HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.b. City PC Workstations, File Servers and Laptops 4 ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting Date: February 3, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: City PC Workstations, File Servers and AGENDA SECTION: Laptops New Business PREPARED BY: Jeff May, Finance Director AGENDA NO. q,b. ATTACHMENTS: Memo from IT Coordinator, Quote APPROVED BY: Tabulation Worksheets va► RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve moving forward with the purchase PC Workstations, File Servers and Laptops associated with the attached quotes. ISSUE The issue before the City Council is the purchase of PC's, File Servers and Laptops budgeted for in the 2014 Equipment CIP. BACKGROUND This item is on the agenda to get City Council approval to purchase PC's last replaced in 2009, file servers that are in need of replacement and laptop replacements for the Public Works crew. There is money in the 2014 Equipment CIP budget for these expenditures. Jayson Solberg, our IT Coordinator, has obtained quotes for these items. Attached is a memo from Jayson Solberg, the IT Coordinator,listing reasons for the need to proceed forward with the replacement of this equipment. Jayson is available to answer any questions you have prior to the meeting and will be present at the meeting as well. Attached are 4 separate quote sheets (one for the PC Workstations, one for the P.W. Laptops and two for the servers). The total of all four quotes is $100,500.00 and,if approved,will still leave us approximately $10,500 under budget for the equipment budgeted for in these line items this year. SUMMARY Staff is recommending the Council authorize the purchase of the hardware addressed in the attached quotes for the replacement/upgrade of PC Workstations, File Servers and Laptops for the Public Works crew. 4 ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA M E M O R A N D U M To: Jeff May, Finance Director From: Jayson Solberg, IT Coordinator Date: January 29, 2014 Subject: 2014 CIP Replacements for City Hall/Parks Issue The City of Rosemount City Hall and Parks computers are end of life and no longer under warranty. As a City we have decided to replace computers every 5 years. The City Hall SAN (a storage area network is a device with 16 hard drives in it that holds all of our data connected via network connections) is ending life and is out of space. The phone system hardware needs replacement and redundancy. Public Works has 6 laptops that are more than 5 years old and need to be replaced. Computer replacements As a City we have decided to replace the desktop computers every 5 years. Our current desktop computers are 5 years old and out of warranty. In the recent few months a lot of users have complained of general slowness in the morning. The hard drive lights are staying on in about 20%percent of the slow computers which means there is an underlying hardware problem and due to the fact that these are out of warranty the manufacturer will not replace any parts. This would be an additional cost to the City that was not budgeted if we do not replace computers. Public works Laptops The laptops that we are replacing in Public works are more than 5 years old and are out of warranty. We currently have 3 iPads and 10 laptops deployed in the field. Due to the fact that we cannot use tablets to view ArcGIS and Cartegraph applications we must deploy laptops to our users. This may change in the coming years but as of right now the laptops are the only option we have for our mobile Cartegraph/ArcGIS users. Phone system move/failover Currently we have our phone system hardware in the basement of City Hall. I would like to move that upstairs to our City Hall server room. I also would like to add a device to create a redundant phone system. We have one point of failure with our current system. It would take about a day for our phone vendor to bring our phone system back online if a hardware failure occurs. This system will provide instantaneous switchover if a hardware failure occurs. This will also provide load balancing on current system. City Hall Storage The City SAN is ending life and is completely full. With more departments using Laserfiche our storage requirements have increased by 300% since 2009. This will replace the current storage unit and triple our storage capacity. Project/Item: CITY HALL AND PARKS COMPUTER REPLACEMENTS Department: Finance Quotes Received By(Date): 1/29/2014 Is there a local(Rosemount)vendor available: Yes / NQ Account Number(s)to be Used: 207-49007-01-590.00 Budgete. - No Budgeted: Yes / No Budgeted: Yes / No Budgeted:Yes / No Company Total Quote 1 HP $69,210.00 2 CIT $67,383.00 3 CDW $68,774.00 • 4 5 6 7 Staffs Recommended Quote CIT City Administrator Date Notes/Explanations: C:I Usersljbsl DocumentslServer ProjectlQuote Review Form pc 2014.xls Project/Item: STORAGE SOLUTION Department: Finance Quotes Received By(Date): _1/29/2014 Is there a local(Rosemount)vendor available: Yes / Account Number(s)to be Used: 207-49007-01-589.00 Budgeted. es No Budgeted:Yes / No Budgeted:Yes / No Budgeted:Yes / No Company Total Quote 1 CIT-DELL PS6100 $29,200.00 2 CIT-DELL PS4100 $18,625.00 3 NIMBLE $47,500.00 4 VISTA COMPUTER-HP $30,000.00 5 6 7 Staffs Recommended Quote - CIT DELL PS4100 • City Administrator Date Notes/Explanations: C:iUsersybsiDocumentsiServer Pro/ectlQuote Review Form Storage 2014.xls Project/Item: Phone system Project Department: Finance Quotes Received By(Date): 1/29/2014 Is there a local (Rosemount)vendor available: Yes I Account Number(s)to be Used: 207-49007-01-589.00 Budgeted: Yes No Budgeted: Yes / No Budgeted: Yes / No Budgeted: Yes / No Company Total Quote 1 CIT $9,068.00 2 3 4 5 6 7 Staffs Recommended Quote CIT City Administrator Date Notes/Explanations: Due to the current phone system in place I do not feel I would like to bring in a new vendor This will involve moving the PRI to server room City Hall. Creating a redundant phone system. C:1UsersVbsWDocumentslServer ProjectlQuote Review Form phone system 2014.xls Project/Item: PUBLIC WORKS LAPTOPS Department: Finance Quotes Received By(Date): 1/29/2014 Is there a local (Rosemount)vendor available: Yes / Account Number(s) 207-49007-01-586.00 Budgete .Yes / No Budgeted: Yes / No _Budgeted:Yes / No Budgeted: Yes / No Company Total Quote 1 CDW $6,023.80 2 CIT-STATE CONTRACT $5,424.00 3 TIGER DIRECT $6,479.00 4 5 6 7 Staffs Recommended Quote CIT City Administrator Date Notes/Explanations: C:lUsersljbs\Documents%Server ProjectiQuote Review Form pubworks laptops 2014.xls