HomeMy WebLinkAbout4. Utility Commission Minutes August 12, 2013UTILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES August 12, 2013 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on August 12, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City Hall, 2875 145' Street West, Rosemount. President Harmsen called the meeting to order with Commissioners Mulhern and Speich, Executive Director Brotzler, Assistant City Engineer Olson, WSB Consultant Alms, and Recording Secretary Harrington attending. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA None AUDIENCE INPUT None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Mulhern. Second by Speich. Motion to approve the minutes of the July 8, 2013 regular Utility Commission meeting. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS 6a. MS4 Permit — Scope of Services and Fee Executive Director Brotzler provided a summary of the staff report. The city is mandated under the Clean Water Act to prepare and submit an MS4 SWPPP Application for Reauthorization for the NPDES /SDS General Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit MNR040000. The submittal of the application for reauthorization is due to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) within 150 days from its reissuance date of August 1, 2013. Staff is recommending the Utility Commission authorize the preparation of the MS4 SWPPP Application for Reauthorization. Once the application and reauthorization of the MS4 permit is complete another scope of services will be provided for the review of the existing SWPPP to determine where it may be necessary to expand or make revisions. Commissioner Mulhern questioned whether the University of Minnesota properties would be included within the plan. Mr. Brotzler explained that the known contamination on the property is to be addressed by the University and future developers, and ultimately will be responsible for environmental contamination remediation plans. The SWPPP encompasses storm water discharge and contamination from runoff, not from existing in- ground contanuination. Motion by Harmsen. Second by Speich. Motion to authorize the preparation of the MS4 SWPPP plication for Reauthorization. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0. Motion carried. 6b. Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization Plan Update — Comment Letter Executive Director Brotzler provided a summary of the staff report. The Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization (VRWJPO) is beginning the update of its watershed management plan. In advance of this update, the VRWJPO is requesting comments from its member communities. Staff is requesting Utility Commission review and consideration of the draft comment letter and consideration to recommend City Council authorization to submit to the VRWJPO. Mr. Brotzler explained the main intent of the letter is to determine if directing overflow south to the Vermillion River Watershed is an option for the city in evaluating overflow for critical events. It is an inquiry only, not a commitment. Once it is determined to be an option, cost effectiveness would need to be monitored diligently prior to moving forward since, along with other variables, discharge into the watershed may at some point become limited, requiring additional storage facilities and the expenses associated with those facilities. Commissioner Mulhern expressed concerns that water charges would be based upon total area rather than actual volume directed to the watershed. He also stated that redirecting overflow to a watershed goes against the city's plan to self - maintain water. Commissioner Harmsen concurred that controlling our own destiny and keeping funds within our community should be a priority. Discussion included current concerns within the DNR regarding aquifer levels and that our current infiltration system recharges the aquifer better than surrounding communities because of our use of infiltration ponds; but some level of protection for excess overflow due to critical events is warranted. The level of protection the city determines to be feasible will need to be evaluated; be it a 50, 100, or 125 year event. Currently excess overflow options include creating more infiltration ponds or directing overflow to the Mississippi River to the east. Since the comment letter is only an inquiry, it will give the city another option to evaluate when making those decisions. Motion by Speich. Second by Harmsen. Motion to recommend authorization for Cit\T Council to submit the comment letter. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0. Motion carried. 2 6c. Antenna Lease Procedures and Fees Executive Director Brotzler provided a summary of the staff report. Staff is proposing an addendum to the 2013 Schedule of Rates and Fees to include a schedule of rates for cellular antenna equipment located on City water towers or other City property. Staff is seeking Utility Commission recommendation to the City Council to approve the proposed rates as outlined below. Cash deposit (covers plan review, construction inspections, site restoration, meetings, etc.) • $5,000 for modification of existing equipment • $7,000 for new equipment • Amount will be reconciled at end of projectFpR Annual Rent • $24,000 (includes up to six antennas and 150 square feet of ground space) • $15,000 for a monopole (includes up to 150 square feet of ground space) • 5% annual rent increase 4 MOSS Other Charges • $25 /square foot /year for ground space exceeding 150 square feet • $2,500 per antenna for each additional antenna beyond the first six • Negotiated charges for other miscellaneous items (additional cables, satellite dishes, or other equipment not specified herein) All Commissioners agreed with requesting escrow upfront and with charges delineated in packet and agreed that they are in line with neighboring communities and provide financial protection for services provided in the early planning stages. The use of a standard, city issued id number for leases and modifications will provide needed consistency. Motion by Harmsen. Second by Mulhern. Motion to recommend that the City Council approve the proposed antenna rates and authorize an amendment to the 2013 Schedule of Rates and Fees. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0. Motion carried. PRESIDENT'S REPORT President Harmsen did not have anything new to report. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 8a. City Projects Update Olson offered highlights of the project update that was included in the packet. Executive Director Brotzler also reviewed the current Park and Recreations projects currently underway. 8b. 2013 Well Pumping Report Pumping records included in the packet were reviewed and it was noted the numbers are still down for the year, but anticipate the relatively dry August will cause the numbers to increase. 8c. Set Next Meeting Agenda for September 9, 2013 Verizon Antenna Lease and Annual Tour ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss and upon a motion by Harmsen second by Mulhern, all in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, { >< SPIN, 4 ngton Secretary