HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.r. 2014 Community Funding Application for Landfill Abatement 4ROSEN4OUNTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting Date: November 19, 2013 AGENDA ITEM: 2014 Community Funding Application for AGENDA SECTION: Landfill Abatement Consent PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks & Recreation Director AGENDA NO. (p r ATTACHMENTS: Funding Application and Resolution APPROVED BY: 9DJ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve a resolution authorizing application to Dakota County for funding the City of Rosemount's 2014 Landfill Abatement Program. ISSUE As required by the Dakota County Community Landfill Abatement Program, the City of Rosemount must submit an annual funding application to receive funding for the City's Landfill Abatement Program. The 2014 allocation for Rosemount is $22,000. These funds are used for waste reduction activities, the City's recycling program, and community recycling education. SUMMARY This is a request for Council to approve a resolution authorizing the application to Dakota County for funding the City of Rosemount's 2014 Landfill Abatement Program. C:\Users\ddj'AppData\Locat'Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\8JTX9VRG\11 19 13 Authorizing waste abate application.doc CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2013 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION TO DAKOTA COUNTY FOR FUNDING THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT'S 2014 LANDFILL ABATEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, according to the Dakota County Community Landfill Abatement Program guidelines as established in 1988 and amended in 1989, the City Council of Rosemount must submit a funding allocation and funding application to receive funding for the City's 2014 Landfill Abatement Program;and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has established and desires to maintain a landfill abatement program which promotes recycling,waste reduction, and reuse opportunities in the community and encourages landfill abatement; and NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the 2014 Landfill Abatement Funding Application authorizing the necessary signatures thereon and its distribution to Dakota County. ADOPTED this 19th day of November,2013. William H. Droste,Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk CERTIFICATIONS I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of Rosemount at a duly authorized meeting thereof,held on the 19th day of November,2013,as disclosed by the records of said City in my possession. (SEAL) Amy Domeier, City Clerk C:\Users\ddj\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\8JTX9VRG\11 19 13 Resolution approving funding 2014 application.doc JPA Exhibit 1: 2014 Community Funding Program Application Packet Dakota County,Physical Development Division C >A4$1;. Environmental Resources Department Dale Stoerzinger,952-891-7550,dale.stoerzinger@co.dakota.mn.us Application process:Tammy Drummond,952-891-7003, C O U ry T Y tammy.drummond@co.dakota.mn.us Rosemount 2014 Community Funding Application Packet Application Packet Due Date: November 19,2013 Funding Period: January 1, 2014-December 31, 2014 2013 ANNUAL REPORT DUE DATE February 15,2014 Date Application Submitted ,2013 Submit completed Application Packet by: 1. Uploading to the Dakota County Local Solid Waste Staff(LSWS)SharePoint web site URL: http://sharepoint.co.dakota,mn.us/LSWS/default.aspx Login: Password: 2. Or by sending to dale.stoerzinger@ co.dakota.mn.us or by mail to: Dale Stoerzinger Dakota County Physical Development Division 14955 Galaxie Avenue Apple Valley,MN 55124 Contact Information for Municipality Designated Recycling Coordinator: Tom Schuster Title: Parks Supervisor E-mail: tom.schuster @ci.rosemount.mn.us Mailing Address: 13885 South Robert Trail City/State/Zip: Rosemount,MN 55068 Phone: 651322-6005 FAX Number: 651322-6080 1 Municipality: Rosemount Funding Year: 2014 1. Copy of the Official Resolution or Minutes of the Proceedings Attach an official action from the governing body(e.g.,City Council or Commission) requesting the funding allocation OR a certified copy of the official proceedings of the governing body approving the funding allocation. 2. Workplan Attach a Work Plan that includes activities,timeline,and deliverables. 3. Requested Budget Fill in the summary below and attach an itemized budget in Part VII. Fund Request County Fund Eligibility Admin,Outreach/Education, Priority Issue $22,000 $22,000 LNIF, if allocated $0 TOTAL , $22,000 $22,000 4. Compliance with Public Entity Laws Yes No* MN Stat. 115A.151(internal recycling programs for facilities under the V municipality's control) MN Stat. 115A.552(community recycling programs in place) V MN Stat. 115A.552 (residents have the opportunity to recycle) V MN Stat.473.848 and 115A.471(management of solid waste collected V under contract from municipal operations) *If no,identify the timeline and steps being taken to obtain compliance. I certify that this 2014 Community Funding Application Packet was prepared under my direction or supervision, and that the information is true,accurate,and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that a 2014 Annual Report demonstrating compliance with this application will be submitted to the Department by February 15,2015. Tom Schuster Name of person completing document Signature(electronic signature acceptable) Parks Supervisor Title Date 2 2014 Work Plan/Annual Report L Administration Local Solid Waste Staff(LSWS)Meetings GOAL:Open communications to share activities and results between County and Municipal staff. The municipality's designated recycling coordinator must plan to attend at least four out of the following six LSWS meetings per year. REPORT:When submitting the Annual Report,check each box next to the meetings attended. 2014 Dates ❑ January 9 ❑ July 10 ❑ March 13 ❑ September 11 ❑ May 8 ❑ November 13 Internal Recycling Activities GOAL: Promote recycling and waste reduction in the municipality's administrative buildings. List the activity,general message,date and type of measurement(e.g.,attendees to a presentation, number of labels placed on bins)for each internal outreach activity. REPORT: Update the table with actual measurement when submitting the annual report. Activity/event/ Message Date Type of Actual Metric Communication Measurement Example:Presentation at Parks Paper 3/14/14 Number of 21 attendees Dept. staff meeting reduction attendees (84%of staff); Presentation at Parks Recycling Spring Number of . Department Staff Meeting attendees Send Recycling tips/updates to Recycling/ 2 times- Number of all employees waste spring employees reduction and fall IL Waste Abatement & Residential Recycling Website content GOAL:Consistent recycling and waste abatement messaging through the County. XX I verify that all information on the municipal website regarding solid waste reduction, reuse, recycling,organics diversion and household hazardous waste links to County applicable webpages. Required Communication GOAL: Inform residents of waste abatement opportunities and household hazardous waste services at The Recycling Zone. Each municipality is required to produce at least one written and electronic(if applicable) communication to every new and existing household for each of the following topics: • Recycling(e.g., curbside and drop-off),waste reduction and/or reuse 3 • The Recycling Zone services List the means of outreach,general message,date produced and type of measurement(e.g., number of newsletters distributed)for each activity. REPORT: Update the table with actual measurement when submitting the annual report. Outreach mechanism Message Type Date T e of Actual Measurement Metric Example:Postcard to new Recycling 5/1/14 Readership 1 postcard residents 30 new residents Articles in Spring/Summer Recycling 3-14-14 Readership/households City Newsletter Articles in Fall City Waste 7-25-14 Readership/households Newsletter reduction Articles in Winter/Spring Recycling 12-3-14 Readership/households City Newsletter Zone Required Outreach (Large Communities only) Required of the Rural Solid Waste Commission and communities with over 1,000 households. GOAL: Education of residents including schools and businesses to increase recycling and waste reduction. Each municipality must complete at least FOUR eligible educational activities not covered in the above tables.Suggestions are listed below but other activities may be approved by Department. List the type of measurement(e.g.,attendees to a presentation, number articles published). REPORT: Update the table with actual measurement when submitting the annual report Outreach Message Date Audience Type of Actual mechanism measurement Metric Example:Promote ' Recycling 5/5/14 Residents Event attendance 60 green living at attendees annual River Clean Up Day Event Articles in Spring/ Composting 3/14/14 ' Residents Readership/households Summer City Newsletter Promote recycling Recycling 5/17/14 Residents Readership/households through clean up day promotion Promote recycling Recycling/ 7/26/14 Residents Readership/households through Organic Leprechaun Days composting promotion and collection along the arade route i p 4 Articles in Recycling Winter Residents Readership/households Winter/Spring City Holiday 2013/14 Newsletter lights and & CFL Winter Collection 2014/15 Eligible Educational Activities • Sponsor an event for Earth Day,America Recycles Day or Pollution Prevention Week • Coordinate an event for a school(s)about recycling,waste reduction or HHW • Distribute an additional printed or electronic outreach piece about recycling or waste reduction • Presentation/activity to community group(minimum 10 attendees) • Staff a booth at a community event with waste abatement information • Post social media messages(posts must be at least monthly) • Other educational activity as approved by Department staff as part of the work plan meeting Waste Abatement Events and Activities GOAL: Increase residential recycling in Dakota County Each municipality must develop programs to achieve residential recycling goals. Use the table to list events and activities where materials are collected to be recycled or reused (not disposal).Activities that do not fit into the table requirements should be listed in the narrative below. REPORT:Update the table with actual measurement when submitting the annual report. Update the narrative with activity outcomes. Collection Events and Activities List the event or activity,date conducted,how it was promoted and the type of measurement(e.g., attendees to an event,weight or volume of material collected). Event promotion may also be used in residential outreach and education(above) if the activity also communicates general recycling,waste reduction and reuse knowledge.Activities that are not associated with a date should be described in the narrative questions below. Event/activity Name Date Promotion of Type of Actual Metric activity Measurement Example: "Recycle Your 12/1/14- Facebook post Pounds of lights 47 lbs. of string Holiday Lights"drop-off 1/31/15 Website collected lights at Burnsville Ice Center Newsletter article "Recycle Your Holiday 11/15/13 Poster Number of light Lights" drop-off at —1/31/14 Website strings collected Rosemount Community & Newsletter article Center 11/15/14 —1/31/15 CFL bulb drop off at All year Poster Number of Rosemount Community Website bulbs collected Center Newsletter article 5 Spring Cleanup day 5/17/14 Website Pounds or Newsletter article numbers of Local newspaper recyclable materials collected Leprechaun Days 7/19/14 Newsletter article Pounds of Recycling to Local newspaper Materials 7/26/14 Event Program Collected Recycling Truck in the Leprechaun Days Parade/collection at the parade Fall Cleanup day 10/4/14 Website Pounds or Newsletter article numbers of Local newspaper recyclable materials collected NOTE:to add another row,click in the last box of the table and press TAB. 1.Describe other waste abatement activities and/or program development conducted by municipality,such as managing bulky waste. At our Spring and Fall clean up days we separate out the following materials from the waste stream and recycle them: • Appliances • Automotive batteries • Bicycles • Carpeting • Electronics • Mattresses/box springs • Scrap metal • Tires We will invite the Salvation Army back to our Spring Clean up event this year to provide a reuse option for some of the materials brought to our site for disposal. III. 2014 Waste Abatement Planning 1.Describe efforts to identify a quantitative waste diversion baseline and annual goal for your municipality(e.g.,pounds recycled per household). In 2014 Rosemount will work with its licensed residential haulers and with Dakota County and other Local Solid Waste Staff(LSWS) members to attempt to develop a baseline for waste diversion and goals for improving the diversion rate. 6 2.Describe planning efforts to implement municipality-wide organics diversion. Rosemount will work with Dakota County and with other Local Solid Waste Staff members to begin to develop a plan to implement municipality wide organics diversion. IV. Priority Issue GOAL: Provide consistent recycling opportunities for public gathering areas, including parks, public areas,events and in municipally-owned non-administrative buildings. Municipalities must coordinate to offer recycling in public areas by the end of 2015. Fill out the following workplan by selecting the activities under each Goal that your municipality will accomplish during 2014 and what you think will be done in 2015. For the checked activities, identify when the activity will be completed(timeline). Expand on activity details if needed. REPORT: Fill in the 2014 Results column with outcomes and/or actual diversion measurements. Public Area Recycling Timeline 2014 Results Objective 1: Provide recycling collection in park shelters and along major trails,and applicable public areas ❑Form a team of stakeholders nC Review goals and expectations Summer 14 0 Get community input X Evaluate parks, public areas Summer 14 } nList characteristics/challenges of Summer 14 w each park X Prioritize parks, public areas Summer 14 ❑Conduct a waste sort(if needed) X Determine needs for each park Summer 14 c ❑ Request labels/signs/bins from Summer 14 E department E ❑Post labels/signs ❑Relocate existing bins ❑ Place new bins Summer 14 111 Identify maintenance improvements : ❑Announce changes to municipal staff ❑Announce changes to public E ❑Place signs explaining program at v parks 7 ❑Announce changes to public Objective provide recycWWi g cone tton.in municipally owned and operated buildings. ❑Form a team of stakeholders "° X Review goals and expectations Summer 14 ❑Get input(e.g.,vendors,community) ' X Evaluate buildings Summer 14 - XX ___ List characteristics/challenges of Summer 14 w each ❑Assess waste collected (e.g.,waste sort) ❑Determine needs for each building I � `. X-Request labels/signage from County Summer 14 lw — - ▪ X Post labels/signage Summer 14 — • X Relocate existing bins (if needed) Summer 14 X- Place new bins (if needed) Summer 14 El Maintenance improvements cu"";., ❑Announce changes to municipal staff ❑Announce changes to public ___________________ _________ _.W .__. E• ❑Place signs explaining pro ram at parks arks � - e;:.. Y Y Y {i: 0 " 0 ® ®. . P411 Y Y i :Y ..t:^ W a ` . ` i T 4,44. 9� - n @ 4 k T° i • 'M Leprechaun Days July 19–26,2014 8,000–10,000 Recycling and Organics 8 V. local Negotiated Initiative Funding Is your municipality applying for LNIF: C]Yes YKNo The 2014 Local Negotiated Initiative Fund(LNIF)focuses on organics diversion from residents and business recycling outreach. LNIF projects and programs are negotiated with Environmental Resources Department staff prior to submittal of the Application. Department approval is required to receive funding. Eligible LNIF projects: • Education and operation expenses supporting and promoting organics diversion for residents. • Recycling and/or organics diversion education/communication program for businesses. • Recognition program for businesses that implement waste reduction, reuse, recycling andjor organics diversion. • Organics diversion at municipality-sponsored events,such as parades, municipal celebrations, or other short-duration events. • Priority Issue development/completion. • OTHER activity that enhances organics diversion or business recycling or organics diversion LNIF Work Plan and Annual Report: Please identify and describe the proposed activities that your municipality will undertake in the current application year. Please note that LNIF project results must be included in the 2014 Annual Report and include all the below information: 1. Identify the cost and type of LNIF project from the above list of eligible projects that your municipality would like to complete. Name of project: Total cost: 2. Summarize in two or three paragraphs the work that your municipality would like to perform in this LNIF project area. Include a brief description of why you chose the specific project area, including a discussion of the municipal need. 3. Complete the Work Plan below for each approved initiative. The 2014 results column must be completed at the end of the year. 9 Materials LNIF Activity Timeline produced Cost 2014 Results (if applicable) Goal 1: Goal 2(if applicable):' • Goal 3(if applicable): REPORT:Answer the following questions when submitting the Annual Report. 4. Describe challenges encountered and possible solutions learned with the project. 5. Briefly describe how the LNIF project will be sustainable after this funding period. 10 VI. 2014 Community Funding Budget and Expense Form Municipalities must enter estimated costs per line item based on the total community allocation. LNIF allocations are identified separately. Please list all municipality contributions(i.e.,financial,staffing, other). Use another table if necessary. Municipality contributions are not mandatory but help the Department identify needs for this program.The total County share may not exceed the "amount of funds eligible for" provided by County staff in the application. Funding from budgets may not be carried over to the next year. County Funds Municipality Total Expense Funds/In-Kind (County+Municipality) Funds/Staff Salary 11,000 12,000 23,000 Mileage 200 200 400 Training/Subscription/Membership 100 100 200 Consultant/temporary help 3,400 1,500 4,900 Design/printing 3,000 3,000 Distribution/mailing 300 300 Advertisement 100 900 1,000 Promotional Items 100 300 400 Special events fees 4,100 1,400 5,500 Data collection/evaluation Containers LNIF Total $22,000 16,700 $38,700 TOTAL* $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 *NOTE:To update formulas, press Ctrl+A,then press F9 Please identify the total percent FTE for your municipality to coordinate this program: 30 % 11 2014 Community Funding Performance Scorecard The Community Funding Program enables each municipality to work with Department staff to develop and implement projects and programs for waste abatement towards achieving Master Plan objectives. Administration Work needs to be Meets goals done to meet goals Residential Curbside Recycling Services Provided Residents have access to curbside recycling through a private hauler or municipality-sponsored program. Designated municipality staff attended at least 4 out of 6 municipality/county meetings per year. Municipality participated in and submitted annual Work Plan,with Budget Waste abatement efforts in municipal operations continued Annual report is complete and submitted on time Waste Abatement& Residential Recycling Work needs to be Meets goals done to meet goals Yom °� 31 " 4 ppli 1 Municipality uses resources from the Residential and Business Toolkits (articles, images,etc.), provided by the Department Printed and electronic recycling resources for residents follow the Dakota County style guidelines for logo and website references, and use terminology andjor images provided by the Department. The municipality website content for solid waste management and household hazardous waste links to the County's respective webpages. At least one written and electronic(when applicable) communication is distributed to every stin household about recycling,waste reduction and/or reuse. At least one written and electronic(when applicable) communication is distributed to every new household about recycling,waste reduction and/or reuse. At least one written and electronic(when applicable) communication is distributed to every existing household 12 about The Recycling Zone services. At least one written and electronic(when applicable) communication is distributed to every new household about The Recycling Zone services. At least four additional education activities accomplished from a menu of options developed by the Department. Accuracy of information is verified with Department staff before distribution. Printed materials identify funding source. Quantitative and qualitative measurements related to Master Plan objectives for each communication and outreach activity are provided. ' g ., - .- :a i1' d A municipality waste diversion baseline and annual goal for municipality is developed. Programs to achieve the residential recycling goal are developed/implemented. Planning is underway to implement municipality-wide organics diversion. Quantitative and qualitative measurements related to Master Plan objectives for each project/program activity is provided. Priority Issue Work needs to be Meets goals done to meet goals Recycling collection is offered in municipality-owned non- administrative facilities (e.g., community centers). Recycling collection is offered in park shelters and along major trails as well as applicable public areas. Recycling collection is offered at municipality-sponsored events. Follow best practices provided by the Department. Park,event, public space and internal recycling and trash collection containers are labeled with signs/labels provided by the Department. Residents and applicable coordinators/staff are educated about recycling in parks, public areas and events. L:\TOM\Solid waste,Recycling,&Clean ups\Annual Waste Abatement Applications\2014\Rosemount Application(Most Complete).docx 13