HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.h. Cooperative Purchasing Agreement – Splash Pad ROSEMOUNTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: February 18, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Cooperative Purchasing Agreement— AGENDA SECTION: Splash Pad Consent PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation AGENDA NO. 1 ,, Director V it If -0 National Purchasing Cooperative NATIONAL PURCHASING COOPERATIVE INTERLOCAL PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT This Interlocal Participation Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into on the date indicated below by and between The National Purchasing Cooperative ("Cooperative"), an administrative agency of cooperating local governments, acting on its own behalf and the behalf of all participating local governments, and the undersigned local government("Cooperative Member"). I.RECITALS WHEREAS, the National Purchasing Cooperative was formed on May 26, 2010, pursuant to MD. CODE ANN., STATE FIN. &PROC. § 13-110 (West 2009), and R.I.GEN.LAws § 16-2-9.2 (2009); and WHEREAS, the purpose of this Agreement is to facilitate compliance with state procurement requirements, to identify qualified vendors of commodities, goods and services, to relieve the burdens of the governmental purchasing function, and to realize the various potential economies, including administrative cost savings, for Cooperative Members; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and obligations contained herein,the undersigned Cooperative Member and the Cooperative agree as follows. II. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Adopt Organizational Interlocal Cooperation Agreement. The Cooperative Member by the execution or acceptance of this Agreement hereby adopts and approves the Organizational Interlocal Agreement dated May 26, 2010, which agreement is incorporated herein by reference (and is available from the Cooperative upon request). The Organizational Interlocal Agreement established the Cooperative as an administrative agency of its collective participants, and Cooperative Member agrees to become a participant or additional party to that Organizational Interlocal Agreement. 2. Term. The initial term of this Agreement shall commence on the date it is executed by both parties and shall automatically renew for successive one-year terms unless sooner terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. 3. Termination. (a) By the Cooperative Member. This Agreement may be terminated by the Cooperative Member at any time by thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Cooperative, provided any amounts owed to any vendor have been fully paid. Page 1 of 7 (Revised by the Cooperative Board of Trustees on April 23, 2012). (b) By the Cooperative.The Cooperative may terminate this Agreement by: (1) Giving ten (10) days notice by certified mail to the Cooperative Member if the Cooperative Member breaches this Agreement; or (2) Giving thirty (30) days notice by certified mail to the Cooperative Member with or without cause. (c) Termination Procedure. If the Cooperative Member terminates its participation under this Agreement or breaches this Agreement, or if the Cooperative terminates participation of the Cooperative Member, the Cooperative Member shall bear the full financial responsibility for all of its purchases made from vendors under or through this Agreement. The Cooperative may seek the whole amount due, if any, from the terminated Cooperative Member. In addition, the Cooperative Member agrees it will not be entitled to a distribution which may occur after the Cooperative Member terminates from the Cooperative. 4. Payments by Cooperative Member. The Cooperative Member will make timely payments to the vendor for the goods, materials and services received in accordance with the terms and conditions of the bid invitation, instructions, and all other applicable procurement documents. Payment for goods, materials and services and inspections and acceptance of goods, materials and services ordered by the procuring Cooperative Member shall be the exclusive obligation of the procuring Cooperative Member, and not the Cooperative. Furthermore, the Cooperative Member is solely responsible for negotiating and securing ancillary agreements from the vendor on such other terms and conditions, including provisions relating to insurance or bonding,that the Cooperative Member deems necessary or desirable under state or local law, local policy or rule, or within its business judgment. 5. Payments by Vendors. The parties agree that the Cooperative will require payment from vendors which are selected to provide goods, materials or services to Cooperative Members. Such payment (hereafter "Vendor Fees") may be up to two percent (2%) of the purchase price paid by Cooperative Members or a flat fee amount that may be set from time to time by the Cooperative Board of Directors. Cooperative Member agrees that these Vendor Fees fairly compensate the Cooperative for the services and functions performed under this Agreement and that these Vendor Fees enable the Cooperative to pay the administrative, endorsement, licensing, marketing, and other expenses involved in successfully operating a program of electronic commerce for the Cooperative Members. Further, Cooperative Member affirmatively disclaims any rights to such Vendor Fees, acknowledging all such fees are the property of the Cooperative. Similarly, in no event shall a Cooperative Member be responsible for payment of Vendor Fees. 6. Distribution. From time to time, and at the sole discretion of the Cooperative Board of Directors, the Cooperative may issue a distribution to Cooperative Members under a plan developed by the Cooperative Board of Directors. The Cooperative Member acknowledges that a distribution is never guaranteed and will depend on the overall financial condition of the Cooperative at the time of the distribution and the purchases made by the Cooperative Member. 7. Administration. The Cooperative may enter into contracts with others, including non-profit associations, for the administration, operation and sponsorship of the purchasing program provided by this Agreement. The Cooperative will provide reports, at least annually, to the Cooperative Member electronically or by Page 2 of 7 (Revised by the Cooperative Board of Trustees on April 23,2012). mail. Cooperative Member will report purchase orders generated under this Agreement to the Cooperative or its designee, in accordance with instructions of the Cooperative. 8. BuyBoard®. Cooperative Member will have a non-exclusive license to use the BuyBoard electronic purchasing application(BuyBoard) during the term of this Agreement. Cooperative Member acknowledges and agrees that the BuyBoard electronic application and trade name are owned by the Texas Association of School Boards, Inc., and that neither the Cooperative nor the Cooperative Member has any proprietary rights in the BuyBoard electronic application or trade name. The Cooperative Member will not attempt to resell, rent, or otherwise distribute any part of BuyBoard to any other party; nor will it attempt to modify the BuyBoard programs on the server or acquire the programming code. The Cooperative Member may not attempt to modify, adapt, translate, distribute, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble any component of the application. The Cooperative Member will use BuyBoard in accordance with instructions from the Cooperative (or its designee) and will discontinue use upon termination of participation in the Cooperative. The Cooperative Member will maintain equipment, software and conduct testing to operate the BuyBoard system at its own expense. III. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. Amendment by Notice. The Board may amend this Agreement,provided that prior written notice is sent to the Cooperative Member at least 60 days prior to the effective date of any change described in such amendment and provided that the Cooperative Member does not terminate its participation in the Cooperative before the expiration of said 60 days. 2. Authorization to Participate and Compliance with Local Policies. Each Cooperative Member represents and warrants that its governing body has duly authorized its participation in the Cooperative and that the Cooperative Member will comply with all state and local laws and policies pertaining to purchasing of goods and services through its membership in the Cooperative. 3. Bylaws. The Cooperative Member agrees to abide by the Bylaws of the Cooperative, as they may be amended, and any and all written policies and procedures established by the Cooperative. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Cooperative shall provide written notice to the Cooperative Member of any amendment to the Bylaws of the Cooperative and any written policy or procedure of the Cooperative that is intended to be binding on the Cooperative Member. The Cooperative shall promptly notify all Cooperative Members in writing of any Bylaw amendment, policy or procedure change. 4. Cooperation and Access. The Cooperative Member agrees that it will cooperate in compliance with any reasonable requests for information and/or records made by the Cooperative. The Cooperative reserves the right to audit the relevant records of any Cooperative Member. Any breach of this provision shall be considered material and shall make the Agreement subject to termination on ten (10) days written notice to the Cooperative Member. 5. Coordinator. The Cooperative Member agrees to appoint a program coordinator who shall have express authority to represent and bind the Cooperative Member, and the Cooperative will not be required to contact any other individual regarding program matters. Any notice to or any agreements with the coordinator shall be binding upon the Cooperative Member. The Cooperative Member reserves the right to change the coordinator as needed by giving written notice to the Cooperative. Such notice is not effective until actually received by the Cooperative. Page 3 of 7 (Revised by the Cooperative Board of Trustees on April 23, 2012). 6. Current Revenue. The Cooperative Member hereby warrants that all payments, fees, and disbursements required of it hereunder shall be made from current revenues budgeted and available to the Cooperative Member. 7. Defense and Prosecution of Claims. The Cooperative Member authorizes the Cooperative to regulate the commencement, defense, intervention, or participation in a judicial, administrative, or other governmental proceeding or in an arbitration, mediation, or any other form of alternative dispute resolution, or other appearances of the Cooperative in any litigation, claim or dispute which arises from the services provided by the Cooperative on behalf of its members, collectively or individually. Neither this provision nor any other provision in this Agreement will create a legal duty for the Cooperative to provide a defense or prosecute a claim; rather, the Cooperative may exercise this right in its sole discretion and to the extent permitted or authorized by law. The Cooperative Member shall reasonably cooperate and supply any information necessary or helpful in such prosecution or defense. Subject to specific revocation, the Cooperative Member hereby designates the Cooperative to act as a class representative on its behalf in matters arising out of this Agreement. 8. Governance. The Board of Directors (Board) will govern the Cooperative in accordance with the Bylaws. 9. Jurisdiction/Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Rhode Island. 10. Legal Authority. The Cooperative Member represents and warrants to the Cooperative the following: a) The Cooperative Member has conferred with legal counsel and determined it is duly authorized by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the Cooperative Member lies to participate in cooperative purchasing,and specifically,the National Purchasing Cooperative. b) The Cooperative Member possesses the legal authority to enter into this Agreement and can allow this Agreement to automatically renew without subsequent action of its governing body. c) Purchases made under this Agreement will satisfy all procedural procurement requirements that the Cooperative Member must meet under all applicable local policy,regulation, or state law. d) All requirements—local or state—for a third party to approve, record or authorize the Agreement have been met. 11. Disclaimer. THE COOPERATIVE, ITS ENDORSERS AND SPONSORS, (INCLUDING, THE NATIONAL SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION, THE MARYLAND ASSOCIATION OF BOARDS OF EDUCATION, AND THE RHODE ISLAND ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL COMMITTEES) AND SERVICING CONTRACTOR(S) (INCLUDING, THE NATIONAL SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION AND THE TEXAS ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL BOARDS, INC.) DO NOT WARRANT THAT THE OPERATION OR USE OF COOPERATIVE SERVICES WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE. THE COOPERATIVE, ITS ENDORSERS, SPONSORS AND SERVICING CONTRACTORS, HEREBY DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN REGARD TO ANY INFORMATION, PRODUCT OR SERVICE FURNISHED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Page 4 of 7 (Revised by the Cooperative Board of Trustees on April 23, 2012). 12. Limitation of Liability. Without waiver of the disclaimer or other limitation of liability in this Agreement, the parties agree that: (a)Neither party waives any immunity from liability afforded under law; (b) In regard to any lawsuit or formal adjudication arising out of or relating to this Agreement, neither party shall be liable to the other under any circumstance for special, incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages; (c) The maximum amount of damages recoverable will be limited to the amount of fees which the Cooperative received as a direct result of the Cooperative Member's purchase activity, within 12 months of when the lawsuit or action was filed; and (d) In the event of a lawsuit or formal adjudication the prevailing party will be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees pursuant to the applicable law of the State of Rhode Island. Without waiver of the disclaimer or other limitation of liability in this Agreement, the parties further agree to limit the liability of the Cooperative's Endorsers, Sponsors and Servicing Contractors (defined in Paragraph 11, above) up to the maximum amount each received from or through the Cooperative, as a direct result of the undersigned Cooperative Member's purchase activity, within 12 months of the filing of any lawsuit or action. 13. Limitation of Rights. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, nothing in this Agreement is intended to confer upon any person, other than the parties hereto, any benefits, rights, or remedies under or by reason of this Agreement. 14. Merger/Entirety. This Agreement, together with the Cooperative's Bylaws and Organizational Interlocal Agreement, represents the complete understanding of the Cooperative and Cooperative Member. To the extent there exists any conflict between the terms of this Agreement and that of prior agreements, the terms of this Agreement shall control and take precedence over all prior participation agreements. 15. Notice. Any written notice to the Cooperative shall be made by first class mail, postage prepaid, and delivered to the National Purchasing Cooperative, 1680 Duke Street,Alexandria, VA, 22314. Notices to Cooperative Member may be made by first class mail, postage prepaid, and delivered to the Cooperative Member's Coordinator or chief executive officer (e.g., superintendent, city manager, county judge or mayor). 16. Severability. If any portion of this Agreement shall be declared illegal or held unenforceable for any reason,the remaining portions shall continue in full force and effect. 17. Signatures/Counterparts. The failure of a party to provide an original, manually executed signature to the other party will not affect the validity, enforceability or binding effect of this Agreement because either party may rely upon a facsimile signature as if it were an original. Furthermore, this Agreement may be executed in several separate counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. 18. Warranty. By the execution and delivery of this Agreement, the undersigned individuals warrant that they have been duly authorized by all requisite administrative action required to enter into and perform Page 5 of 7 (Revised by the Cooperative Board of Trustees on April 23,2012). the terms of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties, acting through their duly authorized representatives, accept this Agreement. TO BE COMPLETED BY THE COOPERATIVE: The National Purchasing Cooperative, acting on behalf of all other Cooperative Members By: Date: Associate Executive Director [Additional signature page follows.] Page 6 of 7 (Revised by the Cooperative Board of Trustees on April 23, 2012). TO BE COMPLETED BY COOPERATIVE MEMBER: [Signature required unless accepted as an Amendment by Notice as described in the Agreement.] (Name of Local Government) By: Date: Signature of authorized representative of Cooperative Member Printed name and title of authorized representative Coordinator for the Cooperative Member is: Name Title Mailing Address City State Zip Code Telephone Fax Email [Last page. Nothing follows.] Page 7 of 7 (Revised by the Cooperative Board of Trustees on April 23,2012). Organizational Interlocal Agreement of May 26, 2010 NATIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT PURCHASING COOPERATIVE ORGANIZATIONAL TNTERLOCAL AGREEMENT This Organizational Inter local Agreement ("Agreement"), executed by and among the School District of Caroline County, Maryland, the School District of St. Mary's County, Maryland, the Warwick Public School District, Rhode Island, and the Providence Public School District, Rhode Island, collectively referred to as the "Organizing Local Governments," do hereby organize and create the National School District Purchasing Cooperative the "Cooperative"), pursuant to Mo. CODE A\ ., STATE Fire & PRoc. § 13-110 (West 2009), and R.I.GF.N.LAws § 16-2-9.2(2009). The Organizing Local Governments, for and in consideration of the premises and mutual agreements set forth below, hereby agree as follows: Article 1. Formation of the Cooperative. a. The Organizing Local Governments hereby create this Cooperative for their mutual benefit and for the benefit of all eligible governmental entities, wherever located in the United States, which may become a part of the Cooperative. It is agreed that governmental entities may join this Cooperative by becoming a party to this Agreement at any time during the term of this Agreement, or as otherwise authorized by the Cooperative (and, for purposes of this Agreement, the same shall be referred to as "Cooperative Members"herein). b. The Cooperative shall operate on behalf of its participating Cooperative Members, and Cooperative Members shall constitute governmental entities authorized to enter into interlocal, intergovernmental or joint powers agreements under the laws of their respective states. c. The purpose of the Cooperative is to obtain the benefits and efficiencies that can accrue to Cooperative Members by participating in a cooperative effort to (i) comply with the governmental procurement requirements applicable to the State of purchase; (ii) identify qualified vendors of commodities, goods and services that will meet the needs of Cooperative Members; (iii) relieve or ease the burden of the governmental purchasing function by promoting administrative efficiency and intergovernmental cooperation; and (iv) realize the various potential economies of scale, including administrative and other cost savings,that can be achieved from volume purchasing on a national scale. d. This Agreement, and the Cooperative formed hereunder, shall be governed under the laws of the State of Rhode Island, specifically, R.1.CiareLaws § 16-2-9.2 (2009). Additionally, the parties intend for this Agreement and this Cooperative to comply with the various laws governing interlocal, intergovernmental, or joint powers agreements applicable to the participating Cooperative Members. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to evade the purposes of any state or local procurement laws. 04-27-10 Draft Interlocal kreernent Board Purchastn!.doc Page 1 of 12 _ _ Article 2. Term. a. This Agreement shall conunence upon the date that the last signature of the Organizing Local Governments is affixed hereto and shall continue in full force and effect until specifically superseded or terminated by subsequent interlocal agreement or as otherwise authorized by the Cooperative. Article 3. Governance. a. The Cooperative shall be governed by a Board of Directors in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the bylaws, agreements and policies adopted and amended by the Board from time to time. To the extent required by this Agreement, the Board shall not adopt bylaws or take action that would be contrary to the tenns of this Agreement b. The members of the Board must he composed of elected or appointed officials or employees of the participating Cooperative Members or of NSBA, TASB, RIASC and MABE. No Cooperative Member or NSBA, TASB, RIASC and MABE, shall have more than one individual on the Board. c. The initial Board shall carry out the following within a period of one year of the commencement date of the Agreement: i. Adopt bylaws for the operation of the Cooperative; ii. Enter into contracts for the fundamental administration of the Cooperative; iii. Adopt form interlocal participation agreements for other governmental entities to join the Cooperative; and iv. Take such other action as the Board deems appropriate or necessary to accomplish the purposes of the Cooperative. Article 4. Initial Board Composition Written Proxy. a. Each Board member must be either an elected or appointed official or employee of a Cooperative Member, or of NSBA, TASB, RIASC and MABE, and no Cooperative Member shall hold more than one seat on the Board. Any Board member who vacates his/her position as an elected or appointed official or employee of a Cooperative Member shall be deemed to have vacated the position on the Cooperative Board, b. A Board Member, may participate in any Board meeting by proxy by submitting to the Board in writing a notice of Board member substitution before the start of the meeting at which the proxy is to take effect. 04-27-10 Draft Interlocal A:reement Board Purchasin..doc Pa,e 2 of 12 c. No Board member may serve more than three (3) full terms, including initial terms,on the Board. d. The initial Board shall be composed of eight (8) individuals: one director appointed by each of the four (4) undersigned Organizing 1,ocal Governments. and one (1) director each appointed by the National School Boards Association (NSBA), the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB). the Rhode Island Association of School Committees (RIASC), and the Maryland Assoeiation of Boards of Education (MABE). e. The initial Board shall serve in staggered terms, determined by lot or other means acceptable to the Board, as follows: two (2) director terms shall end twelve (12) months from the date of the initial Board meeting; three (3) director terms shall end twenty-four(24) months from the date of the initial board meeting; and three (3) director terms shall end thirty-six (36) months from the date of the initial board meeting. f. Thereafter, the Board shall be composed and shall have such terms as set forth in the Cooperative's bylaws. Article 5. Fiscal Resppnsibility. a. No party to this Agreement shall ever be responsible for the payment of any sum of money to the Cooperative, a Cooperative Member, or to any other person or entity solely by reason of its execution of this Agreement. A payment obligation shall only arise for a sianatory to this Agreement under the terms and provisions of a separate contract. agreement or instrument which has been expressly authorized by such party. b. Each party represents and warrants that any payment that may be required of it under this Agreement will be made from current revenues budgeted and available to such party. Article 6. Miscellaneous, a. Severability. If any part of this Agreement is declared invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. b. Execution. This Agreement may he executed in separate agreements and at separate times, each of which shall be deemed an original and, which taken together, shall constitute a single document. Further. a facsimile or scanned signature shall be enforceable as an original ink signature. 04-27-10 Draft Interiocal A:reement Board Purchasin?,.doc Pa,e 3 of 12 _ _ WHEREFORE, each of the undersigned parties represents that its governing body has duly authorized entering into this Agreement and has attached a true and correct copy of its enabling resolution hereto. pi signature page jar each party follow,-] 04-27-10 Draft Interlocal Agreement Board Fu rchasing.doc Pa School Boar of Providene. Public Schools. Rhode Island _ Oate: C)/61c90(C2 -1 Pr. s .1. Ant, vv v A Date: 12./ S-c,etavothe 04-27-10 Draft Intel-local Agreement Board Purchasng.doc Page 5 of I School Bo rf W rwiekPn ehools.Rhode island By: 01 B idPresident • Attest /e — Date: 6 eoretary or other Official 1 I 1 I 04-27-10 Draft I nterlocai Agreement Boar 6;Purchasir.g4oc Page 6 af:2 School Board of Caroline County,Maryland I I By: ,ki. 4_ A Date. 5 School Board Pre-dent CJ Attest: Date: Secretary or othe Official 04-27-10 Draft Interlocal A:reernent Board Purchasin:.doc Pa e 7 of 12 School Board of St. Nilary' Count , Maryland By: Date: School Board President Date: Secretary or 04-27-10 Draft 3nterlocal Agreement Boa 7d Purchasing.doc S f 12 BOARD RESOLUTION Authorizing Nationa€School District Purchasing Cooperative O_-ganizat=any; Inter local Agreemen t A REAS, the WARWICK PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT, RHODE ISLAND ("District") has elected to be an Organ zing Local Government of the National School District Purchasing Cooperative (the"Cooperative"), a program created for the benefit of school districts and other governmental entities nationwide;and WHEREAS, the District is authorized to enter into the National School Distract Purchasing. Cooperative Organizational Iaterlocai Agreement (which is incorperated herein by reference) for the formation of said Cooperative pursuant to the laws of this State,specifically R.I.Gax.LAws § 16-2-9.2(2009);and WHEREAS, the District desires to participate and join with other governmental entities in the discharge of their respective public and gov mental purposes, objectives, needs, programs,functions and services relative to ptr:chasing; and NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, that the WARWICK SCHOOL COMMITTEE hereby authorizes its president,or designee,to execute the National School District Purchasing Cooperative Organizational Interlocal Agreement. BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED, that execuzian of this Resolution is conclusive evidence of the District's approval of this action and of the authority granted herein. District warrants that it has, and at the rime of this action had, full power and'awful authority to adopt this instrument. Adopted an gyros-d this t3 s h .-�_y of ri O By Date: 5/3/0 S o+ Bo:u-: President or Desi ee ` Attest: v? ..f Date: C)//7/1/6 Secretary or other Orcial 0'4-27-10 Drraft it terloca1Agreeme nt 3oard ?u'-.hasing.doc Pte•c of 2 i t BOARD RESOLUTION Authorizing Participation in the National Purchasing Cooperative WHEREAS,the SCHOOL BOARD OF PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND (-Board" or"District")has elected to join the National Purchasing Cooperative (the"Cooperative" operating as "National BuyBoard", a program created for the benefit of school districts and other governmental entities nationwide:and WHEREAS, the District is authorized to enter into the National Purchasing Cooperative by executing the National Purchasing Cooperative Organizational Interlocal Agreement (which is incorporated herein by reference) pursuant toftfiffERT--ST*Tt FORMATION J;rind 1 ta-2,„ WHEREAS, the District desires to participate and join with other governmental entities in the discharge of their respective public and governmental purposes, objectives. needs, programs, functions and services relative to purchasing; NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that the SCHOOL BOARD OF PROVIDENCE,RHODE ISLAND,hereby authorizes its president, or designee, to execute the National Purchasing Cooperative Organizational Interlocal Agreement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that execution of this Resolution is conclusive evidence of the Board's approval of this action and of the authority granted herein. The Board warrants that it has,ttrid at the time of this action had, full power and lawful authority to adopt this instrument. ti. Adopted and approved this "--c.) day of Pleflo_54 201'0 By: oo r o: rr id at 13--ignee Attest: I -perintendent Arth lc'. BOARD RESOLUTION Authorizing National School District Purchasing Cooperative OrganizatiorA interlocal Acjecrnent it7REAS, the SCHOOL DISTRICT OF CAROLINE COUN1 , MARS LAND District") has elected to be an Organizing Local Government of the Nationa: School District Purchasing Cooperative (the "Cooperative"),a program created for the benefit of school districts and other governmental entities nationwide; and WilifER.FAS. the District is auth:inzed in enter into the National School astnict Purchasing Org'aniLi::ona: ra: Agreement :v.h:1/4:17 :7,,erezr, b2, reference) tbr tne of saiui oontrati‘e pursuant tO iaiAs finis State.specifically.Iv1) Cot): S Fs. & Poc § 13- 10(Wes: 2009i: and WHEREAS, the District desires to participate and join with other governmental entities in the discharge of their respective public an governmental purposes. objecthi.es, needs. prograir . functions and ServiCeS re,ati‘e to purchasing: NOW: THEREFORF, RE 11 RESC_V-iiD, tha: the SCH001 BOARD OF CAROLINE COUNTY, lizeneb!, Tres:den:,or designee, to execute the Niitional School District Purchasing CoolL7en& e Organizational Interloca: Agireernen:. [3E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, thid execution of this Resolution is conclusive evidence of the Districrs approval of this action and of the authority granted herein. District. ...iiiarinarits that it has, und a: the time nf this had, full power and uvfii author adLlp; ihstrurnent. Adopted and approvei this _ da? of 13, `...)ate: 3HQ i Sttht,NO: Board HO Secretary or 01 or Official Intorrocal Avreetreftf P 'rcr itDC 4111 . "BCARD RESOLUTION Authorizing National School District Purchasing Cooperati've Organizational Inter local Aarcement WI1EREAS, the SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ST. MARY'S COUNTY, MARYLAND ("District') has elected to be an Orgarazinii Local Government of the National Schoel District Purchasing Cooperative (the --Cooperative), a program crenred for the benefit of school districts and other governmental entities nation\side; and WHEREAS, the District is authorized to enter into the National School District Purchasing Cooperat ve Organiz87ional Interlocai Agreement (which i incorporated herein by reference) or the forum:ion of said Cooperative pursuant to the lay.s of this State. spcciaally Mo COOL ANN.. Sr 3-110 (West 2009 : and 'WHEREAS, the District desires to panicioate and join with other govern:nen:a: enti:ie= in the discharge of their respective pdblic and governmental purposes. obiecti‘es. hz.-eis. programs,functions and ser tees re:ath,c to purchasing; NOW. THEREFORE, 13E IT.RESOLVED, that the SCHOOL BOARD OF ST. MARY'S COUNTY,hereby authorizes its president or designee,to execute the National School District Purchasing Cooperative Organizational Interloca: Agreement. H.:R111ER RESOLVED. that execution of this Resolution is cond.:sive evitience of the District's approval of this act.on and of the authority granted herein. District ,an-ants that it has, and at the time of this action had, full power and lawful authority to adopt this instrument Adopted and approve this 1-3v: Date: . _ School Board President Dcsicinee ArECSI: Secr(.-yrfiry or other Oftietal 04-27-10 Draft Interlocal Agreement Board Purchasing„doc Pie Bylaws NATIONAL PURCHASING COOPERATIVE BYLAWS The National Purchasing Cooperative ("Cooperative") was established on May 26, 2010, by the entry of certain governmental entities into an Organizational Interlocal Agreement ("OIA"), pursuant to MD. CODE ANN., STATE FIN. & PROC. § 13-110 (West 2009), and R.I.GEN.LAws § 16-2- 9.2 (2009). The Cooperative was formed for the benefit of its members, which are eligible governmental entities in the United States of America. The Cooperative exists and operates under the OIA, these bylaws, and interlocal or intergovernmental agreements authorized by the Cooperative for its members("Cooperative Members"). 1. PURPOSE 1.1 The general purposes of the Cooperative are to obtain the benefits and efficiencies that can accrue to Cooperative Members by participating in a cooperative effort to (a) comply with the governmental procurement requirements applicable to the State of purchase; (b) identify qualified vendors of commodities, goods and services that will meet the needs of Cooperative Members; (c) relieve or ease the burden of the governmental purchasing function by promoting administrative efficiency and intergovernmental cooperation; and (d)realize the various potential economies of scale, including administrative and other cost savings, that can be achieved from volume purchasing on a national scale. 2. MEMBERSHIP 2.1 Membership in the Cooperative is open to any school district or other governmental entity, including a county, municipality, state agency or other entity which is authorized to be a party to an interlocal, intergovernmental,joint powers or similar agreement under applicable State laws and as may be determined by the Cooperative. Further, income to such entity must qualify for exemption under Section 115 of the Internal Revenue Code. 3. WITHDRAWAL FROM MEMBERSHIP 3.1 Any Cooperative Member may withdraw from the Cooperative in accordance with the terms of the membership agreement executed with the Cooperative. A Cooperative Member who withdraws from the Cooperative must still honor any and all pending contractual obligations with Cooperative vendors. 4. GOVERNANCE 4.1 The Cooperative shall be governed by a Board of Directors. Adopted 05-26-10 National Purchasing Cooperative Bylaws Page 1 of 8 4.2 The Board shall govern and manage the Cooperative in accordance with the terms of the OIA, these bylaws, and agreements and policies adopted by the Board from time to time. The Board shall have the further functions, powers, and duties as provided by law. 4.3 All Cooperative Board members, though maintaining their official capacity as elected or appointed officials or employees of their respective governmental entities, shall act in the interest of all Cooperative Members with respect to Cooperative business. 5. BOARD QUALIFICATIONS 5.1 Each Board member must be either an elected or appointed official or employee of a Cooperative Member or of NSBA, TASB, RIASC and MABE, and no Cooperative Member shall hold more than one seat on the Board. Any Board member who vacates his/her position as elected or appointed official or employee of a Cooperative Member shall be deemed to have vacated the position on the Cooperative Board. 5.2 No Board member may serve more than three (3) full terms, including initial terms, on the Board. 6. COMPOSITION OF BOARD 6.1 First Cycle. 6.1.1 The initial Board shall be composed of eight (8) individuals: one director appointed by each of the four (4) undersigned Organizing Local Governments, as identified in the OIA; and one (1) director each appointed by the National School Boards Association (NSBA), the Texas Association of School Boards, the Rhode Island Association of School Committees(RIASC), and the Maryland Association of Boards of Education (MABE). 6.1.2 The initial Board shall serve in staggered initial terms, determined by lot or other means acceptable to the Board, as follows: two (2) director terms shall end on August 31, 2011; three (3) director terms shall end on August 31, 2012; and three (3) director terms shall end on August 31, 2013. 6.2 Second Cycle, After the expiration of each initial term, all staggered terms on the Board shall be for a period of three (3) years appointed as follows: four (4) directors appointed by the Board from four (4) participating Cooperative Members; and one (1) director each appointed by NSBA, TASB,RIASC, and MABE. 6.3 Third Cycle. Thereafter, the Board shall be composed and shall have such terms as set forth in the Cooperative's bylaws. Adopted 05-26-10 National Purchasing Cooperative Bylaws Page 2 of 8 6.4 Appointments. In all appointments that are made to the Board, care shall be exercised to appoint only those individuals whose resident state school board association demonstrates support for this cooperative undertaking. Further, all appointments by the Board shall strive to achieve national diversity in order to broaden the reach of the Cooperative. 7. VACANCY 7.1 Any vacancy that occurs in the initial term of an initial Board member shall be filled by the entity authorized to make that appointment under the OIA. Thereafter, any vacancy on the Board, whether for a full or partial term, shall be filled by the entity authorized to make the appointment under these bylaws (i.e., this Board or the association described in Section 6). If a vacancy is not filled within 90 days of the date the seat becomes vacant, the Board shall fill the vacancy as provided in Section 6, above, regardless of the entity normally authorized to make such appointment. For all purposes, including the determination of a quorum, each vacancy on the Board shall reduce full membership of the Board by one (1) until such time as the vacancy is filled; however, in no event shall the Board's membership constitute fewer than three (3) individuals. 8. REMOVAL 8.1 Any Board member who is absent from three (3) consecutively scheduled meetings may be subject to removal by a majority of the remaining Board members. Additionally, if a Board member is unable or unwilling to serve, that Board seat may be declared vacant by a majority of the remaining Board members. 9. MEETINGS 9.1 The Chair shall call meetings of the Board as follows: 9.1.1 In the Spring of each year for the transaction of business required by these bylaws to take place at the annual meeting. 9.1.2 When any three Board members submit to the Chair a request in writing for a meeting. In such event, the Chair shall then call a meeting within 30 days of the latest of the three Board members' requests. 9.1.3 At such other times that the Chair deems necessary or appropriate. 9.2 Board members shall have a minimum of 15 days written notice of any meeting of the Board. Notice may be fewer than 15 days if a majority of the entire Board affirmatively waives such time period, in writing or by vote or other action. A Board member's attendance at a meeting constitutes waiver of notice of the meeting unless the person attends for the express purpose of objecting to the transaction of any business because the meeting was not properly called or convened. Adopted 05-26-10 National Purchasing Cooperative Bylaws Page 3 of 8 9.3 A meeting of the Board may be conducted in person or by alternate means, such as teleconference, videoconference, the Internet, or any other means through which each meeting participant can communicate with all other meeting participants. 9.4 All meetings of the Board shall be conducted pursuant to the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order. 10. QUORUM AND VOTING 10.1 A majority of the Board, including those participating pursuant to Section 9.3 above, shall constitute a quorum. When a quorum exists, concurrence of a majority of those present and voting at any Board meeting shall be necessary for any official action taken by the Board,unless otherwise provided by these bylaws. 10.2 On any occasion when a meeting is called and a quorum is not present, the Chair may conduct valid business by polling the Board members who are present and then polling the absent Board members by telephone or other electronic means. Similarly, on any occasion when the Chair deems that a meeting is not feasible,the Board members may be polled by telephone or other electronic means. In any poll taken by telephone or other electronic means, the Board members who are polled shall confirm their action in writing, and such writing (whether in a single document or several) shall be made part of the minutes. A majority of the entire Board must concur for any action taken by poll. 10.3 A Board Member, may participate in any Board meeting by proxy by submitting to the Board in writing a notice of Board member substitution before the start of the meeting at which the proxy is to take effect. 11. OFFICERS 11.1 At its annual meeting, the Board shall elect the following Officers from among its members for a one-year term: Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary. 12. CHAIR 12.1 The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Board, perform such other duties as provided in these bylaws, and have such other authority and powers as the Board may prescribe. 12.2 The Chair, on behalf of the Cooperative, shall have the authority to sign and execute all contracts and other instruments. 12.3 The Chair may delegate to a member of the Board any authority or power vested in the Chair by these Bylaws as necessary and appropriate to conduct the business of the Cooperative and as approved by the Board. Adopted 05-26-10 National Purchasing Cooperative Bylaws Page 4 of 8 13. VICE CHAIR 13.1 In the absence of the Chair, or in the event of the Chair's inability or refusal to act,the Vice Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair and when so acting shall have all the duties of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the Chair. The Vice Chair shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Chair. 14. SECRETARY 14.1 The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Board and shall attend to the giving and serving of all notices. 14.2 The Secretary shall have charge of the Cooperative's books, records, and such other books and papers as the Board may direct and shall have the authority to sign and execute contracts and other instruments as delegated by the Board or Chair. The Secretary shall in general perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary subject to the control of the Board. 14.3 In the absence of the Secretary, the Chair may appoint any person, other than the Chair, to act as Secretary during such absence. In any meeting of the Board at which both the Chair and Vice Chair are absent, the Secretary shall initially preside over such meeting for the sole purpose of having the Board members appoint a presiding officer for the duration of the meeting. 15. COMMITTEES 15.1 The Chair may appoint committees of the Board as the Chair deems necessary to properly perform or more effectively carry out the mission and purposes of the Cooperative. 15.2 Unless the Board has authorized otherwise, all committees shall cease to exist when the term of the Chair expires. 16. EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 16.1 Board members shall serve without compensation. In accordance with Board policy, the Cooperative may reimburse reasonable expenses incurred by Board members in attending to the business of the Cooperative, including certain expenses which may be characterized as "compensation" for federal tax purposes. However, under no circumstances may a Board member simultaneously serve as an employee, consultant, or independent contractor of the Cooperative. 17. POWERS AND DUTIES 17.1 The Board, in addition to other powers and duties conferred or authorized by law, shall have the following powers and duties: Adopted 05-26-10 National Purchasing Cooperative Bylaws Page 5 of 8 17.1.1 To enter into contracts as the Board deems necessary or appropriate, and to fix the time, manner and payment there for; 17.1.2 To set a budget and provide for the proper financial accounting and reporting of the activities of the Cooperative; 17.1.3 To require an audit at such times the Board deems appropriate; 17.1.4 To carry out all of the duties necessary for the proper operation and administration of the Cooperative on behalf of Cooperative Members and, to that end, have all powers necessary for the effective administration of the affairs of the Cooperative, including the delegation of powers; 17.1.5 To arrange for the investment of assets according to an approved investment policy. The Board shall appoint, by resolution, one or more investment officers, who may or may not be a member of the Board, to be responsible for the investment of Cooperative assets; 17.1.6 To require, at the Board's discretion, the securing of a fidelity bond for those entities or persons charged with handling any of the monies or investments of the Cooperative; 17.1.7 To engage an administrator, attorney, accountant, or other professional or service provider that the Board deems necessary for the proper administration of the Cooperative; 17.1.8 To terminate the membership of any Cooperative Member in accordance with the Cooperative's bylaws, agreements or policies; 17.1.9 To authorize the commencement, defense, or other appearance of the Cooperative in any litigation, claim, or dispute related to Cooperative matters, and to engage counsel and appropriate experts in respect of such litigation. 18. PRINCIPAL OFFICE 18.1 The principal office of the Cooperative is located at 1680 Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, which is also its mailing address. The Cooperative also may have such other offices and places of operation as the Board may designate. 19. FISCAL YEAR 19.1 The fiscal year for the Cooperative shall begin on the first (1st) day of September and end on the 31St day of August of the succeeding year. Except where otherwise indicated, any reference to"annual" or"annually" in these bylaws shall mean the fiscal year of the Cooperative. Adopted 05-26-10 National Purchasing Cooperative Bylaws Page 6 of 8 20. BOOKS AND RECORDS 20.1 The Cooperative shall keep books and records of account, minutes of the proceedings of the Board, and shall keep at its principal office a record of the names and addresses of the Cooperative Members. 21. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 21.1 Any notice required or permitted b y these bylaws to be given to a Board member, Cooperative Member, or other person, may be given in person or by U.S. mail, facsimile, e-mail or other mode of delivery typically used in commerce and accessible to the intended recipient. If mailed, a notice is deemed delivered when deposited in the U.S. mail addressed to the person at his or her address as it appears in the Cooperative's records, with postage prepaid. If given by facsimile, a notice is deemed delivered when printed confirmation of receipt is obtained from the transmitting mechanism. If given by e-mail, a notice is deemed delivered at the moment it is sent. A person or entity may give notice of a change in address in writing to the Secretary. 21.2 If the conclusion of any time period provided for herein falls on a weekend or a federal holiday, the conclusion of such time period shall be deemed to be extended until the next business day. Otherwise, references to time periods measured by days shall mean calendar days unless business days are specifically designated. 21.3 These bylaws shall be construed under the laws of the State of Rhode Island. All references in these laws to statutes, regulations, or other sources of legal authority will refer to the authorities cited, or their successors, as they may be amended from time to time. 21.4 To the greatest extent possible, these bylaws shall be construed to conform to all legal requirements and all requirements for obtaining and maintaining all tax exemptions that may be available to unregistered entities, such as the Cooperative. 21.5 If any bylaws provision is held invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, the invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability will not affect any other provision, and the bylaws will be construed as if they had not included the invalid, illegal,or unenforceable provision. 22. IMMUNITY 22.1 To the greatest extent authorized by law, no provision of these bylaws or any agreement or policy approved by the Board, shall be construed to waive the governmental immunity afforded to the Cooperative and any Cooperative Member under law. The Cooperative, its Board, agents and representatives, and Cooperative Members retain all governmental and official immunities conferred by law. Adopted 05-26-10 National Purchasing Cooperative Bylaws Page 7 of 8 23. LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION 23.1 The Cooperative is not formed as a trust; therefore, the members of the Board shall not be deemed to have the duties or liabilities of directors under the laws of any State regulating trusts. 23.2 The Cooperative will not hold members of the Board, its officers and agents or representatives liable for acts taken in good faith and reasonably within the Cooperative's best interest. 23.3 The Cooperative shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless (with or without insurance) all Board members and officers, to the fullest extent permitted by law, in any claim, litigation, or other proceeding and cover all reasonable expenses, including, but not limited to, attorney's fees, costs, judgments, settlement payments and penalties. The Board may have the Cooperative indemnify, defend, and hold harmless its administrator, sponsor or any endorser, agent or representative it deems appropriate,to the extent permitted by law. 24. TERMINATION AND DISSOLUTION 24.1 Termination of the Cooperative shall only occur by action of a two-thirds majority of the entire Board. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, upon dissolution of the Cooperative, assets will be first used to pay all debts and obligations of the Cooperative and any remaining funds shall be distributed to the Cooperative Members under a formula of distribution which shall be determined by the Board at the time of dissolution. The precise formula of distribution shall set forth the amount of distribution and the Cooperative Members eligible for such distribution. 25. AMENDMENTS TO BYLAWS 25.1 These bylaws may be amended by the affirmative vote of a majority of the entire Board. The Board must not take final action to adopt any amendment until at least 90 days have elapsed from the date the Board initially received notice of the material terms of such proposed amendment. The Board may waive this 90-day waiting period by unanimous consent. Adopted 05-26-10 National Purchasing Cooperative Bylaws Page 8 of 8