HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.d. Request by Flint Hills for an Interim Use Permit for Ten Blast Resistant Tents ROSE14OLINT1T EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PLANNING COMMISSION Planning Commission Meeting Date: January 14, 2014 Tentative City Council Meeting Date: February 3, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Case 14-04-IUP Request by Flint Hills for an AGENDA SECTION: Interim Use Permit for Ten (10) Blast Public Hearing Resistant Tents PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner AGENDA t�l J d , ATTACHMENTS: Site Map; Project Narrative; 2013 Facilities Siting Plan; BRM and Tent Siting APPROVED BY: Plan; Blanket Agreement Map; Tent 1 Brochure. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend the City Council approve an Interim Use Permit to Flint Hills Resources for up to Ten (10) Blast Resistant Tents, subject to the following conditions: 1. The Interim Use Permit expires 12/31/2018. 2. The placement of the Blast Resistant Tents is limited to the areas shown on the Blanket Agreement map. 3. Each tent requires a building permit and shall conform to all applicable building and fire codes. 4. The applicant must obtain a grading permit prior to grading or installation of the tents. ISSUE Flint Hills Resources LP (FHR) has applied for an Interim Use Permit (IUP) to install up to ten(10) blast resistant tents to provide space for break periods and safety shelters for contract workers. This request is in addition to the sixty(60) blast resistant modules that were reviewed and recommended for approval by the Planning Commission in November. BACKGROUND The IUP is intended to permit the buildings with an exemption from certain zoning standards associated with permanent buildings such as required materials,parking and landscaping. The IUP process has been used in other situations when the use is expected to be temporary,and the duration is either identified, or it is clear that improvements are of a temporary nature that will not adversely affect or inhibit future re-use of the site. 11-4-16-1 E. Heavy Industrial;Interim Uses;Temporary Buildings Accessory to an Approved Construction Permit exempts the temporary buildings from the following regulations: 11-5-2A: Building Type and Construction 11-6-1L: Off Street Parking Design and Construction Standards 11-6-3: Landscaping Requirements 11-4-16G: Site and Building Standards SUMMARY Flint Hills is beginning a multiple year investment in their facility that typically requires between 1,500 to 2,500 contract and permanent FHR staff,but peak construction periods could require up to 4,000 workers. The investments are not intended to increase gasoline production but will replace existing buildings and equipment as well as adding equipment,shops and labs to produce a larger variety of petrochemicals. The investment in the refinery is about$400,000,000. Currently,the contract employee parking for the workers will be located in the existing employee parking lot located south of the new administration building, south of 117th Street in Inver Grove Heights. From that parking lot,a bus takes the employees to the location of the project they are working on. The buses travel at 15 miles an hour,the speed limit within the refinery,and their worksite may be as far as one and a half miles from the parking lot. The distance between the work site and the parking lot and administration building makes it time prohibitive to travel from the work site to a permanent break room for either their 15 minute break or half hour lunch. The number and location of contract workers is expected to change in the future,which is described in more detail below. In December 2013,the City Council approved an IUP for sixty(60) blast resistant modules which are similar to intermodal trailers. The BRMs are twelve (12) feet wide by forty(40) feet long and are able to be trucked to a location near the workplace and installed with a crane. The BRMs will be used as locker rooms and break rooms for about twenty(20) construction workers and additionally will serve as a safe harbor in the case of an emergency. The modules are designed to survive a five (5) psi blast. The BRMs will be relocated as the construction projects progress,but the placement will always be within the module placement area shown on the attached exhibit,which is at least one half(1/2) mile south of 117`h Street and a quarter(1/4) mile west of US Highway 52. These BRMs are expected to accommodate between 600 and 800 workers. The blast resistant tents are intended to supplement the BRMs during the peak employment periods. The tents are roughly 45 feet wide by 60 feet long and are similar in appearance to the Irish Sports Dome. The tents are secured to the ground through multiple helical anchors and are designed to absorb the energy from blasts or explosions. FHR has provided(and is attached to this Executive Summary) a map showing the 5 psi blast area within the solid red line and the 0.9 psi blast area within the solid yellow line. The BRMs are intended to be placed within both the 5 psi and 0.9 psi areas close to project areas while the tents are intended to be placed within the 0.9 psi area to serve as a more general break space than the project specific function of the BRMs. The tents are expected to accommodate between 750 and 1,500 workers. As promised with the BRM approval,FHR has provided a narrative and diagram of their 5 year worker housing plan. The plan shows four areas in blue dashed line where major permanent building projects for FHR will occur. On the north side of the site,and within Inver Grove Heights,FHR is currently constructing a second administration building. On the east side of the site,FHR plans to construct an addition to the Clark Road Administration building for additional laboratory space. On the south side of the site,FHR is proposing to construct a second shop building to house their permanent"craft" workers. On the west side of the site,adjacent and accessed from Blaine Avenue, FHR is proposing to construct a building and a parking lot for contract"craft" workers. These contractors (contract"craft" workers) are the worker population that is anticipated to be using the blast resistant tents and the majority of BRMs since their actual work areas are far from the contractor parking and permanent buildings. 2 Findings for Interim Use Permits (Section 12.8): 1. The extent,location and intensity of the use will be substantially in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The site is designated for General Industrial use in the 2030 Rosemount Comprehensive Plan. The blast resistant tents will be used to house temporary contract workers that support the refining of petroleum, a permitted use in the Heavy Industrial zoning district. 2. The use will provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize traffic congestion in the public streets. Finding: Initial access to the temporary buildings will be the existing gates for the refinery and the employee parking access will be off of 117th Street in Inver Grove Heights and through Gate 9 along Clark Road. Upon the construction of the contractor multiplex adjacent to Blaine Avenue, access will come from Gates 15 and 16along Blaine Avenue and Rich Valley Boulevard. 3. The use will not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety and general welfare. Finding: The refinery complex with its exposed equipment, storage tanks and pipe racks has a heavy industrial character. Public health, safety and general welfare are served with conformance with building,fire codes and the IUP being visually screened from the US 52 right-of-way. 4. The use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. Finding: The construction projects that prompt the IUP are further development of the refiney complex as a permitted use in the Heavy Industrial District. 5. The use shall, in all other respects,conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. Finding: The use is consistent with applicable Heavy Industrial District standards and the IUP does not waive performance standards such as setbacks and utilizing existing or future planned parkingfacilities. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council approve an Interim Use Permit for up to ten (10) blast resistant tents,subject to the following conditions: 1. The date of expiration of the IUP shall be December 31,2018. 2. The placement of the BRMs is limited to the areas shown on the Blanket Agreement map. 3. Each tent requires a building permit and shall conform to all applicable building and fire codes. 4. The applicant must obtain a grading permit prior to grading or installation of the tents. 3 Flint Hills Resources , il ill - ..- , pr-;,--,- ' ' - ' 14 y _ .......... .._.,, .....„,,...'Its, 4 ./..-,:r... it tog, ..„,:„.„ -- _ �i _ \ , . ' - — tilk : ' ' \ i . - , A 4---- 2,4 1.... — 1 l ,('�-�- ...'fir �'; t • i l" Mk ' 1 L ilAr. \L liViti 2 / 1 I - i * * ' . * .1.301.... r ,„„ i 4. _____ , ..s .. to t t p t i p , , , . ''' j i K . Xf +f ` ?Ii .rr ti r 6 i �.� ,. , �..",ii. --t-... r t t i f ;y it 1 - ;7 ..,,tit. 0 , I s. �. — — it , . ‘110, e.. i E .,. , e r*-« l a' ` PI } �, u." Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, Dot accL,.,icy is not guaranteed. This is not Map Scale a legal document and should not be substituted for a title search,appraisal, survey, or for zoning 1 inch = 1320 feet verification. Dakota County assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained in this data. 11/19/2013 FLINT HILLS resources`° P.O.Box 64546 Pine Bend Refinery Saint Paul.Minnesota 55164 651.437.0700 Flint Hills Resources LP Request to install 10 Blast Resistant tents.. January 7,2014 ' Eric,Thanks for reviewing our Blast Resistant tent request today..To follow up with the conversation,I have outlined a few items in this memo that address your questions around The 5 year plan on where people will reside and what are the functions of the various structures. Currently FHR has a number of admin buildings,trailers, Break BRM's, Permanent BRM's and shops where people reside. The general groups of people that inhabit these structures are FHR admin, FHR Crafts, FHR operations,Contractor admins/management and Contractor craft. The number of people on the site at any time can currently run between 1500 to over 2500 during turnarounds.In the next few years with the project loads we anticipate we could be in the 2000 to possibly over the 4000 range. Listed below is an approximate range of people in the different structure and the use of these structures. Office buildings:Contain FHR staff,management,engineers,administration along with professional contractors such as engineering and other technical resources.These are permanent buildings.These buildings go through the regular building permit process. Anticipated populations 800-1000 Contractor Shops:Contain contractor craft and craft supervision.These are permanent buildings.Any new shops or expansions will go through the regular building permit process.A new Contractor shop complex is being discussed and worked into the 5 year plan though anticipated construction in the next 2-3 years. Anticipated contractor shop populations may be in the 600-1000 worker range. • FHR Shops:Contain FHR craft and supervision.These are permanent buildings.Any new shops or expansions will go through the regular building permit process.An expansion of the SWB complex is being evaluated for both offices and shop space.Anticipated FHR shop populations may be in the 200-300 worker range. BRM's for contractor breaks:Contain only contractor craft and craft supervision for breaking purposes.These go through the interim use process and are somewhat moveable.Anticipated population 600-800 Permanent BRM's/Control Rooms: House operations and long term project groups and are occupied by mainly FHR personnel.These buildings go through the regular building permit process. Anticipated population may be approximately 100. Trailers:Working on phasing out.Currently supporting contract craft break areas. Tents:These will house only contractor crafts for breaks and can help us flex up populations for major turnarounds and projects.These tents will have heating and cooling and will allow a safe breaking zone away from the process units. These tents will go through the interim use process and are somewhat movable.Anticipated populations 750-1500. Don Kern Facilities lvtanager 2 . , . ,I \ ' .--.. ..41.4/..... VI in (7 XC3 ,1 n It' 0 ...--...,.......... 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I 4141 - - r Blast Resistant:Certain models can be certified to withstand exposure to explosion- induced waves with pressures exceeding 5 psi and durations of over 200ms. eat Flux Resistant:Specific designs can employ unique fabrics and features to miti- ' _--° '° '- ' gate risk to workers from situations of flash fire caused by accidental hydrocarbon combustion. Highly portable:Large shelters can be transported to remote locations using minimal space,with limited expense and deployment with a small workforce(large structures - require only two to three hol.irs to inflate) Provides a strong,dear-span structure,maximizing available interior work and storage space. Engineered up to 100 meters dear span. Designed in a variety of configurations with various amenities and deployment options ..;'; / for modular,expandable,multi-unit complexes. *` Can include electrical,lights, HVAC and air filtration systems and flooring. IFF Manufactured to the highest standards from a range of PVC-coated high-strength, - .. '�- � �` °� ultra violet and fire-resistant materials to maximize protection for workers. 1 Certified to meet the most stringent national fire-code standards. Low operating pressure(less than 2 psi) . lr Manufactured to withstand regulated snow load and regional building codes for tempo- - e_ _ . rary shelters. F _ a 'I Resistant to wind forces minimum of 130 Km/hour(80 mph).Some certified to ¢¢ - category 3 hurricane. € k, Weather resistant in temperatures ranging from 70C to—45C(158F to—45F). { a .. \ .4. Solution Dynamic Air Shelters Ltd.addresses this need with its Threat Resistant Air Beam Shelter,which pro- vides the innovative design and technology necessary to protect people in harm's way. Dimensions of a sample shelter,2,800 square feet in size: ,/* k Blast and ballistics resistant �I Weight(including shipping containers): 5,510 lbs. • Shipping volume: 448 cubic feet Installation by 5 personnel in 2 hours Easily transported by fixed wing or rotary aircraft Constructed with blackout or opaque material Shelters of various sizes are being used in a variety of industrial blast environments and extreme cli- mates(hot and cold). Recent testing proves their capacity to withstand even greater threats. Threat Resistant Air Beam Shelter Features Blast resistant —field tested to a variety of threat levels Extensive engineering datal and field testingi has proven the capabilities of the shelter under blast and ballistic conditions. Field testing performed not only supports the engineering data but shows that "' the shelter is capable of withstanding significant pressure blast waves. Ballistic resistant—tested with 81 mm, 104 mm,and 155 mm shells,statically fired at five meter off set, newly developed ballistic resistant curtain provides easy-to-deploy security.Safe design,entirely non-rigid structure Redundant and secure TURNAROUND"WOGI STI C INC,' . eFr� 281-478-4670 / DYNAMIC g .....,,` AIR SHELTERS "`•. ot6orired Rcprescntathe Turnaround Logistics, Inc (281) 478-4670 Turnaround Logistics, Inc 281 478-4670 -Ilk .. Threat Resistant Air Beam Shelter Benefits •The ballistic resistant curtain and air column assembly creates a greater re- duction in peak pressure as blast levels increase.The shelter works harder to t attenuate peak pressure as blast and impulse over pressure increase. Air • Blast impulse is reduced dramatically • Pressure rise time is extended,resulting in a conversion of shock wave to a less injurious compression wave { Thermal protection •A layer of air between the inner and outer liners of the shelter - creates an insulating barrier that protects against thermal waves -Or"f -"?.- ,- Rapid response deployment •Install 2,800 sq ft of shelter,complete with cots and HVAC in 2 hours •All articles are lightweight and can be manhandled.There is rare- ly a need for lifting equipment except in the instance of very large shelters. TURN RA UN� O LOGISTICS INC. Versatility ----...,\ Shelters from 400 to 40,000 sq ft Temperature ranges from-50°to 150°F Turnaround Logistics, Inc Climate controlled—uniform distribution of heat and/or cool- 1314 B Underwood Road ing Threat Resistant Air Beam Shelter is versatile and has been used around the world for the following applications: La Porte,Texas 77571 • Decontamination •Air isolation(Positive&Negative) Tel: (281)478-4670 •Lunch rooms •Wash rooms Fax:(281)478-4704 •Meeting rooms •Supervisory offices sales @turnaroundlogisticsinc.com •Tool rooms •Storage facilities www.tttrnaroundfogisticsinc.com •General warehousing •Work site protection a •':. - erre ,;• 1M Please allow us the opportunity to visit your site to put on a presentation to you and your team, no matter where you are located.