HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.C.b. Proposed Replacement of 2000 Ford Focus (ID 8613)4ROSEMOUNTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL. City Council Work Session: August 14, 2013 AGENDA ITEM: Proposed Replacement of 2000 Ford GENDA SECTION: Focus (ID 8613) olswsS a? PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, Director of� AGENDA NO. Works /City Engineer ATTACHMENTS: Asset Worksheet, Equipment Evaluairion Matrix and Score Sheet, Memorandum APPROVED BY: on Conditions Summary RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion ISSUE Staff is requesting Council consideration for the replacement of a 2000 Ford Focus (ID 8613). BACKGROUND Vehicle 8613 was initially purchased in 2000 as one of two vehicles for building inspection. Over the years, different vehicles have been procured for building inspections and the two Ford Focuses have been assigned elsewhere in the fleet. Vehicle 8613 has been primarily used in Parks and Recreation. At this time, the vehicle is in need of approximately $2,000 in repairs. Based on the needed repairs and cost, and an estimated salvage value of $1,100 to $1,300 it is proposed to replace this vehicle rather than repair it. The vehicle is currently scheduled for replacement in 2018. The Equipment Evaluation Matrix score for this vehicle is 32, indicating that it needs immediate consideration for replacement. It is proposed to replace this vehicle with a Ford Escape with an estimated replacement cost of $21,000. This vehicle is a sport utility crossover vehicle that will provide more flexibility and effectiveness in day -to- day use. Staff did inquire about a hybrid version of this vehicle and was informed that the hybrid option was dropped by the manufacturer in 2012. SUMMARY Should Council support the replacement of this vehicle, this item will be scheduled on a future agenda for Council authorization to replace. G: \Public Works \Equipment \Equipment Replacement \20130814 CCSW Ford Focus Replacement - 8613.docx ROSEM0UN1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: August 14, 2013 AGENDA ITEM: Proposed Replacement of 2000 Ford AGENDA SECTION: Focus (ID 8613) PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, Director of Public AGENDA NO. Works /City Engineer ATTACHMENTS: Asset Worksheet, Equipment Evaluation Matrix and Score Sheet, Memorandum APPROVED BY: on Conditions Summary RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion ISSUE Staff is requesting Council consideration for the replacement of a 2000 Ford Focus (ID 8613). BACKGROUND Vehicle 8613 was initially purchased in 2000 as one of two vehicles for building inspection. Over the years, different vehicles have been procured for building inspections and the two Ford Focuses have been assigned elsewhere in the fleet. Vehicle 8613 has been primarily used in Parks and Recreation. At this time, the vehicle is in need of approximately $2,000 in repairs. Based on the needed repairs and cost, and an estimated salvage value of $1,100 to $1,300 it is proposed to replace this vehicle rather than repair it. The vehicle is currently scheduled for replacement in 2018. The Equipment Evaluation Matrix score for this vehicle is 32, indicating that it needs immediate consideration for replacement. It is proposed to replace this vehicle with a Ford Escape with an estimated replacement cost of $21,000. This vehicle is a sport utility crossover vehicle that will provide more flexibility and effectiveness in day -to- day use. Staff did inquire about a hybrid version of this vehicle and was informed that the hybrid option was dropped by the manufacturer in 2012. SUMMARY Should Council support the replacement of this vehicle, this item will be scheduled on a future agenda for Council authorization to replace. G: \Public Works \Equipment \Equipment Replacement \20130814 CCSW Ford Focus Replacement - 8613.docx ASSET EVALUATION FORM ID: 8613 Description: PARK & REC (613) Model Year. 12000 Purchased Date: 04/03120M Purchase Price: 113805.55 Odometer Miles: 141495 Replace Year: 12018 Evaluation Date: 07!26!2013 Evaluated By: 604 . .._ Overall Condition. 14 Body: J3 Box: Chassis: Engine: 14 Plow: S ander: Wing: Major Repairs or Maintenance Expected: Additional Comments: k ; Z M. of <Photos >\8613.ipg =J IQ ■ r= % /' / H Condition Ratings 1 =Like New 2 = Slight Wear / Few Deficiencies 3 = Moderate Wear / Some Deficiencies 4 = Significant Wear / Multiple Deficiencies 5 = Extreme Wear / Numerous Deficiencies Needs new front brakes, new left front tire, new windshield, new exhaust system and new left front strut assembly in order to maintain reasonable operating conditions. Vehicle ID Description 613 Focus - Comm Center Service Critical Type Condition Function Rating Rating Rating Purchase Date 1 4 1 04/03/00 Equipment Evaluation and Cost Summary Avg Repair Repair Hours per Reliability Hours Year Rating 200.00 15.0 5 Total Condition Rating Category', 32 IV Printed on 07/26/2013 GAPublic Works \Equipment \Equipment Replacement \Equipment Rating Focus 8613 Total Maintenance Estimated Years Scheduled Recommended Current Costs (including Purchase Replacement Since Replacement Replacement Age Mileage or Mileage $2000 estimated M &R Cost i Cost Purchase Year (CIP) Year Rating Hours Rating repairs needed) Ratinc $13,806 $20,000 13.3 2018 2013 13 41,495 - 4 $5,862 4 Avg Repair Repair Hours per Reliability Hours Year Rating 200.00 15.0 5 Total Condition Rating Category', 32 IV Printed on 07/26/2013 GAPublic Works \Equipment \Equipment Replacement \Equipment Rating Focus 8613 Equipment Evaluation Matrix Points Category Definitions 1 2 3 4 5 Number of Units Percent < 20 Points Excellent 15 31% 20 - 25 Points Age One point for each year of chronological age, based on in- service 29% 26 - 30 Points I Qualifies for 13 27% date. > 30 Points Needs Immediate 6 13% Light duty vehicles and pickups - 1 point for every 10,000 miles Consideration Plow trucks - 1 point for every 15,000 miles Miles /Hours Off -road equipment over 150 hp - 1 point for every 1,000 hours Off -road equipment under 150 hp - 1 point for every 500 hours Condition This category takes into consideration body condition, rust, interior Like New Slight Wear/ Few Moderate Wear / Significant Wear / Extreme Wear / Numerous condition, accident history and anticipated repairs. Deficiencies Some Deficiencies Multiple Deficiencies Deficiencies Service Type 1, 2, or 3 points based on how the vehicle is used. Administrative or Frequent Light Duty Frequent Heavy Duty Infrequent Use More than one same One other same unit. One other similar Only unit of this type, but easily rentable. Specialized and not Redundancy This category takes into consideration the vehicle function and the unit. Service levels Service levels unit. Service levels Service levels rentable. Service (Critical Function) effects of downtime on overall service levels. unaffected by slightly affected by moderately affected moderately affected levels significantly downtime. downtime. by down time by downtime. affected by downtime. Maintenance and Points are assigned based on the total M &R costs as a Less than 20% of the Between 20% and 30% of the vehicle Between 30% and 40% of the vehicle Between 40% and 50% of the vehicle Greater than 50% of Repair percentage of the vechicle cost. vehicle cost cost cost cost the vehicle cost 1, 3, or 5 points based on how often the vehicle is out of service Less than 5 hours per Between 5 and 10 More than 10 hours Reliability for repairs. This excludes routine maintenance and repairs due to year hours per year per year accidents. Range Rating Number of Units Percent < 20 Points Excellent 15 31% 20 - 25 Points Good 14 29% 26 - 30 Points I Qualifies for 13 27% Replacement > 30 Points Needs Immediate 6 13% Consideration GAPublic Works \Equipment \Equipment Replacement \Equipment Rating Focus 8613 Scoring Matrix * ,PIUJ`5' ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M To: Andrew J. Brotzler, Director of Public Works / City Engineer From: Christine Watson, Public Works Coordinator Date: June 13, 2013 Subject: Ford Focus (8613) Condition Summary The following is background information for the Ford Focus sedan, which is currently used by the Parks & Recreation department. This unit needs significant repairs that will likely cost more than the vehicle is worth. This information is provided to help determine whether to repair or replace the vehicle. 2000 Ford Focus (8613) Model year 2000 Mileage 41,500 Maintenance cost to -date $3,800 Purchase cost $13,806 Estimated replacement cost $20,000 Scheduled replacement year 2018 Current trade value (www. edmunds. coin) $1,100 to $1,300 Below is a summary of the maintenance items that will be needed in the near future to achieve and maintain reasonable operating condition: Maintenance Item Estimated Cost arts and labor Front brakes $200 New left -front tire $120 New windshield $400 New exhaust system $400 Left -front strut assembly $900 Estimated Total $2,020 GAPublic Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\20130613 Focus 8613 Maintenance Needs.doex