HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.b. Review 2013-14 Goals and Work Plan 4 ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PORT AUTHORITY Port Authority Meeting Date: January 21, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Review 2013-14 Goals and Work Plan AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Deputy Director AGENDA NO. 4.b. ATTACHMENTS: Goals and Work Plan APPROVED BY: o -J RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion ISSUE The Port Authority has adopted goals that span several years and also a work plan to assist in implementing the adopted goals. The attachment gives a brief update on the status of the adopted goals and also the monthly work plan. Some of the goals require work outside of the scheduled meetings and are carried out by various City staff.Additionally, new projects, such as the CDA senior housing,Resilient Communities and Star Communities have redirected some of the staff time anticipated when the goals were first adopted. Chair Weisensel had suggested placing this item on the agenda with the intention to review goals and determine if additional items should be added or deleted. While many of the projects,like UMore, are a multi-year task, there are some projects that have been completed and could be removed from the goals listing. At this time, staff is asking the group to review the goals and see if there are areas lacking. The City Council has a scheduled goals setting session this month. Depending upon the final outcome of that exercise, the Port Authority may want to modify some of their adopted goals for 2014-15. RECOMMENDATION Information only. GOALS WORK PLAN JUNE 2013 Meet new Chamber President Vicki Stute Completed JULY 2013 Port Authority review of Steeple Center senior center/senior housing project -approve business subsidies -approve sale of port authority land Tentatively Scheduled for January or February 2014 AUGUST 2013 Review Draft Webpages-Business Incubator Completed Update on interns work accomplishments SEPTEMBER 2013 Update on South Gateway Revitalization Planning Study-Port Authority to provide comment Topic Introduced Discussion of Genz Ryan property and listing Completed OCTOBER 2013 Presentation of Redevelopment Status Listing -Port Authority members meet with Downtown business/property owners to discuss future plans Survey work on-going Discuss appropriate community representatives for Ambassador program Not Completed NOVEMBER 2013 Business Appreciation Lunch-theme Completed Joint Meeting with Rosemount Business Council Scheduled February 2014 DECEMBER 2013 Discussion of Open to Business and presentation by Laurie Crow Presentation at Appreciation Lunch Update on growth and new starts in the community for 2013 1,ist provided 1/21/2014 JANUARY 2014 Port Authority members report on discussions with Downtown business/property owners FEBRUARY 2014 Meet with University of MN for update on development plans and next steps-UMore MARCH 2014 Update on South Gateway Revitalization Planning Study-draft approval APRIL 2014 Community meeting—economic development initiatives and update MAY 2014 Joint meeting with Rosemount Business Council JUNE 2014 Investigate business retention statistics for community. Each member review what one surrounding community is doing to assess the performance of their economic development strategy. JULY 2014 Continue discussion of best practices from surrounding communities. EXISTING BUSINESS RETENTION AND GROWTH Goal: To increase the positive interactions and engagement with existing businesses through partnership and networking in support of our desirable small town atmosphere. Objective: To increase the use of interactions, information and feedback to focus resources effectively. Implementation Strategies 2013-2014 Initiate annual visioning sessions with Rosemount Business Council leadership and other volunteer stakeholders (RAAC,Leprechaun Days, OneRosemount,RHS) to build existing and develop new community activities and events to engage residents, businesses and organizations. 2013-2014: Establish "virtual incubator"identifying resources and programs entrepreneurs have available for business start-ups and growth. Completed 2013: Promote and monitor efficacy of the CDA Open to Business Program to determine its effectiveness supporting new business startups and existing business development. Completed 2013-2014: Investigate partnerships with DCTC/Entrepreneurial programs for ability to offer program assistance to startups and expansion opportunities to home-based businesses and military families. 2013: Increase business communication contact list by at least 25%. Completed 2013-2014: Identify business retention statistics and analysis used by neighboring cities and identify other statistical resources, such as Greater MSP. 2013-2015: Create schedule of businesses that have left the City and ascertain reasons for leaving. Maintain this schedule for evaluation for next 3 years analyzing data for trends and needs. DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT Goal: To increase the number and variety of retail and commercial destinations to maintain Downtown as a place of commerce. Objective: To continue implementing the Development Framework for Downtown Rosemount (July 2004)with its eight identified focus areas. Implementation Strategies 2013: Continue to market Genz-Ryan property consistent with the Development Framework. Provide quarterly updates of contacts, prospects and market activity. Completed 2013-2014: Create a Redevelopment Status List of existing properties and engage business owners within the Downtown Redevelopment areas for upgrades,renovations and revitalization plans. Report to the Port Authority annually. Completed Downtown visits/on-going UMore PARK DEVELOPMENT Goal: To increase sustainable business and employment opportunities within an extended and long-term community development. Objective: To increase clarity of scope, schedule and development costs. Implementation Strategies 2011-2013: Monitor Alternate Urban Area-Wide Review (AUAR) as the Responsible Governmental Unit (RGU), collaborating with Empire Township and UMore. AUAR completed and approved. 2012-2015 Partner with the UMore development group to establish marketing and job creation opportunities consistent with creating a regional hub for emerging and sustainable technologies. 2012-2022: Investigate with UMore development group scope and timing of a demonstration project of sustainable development concepts and eco industrial park development. City continuing to partner with UMore on development initiatives COMMERCIAL AMENITIES Goal: To increase the quantity of desirable underserved retail and commercial businesses. Objective: To secure a hotel facility within the city limits. Implementation Strategies 2013: Monitor current hotel construction/opening for business. On-going 2013-2014 Monitor and review South Gateway Revitalization Planning Study process. In process 2013-2015: Continue to investigate/pursue niche businesses driven by unique markets instead of a growth model that depends on population size or number of"rooftops." INDUSTRIAL / BUSINESS (AND TECHNOLOGY) PARK Goal: To increase the quantity and quality of business and employment opportunities for residents while broadening the sector and tax base. Objective: To increase visibility and marketing direction for available development opportunities. Implementation Strategies 2013 Meet with undeveloped guided Business Park development stakeholders to understand their issues, goals and timing related to development. Create action items based on outcome. Have contacted both owners representatives 2013-2014: Investigate/partner to determine feasibility of establishing a "business incubator" growth model. Consider emerging technologies, sustainability, nanotechnology opportunities and partnership with DCTC. COMMUNICATIONS, MARKETING AND REGIONAL COOPERATION Goal: To increase the quantity and quality businesses. Objective: To increase the visibility and marketing of Rosemount business opportunities locally and regionally. Implementation Strategies 2013 Refine website presence to further develop community profile and economic development messaging to site selectors. Investigate social media opportunities. Website enhancements completed 2013 Formalize an economic development"ambassador" contact list and program. 2013: Maintain participation in regional Greater MSP marketing strategy and Positively MN. On-going 2013: Maintain collaboration with Rosemount Business Council and Dakota County Regional Chamber of Commerce to enhance more local marketing effort. On-going PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Goal To increase communication of value, timeliness and consistency of development to the economic development community, businesses and our residents Objective: To increase data driven level of service in communication and efficiency of operations. Implementation Strategies 2013: Increase feedback on best practices from stakeholders (developers,businesses, Chamber,residents) and implement practices to be deemed business friendly and cost effective. Some inroads 2013: Establish a metric to measure impact and value of development efforts. (i.e. new business started; number of new jobs;increase property tax valuation,retention)