HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Four City Volunteer Service Agreement ROSEI\4OUNTT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: February 18, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Four City Volunteer Service Agreement AGENDA SECTION: N61,0 gUSi yItcc PREPARED BY: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator AGENDA NO. ,0_ ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Agreement APPROVED BY: vo! RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the attached agreement providing for participation in a four city program to encourage and recruit volunteers and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute it. Background. Over the past several years, the Countywide HiPP group (High Potential Partnerships) has explored a number of potential joint projects. One of them is sharing a part-time joint staff person to help coordinate volunteer services in participating cities. At this time, West St. Paul, Inver Grove Heights, Apple Valley and Rosemount have expressed interest in working together on this effort. In February, 2013 the Council adopted a goal which included:"Initiate municipal volunteer and ambassador programs." The four city initiative would help accomplish a portion of this goal. In December, 2013 the Council reviewed the draft four city agreement and agreed to continue work on developing a final agreement. Discussion. Staff from the four cities have met several times to discuss how to proceed. Inver Grove Heights has extra space within its new City Hall to house the proposed Volunteer Coordinator position. West St. Paul has offered to have the position accounted for in its payroll and benefits system. The volunteer system is planned to be a fairly formal system with job descriptions, formal recruitments, and specific planned hours of work. It is intended for people who wish to volunteer on an ongoing basis within a structured setting. Other cities with similar programs at this time include Burnsville and Plymouth. A capable and reasonably priced software system has been identified to help track volunteers and Inver Grove Heights can provide a laptop. The coordinator would make regular visits to each of the four cities to assist with setting up and managing the program. At this time, a coordinator working 24 hours per week is planned. It is planned that the four cities share the expenses equally, since it is unknown who will have the most volunteers and the numbers may change from year to year. The cost for each City is $7,173.50 annually. The 2014 Budget includes $5,000 for intergovernmental initiatives. The remainder of the funding required in 2014 is proposed to come from the Council designated contingency funds. The agreement can be terminated on August 31st of any year for the following calendar year. This date coordinates with the dates for setting a preliminary tax levy each year. Attached is the final draft of an agreement. It has been reviewed by both the City Attorney and an attorney with the League of Minnesota Cities. Recommendation. It is recommended that the City Council should approve the attached joint agreement and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute it. 2 AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE VOLUNTEER COORDINATION SERVICES This Agreement made this day of , 2014 by and among the Cities of WEST ST. PAUL, INVER GROVE HEIGHTS, ROSEMOUNT, AND APPLE VALLEY, MINNESOTA (hereinafter individually referred to as a "City" and collectively referred to as the "Cities"). 1. AUTHORITY. This Agreement is entered into pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §471.59. 2. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide volunteer coordination services for the Cities. 3. VOLUNTEER COORDINATION SERVICE. A Volunteer Coordinator will be hired as an employee of the City of West St. Paul and shall perform the basic services of the volunteer program (the "Program") for itself and for the Cities of Inver Grove Heights, Rosemount and Apple Valley. The basic services include but are not limited to: • Recruit volunteers for each member city for positions identified by the Cities. • Develop job descriptions for each volunteer position, application forms, waiver forms and policy documents. • Screen applicants and match their skills and interests to the positions available. • Facilitate interviews with the city contacts and finalize arrangements to begin the volunteer appointment. • Maintain contact with one key staff person in each City to ensure ongoing effective communication of needs, interests and outcomes. • Maintain contact with each volunteer to resolve any issues that arise, ensure their volunteer opportunity is meeting their needs, and they feel appreciated. • Assist cities by providing contact information, problem solving and ideas for helping volunteers feel appreciated and valued. • Maintain Volgistics (or equivalent) database and provide periodic reports to each city tailored to their needs. • Maintain detailed records of volunteers and expenses of program. • Prepare correspondence as needed. • Research program ideas and methods for engaging residents in volunteering for their community. • Develop forms,templates and website materials for cities to upload onto their websites. • Support and promote the volunteer program. • May apply for grants, if available, and manage grant requirements. • Provides basic orientation to new volunteers on what to expect, their responsibilities, the importance of making a commitment and being timely and conscientious. • May develop logo for t-shirts or memorabilia; may assist in appreciation events. • Answer phone/email inquiries regarding the volunteer program. 1 • May utilize social media, or link to existing social media to recruit volunteers and show the good work volunteers are doing. If a City desires additional services outside of the scope of basic services of the Program, the City may enter into a separate agreement with West St. Paul, upon mutual agreement, concerning those services. 4. FINANCE. A. The Cities of Inver Grove Heights, Rosemount and Apple Valley shall pay the City of West St. Paul to reimburse for the costs of the wages, benefits and other costs necessary to employ the shared Volunteer Coordinator. The Cities shall initially share the cost of this position equally in accordance with Attachment A. By August 1St of each year, the Cities shall meet to review the results of the Program and shall establish a budget for the following year. The City of West St. Paul shall invoice each other City quarterly. Each City shall pay the invoice within 30 days. The City of West St. Paul is authorized to pay claims submitted by the Volunteer Coordinator. B. The City of Inver Grove Heights shall provide a used but working computer capable of handling the Volgistics (or equivalent) software and basic office software. Inver Grove Heights shall purchase paper and basic office supplies and shall provide access to a working landline, Internet service, and shared fax and printer for the Program. Purchases made under this Agreement shall conform to statutory requirements applicable to the Cities. A cell phone (or a stipend of up to $45/month) shall be provided by the City of West St. Paul and is part of the shared cost between the parties. C. Any grants received will be apportioned equally among the Cities and shall reduce each City's contribution to the costs of the Program. 5. CONTRIBUTIONS OF FACILITIES BY CITIES. A. Each City shall determine which of its assets will be available to the Program but at a minimum, shall provide a place to interview volunteers in each of their respective cities. B. Each City shall maintain liability insurance coverage on the volunteers as required by law. 2 C. Assets made available to the Program will be promptly returned to the city that provided them upon that City's withdrawal from the Agreement. D. The position shall initially be housed in the City of Inver Grove Heights City offices. If the Cities desire a change to this location, a Memorandum of Understanding may modify this Agreement if signed by all Parties. The Volunteer Coordinator in charge of the Volunteer Program will be supervised by the designated contact in West St. Paul, in coordination with the primary contacts in the individual cities. Required safety, legal and related reporting shall be through the designated contact in City of West St. Paul. E. Each City shall provide office supplies and materials necessary for recruitment and retention of volunteers in their City. 6. PERSONNEL. The City of West St. Paul shall establish standards and qualifications for its personnel. The Volunteer Coordinator shall be deemed an employee of the City of West St. Paul, not of the other member Cities. The Volunteer Coordinator shall be subject to the human resources and other policies of the City of West St. Paul. 7. INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION. General Liability Insurance. Each individual City agrees to maintain in force comprehensive general liability insurance equal to or greater than the maximum liability for tort claims under Minn. Stat. § 466.04, as amended. If any City is notified that its insurance is cancelled, it will immediately notify the other Cities in writing. If any City is unable to obtain or keep in force at least the minimum coverage required by this paragraph, any City may withdraw from this Agreement after giving the other member Cities at least thirty (30) days written notice of its intent to withdraw. 3 A. Workers' Compensation Insurance. Each City shall be responsible for injuries to or death of its own employees. Each City shall maintain workers' compensation coverage or self-insurance coverage, covering its own employees while they are providing services pursuant to this agreement. Each City waives the right to sue any other City for any workers' compensation benefits paid to its own employee or their dependents, even if the injuries were caused wholly or partially by the negligence of any other City or its officers, employees or agents. B. Indemnification. Each City shall be liable for its own acts to the extent provided by law. Each City (the "Indemnifying Party") agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless each other and each other's respective employees, , officers, agents and volunteers , each of the foregoing referred to as "Indemnified Party," against all actual and direct losses suffered by the Indemnified Party and all liability to third parties arising from or in connection with any breach of this Agreement or from any negligence or wrongful acts or omissions by the Indemnifying Party or its employees, officers, agents or volunteers in connection with the Indemnifying Party's performance under this Agreement. Accordingly, on demand, the Indemnifying Party agrees to reimburse the Indemnified Party for any and all actual and direct losses, liabilities, lost profits, fines, penalties, costs or expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees)which may for any reason be imposed upon any Indemnified Party by reason of any suit, claim, action, proceeding or demand by any third party that results from the Indemnifying Party's breach of any provision of this Agreement or from any negligence or wrongful acts or omissions by the Indemnifying Party or its employees, officers, agents or volunteers in connection with the Indemnifying Party's performance under this Agreement. Under no circumstance, however, shall a City be required to pay on behalf of itself and other parties to this Agreement any amounts in excess of the limits of liability established in Minn. Stat. § 466.04. The limits of liability for some or all of the Cities shall not be added together to determine the maximum amount of liability for any one City. 4 8. DURATION. A. Any City may withdraw from this Agreement on December 31 of any year for the following year. Written notice of termination must be given to the other Cities by August 31st of that year. B. In the event of written notification to withdraw, the remaining Cities shall meet to consider modifying the Agreement to continue without the withdrawing City or to terminate the Agreement. 9. No Presumption Against Drafting Party. The parties acknowledge that: (a) this Agreement and its reduction to final written form are the result of extensive good-faith negotiations among the parties through themselves and/or their respective legal counsel; (b) said parties and/or their legal counsel have carefully reviewed and examined this Agreement prior to execution; and (c) any statute, common law, or rule of construction which provides that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party(ies) shall not be employed in the interpretation of this Agreement. 10. Governing Law and Venue. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota without regard to its conflict of laws provision. The parties agree that any action arising out of this Agreement or with respect to the enforcement of this Agreement shall be venued in the Dakota County District Court, State of Minnesota. 11. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which when so executed shall be deemed to be an original and the counterparts shall together constitute one and the same agreement. 12. Execution of Additional Documents. The parties agree to execute and deliver to the other party, as requested, any additional documents and/or instruments that may reasonably be determined as necessary to consummate this transaction. 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Cities hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective duly authorized officers. Dated: CITY OF WEST ST. PAUL By: John Zanmiller Its: Mayor By: Chantal Doriott Its: Clerk Dated: CITY OF APPLE VALLEY By: Mary Hamann-Roland Its: Mayor By: Pamela Gackstetter Its: Clerk Dated: CITY OF INVER GROVE HEIGHTS By: George Tourville Its: Mayor By: Melissa Kennedy Its: Clerk Dated: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By: Bill Droste Its: Mayor By: Amy Domeier Its: Clerk 6 JOINT FEES/EXPENSES ATTACHMENT A Annual-2014 A. Volunteer Coordinator Salary (.6 FTE) $18/hour $22,464 B. Benefits (PERA/FICA) $3,350 C. Membership—MN Area Volunteer Assoc. $100 D. Printing/Promotion—generic materials $100 E. Mileage Reimbursement $600 F. Computer/laptop - use older one from one of the cities $0 G. Smart Phone Monthly Fee Reimbursement$45/mo. $540 H. Volgistics Software $540 I. Miscellaneous $1,000 J. Initial Recruitment of Volunteer Coord. (email/website/LMC) $0 Total Projected costs: $28,694 Divided between 4 cities $7,173.50 INDIVIDUAL CITY EXPENSES A. Optional Volunteer Insurance Coverage—LMCIT (If desired) $ 1,450 B. Volunteer uniforms—T-shirts/polos with City Volunteer logo C. Recognition for Volunteers D. Background checks—through Police Dept. E. Printing or advertising of City specific materials F. When the staff person travels to an individual City, that City would provide mailing, copying and some office supplies onsite. INDIVIDUAL CITY RESPONSIBILITIES A. Designate "City Contact"person B. Designate on-site supervisor for each volunteer position C. Posting job information on individual City website D. Promote City volunteer opportunities within the community E. Provide room availability for volunteer interviews *Note: vacation and sick leave or PTO would be provided on a pro-rated basis. Assumes $10,000 life insurance benefits.