, this sidewalk design provides for pedestrian and bicycle access to this subdivision and the neighboring properties. Landscape and Berming The City Code requires a minimum number of overstory trees as one (1) tree per interior lot and two (2) per corner lot. A minimum of 78 trees are required to meet this requirement. Lennar has proposed 79 trees, which includes the minimum of one tree per interior lot and two per corner lot. One additional overstory tree should be added to the landscaping plan on Lot 6, Block 3 and Lot 5, Block 4. Also proposed are 59 additional trees and shrubs along Connemara Trail, including surrounding the development's monument sign at the corner of Ailesbury Avenue. There is currently a neighborhood sign proposed on Oudot B, the land to be dedicated as City park and ponding. Staff recommends the sign not be allowed on public property. To address this concern the property lines should be modified, extending Lot 1, Block 2 to the south right -of -way line of Connemara Trail. Parks and Open Space The Parks and Recreation Director has reviewed the Prestwick Place 9`h Addition plans and is supportive of the current plan for park space with the following two conditions; the sign should not be located on City property and the deed for Outlot B (park parcel and ponding) be delivered to the City with the first phase of the 9th Addition. Compliance with the Parks and Recreation Director's memorandum is included as a condition of approval. l Per the Park Dedication Ordinance 12 -3 -6 B.1., the 68 proposed lots would require dedication of a minimum of 2.72 acres of park land. The proposed park of 3.63 acres would leave a credit of .91 acres from the Prestwick 91" Addition. Lennar currently has a credit of .4 acres of park land from Prestwick 7`'' Addition. This would leave a Lennar with a total of 1.31 acres of park credit. Staff will work with Lennar to determine where that credit will be applied within the entire Prestwick Place neighborhood. Engineering Comments The Assistant City Engineer has reviewed the Prestwick Place 9`'' plans and has some minor concerns regarding the proposed subdivision. The developer will be responsible for costs associated with adjacent roadways; including past improvements to Connemara Trail and Akron Avenue, and future extension of Ailesbury Avenue. Trees located on individual properties shall not be planted near the sanitary sewer and water service lines and should not be located over storm sewer pipes or within emergency overflow routes or overland flow routes. Compliance with the City Engineer's memorandum is included as a condition of approval. Legal Authority As discussed during legal training, a preliminary plat and rezoning request is a quasi - judicial decision for the Planning Commission meaning that the Planning Commission is acting as a judge to determine if the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance are being followed or if the Code deviations requested within the Planned Unit Development is appropriate. The Comprehensive Plan states that R1 is the proper zoning district for the property. The lot dimension deviations requested represent less than a 10% reduction from the City Code requirements and the setback deviations are less than 20% reduction from the standard. These modifications are consistent with other neighborhoods within the Prestwick project. Additionally, the lots immediately adjacent to Bloomfield are consistent in dimensions and setbacks from the previously developed Bloomfield neighborhood. A Planned Unit Development (PUD) is allowed for in Ordinance 11 -10 -6 A.5. in order to more efficiently and effectively "use land, open space and public facilities through mixing of land uses and assembly and development of land into larger parcels" and in Ordinance 11 -10 -6 A.7. for the "sensitive development in transitional areas located between different land uses and along significant transportation or scenic corridors within the city ". Considering that the entire Prestwick Place development is a 295 acre mixed use development, the use of a PUD is appropriate given the position of Prestwick Place 9`'' Addition between the planned commercial development at Akron and County Road 42 and the existing R1 single - family Bloomfield development. The Prestwick Place 9'h Addition is part of the earlier Master Development / PUD for Prestwick Place, which allows for mixed land uses, according to Ordinance 11 -10 -6 B.Lb. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat; Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Site & Building Plan; and PUD Agreement. A CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2013 - 65 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR PRESTWICK PLACE 91h ADDITION WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received a request for Preliminary Plat approval from Lennar Corporation concerning property legally described as: Outlot C and Outlot D of PRESTWICK PLACE and Outoot A and Outoot C of PRESTWICK PLACE 3RD ADDITION, according to the recorded plats thereof, DAKOTA COUNTY, Minnesota. WHEREAS, on June 25, 2013, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing and reviewed the Preliminary Plat for Prestwick Place; and WHEREAS, on June 25, 2013, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the requested applications, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on July 16, 2013, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves Preliminary Plat for the Prestwick Place 9`'' Addition, subject to: 1. A sidewalk is to be added along Alma Circle in front of Lots 28 through 31, Block 4. 2. The proposed subdivision sign on Outoot B may not be placed on public property. 3. Trees installed on individual lots shall be planted in a location that does not interfere with curb stops or individual sewer or water connections. 4. Drainage and utility easements with storm sewer infrastructure may contain fences but shall be required to include gates to provide truck access; shall prohibit sheds or other accessory structures; and shall prohibit landscaping that would impede drainage. 5. Compliance with the conditions and standards within the City Engineer's Memorandum dated June 18, 2013. 6. Compliance with the conditions and standards within the Fire Marshall's Memorandum dated June 10, 2013. 7. Compliance with the conditions and standards within the Parks and Recreation Director's Memorandum dated June 18, 2013. ADOPTED this 16 `" day of July, 2013, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. RESOLUTION 2013 -65 William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2013 - 66 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) FINAL SITE AND BUILDING PLAN FOR PRESTWICK PLACE 91" ADDITION WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Lennar Corporation, requesting a planned unit development (PUD) final site and building plan concerning property legally described as: Oudot C and Oudot D of PRESTWICK PLACE and Oudot A and Oudot C of PRESTWICK PLACE 3RD ADDITION, according to the recorded plats thereof, DAKOTA COUNTY, Minnesota. WHEREAS, on June 25, 2013, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing and reviewed the requested application; and WHEREAS, on June 25, 2013, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the requested applications, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on July 16, 2013, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the planned unit development (PUD) final site and building plan of Prestwick Place 9`h Addition, subject to: 1. Deviations from the R -1 zoning district are granted to allow 25 foot front yard setbacks. 2. Deviations for Blocks 2 and 4 from the R -1 zoning district are granted to allow a 65 foot minimum lot width, 7.5 foot side yard setbacks, 8,300 square foot minimum lot size, and 35% lot coverage. The front elevation design shall include one of the following elements: a. Three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch; b. A front porch with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; c. A side entry garage; d. Or no more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. 4. Trees installed on individual lots shall be planted in a location that does not interfere with curb stops or individual sewer or water connections. 5. One additional overstory tree shall be installed at Lot 6, Block 3 and Lot 5, Block 4. 6. Compliance with the conditions and standards within the City Engineer's Memorandum dated June 18, 2013. RESOLUTION 2013 -66 Compliance with the conditions and standards within the Fire Marshall's Memorandum dated June 10, 2013. Compliance with the conditions and standards within the Parks and Recreation Director's Memorandum dated June 18, 2013. ADOPTED this 16`" day of July, 2013, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS PRESTWICK PLACE 91h ADDITION FINAL SITE AND BUILDING PLAN PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS DECLARATION made this 16th day of July, 2013, by Lennar Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Declarant "); WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of the real property as described on Attachment One, attached hereto and hereby made apart hereof (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Subject Property "); and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is subject to certain zoning and land use restrictions imposed by the City of Rosemount (hereinafter referred to as the "City ") in connection with the approval of an application for a master development plan planned unit development for a residential development on the Subject Property; and WHEREAS, the City has approved such development on the basis of the determination by the City Council of the City that such development is acceptable only by reason of the details of the development proposed and the unique land use characteristics of the proposed use of the Subject Property; and that but for the details of the development proposed and the unique land use characteristics of such proposed use, the master development plan planned unit development would not have been approved; and WHEREAS, as a condition of approval of the master development plan planned unit development, the City has required the execution and filing of this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (hereinafter the "Declaration "); and 1 WHEREAS, to secure the benefits and advantages of approval of such planned unit development, Declarant desires to subject the Subject Property to the terms hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarant declares that the Subject Property is, and shall be, held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, conditions, and restrictions, hereinafter set forth. 1. The use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the following documents, plans and drawings: a. Legal Description of Property, Attachment One b. City Resolution No. 2013- , Attachment Two b. Development Plan / Overall Preliminary Plat, Attachment Three C. Preliminary Plat, Attachment Four d. Preliminary Grading, Drainage & Erosion Plans, Attachment Five, Six, and Seven e. Preliminary Utility Plan, Attachment Eight f. Preliminary Landscape Plans, Attachment Nine and Ten all of which attachments are copies of original documents on file with the City and are made a part hereof. 2. Development and maintenance of structures and uses on the Subject Property shall conform to the following standards and requirements: a. Maintenance of the stormwater basin, infiltration basin and associated stormwater infrastructure necessary for the long term operation and function will be performed by the City. All other maintenance including but not limited to garbage collection, or landscape replacement or the like shall be the responsibility of the private 2 property owners. All maintenance of the stormwater basin and infiltration basin shall be the responsibility of the City after the basins have been established. b. Maintenance and replacement of trees and landscaping other than that associated with the stormwater basin and infiltration basin described in standard a. shall be the responsibility of the abutting homeowner. C. The front elevation design shall include one of the following elements: 1) Three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch; 2) A front porch with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; 3) A side entry garage; 4) Or no more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. 3. The Subject Property may only be developed and used in accordance with Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Declaration unless the owner first secures approval by the City Council of an amendment to the planned unit development plan or a rezoning to a zoning classification that permits such other development and use. 4. In connection with the approval of development of the Subject Property, the following deviations from City Zoning or Subdivision Code provisions were approved: a. Section 11 -4 -5 F. 4. R -1 Minimum Front Yard Setback: The minimum front yard setback shall be 25 feet. 5. In connection with the approval of development of the Subject Property, the following deviations from City Zoning or Subdivision Code provisions for Blocks 2 and 4 were approved: 3 a. Section 11 -4 -5 F. 1. R -1 Minimum Lot Area: The minimum lot area shall be 8,300 square feet. b. Section 11 -4 -5 F. 2. R -1 Minimum Lot Width: The minimum lot width shall be 65 feet. C. Section 11 -4 -5 F. 5. R -1 Minimum Side Yard Setback: The minimum side yard setback shall be 7.5 feet. d. Section 11 -4 -5 F. 9. R -1 Maximum Lot Coverage: The maximum lot coverage shall be 35 %. In all other respects the use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the requirements of the Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Declaration and the City Code of Ordinances. 6. The obligations and restrictions of this Declaration run with the land of the Subject Property and shall be enforceable against the Declarant, its successors and assigns, by the City of Rosemount acting through its City Council. This Declaration may be amended from time to time by a written amendment executed by the City and the owner or owners of the lot or lots to be affected by said amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned as duly authorized agents, officers or representatives of Declarant have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. DECLARANT Lennar Corporation By Its 4 (SEAL) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2012, by , the , for and on behalf of a by and on behalf of said THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875 145TH STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 651- 423 -4411 E Notary Public Attachment One LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY Outlot D, PRESTWICK PLACE and Outlot A, PRESTWICK PLACE 3' ADDITION, according to the recorded plats thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2013 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) FINAL SITE AND BUILDING PLAN FOR PRESTWICK PLACE 91" ADDITION WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Lennar Corporation, requesting a planned unit development (PUD) final site and building plan concerning property legally described as: Outlot C and Outlot D of PRESTWICK PLACE and Outlot A and Outlot C of PRESTWICK PLACE 3RD ADDITION, according to the recorded plats thereof, DAKOTA COUNTY, Minnesota. WHEREAS, on June 25, 2013, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing and reviewed the requested application; and WHEREAS, on June 25, 2013, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the requested applications, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on July 16, 2013, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the planned unit development (PUD) final site and building plan of Prestwick Place 9'h Addition, subject to: Deviations from the R -1 zoning district are granted to allow 25 foot front yard setbacks. 2. Deviations for Blocks 2 and 4 from the R -1 zoning district are granted to allow a 65 foot minimum lot width, 7.5 foot side yard setbacks, 8,300 square foot minimum lot size, and 35% lot coverage. The front elevation design shall include one of the following elements: a. Three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch; b. A front porch with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; c. A side entry garage; d. Or no more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. 4. Trees installed on individual lots shall be planted in a location that does not interfere with curb stops or individual sewer or water connections. 5. One additional overstory tree shall be installed at Lot 6, Block 3 and Lot 5, Block 4. Compliance with the conditions and standards within the City Engineer's Memorandum dated June 18, 2013. RESOLUTION 2013- 7. Compliance with the conditions and standards within the Fire Marshall's Memorandum dated June 10, 2013. Compliance with the conditions and standards within the Parks and Recreation Director's Memorandum dated June 18, 2013. ADOPTED this 16`' day of July, 2013, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk fn F L Pror.rlmd vAeee, Inc I I I I Ai J � [VJr-F I F -, r oY aVLI/0a t�aN IDfY 1 Odl AB H— l.— elgglg: all a cullall.cm I;aanm bane Alllenn DATA cabq Lww Rw (.a,r) I b rr. Ara Abm ArYe R.QM Luxe Aev 0.9 Aar CBarty Reee 11 R.¢M (.'Orhanev ]b R.¢M i 0 A. 6, Aar Mrfefe* flat! DM AedfM (Le'ao' S & f By) 31.0 Aar [wfn0 aBab c e 0. Ant +kr sax ' ! A ! I -- Rus. }d Aeemm' h..f ' Hm YmM (NWm 91Bfe fwMYI L A S B ! BM Aemp�e 30.0 Aar M..brPe f9OO1 9ouM hema ShyB r ) RMk PM n.e Ae.. ].I AOr mra r+.a..a: rm,e. Dn Aadrk� a O me a Pa.bfa Pda .ee Aeafnn Furor ('enmiW Oewlrmnt Fufine Rrbnfb Ondeemnf I0.7 Aar ,MI Aar dNtl MeM (a Frnf YfN $IIBOBk) 0~�M 0.S' fAa IJO'Yh. Yht Awrepe 36' Sf. Area Lo1 N F t Yae SsfOaOF Sb l7 25' 35 LS' �tob Ske � ].Y/].Y,• iS' told Re YoO.LMed� Rsa r sfl�L ro Abm A,.,,. p. Re Yae AMeO4 fe CanalwO TM 9fa. » AMadl ro c'a.l.�ae ]reI M' ss• D Loe MBM (e rat r e sMBeB) Lee 9rM as' ! ro• rs9' uh./,1¢' XRS' Yhhem ter Area' g13D s/. A— Lef Ara 1.10..1➢ N f SMPOk LS' Qs ob Slee Ywe SefOM LS' ].iiLS? IS' bb Raa Yae xrfbaoF Rea YaE Abeo4 to Ce.Re !? SO' 3x' OT .. Let DbM (d Ymf = LOt OeoM 1.10' Mh/110' rypkH 130' Yh./I30' tplro' uhhem L., n 4SID st 12000 N. F f Yaef9alBOOF S,eB YarO ¢mn LOb LS' 2Y LS' La' .Lee Ye-e SefbaBk LS'n 5: tS'fob 10/10; LO' bb Rea YON SeMaW .10' JO' UNIT afZBAAZY)WN �t pod MaM: Re ; 0 ! hB Aedf:ea RrfMOF %au DM• � AIAYkn� IS] LOb LD Wh Ofd ¢il L3D brrfe W WOpOmt On/fX PBJ UrRa/ m � /.�e mop rgne OI .Op Nfw. a..fmOmb [ pa.) Lennar Corporation 1696 0 A. N-1, 9dte 600 F4—.,6, — SSIK{DO NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Prestwick Place 9th Addition Plan ' tea„ Preliminary Plat f L �Z 7Z L I C) I 1S� I I I I - - -� r— I I U I I rY; I I�J II I / - -,- r I -- \� I ` I I \ I W o,�i H. 1ber 0.5/'21/19 u�M 59® I� Lennar Corporation 1690.5 9[,6 Armue NoHt AdM 69D Pl�mNl 9IN 531fb4D8 Cdl b Neun Mis. dpgbq: 911 a callall.cm Cannon —d ulanw DBVlZLOPNIDVT DATA £AfhB Zmhp RI - P(.O RopoW Zmhp RI - PfD [medSU) Tefd 91. Arc li0.% Aan Rr6PO Rat( �V - 36J x, a.'•a•9 - 4JT a) QO Aar P rye Shp'. FanIY Let. b LRM1 LOT STANUUM 1ffircb 2 ! V L.f — i �r L .2— "vI NCIPI.Tr,� T-- 7 - - - -�� I I I I it I I y� r I!` 5 U01019M111s':•) = III rt SWay MIJ 41 IMON' , 4 ) FROM 11 f `w J� 0 Lennar Corporation 1� 96N AT ®e NmfL. 9olEe 6W 17)>a^R1L[ LRJ T6AI6000 CeN AB MMm UabR UggYy. all of couell.CDg1 Gammon C•aunG Nlbna ALL CgI—S ANO SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE SNOM M EINR Sw /gITiFA I—S UNLESS OINFRwSE MOIFA REREIl ro TIE NNAL PLAT i'di gMRFNT NgBD]ITAL 91E pETISIMIS AND Il T. THE CON Tq1 SHALL A£nEY TIE —TM ANO ELEVATION M EYSRNG UTI—S AND TgPamAnacu. FuTGRES wTH THE owlERS AND NEIt> -N]SFr vRNN ro cwswucncN. TIE CgIIRAClg1 9WE RR4DIAIFLY NOTEY TE ENtlIEm 6 ANY gSLRmAN06 OR Ap1ATgNs TE Cpl1MCTg1 Is ro CONTACT wPIEN STATE •qE CALL• FqE UTEITY LOU S AT ee1-Uh000z ALE 9LT iENf.E AND OTIFN LnW W CONIR0. RATUtES SHAD BE N -PUCE PRIOR . AHY E %CAVATM/COaSTRUCngI ANO ALL BE wWTANM UNM — TUTS M 4RNIIAI CONE HAS BEEN ESTABUSXm. ENISIINC 9LT fFPS 011 -91E MALL BE I. TN AND m RENOTED AfO 91ALL BE C..— NCIOmTN. ro TIE aRAONC CO MT . IT IS E %iRD.E IMPINTAN(X ro %AWARE Di CURImLT FETO C MNS wTN RESPECT M E105o11 CQ— TEMPORARY PONgMq ONES IUYBAIES M. REOUEIm BY AGENCES /OM M SNALL M NCOETITAL M TE fwA01NG. THE CPANNG CgiIRACfgE YUST M AWARE 6 ALL E)CSINO ANO PROPp9m UTN11N5 ALL CONSTPU T w1ALL CgIFgN ro LOCAL AND STATE RIMES 4IT KW TE NATIONAL Pg1UTANT gSCHARM EUENIUTON SYSIEM (NPOm) PERMIT REOUAEIIENIS ALL STREETS D6TURBED gINNO WgININO — MUST K —ED AT TIE END OP E MtlEK1. DAY. A ROCK ENTRNIM TO THE SIIF MUST BE PRONDEO ACCORONC ro DETNIS M REDUCE 1RACNINO M ONT aro Nisx. siREETS P091rvE W—M FRW TIE 91E MUSE EE PPONMD AT ALL TME9. ALL I—I Sons WST SE STABM D wTBN to CAEEf M DAYS Q IIII— TRADE CWPIETpI UwE55 OTERNSE NRECTEO BY ilff ENONFE0. NL SIDOD'ILES MUST NAN: —AX SEDNENT TRAPPNG SYSTEMS NS— AI—D 1NEY. IEATPDRARY SEFDSIC I -TUDNR ANO MULg11N0 MUST BE APPLED — 11 DAYS IN Rg1GN ouoNC uHLEss WaRN rs ro az PETIFgwm wTHw m DAn a aAgNO mLeLEnaN. TIE S. MUST BE KEPT IN A TELE -gENNm CONDIT. AT ALL TY6 1NE CONTi1ACTR STALL IE TEAPNURY NTO ES PBNNG o11 o— PENIS REm— TO PROS S. mOPm g2AWACE WRREO CONSTRIMl10N. LON PgNi N R0IDWAYS OR BUUXNC MUST BE PROVIpm wTl A P09nN: W1fLOW. PUNIC SfIRFR USD ipl HAULNC SHALL BE KEPT EWEE OP SIX AND DEBRIS SIIBET SMF£PINC IMUNO N S MUST m CIXSIRYED w lec�arx SEE SHEET 7 DENOTES SILT EFNM >• . WI0TIES f1EAVY gltt ST FENCE �SOC —� �9BO_� DENOTES Ew51NG COIITWRS DENOTES PROPOSED CON1gRs FH DmOLES EwsTNC srgw SEWER DENMES PROPOSm srgRM g1WP moMS MsiNC TREE UNE „ MOMS APPNOnYAn TREE EMOVAL UwTS D OXS MSTNC SPOT ELEVATION may [or. OENMES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION MNMES m090N OEDKS EME ODIOTES EYERGEHCY 0`ANELON EIEVATg1 MATENAL qi OMm ANLE� UNSUITANE MATE & SHALL BE REMOVm —N TE STIEEr MCTONS dINNO ROADWAY QIADVIC (T) TIE REI— ENDATIM OF TE OTEg1w ENQ. m) NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0`2'/U — ` m 13 Prestwick Place 9th Addition 10vadl P`"I'n'11°7 r>aEE ®i mw- � �... ;�,,. dl Rif!'!■ 1� /�n��l�I��:Ik>ai.•!i;:�1•_ \._ �'. �� .�.•� -�, iE.zsT�-- ��ii�rMiisii. -�sT,� via..._ -.a ee�sIS— MAN IVA , /% �� .\. �NL IS��i / ®0 5 U01019M111s':•) = III rt SWay MIJ 41 IMON' , 4 ) FROM 11 f `w J� 0 Lennar Corporation 1� 96N AT ®e NmfL. 9olEe 6W 17)>a^R1L[ LRJ T6AI6000 CeN AB MMm UabR UggYy. all of couell.CDg1 Gammon C•aunG Nlbna ALL CgI—S ANO SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE SNOM M EINR Sw /gITiFA I—S UNLESS OINFRwSE MOIFA REREIl ro TIE NNAL PLAT i'di gMRFNT NgBD]ITAL 91E pETISIMIS AND Il T. THE CON Tq1 SHALL A£nEY TIE —TM ANO ELEVATION M EYSRNG UTI—S AND TgPamAnacu. FuTGRES wTH THE owlERS AND NEIt> -N]SFr vRNN ro cwswucncN. TIE CgIIRAClg1 9WE RR4DIAIFLY NOTEY TE ENtlIEm 6 ANY gSLRmAN06 OR Ap1ATgNs TE Cpl1MCTg1 Is ro CONTACT wPIEN STATE •qE CALL• FqE UTEITY LOU S AT ee1-Uh000z ALE 9LT iENf.E AND OTIFN LnW W CONIR0. RATUtES SHAD BE N -PUCE PRIOR . AHY E %CAVATM/COaSTRUCngI ANO ALL BE wWTANM UNM — TUTS M 4RNIIAI CONE HAS BEEN ESTABUSXm. ENISIINC 9LT fFPS 011 -91E MALL BE I. TN AND m RENOTED AfO 91ALL BE C..— NCIOmTN. ro TIE aRAONC CO MT . IT IS E %iRD.E IMPINTAN(X ro %AWARE Di CURImLT FETO C MNS wTN RESPECT M E105o11 CQ— TEMPORARY PONgMq ONES IUYBAIES M. REOUEIm BY AGENCES /OM M SNALL M NCOETITAL M TE fwA01NG. THE CPANNG CgiIRACfgE YUST M AWARE 6 ALL E)CSINO ANO PROPp9m UTN11N5 ALL CONSTPU T w1ALL CgIFgN ro LOCAL AND STATE RIMES 4IT KW TE NATIONAL Pg1UTANT gSCHARM EUENIUTON SYSIEM (NPOm) PERMIT REOUAEIIENIS ALL STREETS D6TURBED gINNO WgININO — MUST K —ED AT TIE END OP E MtlEK1. DAY. A ROCK ENTRNIM TO THE SIIF MUST BE PRONDEO ACCORONC ro DETNIS M REDUCE 1RACNINO M ONT aro Nisx. siREETS P091rvE W—M FRW TIE 91E MUSE EE PPONMD AT ALL TME9. ALL I—I Sons WST SE STABM D wTBN to CAEEf M DAYS Q IIII— TRADE CWPIETpI UwE55 OTERNSE NRECTEO BY ilff ENONFE0. NL SIDOD'ILES MUST NAN: —AX SEDNENT TRAPPNG SYSTEMS NS— AI—D 1NEY. IEATPDRARY SEFDSIC I -TUDNR ANO MULg11N0 MUST BE APPLED — 11 DAYS IN Rg1GN ouoNC uHLEss WaRN rs ro az PETIFgwm wTHw m DAn a aAgNO mLeLEnaN. TIE S. MUST BE KEPT IN A TELE -gENNm CONDIT. AT ALL TY6 1NE CONTi1ACTR STALL IE TEAPNURY NTO ES PBNNG o11 o— PENIS REm— TO PROS S. mOPm g2AWACE WRREO CONSTRIMl10N. LON PgNi N R0IDWAYS OR BUUXNC MUST BE PROVIpm wTl A P09nN: W1fLOW. PUNIC SfIRFR USD ipl HAULNC SHALL BE KEPT EWEE OP SIX AND DEBRIS SIIBET SMF£PINC IMUNO N S MUST m CIXSIRYED w lec�arx OEN016 SOT BONING DENOTES SILT EFNM >• . WI0TIES f1EAVY gltt ST FENCE �SOC —� �9BO_� DENOTES Ew51NG COIITWRS DENOTES PROPOSED CON1gRs FH DmOLES EwsTNC srgw SEWER DENMES PROPOSm srgRM g1WP moMS MsiNC TREE UNE „ MOMS APPNOnYAn TREE EMOVAL UwTS D OXS MSTNC SPOT ELEVATION may [or. OENMES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION MNMES m090N OEDKS EME ODIOTES EYERGEHCY 0`ANELON EIEVATg1 MATENAL qi OMm ANLE� UNSUITANE MATE & SHALL BE REMOVm —N TE STIEEr MCTONS dINNO ROADWAY QIADVIC (T) TIE REI— ENDATIM OF TE OTEg1w ENQ. m) NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0`2'/U — ` m 13 Prestwick Place 9th Addition 10vadl P`"I'n'11°7 r>aEE O� -� S v _v X11 e=3 w.— Pnl.Ae d SrNeNti NG C J_1 - - - -� I--�` _ � I I 7' = .c \ 14 5 / \ / E Lennar Corporation 16905 9615 A—AA —% 9W. 6W PbdoNth lAN SSAN6N710 Odl b Noun eAlr. dl,,.,: an or Gd�a11.DOR1 ceN.�r c•w•d ulY�e. • TIE NNiPAGidI SHAM VETNY AL EfOSTNG G DDHS FIBM ro CONSOUCTIM AND NORFY THE OWNER OF ANY DRTTRENCES . UNIF55 OMERNg NOTED. ALL MATERIALS. CCNST. TEC1NIQlES AND IfSINC SMNL CONFORM ro ME IM ED, d' THE •STANDAU UTUOES SPE ATNINS FM WATEH NAN AND SEANCE UN E N YAL1AT- AND BAN— SE— AND BYDN SEWOI IMST -ATION BY THE CH ENGINEERING ASSOOATIDN OF YINN.• AND M THE STHDANO SSCBTCAI M FOX MGIINAY CONSTRUCTION• MAN. DEPT. M TXANS, AUGUST 3I.G005 NGIUGINC ME gADRIT AOOETUUY. THE CONTRACTGIt SHAD BE REW— TO FGILOR AL PXOCEpMEa AS WIUNFD BY ME LORAL AG 11 . THE L9NTnACTOIt SX— RECEM THE MECESSMY PERYIR f➢X AL 11ERK OUTS. CF TIE PROPERTY i1MIlS • IIEEEA TO nNAL PLAT FM CUXIIENT H—TAL 57 DINENSMS A LAYOUT. • VEPoFY EISSTNG NVERT LOCATIONS • ETEVATNNS PNOR TO BEGINNING CMSTRUC110N. . ME HATER SEANCE SNAL BE NSTAUID MTIX A YN. OF T.S FT. a CONR. TIE CON1XAClgI SNAL VEItFY THE QTY AS- BUILT COHSIXULTGII PLATS TO CMECN LOCATM AND YATEW TYPE . AL — s PIPE SHALL BE CLASSS S UEBE4 O1IERWTSE NOTED. • THE DONIMCIM SHAL CMTACT'GE— STATE ME CALL* FM FM UIUTY LOCATNWl — TO UTERY NSTAUATI011 AT BST- NSF0003. iarrl�� EIOSTttG 9f9tr —1— Wetr —I- HTd.. \Vdw ��Nr NYd. • \Vdw — Slam SeNr Stan S•Nr X NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION t>.r 05/9/13 Are 9 . 13 Prestwick Place 9th Addition UttP-lity I � I � / I i 7' = .c \ 14 5 / \ / E Lennar Corporation 16905 9615 A—AA —% 9W. 6W PbdoNth lAN SSAN6N710 Odl b Noun eAlr. dl,,.,: an or Gd�a11.DOR1 ceN.�r c•w•d ulY�e. • TIE NNiPAGidI SHAM VETNY AL EfOSTNG G DDHS FIBM ro CONSOUCTIM AND NORFY THE OWNER OF ANY DRTTRENCES . UNIF55 OMERNg NOTED. ALL MATERIALS. CCNST. TEC1NIQlES AND IfSINC SMNL CONFORM ro ME IM ED, d' THE •STANDAU UTUOES SPE ATNINS FM WATEH NAN AND SEANCE UN E N YAL1AT- AND BAN— SE— AND BYDN SEWOI IMST -ATION BY THE CH ENGINEERING ASSOOATIDN OF YINN.• AND M THE STHDANO SSCBTCAI M FOX MGIINAY CONSTRUCTION• MAN. DEPT. M TXANS, AUGUST 3I.G005 NGIUGINC ME gADRIT AOOETUUY. THE CONTRACTGIt SHAD BE REW— TO FGILOR AL PXOCEpMEa AS WIUNFD BY ME LORAL AG 11 . THE L9NTnACTOIt SX— RECEM THE MECESSMY PERYIR f➢X AL 11ERK OUTS. CF TIE PROPERTY i1MIlS • IIEEEA TO nNAL PLAT FM CUXIIENT H—TAL 57 DINENSMS A LAYOUT. • VEPoFY EISSTNG NVERT LOCATIONS • ETEVATNNS PNOR TO BEGINNING CMSTRUC110N. . ME HATER SEANCE SNAL BE NSTAUID MTIX A YN. OF T.S FT. a CONR. TIE CON1XAClgI SNAL VEItFY THE QTY AS- BUILT COHSIXULTGII PLATS TO CMECN LOCATM AND YATEW TYPE . AL — s PIPE SHALL BE CLASSS S UEBE4 O1IERWTSE NOTED. • THE DONIMCIM SHAL CMTACT'GE— STATE ME CALL* FM FM UIUTY LOCATNWl — TO UTERY NSTAUATI011 AT BST- NSF0003. iarrl�� EIOSTttG 9f9tr —1— Wetr —I- HTd.. \Vdw ��Nr NYd. • \Vdw — Slam SeNr Stan S•Nr X NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION t>.r 05/9/13 Are 9 . 13 Prestwick Place 9th Addition UttP-lity 4� S it PreEnhkary rl.oc 80Ldale axwan/WTAN— NAW Arc svAa6w o.c. / 1 \ 7 » .4, d _ _ -- A, A v, h � Aa� i rww. c.mww. ! A Y �••;,> v\ ',tt ,T Lodeoape Ra,uirement Caloulati6me to I I! = Miao. N6rta - - - - - -J JN + ---� -- -- - -- -- r - - --� .may _>_ � � ♦ , , L d� g < � F I t , I � ry, , , ^w \\ / v/ _mac' J j vt /AAA .. 1O \ \\ a ca b xww n. w. eao u: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION a r�6 wv n 811 a call8,l.eom r , 1 � � i . \ \ \ t i + j f i d _ j — ✓� � 1 \..�� l Cwnnwn GraunU /Jbnw 05 I�,I,7 Y LI O li Prestwick Place I Eft—d Lennar Corporation 9th Addition pe� I 1600ri 96M A. Nab, atl6e 601 Overall 6IN l66666LC )1. Mlmrou L F �r s 'J L Standard Lot Planting Detail NO SCALE Ir__________________I r______ __� -1 it - - - - - � Corner !' '! Interior II LI I I I II .I I I li II l L _._.L7�.1 ! 'L._ %7- --\J! I L — — — — ND STREET t �RO 1RFE5 MILL E PVwlro BY DESF]DPEN AiTEn COHSTRUCTOV ON LOT R AvAN..auTr. rx wsTAluTwM wu BE DEPEEmEnT uvw EASw AxD PuNr • • M .AI. . 5 .. I TO TELD AND 9TE LOHp1pHi } x0 -.. wLL BE w.TALLEO .NTIL .LL ORAgHG .ND Ce6—T. N. BEEN TREE EO w,xLL EEO3xZ — ..Y ESExnPER MON APPROnED SPECES UST (BEE SPE)PES RAx1E0 w • LOdttw Entry Planting beta$ Score: (' = s' Entry Detan Plant CODE OTY. E—ON/BOTANICAL NAME 9ZE SPACING G.C. MP• t .mr —. m. ]. H - r sn c� A CMarww, .x i.H.L.' Or PG*.. LEA ONE n) 'a).w`inwm°xil u , , IxAx.)W I BTAAE Y .mvE maUn (�u.)TBR m nag BNANOI. ] Ems).y, I,iv mow) _ y1 TK Y.Y iiANmm on wm Nmaa N2 TO 2.7 AM OBAMEATOR kF RE] .nr� . '.ilEt`•y j rE Y LwASmT OR E' ON 1 and Y oF8 NANATTUw e•sw. Efts .APO ¢OnLR 6 Or .O w.e, .y' _ [N Aw AaAmN TO uxx .NUS uPR.w v 1. ARAS A°M TO NAME - OO xm PN[ NotE m AxB BOTTOM OF xLiE. sAta ANO .mlw s xAMEY 9CES APO BmRY 6 x eAmTLL 50. ~°L IM T114 ON AAABEN.,S wEvENClEFII M �^�° PLWTMG � 1.12. TO wt«N.T.4 N.TS N.T.4 w OWOIIS TREE w SHTB18 PEAN,wO "�"� w PERENNIAL PLANn °F PW1nNC EAyB LAB] LAZE I W Lennar Corporation 1690896WA xNBBxl. 9Miw 6W x6x 96tK1DD Plandog Notes °Hi EA ,L guuAri uA"rzu,u unu,lES .BLOB TO —cH ai AHY z A— Inc. Is aAT.Em TO n¢. wo as cDEaTexs 1gix IMRLHE I°xiawowTe AREi nE — °R."' .ro laws T. HAS eml IAN.— ANCw 1 - TO . m aro ux°sart coxTRACTaL S COxTRAtlpt MAIL P11O.IIIE 1N0 YEN IxlM.NTE CP ALL RANT MAIEWNS lEE oNE TEAR OJARAxTFE CMMENONG I vuH1wG. —.. TO EBsRaMEN rnADE wwAwT. -cRmn+ ANO/ON H v ABUT ES NOT LOATEB BY. n —ENMMG ST ARM:L°TEH T; RCLMUS. SCARS ETG LL EME ETIGI wbn¢I�R£SCAPS NpEi OR OENCRWIES LL ETEMEAi� a1CNfN OR DEAD BRA R BNAN A. MA1 S F CbaiERg15 1REL4 awLL HATE N El— — LEADER ANO A —T TO BAOM RAIro OT xo IZ.S MAN _ 7. T•DST PUNTS TO MEET ANK-AN 53 AR T4 FOR 1°RN4II •NB ME YECt —I -- OR B RANTS ro E xnAUED As PER Mxu A ,wa STANDARD PIAxTw0 PRACnas NTEB MPGN ANN— AT S- PnreaAr IBEE�H 9. AwTER.IS r MBE TnLTVTA., wAr, muAB/RmT TT.0 M— a Ti¢ awm�eu— RUrMA,rREE'�rRO°TIRTS cAB �NS aiATii°az�T cauR=T ET.uR. wEN E TEr TNE r rou.TAR/amT w,,vR sxAU BE Ew+ w ELIEREnr AwiE TREE FRRaED R B _ ON BB MA1FMAlS; RFYOYF POT ON POTED —T5; SPNT Ax0 ,i. BREAK APART PEAT PDTS 1 TO POOP LL aIDOM B.ABED TNEEB - ASTEN TO OBBBTTE N. RENONE BY A m 1 ' p NC AL REPO Of TREES OPTION T- PIIIE.e AND STAKE Y NOT RUN. — ONE A. STETAA Ts PMmiwiD n.xmia u sxwL croww0imm EuPELA wlniE01c�T ip 1NE NEED K ANY SAO A ENOMmm 1 ro ABEME TO MA/EOT STANDARD SPEEWWATwN — (SELECT TO— B. B�PPW11 wW m BEE -NG TOP SON. MON STE ME OF Rams H9 LARGER MAN ONE WON, SMBmfl ROL EBR4 AND TARE EEOS wLIER sRPHEp OMFRRLSE NARYNOOD BEDS (— swEG ARUS—SHA HAAS REm BA �nnRlc. E" A- OF AL) °wD _ RE PGSSre,E. .— TO MA— EvatwD LGNwnaxs j AN—DT s AwucAmi).� EA. RE-1 Amu o MA¢ TOPE— -M MG O �NSY X C!I b Neun MfwR dygF� 811 w cd1811a.cc m Cvnmon CraxW n NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ° Prestwick Place - "'wo - u v " 9th Addition Pre-y Landampe Plan EXCERPT OF DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JUNE 25, 2013 5.a. Request by Lennar Corporation for a Preliminary Plat and PUD Final Site and Building Plan for Prestwick Place 9th Addition (13- 25 -PP, 13- 26 -FDP). Economic Development Intern Hadler stated that the applicant, Lennar Corporation ( Lennar) requests approval of a Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Site & Building Plan for the Prestwick Place 9th Addition subdivision to allow 68 lots on approximately 31 acres. Ms. Hadler further explained the different phases of the development and conditions involved. Commissioner Weber inquired about the small section of lots within Phase 1 along Albany Avenue. Ms. Hadler stated Albany is currently under construction. Assistant City Engineer Olson added that Albany Avenue is included with Prestwick 7d' and will be under construction this fall and the roadways and infrastructure will be in place with that addition. Lots 9 and 10 will also be developed with 7d' addition. No further questions. The public hearing was opened at 6:37 p.m. Shalome Westberg, 14184 Atwood Court, stated she is concerned about increased traffic as there are lots of kids on the two cul -de -sacs. Currently there is no through traffic and she inquired if 142nd Street West needs to be extended into the new development as proposed. If the proposed street must be there they would request a 4 -way stop between 2 cul -de -sacs and 142nd Street. Mr. Zweber responded that he received calls from two residents about this proposed street and that one of the callers had specifically stated that he was in favor as it would provide a connection to the park itself. Connemara Trail is the major road in the area. None of the other roads will lead to a full intersection with County Road 42 other than Connemara and turning south onto Akron Avenue to County Road 42. This will connect Bloomfield and everything south of Connemara. This connection does not provide a shortcut to anywhere else or provide an additional thoroughfare. Eliminating the connection would possibly delay emergency service. Further, in 2007 when Prestwick was approved this connection was shown as a future street. Assistant City Engineer Olson stated they will determine if a study is warranted regarding 4 -way stop. He noted that the connection does provide continuity between neighbors and the park but is not a regional connection. Zach Little, 14262 Atwood Circle, is concerned about whether the easement on his property will be accessed during the development stage as he has trees planted there. Assistant City Engineer Olson responded that the proposed grading plan will grade up to the property line and not beyond. Eric Zweber added that all drainage will stay on the properties. The backyards are graded with a swale and catch basins will be installed. Brian Schulte, 14214 Atwood Circle, had the same concerns of kid safety and traffic. He inquired as to the criteria for a 4 -way stop sign placement. Assistant City Engineer Olson stated that the City will take a thorough look at this intersection but the determination is made based upon traffic and pedestrian volume and sight distance. Chairperson Powell inquired whether stop signs actually slow down traffic. Assistant City Engineer Olson responded that they do not and are not a good method for traffic calming. If a driver is forced to stop they will speed beyond the stop sign or roll through it. He noted that stop signs can give pedestrians a false sense of security. Fran Hagen with Westwood Professional Services was present on behalf of applicant Lennar. Commissioner Miller asked applicant about the proposed sidewalks. In the past he's seen more sidewalks in other Lennar (such as Glendalough) projects than he is seeing on the proposed development. He inquired whether the sidewalks are sufficient and is there a potential for increasing the amount. Mr. Hagen stated that this was standard for what they've done in the past. More sidewalks are typically added if it is a heavy traffic road. Applicant refers to Prestwick Place 7 h design. Albany Way has a sidewalk on both sides leading down to the park so they continued that per City instruction. Mr. Zweber added that the City reviews plans based on adopted city code and plans. Council has adopted a pedestrian and bicycle plan which requires sidewalk on one side of street in single family residential streets. On Albany, there are sidewalks on both sides because it funnels into the park and has increased traffic. The plan meets city's requirements but more sidewalks can be added if the Planning Commission recommends. Chairperson Powell asked whether the Park Board reviews sidewalk and bike plans. Mr. Zweber advised that the Parks and Recreation director reviews and comments on subdivisions and sidewalks. Commissioner Miller wanted to make sure kids aren't crossing over intersections to get to the park. Mr. Zweber replied that the City will add sidewalks if there are more homes or longer distances to destinations. He added that they planned to make as few intersection crossings as possible. Sidewalks on both sides won't alleviate the need to cross at an intersection. Commissioner Miller asked how city is planning on signage that will show cars that there are designated crossing areas there. Mr. Zweber replied that a zebra stripe would be reasonable at the intersection Aldborough Avenue and Ailesbury Avenue. Assistant City Engineer Olson said that traffic will stop at the two T- intersections and the City will evaluate whether a dedicated crosswalk and additional signage is needed. Commissioner Husain inquired about areas on the proposal designated as future commercial area. Mr. Zweber replied that they are owned jointly by Lennar, Pemtom Land Company and Arcon Land Company. Commissioner Husain asked whether city had considered traffic volume if there are commercial lots there. Mr. Zweber indicated that the City did within an AUAR in 2005. The commercial road will have a 3/4 access with 42; Akron Avenue has access in midblock between 42 and Connemara and residential street makes a T to try to discourage the use of local residential streets being used as short cuts to get to commercial area. The commercial area was further evaluated with preliminary plat approval in 2007 and the Comprehensive Plan adopted in 2008. The City worked on a road network that encourages access to commercial area with limited access through local streets. Kyle Pak, 14274 Atwood Circle, states that he has a hill behind his house. The new development proposes three lots on top of the hill and he is concerned about the view from the proposed lots in that they will be looking down onto his property. Assistant City Engineer Olson responded that there would be no grading beyond property lines. The hill would remain and the homes will be higher than his lot. Mr. Zweber said Lot 6 would be behind Mr. Pak's house and Lot 7 only partially. Lots 8 -10 would be oriented to the pond to the south rather than to his house. Mr. Pak was also concerned about the easement on his property and whether additional water from the new lots would flow through his easement into the pond. Mr. Zweber advised that some of it will as the lots flow to the southwest and will flow down through the drainage and utility easement to the pond. The water would roll down from Lot 7 but Lot 6 flows north to a catch basin. The drainage and utility easement was determined to be part of the slope of the pond. The diagrams shows slope from Lots 8 -9; there will be less of property flowing through the easement after development than the current agricultural field. Chairperson Powell said most of Mr. Pak's lot is likely drainage and utility easement. Mr. Pak said the easement cuts across vertically down to catch rain water and the east side of the hill is landscaped too. Chairperson Powell said the purpose of the easement is so the anticipated runoff would go through there and the quantity wouldn't change much with development as the grading is oriented southwest not west toward property. MOTION by Miller to close the public hearing. Second by Husain. Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 7:10 p.m. Commissioner Kurle asked the applicant about 142 "d Street and whether most of construction would go through Connemara Trail and down Ailesbury. Assistant City Engineer Olson stated that contractors will use Connemara and Mr. Zweber added that they wouldn't allow construction traffic to use 142 "d through Bloomfield. Commissioner Miller commented on the deviations from City Ordinance regarding lot size, etc. that come up recently each time a plat is approved. Commissioner Miller inquired whether there has there been discussion at the City level to revise codes so they don't have the same variations each time a plat is approved. Mr. Zweber said that during a Comprehensive Plan review for UMore or possibly earlier the City would consider a zoning ordinance for a smaller lot for single family homes. Chairperson Powell asked whether the smaller lot size is a reflection of the market. Mr. Zweber said yes but also the regional rules encourage the City to provide small lots and more density. Specifically, the Met Council has a benchmark of 3 units per acre which they can get close to with a 65' lot. MOTION by Powell to recommend the City Council approve the Preliminary Plat for Prestwick Place 9`'' Addition, subject to conditions: A deviation from City Code Section 11 -4 -5 F.1. to reduce the interior lot minimum area of 10,000 to 8,300 square feet. Blocks 1 & 3 will retain the R1 standards of 10,000 square feet. b. A deviation from City Code Section 11 -4 -5 F.2. to reduce the minimum lot width to sixty -five (65) feet for interior lots and eighty (80) feet for corner lots on Blocks 2 & 4. Per the conditions of City Council Resolution No. 2007.92 adopted October 2, 2007, Blocks 1 & 3 (formerly known as Blocks 1 & 2) will retain standard 80 feet minimum lot width for interior lots, and 95 feet for corner lots. c. The home design front elevation shall include a minimum of three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch; a front porch with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; a side entry garage; or no more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. d. A deviation from City Code Section 11 -4 -5 F.4. to reduce the front yard setback to twenty five (25) feet. e. A deviation from City Code Section 11 -4 -5 F.S. to reduce the side yard setback to seven and one half (7.5) feet on Blocks 2 & 4. Blocks 1 & 3 will retain the standard 10 feet side yard setback per the conditions of City Council Resolution No. 2007.92 adopted October 2, 2007. f. A deviation from City Code Section 11 -4 -5 F.9. to increase the maximum lot coverage to thirty five percent (35 %) for the of lots Blocks 2 & 4. g. Sidewalks should be added along Alma Circle on Lots 28 — 31, Block 4. h. One additional overstory tree should be added to each of Lot 6, Block 3 and the corner lot Lot 5, Block 4. i. The proposed subdivision sign on Outlot B may not be placed on public property. j. Trees must be installed between home and adjacent right -of -way. k. Trees installed on individual lots shall be planted in a location that does not interfere with curb stops or individual sewer or water connections. 1. Drainage and utility easements with storm sewer infrastructure may contain fences but shall be required to include gates to provide truck access; shall prohibit sheds or other accessory structures; and shall prohibit landscaping that would impede drainage. m. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated June 18th, 2013. n. Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated June 18th, 2013. o. Conformance with all requirements of the Fire Marshal as detailed in the attached memorandum dated June 10th, 2013. Second by Miller. Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved. Dakota County, MN Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a Map Scale legal document and should not be substituted for a title search, appraisal, survey, or for zoning 1 inch = 800 feet verification. Dakota County assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained in this data. 6/18/2013 3R Agricultural Research ' HDR High Density Residential GI General Industrial e R Rural Residential 0 PI Public /Institutional • WM Waste Management )R Low Density Residential PO Existing Parks /Open Space !X 2020 MUSA Line R Transitional Residential BP Business Park IN2030 MUSA Line 0 0.5 DR Medium Density Residential LI Light Industrial 1 3 Miles r t ES 4 4 Z 4 Prot -a .l Swak.% M. Cdl 48 H.,. before dlgpir t 811 or ca1i811.com I 1 I cammm Lawaa ullma. / DRV�OPN87V7 DATA Exiatkp Zmh9 PUO (caries) Told SR. Arses: 295.6 Acme Akm A.saus R.O.W. 9.9 Aase / / t County Rood 41 R.a AO A- - — / Cmnsmaa Tm0 RAW IO.1 A- — — — — — — — + — — �+ — — — Pr fa R— 9th Additb (Laurin 5M9b Far W 31.0 A- I / ;K•' f ^• i FAMMp NfloG C d 0.- PiaafwkA Race - f A f C Rrfrk* Rocs Sd AdWtbn- 1 I /�R 1 P trkak Roce North (Hortm S qM F My) 36.0 Acre+ -.r/ 1 Rrfwkk Rocs 2. 4, q B d 6M Adlthts PrestH Rme S th (Lennm SMpla f—) Pn+frkA Racy Jrd d llh Addtkn. 31.8 Auer Nuk Pink 7.1 Aces / „rrni' i Po-f o /Qdbf & RaatWd Rao, 9M A to / FR'/ Pst o/ atloe 8 RvsfMS Rzs Sd Adflt- /�r; Futun Canmerokl Dew,lopmmt 487 A- / / Futun Rss/dmtkl D.f opm t 124.4 Aces APPROVAD LOT STANDARDS aPdelfm t PLrr 2L.ft •4dL S& 60 t 8fMddf xd / / .`A` •..••' Lot WldM (O F t Yard Setback) 65' tfp. Lot Dspfh IJO' Min. minty m 56' SF. Lot Area any a{. A-W 56' SF. Lot Areo: 12,284 ./ / / •� < I I F t Yad Se—. 25' Skk Yord Sotto eta 75%7.5',' 15' to td \ I j Rea Yo Setback J0' JR w Rea Ya Seroack to Akrm Atenue 40' — — — — -------- _---- - - - - -- — Rea Yad Setback to C--- T of 40' -- — — — — _7 T -- — SW Yad Setbadt to Cane Trod JS' I...,. azw A , /i // APPROV® LOT STANDARDS r&i PLae 3rd Ah Addfd=W Lot Wth (O F f Yard Setback) BS' f N' Lot Depfh 130' Mh./140' tpkol MMknam Lot A eo d450 tl. % i r F- r• i / / I Aro� Lot Arse: I48J9 s/ I flint Yan1 Soto— 25' Slds W1, , \ i �' i //� — _ _ Sloe YY�d Sstbocktob Z5'�5. 15' rota \J Rea Yad Seroack 30' — f ./ Rea Yard Setback to CI.Rd. 42 50' : PROPMW LOT STANDARDA 0'reMvfdc PLsr 9tt AddW= Lot M1dth (O F t Ym d Setback) 65' NN. y 40' t h Lot DP& kd 50' A . 5D' �QQ 11 MM.- Lot Area: 8,J19 sl IZOOO sf Af . Lot AA­ 11,552 .1 1.,045 .; [� k/ ( l ` I / / '��{e� F t Y b d h Setbodr 25' 25' ShM d Cann Lo 25' 25' 1c' ` _ / / I Skb Ywd Setback 7.5%7.5;• 15' totes 10/10;• 10' Coto/ ��� Rsa YoN Setback JO' JO' / V �— l.� -- — — _ _ —J — l J Y —'aw �c Ploo, 127 Lots \ Pr+Mkk %acs 2 A S 6 d BM Addlime Prestr /ck Roce South: 84 LoN �l\�o \ia�y�p�',`q Reelrkk %acs Sd t lM Adaticns Pre.triok Rocs 9th: ss fbdG rotd Un/ts: 259 lMRs Net De bloom f Oe•1.Ity 2.0 U.INIAas / . I (.e awp rgne a/ .an NGr. a..lopra.,a d roa1 a..f Canner Corporation %M 96k4 A— Nmtk Sv1G 600 1AIrlwood ...a...r.s 95/2!/1! Dp16 rr u.r wAr. Almoath, WN 554/6490 J W"t"W Pmf..sbnd SWA— tne. Call " H— b.f-. dlgpk 811 Of cW1811.COR1 Comm- G—d MW— I , � I \ V�V i /I�tAALIA \ I I I I (Y\ I I c � OUMOT B S OUILOTA - ru / � I � I 11C" I :��\` /. Lennar Corporation 76.m 3&6 A— Na th, Sate 6W m" -- 1mm F4moalh, W755616690 DRVRI.APl�kfT DATA EAf,thp Zmhp R I —PUD Props./ Zmft RI — PUD (modlfiW) T.fM Slfe Araa: J0.96 A- PuMk Park / Pmdhq &0 A-e, ORbf B (Pek porn' � 16l aG pandFp � I. JT ec) Pr.p.ssd Shpt. F=Py Lots Sal.. Net D.Wfy 298 un /x N OWl. A.R LOT STANDARM (S/ada 1 k 4) 91m4 Aiml(r Lof W h (O F t Y d S.fb.ck) 65' ! 70' Lot D.pfh IM' Mh./110' fp/ad Nhlmum L. A— 4319 f. Arva9s L.t A..: 11.552 .f Front Yard Setb & 25' Sid. Yard C-ner Lot, 25' Skis Y -d Ss— ):3%).3; 15' tafd R.- Yard Setback M. OT srwNnwRas fBladf ] k 9 snf.69 P1mIM1 I' t Wth (O F t Yard Setback) Lat Depth ISO' Mh./I50' tpkd Ai 7m— Lot Are.: IZOOO aL A.a-og. Lot Areo: 14045 sf F rmt Ynd Setback 25' Sid. Y..d Ccm- L.fa 25' Side Y.rd S.tbock 10110} 20' rota Re- Yard Setb..k M. 'Id91o1 65-M S68de Rm1M1 Lot JO' REM YARD SE18AM 10.0' Ram E enf 5 I 7� I I SIDE YARD 3EMCK I' 'I LOT NUMBER SW YARD SETBACK- tl 100- F f Ee,srns.t L25' F t Ymd S.tboW — ♦ STREET T.1" W Slide Eudly Lot JO' REM YMD SETBACK I00' Rs- faswnmt IFF IO'�� SIDE YARD SETBACK I' ' I LOT NUMBER SIDE YARO WWAI I I—f0' I I I � IIr 3' � SMa Eae�mnt X /0fY F f Ee..mset I 23'�rmt Yard Afb.M im, 2W — � STREET D NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0404 Prestwick Place A" 051 9th Addition Freliati q Flat J West— Prof —.!-.l Se .0 Inc. I � /C� -- I I III I I ICJ I i cy� J I I / I —7' I -- — I Wastwood ar 06!27/15 2= Lennar Corporation v�r/rr 76905 5&h A— Norft Salle 600 A4mou7h, MN $"6490 Phase 1 : 35 Lots Phase 2 : 33 Lots 68 Lots Total NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Prestwick Place 9th Addition Coll A Hare before dlggir 811 or caI1811.com — G—d Nlianc. 7 05121/13 — 5 Phasing e arl Plan 3 Wut -w P,.A.W nal S—hk Me. Call 48 Hain Dafma Elpgb 3 Weetwoof Probe .l S-4.e. Inn ���� / / J^/.` L�� Coll 48 Hwre before Eiggir POND ACCESS LOCATION / / 611 on call B11.COm (d[ MAAMUM GRADE / • / / / $ DENOTES SOIL BORING Common Gwntl aliance MINIMUM ,d WOE) BERM BETWEEN Nil 'TON A 4 /. SF— DENOTES SILT FENCE X / k POND To BE CONSCTED n \�� 9 OEM TES IffAW DUTY SILT FENCE / NTI IMPERMEABLE/ L / , �� —980 -- DENOTES EASRNG CONTOURS -- G� LAYER / // �� �� _900_ DENOTES PROPOSED CONTOURS SILT FENCE (TY'P) / / \ ❑—ro-0 DENOTES EXISTING STORM SEWER ROCK CONSiRUCTON J / ��� F-M—� DENOTES PROPOSED STORM SEWER \ ENTRANCE (TYP.) �� / \�� DENOTES EMS71NO TREE LINE lllX NOTE: EN HEAW DENOTES APPROXIMATE TREE EDLOWO I WLL LTR /'yyyY./\ REMOVAL UNITS -- �_• ALLONED N NFlLTRATON o � �`NEA. 65eJ DENOTES OOSONG SPOT ELEVATION DENOTES fROP0SI:0 SPOT ELEVATION ti 2 �y DENOTES •. �`\ EROSION CHE CKS DENOTES EMERGENCY OVERFLOW E.- ElEVATN C 50' 100' 9 — .. + ++ A ++ ++fN +� +�+ +� +� + +�� + ++ ++++ + + ++ $0y�1+ 26.0.9 + + + ++ + + + + ++ #+ + ++ +}Q0+' s ++ + + + +++ a ... + + ++++ ++ 4.9 + + + + + + +' + + + ++ ++ \ m t + + *+ II I 924. 82� + 922 ++ + + + ++ + + + ++ 1 l 928 928 + g�A A•A / \ ` 9`'S \96 ti"/ I.L� O� 11 2J 1 �I DRAINAST: UTILITY \ \... 939. 39. G 910.2 C G &10.@ / O y E (TX+.) a .0 L _— ' y0 / —1 - - - - -, ' — — 940• 940 ~" \\ ALL STORM CATCN BASINS -TO- 7 939.8 I C 939.1 938,1 G l9.8 G I} B .5 C I 9 .5 G G 3 �i2 \ / INCLVDE INLET PROTECTION 937.8 'L PI -- _uA, _____________ ? 1'OU r- -- - -- — — — — - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- — - -- -- 1 33.7 A v V m p +ii � C 93 .4 I 92gs / / \ .-. <. y r- O a I V. I +; T. / % h� 1 K\ NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Po w :>Yi \ . \ \ i R l 1 � )� / rD / -�- t 1 ^v 4+ � 0.5/21/13 aewe 7 _ Prestwick Place Nw.�Mww.eK _•� ���� w. =�ww� 9wY.. Lennar Corporation 9th Addition Pr''n'' ISM VA Nbe,66 Bd �o Control Plan "• °' ®� I 86/2 +T`6 1�' Plybbu w• WEN W44"= R..-b .L MBVnsoFA AOak' T ALL STORK CATCH BA9NS � * IN,, \ \ \� a'3' rPROIE uoE (�'•) n.m SLT FENCE D ORNNAGE & Lim EASEMENT <TYP V V L. I - -- 1 m ry m n r I 3? 0 \ ___ • ° 1 z � I I I �� / � � � � p�4J � 'itr \ o� �/ sa .P„f�° � �a // \ �,�o •t \�f 7 �A r_____ °_ i I r__`__.� M-- -- II ! 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DENOTES EMERGENCY OVERFLOW & — 9 = N EELEVATION _ �? n9 942 44 / I / \ / 0' SC 100' 811 or c�att.com NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION m C—m- Ground Aft— O0.1e OS/21i13 9!� Prestwick Place - = 9th Addition Lennar Corporation Drainage e>: Erasio WO J&L A— Narft %it4 60D control Plan oBnyNa »n t¢! 53N44Z70 3 Westwood Prok -lmol S.rvk••. Ina PROPOSED S.it.,y Sewer —e— — 1 — S -Itory S... —� W.l.r —I• Water HSd.. \V.I. St— MY& . \Vale. —1- St— Sewer —« X NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0, i� OT 200' Prestwick Place 05/2"3 9 9th Addition 7(O.emouM. Z� Utffity Man IL- /r< >T • W aiM.« E Vas' —wno% e \\ \ 2 \ r I"GW`�R1.0 1 \ C L 5 w E-.xu ESA 5 7 4a J- 1 - - - -� F-f` — r - - - -a �-�\\ — MH p E xWas 9H W � � J Q 0.163 2 b E�Y173 0 8 % 5 4 MN L RE TO _ I J — — - �yl0.xWG — U — — — — — "� . „mAxrEm ro — — -- - - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- -- — — — -- -- — — 4Tr. A Tu 4me•eJ M Eexi .W 3 „e.THn4.R — f Y� -- L --- --1 - -- 2 ro to E;xa e ~A 3 4411 5 * 310, 2 V 32 40 I 4 der \ 2 / / to I 07 A 90 ro r + •. \ i;i� J l to ar 17 \ LT .(TY, 15 2 /12 13 '(4 / / v\ \ \ 3 9 '�• Esxi S x i 2 \ n \� /' 12 /X \$ /// // to \ lAmll.l E">b Ttd to 11 x�qY E -9zz4 12 19 y 1 5 3 / 11 8/// �'� TL 7 — 5 11 \ \\ 9 Y IAIEBlIIYCCd .w..�rr Lennar Corporation O 74503 X& A. Nmxh, BBB. BOLD IMQ•I 35"6490 Cell 48 H— E.fore dig,* ' 611 or QGII611.00m C-- O—d AIII- Gmeml Ufffty roes • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRI AND NOTIFY ME OVMER OF ANY DIFFERENCES. • UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL MATERIALS, CONST. TECHNIQUES AND IESMN( CONFORM TO THE 1999 ED. OF THE 'STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATONS FO MAIN AND SERVICE LINE INSTALLATION AND SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SET INSTALLATION BY THE CITY ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION OF MINN.' AND TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION' MINN. DEPT. OF TRI AUGUST 31,2005 INCLUDING THE CURRENT ADDENDUM. THE CONTRACTOR SH, REQUIRED TO FOLLOW ALL PROCEDURES AS OUTLINED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RECEIVE ME NECESSARY PERMITS FOR ALL WORK 0 OF THE PROPERTY LIMITS • REFER TO FINAL PLAT FOR CURRENT HORIZONTAL STE DIMENSIONS 3 LAYOUT • VERIFY ECSRNG INVERT LOCATIONS d ELEVATIONS PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONS • THE WATER SERVICE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A MIN. OF 7.5 FT. OF COVER. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE CITY AS —BUILT CONSTRUCTION PLANS TO CH LOCATION AND MATERIAL TYPE • ALL STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE CLASS 5 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT 'GOPHER STATE ONE CALL' FOR FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO UTILITY INSTALLATION AT BM -454 -0002 EXISTING PROPOSED S.it.,y Sewer —e— — 1 — S -Itory S... —� W.l.r —I• Water HSd.. \V.I. St— MY& . \Vale. —1- St— Sewer —« X NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0, i� OT 200' Prestwick Place 05/2"3 9 9th Addition 7(O.emouM. Z� Utffity Man 1`l1�it00.1. I { !r t M` Wastwced tAY 0 MIO _. 2sen 29 G i \. <` 5 `� 'x \' \:�' / /,' Preliminary Plant Sohedule > \ '< CODE OTY. COMMON/BOTANICAL NAME SZE SPACING 0.( ` �/ ' �• -- ^� oYCxsmn ao . A.r zs ee As 910,1- \ ; >. < •: )y .� Aulumn aeA. A.. ,r..r.. 1 dm., R 25 BB AS 910 W, . N 0.l11.ie tbemtls b.rmY z5 AS SHOWN Be % ` NMA.m PY OW 0. r Y 2 Me AS 51q,11 I zs ee As 546m Be AS 511 / // . `•tC''' �' ;� / •' S Mb G.e a.r.. ero.Yr 25 BB AS __j 301 sNaw `. 4 N C.NY a JtlnttlY z5 9e AS SNOWN A / `, Pmc tm EM Ww. mn.rira,. Pmalm 15' Be AS S10W1 .J/ C Y �/ Rtlnm. LYd.n Tlb Amwk.n. 2s' Be AS 910. EVE UMN .T a- 1R. sbr... PI­ dour. 6n..b B 1T., Be As SNO'BI Sb.n Pkw .unq.n. r W... Be AS SHOWN _W NT.. Be a SMOWI \, OANAIENTAL S +Wd.+. T. Ua. Spbq. r.11eikta 1. 1T., eB auw AS 9wWl 1.0 BB AS 310,101 Be AS sNowi soma sna. ave ua.. son+a sno. ,.s Be _ As sw•rl Landscape Requirement Calculations (I M K S •vnr W T. _ Mim Notre 1 ----------- ____ _ s w e �d �� ... enbn,•e �� • 1F�EEi,VgN9 WT PtANlI1C DSTNL i— ,>) F.R MOINWAL L.T _ /� \\ c aj `\ 1Bj 7 J'r o' 100' zoo' E.H 48 Lure b.f— diggi- NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION all or callsl l.com 00 ~\`E, Cwnm.n Cro.nd AIn.nc. O.,c a5�yy/yq store u Prestwick Place Lennar Corporation 9th Addition �dsmpe Plan w R�r bAr UM %th A— NA th. SRee 60D overall my—ft MN $%6490 RO..mouM. AeBO...IA PIP A. ROOM����'�'.0 A OOM %7 Lim fin i i Wastwced tAY 0 MIO _. 2sen 29 G i \. <` 5 `� 'x \' \:�' / /,' Preliminary Plant Sohedule > \ '< CODE OTY. COMMON/BOTANICAL NAME SZE SPACING 0.( ` �/ ' �• -- ^� oYCxsmn ao . A.r zs ee As 910,1- \ ; >. < •: )y .� Aulumn aeA. A.. ,r..r.. 1 dm., R 25 BB AS 910 W, . N 0.l11.ie tbemtls b.rmY z5 AS SHOWN Be % ` NMA.m PY OW 0. r Y 2 Me AS 51q,11 I zs ee As 546m Be AS 511 / // . `•tC''' �' ;� / •' S Mb G.e a.r.. ero.Yr 25 BB AS __j 301 sNaw `. 4 N C.NY a JtlnttlY z5 9e AS SNOWN A / `, Pmc tm EM Ww. mn.rira,. Pmalm 15' Be AS S10W1 .J/ C Y �/ Rtlnm. LYd.n Tlb Amwk.n. 2s' Be AS 910. EVE UMN .T a- 1R. sbr... PI­ dour. 6n..b B 1T., Be As SNO'BI Sb.n Pkw .unq.n. r W... Be AS SHOWN _W NT.. Be a SMOWI \, OANAIENTAL S +Wd.+. T. Ua. Spbq. r.11eikta 1. 1T., eB auw AS 9wWl 1.0 BB AS 310,101 Be AS sNowi soma sna. ave ua.. son+a sno. ,.s Be _ As sw•rl Landscape Requirement Calculations (I M K S •vnr W T. _ Mim Notre 1 ----------- ____ _ s w e �d �� ... enbn,•e �� • 1F�EEi,VgN9 WT PtANlI1C DSTNL i— ,>) F.R MOINWAL L.T _ /� \\ c aj `\ 1Bj 7 J'r o' 100' zoo' E.H 48 Lure b.f— diggi- NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION all or callsl l.com 00 ~\`E, Cwnm.n Cro.nd AIn.nc. O.,c a5�yy/yq store u Prestwick Place Lennar Corporation 9th Addition �dsmpe Plan w R�r bAr UM %th A— NA th. SRee 60D overall my—ft MN $%6490 RO..mouM. AeBO...IA A- k{A.elwutf- -Four CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2007 -92 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN WITH REZONING FOR PRESTWICK PLACE WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Arcon Development requesting a planned unit development (PUD) master development plan with rezoning concerning property legally described as: The South Half of the Northwest Quarter except the West 600 feet of the South 400 feet thereof, and the West Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 115 North, Range 19 West, Dakota County, Minnesota. And That part of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 115 North, Range 19 West, lying southerly of the southerly right of way line of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad, Dakota County, Minnesota. Tor-tens Property Cert #135831. The North Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 115 North, Range 19 West, excepting therefrom the following: Commencing at the northeast corner of said North Half of the Northwest Quarter; thence South along the quarter section line, a distance of 627.87 feet to the actual point of beginning of the property to be described; thence West 208.71 feet; thence South 417.42 feet; thence East 208.71 feet to the said quarter section line; thence North, along the quarter section line, a distance of 417.42 feet to the point of beginning and except the South 208.71 feet of the East 417.42 feet thereof. Torrens Property Cert #135831. That part of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 115 North, Range 19 West, lying southerly of the southerly right of way line of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad, Dakota County, Minnesota. Abstract Property. WHEREAS, on july 24, 2007, August 28, 2007, and September 11, 2007, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing and reviewed the requested application; and WHEREAS, on September 11, 2007, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the requested applications, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on October 2, 2007, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recorn nendattons. RESOLU'T'ION 2007 - 9 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the planned unit development (PUD) master development plan of Prestwick Place and the Rezoning of the Arcon single family residential from AG — Agricultural to R1 PUD -- Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development; the Lennar and Dakota County Community Development Agency townhouses from AG — Agricultural to R3 PUD -- Medium Density Residential Planned Unit Development; the Dakota County Community Development Agency apartments from AG — Agricultural to R4 PUD — High Density Residential Planned Unit Development; and the Arcon commercial area from AG — Agticultural to C4 PUD — General Commercial Planned Unit Development, subject to: 1. R1 PUD lots have a minimum lot width of 72 feet, a front yard setback of 25 feet, a 5 foot garage side yard setback, a house side yard setback of 10 feet, a teat yard setback of 30 feet, and minimum lot size of 9,500 square feet, except that the lots of Block 1 and 2 are required to have a minimum lot width of 80 feet and both side yard setbacks ate 10 feet. 2. R3 PUD neighborhoods have a setback from the public street of 25 feet, a setback from property lines of 30 feet, a minimum building separation of 20 feet, and a minimum parking setback of 20 feet. 3. The Dakota County Community Development Agency townhomes ate permitted to have a single car garage. 4. R3 PUD buildings have a maximum of 12 units per building. 5. Garages on single family houses on corner lots shall be located on the opposite side of the house from the public street. 6. Setbacks from the Connemara Trail section that has only 85 feet of right -o£- -way will be measured as if the right -of -way is 100 feet wide. Fences or other residential accessory structures will not be allowed in this setback area. 7. Final landscape plans will need to be submitted with the finial plat and construction plans. Modifications to the final landscaping plans may be required by the City Planner or City Engineer if any landscaping would interfere with street signage, infrastructure or other design issues. 8. The applicant shall apply for and receive final site plan and final development plan approval for the Dakota County Community Development Agency portion of the plat. Additional information regarding landscaping, stormwater management, pedestrian access and architecture and other ordinance requirements must be submitted for City review and approval. The unit counts for the proposed Dakota County CDA development assumes that there is sufficient space to install the needed infrastructure while meeting all ordinance requirement not expressly waived within this approval. Failure to meet ordinance requirements may result in a reduction in 'the total number of units permitted to be constructed. 9. The applicant shall apply for and receive final site plan and final development plan approval for the Arcon commercial area (outlots G and J). Additional information regarding landscaping, stormwater management, pedestrian access and architecture and other ordinance requirements must be submitted for City review and approval. The development of the commercial areas is subject to conditions stated within Prestwick Place Commercial Area Guidelines dated September 7, 2007. RESOLUTION 2007 - 9 2 . 10. The final construction plans for the Lennar townhouse playgrounds and pia is areas need to be reviewed and approved by City staff to ensure that the structures and equipment installed meet industry standards and is adequately sized for the amount of residents in the neighborhood. ADOPTED this 2nd day of October, 2007 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Amy D orneier, City Clerk Motion by: Shoe-Corrigan Secondby: Sterner Voted in favor: Shoe-Corrigan, an, DroSte, Sterner, Baxter, DeBettignies Voted against None Member absent: r TOC Results Adv Search Text Search Minnesota Codes ark de - - - - -- --------- - - - - -- -- View Another Minnesota Code P Rosemount. Minnesota- City Code ORDINANCES PENDING CODIFICA PREFACE Title 1 - ADMINISTRATION * Title 2 - BOARDS AND COMMISSIC Title 3 - BUSINESS REGULATIONS * . Title 4 - STREETS AND PUBLIC PR Tide 5 - HEALTH AND SANITATION ' Tale 6 - FIRE PREVENTION AND PI . Title 7 - POLICE REGULATIONS .; Title 8 -TRAFFIC AND MOTOR VEI­ Title 9 - BUILDING REGULATIONS Title 10 - WATER RESOURCES MA Title 11 - ZONING REGULATIONS Title 12 - SUBDIVISION REGULATI Chapter 1: GENERAL REQURREh . -, Chapter 2: PLAT PROCEDURES Chapter 3- SUBDIVISION DESGGI 12-3-1: STREET DESIGN STAI 12 -3-2: STREET SECTIONS: 12 -3 -3: SIDEWALKS, TRAILS, d 12 -34: EASEMENT DETAILS: 12 -3-5: LANDLOCKED PARCE 12 -3-6: PARK DEDICATION: L) 12 -3-7: REQUIRED IMPROVEI 12 -M� GRADING OF SITE PR Chapter 4: VARIANCES, EXCEP' + ; Chapter 5: ADMINISTRATION AN Please contact the municipality for questions regarding regulations. Rosemount. MN weboaee / (651) 423 -4411 12 -3-6: PARK DEDICATION: It A. Comprehensive Plans: Where a proposed park, trailway, ponding, or open space area, shown on the city's comprehensive guide guide, comprehensive storm sewer plan or official map, is located in the whole or in part in a subdivision, such area or areas sht preliminary plat. Such area or areas shall also be dedicated to the city by the subdivider if the council requests such dedication subsections below. B. Dedication: In all subdivisions, the city shall require that a reasonable portion of such land be set aside and dedicated to the pub other public use exclusive of property dedicated for streets and other public ways. 1. In all residential subdivisions it shall be presumed that a reasonable amount of land has been dedicated for parks and playgre dedicates at least one twenty-fifth (1/25) of an acre for each dwelling unit of the proposed subdivision (acres to be dedicated = units). The city shall determine whether a cash payment in lieu of land dedication is appropriate. The amount of cash dedicati multiplying the number of dwelling units of the proposed subdivision times the designed fee per dwelling which may be set fror of the council. (Ord. B -91, 8 -5 -1997, eff. 8 -11 -1997) 2. In all commercial, industrial and other subdivisions, it shall be presumed that a reasonable amount of land has been dedicate - resident and working population for parks and playgrounds if the subdivider dedicates at least ten percent (10 %) of the land ii recreation and usable open space. The city shall determine whether a cash payment in lieu of land dedication is appropriate. dedication shall be determined by multiplying the number of acres (determined by application of the formula stated above) tim acre which may be set from time to time by resolution of the council. 3. The dedication of a portion of land for parks or playgrounds, or the payment of cash in lieu thereof, provided for above shall I reasonable. However, upon the request of the applicant, the recommendation of the park and recreation commission, or at IN the city may either increase or decrease such dedication or payment upon a determination by the council that such dedicatior unreasonable or insufficient given the specific characteristics of the proposed subdivision and its intended use. (Ord. XVII.107 4. Ponding areas, needed as part of the overall city storm drainage plan, shall be dedicated as land or easement at the option c by the city. However, no credit shall be given for park dedication unless said area meets the criteria for public parks as stated resolution and is approved by the council. Said dedication of land or easement shall be in a form approved by the council. 5. In the case of subdivisions of land which have previously been subdivided and for which land has been dedicated for parks of payments in lieu of such dedication have been made, the council shall make reasonable adjustments to recognize such previc C. Timing Of Park Dedication: If a new subdivision is designed to be platted into more than one addition, all park and other public u: under this section in the total subdivision area, shall be dedicated with the final plat of the first phase or addition of the subdivisi, approved by the council. 11 -10 -6: PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS (PUD): A. Purpose: The purpose of the planned unit development (PUD) district is to provide a district that will encourage the following: 1. Flexibility in land development and redevelopment in order to utilize new techniques of building design, construction and land development. 2. Provision of life cycle housing to all income and age groups. 3. Energy conservation through the use of more efficient building designs and sitings and the clustering of buildings and land uses. 4. Preservation of desirable site characteristics and open space and protection of sensitive environmental features, including, but not limited to, steep slopes, trees and poor soils. 5. More efficient and effective use of land, open space and public facilities through mixing of land uses and assembly and development of land into larger parcels. 6. High quality of design and design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned. 7. Sensitive development in transitional areas located between different land uses and along significant transportation or scenic corridors within the city. 8. Development that is consistent with the comprehensive plan. B. Development Standards: Within the PUD district, all development shall be in compliance with the following: 1. Uses: For a given PUD, all uses shall be consistent with the comprehensive plan and the master development plan as approved. a. Area Used For Land Uses: The city may permit up to ten percent (10 %) of the gross floor area of all buildings in a PUD to be used for land uses for which the site is not designated in the comprehensive plan if the city council finds that such use is in the best interests of the city and is consistent with the requirements of this chapter. If nondesignated uses are to be incorporated into a PUD, the city may forward a copy of the request to the metropolitan council for review. b. Designated For More Than One Use: Where the site of a proposed PUD is designated for more than one land use in the comprehensive plan, the city may require that the PUD include all the proposed land uses. c. Single Land Use Or Housing Type: Any PUD which involves a single land use type or housing type may be permitted; provided, that it is otherwise consistent with the objectives of this title and the comprehensive plan. 2. Area: Each PUD shall have a minimum area of ten (10) acres, excluding areas within a 4ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: June 18, 2013 TO: Clarissa Hadler, Community Development Intern CC: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Andrew Brotzler, Director of Public Works /City Engineer Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Eric Zweber, Senior Planner Christine Watson, Public Works Coordinator Kathie Hanson, Planning Department Secretary FROM: Phil Olson, Assistant City Engineer RE: Prestwick Place 9t" Addition Engineering Review SUBMITTAL: Prepared by Westwood Engineering, the Prestwick Place 9th Addition Plans for Preliminary Plat are dated May 21, 2013. Engineering review comments were generated from the following documents included in the submittal: Prestwick Place 9`h Addition Preliminary Plans for Preliminary Plat Submittal (13 pages) including: o Existing Conditions & Survey • Preliminary Plat • Preliminary Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan • Preliminary Utility Plan • Preliminary Landscape Plan • Preliminary Centerline Profiles and Details • Stormwater Runoff Calculations, dated May 21, 2013 DEVELOPMENT FEES: 1. Development fees will be based on the city's current fee resolution at the time of the final plat. Development fees are due with the final plat and subdivision agreement. 2. Per the existing Joint Development and Cost Sharing Agreement, the developer is responsible for the costs of adjacent roadways. These costs are as follows: • The developer is responsible for costs associated with upgrading Akron Avenue. This cost is $270.28 /acre or $8,368 for all phases of this development. The developer is responsible for costs associated with the recent extension of Connemara Trail between Bloomfield and Akron Avenue. This cost is estimated at 37,771.41 /acre or $240,603. • The developer is responsible for the future development of Connemara Trail east of Akron Avenue. This cost is $3457.20/acre or $107,035. • The developer is responsible for the remaining cost of Ailesbury Avenue with Phase 1. This cost is estimated at $7,731 /acre or $113,953. The Prestwick Place Std Addition and Prestwick Place 7`h Addition have already contributed to a portion of this roadway. SITE PLAN COMMENTS: 3. Trees located on individual properties shall not be planted near the sanitary sewer and water service lines. These trees shall be positioned near the property lines. 4. Streetlights should be shown on the grading plan. 5. A permit will be required for all improvements within the MCES easement. 6. Roadway and utility improvements for Lot 9 and Lot 10, Block 3 will be completed with Prestwick Place 7th Addition. These lots could be added to Phase 1 without any additional improvements. EASEMENT COMMENTS: Conservation easements are required over all stormwater ponds, infiltration basins, wetlands, and buffers. Signage for conservation easements shall be provided by the developer and an extended 5 year maintenance warranty shall be required to ensure establishment of the naturally vegetated areas. Costs associated with the establishment of the naturally vegetated areas and the 5 year maintenance period shall be a cost of the development. S. Storm sewer is proposed along the side and back lot lines of certain properties to convey rear yard drainage. Drainage and utility easements along these lines shall prohibit the installation of sheds to ensure that access can be provided for storm sewer maintenance. Fences are allowed but shall not restrict drainage and are required to include gates for truck access over the drainage and utility easement. Also, landscaping that will block access should be prohibited. These restrictions should be added as a restriction on the property deed. This will impact the following properties: • Block 1: Lot 1 through Lot 5 • Block 2: Lot 4 and Lot 5 • Block 3: Lot 1 through Lot 6 • Block 4: Lot 1 through Lot 4, Lot 13 through Lot 19, Lot 23, Lot 26 and Lot 27, Lot 29 through Lot 34, Lot 37 through Lot 41 9. Trees should not be located over storm sewer pipes or within emergency overflow routes or overland flow routes. Additionally, trees located on individual properties should not be planted near the sanitary sewer and water service lines. These trees should be positioned a minimum of 15 feet from the service lines. 10. The width of drainage and utility easements over all public utilities shall be verified during final design. 11. Drainage and utility easements in the rear yards of many lots are required to be extended based on the proposed emergency overflow elevation. Below is a listing of lots where the drainage and utility easements require revisions. • Lot 4 through Lot 6, Block 1 should be increased to encompass the drainage to 939.10. • Lot 4 through Lot 6, Block 3 should be increased to encompass the drainage to 937.40. • Lot 19, Lot 20, Lot 23 through Lot 25, Lot 30, and Lot 3, Block 4 should be increased to encompass the drainage to 934.70. • Lot 25 through Lot 29, Block 4 should be increased to encompass the drainage to 934.00. • Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 40, and Lot 41, Block 4 should be increased to encompass the drainage to 931.50. • Lot 13 through Lot 18 and Lot 32 through Lot 35, Block 4 should be increased to encompass the drainage to 936.30. • Lot 3 and Lot 4 and Lot 36 through Lot 39, Block 4 should be increased to encompass the drainage to 932.70. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: 12. The stormwater management plan should be updated to reflect the modifications made to the Prestwick 4th Addition drainage plans. This modification should be reflected in the stormwater storage calculations, high water level, and infiltration system analysis. The additional drainage area is not anticipated to change the site design for this development. 13. The storm sewer drainage area map and storm sewer design calculations should be provided. The preliminary design is used to verify the adequacy of the easements being provided over rear yard storm sewer. 14. Additional infiltration testing data is required to verify that the rate control design is in conformance with City requirements. The infiltration testing should be completed during site grading and at the proposed grading plan elevations. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the items listed above, please contact me at 651 - 322 -2015. !CROSEMOI_INT PARKS AND RECREATION M E M O R A N D U M To: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Eric Zweber, Senior Planner Jason Lindahl, Planner Andy Brotzler, Public Works Director /City Engineer Phil Olson, Assistant City Engineer From: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date: June 18, 2013 Subject: Prestwick Place — 9th Addition Preliminary Plat The Parks and Recreation Department recently received the plat for the Prestwick Place 9th Addition. After reviewing the plans, the Parks and Recreation Department staff has the following comments: PARKS DEDICATION The parks dedication requirement for the 68 units in the 9th addition is either 2.72 acres of land or cash in lieu of land. Staff is recommending that the developer dedicate land to satisfy the parks dedication for the 9`' addition. There are 3.63 acres of park land identified within Oudot B of the 9th addition plat. Because the developer is proposing to dedicate more land than is required, the developer will have a parks dedication credit of .91 acres of land for the Th addition. This credit will be combined with a credit that the developer had from the 3`d and 7`'' additions of .40 acres. Staff is recommending that Lennar use the 1.31 acres of parks dedication credit within the Prestwick Place development. Staff is recommending that the deed for Oudot B (park parcel and ponding) be delivered to the City with the first phase of the 9" addition. The plans for the 9th addition identify a private monument sign located at the corner of Ailesbury Avenue and Connemara Trail. Staff is recommending that the monument sign be located on private property. Please let me know if you have any questions about this memo. 4ROSEMOUNT FIRE DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M To: Eric Zweber, Planner From: Dale Chard, Fire Marshal Date: June 10th, 2013 Subject: Prestwick Place 9t" Addition Upon review of the Prestwick Place 9th Addition Preliminary PUD Submittal dated 5/23/13 provided for review by Westwood Professional Services Inc. on behalf of Lennar Corporation the Fire Marshal offers the following comment: • No comments are noted. Thank you, Dale Chard City of Rosemount Fire Marshal 651 - 322 -2027