HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.A. 2014 Budget UpdateROSEMOUNTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session Meeting: August 14, 2013 AGENDA ITEM: 2014 Budget Update DA PCION: PREPARED BY: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator AGENDA NO. 2.A. ATTACHMENTS: Budget worksheets APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive updated budget information and direct staff on final changes for approval of preliminary levy on September 3, 2013. BACKGROUND Since our budget work session on July 1 O'h, several items of new information have been received that affect our levy and estimated tax rates. DISCUSSION Items of new information 1. Estimated savings from replacing Lieutenant position with a Sergeant. The total direct and indirect savings estimated from this proposal are estimated at $30,000 for 2014. We discussed this at the July 10'' meeting, but because Lt. Ericson had just retired, we did not have a calculation of the savings with this change. 2. Calculation of sales tax savings. In the first budget proposal on June 251', we estimated a total sales tax savings in the General Fund of $140,000. Since then, we have been able to total up all of the General Fund sales tax payments for 2012 and the total was just under $90,000. Therefore, we are now only able to estimate a $90,000 savings for 2014, a reduction in the amount saved of $50,000. 3. Fiscal Disparities. About 40% of the value of commercial and industrial properties is pooled and shared on a metropolitan basis. Information has just been received from Dakota County about our 2014 fiscal disparities contribution to the pool and our distribution from the pool. Our fiscal disparities distribution to other area cities increased by $26,918. The fiscal disparities distribution back to Rosemount will decline by $13,004. Staff discussion of Economic Development Marketing Staff is considering ideas and options for improving our economic development marketing efforts. Over the past year, progress has been made on improving the economic development portion of our website and the development of a "virtual' business incubator on our website. We are doing business visits, have conducted a business survey and participated in special events for businesses. We continue to be active with the Chamber of Commerce, local Business Council, Greater MSP and the Countywide Open to Business initiative. New streets such as the frontage road on County Road 42 have also been built to remove potential barriers to development. And we are spending considerable resources helping UMore Park get ready for development. What is missing to some degree is identifying specific business niches that should find Rosemount attractive and directing specific marketing information to them. There is not enough time for the current staff to accomplish this without some outside assistance. We don't believe that we need help with branding, new mission statements, brochures etc. but rather with direct contacts to businesses that might be suitable for Rosemount. If we identify someone or some company that can materially help us with our direct marketing efforts, we would propose to use funds from the Port Authority reserve funds for up to a one year commitment. If we decide that the initiative is beneficial, we would need to consider ongoing funding in 2015 and thereafter. The amount we have in mind is about $25,000 to $30,000 for one year. There would be no impact on the 2014 property tax levy with the use of reserve funds. SUMMARY The net result of the items noted above is that the City property tax increase on the median value home of $203,500 is now estimated to be $17 instead of $12 as previously estimated even though we are saving $30,000 in the Police budget from our previous proposal. Staff requests that the Council review the discussion items above, discuss the proposed new Sergeant position and economic development marketing suggestions as needed, and identify any other changes for staff to incorporate prior to the approval of the preliminary tax levy on September 3, 2013. 2 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS -USES (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) August 14, 2013 Departments Council Budget Sales Tax Exemption Savings Administration Budget Elections Budget Finance Budget General Government Budget Community Development Budget Police Budget Fire Budget Public Works Operating Budgets: Government Buildings Budget Fleet Maintenance Budget Street Maintenance Budget Parks Maintenance Budget Park & Rec Budget - General Operating Park & Rec Budget - Steeple Ctr. Operations Park & Rec Budget - Senior / Activity Center Park & Rec Budget - Special Programs Transfers - Arena Assistance Total Operating Budgets - General Fund Building CIP Requirements Street CIP Requirements Equipment CIP Requirements Insurance Budget Requirements Port Authority Operating Levy Bonded Indebtedness Bonded Indebtedness - Fire Station Levy Armory Anticipatory Levy (Value 3/9/12) * *$1,931,934,605 x.00798% _ $154,168 ** Water Enterprise Fund Sewer Enterprise Fund Storm Water Enterprise Fund Arena Enterprise Fund Total Funding Requirements 2013 2014 Adopted Proposed Budget --- ------- ------ -- Budget -- ---- ----- - -- - - -- Difference --- ----- --- - ------ Percentage --------------- -- $247,700 $252,600 $4,900 1.98% $0 ($90,000) ($90,000) n/a 484,400 500,000 15,600 3.22% 22,000 40,000 18,000 81.82% 435,300 463,400 28,100 6.46% 383,200 374,200 (9,000) -2.35% 896,800 928,600 31,800 3.55% 3,187,800 3,349,800 162,000 5.08% 437,000 437,300 300 0.07% 540,500 504,100 (36,400) -6.73% 645,200 676,200 31,000 4.80% 1,272,200 1,333,400 61,200 4.81% 739,100 831,600 92,500 12.52% 1,130,000 1,166,300 36,300 3.21% 64,500 61,200 (3,300) -5.12% 14,000 15,000 1,000 7.14% 113,900 111,500 (2,400) -2.11% 115,000 ----- ---- -- - - - - -- 115,000 ------------ - - -- -- 0 0.00% $10,728,600 $11,070,200 ------------ ------ $341,600 --------------- - 3.18% 24,000 24,000 0 0.00% 730,000 740,000 10,000 1.37% 460,000 490,000 30,000 6.52% 245,000 245,000 0 0.00% 58,000 58,000 0 0.00% 377,394 375,622 (1,772) -0.47% 0 0 0 0.00% 86,000 0 (86,000) - 100.00% 1,330,300 1,498,900 168,600 12.67% 1,782,200 1,808,300 26,100 1.46% 647,600 659,700 12,100 1.87% 485,800 ---- ---- ---- - - - - -- 505,300 ------------ - - -- -- 19,500 - ---------- 4.01% $16,954,894 $17,475,022 - -- - - -- $520,128 --------------- -- 3.07% NOTE: Special Levies include (1)Bonded Indebtedness, (2)Fire Station Levy and (3)Armory Anticipatory Levies. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS -SOURCES (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) August 14, 2013 Types Internal Revenue Generated: Licenses and Permits Intergovernmental Charges for Services Fines & Forfeits Recreational Fees Miscellaneous Revenues Transfers In Enterprise Revenues Total Internal Revenues Levy Sources: Special Levies General Levy Total Levy Loss of MVHC from State Funding Total Revenue Sources 2013 2014 Adopted Proposed Budget Budget ----------- - -- - --- --------- -- - - - -- Difference Percentage 382,300 438,300 56,000 14.65% 643,100 580,800 (62,300) -9.69% 663,000 848,300 185,300 27.95% 125,000 125,000 0 0.00% 263,200 253,600 (9,600) -3.65% 169,200 125,700 (43,500) - 25.71% 3,500 3,500 0 0.00% 4,245,900 4,472,200 226,300 5.33% --------- - - - - -- ------------- 6,495,200 - -- - -- -- 6,847,400 ------- ---- - - - - -- --------------- 352,200 5.42% 463,394 375,622 (87,772) - 18.94% 9,996,300 10,252,000 255,700 2.56% ---------- --- - - - - -- $10,459,694 --------- ---- - -- --- - $10,627,622 ------------ - - - - -- --------------- $167,928 1.61% $0 $0 $0 0.00% ---------- --- - - - - -- $16,954,894 ---- - -- - -- ---------- ------------ ---- - -- - $17,475,022 ---- - - - --- ---- ---- - - - - -- ---- -- ---------- - - - - -- --------------- $520,128 - - - - -- -- - - - - -- -- 3.07% - - - - -- - - - - -- NOTE: Special Levies include (1)Bonded Indebtedness, (2)Fire Station Levy and (3)Armory Anticipatory Levies. 2013 GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY PAYABLE 2014 GENERALLEVY GENERAL FUND $8,695,000 BUILDING CIP FUND $24,000 STREET CIP FUND $740,000 EQUIPMENT CIP FUND $490,000 INSURANCE FUND $245,000 PORT AUTHORITY OPERATING LEVY $58,000 TOTAL GENERAL LEVY $10,252,000 BONDEDINDEBTEDNESS G.O. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) BONDS 2005A (Authorized - $212,011) $212,011 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 2006B (Authorized - $265,893) $0 G.O. PUBLIC FACILITY REFUNDING BONDS 2010B (Old 2001 C) (Port Authority) (Authorized - $163,611) $163,611 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 2011A (Authorized - $3,420) $0 TOTAL BONDED INDEBTEDNESS $375,622 MARKET VALUE BASED REFERENDUMS G.O. FIRE STATION REFUNDING BONDS, 2005D (Authorized - $141,225) $0 TOTAL FIRE STATION LEVY $0 PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS ARMORY ANTICIPATORY LEVIES ($1,952,221,344 x.00798% = $155,787) (As of 2/27/13) $0 (Authorized - $155,787 - Only Levy Amount Due MSABC) ------------------ - - - - -- TOTAL PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS $0 GRAND TOTAL 2011 PROPERTY TAX LEVY $10,627,622 Last Updated 815/13 SPREAD LEVY COMPUTATIONAL WORKSHEET (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) (Proposed) 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total Funding Requirements 16,625,444 16,689,426 16,954,894 17,475,022 Less: Internal Revenues 6,092,800 6,357,600 6,495,200 6,847,400 Less: Market Value Based Levy - Fire Station (See Below) 143,654 0 0 0 (3) Equals: Revenues Needed - -------- ---- - - -- 10,388,990 --- -- ---- -- - - - - -- 10,331,826 --- -------- - - - - -- 10,459,694 --------------- -- 10,627,622 Add Back in State MVHC Cuts to Reflect Actual Levy 429,507 0 0 0 (4) Levy Certified by City to County Auditor -- - ---- -------- -- 10,818,497 ---- ------- - - -- -- 10,331,826 --- -------- - - ---- 10,459,694 --------------- -- 10,627,622 County Auditor Adjustments (All Subtractions): Fiscal Disparities Distribution Levy (Metro Area) 1,299,717 1,252,954 1,235,453 1,208,535 (2) Spread Levy Used to Compute Local Tax Rate -- -- ---- ---- - - - -- ----------- - - ---- 9,518,780 (1) 9,078,872 (1) ---------- --- ---- 9,224,241 (1) --------------- -- 9,419,087 Increase /(Decrease) from Previous Year in Spread Levy -4.62% 1.60% 2.11% Market Value Based Referendum Levy - Fire Station 143,654 0 0 0 (3) (1) Actual Spread Levy Based on Numbers from Dakota County (2) 2014 Number Provided by Dakota County as of 8/5/13 (3) For 2012 Through 2014 No Levy Needed so No Impact on the Taxpayers (4) The MVHC Program was Eliminated for 2012 and Replaced with a Market Value Exclusion Program Last Updated - 815113 w � � QI w N w w o i o N 1t w R N T d O O 0 a N m K Q j d o X A N N F N d N � C � N F y aO d N LL N R u e ry d N LL I N h N h m i Q II Q Q i N O O 0 n o O O 3 N C d C M m Q m m I m 'I O M O r m I N li I yy m Q m m Q i W j N n M r N; Q I ONO i N i W;❑ n M r ul i T 1 ONO _ a N A N r ILL U LL j Q Q M N o a o 0 0 i Mw n I Q Q M ry o I it o 0 o Q 5 a E 0 E N I 0000 j �- I' 000 p n C C 0 0 0 000 I i 11 I II .N.. i 11 y N N N If N O : j N (ryp N N GQO I N II O O I� GtOO Yl i M ONO i 11 i I 1N0 N N m N 11 O O O N Q C U W U O' M GOQTm 11 n m ' r N 1 N II m Qmm II ON O ON '" u) O i M i N m M n m j m 11 O N O r l V I I j M j m M n m , m I I ONO r L• o M m 1 0 1 Q M N O, II O O O i M II i 0 i Q M N O j II O O O N E C C C 11 a° e N N I N j 0 0 0 0 1 jl 00. 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