HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Downtown Business Meetings Update 4 ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PORT AUTHORITY Port Authority Date: October 15, 2013 AGENDA ITEM: Downtown Business Meetings Update AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Deputy Director AGENDA NO. 5.b. ATTACHMENTS: Survey APPROVED BY: 00) RECOMMENDATION: Information only. ISSUE Out of the 84 Downtown businesses and business owners to be visited by the Port Authority, staff has received completed questionnaires for 20 businesses. Following is a summary of the responses received. B-Average The majority of the responding businesses gave the City of Rosemount a grade of B-Average as a place to do business. Small Town Feel Most businesses listed the"small town feel" as what they liked about doing business in Rosemount. Specific Concerns to Address For specific concerns to address and what the City could do to improve business in Rosemount, 5 out of the 20 responding businesses stated the sign ordinance is too restrictive. Other concerns noted were public parking (2 businesses) and the City needs to bring more businesses and rooftops to Rosemount. Missing Businesses Retail and specialty shops are noted as the type of businesses most missing. Considering Changes or Improvements to Property Of the businesses that were visited, five of them stated they would like to someday expand, either at their current location or to a new location elsewhere in Rosemount. The results were even with respect to doing building improvements if financial assistance was available. Most of the downtown businesses are tenants leasing their location so changes or improvements to the property are not possible, even if desired. Ten businesses indicated they would like to receive economic development materials. Items That Need Significant I r m Improvement Parking concerns were noted by nine businesses as being a problem, especially in the winter when plowing is an issue and also with the new signs posted in the Rosemount Plaza lot which eliminates another option for parking for non-Plaza customers. The next ranking items noted as needing improvement were appearance of signs (6), appearance of buildings (6),lack of variety of stores (5) and congested streets (2). Aware of the Downtown Framework? Of the 20 businesses visited, only one business stated they were "very aware" of the Framework. Eleven businesses stated they were"somewhat" familiar,while six businesses stated they were "not at all" familiar. Twelve businesses indicated they supported the Framework,and only one business stated they do not. Business Emails With respect to the weekly business emails, the majority of the responding businesses stated the emails were "somewhat"useful. Those businesses that stated they do not receive the emails were added to the list. Other Comments The "other comment" section open for any comment or concern of the business consisted of the following: • When winter is here, the small lots become so much smaller due to snow and we lose customers because there are no parking spaces available. Our employees try to park in the bigger lots in town and walk to work in the winter- that has now become an issue since we are unable to do that. Signs have been posted that they will be towed. • Window signage is one thing that is not consistent throughout the town. Some businesses are allowed to have obnoxious neon signs and other businesses aren't allowed to have very tasteful professionally drawn and installed signage. • Flowers and downtown area look great. Businesses should help pay. Police and street crews are great. Thinks we need a business advocate in City Hall (lack of trust). Building department is most difficult to work with. Need to work with businesses instead of quick "no" or "can't" answers. Get feeling that businesses are serving Government- not Government serving the people. Thinks attitude of City Hall is not customer service focused. If I had a choice, I would not go to City Hall. • I have been thinking about moving or expanding my business (new building?). Cannot seem to relocate due to regulations and availability of the land. • Signage-there should be a one-time$50 permit for every business to own a sign in town with a sticker from the city on it. Some signs are too low, there should be a minimum height or clearance. • Do not want customers from other businesses using their lot; they should be using the MVTA lot. Think the appearance of adjoining parking lot is in poor condition and would think the city could require improvements. • City of Eagan has a very nice newsletter they send to their businesses. • People have suggested that she move to Apple Valley, that the business climate is better there. It can be difficult to get onto Hwy 3 from her parking lot. 2 • I have nothing to compare to though I have found it fairly easy to communicate (with the City) and resolve issues to I think that is a bonus. Most buildings look okay- too many styles. Love the planters and street lamps. Not enough parking in some areas. We are fine here for now. Would love to see more retail. • Street (Cameo Avenue) is congested during school hours (7:30am) on rainy or snowy days. RECOMMENDATION Information only. 3 BUSINESS OWNER QUESTIONAIRE Business Name Interviewer(s) Address Date of Visit Website Bus. Phone Interviewee Title Email 1. What year was this business established at this location? 2. What overall grade would you give Rosemount as a place to do business? o A (excellent) o B (above average) o C (average) o D (below average) o F (poor) 3. What are some things that you like about doing business in Rosemount? 4. What specific concerns would you like to see addressed? 5. What is the most significant thing Rosemount could do to help improve your business activity? 6. Are there any businesses/types of businesses that are MISSING from Rosemount that would either help you as a businessperson or be a compliment your business? 7. What LOCATION changes are you currently considering? o None Details: o Improve o Expand o Expand to o Move o Sell o Close o Other 8. Rating the Improvement Needs in Community Needs Needs Does Not Signficnt Improvement Need N/A Improve Improvement Appearance of O O O O buildings Appearance of O O O O business signs Cleanliness of O O O O sidewalks Cleanliness of streets 0 0 0 0 Congested streets O O O O near your business Parking near your O O O O business Pedestrian access to O O O O your business Street lighting 0 0 0 0 Variety of stores 0 0 0 0 Other Improvements Needed? (Rate Significance of Each) O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O O 0 0 9. If financial assistance were available,would you consider building improvements such as facade work? Y/N/M 10. Would you like to receive some local/state economic development materials? 0 Yes 0 No 11. How aware are you of the Downtown Redevelopment Framework? Not at All / Somewhat / Very Aware 12. Do you support this plan to redevelop Downtown? Against / Don't Care / Support 13. Do you receive the business emails from the City? How would you rate the usefulness of the content? o Don't Receive o Not Useful o Don't Read o Somewhat Useful o Would like to Receive o Very Useful Other Comments/Concerns?