HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.E. City Council Compensation 4ROSEtv1o'L.INrr EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: Tuesday, January 14, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: City Council Compensation AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Emmy Foster, Assistant City Administrator AGENDA NO. ,Fo ATTACHMENTS: City Comparison Information, LMC Article, 2008 & 2009 Council Action on APPROVED BY: Council Salaries uei RECOMMENDED ACTION: Provide clarification and direction to Staff regarding City Council Compensation. Background State law requires that compensation adjustments for elected officials be done prior to the election this year and that any adjustment cannot be effective until the following year. If the Council decides to increase compensation for January,2015,it would need to do so before elections this year. Discussion Previous compensation adjustments for the Mayor and Council members since 2001 are listed in the table below: Year Effective Mayor Annual Pay Council member Annual Pay Employer Paid Health Insurance 2011 $8528.40 $6396.30 No 2009 $8280 $6210 No 2007 $8000 $6000 No 2001 $5500 $4800 No Comparison Cities A recurring issue is which cities to compare Rosemount to for various studies. For employee compensation purposes,staff has historically used similar sized cities in the metro area. For information on a comparison from similar sized cities,see Attachments A&B and for a comparison of cities in Dakota County,please see attachment C. Recommendation If the Council would like to increase council compensation for 2015, it should provide clarification and direction to Staff. Mayor comparisons,Cities with Populations 15,000-30,000 2 f` m,of Organization Organization `ert, rr� ANNUAL Cos �AL Cost Organization r, Population` G gals Annual Wages Specie Meetings ,.H alth Provider Tor single ,..., or Family Brooklyn Center 29,810 1 $11,500.00 !Champlin 23,934 1 $9,550.00 0 Health Partners $0.00 $0.00 !Columbia Heights 18,361 1 $13,800.00 0 Medica $6,759.48 $10,020.00 Crystal 22,014 1 $10,514.69 n/a n/a !Farmington 18,959 1 $8,040.00 [Forest Lake 17,496 1 $6,500.00 No Health Partners 'Golden Valley 20,312 1 $11,619.00 $50/mtg, up to 3 !Ham Lake 15,324 1 $6,000.00 N/A Hastings 22,491 1 $8,400.00 0 !Lino Lakes 20,305 1 $6,272.00 $40 None New Brighton 22,321 1 $8,600.00 Health Partners $0.00 $0.00 !New Hope 20,718 1 $11,170.00 $25 per EDA HealthPartners $0.00 $0.00 Ramsey 23,272 1 $8,000.00 Rosemount 21,521 1 $8,528.00 $35/Port Savage 27,567 1 $8,000.00 !Shoreview 25,882 1 $9,060.00 !South St. Paul 20,180 1 $10,200.00 !Stillwater 18,235 1 $9,000.00 Blue Cross Blue $658.50 $1,731.50 West St. Paul 18,947 1 $8,910.00 AVG $9,140.19 <- n v Council member comparisons,Cities with Populations 15,000-30,000 Null),of ' ;;$ dd "Pmt for Organization Organization le cted Special {, ANNUAL Cost AN UAL Cost Organization Population Ct ials.._ n ual age s tings: Health Provider or Sing e for9 Family (Brooklyn Center 29,810 4 $8,805.00 (Champlin 23,934 4 $6,610.00 0 Health Partners $0.00 $0.00 (Columbia Heights 18,361! 4 $7,800.00 0 Medica $6,759.48 $10,020.00 (Crystal 22,014 6 $8,088.83 n/a n/a (Farmington 18,959 4 $7,020.00 (Forest Lake 17,496 4 $5,500.00 No Health Partners (Golden Valley 20,312 4 $8,696.00 $50/mtg, up to (Ham Lake 15,324 4 $4,900.00 N/A (Hastings 22,491, 6 $6,000.00 0 (Lino Lakes 20,305 4 $5,018.00 $40 None New Brighton 22,321 4 $7,000.00 NA Health Partners $6,473.52 $0.00 New Hope 20,718 4 $8,050.00 $25 per EDA Health Partners $0.00 $0.00 (Ramsey 23,272 6 $6,000.00 'Rosemount 21,521 4 $6,396.00 $35/Port (Savage 27,567 4 $6,000.00 0 Shoreview 25,882! 4 $6,720.00 South St. Paul 20,180 6 $6,600.00 (Stillwater 18,235 4 $7,200.00 Blue Cross Blue $658.50 $1,731.50 West St. Paul 18,947 6 $7,150.00 AVG $6,818.62 i Dakota County City Comparison „ ,�. . .., . s - Mayor Council Member Offered I4eaith Insurance Apple Valley $ 11,220.00 $ 8,208.00 Yes - City offers same contributions as full-time employees Burnsville $ 12,000.00 $ 8,400.00 Yes -City provided same contribution as employees who work 20 hrs/wk ($355/mo) * Eagan $ 13,625.00 $ 10,000.00 Yes - City pays for single premium, councilmembers can buy up for family insurance Farmington $ 8,040.00 $ 7,020.00 No Hastings $ 8,400.00 $ 6,000.00 No - Inver Grove Heights $ 9,000.00 $ 7,000.00 No Lakeville $ 9,996.00 $ 8,664.00 No Mendota Heights $ 5,700.00 $ 4,200.00 No Rosemount $ 8,528.40 $ 6,396.30 No South St. Paul $ 10,200.00 $ 6,600.00 No West St. Paul $ 8,910.00 $ 7,150.00 No Minimum $ 5,700.00 $ 4,200.00 Maximum; $ 13,625.00 $ , 10,000.00 Average $ 9,601.76 $ 7,239.85 *Burnsville: In 2014, rather than tracking CC hours,they increased the contribution level to equal what employees who work 30 hours/week receive, value is $600/month for 2014. cJ D I D Y O U KNOW ? A Few Guidelines for Council Salaries 1 By Edward Cadman ii.hink your councilmembers are paid before the next succeeding municipal considered part of their salary and too much—or too little?Well,as election.If no effective dates are provided, should be addressed in a city's salary long as your councilmembers agree, the salary reduction ordinance will be in ordinance or compensation plan. it's not hard to make an adjustment. effect for 12 months.When the ordi- Referendum on salary.There is no Cities other than Duluth,St.Paul, nance expires,the salaries it reduced authority in statute for a city to hold a Minneapolis,and Rochester may change automatically revert to levels in effect at referendum on council salaries.So in council salaries simply by passing an the time the ordinance was adopted. statutory cities,council alone controls ordinance—even if the city already has How councilmembers get paid and for how much the city pays its council- a law,ordinance,or charter provision to what. State law doesn't dictate how members.Charter cities,however,may the contrary.However,no increase in councilmembers get paid or for which have a provision providing for a referen- council salaries can take effect until services.Some cities pay their council- dum on ordinances.If the charter gives after the next city election. members a fixed monthly or annual residents the ability to require an State law. Minnesota Statutes,section sum,and others pay a certain amount election on a salary ordinance passed by 415.11 is the only law describing how per meeting.Some pay one rate for council,the Minnesota Court ofAppeals statutory cities change salaries.Accord- meetings,whether it's a regular or says nothing in state law diminishes that ing to the attorney general,though, special meeting,while others pay a right of the people.See Gould v. City of charter cities have discretion to use different rate for any special meetings Bloomington,394 N.W.2d 149 (Minn. either a charter provision or this statute beyond the planned regular meetings. App. 1986). to change council salaries. Whatever the city decides to do should A councilmember's other job. Many An ordinance passed and published be explicitly described by the salary councilmembers not only serve the under the statute that raises council ordinance to eliminate any uncertainty public,but employers as well.Employ- salaries cannot take effect until some- regarding what and when a council- ers are required by statutory section time after the"next succeeding munici- member gets paid. 211B.10,subdivision 2 to allow pal election."If the city has an election One provision in statute to keep in councilmembers to take time off from this coming November and the council mind is section 43A.17,subdivision 10, their regular employment to attend wants to amend its salaries,it may be a which states that no city's compensation council meetings.The time off may be good idea for the city to get started now plan for elected officials may include a paid,unpaid,or made up with hours Can council salaries be increased now? provision for vacation or sick leave.At agreed to by the employee and employer. Any salary ordinance passed under the the same time,the statute says the elected The employer is prohibited from taking statute should clarify when after the official's salary cannot be diminished due retaliatory action against an employee next succeeding municipal election to absence from official duties because because of absences taken to attend the changes will take effect.It's most of vacation or sickness. council meetings. common that salary ordinances take Definition of"salary."No state law Council can set its salary to any effect on the first Monday in January specifies what is or is not considered reasonable amount,but perhaps the best following an election when new terms part of a councilmember's salary (unlike way to determine what's reasonable is of office begin.But once the ordinance a city employee salary in 43A.17, by using data from the League of is adopted,the salary changes could subdivision 9).While section 415.10, Minnesota Cities annual Salary& take effect as soon as the day after the specifically allows Iron Range cities to Benefits Survey for Minnesota Local city election. provide per diem payments to elected Governments.Access to this data is free Can council salaries be reduced now? officials away on city business,arguably to participants of the survey,so it might Prior to 2009,for cities operating under any city can provide such payments be a great time to share your informa- the statute,neither increases nor decreases through its salary ordinance. tion as well.To learn more about the in city council salaries could take effect Some cities furnish technological salary survey,how to participate,and until after the next succeeding municipal upgrades (e.g.,iPad) for their elected how to access results,visit www Imc. election.Now it is possible for those cities officials or provide for their reimburse- org/salarysurvey. to decrease salaries,effective immediately. ment when purchased by the council- The council may enact an ordinance members.If councilmembers will keep Edward Cadman is a research attorney with that reduces salaries,and the ordinance these items once their council term the League of Minnesota Cities.Phone: may take effect immediately or anytime expires,they arguably should be (651)281-1229.E-mail:ecadman@lmc.org. SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2011 MINNESOTA CITIES 39 ■ e 4ROSEMOUN1" cLi SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting: October 7, 2008 AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: Mayor and Council Salaries Consent • PREPARED BY: Emmy Foster, Assistant City AGENDA NO I. Administrator ATTACHMENTS: Comparison Table, Policy, and APPROVED BY: Ordinance 01, RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the Mayor and City Council Salaries Policy; and a Motion to approve the Ordinance Amending Salaries and Compensation for Mayor and Council for the City of Rosemount. ISSUE State law requires that compensation adjustments for elected officials be done prior to the election this year and that any adjustment cannot be effective until the following year. The last time the salary for the Mayor and Council members was increased was January 1, 2007. Staff is recommending a policy that establishes guidelines for adjustments to Council salaries. These guidelines would indicate: 1. That the Mayor's salary and the salary of each Councilmember shall be adjusted biennially based on the change in the cost of living over that two-year period. In every even-numbered year, either the Consumer Price Index published by the Department of Labor (US City Average,All Urban Consumers)or the average amount of non-union employee cost of living adjustments (whichever is less for the two year period) shall be used for the prior two years to establish adjusted salaries for the Mayor and Councilmembers. Comparisons are made from July of the prior two years. Such adjusadjustments become effective on January 1 and biennially thereafter. tments J � y 2. That Council salaries should be within 10% of the average of other similar sized cities in the metro area (population of 15,000—30,000). From July of 2006 to July of 2007, the Consumer Price Index published by the Department of Labor (US City Average, All Urban Consumers) increased 5.6% and from July 2007 to July 2008 it increased 2.4% for a combined total of 8% for the two year period. From July of 2006 to July of 2007, the average amount of non-union employee cost of living adjustments increased 3.5% and from July 2007 to July 2008 it increased 3% for a combined total of 6.5% for the two year period. These numbers will be used in figuring the Mayor and Councilmember salaries for 2009 and 2010 since this percentage total is lower than the CPI percentage for the prior two years. Information on the comparison cities is attached. Staffed looked at the Mayor and Councilmember salaries of similar sized cities (population 15,000—30,000) in the metro area. Currently, the Mayor's salary is $8000 per year and a review of similar sized cities in the metro area shows that the average mayor salary is $8,446.81 per year. Our Mayor's compensation is 5.6% below the average. i - A 3.5% adjustment in 2009 and 3% adjustment in 2010 to the Mayor salary would bring the compensation level up to $8280 in 2009 and to $8528.40 in 2010. This amount would be within the 10% range of the average compensation at similar sized cities. Currently, the Council's salary is $6000 per year and a review of similar sized cities in the metro area shows that the average council salary is $6,444.57 per year. Rosemount's Council compensation is 7.4 % below the average. A 3.5% adjustment in 2009 and 3% adjustment in 2010 to the Council salaries would bring the compensation level up to $6210 in 2009 and$6396.30 in 2010. This amount would be within the 10% range of the average compensation at similar sized cities. BACKGROUND History of City of Rosemount Mayor and City Councilmembers Compensation Increases: Ordinance XXI.14 (June 6, 2006) Effective January 1, 2007 Mayor - $8,000 annually, Council Members - $6,000 annually Ordinance II.9 (April 4, 2000) Effective January 1, 2001 Mayor - $5,500 annually, Council Members - $4,800 annually Ordinance II.6 (May 4, 1989) Mayor- $350/month Council Members - $300/month Per Diem: Receive $20 for attending City meetings—excluding regular and special City Council meetings. Receive $25 for attending meetings outside the City. SUMMARY Staff recommends approval of the Mayor and City Council Salaries Policy; and approval of the Ordinance Amending Salaries and Compensation for Mayor and Council for the City of Rosemount 2 Population Comparables Cities with population 15,000 -30,000 Mayor Councilmembers Golden Valley 20,355 $ 11,619.00 $ 8,696.00 * high - not included in avg Brooklyn Center 27,901 $ 10,947.00 $ 8,381.00 New Hope 20,904 $ 10,672.00 $ 7,553.00 Fridley 26,303 $ 10,530.56 $ 7,647.15 South St. Paul 20,024 $ 10,200.00 $ 6,600.00 Crystal 22,306 $ 9,983.00 $ 7,679.86 Champlin 23,860 $ 9,550.00 $ 6,610.00 Prior Lake 21,542 $ 9,420.00 $ 7,440.00 Columbia Hgts 18,288 $ 9,000.00 $ 7,800.00 Stillwater 17,929 $ 9,000.00 $ 7,200.00 Anoka 18,150 $ 8,810.00 $ 7,140.00 Shoreview 26,093 $ 8,712.00 $ 6,456.00 New Brighton 22,325 $ 8,600.00 $ 7,000.00 Hastings 22,001 $ 8,400.00 $ 6,000.00 Ramsey 22,059 $ 8,000.00 $ 6,000.00 Rosemount 22,632 $ 8,000.00 $ 6,000.00 Savage 25,065 $ 8,000.00 $ 6,000.00 West St. Paul 18,816 $ 8,000.00 $ 6,500.00 White Bear Lk 24,922 $ 7,680.00 $ 5,400.00 Forest Lake 17,424 $ 6,500.00 $ 5,500.00 Lino Lakes 19,736 $ 6,272.00 $ 5,018.00 Chanhassen 22,017 $ 6,000.00 $ 4,800.00 Ham Lake 15,005 $ 6,000.00 $ 4,900.00 Hopkins 17,389 $ 6,000.00 $ 4,600.00 Farmington 17,495 $ 5,040.00 $ 4,020.00 *low- not included in avg Average $8,446.81 $6,444.57 Rosemount compared to average -5.60% -7.40% DRAFT CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POLICY TITLE: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SALARIES EFFECTIVE DATE: JANUARY 1, 2009 PROPOSED BY: ADMINISTRATION DATE APPROVED BY COUNCIL: xxx, 2008 PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for adjustments to the salaries of the Mayor and City Councilmembers. POLICY It is the intent of the Rosemount City Council to establish a salary for the Mayor and City Councilmembers that is at or near the average of other similar size cities in the metro area (population 15,000 — 30,000). Therefore, the salary for the Mayor and Councilmembers in Rosemount will be within 10% of the average salaries of similar size cities in the metro area. To insure that the Mayor and City Councilmember salaries stay near the average and to provide regular adjustments to the salary and avoid one-time large increases to these salaries, the City Council will adopt regular salary adjustments every other year in accordance with State law. The Mayor's salary and the salary of each councilmember shall be adjusted biennially based on the change in the cost of living over that two-year period. In every even-numbered year, either the Consumer Price Index published by the Department of Labor (US City Average, All Urban Consumers)or the average amount of non-union employee cost of living adjustments (whichever is less for the two year period) shall be used for the prior two years to establish adjusted salaries for the Mayor and Councilmembers. Such adjustments become effective on January 1 and biennially thereafter. If either the Mayor or Councilmember salaries exceed the average salary of similar size cities in the metro area by 10%, a salary adjustment would not be adopted. SAMPLE CALCULATION OF COMPENSATION From July of 2006 to July of 2007, the Consumer Price Index published by the Department of Labor (US City Average, All Urban Consumers) increased 5.6% and from July 2007 to July 2008 it increased 2.4% for a combined total of 8% for the two year period. From July of 2006 to July of 2007, the average amount of non-union employee cost of living adjustments increased 3.5% and from July 2007 to July 2008 it increased 3% for a combined total of 6.5% for the two year period. These numbers will be used in figuring the Mayor and Councilmember salaries for 2009 and 2010 since this percentage total is lower than the CPI percentage for the prior two years. Beginning in January 2009, the Mayor will receive $8280 per year and Councilmembers will be compensated at the rate of$6210 per year (a 3.5% increase). In January 2010, the Mayor will receive $8528.40 per year and Councilmembers will be compensated at the rate of$6396.30 per year (a 3.0% increase). , • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT COUNTY OF DAKOTA STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. X I 4 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SALARIES AND COMPENSATION FOR MAYOR AND COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Rosemount City Code 1-6-1 is hereby amended as follows: 1-6-1: SALARIES AND COMPENSATION: A. Salaries Established: Commencing January 1, 20072009, the salaries for mayor and council for the city shall be as follows: Mayor $8;004 00 8280 annually Council Members $6,000.00 6210 annually ( ... , $7) Commencing January 1, 2010, the salaries for mayor and council for the city shall be as follows: Mayor $ 8528.40 annually Council Members $ 6396.30 annually B. Workers' Compensation Act: Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 176.011, subdivision 9, clause 5, the elected officials of the city are hereby included in coverage of the Minnesota workers' compensation act. (Ord. 11.6, 4-18-1989; amd. Ord.11.9, 4-4-2000) Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in effect following its passage and publication. Adopted this day of ,20 2008, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk I Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this day of , 20062008. - _c ROSEMOCiNT Cc N EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: November 17, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance reducing Council salaries for �F DA S CTION• 2010 l�j PREPARED BY: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator AGENDA NO. �.d. ATTACHMENTS: Copy of state law regarding council APPROVED BY: salaries 04) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve an ordinance temporarily reducing the salaries of the Mayor and City Council members for twelve months beginning January 1, 2010. BACKGROUND At the last Council work session,it was noted that Council salaries are due to increase automatically by 3% on January 1,2010 based on previous action by the Council in 2008. The current ordinance ties the salaries of the Mayor and Council to a combination of factors including both the cost of living index and the salaries of other elected officials in similar area cities. At the workshop meeting,staff was directed to prepare an ordinance that would reduce the 2010 salaries for the Mayor and Council back to the current 2009 level for the 2010 calendar year. DISCUSSION The increases previously approved for January 1,2010 are as follows: Current 2010 Salary Mayor $8,280 $8,530 Council $6,211 $6,398 The Finance Director indicates that if the Council should wish to freeze its salaries for 2010,the savings in 2010 would be$998.00. Attached is a copy of the state law which was recently changed to allow a city council to temporarily reduce its pay by ordinance. RECOMMENDATION If the City Council wishes to eliminate the scheduled salary increase on January 1,2010,the attached ordinance should be approved. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE SALARY OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS; AMENDING CITY CODE SECTION 1-6-1. The City Council of Rosemount ordains as follows: Section 1. Rosemount City Code Section 1.6.1 is amended as follows: 1-6-1: SALARIES AND COMPENSATION: A. Salaries Established: Commencing January 1, 2009, the salaries for mayor and council for the city shall be as follows: Mayor $8,280.00 annually Council members 6,210.00 annually Commencing January 1, 2010, the salaries for mayor and council for the city shall be as follows: Mayor $8,528.40 annually Council members 6,396.30 annually Temporary Salary Reduction. Pursuant to the authority of Minnesota Statutes, Section 415.11, Subd. 3, salaries for mayor and council are reduced, effective from January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010, to the following: Mayor $8,280.00 annually Council members $6,210.00 annually Thereafter salaries shall be as follows: Mayor $8,528.40 annually Council members $6,396.30 annually B. Worker's Compensation Act: Pursuant to Minnesota statutes, section 176.011, subdivision 9, clause 6, the elected officials of the city are hereby included in coverage of the Minnesota workers' compensation act. (Ord. XXI.18, 10-7-2008) Section 2. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. Underli in indicates new language.] I � 9 Adopted by the City Council and City of Rosemount, Minnesota the day of p Y tY Y Y , 2009. William Droste Mayor ATTEST: Amy DoMeier City Clerk Published the day of , 20 in the Rosemount Town Pages 415.11, 2009 Minnesota Statutes Page 1 of 1 2o09 Minnesota Statutes 415.11 SECOND TO FOURTH CLASS CITIES; GOVERNING BODY SALARIES. Subdivision 1. Set by ordinance. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law, charter,or ordinance,the governing body of any statutory or home rule charter city of the second,third or fourth class may by ordinance fix their own salaries as members of such governing body,and the salary of the chief elected executive officer of such City, in such amount as they deem reasonable. Subd. 2. After next election. No change in salary shall take effect until after the next succeeding municipal election. Subd. 3. Temporary reductions. Notwithstanding subdivision 2 or a charter provision to the contrary,the governing body may enact an ordinance to take effect before the next succeeding municipal election that reduces the salaries of the members of the governing body. The ordinance shall be in effect for 12 months, unless another period of time is specified in the ordinance, after which the salary of the members reverts to the salary in effect immediately before the ordinance was enacted. 1-Iistory:• Ex 1967 c 42 s 1,2; 1976 c 44 s 34; 2009 c 152 s 17 https://www.r,evisor.mn.gov/statutes/?id=415.11 11/10/2009