HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Receive Feasibility Report and Authorize the Preparation of Plans and Specifications – 2014 Street Improvements Project, City Project 455 ROSEMOUNTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting: January 7, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Receive Feasibility Report and Authorize the Preparation of Plans and AGENDA SECTION: Specifications— 2014 Street New Business Improvements Project, City Project 455 PREPARED BY: Phil Olson, PE, Assistant City Engine AGENDA NO. q.a. ATTACHMENTS: Feasibility Report; Resolution; Maps APPROVED BY: v 41 RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: Motion to Adopt a Resolution Receiving the Feasibility Report and Authorize the Preparation of Plans and Specifications for the 2014 Street Improvements Project, City Project 455. ISSUE: Consider receiving the feasibility report and authorizing the preparation of plans and specifications for the 2014 Street Improvements Project. BACKGROUND: At the November 5,2013 regular Council meeting,the Council authorized the preparation of the Feasibility Report for the 2014 Street Improvements, City Project 455. Detailed project information is included in the attached Feasibility Report. A map illustrating the project area and proposed improvements is also attached. The estimated engineering fee for final design is $39,200. This includes the following activities: • Preparation of plans and specifications • Preparation of construction estimates • Inclusion of City striping with project contract • Preparation of bidding documents, advertisement for bids, and recommendations on award of bids The preliminary estimated construction cost is $714,300. City striping is roughly estimated at$40,000. Based on the preliminary estimated construction cost of$754,300,this represents an estimated fee percentage of 5.2%. The estimated engineering fee for additional project administration services is $11,500. This includes the following activities: • Utility coordination • Staff reports, declaration of costs and presentation • Assessment calculations, assessment roll, and assessment hearing with presentation G:\ENGPROJ\455\Council Items\20140107 CC RecFR AuthPlsp.docx Based on the preliminary estimated construction cost of$754,300,the additional project administration represents an estimated fee percentage of 1.5%. A full presentation of the proposed improvements will be made at the Public Improvement Hearing and Assessment Hearing for the project. These public hearings are tentatively scheduled for May 20, 2014. Shannon Parkway Trail: Trail improvements are not currently included with this project. The Pedestrian Facilities Plan identifies a future trail along the west side of Shannon Parkway from 145`h Street to Connemara Trail. In past roadway projects, improvements to pedestrian facilities have been included with roadway projects as a way for the city to obtain favorable bids by grouping construction activities to together and also reducing the impact to adjacent residents. In this case,the trail improvements can be completed as a separate project without a substantial increase in disturbance to the adjacent residents. Two shorter trail segments currently exist along the west side of Shannon Parkway, from Dearborn Path to 141" Street,and from Dander Court to Connemara Trail. A map of the existing and future trail segments is attached. If Council would like to consider including any trail improvements with this project, staff will provide additional information at the Work Session on January 14, 2014. SUMMARY: Staff recommends Council adoption of the attached resolution receiving the feasibility report and authorizing the preparation of plans and specifications for the 2014 Street Improvement Project, City Project 455. 2 City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West ¤ Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 FEASIBILITY January 7, 2014 2014 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota City Project No. 455 WSB Project No. 1928-12 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: (763) 541-4800 · Fax: (763) 541-1700 wsbeng.com FEASIBILITY REPORT 2014 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CITY PROJECT NO. 455 FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA January 7, 2014 Prepared By: WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 763-541-4800 763-541-1700 (Fax) Feasibility Report 2014 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 455 WSB Project No. 1928-12 engineeringplanningenvironmentalconstruction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 January 7, 2014 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Rosemount th 2875–145Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re:Feasibility Report 2014 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 455 WSB Project No. 1928-12 Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council Members: Transmitted herewith for your review is a feasibility report which addresses improvements associated with the 2014 Street Improvement Project. I am available at your convenience to discuss this report.Please do not hesitate to contact me at 651-322-2015 if you have any questions regarding this report. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Philip C. Olson, PE Project Manager Enclosure St. Cloud Minneapolis St. Paul Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Phil Olson, PE Date: January 7, 2014Lic. No. 47999 PreparedBy: Mitch Hatcher, EIT Date: January 7, 2014 Quality Control Review Completed By: KevinKawlewski, PE Date: January 7, 2014Lic. No. 25496 Feasibility Report 2014 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 455 WSB Project No. 1928-12 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE SHEET LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CERTIFICATION SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...........................................................................................................1 2.STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM...................................................................................2 2.1Introduction.........................................................................................................................2 2.1.1Authorization.........................................................................................................2 2.1.2Scope......................................................................................................................2 2.1.3Data Available.......................................................................................................2 2.2General Background...........................................................................................................3 2.2.1Project Location.....................................................................................................3 2.2.2Project History.......................................................................................................3 2.3Existing Conditions / Proposed Improvements...................................................................4 nd 2.3.1Carrollton 2Addition..........................................................................................4 2.3.2Shannon Parkway..................................................................................................6 th 2.3.3 145Street.............................................................................................................6 2.3.4Municipal Utilities.................................................................................................7 2.3.5Dodd Boulevard Storm Sewer Improvements.......................................................8 2.3.6Trail Improvements: Shannon Parkway.................................................................8 2.4Permits / Approvals............................................................................................................9 2.5Construction Traffic............................................................................................................9 2.6Public Involvement.............................................................................................................9 3.FINANCING................................................................................................................................10 3.1Opinion of Cost.................................................................................................................10 3.2Funding.............................................................................................................................10 4.PROJECT SCHEDULE..............................................................................................................12 5.FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION...........................................................................13 Appendix A Opinion of Probable Cost Appendix B Assessment Calculations Preliminary Assessment Maps Preliminary Assessment Rolls AppendixC Bituminous Coring Location Map Bituminous Coring Logs Appendix D Public Comments Summary Appendix E Pedestrian Facilities Map Appendix F Pavement Condition Index Map Seal Coat Map Feasibility Report 2014 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 455 WSB Project No. 1928-12 1.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 2014Street Improvement Project, City Project 455,was initiated based on the City’s Pavement Management Program. Streets proposed for mill and overlay improvements in 2014 are based on the current roadway conditions and the overall Capital Improvement Program budget. The following improvements are proposed as part of the 2014 Street Improvement Project. Mill and overlay: th Shannon Parkway: Connemara Trail to 145Street nd Local streets within the Carrollton 2Addition 145thStreet: South Robert Trail (TH 3) to railroad tracks Storm sewer improvements: Dodd Boulevard and Covington Avenue Sealcoaton select roadways: rd Glendalough 3Addition th Street: Diamond Path to Shannon Parkway 145 th 156Street: Shannon Parkway to Claret Avenue Columbia Court Columbary Court Cornell Trail: Shannon Parkway to Claret Avenue Crestone Path Crestone Court Cornell Court th Lower 147Court Feasibility Report 2014 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 455 WSB Project No. 1928-12 Page 1 2.STREETIMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2.1Introduction 2.1.1Authorization On November 5, 2013, the RosemountCity Council authorized the preparation of an engineering feasibility report for the 2014Street Improvement Project.This project has been designatedas City Project No. 455. 2.1.2Scope The 2014Street Improvement Projectis a continuation of the City’s initiativein 2010to prioritize Pavement Management funding formill and overlayprojects focused on long- term preservation of the roadway network. Improvements within this report have been proposed to address these pavement distresses in accordance with the City’s Pavement Management Plan. Roadways identified formill and overlay improvementsbased onthe 2013RosemountOverall Condition Index (OCI)include: th Shannon Parkway between Connemara Trail and 145Street nd Carrollton 2Addition Crestview Drive - Crandall Avenue - th 147Street between Crestview Avenue and Covington Avenue - th 149Street between Shannon Parkway and Crestview Avenue - th Upper 149Street between Crestview Avenue and Crandall Avenue - th Covington Avenue between Dodd Boulevard and 147Street - th 145Street between Trunk Highway 3 and the east side of the railroad tracks In additionto the roadway improvements above, the following improvements arealso reviewed within this report: Dodd Boulevard storm sewer improvements Trail improvements on the west side of Shannon Parkway 2.1.3Data Available Information and materials used in the preparation of this report include the following: City of Rosemount Utility Plans City of Rosemount Record Plans Field Observations of the Area Private Utility Maps Bituminous Coring Logs City of Rosemount Pavement Condition Index (PCI) Map City of Rosemount Trail and Sidewalk Plan City of RosemountAssessment/Improvement Policy Feasibility Report 2014 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 455 WSB Project No. 1928-12 Page 2 2.2General Background 2.2.1ProjectLocation Roadwaysproposed for improvement with this projectare listedbelow: Shannon Parkway nd Carrollton 2Addition th 145Street Location Map 2.2.2Project History This project was initiated through the continued development and implementation of the Rosemount Pavement Management Program (PMP). A copy of the 2013Pavement Condition Index Map containing the current OCI values for the entire Rosemount street Appendix FFigure 1 network is included in .on the following pageillustrates the typical lifecycle of a pavement utilizing PMP best practices to maintain the OCI rating and extend pavement life by optimizing the timing of maintenance. Feasibility Report 2014 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 455 WSB Project No. 1928-12 Page 3 Figure 1 2.3Existing Conditions/Proposed Improvements nd 2.3.1Carrollton 2Addition Existing Surface Conditions nd Carrollton 2Addition is located southof Dodd Boulevardand east of Shannon Parkway. The roadways within this neighborhood generally consist of 32-foot-wide th urban street sections with surmountable concrete curb and gutter. However,149Avenue contains barrier-style B618 curb andgutterandaB618 concrete curbedmedian with miscellaneous landscaping.The existing right-of-way widths for the streets within this neighborhood are 60feet. nd Figure 2 below is a listing of roadway lengths within the Carrollton 2Addition neighborhoodand their corresponding condition ratings: Figure 2: Pavement Condition Ratings Length Year Street NameFromToOCI (feet)Constructed thth Crestview Avenue880147StreetUpper 149Street198941 thth Crandall Avenue1000147StreetUpper 149Street198949 th 149Street170Shannon ParkwayCrestview Avenue198936 th Upper 149Street280Crestview AvenueCrandall Avenue198946 th 147Street630Crestview AvenueCovington Avenue198958 th Covington Avenue210Dodd Boulevard147Street198963 Feasibility Report 2014 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 455 WSB Project No. 1928-12 Page 4 nd Roadways within the Carrollton 2Addition are aging and experiencing differing severities of edge, longitudinal, and transverse cracking. Additionally, certain locations of the development are experiencing pavement stripping at the interface between the pavement surface and the seal coat. To date, this deterioration is only occurring in the upper portion of the pavement. The photoon the following pageillustratessome of the varying levels of pavement distresses found along Crandall Avenue. th Crandall Avenue near Upper 149Street (Facing North) Pavement coreswere completed by WSB & Associates, Inc. in the fall of 2011.The nd information provided from the coring shows the pavement thickness in the Carrollton 2 Appendix C Addition to be 3inches. The bituminous coring results can be found in . Proposed Surface Improvements nd Streets within the Carrollton 2Addition are proposed forafull width1½-inchpavement mill and overlayalong with spot curband gutterrepair/replacement. Spot curb and gutter repair/replacement will be completed based on a field review of the site during final design. th Covington Avenue between Dodd Boulevard and 147Streetis the northern entrance to nd Carrollton 2Addition. The west side of this roadway is proposed to be reconstructed due to storm sewer replacement. A mill and overlay is then proposed concurrent with the nd other areas of Carrollton 2Addition. Feasibility Report 2014 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 455 WSB Project No. 1928-12 Page 5 ndth Thewestern entrance to the Carrollton 2Addition is 149Street between Shannon Parkway and Crestview Avenue. Based on resident feedback from the public informational meeting, the median island in the roadway is proposed to be removed to provide more room for vehicles turning. 2.3.2Shannon Parkway Existing Surface Conditions Shannon Parkwayconsistsof a 52-foot-wideurban streetwith B618 concrete curb and gutter.Typicalpavementdistresses along Shannon Parkwayinclude differing severities of edge cracking, longitudinal cracking, and transverse cracking.Shannon Parkway is also experiencing anincreasing amount of pavement stripping at the interface between the pavement surface and the seal coat. The existing right-of-way width alongShannon Parkway is 100 feet. th Figure 3 below is a listing of roadway lengths along Shannon Parkwayand 145Street andtheir corresponding condition ratings: Figure 3: Condition Ratings Length Year Street NameFromToOCI (feet)Constructed* th Shannon Parkway1500145StreetDearborn Path198663 Shannon Parkway1600Dearborn PathConnemara Trail198863 *Estimated date of wear course paving Proposed Surface Improvements Afull width 2-inchpavement mill and overlay is proposed along spot curband gutter repair/replacement. Spotcurb and gutter repair/replacement will be completed based on a field review of the site during final design. th 2.3.3145Street Existing Conditions th 145Street consists of a 44-foot-wide urban streetwith B618 concrete curb and gutter. th Typical distresses found along 145Street include differing severities of edge cracking, longitudinal cracking, and transverse cracking. The existing right-of-way width along th and along 145Street is 66 feet. Feasibility Report 2014 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 455 WSB Project No. 1928-12 Page 6 th Figure 4 below is a listing of roadway lengths along 145Streetandtheir corresponding condition ratings: Figure 4: Condition Ratings Length Year Street NameFromToOCI (feet)Constructed* 145th Street270TH 3Burma Avenue198464 145th Street220Burma AvenueBurley Avenue199664 50 feet east of 145th Street400Burley Avenue197569 railroad tracks * Estimated date of wear course paving Proposed Improvements Afull width 2-inchpavement mill and overlay is proposed along spot curband gutter repair/replacement. Spot curb and gutter repair/replacement will be completed based on a field review of the site during final design. 2.3.4Municipal Utilities Existing Conditions nd Existing sanitary sewerand water main facilities located within the Carrollton 2 th Addition and along Shannon Parkwayand 145Streethavebeeninitiallyinspected and determined to be in fair condition. Further investigation of utilities with Public Work staff will take place. nd Numerous storm sewer and sanitary manhole castings within the Carrollton 2Addition, th Shannon Parkway and 145Streetdo not meet the current City standards, making the manholes difficult to access and/or allowingstormwater inflow to occur during rain events. Proposed Improvements Storm sewer and sanitary sewer manhole castings that donot meeting current City standardsare proposed to be removed and replaced.Additionally, manhole castingswith rings in poor condition are proposed to be replaced throughacasting adjustment. All storm sewer and sanitary sewer castings meeting City standards willremain in place. Water main valve box grade adjustments are proposed to be completed as needed. Damaged valve boxesare proposed to berepaired or replaced as necessary. Feasibility Report 2014 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 455 WSB Project No. 1928-12 Page 7 2.3.5Dodd Boulevard Storm SewerImprovements Existing Condition The storm sewer surrounding thepondnortheast of the intersection of Dodd Boulevard and Covington Avenuefills with water when the pond level is high. This has created a maintenanceissuein the wintersince the water freezes and creates an ice buildup on Dodd Boulevard.Prior to winter, City maintenance staff haspumpedthe water level of the pond downto prevent water freezing in the storm sewer. Proposed Improvements Improvements include replacing storm sewer on the east side of the pond and between the th pond and the intersection of 147Street and Covington Avenue. Anoutlet control manhole will be installed at the pond to allowcity maintenance staff to easily regulate the water level in the pond. Lowering the pond level in the winter will eliminate the need for pumping. 2.3.6Trail Improvements: Shannon Parkway The Pedestrian Facilities Planwas adopted by City Council to identify the existing and proposed pedestrian connectionsthroughout the developed areas of the City. The plan was created to link existing pedestrian facilities and to provide a safe and comprehensive Appendix E. network to serve the community. The plan is attached in Identified Trail Improvements The Pedestrian Facilities Planidentifies a future 8-foot bituminous trail along the west thst side of Shannon Parkway from 145Street to DearbornPath and from 141Court to Dander Court. Existing trail along Shannon Parkway is located along the east side of the th roadfrom 145Street to Connemara Trail, on the west side of Shannon Parkway from st Dearborn Path to 141Court,and on the west side of Shannon Parkway from Dander Court to Connemara Trail. The future trail segments described above are notproposed with the 2014 Street Improvement Project. Inpast roadway projects, pedestrian facilities have been included with roadway projects as a way for the City to obtain favorable bids by grouping construction activities together and also reducing the construction impact to adjacent residents. In this case, the trail project can be completed as a separate project without a substantial increase in disturbance to the adjacent residents. If desired by Council, the trail improvements can be constructed in 2014. A cost estimate for the workis included inthis report. Feasibility Report 2014 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 455 WSB Project No. 1928-12 Page 8 Trail Impacts th A largeretaining wall isrequired near 145Street due to the existing steeps slopesnear the roadway. Reducedboulevard widthsare recommendedin this area tohelp reduce the amount of retaining wall required. Trial construction will impact the adjacent properties. Typical impacts include tree removal, fence relocation,and grading within adjacentproperties.The exact grading limits were not determined as part of this reportand work outside of the right-of-way is likely. 2.4Permits / Approvals The National Pollution Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) General Stormwater Permit for Construction Activity maybe required to complete the improvements as proposed. Further review will be completed in final design. 2.5Construction Traffic General construction traffic will include an increase in truck traffic on the streets adjacent to the construction area. Residents and businesses will have access to theirdriveways and properties during construction. Curb replacement directly in front of driveways may temporarily limit access. Property owners with this situation will be contacted prior to construction to determine how alternate access can be provided. th Construction on 145Street will be scheduled to ensure thatCity Hall and the Police Station have adequateaccess for emergency vehicles.This may include weekend paving when traffic levels are lower. 2.6Public Involvement A public informationalmeeting was held on December 5, 2013 for the 2014 Street Improvement Project. The proposed improvements, costs, funding, schedule, and construction impacts were presented to approximately 20 attendees. Comment cards were made available to attendees ofthe meeting. A summary ofthecomments received Appendix D. is provided in A separate public informational meeting was heldon December 5, 2013forbusinesses th impacted bytheimprovements on 145Street. There was no attendance or inquiries for this meeting. Feasibility Report 2014 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 455 WSB Project No. 1928-12 Page 9 3.FINANCING 3.1Opinion of Cost Appendix A Detailed opinions of cost can be found in of this report. The opinions ofcost incorporate estimated2014construction costs and include 10% contingency and 20%for all related indirect costs (legal, administrative, engineering, and financing items). Table 1 below providesa summary of the opinions of cost for the 2014improvements: Table 1:Summary ofCosts nd Carrollton 2Addition Surface Improvements$187,400 Covington Avenue Surface Improvements $28,100 Shannon ParkwaySurface Improvements$312,500 th 145Street Surface Improvements $101,900 Dodd Boulevard Storm Sewer Improvements$84,400 Pavement Management Program Maintenance $50,300 Total$764,600 Trail improvements that are identified on thePedestrian Facilities Planare not proposed with this project but are estimated to be $255,900. 3.2Funding Special Assessments are determinedas set forth by the City’s Assessment Policy and current fee resolution. The City of Rosemount’s 2013Fee Resolution identifies the street assessment rate for overlayprojectsas 35% of the total improvement cost.Improvements along Shannon Parkway and Covington Avenue are proposed to be funded with City funds. A summary of the Appendix B. proposed assessment calculations can be found in A combination of Special Assessments, Street CIP funds, State Aid funds, and Storm Sewer Utility fundsare proposed to fund the project. Table 2 below providesa summary of the estimated assessments. Table 2:Estimated Assessments RateAssessmentUnits/FFTotal Assessment nd Carrollton 2Addition35%$1,180/Unit56Units$66,080 th 145Street 35%$24.38/FF741FF$18,100 Total$84,180 Feasibility Report 2014 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 455 WSB Project No. 1928-12 Page 10 Table 3 providesa summary of the anticipated funding for the proposed improvements. Table 3:Proposed Funding Street Capital Storm Utility State Aid Special Total Improvement FundFundFundAssessments nd Carrollton 2Addition Surface $121,320$0$0$66,080$187,400 Improvements Covington Avenue Surface $28,100$0$0$0$28,100 Improvements Shannon Parkway Surface $312,500$0$0$0$312,500 Improvements th 145Street Surface $0$0$83,800$18,100$101,900 Improvements Dodd Boulevard Storm Sewer $0$84,400$0$0$84,400 Improvements Pavement Management $50,300$0$0$0$50,300 Program Maintenance Total$512,220$84,400$83,800$84,180$764,600 Street Capital Improvement fund is proposed to fund project costs associated with mill and overlay improvements and the City’s annual seal coat program. Project costs for seal coating in 2014 are estimated at $50,300. Feasibility Report 2014 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 455 WSB Project No. 1928-12 Page 11 4.PROJECTSCHEDULE The proposed project schedule is as follows: City Council Receives Feasibility Report / Order Plans and Specifications....................................................................January 7, 2014 ReceivePlans and Specifications / Ratify Advertisement for Bids...................March 18, 2014 Open Bids / Compute Assessments.......................................................................April4, 2014 Declare Costs / Set Assessment Hearing/ Set Improvement Hearing.................April 15, 2014 Receive Bids/Improvement andAssessment Hearing/Award Contract...........May 20, 2014 Construction...................................................................................................June-August2014 Feasibility Report 2014 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 455 WSB Project No. 1928-12 Page 12 5.FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION The following improvements are proposed as part of the 2014Street Improvement Project: Mill and overlay: th Shannon Parkway: Connemara Trail to 145Street nd Local streets within the Carrollton 2Addition th Street: Trunk Highway3 to railroad tracks 145 Storm sewer improvements: Dodd Boulevard and Covington Avenue Seal coat on select roadways. Theproject is feasible, necessary, and cost-effective from an engineering standpoint. It is our recommendation that the improvements be implemented as outlined in this report. Feasibility Report 2014 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 455 WSB Project No. 1928-12 Page 13 APPENDIX A nd Carrollton 2Addition Surface Improvements–Opinion of Probable Cost Covington Avenue Surface Improvements–Opinion of Probable Cost Shannon Parkway Surface Improvements–Opinion of Probable Cost th 145Street Surface Improvements–Opinion of Probable Cost Dodd Boulevard Storm Sewer Improvements–Opinion of Probable Cost Pavement Managements Program Maintenance–Opinion of Probable Cost Shannon Parkway Trail Improvements–Opinion of Probable Cost Feasibility Report 2014 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 455 WSB Project No. 1928-12 Opinion of Probable Cost WSB Project:Design By: 2014 Street Improvement ProjectMLH Project Location:Checked By: City of RosemountKAK City Project No.: 455 WSB Project No:Date: 1928-1211/21/2013 MN/DOTEstimated ItemEstimated SpecificationDescriptionUnitTotalEstimated Total Cost No.Unit Price No.Quantity A. CARROLLTON 2ND ADDITION SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS 12021.501MOBILIZATION (5%)LUMP SUM1$6,500.00$6,500.00 22101.502CLEARING TREE2$100.00$200.00 32101.507GRUBBING TREE2$100.00$200.00 42101.511CLEARING AND GRUBBING - SHRUBEACH10$50.00$500.00 52104.501REMOVE CURB & GUTTERLIN FT1400$6.50$9,100.00 62104.503REMOVE CONCRETE WALKSQ FT600$3.00$1,800.00 72104.505REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENTSQ YD75$8.00$600.00 82104.505REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENTSQ YD150$6.00$900.00 92104.505REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ YD 60$2.00$120.00 102104.509REMOVE CASTINGEACH1$75.00$75.00 112104.511SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)LIN FT400$4.00$1,600.00 122104.513SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)LIN FT410$3.00$1,230.00 132105.501COMMON EXCAVATIONCU YD175$5.00$875.00 142105.522SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV)CU YD150$5.00$750.00 152211.501AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 TON100$15.00$1,500.00 162232.501MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (1.5") (P)SQ YD9200$1.00$9,200.00 172350.501BITUMINOUS PATCH MATERIALTON35$100.00$3,500.00 182357.502BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COATGALLON900$2.50$2,250.00 192360.501TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (2,C)TON850$58.00$49,300.00 202360.502TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEARING COURSE MIX (2,C)TON20$58.00$1,160.00 212360.503TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B) 3.0'' THICKSQ YD150$30.00$4,500.00 222504.602IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIRLUMP SUM1$500.00$500.00 232504.602ADJUST VALVE BOXEACH2$100.00$200.00 242504.602RECONSTRUCT VALVE BOXEACH2$500.00$1,000.00 252506.522ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (SANITARY)EACH9$450.00$4,050.00 262506.522ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (STORM)EACH1$400.00$400.00 272506.522ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (CATCH BASIN)EACH7$200.00$1,400.00 282506.516CASTING ASSEMBLY (CATCH BASIN)EACH1$500.00$500.00 292521.5014'' CONCRETE WALKSQ FT600$4.00$2,400.00 302531.501CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN SPECIALLIN FT1400$16.00$22,400.00 312531.5076" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENTSQ YD75$55.00$4,125.00 322531.618TRUNCATED DOMESSQ FT48$35.00$1,680.00 332563.601TRAFFIC CONTROLLUMP SUM1$2,000.00$2,000.00 342573.530STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTIONEACH15$125.00$1,875.00 352575.505SODDING TYPE LAWN (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERT.)SQ YD700$5.00$3,500.00 Subtotal Schedule A - Carrollton 2nd Addition Surface Improvements $141,890.00 + 10% Contingencies$14,190.00 Subtotal$156,100.00 + 20% Indirect Cost$31,300.00 Schedule A Total - Carrollton 2nd Addition Surface Improvements $187,400.00 K:\01928-120\Quantity\Preliminary\2014-2016 Feasibility Cost Estimate FINAL Opinion of Probable Cost WSB Project:Design By: 2014 Street Improvement ProjectMLH Project Location:Checked By: City of RosemountKAK City Project No.: 455 WSB Project No:Date: 1928-1211/21/2013 MN/DOTEstimated ItemEstimated SpecificationDescriptionUnitTotalEstimated Total Cost No.Unit Price No.Quantity B. DODD BOULEVARD STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS 362021.501MOBILIZATION (5%)LUMP SUM1$3,100.00$3,100.00 372104.501REMOVE SEWER PIPE (STORM)LIN FT335$5.00$1,675.00 382104.501REMOVE CURB & GUTTERLIN FT300$6.50$1,950.00 392104.509REMOVE CASTING EACH1$75.00$75.00 402104.503REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ FT4800$2.00$9,600.00 412104.509REMOVE PIPE APRON EACH2$200.00$400.00 422104.602SALVAGE AND REINSTALL SIGN EACH2$80.00$160.00 432104.513SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)LIN FT450$3.00$1,350.00 442104.523SALVAGE AND REINSTALL MAILBOXEACH3$125.00$375.00 452104.602RELOCATE STREET LIGHT EACH1$2,000.00$2,000.00 462105.501COMMON EXCAVATIONCU YD100$5.00$500.00 472105.522SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV)CU YD100$5.00$500.00 482211.501AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 TON100$15.00$1,500.00 492357.502BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COATGALLON55$2.50$137.50 502360.502TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEARING COURSE MIX (2,C) TON50$58.00$2,900.00 512501.51512" RC PIPE APRON WITH TRASH GUARD EACH1$500.00$500.00 522501.51530" RC PIPE APRON WITH TRASH GUARDEACH1$1,000.00$1,000.00 532503.54112" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS IIILIN FT269$25.00$6,725.00 542503.54130" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS IIILIN FT66$45.00$2,970.00 552503.541CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EACH3$500.00$1,500.00 562504.602RECONSTRUCT VALVE BOXEACH1$500.00$500.00 572506.502CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 48-4020LIN FT10$250.00$2,500.00 582506.502CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE SPECIAL 1EACH1$6,000.00$6,000.00 592506.522ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (STORM)EACH1$400.00$400.00 602506.522ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (CATCH BASIN)EACH2$200.00$400.00 612531.501CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN SPECIALLIN FT300$16.00$4,800.00 622563.601TRAFFIC CONTROLLUMP SUM1$3,000.00$3,000.00 632573.502SILT FENCE, TYPE PREASSEMBLED LIN FT100$1.00$100.00 642573.530STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTIONEACH6$125.00$750.00 652575.501SEEDING (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERT.)ACRE0.5$150.00$75.00 662575.502SEED MIXTURE 260POUND50$2.50$125.00 672575.505SODDING TYPE LAWN (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERT.)SQ YD350$5.00$1,750.00 682575.523EROSION CONTROL BLANKET CATEGORY 3 SQ YD2300$2.00$4,600.00 Subtotal Schedule B - Dodd Boulevard Storm Sewer Improvements $63,917.50 + 10% Contingencies$6,400.00 Subtotal$70,300.00 + 20% Indirect Cost$14,100.00 Schedule B Total - Dodd Boulevard Storm Sewer Improvements $84,400.00 K:\01928-120\Quantity\Preliminary\2014-2016 Feasibility Cost Estimate FINAL Opinion of Probable Cost WSB Project:Design By: 2014 Street Improvement ProjectMLH Project Location:Checked By: City of RosemountKAK City Project No.: 455 WSB Project No:Date: 1928-1211/21/2013 MN/DOTEstimated ItemEstimated SpecificationDescriptionUnitTotalEstimated Total Cost No.Unit Price No.Quantity C. COVINGTON AVENUE SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS 692021.501MOBILIZATION (5%)LUMP SUM1$1,000.00$1,000.00 702104.501REMOVE CURB & GUTTERLIN FT150$6.50$975.00 712104.503REMOVE CONCRETE WALKSQ FT400$3.00$1,200.00 722104.503REMOVE BITUMINOUS WALKSQ FT160$3.50$560.00 732360.501TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (2,C) TON100$58.00$5,800.00 742232.501MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (1.5") (P)SQ YD900$1.00$900.00 752350.501BITUMINOUS PATCH MATERIAL TON10$100.00$1,000.00 762357.502BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON100$2.50$250.00 772504.602ADJUST VALVE BOXEACH2$100.00$200.00 782504.602RECONSTRUCT VALVE BOXEACH3$500.00$1,500.00 792506.522ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (CATCH BASIN)EACH2$200.00$400.00 802507.522ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (SANITARY)EACH1$200.00$200.00 812506.602CASTING ASSEMBLY (STORM)EACH1$500.00$500.00 822521.5014" CONCRETE WALKSQ FT400$4.00$1,600.00 832521.5112.5" BITUMINOUS WALK SQ FT160$3.50$560.00 842531.501CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN SPECIALLIN FT150$16.00$2,400.00 852531.618TRUNCATED DOMESSQ FT48$35.00$1,680.00 862573.530STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTIONEACH4$125.00$500.00 Subtotal Schedule B - Dodd Boulevard Storm Sewer Improvements $21,225.00 + 10% Contingencies$2,130.00 Subtotal$23,400.00 + 20% Indirect Cost$4,700.00 Schedule B Total - Dodd Boulevard Storm Sewer Improvements $28,100.00 K:\01928-120\Quantity\Preliminary\2014-2016 Feasibility Cost Estimate FINAL Opinion of Probable Cost WSB Project:Design By: 2014 Street Improvement ProjectMLH Project Location:Checked By: City of RosemountKAK City Project No.: 455 WSB Project No:Date: 1928-1211/21/2013 MN/DOTEstimated ItemEstimated SpecificationDescriptionUnitTotalEstimated Total Cost No.Unit Price No.Quantity D. SHANNON PARKWAY SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS 872021.501MOBILIZATION (5%)LUMP SUM1$11,200.00$11,200.00 882104.501REMOVE CURB & GUTTERLIN FT550$6.50$3,575.00 892104.503REMOVE CONCRETE WALKSQ FT100$3.00$300.00 902104.503REMOVE BITUMINOUS WALKSQ FT600$3.50$2,100.00 912104.509REMOVE CASTINGEACH13$75.00$975.00 922104.509REMOVE SIGNEACH25$30.00$750.00 932104.511SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)LIN FT30$4.00$120.00 942104.513SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)LIN FT350$3.00$1,050.00 952232.501MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (2.0") (P)SQ YD16600$1.00$16,600.00 962350.501BITUMINOUS PATCH MATERIALTON60$100.00$6,000.00 972357.502BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COATGALLON1820$2.50$4,550.00 982360.501TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (2,C) 2.0" THICKTON2060$58.00$119,480.00 992504.602IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIRLUMP SUM1$500.00$500.00 1002504.602ADJUST VALVE BOXEACH1$100.00$100.00 1012504.602RECONSTRUCT VALVE BOXEACH1$500.00$500.00 1022506.522ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (SANITARY)EACH9$450.00$4,050.00 1032506.522ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (CATCH BASIN)EACH10$200.00$2,000.00 1042506.602CASTING ASSEMBLY (STORM)EACH13$500.00$6,500.00 1052521.5014'' CONCRETE WALKSQ FT700$4.00$2,800.00 1062521.5112.5" BITUMINOUS WALKSQ FT250$3.50$875.00 1072531.501CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN SPECIALLIN FT550$16.00$8,800.00 1082531.618TRUNCATED DOMESSQ FT72$35.00$2,520.00 1092563.601TRAFFIC CONTROLLUMP SUM1$7,500.00$7,500.00 1102564.531SIGN PANEL TYPE CSQ FT79$35.00$2,765.00 1112564.602SIGN PANEL TYPE DEACH10$300.00$3,000.00 1122573.530STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTIONEACH25$125.00$3,125.00 1132575.505SODDING TYPE LAWN (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERT.)SQ YD310$5.00$1,550.00 1142582.501PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT-THRU ARROW) EPOXYEACH4$250.00$1,000.00 1152582.501PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT ARROW) EPOXYEACH14$200.00$2,800.00 1162582.501PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT ARROW) EPOXYEACH4$200.00$800.00 1172582.501PAVEMENT MESSAGE (BIKE SYMBOL) EPOXYEACH16$150.00$2,400.00 1182582.5024'' SOLID LINE WHITE - EPOXYLIN FT6470$1.00$6,470.00 1192582.5024'' DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW - EPOXYLIN FT3435$2.00$6,870.00 1202582.50212" SOLID LINE WHITE - EPOXYLIN FT22$3.00$66.00 1212582.50224" SOLID LINE YELLOW - EPOXYLIN FT460$5.00$2,300.00 1222582.503CROSSWALK MARKING - EPOXYSQ FT144$5.00$720.00 Subtotal Schedule D - Shannon Parkway Surface Improvements $236,710.00 + 10% Contingencies$23,680.00 Subtotal (Rounded)$260,400.00 + 20% Indirect Cost$52,100.00 Schedule D Total - Shannon Parkway Surface Improvements $312,500.00 K:\01928-120\Quantity\Preliminary\2014-2016 Feasibility Cost Estimate FINAL Opinion of Probable Cost WSB Project:Design By: 2014 Street Improvement ProjectMLH Project Location:Checked By: City of RosemountKAK City Project No.: 455 WSB Project No:Date: 1928-1211/21/2013 MN/DOTEstimated ItemEstimated SpecificationDescriptionUnitTotalEstimated Total Cost No.Unit Price No.Quantity E. SHANNON PARKWAY TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS 1232021.501MOBILIZATION (5%)LUMP SUM1$8,700.00$8,700.00 1242101.502CLEARING TREE10$125.00$1,250.00 1252101.507GRUBBING TREE10$125.00$1,250.00 1262104.501REMOVE CURB AND GUTTERLIN FT120$6.50$780.00 1272104.503REMOVE CONCRETE WALKSQ FT100$3.00$300.00 1282104.511SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)LIN FT10$5.00$50.00 1292104.513SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)LIN FT120$3.00$360.00 1302104.523SALVAGE & REINSTALL SIGN EACH12$150.00$1,800.00 1312105.501COMMON EXCAVATION CU YD2000$5.00$10,000.00 1322105.521GRANULAR BORROW (CV)CU YD2000$5.00$10,000.00 1332411.618MODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALLSQ FT3000$22.00$66,000.00 1342504.602IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIRLUMP SUM1$1,000.00$1,000.00 1352521.5014" CONCRETE WALKSQ FT600$5.00$3,000.00 1362521.5112.5" BITUMINOUS WALKSQ FT19500$3.00$58,500.00 1372531.501CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN SPECIALLIN FT120$16.00$1,920.00 1382531.618TRUNCATED DOMESSQ FT96$35.00$3,360.00 1392571.602TREE PROTECTION EACH5$150.00$750.00 1402573.502SILT FENCE, TYPE MACHINE SLICED LIN FT3000$1.50$4,500.00 1412573.530STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTIONEACH20$125.00$2,500.00 1422575.502SEED MIXTURE 260POUND150$2.00$300.00 1432575.505SODDING TYPE LAWN (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERT.)SQ YD1000$5.00$5,000.00 1442575.501SEEDING (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERT.)ACRE1.5$1,000.00$1,500.00 1452575.523EROSION CONTROL BLANKET CATEGORY 3 SQ YD5000$2.00$10,000.00 1462582.503CROSSWALK MARKING - EPOXYSQ FT200$5.00$1,000.00 Subtotal Schedule E - Shannon Parkway Trail Improvements $193,820.00 + 10% Contingencies$19,390.00 Subtotal (Rounded)$213,200.00 + 20% Indirect Cost$42,700.00 Schedule E Total - Shannon Parkway Trail Improvements $255,900.00 F. 2014 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM MAINTENANCE 1472356.604BITUMINOUS SEAL COATINGSQ YD33000$1.45$47,850.00 Subtotal Schedule F - 2014 Pavement Management Program Maintenance$47,850.00 + 5% Indirect Cost$2,400.00 Schedule F Total - 2014 Pavement Management Program Maintenance$50,300.00 K:\01928-120\Quantity\Preliminary\2014-2016 Feasibility Cost Estimate FINAL Opinion of Probable Cost WSB Project:Design By: 2014 Street Improvement ProjectMLH Project Location:Checked By: City of RosemountKAK City Project No.: 455 WSB Project No:Date: 1928-1211/21/2013 MN/DOTEstimated ItemEstimated SpecificationDescriptionUnitTotalEstimated Total Cost No.Unit Price No.Quantity G. 145TH STREET IMPROVEMENTS 1482021.501MOBILIZATION (5%)LUMP SUM1$3,600.00$3,600.00 1492104.501REMOVE CURB & GUTTERLIN FT160$6.50$1,040.00 1502104.509REMOVE CASTINGEACH1$75.00$75.00 1512104.509REMOVE SIGNEACH13$30.00$390.00 1522104.511SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)LIN FT10$4.00$40.00 1532232.501MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (2.0") (P)SQ YD3950$1.00$3,950.00 1542350.501BITUMINOUS PATCH MATERIALTON30$100.00$3,000.00 1552360.501TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (2,C) 2.0" THICKTON500$58.00$29,000.00 1562357.502BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COATGALLON440$2.50$1,100.00 1572504.602ADJUST VALVE BOXEACH2$100.00$200.00 1582504.602RECONSTRUCT VALVE BOXEACH3$500.00$1,500.00 1592506.522ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (SANITARY)EACH4$450.00$1,800.00 1602506.522ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (STORM)EACH8$400.00$3,200.00 1612506.522ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (CATCH BASIN)EACH6$200.00$1,200.00 1622506.602CASTING ASSEMBLY (SANITARY)EACH1$500.00$500.00 1632531.501CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN SPECIALLIN FT160$16.00$2,560.00 1642563.601TRAFFIC CONTROLLUMP SUM1$5,000.00$5,000.00 1652564.531SIGN PANEL TYPE CSQ FT60$35.00$2,100.00 1662564.602SIGN PANEL TYPE DEACH4$300.00$1,200.00 1672565.602LOOP DETECTOREACH4$1,500.00$6,000.00 1682573.530STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTIONEACH15$125.00$1,875.00 1692575.505SODDING TYPE LAWN (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERT.)SQ YD100$5.00$500.00 1702582.501PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT-THRU ARROW) EPOXYEACH2$250.00$500.00 1712582.501PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT ARROW) EPOXYEACH2$200.00$400.00 1722582.501PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RR CROSSING) EPOXYEACH2$500.00$1,000.00 1732582.5024'' SOLID LINE WHITE - EPOXYLIN FT2050$1.00$2,050.00 1742582.5024'' DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW - EPOXYLIN FT1480$2.00$2,960.00 1752582.50224" SOLID LINE YELLOW - EPOXYLIN FT30$5.00$150.00 1762582.50212" SOLID LINE WHITE - EPOXYLIN FT96$3.00$288.00 Subtotal Schedule G - 145th Street Improvements $77,178.00 + 10% Contingencies$7,720.00 Subtotal$84,900.00 + 20% Indirect Cost$17,000.00 Schedule G Total - 145th Street Improvements $101,900.00 Grand Total$1,020,500.00 K:\01928-120\Quantity\Preliminary\2014-2016 Feasibility Cost Estimate FINAL APPENDIX B Assessment Calculations nd Preliminary Assessment Map: Carrollton 2Addition nd Preliminary Assessment Roll: Carrollton 2Addition th Preliminary Assessment Map: 145Street th Preliminary Assessment Roll: 145Street Feasibility Report 2014 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 455 WSB Project No. 1928-12 2014 SIP Assessment Calculations Carrollton 2nd Addition Surface Improvements Carrollton 2nd Addition Assessable Project Cost$187,400 Assessment Rate35% Total Assessment$65,590 Assessable Units56 Assessment per Unit$1,171.25 Assessment per Unit (Rounded)$1,180 Total Assessment (Rounded)$66,080 145th Street Assessment Calculations 145th Street Surface Improvements 145th Street Assessable Project Cost$101,900 145th Street Frontage1463 Cost per Foot$69.65 Assessable Percentage of Roadway100% Assessment Rate35% Assessment Per Front Foot$24.38 145th Street Assessable Frontage741 Total Assessment$18,066 Total Assessment (Rounded)$18,100 K:\01928-120\Quantity\Preliminary\2014-2016 Feasibility Cost Estimate FINAL 147TH ST W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 45 8 34 46 9 24 3547 10 253648 11 263749 UPPER 148TH ST W 12 273850 13 283951 14 294052 304153 15 314254 16 324355 1733 4456 UPPER 149TH ST W UPPER 149TH ST W 18 23 192122 20 ± GXW Street Improvements Assessed Parcels Aerometrics ± Carrollton 2nd Addition Assessed Parcels 0150300 Rosemount, MN Feet Carrollton2ndAdditionPreliminaryAssessmentRoll ‘{.t©š†;-·twš­;’šÒ“· {·©;;·L’¦©šÝ;’;“·t©š†;-· t©š†;-·[š-·zš“t/z·äšEwš­;’šÒ“· /z·ät©š†;-·bšut  ‘{.t©š†;-·bšut ASSESSABLEPROPOSED MAPIDPIDOWNEROWNERADDRESSCITY/STATEZIPPROPERTYADDRESSCITY/STATEZIPDESCRIPTION UNITSASSESSMENT 13011519730012ANDREWHAVLIK3875147THSTWROSEMOUNTMN550683875147THSTWROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 23011519730011SCOTTAREES8030165THSTEPRIORLAKEMN553723885147THSTWROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 33011519730010LANH&VIENGTESO3901147THSTWROSEMOUNTMN550683901147THSTWROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 43011519750012MARKJAMES&JACQUELGERRITS3915147THSTWROSEMOUNTMN550683915147THSTWROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 53011519750011MICHAEL&SANDRALABRIE3929147THSTWROSEMOUNTMN550683929147THSTWROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 63011519750010THOMASF&PATTIJJEFFREY3945147THSTWROSEMOUNTMN550683945147THSTWROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 73011519750009ADAM&NICOLEBERG3955147THSTWROSEMOUNTMN550683955147THSTWROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 83011519750008ROBERTOMYAMBING14785CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814785CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 93011519750007LAURAASNYDER14805CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814805CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 103011519750006WILLIAMEZIEMKE14823CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814823CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 113011519750005LINDAJLEHMANN14837CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814837CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 123011519750004DAVIDC&JANETKDUCHENE14849CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814849CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 133011519750003WENDELINLSCHMIDT14863CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814863CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 143011519750002BRENTKIRSCHMAN14883CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814883CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 153011519750084FAYELGEMELKE14913CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814913CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 163011519750083GREGORYATRUSO14931CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814931CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 173011519750082DALE&JEWELLVANDELOO14945CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814945CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 183011519750081THOMASTMCCLUNEY14955CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814955CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 193011519750080MARKW&MICHELERTOLLEFSON3972UPPER149THSTWROSEMOUNTMN550683972UPPER149THSTWROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 203011519750079CARLRGAGNOW3966UPPER149THSTWROSEMOUNTMN550683966UPPER149THSTWROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 213011519750078GARYR&KIMMOHLEMACHER3938UPPER149THSTWROSEMOUNTMN550683938UPPER149THSTWROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 223011519750077SANDRAK&KENNETHBECK3910UPPER149THSTWROSEMOUNTMN550683910UPPER149THSTWROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 233011519750076BRIANDRAGOVICH3900UPPER149THSTWROSEMOUNTMN550683900UPPER149THSTWROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 243011519750033GERALDL&MARILYNESAKALA3966147THSTWROSEMOUNTMN550683966147THSTWROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 253011519750032CRAIGH&DIANNALKRUEGER14822CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814822CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 263011519750031CHARLIESIII&MARYCORRELL14836CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814836CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 273011519750030SCOTTDGAMBLE14848CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814848CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 283011519750029GAILMOFFERMANN14864CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814864CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 GOEDDERZ14884CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814884CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 293011519750028JOHNP&SUSETTED Carrollton2ndAdditionPreliminaryAssessmentRoll ‘{.t©š†;-·twš­;’šÒ“· {·©;;·L’¦©šÝ;’;“·t©š†;-· t©š†;-·[š-·zš“t/z·äšEwš­;’šÒ“· /z·ät©š†;-·bšut  ‘{.t©š†;-·bšut ASSESSABLEPROPOSED MAPIDPIDOWNEROWNERADDRESSCITY/STATEZIPPROPERTYADDRESSCITY/STATEZIPDESCRIPTION UNITSASSESSMENT 303011519750027DEANNAMARIEDAVIS14902CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814902CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 313011519750026HADGUGEBREMICHAEL14914CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814914CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 323011519750025DWAYNET&KATHLEENFOLGER14932CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814932CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 333011519750024PATRICIACTHREINEN14946CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814946CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 343011519750013TERIALUTZ14791CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814791CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 353011519750014CHIENS&CHIALCHANG14805CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814805CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 363011519750015CRAIGHKRUEGER14822CRESTVIEWAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814825CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 373011519750016DONALDI&ROBERTAMTHOMAS14839CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814839CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 383011519750017JOHND&ELISERHAUG14851CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814851CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 393011519750018TIMOTHYSREIS14865CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814865CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 403011519750019TIFFANILSCHMAUS14885CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814885CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 413011519750020RACHELMROISLAND14901CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814901CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 423011519750021LARRYA&BARBARAJBRUNICK14915CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814915CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 433011519750022TROYTMCCALLUM14931CRANDELLAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814931CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 443011519750023TRACIAGUSTAFSON14945CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814945CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 453011519750034THOMASM&HOLLYACOFFIN14786CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814786CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 463011519750035BARRYE&MARTHALSJENNEKE14790CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814790CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 473011519750036MARKIYANNAZAREVICH14804CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814804CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 483011519750037TIMOTHYJMCMENOMY14824CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814824CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 493011519750038SCOTTEHARRIS14840CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814840CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 503011519750039LESLIED&ANNEMAUNE14850CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814850CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 513011519750040CHRISTIEJ&RICHARDJEFFREY14866CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814866CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 523011519750041HELENI&CURTWENGLAND14886CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814886CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 533011519750042STACYLSORENSON14900CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814900CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 543011519750043BRANT&HEATHERBUNICH14916CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814916CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 553011519750044JEFFREY&AMYROWE14930CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814930CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 563011519750045JAMESIIIBEAN14944CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN5506814944CRANDALLAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068RESIDENTIAL1$1,180 TOTALCARROLLTON2NDADDITIONASSESSMENT$66,080 ?A§@ 4 2 3 1 8 5 7 6 Aerometrics ± Street Improvements 145th Street Assessed Parcels 0100200 Assessed Parcels Rosemount, MN Feet 145thStreetPreliminaryAssessmentRol l ‘{.t©š†;-·twš­;’šÒ“· {·©;;·L’¦©šÝ;’;“·t©š†;-· t©š†;-·[š-·zš“t/z·äšEwš­;’šÒ“· /z·ät©š†;-·bšut  ‘{.t©š†;-·bšut 145THSTREETASSESSMENTRATEPROPOSED MAPIDPIDFEEOWNERFEEOWNERADDRESSCITY/STATEZIPCODEPROPERTYADDRESSCITY/STATEZIPCODE FRONTFOOTAGEPERFOOTASSESSMENT 1340370029010WIELANDREALESTATEINVESTMENTLLC14460ROBERTTRLSROSEMOUNTMN5506814460ROBERTTRLSROSEMOUNTMN55068108$24.38$2,633 2340370031011DAVIDJFINNEGAN25251CHIPPENDALEAVESFARMINGTONMN550242925145THSTWROSEMOUNTMN5506898$24.38$2,389 3340370000044DAVIDJFINNEGAN25251CHIPPENDALEAVESFARMINGTONMN550242925145THSTWROSEMOUNTMN5506840$24.38$975 4340370000050DAVIDJFINNEGAN25251CHIPPENDALEAVESFARMINGTONMN550242925145THSTWROSEMOUNTMN5506845$24.38$1,097 5346465001013NIELSENREALESTATEHOLDINGSIILLC14677WILDSVIEWNWPRIORLAKEMN5537214506ROBERTTRLSROSEMOUNTMN5506895$24.38$2,316 6346465001014MSPERELLC16242GLADYSLNMINNETONKAMN55345ROSEMOUNTMN5506861$24.38$1,487 734646500102 0ROSEMOUNTPLAZALMTPTNSHP400SIBLEYSTSAINTPAULMN551012900145THSTWROSEMOUNTMN55068144$24.38$3,511 8346480006070ROSEMOUNTAMLEGION65POBOX362ROSEMOUNTMN5506814500BURMAAVEROSEMOUNTMN55068150$24.38$3,657 TOTAL145THSTREETASSESSMENT$18,066 APPENDIX C Bituminous Coring Location Map Bituminous Coring Logs Feasibility Report 2014 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 455 WSB Project No. 1928-12 Legend Soil Boring Locations 2012 Mill & Overlay 2013 Mill & Overlay 2014 Reconstruction 2015/2018 Mill & Overlay A@ § ? 24 25 20 16 26 17 54 21 23 27 19 18 22 55 28 GXW¥ 29 10 51 30 14 52 12 31 13 11 53 15 GXW± 42 43 44 38 40 32 45 41 39 33 36 37 3534 46 9 7 6 47 8 48 5 4 49 3 2 1 50 ± Proposed Street Improvements and Soil Boring Locations 07501,500 Feet Rosemount, MN BituminousCoringInformation Core#LocationLaneDepthNotes 14272159thCourt3'fromCenterline4.25 2Dakota,200'eastofDanville2'fromCenterline3.75 3158thCourt,200'eastofDanville6'fromCenterline3.75 t7'fromCurb3Coretakenonacrack 4157thCourt,Middleofstree 5DanvilleAve,50'Northof157thCourt4'fromCurb3.25 4'fromCurb4 6150'Southofupper154thStreet c6'fromCurb3.75 7DappleCircle,20'fromCuldesa 8100'SEofDappleCircle6'fromCenterline3.75 n 9Corenottaken,PartofdifferentAdditio 10Colorado,100'southof147thSB4'fromCurb3.5 11Colorado,150'northofupper148thNB7'fromCurb4 12frontofhouse14838CovingtonNB12'fromCurb3.5 13frontofhouse14900CrandallSB8'fromCurb3 wNB4'fromCenterline2.75 14frontofhouse14848Crestvie 15frontofhouse3938149thWB5'fromCenterline3 tSB5'fromCenterline4 1630'southofnorthCormoran sSBcenterofLane3.5Topsealcoatdelaminated 17MidwaybetweenCormorantWaystreet 1825'NorthofCuldesacNB5'fromCurb4 WB5'fromCenterline4 19100'EastofCrescent 20142ndstreetWB4'fromCenterline5 s 21143rdstreetWB8'fromCenterline4Alligatorcrackingpresent5'outfromcurbline 22144thStreetEB8'fromCenterline5 NB6'fromCenterline5 23Between144thand143rdstreets tSBcenterlineofroad5 24100'SouthofBirchstree e5.5 2575'NorthofBelfast5'frommiddleofcenterturnlan 26100'SouthofRRtracksCenterlineofmiddleturnlane4.5 eNB3'fromCurb5.25 27BiscayneAve,50'SouthofBeechandBiscayn ySBshoulder,4'fromCurb6 28BiscayneAve,150'NorthofBiscayneWa y3'EastofCenterline5.5 29BiscayneAve,75'SouthofBiscaynewa s 30Corenottakenduetoconsistencyindepth 31BiscayneAve,25'SouthofBittesweetWayCenterlineofRoad5.5 32frontofhouse3698153rdEB6'fromCenterline3.5 yNB6'fromCurb3.5 33frontofhouse15446Chokecherr 34frontofhouse3583155thWB8fromCurb7 35frontofhouse3716155thEB4'fromcurb7 36frontofhouse3866155thEB6'fromCenterline7 s 37Corenottakenduetoconsistencyindepth 38frontofhouse15265ColumbarySB4'fromCurb4 c4.25 39frontofhouse3954154Culdesac20'fromcenterofCuldesa 40frontofhouse3890153rdEB8'fromCenterline3.75 41frontofhouse3886154thWB7'fromCenterline3.5 4250'northofDecembertrailSB6'fromCurb4.5top.5"ofcoredelaminated tNB4'fromCurb4.75 43IntersectionofShannonPkwyand151s s 44Corenottakenduetoconsistencyindepth 45ShannonPkwy100'northof156thNB5'fromCurb5 yNB8'fromCurb4.5top.5"ofcoredelaminated 4615953ShannonPkw 47ShannonPkwy,100'SouthofCornellTr.NB3'fromCenterline4.5 48ShannonPkwy150'northof153rd2'fromCenterline5 s 49Corenottakenduetoconsistencyindepth 50Corenottakenduetoconsistencyindepths 513885147thStWB8'fromCurb3 5214825CrandallAveSB6'fromCurb2.75 5314931CrestviewAveNB8'fromCurb3 tCenterline5Topsealcoatdelamination 54ShannonParkway,450'Northof145thS 55145thSt,250'EastofTH3Centerline7.5 APPENDIX D Public CommentsSummary Feasibility Report 2014 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 455 WSB Project No. 1928-12 Public Response Comment Cards Resident NameResident AddressPhoneDate ReceivedComment What about removing the center island on 149th St. I have almost been rear-ended turning into the development because of that island. Having to turn that sharp is Dave Duchene14849 Crestview Ave651-322-123512/5/2013 dangerous. Also, the plows always seem to hit the curbs on that island, leaving large chunks of curb laying all over the place. 14786 Crandall Ave has sprinkler system that runs along the curb and I will mark them Tom Coffin14786 Crandall Ave651-423-682912/5/2013 ahead of tim but to be advised they are there. Thank you. We have an invisible dog fence in our yard that goes very close to the street. Please mak it so both entrances are not unusable at the same time. Would like to have the Heather Bunich14916 Crandall Ave651-344-890112/5/2013median island removed or shortened at the entrance at Shannon Parkway. Consider assessing other entrance to the other two roads that use it. I like the idea of a sidewalk on the west side of Shannon Parkway. Thank you for meeting. My suggestion is to get rid of the median in the entrance off Roberta Thomas 14839 Crandall Ave 651-423-592212/12/2013Shannon Pkwy. The turn from S. Pkwy heading north onto 149th is very tight. Thank you. Remove the median coming in the neighborhood off of Shannon Parkway. We will Crandall Ave 12/13/2013also have our sprinkler heads marked. It would be nice to have the neighborhood plowed a little more often. I think we seem to be forgotten! 1. Walking path on west side of Shannon Pkwy. There is already a path on east side. This proposal is costly & unnecessary. I'm a walker & crossing at Cty Rd 42 of 145th doesn’t present a problem. 2. Median at 149th St & Shannon Pkwy. It was discussed Deanna Davis 14902 Crestview Ave651-322-533912/16/2013to shorten or remove. It will still be sharp even if shortened. It may not be worth the cost to remove. Just leave as is. 3. Repairs at entrances off Shannon Pkwy & Dodd Blvd. All residents use these entrances to access neighborhood. All residents should share cost to repair, not just first two blocks. 4. Start repairs after graduations (June). APPENDIX E Pedestrian Facilities Map Feasibility Report 2014 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 455 WSB Project No. 1928-12 ´ Pedestrian Facilities Improvement Plan EXISTING BITUMINOUS PATH Pedestrian Facilities Map EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK City of Rosemount EXISTING TUNNEL PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PATH PROPOSED CONCRETE SIDEWALK Adopted November 15, 2005 Date Saved: 07/12/2013 12:37:56 PM APPENDIX F Pavement Condition Index Map Seal Coat Map Feasibility Report 2014 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 455 WSB Project No. 1928-12 120TH ST W COBBLESTONE CT 132ND CT W 88 132ND ST W 133RD ST 134TH ST W BONAIRE PATH E BIRDSONG CT 136TH ST W 136TH ST W COLESHIRE BRONZE CORLISS TRL PKWY 137TH ST 138TH ST W BELVIDERE 80 139TH ST W CT 140TH ST E 140TH ST W 140TH CIR 92 DAVENPORT CT 75 87 143RD ST W BLACKBERRY BLOOOMFIELD 81 U 145TH ST W AURORA AVE PL 76 COBALT DR 94 L 147TH 146TH ST W CT 89 147TH ST W BOYSENBERRY CT 148TH ST W U. 148TH 92 ST WBRENNER 89 CT 149TH ST W DECEMBER WAY CIR 63 152ND ST E DECEMBER TRL DARTMOOR CT 152ND COLUMBARY CIR 62 154TH ST W 155TH ST W CORNELL TRL 79 47 TRL DARLING PATH Todays OCI 61-90 Sealcoat 0-35 Reconstruct91-100 Do Nothing 36-60 Overlay November 2013 - Current Pavement Condition Index (PCI) Map Date Saved: 11/20/2013 9:37:49 AM 120TH ST W GXWª A@ § ? GXW¥ GXW± 154TH ST W GXW¸ Legend 2014 2015 2016 ± 2014-2016 Seal Coat Projects 01,2502,500 Rosemount, MN Feet CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2014 - A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT AND AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 2014 STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CITY PROJECT 455 WHEREAS, the City Council deemed it necessary and expedient that the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, consider constructing certain improvements, to-wit: City Project 455, 2014 Street Improvements Project, in the City as described in and in accordance with the feasibility report prepared by the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the City Engineer that said utility and street improvements are feasible, and should best be made as proposed, and the City Engineer's report to this effect has heretofore been received by Council,and filed with the City Clerk on January 7, 2014. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount accepts the feasibility report for City Project 455 and places it on file. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount orders the preparation of plans and specifications for said improvements of City Project 455. ADOPTED this 7th day of January, 2014. William H. Droste,Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk MCANDREWS RD W (CSAH 38)x( 1 X pp \ (__) . 0 .,.. , lilt m o/ — E`a1 L_} ‘, . . \cl�lL > --, ...„ ,,,izip rt -„,..„ ci s C^` V r 4c: 1), m a. o v o J / BONAIRE I z Willill;Ili ; � v" %,v)1 1 I I I 1E9t 3 cii / t CONNEMARA , � ' CON 2.i ciac rah al TC: i.-3,\F") , �� Q I \ i , IlI!ATld / D I. u �a L �1i45TH ST W 3-Npyia.41k„zil,?, tr iffj -gil ,,_ 1,,,, a ( �Z-LiJ �i 1 4 -- -_ EI N__--pisi ,,, ,.,,_________y___ ill i ,.... M viEi , zi 1 cr' = 1667!187 vv Q a it 1 :� z 3 a } o to c � \3 c if 1� 1 t ' I �� a 160TH ST W(CSAH 46) 1 160TH S 160TH ST W(CSAH 46) 2014 and 2015/2016 Street Improvements A ROSEMOt INT Mill and Overlay N MINNESOTA 2014 2015/2016 ce ''"i. 27r ff'1 z V t _ L �+ * 0 L.:21:1,........----4,d NIA II. ?uL aar..crH C i. 1 _�.eX,an�gy vn I tGXisH i _ I , . , mar e a E,. Gbnn 4 o ti" t ' \,'\ % III s� Park o • 4 g y Or ND Tr N i ° H GRa ... -'--- -\.)' ' 47 - ,.I ir 1�1{ 1 , I.. ra r .� 141ST { ' Ls� 1;4%1 Ye1'� ■ - {r � ;7 q, C T W �'�✓f f _5,,,,,,,_______ .-'w z. I TH �° 'Sri ? _ — ^ C''' -43RD• � �`143RD ST W > • i 0 s RAN cr � � $7 _ ?? f c r F 9 O [WAv -I �� _ r— —� #� HAWKINS U +� _ �np ? 71: 'LPIIfMI�;:r® g� F r \ � ,. 5 sa POND "i 1! 4r' - co IA— un-- , , ,.'",,:r. - _NIB a 1 w 1 ) --—I- 'Lill - ILL� Fan Res 1,..._i=^ ' � I: CR CENT CI- ! 1`45TH ST W , ib 1.... ._ /44,''.7. IL I _ I r' ' ... EXISTING BITUMINOUS PATH 4 r�;-: � , �s= EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK, _ ii inpa_1 ::' EXISTING TUNNEL PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PATH PedestnanFaalrties Improvement Plan _ PROPOSED CONCRETE SIDEWALK —EXISTING NTN/W>JS Nno Pedestrian Facilities Map —EXISTVCGGNGX�TESCEMLS .,. 4 ROSEN 1OlINT City of Rosemount s.":TNIGTURlLMNOUEMTM SPIRIT Of PRIDE 440 PROGRESS ...F-:-FD 0ONp1ETE 8rL+EXWLK