HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.c. Director's Report44ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting: October 31, 2013 Park Improvement Fund Balance as of October 31, 2013: $454,303.54 Inflows to the Park Improvement Fund last month were as follows: Dedication fees — $0 Giants/Other - $0 Interest - $13.29 Donations - $0 Expenditures - $ 9,606.02 (UMore Ball Fields and Tennis Courts) Jaycee Park Playground - Work on the Jaycee Park playground is nearly complete. The city is working with a local firm, Boulder Images, to construct a stone border around the playground area. The stones will serve several purposes. They will be used in the construction of a necessary retaining wall between the upper and lower terrace in the playground area. Because of their size, the stones will also provide play opportunities for our smaller playground users and an interesting seating area for older kids and adults. Garden Plot Program — The garden plot program has ended for the year. The gardens have been tilled again for the winter. At this time there are no plans to expand the program or create any additional plots for next year. Carroll's Woods Eagle Scout Project - For his Eagle Scout project, a local Boy Scout, Michael Sampers, improved the trails in Carroll's Wood by spreading lime rock on eroded, rutted, and uneven portions of the trails. The city provided the material and Michael and his crew spread it out. Besides being an Eagle Scout candidate, Michael is also a member of the Rosemount High School Cross Country team. Since the team uses Carroll's Wood for their training, the trail improvement project not only satisfies his Eagle Scout requirements, it also makes the trails safer for Michael and his teammates. Friday Night Live - On Friday, October 25, the Parks and Recreation Department, along with Lighthouse Church, sponsored a "Friday Night Live" Halloween Costume Party for students in grades 6, 7 and 8. Approximately 185 kids participated in this fun event which featured live DJ music and dancing, open gym, a dodge ball tournament, free Halloween scene photographs (by a professional photographer), AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: Director's Report New Business AGENDA NO. PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks & Recreation Director 7 c. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, discussion only. Park Improvement Fund Balance as of October 31, 2013: $454,303.54 Inflows to the Park Improvement Fund last month were as follows: Dedication fees — $0 Giants/Other - $0 Interest - $13.29 Donations - $0 Expenditures - $ 9,606.02 (UMore Ball Fields and Tennis Courts) Jaycee Park Playground - Work on the Jaycee Park playground is nearly complete. The city is working with a local firm, Boulder Images, to construct a stone border around the playground area. The stones will serve several purposes. They will be used in the construction of a necessary retaining wall between the upper and lower terrace in the playground area. Because of their size, the stones will also provide play opportunities for our smaller playground users and an interesting seating area for older kids and adults. Garden Plot Program — The garden plot program has ended for the year. The gardens have been tilled again for the winter. At this time there are no plans to expand the program or create any additional plots for next year. Carroll's Woods Eagle Scout Project - For his Eagle Scout project, a local Boy Scout, Michael Sampers, improved the trails in Carroll's Wood by spreading lime rock on eroded, rutted, and uneven portions of the trails. The city provided the material and Michael and his crew spread it out. Besides being an Eagle Scout candidate, Michael is also a member of the Rosemount High School Cross Country team. Since the team uses Carroll's Wood for their training, the trail improvement project not only satisfies his Eagle Scout requirements, it also makes the trails safer for Michael and his teammates. Friday Night Live - On Friday, October 25, the Parks and Recreation Department, along with Lighthouse Church, sponsored a "Friday Night Live" Halloween Costume Party for students in grades 6, 7 and 8. Approximately 185 kids participated in this fun event which featured live DJ music and dancing, open gym, a dodge ball tournament, free Halloween scene photographs (by a professional photographer), games such as air hockey, ping pong, dome hockey and foosball, and socializing with friends. This is one of two 2013-14 school year events planned collaboratively for middle school age students. The next "Friday Night Live" is scheduled for Friday, April 25, 2104 and will feature a huge inflatable obstacle course. Parenting Conference - The Parks and Recreation Department participated in the 8th Annual District 196 Parenting Conference held on Saturday, November 2, at Eastview High School. This year's keynote presentation was "Developing A Child's Star Qualities" with Paul Bernabei and Tom Cody from Top 20 Trainers. The Parks and Recreation Department was one of 24 organizations that participated in the conference resource fair, providing information to parents on our programs, events and activities. Neighborhood Enhancements - In the last few weeks six seating areas were constructed along trails in Rosemount. At the intersection of Auburn Avenue and Bloomfield Path, at Biscayne Park and at Claret Park, concrete pads upon which steel benches and trash receptacles will be placed have been poured, and perennials have been planted around the pads. Near the Shannon Parkway and Connemara Trail underpasses and at the north end of Meadows Park, more rustic seating areas have been created using natural materials and large stones for benches. These six are the first of approximately 12 -20 seating areas that will be created along our trail network in the next few years.