HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Intern Work Update4DIX(ID'EMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PORT AUTHORITY Port Authority Date: August 20, 2013 AGENDA ITEM: Intern Work Update AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Deputy Director AGENDA NO. 5.a. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Business Surveys, Marketing Material APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Information Item ISSUE As the Port Authority is aware, we've had Clarissa Hadley for the summer working almost full-time to assist in marketing and other projects for the City. Many of her projects were aligned with the goals and objectives of the Port Authority. Therefore staff is providing an update of the work completed, with the final work product, and an update on those items still in the works. Virtual Incubator: Clarissa conducted additional research and put together the website information listed under Economic Development /Business Incubator. It includes topics such as business assistance, education, funding your business, legal and tax information, networking opportunities and other resources. It also has 10 -steps to starting a business and will soon have an FAQ section. The project is essentially complete. Business Listing: Work continues on updating and increasing the business email list used to send out the weekly business email and also for invitation to the Business Appreciation Lunch. We now have email addresses for 294 businesses, which is a 29% increase over the number of businesses we had previously. Clarissa and Kathie are also working to located emails for several home -based businesses that have already been identified. Of note are 17 businesses that either didn't have email or did not want to provide their email. Downtown Business Visits: Clarissa pulled together the business questionnaire and also drafted the letter to the businesses announcing the visit program. South Gateway Redevelopment project: Clarissa has created a spreadsheet regarding the various businesses in the study area and created a check list of non - conforming and conforming qualities. She has photographed properties and linked photos with the data base. New Business Visits: Clarissa dropped in on businesses that came to town within the last several years. The primary purpose was to drop off an Open to Business brochure. She did not visit Downtown businesses in recognition of the Port Authority's impending visits. Business Surveys: Clarissa developed eight different easy to administer surveys which staff intends to post through the City's website at intervals throughout the next year. We are planning on highlighting them in the weekly Business Email, but also post them on the website. Before implementing, staff wanted to show the Port Authority the differing topics and questions. The goal is to have several short surveys that people may be more inclined to fill out as they are simple and not time- consuming. Metrics: Clarissa has been reviewing literature on economic development, looking for metrics. Also, she had contacted the neighboring communities, and basically found there is little in the way of metrics currently being used. Marketing: Clarissa has repackaged demographic information and designed several new marketing pieces. The three sheets can be distributed together or individually, as two of the three pages are geared toward commercial or industrial development. Staff is working on obtaining access to the MnCar brokers database and will forward the marketing materials electronically to brokers on their listing service. We will also work to distribute directly to specific businesses. Clarissa has also worked on other projects which are less economic development oriented but serve the community and also provide a good internship experience. She has written several staff reports for Planning Commission and City Council review, developed a template for the Resilient Communities application, and is working on the STAR Communities assessment. RECOMMENDATION No Action Required. 2 Topic: Who are you? 1. Which of the following best describes your business? (mark all that apply) o Locally owned and operated o Regional chain o National chain o Franchise 2. What is your position with this business? (Select all that apply.) o Owner o Chief Executive Officer or President o Manager o Personnel Officer o Other: 3. How long ago was this business established? 4. What products / services do you offer? S. Questions / Comments / Concerns / Suggestions? Topic: Business Climate 1. What overall grade would you give Rosemount as a place to do business? • A (excellent) • B (above average) • C (average) • D (below average) • F (poor) 2. In the last three (3) years, did the community's business climate get stronger, weaker, or stay the same? • Got stronger • Got weaker • Stayed the same 3. How do you think Rosemount's business climate will change in the next 1— 2 years ? • Get stronger • Get weaker • Stay the same 4. Are there any businesses/ types of businesses that are MISSING from Rosemount that would either help you as a businessperson or be a compliment to your business? S. Questions / Comments / Concerns / Suggestions? Topic: City Website 1. How often do you go on the City of Rosemount website? • Never • Rarely (1— 2 / year) • Sometimes (3 — 6 times per year) • Often (7 + times per year) 2. How would you rate the OVERALL QUALITY of the City website? Less Quality 1 2 3 4 5 Great 3. Do you go to the Website for Business - related information? • Yes • No • Not Applicable 4. How would you rate the usability of the City website? Not Usable 1 2 3 4 5 Very Usable S. How would you rate the QUANTITY of information on the City website? Not Enough Info 1 2 3 4 5 Too Much Info 6. How would you rate the QUALITY OF INFORMATION on the City website? Low Quality Info 1 2 3 4 5 Great Quality Info 7. Questions / Comments / Concerns / Suggestions? Topic: City / Economic Development Department Services 1. Are you familiar with the free Open to Business consulting offered through the City? • Yes, I have heard of this. • No, I have not heard of this. 2. Would you like to receive information about this program? • Yes, I would like to get information. • No, thank you. 3. Would you like to receive some local /state economic development materials? • Yes • No 4. What is the likelihood you would contact the Economic Development Department for help in running or growing your business? Not Likely 1 2 3 4 5 Very Likely 5. Are you interested in meeting with City Staff to discuss business issues further? (if yes, must provide contact information) • Yes. Contact: • No 6. Questions / Comments / Concerns / Suggestions? Topic: Business Emails 1. Do you receive the business emails from the City? o Yes o Don't receive o Don't read o Would like to receive 2. How often to you read the emails? o Every Week o Sometimes o Not very often o Never 3. How would you rate the USEFULNESS of information in the business emails? Not Useful 1 2 3 4 5 Very Useful 4. How would you rate the QUANTITY of information in the business emails? Not Enough 1 2 3 4 5 Too Much 5. What topics would you like to see covered in the business emails? 6. Questions/ Comments/ Concerns/ Suggestions? Topic: Workforce 1. How many employees does your company currently have? 2. Is this more or less than you had a year ago? • More • Less 3. How do you expect the number of your employees to change in the next year? • Decrease by 20 or more • Decrease by 10 • Decrease by 5 • Stay the same • Increase by 5 • Increase by 10 • Increase by 20 or more 4. Does the number of employees change significantly throughout the year due to seasonality of your industry? • Yes • No 5. How easy or difficult is it to find employees appropriate for your business in or near our community? Very Difficult 1 2 3 4 5 Very Easy 6. How often to you utilize an employment agency to hire additional employees? o Never o Rarely (1- 2 year) o Sometimes (3 — 6 times per year) o Often (7 + times per year) 7. Questions / Comments / Concerns / Suggestions? Topic: Community Strengths / Weaknesses 1. Rate the Improvement Needs in Community Appearance of buildings Appearance of business signs Cleanliness of sidewalks Cleanliness of streets Congested streets near your business Parking near your business Pedestrian access to your business Street lighting Variety of stores Other Improvements Needed? Needs Needs Does Not Not Significant Improvement Need Applicable Improvement Improvement O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O (Rate Significance of Each) O O O O O O O O O O O O 2. Questions / Comments / Concerns / Suggestions? Topic: Investment Flans 1. What LOCATION changes are you currently considering? • None Details: • Improve Current Location • Expand Current Location • Expand to Additional Location • Move • Sell • Close • Other 2. Do you own or lease this location? • Own • Lease 3. If financial assistance were available, would you consider building improvements or business expansion? • Yes • No o Don't know 4. If possible, what would be the top 2 things you would improve about your location? 5. What is the likelihood you would contact the Economic Development Department for help in improving / expanding your business location? Not Likely 1 2 3 4 5 Very Likely 6. Questions / Comments / Concerns / Suggestions? The City of R o s e m o u n t is conveniently located 15 miles south of the Twin Cities metropolitan area. With land area of nearly 36 square miles, Rosemount residents enjoy the advantages of living in a community with an atmosphere of both a small town and a large metropolitan city. Unusual for a city of its size, Rosemount combines industry, agriculture, and agricultural research with a rapidly growing residential community providing an excellent environment in which to live and work. • Nnneepml' • St. Pal MinneapolisiSt. Paul International Airport 52 Rosemount L Why Rosemount? • Population increased by half, 2000 -2010. Access to Transportation • Four -lane Highway 52 runs through Rosemount. • 10 miles from Interstate 35 via County Road 46. • 8 miles to Minneapolis -St. Paul International Airport. • Rail access within city limits. • Households were estimated at 7729 for 2012. Rosemount is also home to more than 300 businesses. • Of 36 square miles in City borders, about one -third is developed. • University of Minnesota is designing UMore Park in Rosemount and the neighboring township that will bring 20,000 - 30,000 additional residents in the next 25 - 30 years. • City Council has directed staff to expedite planning decision making to support economic development. E M 0 U �T MINNESOTA New Housing Units (2009 -2013) aa+ +�2 ,i 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 The city of Rosemount has a high median income relative to the state average, a highly educated workforce, and the second highest median house value compared to all communities in Dakota County. Why Rosemount? • Household size is larger than the metropolitan average with 2.88 persons per household. • The community is young, with 33% of the population under 20 years of age. More than half the City is under 40 years of age. • The median income of Rosemount households is 41% greater than the state and 25% greater than the Metro at $80,841. • Over 75% of the adult population participates in the labor force, creating disposable income for shopping and services. • Rosemount residents are highly educated, with 51% of adults having earned a Bachelor's Degree or higher. • Over 240,000 potential consumers within 5 miles radius of City. Age Distribution 20% 101/0 - 5% 0% O GT O N� � 73 p CS11 Oi Demographics of the Market Sources: ' Applied Geographic Solutions, 2013, `Esri Community 3 Analyst, 2012, From intersection of Hwy 3 and County Road 42. Why Rosemount? Business park land is located just 20 minutes away from Minneapolis / St. Paul (MSP) International Airport. Business sites have direct access to St. Paul in the north and Rochester in the south from State Highway 52, and to Minneapolis from I -35 via County Road 46. The Rosemount Business Park is designated a "Shop el- Ready Site" by the State of Minnesota, one of only 15 in the state. Education attainment levels in Rosemount are high with 51% of residents having..,;.+'"" college degrees and 95.6% having high school diplomas. • The City has an economic development partnership with the University of Minnesota, highlighting the UMore property and its future sustainable Business Park. UMore Park is 5,000 acres of landholdings of the University of Minnesota that currently is used for agricultural research but is scheduled to become a new development with up to 30,000 new residents and over 500 acres _r], — ;_ — and commercial ventures. Is Businesses can obtain a customized training program with a local partner, Dakota County Technical College, part of Minnesota's state college DAKOTA COUNTY system. TECHNICAL COLLEGE Rosemount has low utility rates compared with the metropolitan area. The City Council has lowered the City's tax levy in the last three years. • In 2004 the City Council recommitted to redevelopment of the historic Downtown. In the six -block Downtown, located on Hwy 3 (12,600 ADT), there are redevelopment sites and space for lease. TO BUSINESS • Starting in 2013 the City of Rosemount began hosting free business consulting once per month through Open to Business. • City recently incorporated Online Business Incubator into their website. City of Rosemount Kim Lindquist Community Development Director kim.lindquist @ci.rosemount.mn.us Phone: 651 - 322 -2020