HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Variance Request by TCC Materials 4ROSEMOUNTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY BOARD OF APPEALS AND ADJUSTMENTS Board of Appeals and Adjustments Meeting: January 14, 2014 Tentative City Council Meeting (If Appealed): February 18, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Case 14-05-V Variance Request by TCC AGENDA SECTION: Materials to Exceed the Building Height and Public Hearing allow some Metal Siding. PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 5.a. ATTACHMENTS: Site Map; TCC Materials Narrative; ATT p, Narrative; Aerial Site Plan; Aerial Landscape Plan; Tower APPROVED BY: oz Study; Tower Sections; Tower Plan; Covered Dock Enclosure RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION to approve a Variance to Zoning Ordinance Section 11-4-15: F. 10. to allow for a 75 foot tall Silo Tower and Section 11-4-15: G. 3. to allow for some metal siding, subject to the following: 1. No part of the building except for the 40 foot long by 72 feet wide silo tower is permitted to exceed the 50 foot maximum principal building height. 2. The green metal exterior siding of the Silo Tower cannot exceed 50% of the total silo tower exterior siding area. 3. The green metal exterior siding of the covered dock cannot exceed 25% of the total covered dock exterior siding area. SUMMARY TCC Materials purchased Akona Manufacturing of Maple Plain in 2006. Akona Manufacturing produces concrete and masonry repair products and the business has grown to a point in which it exceeds the Maple Plain facility. TCC Materials has a purchase agreement for the existing building on the southwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and County Road 42 that was formerly occupied by Commercial Millwork Solutions. The business in Maple Plain has a number of outdoor storage silos, but TCC Materials is proposing to enclose the silos within a building addition at the Biscayne location. Additionally,TCC Materials is proposing to enclose an existing covered dock on the west side of the building. TCC Materials is requesting a variance to the building height to construct at 75 feet high silo tower and a building material variance for the silo tower and the enclosed dock to allow some green metal siding. Applicant: TCC Materials Property Owner: Victoria LaBriola Trust Location: 15051 Biscayne Avenue Property Size: 15.64 Acres Comprehensive Plan Designation: BP—Business Park Current Zoning: BP—Business Park BACKGROUND TCC Materials has a purchase agreement for the former Commercial Millwork Solutions building on the southwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and County Road 42 (15051 Biscayne Avenue). The existing building is a 63,000 square foot,tip-up concrete panel industrial building with some green metal accents on the awning at the entrance, along the cap of the roof line, and around the roof joists of the covered dock on the west side of the building. TCC Materials had purchased the Akona Manufacturing business of Maple Plain in 2006 which makes concrete repair products and construction grouts and wants to move that business to the Biscayne location to expand. The operation will begin with 15 employees with plans to expand to approximately 30 total lab,production and quality control employees within 5 years. A large part of the production process is mixing various dry materials to manufacture the different products. In Maple Plain, these dry raw products are stored in outdoor silos that feed into the production building. In Rosemount,TCC Materials proposes to enclose 16 silos within a building addition on the south side of the structure that they have labeled the silo tower. This silo tower would be located where the outdoor dust collection system was when the Commercial Millworks Solution operated. The tower is proposed to be 2,880 square feet (40 feet long by 72 wide) and 75 feet tall. The 75 foot height is needed to enclose the 16 silos and is 25 feet taller that the 50 feet principal building height maximum. Additionally, TCC Materials is proposing to enclose the current 6,000 square foot covered dock to add more warehousing space. TCC Materials is requesting a variance to building height standard to allow for the construction of the 75 foot tall silo tower. TCC Materials is also requesting a building material variance to use some green metal siding on the silo tower and dock enclosure. The main reason for the material variance request is because of the limitations in the height of tip-up concrete panels. For a number of reasons including quality control and truck hauling limitations, standard tip-up concrete panels come in a maximum height of 52 feet tall. TCC Materials is proposing to construct the majority of the silo tower with 52 feet tall concrete panels and then finish the remaining 23 feet with green, factory finished metal siding similar to the color used in the entrance awning. TCC Materials is proposing a vertical band of green metal siding at the location where the addition will join the existing building. TCC Materials would follow a similar design pattern for building material for the dock enclosure. The drawings provided show that the exterior surfaces of the silo tower would be approximately 48% green metal siding and the dock enclosure would be about 21%green metal siding. Staff has recommended variance conditions that would limit the silo tower to no more than 50%green metal siding and the dock enclosure to no more than 25%green metal siding. ISSUE ANALYSIS Legal Authority. City review of a variance application is a Quasi Judicial action assigned to the Board of Appeals and Adjustments. Generally,if the applications meet the review standards the variance must be approved. The standards for reviewing variance are detailed in Section 11-12-2.G of the City Code and are based on the standards set forth in Minnesota State Statute 462.357, Subdivision 6. In Summary,variances may be granted when the applicant establishes there are "practical difficulties"in complying with the zoning regulations. Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties. In addition,the Board may choose to add conditions of approval that are directly related to and bear a rough proportionality to the impact created by the variance. The standards for reviewing a variance application and staff's findings for each are provided below. 2 1. Is variance in harmony with purposes and intent of the ordinance? Finding The BP—Business Park zoning district limits the use of outdoor equipment and storage than other industrial zoning districts and therefore staff finds the enclosure of raw product silos into a building addition is in harmony with purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. Staff also finds that the TCC Materials has provided justification that 75 feet is needed to enclose the silos and therefore recommends approval of the variance for the 75 foot tall silo tower. The majority of the building materials for the two building additions is tip-up concrete panels, which is allowed by the Zoning Ordinance. Because tip-up concrete panels are limited to 52 feet in height,it is impractical to require that the entire building addition be constructed of masonry. Staff finds that the TCC Materials proposal to use green, factory finished metal siding for the remaining part of the addition is following the use of green metal in the architectural accents of the existing building and therefore meet the purpose and intent of the Ordinance. 2. Is variance consistent with the comprehensive plan? Finding The proposed TCC Materials manufacturing use is consistent with BP -Business Park land use. The Comprehensive Plan Map uses BP—Business Park to transition from residential or commercial uses and other more intense industrial uses. Enclosing the raw product silos within a building and the minority use of metal siding is consistent with this transition to the other industrial uses that would allow outdoor storage and equipment and a majority use of metal siding. 3. Does proposal put property to use in a reasonable manner? Finding The manufacture of concrete repair products and construction grouts within a building is a reasonable use of property zoned BP—Business Park. 4. Are there unique circumstances to the property not created by the landowner? Finding The unique circumstances of the property is that the properties to the north and northeast are zoned commercial or developed as residential while the properties to the south and west are zoned and/or developed business park. TCC Materials has considered this in the proposed building addition by construction the Silo Tower on the south side of the existing building and enclosing the dock located on the west side of the building and therefore limiting the impact to the residential and commercial properties to the north and northeast. 5. Will the variance, if granted, alter the essential character of the locality? Finding The variance would not alter the business park character of the properties located south of County Road 42 and west of Biscayne Avenue. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the building height variance for the Silo Tower and the building material variance for the tower silo and the enclosed dock subject to the conditions described above. It should be noted that decisions made by the Board may be appealed to the City Council by the applicant, the Zoning Administrator, a member of the City Council or any person owning property or residing within 350 feet of the property affected by the decision. All appeal requests must be filed with the Planning Department within ten (10)working days of the action by the Board of Appeals and Adjustments. 3 IC, lat+ s 14 '` 17 r 1 p , , `v t TCC Materials i > 1 j ' ✓ k , ,/ I n j • 1 l { ar :' f ,4,,t„:iqri 00.'' : P 1'',,,..!thatki 1 • 1 -; :i ' , ' 4 1 ". , Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a Map Scale legal document and should not be substituted for a title search,appraisal, survey, or for zoning 1 inch = 800 feet verification. Dakota County assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained in this data. 1/7/2014 TCC Materials is a Minnesota business that manufactures pre-blended, cement-based concrete and masonry products to satisfy the needs from the do-it-yourselfer to the professional contractor. After expanding to six states,TCC Materials purchased Akona Manufacturing in 2006, a company specializing in concrete repair products and construction grouts. TCC Materials is now planning on relocating the Maple Plain Akona business to the Rosemount address of 15051 Biscayne Avenue. The current building located at this address consists of 63,013 square feet. TCC Materials would like to construct an addition attached to the current building with a square footage of 2,880, or less than a 5% increase. The dimensions of this structure would be 40 feet in length by 72 feet in width by 75 feet in height. The purpose of this addition would be to house a series of silos that contain raw materials such as various cements, silica sand, fly ash, slag, lime, etc. used in the manufacturing of the products. The current Rosemount ordinance does not allow building heights in the Business Park District to exceed 50 feet without first obtaining a height variance. TCC Materials is requesting a variance up to the 75 feet because of the size of the equipment and how that equipment is connected. Once a batch design is chosen,the enclosed silos will drop the selected raw materials into a weigh hopper that can then weigh the material and subsequently feed it into a mixer. After the mixer blends the materials together,the mixed product advances to a feed hopper before dropping into the packaging machine. The proposed building addition will be composed of 52 foot high precast concrete panels with a steel green accent band surround. The accent band was selected to match the current building colors and because the precast panels are currently not available beyond 52 feet in length. TCC Materials would anticipate breaking ground on this addition about the beginning of May, 2014. The construction phase of the project should last approximately 8 to 9 months,thereby putting start-up of the facility at about January, 2015. During a typical working day, it is estimated that there will be between five and eight outgoing trucks shipping products offsite. The facility will originally contain about 15 employees but TCC Materials anticipates adding another 15 employees over the next five years in the lab, production, and quality control areas. 1 W 0 C9 1< E rt z t u Q o 0 2 V CO Cr 11 w W 17 Cn () zLL o F- 02 a1-_ Q C] o X ° Ce C] o W co Q. < N 0 .411goosimp Z -z-. I— 0 4 co o ° , A M NQ CL Q 0 Y � i � � y t 0 w a o p Q (..) WCI .; W i . VIl y. ..: `q :11-I 0 0 zC �4 0 W it c) e .» • � t'.:1. CO 1 x� 1 V., 3 N 8 :1 i: .k I . ' i a.., 1*-....': ''' - 1 .. _ -' .1 ::-........ . 1 -" 47"-- %....:*;:. * 3 :;:' ANP, ° ''_,ft h . t.. Itir, ;,.ft,f/.:::. vg. ,, ..- ' i t.J. ;„-.... "...' .t.' ,.. ..;41 ott,-.. .• , 1414 V, .,t,,„ . . : .._ ... ,1". '1.4 4itti, 100 A' 4,, . -"'..„.,,,,:. 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