HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Jaycee Park Playground Request for Proposal (RFP)4ROSEMOUNTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting: July 22, 2013 AGENDA ITEM: Jaycee Park Playground Request for AGENDA SECTION: Proposal (RFP) Old Business PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks & Recreation Director AGENDA NO. 6 b. ATTACHMENTS: Draft RFP APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: To be discussed at the meeting. ISSUE Staff has created a draft Request for Proposal (RFP) for the replacement of the play equipment at Jaycee Park and included it in the packet. Staff would like for the Commission to review the RFP and provide comments to staff. Staff also would like for two Commission members to volunteer to serve on the review team to score and evaluate the proposals we receive. BACKGROUND Staff held a neighborhood meeting to share information about the proposed project on Monday, June 17, 2013 at the Jaycee Park Shelter. Six people living in the area around the park attended. Approximately 680 post cards were mailed to residents who lived near the park notifying them about the opportunity to hear more about the project and to provide input. Below is a summary of the comments that were provided at the neighborhood meeting: All of the neighbors in attendance said they had lived around the park for a long time and that using the park has been a big part of their families' lives. All were very complimentary concerning the layout and upkeep of the park. We heard comments that the new playground should include sensory play things that would provide opportunities for special needs children who may not be able to use many of the existing play features. It was pointed out that many overhead playground components such as zip lines, monorails, spinners, and horizontal ladders require an adult to lift a child to the component and to catch the child should they fall. It was suggested that we limit or eliminate these kinds of overhead features and focus on features children can access and use by themselves such as climbers, rockers and spinners. Rock and rope climbers seemed to be popular with those in attendance, as were spring rockers, surfers, and lily pad or spring pod type features. Everyone seemed to want more swings, including additional bucket swings for toddlers and tire swings for bigger kids. There was concern about the temperature that the playground equipment, especially the slides, can reach on a hot sunny day. One suggestion was to rely only on tube slides since the tube itself shades the actual sliding surface, but another neighbor said even the tube slides get too hot and should be avoided. The color of the playground and the surfacing (what is under the equipment) used should be selected with temperature in mind. There was discussion about surfacing and everyone agreed that woodchips were favored over the existing pea rock. Several people suggested that at least one level of the playground, if not all of it, should include rubber surfacing. The neighbors suggested that if possible, the playground should be constructed on one plane, and if not, one of the terraces should be eliminated so that it is built on two levels. There was interest in giving this playground or another playground in the community a natural theme and including some natural play features such as logs and boulders. One comment was that we should do something that is different from what most city parks offer. Several of the neighbors also requested that a basketball court be added to the park. The Public Works Department budget includes funding ($75,000) for the replacement of the playground equipment at Jaycee Park. There is also funding budgeted for a new border. The playground was installed at Jaycee Parkin 1992. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Request for Proposals: The City of Rosemount is requesting proposals from interested and qualified manufacturers and their product representatives for supplying and installing play equipment at Jaycee Park at 15425 Shannon Parkway (see enclosed map). Owner: City of Rosemount. Contact: Questions regarding the RFP should be directed to Tom Schuster, Parks Supervisor, 13885 South Robert Trail, Rosemount, MN 55068, (651) 322 -6005. Submission: One copy of the proposal shall be submitted to the Parks Supervisor, as identified above, no later than 4:30 P.M., Wednesday, September 11, 2013. Late submittals will not be accepted. Each proposal should include an 8'/2 x 11 full color drawing of the playground and an 8'/z x 11 bird's eye view of the layout. Any posters or foam core boards showing the layout must not exceed 24" x 36" in size. Acceptance: The City of Rosemount reserves the right to cancel the Request for Proposal at any time or for any reason which serves the best interest of the City. The City of Rosemount also reserves the right to reject proposals and bids based on the evaluation of submitted materials and to accept proposals other than those exhibiting the lowest price. Preparation: The City of Rosemount will not be responsible for any costs incurred by those submitting a proposal and bid. Owner's Right to Revisions: The owner reserves the right to revise the scope of the project based on budget limitations and other considerations. The vendor will be expected to assist the owner in redesigning the project as warranted, based on these considerations. The owner also reserves the right to select all or part of a proposal as well as to select desirable aspects from any number of proposals. Evaluation Criteria: Each proposal will be evaluated against the following criteria: (100 pts total) 1) Play value — number and quality of play features (25 pts) 2) Overall design — layout and use of available space (25 pts) 3) Quality of materials (including warranty and service) (20 pts) 4) Delivery and installation time frame. Please indicate the maximum time needed to complete the project from the time of signing the contract (20 pts) 5) Quality of Proposal, References (10 pts) Contract Requirements: Each proposal must meet the City of Rosemount's standard contract requirements, which include insurance and other provisions. A copy of those provisions is attached. The owner reserves the right to reject proposals that do not meet these requirements. Form IC -134. Upon submittal of the final invoice, each contractor and all of their subcontractors must submit form IC -134 from the Minnesota Department of Revenue per Minnesota Statutes 290.92 and 290.97 concerning withholding of Minnesota income tax from wages paid to employees relating to contract services with the State of Minnesota and /or its subdivisions. LATOAPark Pmject0ayme ParklPlaygmund Replac —Uaycee Park Playgmund RFP.doc JAYCEE PARK Site Description: A map of the proposed site plan is attached. While the site does not present any extraordinary problems to the installation of new equipment, the playground site is terraced and the playground must be designed to provide accessible play on all three terrace levels. The existing playground equipment on the site will be removed by the owner. The existing pea gravel surfacing material will be removed from the site as will the existing timber borders. The owner will install a tiered concrete perimeter for the playground area (shown on concept plan). The overall dimensions of the perimeter will be 72 x 125 feet in size. The west or upper terrace is 72' x 55', the middle terrace, 17 inches lower, is 72' x 25', and the lower terrace, 22 inches lower still, is 72' x 45'. Access is provided along the entire 72 foot west end of the upper tier by a bituminous path and to the lowest tier by a path located approximately midway along the north facing 45 foot side of that tier. All interested respondents are encouraged to become familiar with the project site before submitting a proposal. Project Timeline: The City will require the project to be completed in the autumn of 2013, and preferably by November 1, 2013. Project Budget: The price of providing and installing the new playground equipment and safety surfacing should not exceed $75,000.00 A summary of the project is listed below: The following project costs should not exceed $75,000.00. This amount should include 1) Insurance, cost of ADA compliance plan design, overhead, and similar costs. 2) Purchase and installation of new play equipment components. 3) Purchase and installation of half inch river rock base material needed for surfacing 4) Purchase and installation of any wood fiber surfacing needed to comply with current ADA standards. 5) Shipping and tax on any of the above components 6) Cleanup of the site and the removal and disposal of packaging materials. Work Provided by Owner (not to be included in the $75,000.00): 1) Removal of existing playground equipment, border, and surfacing 2) Construction of concrete playground border and external access trails. 3) Accessible ramp into the playground area. Design Criteria: The proposal should meet current Consumer Product Safety Commission guidelines, ASTM requirements and ADA standards. Please indicate how your proposal will meet the current ADA standards. Jaycee Park, 154525 Shannon Parkway, is a 14.3 acre park in an established residential neighborhood. The park is heavily used and in addition to the playground contains a hockey rink, an official sized baseball field, two full size soccer fields, several garden plots and generous open play space. The design for the playground should take advantage of the elevation difference in the playground and offer a wide variety of play features appealing to children of various age and abilities. The play features that are proposed should be based on a theme such as a fort, a ship, a castle or other creative setting. At a neighborhood meeting residents expressed a need for individual play features usable by children with special physical and social needs. The residents asked that we limit the number of overhead features such as rings and trolley rides if they require the assistance of an adult for access, use, and egress of the play feature. The temperature of the playground components is important so the playground should be designed so as to minimize heating of the slides and decks in the sun. The new play equipment improvements should include, but is not limited to, the following: • One play equipment structure appropriate for children ages 2 — 12. The preferred color scheme would be earth tones including burgundy, tan, green and or blue, rather than bright or primary colors. • A separate swing structure (Maximum 8' high) should be included containing two (4) tot swings and two (4) belt swings with the option of replacing one swing at a later date with one (1) swing accessible by wheelchair. L:1TOAPark ProjecNJaycee Pa*\Playground ReplacemenNaycee Park Playground RFP.doc • Industry required level of certified engineered wood fiber to be placed under play equipment. • Rubber swing /slide mats should be included in bid and installed under the swings and exit of the slides. • Signage indicating the age appropriateness of playground equipment. • Three (3) six foot in- ground benches with backs. Please locate within the proposed border. • Two (2) independent play features for younger children, such as spring riders and/or small block climbers. Delivery and Installation: It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to be on -site to unload playground components and equipment, and to store these components until such time as they are installed. The Owner bears no responsibility for handling or storing the playground equipment until the installation is completed and the project is accepted. Payment: After installation is completed and we are invoiced for the materials and the work, payment will be made as soon as possible. However, with only 2 check runs each month sometimes it's not possible to make a payment in 30 days. Therefore it is helpful if the contractor could block or waive all late fees on our account for 60 days from the invoice date. LATOWark FmjcctsVaycee Park0aygmund Replace— Maycee Pad: Playground RFPAd Google Maps Go S I Page 1 of 1 To see all the details that are visible on the screen, use the "Print" link next to the map. https: / /maps.google.com/ 7/18/2013