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Rosemount Senior Living Requests Approval of PUD Master Dev Plan with Rezoning and PUD Final Site and Building Plan ROSE \I43UI .TF EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PLANNING COMMISSION Planning Commission Meeting Date: February 25, 2014 Tentative City Council Meeting Date: March 18, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Case 14-12-PUD-Master; 14-13-PUD- Final; 14-14-PP; 14-15-FP: Rosemount Senior Living Requests Approval of a AGENDA SECTION: Planned Unit Development Master Public Hearing Development Plan with Rezoning and Planned Unit Development Final Site and Building Plan PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. cJi0' ATTACHMENTS: Site Map; Site Plan; Survey; Grading Plan; Utility Plan; Landscape Plan; Lighting Plan; APPROVED BY: Garage Plan; First Floor Plan; Second Floor Plan; Third Floor Plan; Roof Plan; v /V Exterior Elevations; Activity Center First N Floor Plan; Activity Center Second Floor Plan; Activity Center Roof Plan; Activity Center Exterior Elevations; Parks and Recreation Director's Memorandum dated February 19; City Engineer's Memorandum dated February 20. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend the City Council approve a Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning from R1A: Low Density Residential and DT: Downtown to DT PUD: Downtown Planned Unit Development, subject to the following conditions: 1. Deviation from 11-4-11 G. Site and Building Standards 3. Permitted Materials to allow up to 40% cement fiber board. 2. Extend the sidewalk on the west side of the parking lot to the south to the curb line of the parking lot and install a curb cut. 3. Expand the width of the sidewalks adjacent to parking stall to six feet (6') in width. 4. Install an assessable sidewalk from the South Robert Trail sidewalk to the east entrance of the Activity Center. 5. Conformance with the City Engineer's Memorandum dated February 20, 2014. 6. Conformance with the Park and Recreation Director's Memorandum dated February 19, 2014. - and Motion to recommend the City Council approve a Planned Unit Development Final Site and Building Plan, subject to the following conditions: 1. All grades shall not exceed a 4:1 slope. 2. Conformance with the City Engineer's Memorandum dated February 20, 2014. - and - Motion to continue the Public Hearing for the Preliminary Plat to the March 25, 2014 Planning Commission meeting. SUMMARY Makado Group LLC is proposing to construct a 90-unit senior housing project on a portion of the Steeple Center site. The 3-story assisted living project will be privately owned but will link to a new public Activity Center the City will construct in the general location of the previous St Joseph's school. The City has been working over the last several years to redevelop the property and attract private senior housing to the site. Although not part of tonight's review, the property will ultimately be platted into two distinct properties to allow private ownership. The City will retain ownership of the Steeple Center, Gathering Place and Activity Center. Tonight, the review before the City are for PUD Master Development Plan with rezoning to Downtown PUD and Site and Building Plan approval. The private senior housing project will contain 90 units which are a combination of 30 units of memory and care suites, 30 assisted living and 30 independent living.The management company for the project will be Augustana. The memory care units are on the first level and have direct access to a fenced in open space area cloistered interior to the site. The U-shaped building reflects the limitations of the site design given the existing structure location. Parking is predominately surrounded by the building footprint except in the south,along the main drive aisle. Sixty-one surface spaces are available for shared use and there is also a designated drop-off for the senior housing and one for the activity center. Underground parking is available for the senior building tenants and some staff. Site access is from Cameo Avenue due to access restrictions on Hwy 3 and congestion along 143`d Street. The senior housing building architecture is more consistent with the downtown urban environment and has a flat roof,akin to the Waterford project down the street. The elevations have some undulation which also accents the changes in building materials or color. The elevations to the public rights-of-way are predominately brick with cement fiber board along the 3`d level. A significant amount of the facade is glass with some accents accentuating the entrances. The 5,000 square foot activity center footprint will be a two-story structure attached to both to the private senior housing through an enclosed link and constructed adjoining the existing Gathering Place. The facade will be of similar materials to the senior housing project with two entrance points, along Hwy 3 and on the west, toward the surface parking lot. Internal spaces are available for larger and smaller gatherings to accommodate a variety of differing public uses. Applicant: Makado Group LLC/City of Rosemount Property Owner: City Council and Port Authority Rosemount Location: 14300, 14320, 14330, 14340 and 14350 Cameo Avenue; 14375 South Robert Trail. Area in Acres: 3.15 Acres Comprehensive Plan Designation: DT—Downtown 2 Current Zoning: DT-Downtown District R-1A—Low Density Residential Proposed Zoning: DT PUD-Downtown Planned Unit Development The zoning ordinance permits apartments and multi-family housing in the Downtown so long as no dwelling units are located on the first floor of any part of the building within 150' of Hwy 3. In the senior housing project, there are no dwelling units along Hwy3. The only dwelling units on the first floor are along Cameo Avenue and in the northeast corner of the building. On the lower level, resident services such as a cafe,wellness space,lounge and kitchen are along Hwy 3. The other requirement is that there is one parking stall for each unit,which would require 90 stalls. Thirty of the 90 units are designed for memory care and care suites which would be occupied by residents who would not be driving and therefore would presumably not own cars. Surrounding Land Uses: North: School property East: Hwy 3 South: Library with one single family resident along Cameo West: Single family Required Setbacks: N/A (Traditional Downtown Overlay District allows a zero foot setback) Proposed Setbacks: Front: 10 Feet (structure) Side (North): 22 Feet (structure) 13 Feet (parking) Side (South): 41 Feet (structure) 2 Feet (parking) Rear: 0 Feet (structure) Maximum Height: 50 Feet (Traditional Downtown Overlay District) Proposed Height: 37 Feet at South Robert Trail and 146th Street West 45 Feet at Burma Avenue and Lower 147th Street West BACKGROUND The City acquired the St Joseph's church complex in 2005 to provide land for the new Dakota County Robert Trail Library. The remainder of the site was retained by the City with the thought for future redevelopment or repurposing. From August 2007 to January 2008, the City and Port Authority acquired 5 single family parcels in anticipation that additional land would be needed to provide for future redevelopment. In 2007,the St.Joseph's Facilities Task Force issued a report recommending that the Steeple Center over time be transformed into an arts center for the community. Other types of uses for the building and site included a senior center and multi-purpose center. In 2011 the City initiated an RFQ process to attract a development partner for the site. By that time, the Council had determined that the City was lacking in senior housing,particularly senior living with some medical assistance. The Council chose several development partners over the last several years,ultimately settling on Wally Johnson, who brought Mark Appelbaum of Makado Group LLC to the table. The City has been working with the Makado Group since mid-2013. In anticipation of redevelopment on the site, the City applied for and received a livable Communities Grant in 2011 to assist in the future project. Funding is available for specific components of the project including, the underground stormwater system,public sidewalks and street lighting, and the public plaza area.Additional funding has been provided by the Dakota County Community Development Agency for demolition of the five single family residences and also for the abandoned school building. 3 On July 11, 2013 there was a public and neighborhood meeting regarding the senior housing and activity center. The plans shown at that meeting were similar to those currently before the city for review.There were a lot of questions about the operation of the senior housing and also the programming associated with the public activity center. From a design standpoint, some of the neighbors along Cameo were concerned about the building massing and would have preferred a lower structure. They wanted the site to look more residential in character and wanted to have more landscaping to mitigate views. Concept Design The concept design for the site project is a U-shaped structure that hugs the adjoining public roadways with the surface parking interior to the structure. The building orientations continue to provide pedestrian access into the structures from Hwy 3 but provide a less congested and more comfortable entrance from the access and private drive interior to the site. One access to the site is proposed from Cameo with the drive aisle located in the southwest portion of the site. The site design is dictated by the location of the Steeple Center and access point. There is little flexibility for building design given the Steeple Center will remain and be expanded to include a new public activity center.The public activity center will be linked to the private senior housing through an enclosed link,with internal access managed by both parties for safety and building operations. Future Project Timing The applicant is currently going through the City planning approval process with the City trailing behind on the subdivision process. Additionally, the City Council and Port Authority will enter into a Development Agreement with Makado Group LLC as financial agreements are also being worked out. The Development Agreement is beyond the scope of the prescribed planning review process. After completion of all approvals the applicant will commence final design drawings and is hopeful that building construction can begin in early summer. The intention is that the public activity center construction will also begin within that general timeframe. However, as the activity center is a public building,by law, the City must go through a public bidding process which is more time consuming at the front end of the process. Public Activity Center The public Activity Center will be approximately 10,000 square feet with the 5,000 square foot footprint. The net square footage is less than 10,000 sq ft because the Cafe area is open to the second level. The new construction will start at the edge of the Gathering Place currently north of the church structure.The entrance to the building will be modified and rotated to face Hwy 3. On the first level there will be a cafe area which will include tables and chairs for small or larger informal gatherings. In the north, there is an office and conference room the latter of which can be used by the public.Across the corridor there will be a large multi-purpose room. The 1227 sq ft space has two entrances and would be programmed for larger events.The Gathering Place will be reconfigured and restroom stalls added to accommodate the higher activity use at the Center.A small kitchen will be added to support catering which occurs at the Steeple Center and can also occur at the Activity Center. The kitchen space is to facilitate catering and will not be constructed to meet all code requirements to allow meal preparation at this site. At this time the City is not planning on full build out of the second level of the Activity Center due to cost. However, the Council may revisit this decision in the future,which is dependent upon the cost estimates of the construction and renovation. On the second level, there are two multi-purpose rooms 4 proposed, one slightly larger than the first floor room (1495 sq ft) and one slightly less (929 sq ft). Restrooms and storage complete the second level space. There are two stairs as required by building code and also an elevator. Building Architecture The two buildings are designed to be integrated from a design standpoint, although the public facility does have features not found in the senior housing. The main architectural feature is the glassed wall in the cafe area. The area has a curved wall with large window treatment on both building levels. This space will overlook the urban plaza proposed adjoining the Activity Center. Immediately north of the cafe area is the main entrance to the Center, from the interior parking lot. The architectural style is very similar on the east side, facing Hwy 3. The drawing shown in the original packet indicated some concrete fiber board on the second level of the Hwy 3 facade. Staff has indicated that the entire eastern facade be brick, consistent with the zoning ordinance requirements. The interior spaces of the Center, those not adjoining a public right of way, are required to have 60% brick or stone and 40% of a lessor material. The western facade faces into the internal parking lot and is only 12% non-brick or stone. The northern side which has more concrete fiber board still meets the ordinance requirement. The only facade that does not comply with the ordinance standard is the southern facade,which for the most part is obscured from public views due to its close proximity to the church structure. The senior housing project contains less brick as a percentage than the Center but is significantly larger. There are two tones of brick which are generally located on the first two levels of the housing. At times there is an accent of colored cement fiber board, often in-between windows. As previously mentioned there is undulation in the building facades which assists in breaking up the large building massing. The northern facade is approximately 38% non-brick and the eastern elevation 33%. More cement fiber board is located in the west,where the percent of non-brick material is 46%. There is a large brick facade which faces northeast and will be very visible for travelers going south on Hwy 3; the remainder of the northeast facade is 27%non-brick. Interior to the site the amount of brick is slightly decreased as compared to the elevations along the public rights of way. However,in total, the entire senior housing building is under 40% of non-masonry materials at 38%. Staff recognizes that the senior building does not fully comply with the exterior materials standards for the Downtown zoning district. However, staff believes that due to the massing of the building, some modification in materials helps to create visual interest rather than a flat 3-story brick building. There is some precedent for allowing less masonry on some of the larger structures within the Downtown. The Waterford project had a significant amount of brick and stone along Hwy 3 and the percentage decreased as the other exterior elevations were on lessor traveled roadways. Staff does not have any recommendations to alter the architectural design or exterior materials. There is recognition in the PUD that exterior materials can be up to 40% of cement fiber board for the total building. Access Access to the site is from Cameo Avenue only. MN DOT controls Hwy 3 and restricts access points along the designated arterial road. Staff also wanted to restrict access from 143`d Street because of the congestion that occurs in that area due to the public schools in the northwest. Staff believes the proposed access along Cameo,in the more southern portion of the site, allows a greater separation between traffic created by the site development and the traffic generated by the adjoining school activities. 5 Landscaping&Plazas The landscaping plan includes 82 trees, 189 foundation plantings and two (2) plazas. One of the plazas is fenced and secured for the memory care residents located to the northwest of the parking lot and the second plaza is located on the west side of the activity center and Steeple Center. The activity center/Steeple Center plaza is intended to provide outdoor recreation or relaxation space to complement the activities occurring at the building. The senior housing spreads their 50 trees around the building with six (6) trees along the Robert Trail frontage, eight (8) trees along the 143rd Street frontage, 28 trees along the Cameo Avenue frontage, and 16 trees adjacent to the parking. Twenty-eight of the foundation plantings are installed along the Cameo Avenue frontage, 31 plantings are around the main building entrance and the parking lot island,with the remaining 41 around the memory care plaza. The activity center locates six (6) trees along the Robert trail frontage and the remaining 26 trees are on the south edge of the parking lot and within the plaza. Eleven (11) foundation plantings are installed around the east entrance of the activity center, 23 white cedars are installed along the south property line to screen the house on Cameo Avenue and the remaining 54 foundation planting are included in the plaza design. Landscaping Required Provided Senior Housing 28 50 Trees Activity Center 17 32 Total 45 82 Senior Housing 95 101 Foundation Plantings Activity Center 25 88 Total 120 189 The City will be engaging the landscape consultant to make recommendations around and in front of the existing Steeple Center. Re-landscaping of that area is intended to be installed with this project but is separate from the current planning approvals. There is one residential property that remains on the west side of Cameo adjacent to this redevelopment project. The setback from the drive aisle to the property line allows for some landscape screening.Additionally, the applicant and City has some conversations with the property owner who indicated he would prefer a solid landscape screen if possible. Consistent with the library project to the south, the applicant is proposing emerald cedars which are a dense columnar type of planting that should provide a high level of opacity even during winter months. Grading Plan The site is relatively flat with about four feet of elevation from the northwest corner at Cameo Avenue and 143rd Street to the southeast corner of the site by the Robert Trail library. To construct the building with sufficient grade for drainage, the first floor elevation is set by the existing northwest elevation which results in the grade at 143`d Street and South Robert Trail and the breezeway between the Senior Housing and the Activity Center being increased by about a foot. Generally this increase in grade is suitable,but two areas of concerns should be addressed. First, all sidewalks from South Robert Trail to the Steeple Center and the Activity Center have steps. An assessable sidewalk will need to be constructed to the east entrance of the Activity Center. Second, the slope to the east of the underground parking is greater than a 4:1 slope. This slope will need to be revised to be no more than 4:1,which may require installation of a retaining wall. 6 Stormwater and Utilities Given the constraints on the site, the applicant is proposing to use an underground stormwater system on site. The system will be located under the surface parking lot and will be connected via a main into the public storm sewer in 143`d Street. It appears based upon City Engineer calculations that the system will meet city standards although a final assessment will be made when soil boring information is completed. The underground system is one of the eligible expenses for the approved LCDA grant. Water and sanitary sewer are available to the site. The plans illustrate accessing both of the services from 143`d Street which will require patching more of the existing street. Staff's preference is to use the service located south of the proposed building,in the utility corridor the City installed during St. Joe's school demolition. The applicant's engineer should work with the City to ascertain if utilities from the south will be adequate for the facility demand.Access from the south will negate the need for cutting and patching in the existing public street. Parking The applicant is proposing to install 70 parking stalls on the lower level of the private senior housing project. The stalls and resident storage lockers mean that approximately 4/5 of the lower level is excavated. The underground parking stalls will be for building residents and some of the staff,with the intention that that could reduce the employee demand for the surface stalls. The site plan indicates a total of 61 surface parking stalls. These spaces are available for either the senior housing visitors or visitors to the Steeple Center complex. The number is slightly larger than the amount of"organized"parking stalls currently available at the Steeple Center. However,it is recognized that the additional attractions at the site will increase the demand for parking at the location. In general, the two primary uses, the senior housing and community events have off-peak demands. Much of the programming for larger Steeple Center events will be during the evening and weekend time periods. There will also be programming for seniors and other organizations throughout the day.With most of the parking interior to the building for the senior housing residents, surface parking demand will be for visitors and some employees. It is staffs understanding that visitors to the site will primarily be right after work and on Sundays. This time period,particularly after work, should be earlier than many of the activities scheduled at the Steeple Center. It is recognized that parking in the Downtown area, specifically in the Steeple Center area,will be at a premium during certain times of the day and certain days of the week. There is on street parking in the area, although the school activities already utilize some of that space. Other parking options are the surface lot across from the Steeple Center and the adjoining library site. There is a cross-parking easement with the library.The City has looked at installing diagonal parking along the east side of Cameo Avenue, adjoining the project,in the future should parking demand warrant it. Preliminary Plat and Final Plat A preliminary and final plat will need to be approved to create two lots, one that will be sold to Makado Group for the 90 unit senior housing group and the other that will be retained by the City for the Steeple Center and the Activity Center. At this time, the exact location of this property line is unknown due to the shared parking lot. The City has applied for a Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) Redevelopment Grant to pay for the construction of the entire surface parking lot. One of the DEED grant requirements is that any infrastructure constructed with their fund must be in public ownership. If the City receives the grant, then the entire parking lot would be included in the lot retained by the City. It the City does not receive the grant, then it is expected that the property line would run through the parking lot so that some stalls are owned by Makado Group and some owned by the City. 7 The City expects to hear from DEED regarding the grant award within the next couple of weeks. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission open the Public Hearing and then continue the Public Hearing for the Preliminary Plat to the March 25 Planning Commission meeting. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning and Final Site and Building Plan, subject to the condition provided in the Recommended Action. 8 R nd Activity Center 7 Rosemount Senior vino ( ;,> ,d +M • a 440.,,,,„, II . . is..,.c x ,, _7 ' ,n 4, »« » s u .q . I F w" 4' , 14?ND ST W� ver * , it Y Ii''' 7„^0, VI L!Ill , , ,, 'Ili .' 4 9 v °k° ( #♦ w» * a ail — 10 JSing , °tit''' '3: '-'m'",.,:im '-'”- ' .: . - .�. 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(: A a 6 Mill u_ s 1 El _moo \a1 I MI (F9 1LII Ml' — n ..1 j41114 ir mw" a as x .E¢ 1 6 h ., /- MI ROI 6 I i —�: MI IIII I m ii I i Mi MN ■ i 1 pi r v mil =I , 1.,,, ,1100"-', 71.1.,:: fl- lIg Iiii • 0 1 , ' mi 11111: =I ' =I e i e ME =I © 0 i i S i i in i; ■I III - li M1 ■I ' �, . 11 I MI ■1 ■ IU1.■1 F , ■I-UI 34 ■I ■I ■I ' „e 0 1 w,.w._v...„.sw xw a,.....ew .mswwa.moI ruar>I'mum I wnwm..ont...e+..o 4 ROSEMOLINT PARKS AND RECREATION M E M O R A N D U M To: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Eric Zweber, Senior Planner Jason Lindahl, Planner Andy Brotzler, Public Works Director/City Engineer Phil Olson, Assistant City Engineer From: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date: February 19, 2014 Subject: Rosemount Senior Living Staff recently reviewed the plans for the Rosemount Senior Living project and has the following comments: • Staff is recommending the City of Rosemount collect parks dedication fees for 60 units of assisted living and independent living units but not for the 30 memory care/care suite units and that the fees should be based on the approved City Fee Schedule at the time of payment. The current rate for residential dedication is $3,400 per unit. The Parks and Recreation Commission will be reviewing this project on Monday, February 24, 2014. Please let me know if you have any questions about this memo. 4ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: February 20, 2014 TO: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner CC: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Andrew Brotzler, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Christine Watson, Public Works Coordinator Kathie Hanson, Planning Department Secretary FROM: Phil Olson, Assistant City Engineer RE: Rosemount Senior Housing Engineering Review SUBMITTAL: Plans prepared by Kass Wilson Architects and Civil Site Group, Inc. are dated January 28, 2014. Engineering review comments were generated from the following documents included in the submittal: • Rosemount Senior Living plans (23 sheets) including: o Survey,removal plans o Grading, drainage,and utility plans o SWPPP o Details,landscaping, and lighting plans • Rosemount Activity Center (18 sheets) including: o Survey,removal plans o Grading, drainage,and utility plans o SWPPP o Details,landscaping, and lighting plans • Preliminary Storm Water Management Report (67 sheets) DEVELOPMENT FEES: 1. No trunk utility area charges are proposed with this development. 2. Sewer and water connection charges are required at the time of development. SITE PLAN COMMENTS: 1. Water and sewer services should be connected from the existing water main and sewer main service to the Steeple Center. 2. The 15-inch HDPE pipe extending east from the underground stormwater system is shown through the building. This pipe should be DIP or RCP. 3. The storm sewer pipe class shown within 143`d Street is required to be RCP instead of HDPE. 4. The excavation limits along with sidewalk and roadway replacement limits should be shown on the plan for the storm sewer installation along TH 3. This pipe is approximately 13 feet deep. Sidewalk and roadway replacement will be required and should be included in the plan. 5. A traffic control plan is required for the storm sewer connection in 143rd Street. A detour on TH 3 is likely required which will also require approval from Mn/DOT. 6. Note 13 on Sheet C3.0 states that slopes shall not exceed 3:1. The maximum allowed slope is 4:1. TRANSPORTATION COMMENTS: 7. Parking for the development is provided in the parking lot and underground ramp. Street parking is also allowed by the City on the adjacent local roadways. If parking issues arise in the future, City Council can restrict parking on specific roadways according to City Code 8- 2-2: Parking Provisions. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: 8. Based on City calculations,it appears that the underground stormwater system will meet the City's stormwater management requirements. Additional information is needed to verify the infiltration rate for the existing onsite soils. Revisions to the underground stormwater system may be needed after the soil borings are complete. Additional comments related to specific design of the underground system have been provided to the developer's engineer. 9. An operation and maintenance agreement should be formed with the developer for the underground stormwater system. The agreement should include ownership and maintenance schedules and responsibilities. EASEMENTS: 10. A drainage and utility easement is required for the city sanitary sewer,water main,and private utilities that extend from Cameo Avenue into the site. The easement should include an area 10 feet on either side of the sanitary sewer and water main. A 10 foot wide easement is also needed for the existing private utilities. This easement area will be included on a future plat by the City. 11. The city is working with Minnesota Energy Resources to have them vacate the Peoples Natural Gas Easement on the property. This is needed prior to a future plat by the City. 12. The existing drainage and utility easement for the sanitary sewer serving the old school is not needed and should be vacated with a future plat by the City. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the items listed above,please contact me at 651-322-2015.