HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Bacardi Avenue Improvements Project Public Hearing, City Project 452 4ROSEMOUNTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting: February 18, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Bacardi Avenue Improvements Project AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing, City Project 452 Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, Director of odic AGENDA NO. Works/City Engineer 4 / �, ATTACHMENTS: Resolutions; Bridge Examples, Location APPROVED BY: Map RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Motion to Adopt a Resolution Ordering the Bacardi Avenue Improvements, City Project 452. 2. Motion to Adopt a Resolution Receiving Plans and Specifications and Authorize the Advertisement for Bids for the Bacardi Avenue Improvements, City Project 452. ISSUE: Consider receiving plans and specifications, authorizing advertisement for bids, and ordering the Bacardi Avenue Improvements Project, City project 452. Council feedback is also requested for the preferred type of pedestrian bridge on the new trail. The bridge will be bid separately from the Bacardi Avenue Improvement Project. BACKGROUND: On January 21, 2014, the Rosemount City Council received the Feasibility Report for the Bacardi Avenue Improvements Project, City Project 452. At this time, the plans and specifications are complete. Staff will present a brief overview of the project and respond to questions that Council members or the public may have regarding the proposed improvements or assessments. A summary of the proposed improvements and estimated project cost and funding is provided below. Proposed Improvements The Bacardi Avenue Improvement Project includes the following: • Construction of Bacardi Avenue as a three lane urban minor collector including: o Bituminous pavement o Concrete curb &gutter o Storm sewer o Bituminous trail G:AENGPROJ\452\council Items\20140218 CC PI I Order Project Receive P&S Auth APB.docx • Extension of trunk municipal utilities including: o 15 inch sanitary sewer o 12 inch water main o 16 inch raw water main • Right-of-Way and Easements Acquisition • Wetland Impacts Schedule It is proposed that construction begin in June and is anticipated to be completed,including all restoration items,by the fall of 2014. Public Informational Meeting Prior to the public hearing, staff hosted two separate public informational meetings for property owners on Wednesday,January 15,2014, and Thursday, February 13, 2014, to address questions and comments regarding the project and proposed assessments,and required easements. Cost and Funding A summary of estimated project costs and proposed funding is provided below: Table 1 - Proposed Costs Surface Improvements $1,507,311 Sanitary Sewer Improvements $2,275,827 Water Main Improvements $259,795 Raw Water Main Improvements $292,519 Storm Sewer Improvements $124,440 Right-of-Way Acquisition $217,000 Wetland Mitigation&Ponding $16,875 Total $4,693,767 Table 2 - Proposed Funding Sanitary Sewer Core Funds $2,275,827 Water Main Core Funds $552,314 Storm Sewer Core Funds $124,440 Special Assessments $188,131 Cash Payments (Platted Developments) $256,299 Municipal State Aid Funds $1,296,756 Total $4,693,767 Table 3— Proposed Assessments Calculated Assessment Units Total Assessment Assessment Per Acre (West Side) $7443.30 21.65 $161,633 Assessment Per Acre (East Side) $7443.30 3.52 $26,498 Total 2 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE OPTIONS: Based on Council feedback from the Work Session on January 14,2014, four types of pedestrian bridges were selected as options for the trail crossing at Wetland B. All bridges have a lifespan of approximately 50 years and similar maintenance costs. Examples of the bridge types are attached and costs are provided below. Bridge Cost Options Bridge Type Cost Timber $34,000 Timber with Timber Arches $42,000 Steel Truss $45,000 Steel Bowstring Truss $50,000 Due to the tight project schedule, the pedestrian bridge is planned to be bid separate from the main project. If the bridge was bid with the project, additional structural review from State Aid would be required and the overall project schedule would be impacted. By bidding the bridge separately from the project, a city funding source is needed. Funding for the bridge is proposed from the Trail and Sidewalk Improvement Funds. The City annually budgets $125,000 for trail and sidewalk improvements. Approximately$30,000 of funding is available from the 2014 allotment and the remaining balance would be necessary from the 2015 allotment. SUMMARY: Staff is requesting that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions ordering the project,receiving the plans and specifications,and authorizing the advertisement for bids for the Bacardi Avenue Improvements Project, City Project 452. G:\ENGPROJ\452\Council Items\20140218 CC PH Order Project Receive P&S Auth AFB.docx CITY F ROSEMOUNT OU NT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2014 - A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE PROJECT BACARDI AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CITY PROJECT 452 WHEREAS, the City Council has received and accepted the Feasibility Report on January 21,2014 for City Project 452,and WHEREAS, the City Council held a Public Hearing on February 18,2014. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby orders the improvements of the Bacardi Avenue Improvements Project, City Project 452. ADOPTED this 18th day of February,2014. William H. Droste,Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2014 - A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR BACARDI AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CITY PROJECT 452 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has ordered the preparation of plans and specifications for the Bacardi Avenue Improvements Project, City Project 452, and such plans and specifications have been presented to this Council for approval: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount,Minnesota: 1. Such plans and specifications are hereby approved and ordered placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official City newspaper and the Finance and Commerce an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specifications for City Project 452. 3. The advertisement shall be published in each of said publications at least once not less than three (3) weeks before the date set for opening bids, specified the work to be done, stated the bids would be publicly opened on March 21, 2014 at 10:00 o'clock a.m. at the Rosemount City Hall in said City, and that no bids would be considered unless sealed and filed with the City Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the City Clerk for five (5%) percent of the amount of such bid. 4. Such advertisement for bids is hereby authorized by the Council. ADOPTED this 18th day of February,2014. William H. Droste,Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk Timber Bridge • - , --...- , . • . ••• ..• •• . • .„. c\:4„ .. ., . , , , . .0.: - • -rip •.,,!' r 4 411 ,' 0,', :,:.1. II 41, . f. *ir,i4 s' : A"--- .:4- ' . t.'..... ..,‘ ..... . .,-.:, -..., ,, ,.. ... .... . ,.. . ..,,,..„14.-:,..,,,-2. -. te-: . - .:‘ •'. 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