HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Dakota County CDA Request for PUD Master Plan, Final Site and Building Plan, Prel and Final Plat 4ROSEN4OUNTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY PLANNING COMMISSION Planning Commission Meeting Date: February 25, 2014 Tentative City Council Meeting Date: March 18, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Case 14-08-PUD-Master; 14-09-PUD- Final; 14-10-PP; 14-11-FP: The Dakota County Community Development Agency Requests Approval of a Planned Unit AGENDA SECTION: Development Master Development Plan Public Hearing with Rezoning; Planned Unit Development Final Site and Building Plan; Preliminary Plat and Final Plat. PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner AGENDA NQ.to.b, ATTACHMENTS: Site Map; Narrative; Site Plan; South Robert Trail Access Plan; MNDOT Access APPROVED BY: Approval Letter; Floor Plans; Exterior Elevations; Survey; Grading Plan; 1(�/ Landscape Plan; Preliminary Plat; Final Plat; Parks and Recreation Director's Memorandum dated February 19; City Engineer's Memorandum dated February 20; Excerpt of the January 14, 2014 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend the City Council approve a Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning from R1A: Low Density Residential and DT: Downtown to DT PUD: Downtown Planned Unit Development, subject to the following conditions: 1. Deviation from 11-4-11 B. Permitted Uses to remove the conditions for multiple- family housing: a. Apartments, condominiums, or multiple-family housing, subject to the per-dwelling-11-1147 2. Deviation from 11-4-11 G. Site and Building Standards 3. Permitted Materials to allow up to 40% cement fiber board. 3. Conformance with the City Engineer's Memorandum dated February 20, 2014. 4. Conformance with the Parks and Recreation Director's Memorandum dated February 19, 2014. - and - Motion to recommend the City Council approve a Planned Unit Development Final Site and Building Plan, subject to the following conditions: 1. Conformance with the City Engineer's Memorandum dated February 20, 2014. 2. Installation of an opaque six (6) foot tall vinyl fence adjacent to the north property line of 14750 Cambrian Avenue (Lot 23 Marian Terrace Replat). - and - Motion to recommend the City Council approve the Cambrian Senior Housing Preliminary Plat, subject to the following conditions: 1. Conformance with the City Engineer's Memorandum dated February 20, 2014. 2. Conformance with the Parks and Recreation Director's Memorandum dated February 19, 2014. 3. Provide cross access easements over the private drive for the benefit of all properties and obtain a drainage and utility easement over the portion of land owned by the Port Authority which will contain the project rain garden. - and - Motion to recommend the City Council approve the Cambrian Senior Housing Final Plat, subject to the following conditions: 1. Conformance with the City Engineer's Memorandum dated February 20, 2014. 2. Conformance with the Parks and Recreation Director's Memorandum dated February 19, 2014. SUMMARY Dakota County Community Development Agency (CDA), partnering with the City,intends to construct a second 60-unit affordable senior housing project in Rosemount. The CDA has identified the former Genz-Ryan site for this development because of its proximity to the other CDA senior housing building (Cameo Place), to transit, and to services available in Downtown Rosemount. Upon evaluation of the Genz-Ryan site dimensions, access options, and the desire for some commercial development,it was identified that the senior housing design would have more flexibility with the addition of the northern most, four single family lots on the west side of Cambrian Avenue. The CDA approached these four homeowners,purchased the three northern homes and has a purchase agreement on the fourth home. To allow development of the CDA senior housing, the CDA is requesting a Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan including rezoning the properties from R1A—Low Density Residential and DT—Downtown to DT PUD -Downtown Planned Unit Development;a Planned Unit Development Final Site and Building Plan;and Preliminary and Final Plat for Cambrian Senior Housing. Applicant: City of Rosemount Owner: Dakota County Community Development Agency and Leonard Dahn Location: 14710, 14720, 14730 and 14740 Cambrian Avenue; 14745 South Robert Trail. Area in Acres: 1.73 Acres Comprehensive Plan Designation: DT- Downtown Current Zoning: R-1A—Low Density Residential and DT—Downtown Proposed Zoning: DT PUD -Downtown Planned Unit Development 2 BACKGROUND The City and the CDA have been working to find a location for a second affordable senior housing building. The CDA currently has a 44 unit senior housing building, Cameo Place that is located on the northwest corner of Lower 147`'' Street and Cameo Avenue,about one block west of this proposal. The City identified a dozen sites for the new building, many of which were either north of Connemara Avenue or east of South Robert Trail. The CDA preferred the former Genz-Ryan site over the others because of its proximity to Cameo Place, to transit, and to services and activities for the residents. The CDA has located senior housing buildings close to each other in other communities so that the two buildings can share a building manager and a maintenance worker. Cameo Place is one of the CDA's smaller senior housing buildings at 44 units. The new senior housing building is proposed to be 60 units, the typical size of more recent CDA projects. The CDA has stated that the 104 total units would be suitable for a single manger and maintenance worker. Additionally, Cameo Place has a catering kitchen in which the CAP agency operates a hot lunch program for seniors. This lunch program is open to all seniors, but due to funding can only occur at one property within the community. The Genz-Ryan/Cambrian Avenue location would allow these residents to walk to Cameo Place to partake in the lunch program. Design The concept design for the senior housing has the L-shaped building along South Robert Trail and Lower 147th Street frontages. Site access would be from either the intersection of Camero Lane and Cambrian Avenue or from a full access to South Robert Trail. The access is located across from the strip mall housing Rosemount Saw and Tool. A private drive will connect these two access points and provide access to the senior housing parking lot and underground parking. The private drive will also provide access to the remaining former Genz-Ryan property that is being marketed for future commercial development. The building is three stories with a shingled,pitched hip room and predominately sided with brick and stone. The building will have two entrances, one focused to vehicular traffic from the parking lot on the southwest side of the site and one focused to the pedestrian sidewalks facing northeast towards the intersection of Lower 147th Street and South Robert Trail. There is also an underground garage for residents and employees that is accessed from the parking lot. To emphasize the pedestrian access at the intersection, the building is lowered to two stories at that entrance with many large windows in the common spaces such as the community room, club room, and a screened porch. The building will have 60 total units, 33 of which will be one bedroom and the remaining 27 will be two bedroom units. The common areas will be focused to the center of the building with the lobby, community room with kitchen,laundry and screened porch on the first floor and a club room, terrace, library, fitness room and laundry on the second floor. With the reduced building height facing the intersection, the third floor has only a small lobby and a laundry for common space. To complement the design of the mixed used Waterford Common building one block north, the South Robert Trail facade is predominately (88%) brick and stone with awnings over the large first floor windows. Use of cement fiber board panels on the Robert Trail facade is limited to the middle section of the third floor. As the building faces more residential neighbors to the north and the west, the building facades are still predominately brick and stone but also use more cement fiber board panels and lap siding. The façade facing Lower 147`h Street is 64%brick and stone,while the facade 3 closest to Cambrian Avenue is 92%brick. Only the facades facing the parking lot have a minority of brick and stone with the south facing facade with 44%brick and stone and the west facing facade having 37%brick and stone. The total mix of building materials is 68%brick and stone and the remaining material being predominately cement fiber board panels or lap siding. Recognizing that this building is a transition between the commercial dominated Downtown and the residential neighborhoods to the west and northwest, staff is supportive of the building design and materials. Being a Planned Unit Development (PUD) application, two deviations from the DT—Downtown zoning district are requested and supported by staff. First, there is a deviation from the standards for apartments and multiple family housing to allow residential units on the first floor within 150 feet of South Robert Trail. Second, staff is recommending a deviation from the building material requirements to allow up to 40% cement fiber board panels and lap siding. This condition is similar to the deviation granted for Waterford Commons. The DT—Downtown zoning district requires 75% brick and stone facing the public right-of-way and 60%brick and stone not adjacent to the public right-of-way. Staff fords that the intent of this requirement is met in this design with the exterior design focusing the brick and stone towards South Robert Trail and lesser so towards Lower 147th Street. The exterior material used in this building is similar to other three story buildings in Downtown, such as Waterford Commons and the Rosemount Senior Living building also being reviewed tonight. January 14 Public Hearing and February 11 Open House On January 14, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to allow the CDA senior housing. During the public hearing,residents raised issues such as on-street parking on Lower 147th Street, traffic generated from the proposal, the development of the remaining Genz Ryan site, and the impact on residential property values due to the senior housing. The CDA conducted an open house on the proposed development at their Cameo Place facility on February 11. About a dozen residents attended with many of the same issues raised at the public hearing. The parking and traffic issues are discussed in greater detail below,but the general response is that the on-site parking is sufficient for the senior housing when comparing to demand at other CDA projects and that traffic issues have been reduced by MN DOT approving a full access directly onto South Robert Trail. Also in response to concerns, the development of the remaining portion of Genz Ryan is being marketed by the City for commercial development. There is no expected impact on the value of neighborhood residences caused by development because there was no decrease in value of the homes around Cameo Place when that was developed in the 1990s. The current project has the same high quality materials and landscaping that Cameo Place has. Access and Traffic With the construction of the CDA senior housing, the site will have two full accesses onto adjacent roads including a western connection to the local road network and an eastern connection onto South Robert Trail located across from the strip mall that includes Rosemount Saw and Tool. This South Robert Trail access is different than the right-in/right-out access that was described during the Comprehensive Plan Amendment public hearing, the February 11 open house and shown on the site plan. Initial comments from Minnesota Department of Transportation (MN DOT) during the 2009 Kraus Anderson retail center application was that the access onto South Robert Trail would be limited to a right-in/right-out access. But the current design submittal with the CDA senior housing has received approval for a full access aligned with the Rosemount Saw and Tool access. The condition of the full access is it's alignment with the opposite driveway. This alignment requires shifting of the access drive approximately 19' south from the initial layout. This will result in less land being available 4 for future development and will leave a green space between the CDA project and drive. There may be an opportunity to add some parking this this area, depending upon the future commercial use on the site. Upon full development on site, a third full access in the location of the Master Transmission access onto South Robert Trail will be provided. During the public hearing and open house, a number of residents stated they are concerned with the level of traffic that could be added onto Cambrian Avenue. That concern should be mitigated now that MN DOT has approved a full access onto South Robert Trail that will allow a left turn north onto South Robert Trail. This reduces the need for travelers from the project to use the Cambrian access. Additionally, to help drivers new to the area understand that there is no shortcut to other parts of the City if they turn south on Cambrian Avenue,a "No Outlet" sign will be installed at the intersection of Cambrian Avenue and Camero Avenue. Testimony was also provided that the traffic from this development will impact the already busy intersection of Lower 147th Street and South Robert Trail. The traffic generation table below compares the trips generated from the four existing single family homes, the proposed senior housing, from the former Genz Ryan when it was operating,and from the Kraus Anderson multiple tenant commercial building that was proposed on the northern portion of the former Genz Ryan site in 2009. The four single family properties generate 38 trips per day and about 4 trips during the pm peak hour (the busiest hour between 4-6pm). The senior housing generates about 200 trips per day and about 15 trips during the pm peak hour,which is comparable to the about 200 trips per day that was generated by the former Genz Ryan and about half of the 29 peak hour trips that were generated by Genz Ryan. A 12,000 square foot multiple tenant commercial building (equivalent to the 2009 Kraus Anderson proposal that had a direct access to Lower 147th Street) would generate about 250% of the daily trips of the senior housing and more than 400% of the peak hour trips. The Development Framework for Downtown Rosemount called for the former Genz Ryan property to redevelop into commercial businesses and this traffic generation analysis shows that the proposed senior housing will generate significantly less traffic than that analyzed in the Framework. Traffic Generation LAND USE UNITS/SIZE TIME OF DAY TRIPS GENERATED Daily 38 Single Family Homes 4 Homes AM Peak 3 PM Peak 4 Senior Apartments Daily 206 (CDA) 60 Units AM Peak 12 PM Peak 15 Light Industrial Daily 210 (Former Genz Ryan) 30,000 Square Feet AM Peak 27 PM Peak 29 Retail Center Daily 532 (2009 Kraus Anderson 12,000 Square Feet AM Peak 82 Proposal) PM Peak 61 Landscaping The CDA has proposed a landscaping plan that includes saving six existing trees along Cambrian Avenue,installing 30 new trees and installing 130 foundation plantings. The six saved trees include three maple trees, one 30 foot spruce and two 15 foot spruces. The 30 new trees include nine trees 5 along South Robert Trail, five trees along Lower 147th Street, two additional trees along Cambrian Avenue and 14 trees within the parking lot area. The 130 foundation plantings are spread around the building with particular emphasis around the two entrances and the rain garden on the south side of the building. Landscaping Required Provided Trees 25 36 Foundation Plantings 81 130 Staff is supportive of the landscaping within the site and adjacent to the surrounding roads,but staff is concerned about the screening for the home south of the parking lot and private drive on Cambrian Avenue (14750 Cambrian Avenue). The access to the parking lot and the underground garage will focus vehicle headlights leaving the facility directly onto the house at 14750 Cambrian Avenue. There is a narrow strip of land on the south side of private drive that limits the landscaping options and any deciduous landscaping would provide little screening in the winter. For these reasons, staff has recommended a condition that the CDA install a six foot tall opaque vinyl fence adjacent to the north property line of 14750 Cambrian Avenue. The resident of this home attended the open house and stated that a fence was preferable over landscaping. Stormwater and Utilities The CDA proposes to access the municipal water and sanitary sewer lines in Lower 147th Street,but the City Engineer has recommended that the water be accessed from the waterline on the west side of South Robert Trail and the new iron sanitary sewer under the private drive to avoid having to dig into Lower 147th Street. The stormwater in the existing site is split,with the stormwater from the four homes on Cambrian Avenue heading south toward County Road 42 and the former Genz Ryan site heading north and east toward Erickson Pond in Erickson Park. The proposed development splits the stormwater roughly at the same proportion with the parking lot heading south and with most of the building, the private drive and the access to the underground parking heading toward Erickson Pond. The stormwater infrastructure in Cambrian Avenue can accommodate the parking lot stormwater and Erickson Pond can handle the volume of the remaining development, but the stormwater pipe in Burma Avenue limits the rate in which the stormwater is conveyed to Erickson Pond. To control the rate of run-off leaving the site, a rain garden is constructed on the south side of the building between the building and the South Robert Trail access. The rain garden will also provide pre-treatment of the stormwater and will reduce some of the volume leaving the site through infiltration. A portion of the rain garden will be on Port Authority owned land and will require an easement to benefit the CDA. Parking The CDA proposal includes 58 underground parking stalls for residents and employees and 24 surface parking stalls provided for visitors. City Code would require market rate apartments in the R-4 High Density Residential zoning district provide two parking stalls per unit and the DT-Downtown zoning district requires one underground parking stall per multiple family housing unit and no parking requirements for any other use in Downtown. The PUD request allows the City to review the CDA request for age and income limited apartments that are smaller in size as compared to more traditional market rate apartments such as those at Waterford Commons. Because of the size of the apartments, the type of population served, the number of single bedroom apartments, and the construction of over 95% (58 stalls) of the required underground stalls, staff supports the deviation from the Code to remove the requirement for one underground stall for each unit. 6 The CDA has proposed 24 surface parking stalls for the 60 unit building. This is a greater ratio of surface parking than at Cameo Place or recent CDA senior housing projects in Eagan and Lakeville. The table below shows that the ratio of surface parking with this proposal is almost double the ratio of parking provided at Cameo Place and more than 25%greater than the parking provided at Eagan or Lakeville. While Rosemount's DT-Downtown zoning district does not require any surface parking, staff believes that the surface parking provided for this 60 unit affordable senior housing project should address the proposal's parking needs. Surface Parking for CDA Senior Housing Complex Units Surface Stalls Stalls/Unit Current Proposal 60 24 0.400 Cameo Place 44 10 0.227 Eagan 125 35 0.280 Lakeville 87 26 0.299 During the public hearing and the open house, some residents mentioned that on-street parking is heavily used particularly when the Cat and a Fiddle A Fair is open on the north side of Lower 147th Street. Staff explained at the open house that on-street parking is encouraged in the Downtown and is compatible with the desire for the Downtown to have a hometown feel. As explained above, staff believes that the parking provided of the CDA building is sufficient for their building and use and staff does not support any restrictions to on-street parking due to the CDA development. Approval of the CDA project without on-street parking restrictions does not prohibit future restrictions if it is determined a problem exists in the future. After construction and leasing of the CDA project, staff will monitor the parking situation and see if on-street parking adjustments should be made.The City Council can enact future parking restrictions on any public street through City Code Section 8-2-2. Preliminary and Final Plat The CDA is requesting a Preliminary Plat and a Final Plat to combine the northern third of the former Genz Ryan property with the four single family lots into one lot for the senior housing. During the City Council approval of this plat, the former utility easement on the eastern 20 feet of the single family lots will be vacated. This easement will no longer be needed when the City replaces the former clay sanitary sewer line with a new iron sanitary sewer line constructed in May or June under the future private drive from the intersection of Cambrian Avenue and Camero Avenue. To address this new line, the City Engineer requires a 25 foot wide easement be recorded over the iron sewer line. Additionally, since the former Genz Ryan and the four single family homes did not pay park dedication,the Parks and Recreation Director requires $204,000 (60 units times $3,400/unit) in fee-in- lieu of park dedication. With the City Engineer's and the Park and Recreation Director's requirements, staff supports the approval of the Cambrian Senior Housing Preliminary Plat and Final Plat. As mentioned previously, a portion of the rain garden will be located on land currently owned by the Port Authority. An easement will be needed to permit its location and designate all future maintenance to the CDA. Similarly, the cross access easements will be needed over the private driveway system as it is being installed to the benefit of the entire site,both the CDA and the future user of the remaining Genz Ryan property. 7 Future Project Timing The CDA has approached the four homeowners on Cambrian Avenue and has purchased the three northern most homes (14710, 14720 and 14730 Cambrian Avenue;Lots 25,26 and 27,Marian Terrace Replat). The fourth house (14740 Cambrian Avenue;Lot 24,Marian Terrace Replat) is currently owned by Leonard Dahn and the CDA has a purchase agreement with Mr. Dahn with a closing date in March. Metropolitan Council Livable Communities Demonstration Account Grant The City has received a$942,000 Metropolitan Council Livable Communities Demonstration Account (LCDA) grant for the Rosemount/CDA senior housing project. The project received the grant due to the proximity to transit, services and pedestrian accessibility available Downtown. The funds are programmed for acquisition and demolition of the four Cambrian Avenue homes, sanitary and storm sewer improvements, and improved pedestrian access to the Cameo Place senior housing. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning and Final Site and Building Plan,Preliminary Plat and Final Plat, subject to the conditions provided in the Recommended Action. 8 CDA Senior Housing _ ' *-, : -',.-. * .:1 ,-/r4 1 if- 14 ..,. " ilm ..r. 1 , r " , t . ,,,, ° .- , 0,. 1 ,..iisse „rt.. 4 , ; 1 4,, '`. ,. ,,, , 4: ... - -rem * ri., .,,,,,....t , , ,., ,_ . . , ft.. lip .„ - obil , ':lit 0.,'*6 4* . 'IV v r „ . a f i .W: , ct : * rt 1 4...... . .. ....,.„ ,.., „ , .. A 1 . ...' . ,,.. ,,,,,,:. 4... 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With the location in the Rosemount commercial area the building facing Robert Trail is designed to give a sense of separate, attached buildings with a ground level commercial base-even though containing dwelling units. The design includes use of different brick and stone facades, with some upper portions of the building having a stucco appearance. Windows on the first level have a 'storefront' appearance and upper windows are more residential. 'Hanging' canopies give the sense of entries at the first floor, and roof projections at much of the second level provide a pedestrian scale to the facade. At the NE corner is located a Community Room along Robert Trail with an outdoor, low walled terrace anchoring the corner of the two streets. As the building turns along Lower 147th there is a screen porch that continues to carry around the solid brick base as a divider to residential above. And as the building goes further west it takes on a more residential flavor with lap siding and brick bays, which carries to the south entry courtyard and parking facades. Inside the building contains 60 apartments with 33 one bedroom and 27 two bedroom units. Common areas include a large Community Room with kitchen along Robert Trail, a screen porch at the corner of the building, a lobby that ties together the NE pedestrian entry and the South parking entry, and a second floor Club Room and Fitness Room. There is underground parking for 58 cars. 1101 W River Parkway,Ste 330 / Minneapolis, MN 55415 / ph 612-455-1900 / fax 612-455-1907 i m amt NNE W,j1 N UW 0 p0p00 a.N�j 1 �(1.NON mm <�rl �Q G h P Q ry -rv' O v 2 2 ON1 fV ' Z N 2ry ry N $ a a 1 4 H W Q 0 N-, 1N.. 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I I Rosemount Trunk Highway 3 Turn Lane 4ROSEM�t�il\T wS8 Utility layout MINNESOTA Rosemount, MN ,�o� ' °''it Minnesota Department of Transportation Metropolitan District .,, Waters Edge Building °F `' 1500 County Road B2 West Roseville, MN 55113 February 20, 2014 Eric Zweber, Senior Planner City of Rosemount 2875 — 145th Street West Rosemount,MN 55068—4997 SUBJECT: MN 3 Turn Lane,MnDOT Review#S14-005 West Side of MN 3, South of Lower 147th St. City of Rosemount,Dakota County Control Section 1921 Dear Mr. Zweber: Thank you for the opportunity to review the site plan for the MN 3 Turn Lane south of Lower 147th St. in Rosemount.MnDOT has reviewed the document and has the following comments: Traffic: A full access driveway on MN 3 is allowable,but may be restricted in the future with a median in MN 3. The site should be designed to accommodate future development to the south from the same driveway as well as accommodate the future development at the proposed Cambrian Ave. driveway. Direct questions about these comments to David Sheen, MnDOT Traffic, at david.sheen(cr�state.mn.us or 651-234-7824. Water Resources: Drainage information is required to determine if a MnDOT Drainage permit may be required. The proposed construction will need to maintain existing drainage rates to MnDOT right-of-way. Please provide the following: • A grading Plan of the existing&proposed project. • Drainage area maps for the proposed project showing both existing and proposed drainage areas and flows (with flow arrows) • Hydrologic, and hydraulic computations/modeling before and after proposed reconstructions (ie., Hydro-CAD input assumptions, calibration data,results for 10 and 100 year storm events). • An electronic copy of any computer modeling used for the hydraulic computations. Please submit any further documentation electronically as Adobe Acrobat(.pdf), and HydroCAD (.hc) files. Direct questions concerning drainage to Bruce Irish,MnDOT Water Resources, at bruce.irish(a,state.mn.us or 651-234-7534. Permits: In addition to a possible drainage permit, any use of or work within or affecting MnDOT right of way requires a permit including the construction of the proposed access. Permit forms are available from MnDOT's utility website at http://www.dot.state.mn.us/utility/. Include one 11 x 17 plan set and one full size plan set with each permit application. Direct questions regarding permit requirements to Buck Craig, Metro Permits, at 651-234-7911 or buck.craig @state.mn.us. Design: When submitting plans for the access permit,please submit construction plans showing the new access and turn lane. Some necessary items to include in the plans are: • Show the new right of way line and any obstructions, such as signage, in the right of way, • Use MnDOT Standard Plat 7035N Concrete Walks & Curb Returns at Entrances for the access, • Show a short profile of the access grades and TH 3, • Include a pavement section created from soil borings or recommended by MnDOT Materials, • Include the MnDOT Standard Plans 5.297-250, Pedestrian Curb Rams Details, and • Label the type of pedestrian curb ramps to be installed at the corner of Lower 147th Street and include the crossing movement to the opposite curb ramp. Direct questions regarding permit requirements to Nancy Jacobson,Metro Design, at 651-234- 7647 or nancyjacobson@state.mn.us. Review Submittal Options: MnDOT's goal is to complete the review of plans within 30 days. Submittals sent electronically can usually be turned around faster. There are four submittal options: 1. One (1)electronic pdf version of the plans. MnDOT accept plans at metrodevreviews.dot @state.mn.us provided that each e-mail is less than 20 megabytes. 2. Three (3) sets of full size plans. Although submitting seven sets of full size plans will expedite the review process. Send plans to: MnDOT—Metro District Planning Section Development Reviews Coordinator 1500 West County Road B-2 Roseville, MN 55113 3. One (1) compact disk. 4. Plans can also be submitted to MnDOT's External FTP Site at: ftp://ftp2.dot.state.mn.us/pub/incoming/MetroWatersEdge/Planning. Internet Explorer may not work using FTP so use an FTP Client or your Windows Explorer(My Computer).Notify metrodevreviews.dot@state.mn.us indicating the plans have been submitted on the FTP site. If you have any questions concerning this review,please contact me at 651-234-7789. Sincerely, / " 1 ® Md411-4/1" Molly McCartney Sr. Transportation Planner Copy sent via E-Mail: Buck Craig,Permits Jon Solberg, South Area Planner Nancy Jacobson, Design Bruce Irish, Water Resources Lee Williams,Right-of-Way David Sheen, Traffic Gina Mitteco, Multimodal Planning Russ Owen,Metropolitan Council Nicholas Hentges, WSB &Associates, Inc. cil 1 O IRRRR. b �� n zi._ k iii mi. 1 RE @ @ Ill Ill • J 1 R L019 tl01 � ■ II iq � WJ$ t)ii, 'L� ■ a 1 ' r r r z s� r r r ' k ill t„,. 0 t. A i � 4 g 0 . ,'i'iiii'Q if! .4 _ . ____. 1 . `1 E 1 li 0 • II I . i 'V.---1-1--r-t- ti li Al a • . ,,, ff, ,.._ 0 ''[I'!. L �,}I:!v �.il,i!°sf11 alp CC) t1'y:�. 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'.I 3...OAR N.inni3i'�^ k] SCYZ lNI / a,oaa 4�usu cvn wioxJ h 4 ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION M E M O R A N D U M To: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Eric Zweber, Senior Planner Jason Lindahl, Planner Andy Brotzler, Public Works Director/City Engineer Phil Olson, Assistant City Engineer From: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date: February 19, 2014 Subject: Dakota County CDA Senior Housing Staff recently reviewed the plans for the Dakota County CDA Senior Housing project and has the following comments: • Staff is recommending the City of Rosemount collect parks dedication fees for 60 units of residential apartments and that the fees should be based on the approved City Fee Schedule at the time of payment. The current rate for residential dedication is $3,400 per unit. The Parks and Recreation Commission will be reviewing this project on Monday,February 24, 2014. Please let me know if you have any questions about this memo. 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: February 20, 2014 TO: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner CC: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Andrew Brotzler, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Christine Watson, Public Works Coordinator Kathie Hanson, Planning Department Secretary FROM: Phil Olson, Assistant City Engineer RE: Rosemount Senior Housing Engineering Review SUBMITTAL: Plans prepared by Kass Wilson Architects and Civil Site Group, Inc. are dated January 28,2014. Engineering review comments were generated from the following documents included in the submittal: • Rosemount Senior Living plans (23 sheets) including: o Survey,removal plans o Grading, drainage, and utility plans o SWPPP o Details,landscaping,and lighting plans • Rosemount Activity Center (18 sheets) including: o Survey,removal plans o Grading, drainage, and utility plans o SWPPP o Details,landscaping,and lighting plans • Preliminary Storm Water Management Report (67 sheets) DEVELOPMENT FEES: 1. No trunk utility area charges are proposed with this development. 2. Sewer and water connection charges are required at the time of development. SITE PLAN COMMENTS: 1. Water and sewer services should be connected from the existing water main and sewer main service to the Steeple Center. 2. The 15-inch HDPE pipe extending east from the underground stormwater system is shown through the building. This pipe should be DIP or RCP. 3. The storm sewer pipe class shown within 143`d Street is required to be RCP instead of HDPE. 4. The excavation limits along with sidewalk and roadway replacement limits should be shown on the plan for the storm sewer installation along TH 3. This pipe is approximately 13 feet deep. Sidewalk and roadway replacement will be required and should be included in the plan. 5. A traffic control plan is required for the storm sewer connection in 143`d Street. A detour on TH 3 is likely required which will also require approval from Mn/DOT. 6. Note 13 on Sheet C3.0 states that slopes shall not exceed 3:1. The maximum allowed slope is 4:1. TRANSPORTATION COMMENTS: 7. Parking for the development is provided in the parking lot and underground ramp. Street parking is also allowed by the City on the adjacent local roadways. If parking issues arise in the future, City Council can restrict parking on specific roadways according to City Code 8- 2-2: Parking Provisions. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: 8. Based on City calculations,it appears that the underground stormwater system will meet the City's stormwater management requirements. Additional information is needed to verify the infiltration rate for the existing onsite soils. Revisions to the underground stormwater system may be needed after the soil borings are complete. Additional comments related to specific design of the underground system have been provided to the developer's engineer. 9. An operation and maintenance agreement should be formed with the developer for the underground stormwater system. The agreement should include ownership and maintenance schedules and responsibilities. EASEMENTS: 10. A drainage and utility easement is required for the city sanitary sewer,water main, and private utilities that extend from Cameo Avenue into the site. The easement should include an area 10 feet on either side of the sanitary sewer and water main. A 10 foot wide easement is also needed for the existing private utilities. This easement area will be included on a future plat by the City. 11. The city is working with Minnesota Energy Resources to have them vacate the Peoples Natural Gas Easement on the property. This is needed prior to a future plat by the City. 12. The existing drainage and utility easement for the sanitary sewer serving the old school is not needed and should be vacated with a future plat by the City. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the items listed above,please contact me at 651-322-2015. EXCERPT OF DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 14, 2014 b. City of Rosemount Request for Comprehensive Plan Guide Amendment(14-02-CPA). Dakota County Community Development Agency (CDA),partnering with the City,intends to construct a second affordable senior housing project in Rosemount. The CDA has identified the former Genz-Ryan site for this development because of its proximity to the other CDA senior housing building (Cameo Place), to transit and to the services available in Downtown Rosemount. Upon evaluation of the Genz-Ryan site configuration, access and the desire for some commercial development,it was identified that the senior housing design would have more flexibility with the addition of the northern most, four single family lots on the west side of Cambrian Avenue. The CDA approached these four homeowners,purchased the three northern homes and has a purchase agreement on the fourth home. To allow development of the CDA senior housing, the City has initiated the Comprehensive Plan Amendment for these four homes from the existing LDR—Low Density Residential to DT—Downtown. Senior Planner Zweber reviewed the staff report. Commissioner Miller commented that the parking seemed rather limited in the concept design and asked how that was decided upon. Mr. Zweber stated that the CDA evaluates their other buildings and the underground parking with the circular lot for dropping off and visitors works well at their other locations. He further stated that the Commission can evaluate the design in more detail at the February 25,2014 Planning Commission meeting with the site plan review. Commissioner Miller then asked about the lack of pedestrian access across Highway 3. Mr. Zweber replied that the City is pretty limited in what can be done for crossings across Highway 3 due to restrictions by MnDOT. Fortunately,most of the Downtown facilities are on the west side of Highway 3 and MVTA will pick up passengers on site. Commissioner Miller stated the City should explore other options of crossing such as another underpass and Chairperson Powell agreed that more pressure should be put on MnDOT to come up with a safer solution. Commissioner Husain asked if the gas station across the street from the senior housing will present any problems. Mr. Zweber stated staff does not expect the gas station to affect the senior housing. The public hearing was opened at 7:07p.m. Laura Radosevich, 14765 Cambrian Avenue, asked how the project will affect Cambrian Avenue with increased traffic and in and out access, and the status of the gas station. She stated it is very difficult to get onto Highway 3 when even the antique business is open. She asked what the plans are for the other Genz Ryan parcels. Mr. Zweber responded the gas station will open once all of the conditions of the building permit has been satisfied. He further stated that no one from the senior housing project should have to drive south on Cambrian Avenue. With respect to the other parcels of the Genz Ryan site,Mr. Zweber stated that staff has evaluated the possibility of commercial businesses going there which would provide additional accesses to the site from Highway 3. Chairperson Powell asked about the possibility of a commercial vendor wanting more space and purchasing additional lots on Cambrian Avenue. Mr. Zweber stated that if vendors needed more space than what was available on the remaining Genz Ryan lots, staff would suggest other areas within Rosemount. Cheri Klatt, 14770 Cambrian Avenue, asked if the project would be independent living or assisted living and how it would affect the values of the neighborhood homes. She also asked of the possibility of another three story building being built on the remaining Genz Ryan lots. Mr. Zweber responded that the CDA senior housing project would be independent living and the building materials used would be high quality exceeding those typically used in the neighborhood. He further stated that although four stories are allowed in the Downtown District, staff anticipates a one story commercial building being built on the remaining Genz Ryan site. Laura Radosevich, 14765 Cambrian Avenue, asked if the sewer line on the concept design diagram was a new line or the same one currently in place. Mr. Zweber stated that the current line is a clay line that runs down to Master Transmission and a new line needs to be installed when the clay line is removed. There were no further comments from the public. MOTION by Powell to Close the Public Hearing. Second by Weber. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 7:27pm. Commissioner Miller asked if there will be residential allowed on the first floor and Mr. Zweber replied that it will be allowed within the PUD agreement. Chairperson Powell asked when additional information will be available on the site plan. Mr. Zweber stated that staff is discussing with the CDA to host an open house for the public prior to the Planning Commission meeting. MOTION by Weber to recommend the City Council approve a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the future land use designation of Lots 24 through 27,Marian Terrace Replat from LDR—Low Density Residential to DT—Downtown, subject to the Approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment by the Metropolitan Council. Second by Husain. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved.