HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Proposal for Program Development and Implementation of the City's 2013 MS4 General Permit EXECUTIVE SUMMARY UTILITY COMMISSION Utility Commission Meeting: March 10, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Proposal for Program Development and AGENDA SECTION: Implementation of the City's 2013 MS4 General Permit New Business PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, Director of AGENDA NO. Public Works/City Engineer co.a. ATTACHMENTS: Proposal APPROVED BY: ,' j RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend City Council Authorization o Provide Professional Services for Program Development and Implementation of the City's 2013 MS4 General Permit. ISSUE Staff is requesting Utility Commission review of the attached proposal to provide professional services for the development and implementation of the city's 2013 MS4 General Permit. BACKGROUND The city is mandated under the Clean Water Act to develop and implement a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) General Permit. Following the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's (MPCA) technical review of the city's Application for Reauthorization the revised permit application has been published for public comment. The attached scope of services includes the development and implementation of the city's general permit in accordance with the revised permit application. Also included within the proposal is a continuation of the city's infiltration and evaporation monitoring along with the addition of water quality monitoring. Included within the proposal is the direct purchase of monitoring equipment by the city to improve the efficiency of data collection for surface water elevations. Todd Hubmer and Bill Alms with WSB &Associates, Inc.will be in attendance at the meeting to review the scope with the Utility Commission and address comments and questions. The estimated total fee of$79,400 will be funded from the city's Stormwater Utility Fund. SUMMARY Staff is requesting the Utility Commission to review and recommend City Council authorization of the attached proposal. G:\MS4 Permit\20140210 UC MS4 Permit Review.docx WSB e.„.so engineering planning environmental construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 February 4, 2014 Mr. Dwight Johnson City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-4941 Re: Request for Authorization to Provide Professional Services for Program Development and Implementation of the City's 2013 MS4 General Permit. Dear Mr.Johnson: This letter is a scope of work for program development and implementation for the City of Rosemount's 2013 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System(MS4)General Permit. The updated permit became law on August 1, 2013. The City received notice on January 30, 2014 that the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency(MPCA)has completed their technical review of the City's Application for Reauthorization, and has put the revised permit application out for public comment(see Attachment 1 for Public Notice Letter from the MPCA). The following three tasks are designed to ensure that the City achieves the program update requirements outlined in the application for reauthorization by the end of the allotted twelve month timeframe. The tasks include program management,program development and implementation, and additional program services. Task 1: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Annual Program Management (Estimated Fee -$5,000) As part of this task,the WSB project manager will provide staff time in Rosemount as needed to assist staff with program implementation and will provide a monthly written summary to the City outlining the following items: • Activities completed by WSB each month • Tasks for staff members to complete as part of the program implementation • Any updates from MPCA, LMC,MCSC, and VRWJPO that may offer benefits or impacts to the City's MS4 Permit Activities. At the end of the year, WSB will provide guidance to the Rosemount Public Works Coordinator to assist with completing the MS4 Annual Report. St.Cloud• Minneapolis•St. Paul Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com w:npdestrns41propose1s 120144osemountlrosemount_ms4 2013 020414.docx Mr. Dwight Johnson February 4, 2014 Page 2 Task 2: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Development and Implementation—Year 1 (Estimated Fee -$33,450 + SWAMP Program Cost- $6,000) As part of this task, WSB will work with City staff to develop a revised Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP)that meets the permit requirements defined in the City's Application for Reauthorization, and assist staff with the implementation of the new MS4 Program.Development and implementation of the SWPPP has been divided into the following eleven subtasks(see Attachment 2 for additional implementation plan details): 2.1 Organization Chart- (Estimated Fee $0) With assistance from the WSB,the City will develop an organizational chart to identify what departments are responsible for specific BMP activities. 2.2 Enforcement Response Procedures - (Estimated Fee$2,400) WSB will develop the Enforcement Response Procedures(ERPs)that will describe procedures and circumstances for the implementation of verbal warnings,written notices, and escalated enforcement measures. The enforcement response procedure will be developed to compel compliance with the illicit discharge detection and elimination, construction site erosion and sediment control,and post-construction stormwater management requirements. 2.3 Prioritize Education - (Estimated Fee $400) This activity will include recommendations for focusing on high priority stormwater related issues to be emphasized for education and outreach during the permit term (e.g.; specific TMDL reduction targets,changing local business practices,promoting adoption of the residential BMPs). 2.4 Annual Meeting- (Estimated Fee$500) WSB will facilitate an annual meeting held in conjunction with a City Council Meeting prior to June 30,2014 to review the 2013 Annual Report and provide a brief overview of the new MS4 General Permit. 2.5 Mapping and Inventory- (Estimated Fee $500) This task will include written procedures and process for updating the storm sewer system map for development and redevelopment projects to ensure map continues to meet the requirements of the MS4 permit. In addition,the City will need to submit the MPCA required pond inventory within twelve months of the date the permit coverage is extended. 2.6 Written Procedures - (Estimated Fee $6,250) Written procedures will be created for pollution prevention/good housekeeping, responding to known/suspected illicit discharges, completing site plans reviews and site inspection, storm sewer inspections and maintenance, employee training, and program documentation. These may come in the form of checklists, BMP cut sheets, and standardized inspections forms/letters. w:\npdes\ms4\proposals\2014\rosemoont\rosemount_rts4 2013 020414.docx Mr. Dwight Johnson February 4,2014 Page 3 2.7 Ordinance— (Estimated Fee$4,800) An assessment of City ordinance Title10 - Chapters 1 and 2 was completed during the program assessment for the application for reauthorization. Ordinance updates to Title 10 are needed to meet new requirements of construction site stormwater runoff and post construction stormwater management sections of the permit. WSB will provide draft language to be reviewed by City Attorney and approved by City Council. 2.8 Staff Training Program— (Estimated Fee $1,500) Development of a comprehensive training program is critical to the foundation of any MS4 program. It is important to communicate to all City staff how their role may be impacting stormwater pollution. WSB will complete one annual training session for Public Works,Engineering and Building Inspections staff and provide digital and written training programs for make up or seasonal employees commensurate with the requirements of the MS4 Permit. 2.9 Storm Sewer Inspection Program— (Estimated Fee$4,000) WSB will provide a staff member to conduct inspections of 20%of the City owned ponds during Year 1 and 100%of the structural pollution control devices(i.e. sump manholes or other water quality structures). This 20%pond inspection schedule will allow the City to meet the requirement to inspect all ponds by the end of the 5 year permit cycle. Inspections will be documented in accordance with procedures established in Tasks 2.4 and 2.11. 2.10 Facilities Inventory— (Estimated Fee$2,100) The Facilities Inventory will be conducted and include: compiling the information that was gathered during the program assessment, completing a facility inspection of the public works garage, and develop a GIS inventory of all municipally owned/operated facilities. This inventory will include facility maps and a list of all material being stored along with BMPs designed to prevent discharges of pollutants resulting in contact with stormwater. 2.11 Pond Assessment Procedures— (Program Cost- $6,000, Estimated Fee -$8,500) WSB's Stormwater Asset Management Program (SWAMP) is a web application that was specifically designed to assist with assessing, scheduling, and budgeting inspection and maintenance activities. It can be used to help meet the following MS4 permit requirements (MCM—Permit Minimum control Measure): • Pond Assessment Procedures(MCM 6)-Evaluate the TSS and TP treatment effectiveness of MS4 owned/operated ponds within the City. • Inspections (MCM 6) -Assist with prioritizing inspections to determine proper function and maintenance needs for ponds. • Maintenance(MCM 6)-Assist with forecasting maintenance requirements to allow for budgeting of future maintenance activities • Long-term maintenance of structural BMPs (MCML—Assist with prioritizing maintenance of both public and private BMPs. w:\npdes\ms4\proposals\2014\rosemount\rosemount_ms4 2013 020414.docx Mr. Dwight Johnson February 4, 2014 Page 4 WSB will utilize the existing pond inventory, delineated drainage areas, and land use maps to launch a customized version of SWAMP for Rosemount. An annual software subscription cost of$3,000 (following Year 1)will provide the City access to the web application, cloud server storage of City's program, and application maintenance/updates (see Attachment 3 for a detailed work plan for the SWAMP). 2.12 Record Keeping— (Estimated Fee $2,000) WSB will work with the City to identify mechanisms to successfully track and report activities that are occurring in the City. This will include integrating the use of programs such as Cartegraph and Laserfiche to maintain organized and easy to access records of SWPPP activities to comply with permit requirements, aide in annual report writing, and assist with possible future MPCA audits. Task 3: Additional MS4 Program Services—Water Quality Monitoring Program (Monitoring Equipment-$13,600, Sample Testing Cost—$4,100, Estimated Fee -$17,750) This water quality monitoring program is included as an additional MS4 program service because it will be used to fulfill multiple program requirements in MCM 5 and 6 related to inspection, long-term operation, and maintenance of infiltration BMPs. The water quality monitoring program provides the City with empirical data that will assist with: • Guiding upcoming Watershed and City Stormwater Plan Updates and discussions with observed runoff volumes and infiltration and evaporation rates • Identify potential areas to receive regional volume reduction credit thought stormwater reuse applications. • Validating pond treatment efficiencies from the SWAMP program with sampled Total Suspended Solids and Total Phosphorus concentrations. • Supporting conclusions in the City's Non-Degradation study with observed infiltration and evaporation data. • Create a baseline for discharge volumes and pollutant loading assumptions of possible future TMDLs in the Vermillion and Mississippi River. As part of this task WSB will evaluate stormwater runoff volume reduction, and pollutant removal performance of the selected basins as shown in Attachment 4. This water quality monitoring program is intended to align with the MS4 General Permit cycle and have the monitoring equipment purchased by the City be utilized throughout the five year period. Data will be processed annually and a final report will be complied at the end of Year 5 period. 3.1 Collect Surface Water Elevation and Rainfall Data— (Estimated Fee-$6,250) The objective of this task is to observed stormwater runoff volume reduction capabilities through infiltration and evaporation,within selected basins in the City. w:\npdes\ms4\proposals\2014\rosemount\rosemount_ms4 2013 020414.docx Mr. Dwight Johnson February 4, 2014 Page 5 To evaluate this objective, WSB will install continuous surface water measuring devices,to provide surface water elevations on an hourly during the monitoring period in order to develop evaporation and infiltration rates and rainfall to runoff ratios. Additionally, WSB will install two continuous rainfall monitors within the City which will provide the date and duration and intensity of each rainfall event. Monitored basins and rain gauge locations are identified on the figure in Attachment 4. The items required to complete this task include the following: • Install ten continuous surface water monitors within selected basins and perform monitoring typically from April through October. • Install two continuous rainfall gauges • Monthly surface water elevation data collection to ensure proper operation. 3.2 Collection of Water Quality Samples— (Sample Testing Cost-$3,500, Estimated Fee -$4,100) The objective of this task is to determine pollutant loading from watersheds various land uses within selected basins in the City.Additionally,this task will assess the site water quality suitability for stormwater reuse as compared to the State water quality guidelines for stormwater harvesting and reuse systems for Irrigation. Pollutant Loading-As part of this task, WSB will collect water samples from ten selected basins as part of routine data collection activities to determine pollutant concentrations. Sampling locations are identified on the figure in Attachment 4. Water Samples will be collected monthly(estimate seven months)when water depths allows, for representative sampling and analyzed for the following Pollutants: • Total Phosphorus ($12) • Ortho Phosphorus ($17) • Total Suspended Solids ($10) Stormwater Reuse-As part of this task, WSB will also collect water samples from Erickson Pond and Birger Pond quarterly to assess the water quality suitability for stormwater reuse for irrigation of nearby City owned green spaces. Water Samples will be collected three times when water depths allows, and analyzed for the following pollutants: • E. Coli ($26) • Chloride ($20) • Metals—Zinc &Copper($30) • pH, Turbidity, and Temperature ($50) Water depths need to be a minimum of two feet in depth(collected from the shore)to ensure a representative sample w:\npdes\ms4\proposals\2014\rosemount\rosemount_ms4 2013 020414.docx Mr. Dwight Johnson February 4, 2014 Page 6 3.3 Annually Processing Monitored Data— (Estimated Fee-$8,000) As part of this task, data collected during the monitoring period will be analyzed to determine interim infiltration and evaporation rates,rainfall to runoff ratios, reuse suitability assessment, and to identify if there are any changes that need to be made to the monitoring protocol. 3.4 Equipment Purchase- (Equipment Cost-$13,600) Monitoring equipment cost includes the purchase of ten continuous level logging devices and two tipping bucket rain gauges. Costs will be billed directly to the City. Monitoring equipment costs are estimated and will be subject to applicable taxes and shipping costs. 3.5 Final Report— (Fee Part of Future Work Plan) A final report will be prepared and presented at the end of the five year Monitoring/Permit Cycle that will discuss data analysis, five year data trends for infiltration and basin water quality and recommendations for infiltration basin design and life span. Schedule It is anticipated that the work outlined above will be completed from February through December 2014. This information will be presented to the City Council in 2015 as part of the 2014 Annual Report Presentation. Cost This proposal outlines the work needed to complete the tasks associated with the WSB MS4 program. The total cost for the 2013 MS4 General Permit Year 1 Tasks 1-3 described above is $79,400. WSB proposes to complete these Tasks 1 and 2 above for an hourly not to exceed cost of $38,450. In addition,authorize a one-time billing of$6,000 for the SWAMP Web Application • and an annual subscription fee of$3,000. WSB also proposes to complete work described in Task 3 above for an hourly not to exceed cost of$17,750. In addition, authorize a direct billing of$13,600 for monitoring equipment and $4,100 for sample testing cost. This letter represents our complete understanding of the MS4 regulatory program and the proposed scope of services. If you are in agreement with the scope of services and proposed fee, please sign in the appropriate space below and return one copy to us. w:\npdes\ms4\proposals\2014\rosemount\rosemount_ms4 2013 020414.docx Mr. Dwight Johnson February 4, 2014 Page 7 We appreciate the opportunity to share this proposal with you, and look forward to working with the City of Rosemount efficiently bring your MS4 Program into compliance. If you have any questions about this proposal, please contact me at 763-231-4845 or walms a,wsbeng.com. Sincerely, WSB &Associates, Inc. Peter Willenbring,PE William Alms, EIT Project Manager Project Engineer of ACCEPTED BY: City of Rosemount I hereby authorize WSB & Associates,Inc. to complete Tasks 1 and 2 identified above for an hourly not to exceed cost of$37,950. In addition,I authorize a one-time billing of$6,000 for the SWAMP Web Application and an annual subscription fee of$3,000. Name Signature Date City of Rosemount I hereby authorize WSB & Associates,Inc. to complete the scope of work described in Tasks 3 for an hourly not to exceed cost of$17,750. In addition, authorize a direct billing of $13,600 for monitoring equipment and $4,100 for sample testing cost. Name Signature Date w:\npdes\ms4\proposals\2014\rosemount\rosemount_ms4 2013 020414.docx Attachment 1 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 520 Lafayette Road North ( St.Paul,Minnesota 55155-4194 i 651-296-6300 1-' ` i' 'I f , .s',pca.state.mn.us ; Equal Opportunity Employer January 30, 2014 Andrew Brotzler City of Rosemount MS4 2875 145th Street W Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: Public Notice of Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System General Permit SWPPP Document: City of Rosemount MS4 Dear Mr. Brotzler: The staff of the Municipal Division of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has finished its technical review of your Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit Application (Application) and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) Document for coverage under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System/State Disposal System General Permit MNR040000 for MS4s(Permit). MPCA staff has determined that your application is complete and ready to move into the next stage of the re-application process. Pursuant to the requirements of a Minnesota Court of Appeals ruling, the MPCA is required to provide public notice and opportunity for hearing on each MS4's proposed SWPPP Document. Based on the technical review, the MPCA has determined that your SWPPP Document meets or exceeds the minimum permit requirements; therefore, it is ready for public notice. Accordingly, the MPCA plans to place the Application and SWPPP Document for City of Rosemount MS4 on a 30-day public notice comment period from February 4, 2014, to March 6, 2014. As a reminder, you are required to have your Application and SWPPP Document available locally for public review.The MPCA recommends that a hard copy be made available at more than one location, including your office, public library, or other supervised public facility. The MPCA will also post a copy of the SWPPP Document on the MPCA's Stormwater Wiki. A link to this website will be included in the notice placed on the MPCA's public notice webpage. The MPCA will receive all comments and forward them to you immediately. Following the public notice period, you will be required to provide resolution, including justification of why or why you are not modifying your SWPPP Document, for all comments submitted.These responses will be sent to the MPCA, which will review the responses and any SWPPP Document modifications before forwarding responses to commenters and issuing Permit coverage. The MPCA requests that responses be returned to the MPCA within one week of the public notice period end date. For any complex or difficult comments, the MPCA requests that at least a schedule for resolution is submitted within one week of the public notice period end date. wq-strm4-59n • 12/17/13 • Doc Type: Public Notice City of Rosemount MS4 Page 2 January 30, 2014 More information on the public notice process for MS4 SWPPP Documents is available on the MPCA website at: http://www.pca.state.mn.us/bkzqa7d. Please contact Rachel Stangl at 651-757-2879 if you have any questions. Sincerely, 13.14,00-t,& Din41.G vyOn, This document has been electronically signed. Duane Duncanson Supervisor, Municipal Compliance Unit I St. Paul Office Municipal Division cc: MS400117 City of Rosemount MS4 file Minnesota Pollution Public Notice of Request for Comments Control Agency On the Permit Application and 520 Lafayette Road North St.Paul,MN 55155-4194 SWPPP Document for Coverage under the General NPDES/SDS Permit MNR040000 for MS4s Municipal Division Doc Type:Public Notice Facility Specific Information Public comment period begins: February 4, 2014 Public comment period ends: 4:30 p.m. on March 6, 2014 Name and address of MS4s subject to this public notice and a direct link to view each complete SWPPP Document: City of New Brighton City of Osseo City of Otsego 803 Old Hwy. 8 415 Central Avenue 13400 90th Street New Brighton, MN 55112 Osseo, MN 55369 Otsego, MN 55330 http://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.p http://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.p http://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.p hp/City of New Brighton SWPPP Docu hp/City of Osseo SWPPP Document hp/City of Otsego SWPPP Document ment City of Owatonna City of Proctor Ramsey County 540 West Hills Circle 100 Pionk Drive 1425 Paul Kirkwold Drive Owatonna, MN 55060 Proctor, MN 55810 Arden Hills, MN 55112 http://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.p http://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.p http://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.p hp/City of Owatonna SWPPP Documen hp/City of Proctor SWPPP Document hp/Ramsey County SWPPP Document Rice Creek Watershed District City of Richfield City of Rosemount 4325 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE,#611 1901 East 66th Street 2875—145th Street West Blaine, MN 55449 Richfield, MN 55423 Rosemount, MN 55068 http://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.p http://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.p http://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.p hp/Rice Creek Watershed District SWP hp/City of Richfield SWPPP Document hp/City of Rosemount SWPPP Docum PP Document ent Subject of Notice The General National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System/State Disposal System NPDES/SDS Permit for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems(MS4s)requires the Permittee to develop, implement, and enforce a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program or SWPPP that is designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants from their storm sewer system and to protect water quality. The SWPPP Document submitted to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency(MPCA)is required to represent an MS4's entire SWPPP, and it must include best management practices for six minimum control measures that are set forth in the NPDES Program regulations 40 Code of Federal Regulations 122.34(a)and(b). The MPCA is required, pursuant to the requirements of a Minnesota Court of Appeals ruling, to provide public notice and ability to comment, and opportunity for hearing on each MS4s proposed SWPPP Document. Two hundred and thirty-three MS4s are required to submit a Permit application and SWPPP Document for coverage under the General MS4 Permit. These MS4s have each been assigned one of three due dates: October 30, December 2, or December 30,2013. Preliminary Determination on Permit Coverage The MPCA Commissioner has made a preliminary determination based on review of the Permit application and SWPPP Document to extend Permit coverage under the General MS4 Permit,which has a term of five years, for the MS4s listed below: City of New Brighton City of Osseo City of Otsego City of Owatonna City of Proctor Ramsey County Rice Creek Watershed District City of Richfield City of Rosemount www.pca.state.mn.us • 651-296-6300 • 800-657-3864 • TTY 651-282-5332 or 800-657-3864 • Available in alternative formats i-adminl2-04 • 12/3/13 Page 1 of 2 The Permit applications and SWPPP Documents for all MS4s listed above are available locally for public review, as identified on page one of this notice.The Permit applications and SWPPP Documents are also available for review at the MPCA's St. Paul office, located at 520 Lafayette Road North, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155, and at the MPCA Regional office closest to the outstate MS4. Information on the public notice process is available on the MPCA webpage at: http://www.pca.state.mn.us/bkzqa7d. Written Comments Interested persons are invited to submit written comments on any or all of the Permit applications and SWPPP Documents for the MS4s identified on page one of this notice, or on the Commissioner's preliminary determination; specifically,whether or not Permit coverage should be extended, and if not, the reasons supporting the person's position. Interested persons must clearly identify which MS4(s)application and SWPPP Documents their comments are regarding. Written comments must include the following: 1. Contact information where a written response can be sent. 2. A statement of the person's interest in the Permit application and SWPPP Document; 3. A statement of the action the person would like the MPCA or the MS4 Permittee in question to take, including specific references to sections of the application and SWPPP Document that s/he believes should be changed; and 4. The reasons supporting the person's position, stated with sufficient specificity as to allow the Commissioner to investigate the merits of the person's position. Comments received without accompanying contact information will not receive a response from the Permittee. Request for Public Informational Meeting Any person may request that the Commissioner hold a public informational meeting. If a person requests a public informational meeting,the comments must include the information in items 1-4 listed above; a statement of the reasons the person desires the MPCA to hold a public informational meeting;and the issues that the person would like the MPCA to address at the public informational meeting. Petition for Contested Case Hearing Any person may also submit a petition for a contested case hearing.A petition for a contested case hearing must include the following information: a statement of reasons or proposed findings supporting the MPCA decision to hold a contested case hearing according to the criteria in Minn. R. 7000.1900; and a statement of the issues proposed to be addressed by a contested case hearing and the specific relief requested or resolution of the matter. MPCA Decision In the absence of any requests for a public informational meeting or petition for a contested case hearing, the final decision to extend Permit coverage will be made by the Commissioner.Any person may request that a Permit application and SWPPP Document be considered by the MPCA Citizens' Board prior to final Permit action in accordance with Minn. Stat. § 116.02, subd. 6, and Minn. R. 7000.0650. The public is entitled, and welcome, to participate in the activities of the MPCA Citizens' Board and MPCA staff. The written comments, requests, and petitions received before close of business on the end date of the comment period identified on page one of this notice will be considered before the Commissioner's final determination on Permit coverage. Submitting Written Comments Comments, requests, and/or petitions must be submitted in writing on or before the end date of the comment period identified on page one of this notice, and must be submitted in one of the following ways: Comments in letter format: Comments in e-mail format: Municipal Stormwater(MS4) Program MS4permitproc1ram.pca(c state.mn.us Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 520 Lafayette Road North St. Paul, MN 55155 With any questions, please contact one of the following MPCA staff: • Claudia Hochstein at 651-757-2881 or claudia.hochstein anstate.mn.us • Dan Miller at 651-757-2246 or daniel.milleranstate.mn.us TTY users may call the MPCA teletypewriter at 651-282-5332 or 1-800-657-3864. www.pca.state.mn.us • 651-296-6300 • 800-657-3864 • TTY 651-282-5332 or 800-657-3864 • Available in alternative formats i-admin 12-04 • 12/3/13 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 2 ROSEMOUNT STORMWATER MS4 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN COSTS d a a Projected a` _.c` m` Cost per Activity Cost Y err v Q `12 o- c cr per Activity' No. Project Description a .0 a ¢a Deliverable WSB project manager to facilitate:Program WSB Staff time in Rosemount.(once management meetings,site visits meetings, month)For the first 12 months. coordination with city staff,public agencies,and Program Manager will provide a 0-A community outreach activities.Provide MS4 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 written summary of activities monthly Represenation for work groups and adviory panels if to City Engineer detailing the MS4 needed and assits with completion of Annual Report activities completed each month. Enforcement Response Procedures-revise Existing ERPs meet the requirements 0-C enforcement process as needed to aid in issuing sr. ,/ $ 2,400.00 - of the New MS4 Permit. SWPPP violation citations MS4 Organization Chart-Create chart of MS4 WSB will provide draft organization 0-C Responsibilities sr chart to the City Engineer to outline responsibilitys for SWPPP tasks. Subtotal General Task $ 7,400.00 $ 5,000.00 MCM-1 Tasks (Public Education and Outreach) -Education Activity Implementation Plan-Complete WSB will provide initial creation of outline of education activity implementation program and training program.In addition WSB will implementation schedule for the upcoming permit year provide one training event to staff by June 30th.Include procedures to meet requirements *WSB can provide additional annual for the following stormwater educational programs: employee training as a separate -City Web Page scope of services. 1 A -City Newsletter ✓ ✓ $ 400.00 - -Wet land Health Evaluation Program(WHEP) -Presentations to City Council -City Staff Meetings -Classroom Presentations -Social Media Subtotal MCM-1 Task $ 400.00 $ - MCM-2 Tasks ,Public Participation/Involvement) 2-A Follow applicable public notice requirement ✓ .7 NA NA No anticipated costs from WSB associated with this task. Annual Meeting-Hold annual public meeting combined WSB will facilitate an annual meeting with City Council Meeting or other public held in conjunction with a City Council 2-8 participation/involvement event to solicit public input on ✓ / $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Meeting prior to June 30th to review the SWPPP the 2013 Annual Report and provide a brief overview of the new MS4 General Permit. Consider Public Input-document all written and oral WSB will help the city develop written input received and submitted in conjunction with the procedures to refine the process for 2-C annual report to the MPCA ✓ ✓ $ 400.00 - receiving and documenting public input related to the City's SWPPP. Online Availability of Stormwater Pollution Prevention New BMP for 2013-No anticipated 2-D Program Document ✓ ✓ ✓ NA NA costs from WSB associated with this task. Subtotal MCM-2 Task $ 900.00 $ 500.00 MCM-3 Tasks (Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination) GIS Mapping Updates-Update Storm sewer map to WSB will provide a narrative of what meet the requirements of Part II.D.4.of the MS4 updates are needed to be in General Permit. compliance with the New Permit 3-A Submit Pond Inventory Form to MPCA ✓ ✓ $ 500.00 - •Additional GIS Services-WSB will provide service upon request at a negotiated hourly rate. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination(IDDE)and WSB will review and provide Enforcement Ordinance-review ordinance annually to necessary language updates if 3-B ensure that ordinance continues to meet the needs of ✓ - ✓ $ 500.00 - needed to be reviewed by City the City and legal requirements Attorney and approved by City Council. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination(IDDE) WSB will provide written procedures Program-Develop written program and implement it as for detecting and eliminating IDDE. defined in City SWPPP to meet requirements of Part III.D.3.c. `WSB will provide IDDE Inspection, h.of the MS4 General Permit.Include procedures to meet Investigation and elimination permit requirements for the following items: services upon request at a 3-C -Inform Public about illicit discharges ✓ ✓ ✓ $ 1,250.00 - negotiated hourly rate. -Employee Training Program -Illicit Discharge Inspections -Illicit Discharge investigation Subtotal MCM-3 Task $ 2,250.00 $ - MCM-4 Tasks (Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control) Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Ordinance-Update WSB will provide draft language to be 4-A Ordinance to meet the requirements of Part III.D.4.a.(1)-(8)of ✓ ✓ $ 1 800.00 - reviewed by City Attorney and the MS4 General Permit. approved by City Council. -Waste Controls for Construction Site Operators Construction Site Plan Review-Develop written WSB will help the city develop written procedures which comply with ordinance revisions and define procedures for plan reviews as part of documentation and retention of information defined in Part their written procedures for MCM 4.2 4 B 111.D.4.f.of the MS4 General Permit. V. s/ S 450.00 $ 300.00 -Establishment of Procedures for the Receipt and Consideration of Reports of Stomtwater Noncompliance Construction Site Erosion and Sediment Control WSB will provide written procedures Inspections-Develop written procedures,checklist and and checklists for City staff that is responsible persons to ensure that at least 10%of conducting construction site inspections conducted annually are performed at deemed inspection.' 4-C high priority inspection sites(e.g.,near sensitive receiving ✓ ✓ $ 1,250.00 $ 500.00 `WSB will provide Construction waters,projects larger than 5 acres) Inspection services upon request at a negotiated hourly rate. Permit and Inspection Tracking System(Cartegraph)- WSB will provide a narrative of what Develop procedures to integrate construction site storm information needs to be retained in the water runoff review and inspection documents into permit tracking system.City Staff will 4-D permit tracking program. `� ✓ $ 2oo.o0 - be responsible for implementing process. Subtotal MCM-4 Task $ 3,700.00 $ 800.00 MCM-5 Tasks )Post-Construction Stormwater Management) Post Construction Stormwater Management Review WSB will help the city develop written Proaram-Develop written program and implement it as procedures for plan reviews as part of defined in City SWPPP to meet requirements of Part their written procedures for MCM 5. III.D.5.c.-h.of the MS4 General Permit.Include WSB will also develop marketing procedures to meet permit requirements for the material to encourage the use of following items: structural and non-structural BMPs for 5-A -Develop written procedures for plan reviews ✓ ✓ $ 1,500.00 - new and redevelopment projects. which comply with ordinance revisions. -Encourage the use of structural and non- structural BMPs during review of new and redevelopment projects -Document Pertinent Project Information Surface Water Management Ordinance-Update WSB will provide draft language to be 5-B Ordinance to meet the requirements of Part III.D.5.a.(1)-(5)of ✓ ✓ $ 2,500.00 - reviewed by City Attorney and the MS4 General Permit. _ approved by City Council. Stormwater Management Plan-ensured goals and 'WSB will provide assistance with policies of the Stormwater Management Plan updates are _ _ Stormwater Plan updates as part 5-C consistent with the NPDES General and Construction ✓ ✓ of a separate scope of services Permits. Subtotal MCM-5 Task $ 4,000.00 $ - MCM-6 Tasks (Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping For Municipal Operations) Good house Keeping/Emplovee Training Program- WSB will provide good house keeping Develop written program and implement it as defined in training program to municipal City SWPPP to meet requirements of Part III.D.6.g.of employees as part of a the MS4 General Permit.Include procedures to meet comprehensive education program. permit requirements for the following items: In addition WSB will provide one -Park and Open Space Training Program training event to staff 6-A -Fleet and Building Maintenance Training ✓ ✓ $ 1,500.00 $ 500.00 .WSB can provide additional annual Program employee training as a separate -Stormwater Systems Maintenance Training scope of services. Program -Road Salt Materials Management Program -Annual Evaluation Inspection Frequency 6-B Parkins Lots&Street Cleaning-Sweep City maintained ✓ ✓ _ _ City staff expense streets 2 times per year _ 6-C Storm Drain Cleanina System-Vactor and document ✓ ✓ _ City staff expense sumps cleaned per year. Storm Sewer Inspection Proararq-Conduct one WSB will inspect 20%of the City's inspection of all City-owned ponds and outfalls prior to ponds and outfalls in year 1 at a rate expiration date of the MS4 General Permit. of$100/Pond Inspected 6-D ✓ ✓ ✓ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 shows 191 Annually inspection of 100%of structural pollution (City Pond inventory control devices ponds west of Akron Ave.) Structural Stormwater BMP Maintenance Proaram- WSB SWAMP program will help Develop written program to utilize results from storm satisfy this requirement of the permit. sewer inspection findings to determine if repair, *This cost Is represented in Task:6- 6-E replacement,or maintenance measures are necessary ✓ ✓ - - to ensure structures proper function and treatment effectiveness.Document annually number or structures repaired or scheduled for maintenance. Spill Prevention&Control Plans for Municipal Facilities- WSB will help the city develop written Review and implement plans describing spill prevention plans for spill prevention and control and control procedures consistent among all procedures. WSB will also provide departments.Conduct annual spill prevention and the first training session for municipal 6-F response training sessions to municipal employees. ✓ V $ 1,350.00 - employees. *Additional annual training available upon request at a negotiated hourly rate. Maintenance Yard Inspections-Develop inspection WSB will help the City develop written checklist format that allows staff to compare results to plans and inspection checklists for previous inspections. I maintenance yard inspections.'WSB 6-G Perform maintenance yard inspections once monthly ✓ �/ $ 450.00 - can provide Inspection services for and after<1"rain events utilizing the developed maintenance yards at a negotiated checklist for the inspection. hourly rate. Facility Inventory-Develop facilities inventory to include WSB will help create a map to identify 6-H potential pollutants as each site.Create a map of all ✓ ✓ $ 2,100.00 $ 400.00 facilities and potential pollutants at identified facilities. those facilities.' Pond Assessment Procedures&Schedule-In year 1, WSB will implement our SWAMP develop procedures for determining TSS and TP program that meet all the treatment effectiveness of city owned ponds use for requirements of the Pond assessment 6-I treatment of stormwater.Implement schedule in year 2- se, 1 $ 14,500.00 $ 3,000.00 procedures and schedules(6-E 86-1).3 5 *See Attachment 3 for SWAMP Scope Recording,Reporting,and Retention of All Inspections WSB will provide a narrative of what and Responses to the Inspections-Integrate information needs to be retained in the 6-J documentation and tracking of MCM 6 Inspections and ✓ ✓ $ 1,400.00 $ 500.00 City's Asset Management system and maintenance activities into the City's existing Laserfishe Achieves. Cartegraph System. Source Water Protection Areas-Comply with mapping WSB will provide a narrative of what requirements of Part III.D.6.c.of the MS4 General updates are needed to be in Permit for source water protection areas.Include written compliance with the New Permit. procedures to ensure construction activities meet permit 'This cost is represented in Task:3- 7-C requirements for the following item: ✓ ✓ - - A and 5-A -Well Head Protection Plan Subtotal MCM-6 Task $ 25,300.00 $ 8,400.00 Additional Tasks Water Quality Monitoring Program-Develop and WSB will provide services outlined in implement a monitoring program that supports the 5- the 2014 Water Quality Monitoring year MS4 General Permit Cycle.Program will evaluate Program.Data will support 7-A stormwater runoff volume reduction and pollutant ✓ $ 35,450.00 $ 21,850.00 assessment of stormwater basins as removal performance. requirements in the City's Non- Degradation Report,Stormwater Plan and MS4 General Permit.° TMDL Compliance-Continue to track compliance with No anticipated costs from WSB existing TMDLs and provide comments and progress associated with this task in year 1. B towards compliance with any Newly approved TMDLs l' ✓ - 'WSB will provide assistance review and comment on New TMDLs at a negotiated hourly rate. Subtotal Additional Task $ 35,450.00 $ 21,850.00 Task 1-M54 Program Management $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 Task 2-Stormwater Pollution Preventions Program $ 38,950.00 $ 9,700.00 Task 3-Additional Task-Monitoring Program $ 35,450.00 $ 21,850.00 Total MS4 General Permit Services Cost $ 79,400.00 $ 36,550.00 t Cost are for Planning purposes Only-Annual work plans will be submitted each year for approval 2 Year 2-5 Projected cost to apply annual review and updates as necessary 3 Year 2-5 Projected cost to apply Hosting fees and program update support °Year 1 Cost include$13,600 in monitoring equipment to be purchased by the City Attachment 3 WSB ,.,. ,. engineering°planning environmental construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis,MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 February 4,2014 Mr. Dwight Johnson City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount,MN 55068-4941 Re: Work Plan to Provide a Storm Water Asset Management Program (SWAMP) for the City of Rosemount Dear Mr. Johnson: This letter is a work plan to develop and implement a Storm Water Asset Management Program (SWAMP)for the City of Rosemount. The SWAMP will assist the City with scheduling and budgeting inspection and maintenance activities,tracking TSS and TP pollutant loadings, and can be used to help meet the City's MS4 permit requirements. This program will also establish written procedures for managing your storm water basins. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Minimum Control Measures 5 and 6 of the MS4 permit require the City to have written procedures for inspections and maintenance of their MS4 owned and operated facilities (BMPs). Minimum Control Measure 6 also requires the City to develop pond assessments to determine the treatment effectiveness of stormwater basins within the City. WSB has met with the MPCA to review our approach(outlined below)to verify that it will meet the MPCA's requirements outlined in the 2013 MS4 General permit. MPCA staff has indicated that the SWAMP will satisfy the requirements for the inventories and SOP required in the proposed NPDES permit. The City of Rosemount contains approximately 220 storm water basins. The task of inspecting and maintaining these items, as well as tracking the treatment efficiency of these basins, is a significant commitment of staff time and a financially daunting task. To allow the City to manage its storm water system, annually allocate budget, and meet MS4 requirements, WSB proposes to develop a SWAMP by completing the following scope of services. Task 1 —Organize and Format Rosemount Input Parameters for SWAMP WSB will work with City staff to complete the following steps needed for the SWAMP: • Identify the various stormwater basins present within the City for incorporation into the SWAMP St.Cloud• Minneapolis•St.Paul Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com W:NPDES\M S4\ProposaIst2014\RosemomtWnadment 3-LTR PROP_SWAMP_Rosemount 020314 docx Mr. Dwight Johnson February 4,2014 Page 2 • Develop and define attributes for each basin which include: o Facility type (pond, infiltration basin, storm water wetland, etc.) o Storage volume of facility o Treatment expectations o Size of drainage area o Imperviousness of drainage area o Receiving water classification/sensitivity o Impaired Waters and Waste Load Allocation status of approved TMDLs o Anti-Degradation considerations o BMP sensitivity analysis o Field investigation process and results o BMP age and historic maintenance activities completed o Ownership(private vs.public) o Access for maintenance • Gather any pond inspection data which has been collected to date. This data will need to be formatted to meet the programming needs of the SWAMP. Task 2—Develop and Launch a Customized Version of SWAMP for Rosemount WSB will utilize the information collected during Task 1 to develop an individually tailored SWAMP using ArcGIS Server. This web application will be hosted by WSB. The web-based SWAMP program will allow City employees to easily access information related to the City's storm water basins, complete and store survey records,and update information as needed. Using the information stored in the database, SWAMP will allow the user to: • Create a composite SWAMP score for each storm water basin. Composite scores can be used by City staff to prioritize and budget inspection and maintenance activities. • Calculate estimated annual treatment efficiencies and annual load reduction provided by each stormwater basin for Total Phosphorus and Total Suspended Solids. • Calculate the life cycle cost-benefit to help the City determine the value of performing maintenance or improvement activities on any given storm water basin. • Provide calculated responses regarding storm water basin maintenance activities (similar to a pavement management program) • Meet MS4 requirements for stormwater basin management w:\nodes ms43proposals\2014UosemuunOoliacnment 3-lo-prop_swamp_rosemount_ozos 14.docz Mr. Dwight Johnson February 4, 2014 Page 3 The cost to complete Tasks 1 and 2 is $8,500 and will be billed at an hourly not to exceed cost. This cost assumes developing the SWAMP for approximately 220 storm water basins. Software Cost and Annual Subscription Fee The SWAMP Web Application is $6,000 with an annual software subscription cost of $3,000 beginning in 2015. The subscription cost includes access to web application, cloud server storage of City's program, and application maintenance/updates. WSB intends to keep the SWAMP current and relevant by providing program updates as necessary. WSB will notify all of our SWAMP clients when updates are available. Future Task—Inspections and Comprehensive Project Review (Future Task) Based on the SWAMP prioritization, inspections and a comprehensive project review may need to be completed to determine the extent of maintenance and improvement that is needed. WSB staff will be available to complete inspections and/or help the City prepare a project review memoranda concerning future maintenance or improvement projects that need to be conducted. WSB has completed many basin inspections,project review memoranda, and design/construction of basin improvement projects. Based on our experience,we are able to complete these tasks efficiently and at a low cost to our client. SUMMARY We propose that Tasks 1 and 2 be billed hourly and at a cost not to exceed$8,500. In addition, the Web Application will be billed at a lump sum cost of$6,000 and there will be an annual subscription cost of$3,000 that will be billed at a lump sum cost annually following Year 1. Thank you for this opportunity to develop a SWAMP Web Application for the City of Rosemount. WSB is confident this assessment tool and inspection and maintenance prioritization program will help guide City staff on the best use of funds to achieve the desired storm water benefits. If you should have any questions regarding this proposal,please contact Todd at 763- 287-7182 or Jake at 763-231-4861. Sincerely, WSB &Associates,Inc. Todd Hubmer, PE J ewhall, P Water Resources Group Manager roject Manager w:nodes ms4l proposals 2014 4osemounttattachment 3-Itr prop_swamp rosemount_020314.docx Attachment 4 I 1 , Monitoring Location#1 x " ,.',„,,,. ',,.ia,,,s„„„„ , , ri f 1, ROSEMOLINT 'Surface water monitoring,0 . ' ,.i - MINNESOTA Water Quality Sampling' _ 73' Event Based Sampling . r, Keegan Lake Surface Water Monitoring only ' ` Chloride Sampling per Permitting q /i Location#2 . - er DNR Pennitti requirements for the outlet Surface monitorin installation. - �. v Water Quality Sampling � �'� - Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring Locations ' 4- I Location#4. t• t �, ' �, , , � -_ � Surface watermonitonng z - Location#3 a Water Quality'Samp"ling N • • •- •�=.• 3•ma Surface water monitoring ' j Water Quality Sampling, _` g it Location#5 t.. .. '/ •.Surface water monitoring - - ''Water Quahty.Samp ling � A _ Event.Based-Sampling t • 'Chloride Sampling f o 0.25 0.5 t Location#6 - Miles - _ =,=Location#7 •" Surface monitorin :� .,- g _ .. Surface water monitoring F Water Qualil Sam tin �r Event Based Sampling ,l -- Water`Quality Sampling Y Chloride Sampling r „, i Legend I .,: City Boundary t I + Continious Rainfall Monitors r' MN Proposed Monitoring Ponds � .I !r�"" I ... I .. `R'i This Evaporation and Infiltration Monitoring .Loc"alion#a'; p II' Program has been developed to further Surface water monitoring� establish evaporation and infiltration that Water Quality Sampling " .- .,... "" ; occur within the City.In addition,this study r -Event Based Sampling , • - is performed to verify the estimated 'Chloride Sampling ,. % Location,#9 p ' stormwater abstractions and runoff volumes "':'' .Surface water monnonn`g' Water Quality Sampling that were developed for the City's ` 5.. Event Based Sampling f. : "' Nondegradation Plan.• Chloride Sampling / ,- - - ., ' '''s` Please note that the basins selected for monitorng have been updated from past monitoring efforts in order to provide a broader , 'Location#10' `I, representation of evaporation and infiltration rates and runoff ratios r. _" } •Suda�ce`w ater monitoring t Water Quality Sampling, ------ -----S ---------- - ------ -M __ __ A .{�� WSB r k. b"iFR-