HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.D. Planning for Goal Setting Session ItROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session Meeting: January 7, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Planning for Goal Setting Session AGENDA SECTION: Chi SGticggiovi PREPARED BY: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator AGENDA NO. 7. b. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Goal Setting Agenda; Staff goal APPROVED BY lists; Current 2013-2014 Goals poi RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review draft agenda and arrangements for goal setting meetings BACKGROUND Attached is a draft agenda for the goal setting meetings planned for Friday evening,January 24th and Saturday,January 25`". The Council should review and amend the proposed agenda as necessary. It closely follows the format of the past several goal sessions. I have also asked Department Directors for their departmental goals. The general guideline was to keep the lists to about one page. The Council should confirm whether or not staff members are requested to attend the Friday evening sessions. Proposed Agenda for Goal Setting Meetings City Hall Friday,January 24,2014 6:00 p.m. Convene; light meal 6:15 p.m. City Administrator and staff • Discuss agenda and desired outcomes • Review of 2013-2014 goals; what went well and what needs to improve • Financial Outlook • Staff perspective on 2014-2015 goals 7:0d p.m. Council discussion • Review of 2013 and current projects • Discuss possible new initiatives e.g. NLC Budget Presentation, economic development,other items 9:00 p.m. Adjourn for the evening. Homework: Consider one or two major focus areas for Saturday discussion Saturday,January 25,2014 8:00 a.m. Convene 8:15'a.m. Develop list of possible goals, projects or focus areas for 2013-2014; consolidate similar items 9:15 a.m. Break 9:30 a.m. Prioritize goals/focus areas 11:00 a.m. Next steps 11:30 a.m. Lunch 12:00 p.m. Further discussion if necessary 1:00 p.m. Adjourn 4ROSEMOUNT City Goals 2013-14 CITY COUNCIL Manage Rosemount— Provide Efficient and Effective Services MAINTAIN stable revenue streams for core services and fiscal discipline INCREASE technology and workflow measurements for greater productivity and customer satisfaction EXPLORE shared services and partnerships including a volunteer program Live in Rosemount— Become a More Sustainable Community IDENTIFY and IMPLEMENT best sustainability practices • Use Resilient Community, Star Communities, and Green Steps implementation strategies • Implement Comprehensive Plan strategies and create an Environmental Task Force. INCREASE well-designed and diverse public spaces ENCOURAGE community, cultural and leisure events to add vibrancy to our quality of life INCREASE existing community transportation and transit connections INCREASE community lifecycle housing options addressing rental, senior and affordability needs MAINTAIN an engaged, healthy, inviting and safe community Grow Rosemount—Attract and Support Businesses ENGAGE with regional transportation initiatives for major highways, transitways and high- speed rail and INCREASE public awareness of them. BUILD public infrastructure improvements designed to encourage private investment and development INCREASE the number and variety of business in Downtown Rosemount and other commercial locations EXPAND business and employment opportunities in the Business Park and UMore Park INCREASE marketing visibility to site selectors INCREASE Rosemount's business-friendly practices through streamlined business development and permitting processes Projects and Initiatives (* = new for 2013-14) A. Redevelop Steeple Center campus with private senior housing and a public senior activity center B. Pursue a partnership for indoor recreational amenities with the YMCA and DCTC C. *Initiate sustainability advisory task force and engage STARcommunities.org to create a benchmarking tool for our community D. Construct Highway 3 underpass trail connections, splash pad, Erickson Park shelter, lighted tennis courts, Flint Hills green fields E. *Initiate municipal volunteer& ambassador programs F. *Communicate regional transportation initiatives and impacts (52/42/55 interchange, Zip Rail, Robert Street Transitway) G. Continue UMore Park development partnership with the University of Minnesota H. *Develop and implement public spaces and neighborhood park diversity standards for amenities, equipment and use I. *Implement Storm Water Management sustainable best practices J. *Implement a Virtual Incubator strategy to assist small business expansion/development K. *Implement technology initiatives within city departments L. Upgrade Steeple Center amenities (HVAC, sound systems, lighting) M. *Initiate planning of second Public Senior Housing project with Dakota County CDA N. *Provide annual update of Comprehensive Guide Plan implementation strategies 0. *Increase performance measurements for City services and operations P. *Initiate event with 2014 Tournament of Roses RHS Band ambassador visit to community (key to city/jacket with logo) Q. *Investigate Fire Department long term strategies to manage on-call department performance-leadership/pay/equipment R. *Support sponsorship of Law Enforcement/Fire Explorer Post S. *Expand stakeholder partnerships with churches, ISD 196, National Guard, RAAA, RAHA, RAAC, and other organizations. T. 'Initiate and partner in community special events planning and marketing strategies U. *Expand website use and communications for increased service delivery and citizen engagement Community Development 2014 Department Goals Complete Comprehensive Plan Amendment for the first phase of UMore Zoning Text Amendments to Facilitate Umore development concept Develop UMore economic development partnership and strategy Complete private senior housing/Senior Center project Complete CDA senior housing project/market remaining Genz Ryan site Complete STAR Communities assessment Application for Resilient Communities Project Complete South Urban Gateway Analysis for Reinvestment planning study On-line permitting for some building permits Work flow processing for Planning Commission packets Archiving of commercial plans/increased laserfiche use for department Continued participation in Greater MSP, Positively MN, and EDAM MEMORANDUM DATE: November 14, 2013 TO: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator FROM: Jeff May, Finance Director SUBJECT: Finance Department Goals for 2014 and Wish List Finance Department Goals for 2014: • Expand cross-training efforts within the department. Although we have made great strides in providing effective cross-training for some major work areas such as utility billing, accounts payable, payroll, special assessments, insurance claims and fixed asset changes, we do not have the staffing level to effectively provide backup functions for upper level accounting and managerial functions of the department. Many general daily tasks have to be completed by Jeff and Judy due to work volume and staffing limitations, which does not allow time for cross training in Jeff's work areas such as fund accounting and general ledger functions, month/year end activities, cash management/investment activities, CAFR reporting, and budgeting processes, or Judy's work areas such as audit field work preparation, the State building report, the fee schedule update, the insurance renewal, and reconciliation work with special assessments and fixed assets. • Continue working with the Public Works/Engineering Department to implement the workflow for paperless purchase orders. If this can be completed we can begin working with the other departments of the City to complete the process of eliminating paper purchase orders. • Work on managing other additional reporting responsibilities including new State reporting requirements, new GASB reporting requirements and GASB documentation requirements. • Continue to refine and improve special assessment monitoring and reporting. Begin using Laserfiche to assist with assessment inquiries and record retention. • Coordinate the 2014 operating budget process and complete the 10-year CIP budgets for Buildings, Streets and Equipment. Continue to develop a realistic plan for funding all of our long- term capital needs. • Work on the eighteenth consecutive application for the Certificate of Achievement for Financial Reporting for the year 2013. This becomes more difficult each year as additional demands are added to comply with the GASB reporting requirements. Wish List for the Future: • Make Michelle full-time. This would allow her to complete additional general work tasks, which would in turn allow us to reallocate some of Judy's responsibilities to decrease her time demands. We would like to work to create an acceptable workload for everyone in the department. In addition, this should speed up the process of being able to effectively cross-train in some work task areas described in #1 above. • Install scanners at most individual workstations in the Finance Dept. We would like to increase the use of Laserfishe for more job functions, such as special assessments, fixed assets, insurance claims, the State Building report, the fee schedule update, and managing older TIF records. Installing more scanners would assist in allowing us to maintain phone coverage while scanning an increased number of documents from our own workstations. Legislative Agenda: • No levy limits for 2015 and beyond and an extension to all items for the sales tax exemption. ROSEMOUNT ADMINISTRATION M E M O R A N D U M To: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator From: Emmy Foster, Assistant City Administrator Date: November 29, 2014 Subject: Administration Department Goals - 2014 Principal Goals: • Consider conducting a Citizen Survey- per previous City Council conversations. • Technology update of Council Chambers, Control Room, and Conference Room. Other Goals include: • Promote wellness to create and sustain a healthy and productive workplace. • Continue to improve functionality of the new website. (enhancements,mobile interface, etc.) 4ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION M E M O R A N D U M To: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator From: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date: November 18, 2013 Subject: Parks and Recreation Department Goals - 2014 Listed below are a number of goals and projects that the Parks and Recreation Department will be working on in 2014: • Construct a community tennis complex at Erickson Park • Construct a splash pad and sun shelter at Central Park • Relocate outdoor ice rinks to Jaycee and Bloomfield Parks • Build an Activity Center addition onto the Steeple Center • Install four new neighborhood enhancement amenities (benches and landscaping) • Install air conditioning at the Steeple Center • Improve the Batting Cage at Jaycee Park • Install shade canopies for Dugouts -Jaycee and UMore Parks • Complete improvements to the Erickson Park Shelter • Use technology to be more efficient in our operations • Replace Cooling Tower -Arena • Identify location(s) for the Outdoor Exercise Equipment • Work with the YMCA on a community pool As requested, a "wish list" has been created for the Parks and Recreation Department should additional funds become available: • Complete the development of the UMore Ball Fields • Complete the development of the Flint Hills Athletic Fields • Carroll's Woods Restoration—Invasive species removal (buckthorn) • Consider adding a new staff person to assist with marketing,grant writing,project management,recreation programs and other services • Construct a multi use park structure at Bloomfield Park • Add field lighting to fields 4 and 5 at Erickson Park • Construct a field house that would provide indoor court space • Purchase McMenomy Woods in conjunction with a Regional Greenway ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M To: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator From: Andy Brotzler, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Date: December 12, 2013 Re: 2014 Public Works Department Plan and "Wish List" The Public Works Department has the following goals and activities planned for 2014: • Begin development of natural resource and open space management and maintenance plan. • Continue development and refinement of scheduled activities/resources using Microsoft Project software. • Finalize and execute JPA with Dakota County cities for purchasing utility materials and services (hydrant painting,televising, chemicals, electrical services, etc.). • Upgrade the fire alarm panel at City Hall and Police Department. • Replace PW North generator or reconfigure with PW Central generator. • CarteGraph, GIS and Laserfische ➢ Launch a Laserfiche Workflow for antenna lease management. ➢ GPS all athletic facilities for stakin g and a d l out. Y ➢ Continue gate valve inspection/maintenance program that began in 2013. • Continue to develop and expand mobile technologies with iPads ➢ Tree inspections ➢ Pavement inspections ➢ Access to irrigation plans • Continue public outreach and education activities ➢ National Public Works Week open house for elementary students ➢ Water education programs interested groups (schools, Scouts, etc.) ➢ Visit elementary school science classes to discuss water pollution prevention ➢ Participate in District 196 STEM Career Fair ➢ Night to Unite neighborhood visits C\Users\ddj\A pData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\8 J TX9VRG\20131114 dj memo for 2014 department plan.docx The Public Works "wish list"includes the following: • Expansion of Public Works North to add truck wash bay and brine storage area • Construction of onsite salt storage area • Replace pole barn with new storage building • Remodel Police Department (workstations, flooring/carpet,kitchen, etc) • Purchase second New Holland tractor with mowers and blower • Purchase wood chipper • Purchase bucket truck • Replace ball fields lights at Erickson Park • New keyless entry system for City buildings and facilities (well, towers, etc) C:\Users\ddj\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\8JTX9VRG\20131114 dj memo for 2014 department plan.docx 9ROSEMOUNT POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator FROM: Eric T. Werner, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Police Department Goals 2014 DATE: November 15, 2013 The Police Department identified the following major goals for 2014. ➢ Staff and organizational development o Training and education focused on staffs' positional, organizational, and individual needs. o Implement Police Department reorganization plan as presented to city council during budget process. ➢ Emergency Management o Initiate Emergency Operations Plan re-writing process. o Participate in county-wide tornado exercise drill. o Increase school safety planning, preparedness, and response. ➢ Technology enhancements and upgrades o Records Management System (RMS)/CJIIN finalization. o Police records integrated with Laserfische. o Patrol fleet and Police Department building communications and Audio/Video upgrade. The "wish list"item for the Police Department is strategic planning for renovating and expanding the police facility. The identification of a consultant and consulting cost during 2014. The consultant work to begin in 2015. Recommend inclusion of all City departments. • 4ROSEMOUNT DRAFT FIRE DEPARTMENT To: Dwight Johnson,City Administrator From: Richard Schroeder,Fire Chief Date: November 15,2013 Subject: 2014 Goals&Objectives 1. Implement Health&Fitness Program. A health and fitness program will stimulate exercise &weight loss and reinforce healthier eating for my firefighters. • One of the leading causes of death year after year for Firefighters is heart attacks. • This problem is predominant in this profession yet many administrators choose to do nothing about it. • Fire departments are slowly beginning to recognize this problem and this is one problem I am choosing to take head on. 2. Increase Personnel Numbers. Aggressively pursue our full staff number of 50 firefighters. • Department has never been at full staff during my tenure. • Addition of the second fire hall,it has become even more of a challenge to obtain a full staff. • Currently at station 2, our numbers are low and we are having a problem filling trucks at times. • Focus to add daytime responders to the department to fill and ever challenging gap on the department. SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS Rosemount City Hall • 2875 145th Street West • Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 Emergency 911 • Fire Chief 651 -322-2066 • TDDITTY 651 -423-6219 • Fax 651 -322-2069 www.ci.rosemount.mn.us