HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.d. Joan Anderson Requests Approval of a Lot Split Lot Combo and Rezoning 4ROSEMOUI\IT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PLANNING COMMISSION Planning Commission Meeting Date: February 25, 2014 Tentative City Council Meeting Date: March 18, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Case 14-16-LS; 14-17-LC; 14-18-RZ: Joan Anderson Requests Approval of a Lot Split; AGENDA SECTION: Lot Combination; and Rezoning of the Public Hearing Properties Located at 2295 Bonaire Path. PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner AGENDA N . r ATTACHMENTS: Site Map; Land Use Designation Map; Site Plan; Minor Lot Split; Certificate of Survey; APPROVED BY: Parks and Recreation Director's Memorandum dated February 19; City Engineer's Memorandum dated February 20. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend the City Council approve a Rezoning from AG -Agriculture to R1-Low Density Residential. - and - Motion to recommend the City Council approve a Lot Combination for Joan Anderson. - and - Motion to recommend the City Council approve a Lot Split including Parcel A and Parcel B, subject to the following conditions: 1. Submission and Approval of a Wetland Delineation Report and Recording of a Conservation Easement over the wetland and wetland buffer before the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for a structure on Parcel B. 2. Recording of an access easement in favor of Parcel A over the existing driveway on Parcel B. 3. Any further subdivision of Parcel A shall require the construction of a public road to Bonaire Path and shall require the disconnection of the joint private driveway from Bonaire Path benefiting Parcels A and B. 4. The residential structures on Parcel A and Parcel B in their current configuration shall connect to municipal water and sanitary sewer within ten (10) years of these services being available at the boundary of the parcels, subject to City Code Section 4-1B-10. 5. Payment of$6,800 (2 homes times $3,400) for Fee-in-Lieu of Park Dedication. 6. Payment of$720 (0.67 acres times $1,075) for Trunk Sanitary Sewer Charges. 7. Payment of$4,600 (0.67 acres times $6,865) for Trunk Stormwater Charges. 8. Payment of$4,355 (0.67 acres times $6,500) for Trunk Water Charges. 9. Any further subdivision shall pay additional trunk utility fees and park dedication based on the adopted City Fees at the time of that subdivision. The property owner will record against Parcel A future subdivision of the property will require full payment of all city fees with a credit for the fees paid with this application. 10.Conformance with the City Engineer's Memorandum dated February 20, 2014. SUMMARY Joan Anderson owns two parcels with one house at 2295 Bonaire Path. The parcels are located on the north side of Bonaire Path at the Progress Rail crossing just east of the Harmony subdivision. The City never approved subdivision of the two parcels and therefore they are illegal non-conforming lots. Per ordinance, a second home cannot be constructed on the property. To resolve the illegal non- conforming status, the applicant is requesting a lot combination to create one legal lot,a lot split to create a lot in the southeast corner of the property for her son Pete Anderson to construct a new home, and a rezoning to LDR—Low Density Residential to bring the two new parcels into conformance with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Applicant: Pete Anderson Owner: Joan Anderson Location: 2295 Bonaire Path Area in Acres: 23.19 Acres Comprehensive Plan Designation: TR—Transitional Residential Current Zoning: AG—Agricultural Proposed Zoning: LDR—Low Density Residential BACKGROUND In 1982,Joan and Jerry Anderson constructed the house at 2295 Bonaire Path. At that time,Joan Anderson purchased the northeast five (5) acres of the overall 23 acre property with an agreement for the eventual purchase of the remaining 18 acres. As a result of this purchase agreement,Dakota County created a five (5) acre parcel beginning about 900 feet north of Bonaire Path (then named County Road 38). The City of Rosemount never approved this subdivision and because the two lots do not conform to the zoning ordinance standards for the AG zoning district, the two parcels are considered illegal non-conforming lots. In 2013, Pete Anderson Goan and Jerry's son) applied for a building permit to construct a residence on the 18 acre parcel. City staff informed Pete Anderson that a building permit could not be issued for that property because of its illegal non-conforming status. To resolve this issue,Joan Anderson has requested a rezoning of the property from AG—Agriculture to R1 —Low Density Residential, a lot combination to return the property to its pre-1982 legal description, and a lot split to create a second lot in the southeast corner of the combined parcels for Pete Anderson to purchase and construct a house for him and his family. Rezoning The Rosemount Comprehensive Plan designates these parcels (and the entire neighborhood north of Bonaire Path and west of Bacardi Avenue) as TR: Transitional Residential and is within the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA). This designation acknowledges the area's rolling terrain with numerous wetlands and woodlands while allowing for development that transitions from the urban densities of the Harmony neighborhood and the small lot rural residential neighborhoods north of 130th Street. A trunk municipal water line is located within Bonaire Path with an 8 inch water stub installed about 400 feet west of the Anderson driveway. City sanitary sewer is currently located about 1,300 feet east at the intersection of Bacardi Avenue and Bonaire Path and will be extended north with reconstruction of the Bacardi Avenue later this summer. Eventually, that sewer line would be 2 extended to the west, to the Anderson property with the future development of the three properties located between the subject property and Bacardi Avenue. Because of the distance from the site to the existing sewer line, the new house and existing house will have their own septic systems and can remain on those systems until ten (10) years after the properties to east develop and sewer is provided to the Anderson property line. Hook up within 10 years of making the service available is the adopted policy. The current zoning of the parcels is AG—Agricultural which allows a maximum density of 1 unit per 40 acres. To allow for approval of the proposed lot split, the property needs to be rezoned to an urban residential zoning that allows single family homes. The owner is requesting that the property be rezoned to R1 —Low Density Residential. Staff finds that this zoning district is an appropriate zoning designation for the current proposal of two single family homes and the future urbanized subdivision of the property. Further subdivision would not be supported until municipal sanitary sewer is provided to the site from the east. Lot Combination and Lot Split As described earlier in this memorandum, the two existing parcels are illegal non-conforming lots. To address the illegal non-conforming status, the two parcels must be combined to recreate the pre-1982 legal description of the property. With the lot combined, the Planning Commission can evaluate the appropriateness of the lot split to create a new 2.47 acre parcel. Staff believes this is an unusual situation. Rarely are there illegally created lots within the community,most are considered existing non-conformities.Additionally,much of the land within the MUSA has full access to city services. This parcel has access to water,but not sanitary sewer, and therefore cannot be subdivided at urban densities at this time. Further development can only occur when utilities are extended to the site. The allowance of one additional home site, out of a 23 acre site, seems to be a reasonable request. Driveway,Access and Future Public Road The current structure is served by a driveway on the east side of the property. This driveway location functions for the existing house and the future structure will not add significantly to its use. However, this is an inappropriate location for a future public roadway if the subject property were to subdivide further in the future. Access spacing for Bonaire Path between the railroad crossing and Bacardi Avenue would allow only two public roads to intersect with Bonaire Path. Blackwood Avenue on the south side of Bonaire Path is the location of one of the accesses and the second access would need to be spaced approximately equal distant from the railroad line and Blackwood Avenue. The future public road access would be approximately in the location of the shared driveway to the south of the Anderson property. As mentioned earlier, 8 inch water stubs to the north and south were installed with the Bonaire Path improvement and are located about 400 feet west of the existing driveway. The proposed property line reflected in this application was determined using this location for a future public road access. The northwest property line of Parcel B begins 30 feet southeast of the 8 inch water stub and continues to the northwest to a point where the property line touches the eastern edge of the Joan Anderson property. This property line creates a 2.47 acre parcel and the remaining 20.72 acres will be retained by current owner. Staff is supportive of the proposed property line for a number of reasons, including: 1. A future public road could be constructed to Bonaire Path when subdividing Parcel A. Parcel B would not need to be included in the future subdivision. 2. It appears the future public road would be able to be extended to the north without impacting the existing wetland in the west central portion of the property. 3 3. A municipal water line can be connected to the 8 inch waterline stub within the future public road right-of-way. 4. The proposed structure on Parcel B (as depicted) would allow for a future lot split to create a lot northeast of the house that would then be able to access the future public road. Wetland There is a wetland approximately four (4) acres in size that is located on the west central portion of the property. This wetland may have been a part of Keegan Lake before the railroad was constructed or may have been created when the railroad disturbed a drainage swale leading to Keegan Lake. The shape and size of the wetland limits the future development potential of the subject property. The wetland extends to the east creating a 300 foot wide corridor to access the property north of the wetland. As mentioned in the section above,a public road running parallel to the northwest property line should be able to be constructed without impacting this wetland. A wetland delineation report was prepared for the Parcel B building permit,but the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) application could not be processed before winter. The WCA permit cannot be processed before the wetland vegetation beings growing again,normally about May 1. The proposed lot split is located more than 150 feet from the apparent wetland boundary and the proposed grading for structure is more than 300 feet from the wetland edge. For these reasons, staff is supportive of approving the lot split and issuing a building permit with a condition that applicant receives WCA permit approval and record a conservation easement over the wetland and required buffer before the Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Public Utilities and Trunk Utility Area Charges When property that has sewer and water available is subdivided, trunk utility charges are collected on the total area of all lots created. Recognizing that small subdivisions and lot splits can occur on property that does not presently have urban services available, the City Council adopted a modification to the policy allowing trunk utility charges to be collected only on the lots created. The remaining portion of the trunk utility charges will be collected during future subdivision. Since two homes will exist after the lot split and since the Metropolitan Council requires that cities with urban services have a minimum density of three (3) lots per acre, staff has recommended that trunk utility charges be collected on 0.67 acres of land (two homes/three lots per acre). The City is not expecting a future park on the portion of the property located east of the railroad tracks. Therefore, the Parks and Recreation Director recommends collecting a fee in lieu of park dedication for the two homes ($6,800). RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Lot Combination,Lot Split and Rezoning with the conditions provided in the Recommended Action. 4 Anderson Lot Split and Rezoning iy**`II t . ,, .), " „ ite,,. * Pr*.""L"""*1**kk' '' ; , 4 �d p "t� �t, "r � " r.. 11' "# ri. ' _.4- .. .o-: !IF i 7 ,.ate .. u Ili , ."1 Anderson m as5.` r 4 w+ te },v ;" L...... * 1 „ ,� .. .;0 y , yx , 'a 4 ? t i 4 Yk s �- c F a > f rr 1 ) I i #-r A :' 'M ^'F "#x 4ier *1744 \ r w :: l ' € ; i ii li I. 3 ; * I # 1 r r y , `w e. i . , j. - , ei., . .,,, , . .„... , .., , , , 1 4 4, ; ' 1. ' 1, - - , "V", ,,„ - ..- 11 < ti Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a Map Scale legal document and should not be substituted for a title search,appraisal, survey, or for zoning 1 inch = 800 feet verification. Dakota County assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained in this data. 2/19/2014 120TH ST 120TH ST W M 4 W 2 JO is. a i V W U _ ��0� ��4 , z QJ z CA NgQq c O 4- s-4i- v Q cr z _ ]oo T Gj' iv C/J o 'r,J O� �`�s y II — i - — rrr iw s-{}_r 4 co m r;GD11RTY/ I U z 4 .5- r I: 127TH CT W p�o� a 4 0 z 2 Ili p ° 3 128TH g 0 W w �1 -JV ° ¢ STW a < '...? Q 4 oj, 12e. L Q ° z Cal y!Z ST rr U r- m m u, q� CHARLSTON WAY M `` , I H U) W 131ST ST W J( . .r T 132ND CT W _a CL 172ND Q MIOD D � IC t . � A/ co.P6°: BRONZE gRASg p°NA/RAC V ii; LY Q 0G= capGHFOROgL� Q 3 133RD ST 113RD STS tit Anderson co -A 134TH ST W O pRq N IA it- UP cs Ce a is r �v C' z Cr) F 9 ma W O GARR�Oy ".THBT„ T -.. . BONAIRE PATH W 1TN o� 94F D o m 135TH S Ui STW o _ �i m 135TH w 's*w 3' BIRDSONG /... 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BBSm_ 969.9 PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION PERCENT IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE: .4— PROPOSED DRAINAGE PATTERN NORTH HOUSE & DRIVEWAY DIV. EAST SITE 1.9% PROPOSED DRIVEWAY GRADE 0� 0 CO 2,733 / 107,607 = 2.54% '--N.._/ PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR �LNIMI �/ PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR Bars m Ms 6027 1 ITCH • so 7118T PROJECT NUMBER DRAWING FILE 9027 BNDRY.DWG " I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY.PLAN OR REPORT WAS PREPARED �7 BENCH MARK (1): TNH ALONG BONAIR PATH NW BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY '..,I OF SE PROP CORNER HAS AN ELEVATION OF 958.28 LCENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF PER CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DATA RECEIVED 09/19/2012. MINNESOTA. Foster M Assures ALL BEARINGS ARE ON DAKOTA COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM u'Kin s • TDSUO BBB011ICI THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 21. 31Bn•d: r•01 IS=MTh US TOWNSHIP 115, RANGE 19, IS ASSUMED TO BEAR N00'02'34•W TMrpa K. Forfar }1•�men= U*•n•a#: 47223 Doan 01/23/2014 7•Ir/i VERTICAL DATUM: NGVD 1929 (PER CITY OF ROSEMOUNT) •r MINOR LOT S UBDI VISION PROPOSED OWNER: PETE AND KARI ANDERSON PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2295 BONAIR PATH, ROSEMOUNT, MN y' LMMY11 W Mine so e° fr X11 r \ V\ (\/1\ IF—[)N If\ Ar N I r� q\ 7\J V L_I \I VIVIL I NI, 8 I\ \ 4 T €e�` A-0AMAN o L_ I o ! G J o 717.0.v.n \ V ii.farm \ gr, i 1' \ I mpixxiiils, . ( � + 11., \ �.iE1 r pg _ t\� ePP () 7 a 1 v' \/-- i 1 , ` 11.11 own B -' \ s , ..,a; —8B sA ,\ 're ti \-lifsf it6 fr. _, \\� rr }6` ` �ww-7 /( p • 3 cVl \ 1\ \ \x Gal / \ � 2,ag_ii. ...,....v....z 7 V/ '''7/_'1_,Z___. aa....,,, —J -,,, ,, !ZWIeW---1-0rra- --=2,...,— — /a.,--__, -I PROVIDED LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: PARCEL k Per abstract of title by Dakota County Abstract Company,doted That port of Government Lot Two(2),Section Twenty-one(21).Township One hundred October 21, 1985: fifteen(115),Range Nineteen(19),lying northerly of the centerline of County Rood 38, excepting therefrom the following That part of Government Lot Two(2),Section Twenty-one(21), Township One hundred fifteen(115),Range Nineteen(19).lying Commencing at a point where the West line of said Government Lot Two(2)Intersects northerly of the centerline of County Rood 38,excepting therefrom the centerline of County Rood 30. Id point being 851.4 feet North of the Southwest the following: comer of cold Government Lot Two o(2),thence Southeasterly along the centerline of sold road,said centerline forming an angle of 60'45•with the Weet line of Rail Commencing at o point where the West line of said Government Lot Government Lot Two(2).a distance of 143.7 feet to the point of Two(2)Intersects the centerline of County Rood 38,sold point beginning of the property to be described,thence of right angles to said centerline being 851.4 feet North of the Southwest corner of so Id Government Northeasterly 233.0 feet;thence Southeasterly of right angle and parallel with sold Lot Two 2,thence Southeasterly along the centerline of said rood, d 200 feet to o point which Is 50 feet westerly of the westerly right of way Ilne of () y a 9 the Chicago,Milwaukee,St.Paul ond Pacific Railroad Company,thence Southerly Bald centerline forming on angle of 60'45'with the West line of said and parallel and 50 feet distant from the•ld railroad right of way the 248.4 feet Government Lot Two(2),o distance of 143.7 feet to the point of more or lees to the centerline of said County Rood,thence Northwesterly along sold beginning of the property to be described,thence at right angles rood 285.8 feet to the point of beginning; to said centerline Northeasterly 233.0 feet; thence Southeasterly of And Further Excepting therefrom the right of way of the Chicago,Milwaukee,St.Paul 50 angle erl parallel with said road of w feet to a point Chicago,la and Pacific Rolrnod Company, 50 feel westerly of the westerly right of way line of the Chicago, M{Iwoukee,St.Paul and Pacific Railroad Company,thence Southerly NORTH And Further Excepting That part of Government Lot Two(2),Section Twenty-one(21), and parallel and 50 feet distant from the sold railroad right of way 15),YOU Township One hundred fifteen(115),Range Nineteen(19),lying northerly of the line 248.4 feet more or less to the centerline of said County Road, 0 too centerline of County Rood 38,1 ed as follows: thence Northwesterly along said rood 285.8 feet to the point of beginning; rIrMIMINMJ Beginning al the southeast cam f said Government Lot 2; thence South 89 degrees And Further Excepting therefrom the right of of the Chic �C QI la7 50 minutes 49 seconds West,a distance of 8.05 feet; thence North 57 degrees 30 tip g g way o ago, I DICE . 200 MT minutes 03 seconds West,a distance of 192.11 feet thence North 54 de 10 Milwaukee,St.Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, minutes 40 seconds Weet,a distance of 104.73 feet:thence North 35 deegrees 49 minutes 20 East,a distance of 549.07 feet,to the east line of Goverment Lot 2; And Further Excepting the North 400.0 feet of the East 544.50 thence South DO degrees 08 minutes 30 seconds West.along sold east line,o feet of Government Lot Two(2),Section Twenty-one(21),Township distance of 857.82 feet,to the point of beginning. One hundred fifteen(115),Range Nineteen(19),Dakota County, And also o non-exclusive easement for purposes of Ingress to and egress hen the Minnesota,according to the Government Survey thereof. area above described,over and across the East 33.00 feet of Government Lot 2, Section 21,Township 115,Range 19.Dakota County.Minnesota.except the north Per Warranty Deed-Document No.586192: 069.38 feet thereof. The North 400.00 feet of the East 544.50 feet of Government Lot Two(2), PARCEL B: Section Twenty-one(21), Township One Hundred Fifteen(115),Range That part of Government Lot Two(2),Section Twenty-one(21),Township One hundred Nineteen(19),Dakota County,Minnesota. fifteen(115),Range Nineteen(19),lying northerly of the centerline of County Rood 38. ne follows: And also a non-exclusive easement for purposes of ingress to and egress Beginning at the southeast corner of cold Government Lot 2:thence South 89 degrees from the tract above described,over and across the East 33.00 feet of 50 minutes 49 seconds West,a distance of 8.05 feet; thence North 57 degrees 30 Government Lot 2,Section 21,Township 115,Range 19,Dakota County, minutes 03 seconds Weet,o distance of 192.11 feet thence North 54 degrees 10 Minnesota,except the North 400.00 feet thereof. minutes 40 seconds West,a distance of 184.73 feet thence North 35 deegrees 49 minutes 20 East,a distance of 549.87 feet,to the east line of Goverment Lot 2; thence South 00 degrees 08 minutes 30 seconds West,along said east line,o PROPOSED AREA: distance of 657.82 feet.to the point of beginning. PARCEL A: 20.72 ACRES PROJECT NUMBER 8D27 PARCEL B: 2.47 ACRES DRAWING FILE 8027 BNDRY.DVG I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 7143 SURVEY,PLAN OR REPORT WAS PREPARED `, v, Denotes ion monument found BY NE OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF 0 Denotes*PK"set In bituminous roadway MINNESOTA. 0 Denotes Iron monument set Foale.MaycaAsacefades, ALL BEARINGS ARE ON DAKOTA COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM IllM IMMO • Duo BCBrt= THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 21, Signed: read raw ram Dc TOWNSHIP 115• RANGE 19, IS ASSUMED TO BEAR N00'02'34"W Theresa K.Fodder am -NM Lksnn/: 47223 Dates 01/23/2014 welt/wa=seN VERTICAL DATUM: NGVD 1929 (PER CITY OF ROSEMOUNT) Lc ;I.Tc on,L1 T IN1I.TY LVA 1 2 ROUF 1:(I0C,S1:2Y ER1 I — so,go,23r,.,,,E L A1/2 RD CO.:CL„1'ltII,F C V^, 092 * , 60 L 50002 34 E a O I,,L O,C T U2 7 N 1 o,,r!4,w 11-14 42 0 / , ‘, .,// ,y. df.; E:gto72.1r' 11t7' '.,V17"\ - 7- ,,- / "... k''''f (...;;.:961044 LANE ', (i) A, ,,i, .. , , \I ' ,,,J,fr -,,,,,, I „- -' I ' . gt \ li ,> <-- i 1 2* -'''''' ''' / ' ../(,-.,■ ''?.09:?••''''',..,..'",!."4, ( s') ! - : 1 / Da / / :lzk,,,, , / , . ,;ii / /:, 4''''Zi.';''''; • ' 5::;,-.' 1 I I 1 IP \ 1/ / y 4 ig, / ,s IP ----, ---- ---.../•-- / .:5-)1 „, - '' .////, / -,...: ‘, \ ' // r 1-. \ , '.,' / ,c, --------, -------. ----/---[_\,,....7 .. /,,, ,/, 1 ,__ -,- , ,- , . --,- .-2.... 4-`,,t , ,.,,,25 / . a/ 1 44 L.49 3, a, 7 01 1 .CT9: '''''..■■ —T:::::.- " t "i a X r k -4 -4:,---___ . 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I ' 1 1 I i 91 I 1.4°1 !I f f rs81 ? i If fi 4.I A ,.:. _ I 11 I i . 1 maw i 1 1 in 1 0" 11, , i CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY PETE AND KARI ANDERSON ilii- : .) 1 I ai i li tili 11 2295 BONAIRE PATH, ROSEMOTJNT. MINNESOTA OW 11 , Il'4 E 1 gagg. I 4 4 ..4 I 1 BOUNDARY / TOPOGRAPHY / SITE PLAN C ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION M E M O R A N D U M To: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Eric Zweber, Senior Planner Jason Lindahl, Planner Andy Brotzler, Public Works Director/City Engineer Phil Olson, Assistant City Engineer From: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date: February 19, 2014 Subject: Anderson Lot Split/Lot Combination Staff recently reviewed the plans for the Anderson Lot Split/Lot Combination and has the following comments: • Staff is recommending the City of Rosemount collect parks dedication fees for the two new lots being created.The current rate for residential dedication is $3,400 per unit.The dedication for two new lots would be $6,800 (2 lots x 3,400 per unit). Please let me know if you have any questions about this memo. 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: February 20, 2014 TO: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner CC: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Andrew Brotzler, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Christine Watson, Public Works Coordinator Kathie Hanson, Planning Department Secretary FROM: Phil Olson, Assistant City Engineer RE: Anderson Lot Split Engineering Review SUBMITTAL: Plans were prepared by Foster Mayers Associates and are dated January 23, 2014. Engineering review comments were generated from the following documents included in the submittal: • Site plans • Minor Lot Subdivision • Certificate of Survey DEVELOPMENT FEES: 1. The property owner shall pay trunk area charges as follows based on an area of 0.67 acres: • Trunk Sanitary Sewer charges: $720 (0.67 acres times $1,075) • Trunk Stormwater charges: $4,600 (0.67 acres times $6,865) • Trunk Water charges: $4,355 (0.67 acres times $6,500) 2. Any further subdivision shall pay additional trunk utility fees based on the adopted City Fees at the time of that subdivision. SITE PLAN COMMENTS: 3. The Pete Anderson and Joan Anderson homes shall connect to municipal water and sanitary sewer within ten (10) years of these services being available at the boundary of the parcels, subject to City Code Section 4-1B-10. 4. Submittal and approval of a wetland delineation report and recording of a conservation easement over the wetland and wetland buffer are required before the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the Pete Anderson house. 5. Any further subdivision of Parcel A shall require the construction of a public road to Bonaire Path. The intersection location at Bonaire Path should be positioned to allow a single intersection with a future roadway connection south of Bonaire Path. This location is along the western property line of the Pete Anderson property. At that time, the joint Pete Anderson and Joan Anderson driveway is required to be disconnected from Bonaire Path and a connection to the new public road is required. 6. Any further subdivision of Parcel A will require the entire site to meet the City's stormwater quantity, quality, and infiltration requirements,including Parcel B. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the items listed above,please contact me at 651-322-2015.