HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.B. Resident Survey9 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: March 11, 2014 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM: Resident Survey AGENDA SECTION: [)LC Li Sc PREPARED BY: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator AGENDA NO. 2,/ ATTACHMENTS: 2007 Survey Questions annotated; proposed contract with Morris Leatherman Company APPROVED BY: ,ate RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review and discuss questions for 2014 resident survey L BACKGROUND The Council has expressed interest in moving forward with a survey of residents. The last survey was in 2007. Staff discovered that Decision Resources, the firm that did the survey in 2007 is no long in existence, but Bill Morris and Peter Leatherman of the Decision Resources firm have formed the new firm of The Morris Leatherman Company within the last year. They have been contacted and are willing to work with us again. A proposed contract is attached. Staff has reviewed the 2007 survey. Some questions seem to be not relevant any more while some new questions may need to be added. Staff has marked up the 2007 list of questions showing which questions are proposed to be deleted and adding suggestions for new questions. DISCUSSION The survey is proposed to be a phone survey involving about 400 residents, which is the number to make the results statistically significant within a reasonable margin of error. Questions will be cross - tabbed so that differences in responses between locations, age groups etc. can be evaluated. Mr. Leatherman believes that if our proposed questions can be determined within the next few weeks, he could be in the field with questions during April and May and have results for us in June. The cost of the survey is about $20,000 depending on how many questions we decide to ask. We had 132 questions in 2007 and Mr. Leatherman says that is well within the mainstream of other surveys he conducts. The survey would be paid from assigned funds which were left over from a previous budget year and designated for this purpose. Therefore, there would be no adverse effect on the current 2014 budget. The Council should not spend much time wordsmithing the questions, since the survey firm will review and edit all questions to be sure they are neutral and clear. RECOMMENDATION The Council should review the attached contract and also review the questions to determine if there should be any changes or additions to what staff has already proposed. DECISION RESOURCES, LTD. 3128 Dean Court Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 2007 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RESIDENTIAL QUESTIONNAIRE FINAL MARCH 2007 Hello, I'm of Decision Resources, Ltd., a nationwide polling firm located in Minneapolis. We've been retained by the City of Rosemount to speak with a random sample of residents about issues facing the city. The survey is being taken because your city representatives and staff are interested in your opinions and suggestions. I want to assure you that all individual responses will be held strictly confidential; only summaries of the entire sample will be reported. (DO NOT PAUSE) 1. Approximately how many years have you lived in Rosemount? LESS THAN ONE YEAR 3% ONE OR TWO YEARS 10% THREE TO FIVE YEARS19% SIX TO TEN YEARS 23% ELEVEN - TWENTY YRS26% TWENTY - THIRTY YRS10% OVER THIRTY YEARS 10% REFUSED 0% 2. In what city and /or state were you located immediately prior to your residence here? ALWAYS ROSEMOUNT, 4 %; MINNEAPOLIS, 6 %; SAINT PAUL, 5 %; OUT OF STATE, 15 %;EAGAN, 16 %; APPLE VALLEY, 13 %; RURAL MINNESOTA, 5 %; BURNSVILLE, 7 %; INVER GROVE HEIGHTS, 4 %; LAKEVILLE, 2 %; BLOOMINGTON /RICHFIELD, 4 %; FARMINGTON, 2 %; SOUTH SAINT PAUL, 3 %; REST OF METRO, 16 %. 3. Thinking back to when you moved to Rosemount, what factors were most important to you in selecting this location? ALWAYS HERE, 3 %; LOCATION, 2 %; SCHOOLS, 18 %; SMALL TOWN FEEL, 14 %; RURAL /OPEN SPACE, 6 %; FAMILY /FRIENDS, 12 %; CLOSE TO JOB, 16 %;HOUSING /NEIGHBORHOOD, 10 %; AFFORDABLE, 18 %; QUIET, 2 %; SCATTERED, 1 %. 4. As things stand now, how long in LESS THAN TWO YEARS4% the future do you expect to live TWO TO FIVE YEARS 8% in Rosemount? SIX TO TEN YEARS 11% OVER TEN YEARS 76% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 2% 5. How would you rate the quality of EXCELLENT 41% life in Rosemount -- excellent, GOOD 52% good, only fair, or poor? ONLY FAIR 6% POOR 2% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 0% 6. What do you like MOST, if anything, about living in Rose- mount? UNSURE, 2 %; LOCATION, 11 %; SCHOOLS, 10 %; SMALL TOWN FEEL, 36 %; RURAL /OPEN SPACE, 8 %; FRIENDLY PEOPLE, 10 %; HOUSING /NEIGHBORHOOD, 5 %; QUIET, 6%; SAFE, 6 %; PARKS AND RECREATION, 4 %; SCATTERED, 3 %. 7. What do you think is the most serious issue facing Rosemount today? UNSURE, 7%; NOTHING, 8%; GROWTH, 28 %; NEED BUSINESSES, 9 %; TAXES, 10 %; TRAFFIC, 3 %; CRIME, 5 %; CROWDED SCHOOLS, 4 %; DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT, 19 %; USE OF EMINENT DOMAIN, 2 %; LACK OF PARKS AND FACILITIES, 3 %; SCATTERED, 4 %. When residents are asked what comes to mind when they think of their communities, many things can occur to them. Minneapolis residents think of the lake system, Stillwater residents think of their riverfront, and Saint Paul residents think of the State Capitol. 8. What image comes to mind when you think about the City of Rosemount? UNSURE, 6 %; NOTHING, 9 %; SMALL TOWN, 21 %; PARKS, 4 %; DOWNTOWN, 4 %; IRISH, 10 %; RURAL, 16 %; KOCH REFINERY, 6 %; SCHOOLS, 4 %; FRIENDLY PEOPLE, 3 %; SENSE OF COMMUNITY, 4 %; GROWTH, 3 %; SAFE, 2 %; BEDROOM COMMUNITY, 2 %; CHURCHES, 2 %; SCATTERED, 6 %. 9. How would you rate the general EXCELLENT 25% sense of community among Rosemount GOOD 60% residents -- excellent, good, only ONLY FAIR 12% fair or poor? POOR 1% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 2% IF A RESPONSE IS GIVEN, ASK: (N =392) 10. Why do you feel that way? FRIENDLY PEOPLE, 44 %;STRONG SENSE OF COMMUNITY, 8 %; GOOD COMMUNITY EVENTS, 9 %; COMMUNITY DIVIDED BY INCOME LEVELS, 2 %; SMALL TOWN, 2 %; COULD IMPROVE, 2 %; RESIDENTS DON'T CARE, 6 %; RESIDENTS ARE INVOLVED, 14 %; RESIDENTS CARE, 9 %; SCATTERED, 5 %. 11. What things could be done to improve the sense of community in Rosemount? UNSURE, 39 %; NOTHING, 27 %; MORE NEIGHBORHOOD EVENTS, 6 %; FIX DOWNTOWN AREA, 6 %; MORE COMMUNITY EVENTS, 15 %; COMMUNITY GATHERING AREA, 3 %; BETTER COMMUNICA TION, 2 %; MORE CITY OUTREACH, 2 %; SCATTERED, 2 %. 12. Now which of the following state- STATEMENT A 45% ments comes closest to your STATEMENT B 43% feelings? STATEMENT C 11% A. I feel a real tie to the entire NONE (VOL.) 0% Rosemount community. DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 1% B. I have strong ties to my neigh- borhood, but weak ties to the rest of Rosemount. C. I have neither strong ties to my neighborhood nor the comm- unity as a whole. 13. In which neighborhood in the City of Rosemount do you live? UNSURE, 8 %; NEIGHBORHOOD NAMED, 69 %; SOMETHING ELSE NAMED, 23% Moving on 14. All in all, do you think things in RIGHT DIRECTION 66% Rosemount are generally headed in WRONG TRACK 26% the right direction, or do you DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 8% feel things are off on the wrong track? IF A RESPONSE IS GIVEN, ASK: (N =369) 15. Could you tell me why you feel that way? TOO MUCH GROWTH, 13 %;WELL- PLANNED GROWTH, 27 %; NO PROBLEMS, 17 %; CITY COUNCIL DOES A GOOD JOB, 7 %; IMPROVING DOWNTOWN, 8 %;COUNCIL LISTENS, 4 %; COUNCIL DOESN'T LISTEN, 2 %;LOSING BUSINESSES, 3 %; SHOULD NOT BE INVOLVED IN DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT, 6 %; GOOD SENSE OF COMMUNITY, 2 %; GOOD CITY SERVICES, 4 %; SCATTERED, 6 %. I would like to read you a list of characteristics of a community. For each one, please tell me if you think Rosemount currently has too many or too much, too few or too little, or about the right amount. (ROTATE LIST) MANY FEW/ ABOUT D.K./ MUCH LITT RIGHT REF. 16. Affordable rental units? 13% 9% 47% 31% 17. Luxury rental units? 8% 5% 51% 37% 18. Condominiums? 17% 5% 60% 19% 19. Townhouses? 25% 3% 59% 13% 20. Starter homes for young families? 2% 37% 51% 10% 21. "Move up" housing? 2% 16% 72% 10% 22. Higher cost housing? 14% 6% 74% 7% 23. Senior housing? 1% 28% 49% 23% 24. Affordable housing, defined by the Metropolitan Council as a single family home costing less than $205,000] 2% 34% 56% 9% 25. Parks and open spaces? 0% 17% 82% 1% 26. Trails and bikeways? 1% 23% 71% 6% 27. Service establishments? 1% 25% 73% 1% 28. Retail shopping opportunities? 0% 53% 46% 0% 29. Entertainment establishments? 0% 44% 55% 1% 30. Dining establishments? 0% 57% 42% 1% 31. Day care opportunities? 0% 7% 44% 49% 32. Are there any specific retail shopping opportunities you would like to see offered in Rosemount? (IF "YES," ASK:) What would that be? UNSURE, 4 %; NO, 40 %; BOUTIQUE SHOPS, 4 %; DEPARTMENT STORES, 10 %; TARGET /WAL -MART, 31 %; LARGE HOME IMPROVEMENT STORES, 4 %; GROCERY STORES, 3 %; LARGE SPORTING GOODS, 2 %; SCATTERED, 4 %. Add a question measuring support for economic development incentives to attract new business. Comment (D1]: Update this number .!) 33. Are there any specific dining establishments you would like to see offered in Rosemount? (IF "YES," ASK:) What would that be? UNSURE, 2 %; NO, 33 %; BREAKFAST, 13 %; SEAFOOD, 3 %; SPORTS BAR, 2 %; ITALIAN, 4 %; FINE DINING, 8 %; FAMILY SIT -DOWN, 26 %; GOOD FAST FOOD, 2 %; CAFE, 4 %; SCATTERED, 2 %. 34. D y u think n ioc fr m traino, ouch as whistico, io a major pro blcm in the community, a minor problcm or not a problcm at all? Moving on... MAJOR PROBLEM 8% MINOR PROBLEM 31% NOT A PROBLEM 58% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 0% 35. Do you think the pace of commer- TOO RAPID 10% cial and retail development in the ABOUT RIGHT 58% city has been too rapid, about NOT FAST ENOUGH 31% right, or not fast enough? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 1% 36. And, do you think the pace of residential development in the city has been too rapid, about right, or not fast enough? TOO RAPID 42% ABOUT RIGHT 54% NOT FAST ENOUGH 3% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 2% As I read the following statements about residential and business development, please answer "yes" or "no." 37 There is a good mix of business and residential development in the City. 38 During the past few years, the appear- ance and maintenance of business pro- perties has improved. 39 Residents have adequate opportunity to make their feelings known about pro- posed development or redevelopment projects. 40. There is sufficient open and natural space in the community. YES NO DKR 65% 35% 1% 69% 26% 5% 78% 16% 6% 84% 16% 1% As you know, schools grade students on a scale from A to F, including pluses and minuses. 41. Using this scale, please give an overall rating to development in the City of Rosemount? On anothcr topic.... A 9% A- 13% B+ 19% B 21% B- 9% C+ 8% C 12% C- 5% D+ 0% D 4% D- 0% F+ 0% F 1% NO ANSWER 1% City Council continucs to havc thc rcdcvclopmcnt of Downtown Roscmount as a goal. 42. Would you support or opposc prior itizing thc rcdcvcl pmcnt of thc ccntral Downtown Ar a? (WHIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you fccl strongly that way? STRONGLY SUPPORT 15% SUPPORT 58% OPPOSE 17% STRONGLY OPPOSE 4% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 8% 43. Bcyond thc currcnt offcrings in Downtown Roscmount, what thcr typcs of scrvicco would you likc to scc offcrcd thcrc? UNSURE, 19 %; NOTHING, 36 %; SMALL RETAIL SHOPS, 12 %; SITDOWN RESTAURANTS, 7 %; BIC BOX STORES, 2 %; SERVICE 2 %; CAFE, 3 %; BOOKSTORE, 4 %, YMCA, 3 %; SCATTERED, 6 %. 44. Would you Support or opposc thc STRONGLY SUPPORT 19% acquisition of land in thc commun SUPPORT 69% ity for prcscrvation as opcn opacc OPPOSE 9% r grccn spacc ar as? (WAIT FOR STRONCLY OPPOSE 2% RESPONSE) Do you fccl strongly DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 3% that way? 45. Would you support or opposc a property tax incrc1sc to acquirc land for prescrvation as opcn and grccn Spacc areas? (WAIT FOR RE SPONSE) Do you fccl strongly that way? STRONCLY SUPPORT 4% SUPPORT 39% OPPOSE 42& STRONGLY OPPOSE 11% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 5% [As you may know, property taxes are divided between the City of Rosemount and various other units of local government. Thinking about the amount going to the City....1 46. Do you think the city portion of VERY HIGH 14% your property taxes, which funds SOMEWHAT HIGH 33% City services in Rosemount is very ABOUT AVERAGE 41% high, somewhat high, about average SOMEWHAT LOW 1% somewhat low or very low in com- VERY LOW 0% parison with nearby suburban com- DON'T KNOW /REFUSED... 12% munities? I would like to read you a list of a few city services. For each one, please tell me whether you would rate the quality of the service as excellent, good, only fair, or poor? EXC GO0 FAI POO DKR 47. Police protection? 37% 54% 5% 0% 4% 48. Fire protection? 40% 48% 2% 1% 10% 49. Storm drainage and flood control? 18% 67% 6% 2% 7% •50. Park maintenance? 25% 64% 6% 1% 5% Athletic Field maintenance? 51. City- sponsored recreation programs? 24% 52% 8% 3% 14% 52. Animal control? 11% 60% 11% 3% 15% 53. Quality and taste of drinking water? 12% 61% 16% 5% 6% Need for a water treatment plant? Now, for the next three city services, please consider only city - maintained street and roads. Do not consider state and county roads, which are taken care of by other levels of government. How would you rate.... 54. City street repair maintenance? 55. Snow plowing of streets? Snow plowing of trails? 56. Street lighting? and EXC GO0 FAI POO DKR 15% 69% 14% 3% 0% 21% 63% 12% 4% 0% 12% 62% 21% 5% 1% 57. When you consider the property EXCELLENT 10% taxes you pay and the quality of GOOD 72% city services you receive, would ONLY FAIR 16% you rate the general value of city POOR 2% services as excellent, good, only DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 1% fair, or poor? Comment [7D2]: Ask if Peter Leatherman has a new budget "packet". of questions. 58. Would you favor or oppose an in- crease in city property taxes, if it were needed to maintain city services at their current level? 59. Would you favor or oppose a property tax increase to expand or improve city services? IF "FAVOR," ASK: (N =72) FAVOR 41% OPPOSE 55% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 4% FAVOR 18% OPPOSE 76% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 6% 60. What city services would you be willing to pay higher property taxes to expand or improve? UNSURE, 14 %;STREET MAINTENANCE, 21 %; POLICE, 22 %; FIRE, 10 %; PARKS AND RECREATION, 13%; DRINKING WATER, 4 %; STREET LIGHTING, 6 %; TRAILS, 4 %; ANIMAL CONTROL, 3 %; FLOOD CONTROL, 4%. Thinking about another topic.... 61. Do you generally feel safe in your YES 99% home? NO 1% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 1% 62. And, do you generally feel safe YES 92% walking in your neighborhood alone NO 8% at night? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 1% 63. What do you consider to be the most serious crime issue in Rosemount? (READ LIST) VANDALISM AND PROPERTY DAMAGE 22% BURGLARY 8% SHOPLIFTING AND THEFT 2% DRUGS 14% GANGS 2% TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS AND SPEEDING 16% DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED 6% ASSAULTS 0% NONE (VOL.) 27% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 3% INTERNET CRIME IDENTITY THEFT 64. How would you rate the amount of police patrolling in your neigh- borhood -- too much, about the right amount or not enough? TOO MUCH 0% ABOUT RIGHT AMOUNT....79% NOT ENOUGH 19% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 2% Again, as I read the following statements, please answer "yes" or "no." 65 This neighborhood is a good place to raise children. 66. People have pride and ownership in our neighborhood. 67. I feel a part of my neighborhood. 68. Business and residential neighbor- hoods are enjoyable and stable places to live, work and recreate in Rosemount. 69. I have recently or plan to sign - ficantly remodel my residence in the next couple of years. YES NO DKR 96% 3% 1% 97% 3% 0% 94% 6% 0% 96% 3% 1% 27% 71% 2% 70. Using the scale of A to F, in- A 31% cluding pluses and minuses, please A- 20% give an overall rating to your B+ 23% neighborhood? B 19% B- 2% C+ 1% C 3% C- 0% D+ 1% D 1% D- 0% F+ 0% F 0% NO ANSWER 0% Does your family have an emergency preparedness plan? Should the City help organize neighborhoods to establish Neighborhood emergency plans? The City hopes to become a more sustainable community in the future. To accomplish this, the city must give increased emphasis to energy conservation and renewable energy sources; continue to take steps to preserve natural resources, and encourage resi- dential and commercial development practices that protect water quality, use healthy building materials, conserve energy, reduce air pollution, and minimize waste. I would like to read you a list of issues relating to sustain- ability. 71. Tell me which ONE, if any, you would make as a top priority for action by the City? (ROTATE AND READ LIST) 72. Which ONE would you make a second priority for City action? (RE -READ LIST IF NECESSARY, OMITTING FIRST CHOICE) FIRST SECOND ENERGY CONSERVATION 32% 10% EXPANDED MASS TRANSIT OPTIONS 11% 7% BIKE PATHS AND SIDEWALKS 15% 18% ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE YARD CARE 7% 12% REDUCING WASTE 9% 20% DEVELOPMENT POLICIES THAT PROTECT AND PRESERVE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 23% 27% Combination (vol) 2% 2% None of above (vol) 2% 5% Don't Know /Refused 1% 0% Moving on.... As you may know, the Community Groups in Rosemount offer a wide variety of community activities or events, such as Leprechaun Days. 73 Have you or household members YES 72% participated in Leprechaun Days NO 28% during the past two years? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 0% 74 Have you or household members participated in any other community events or activities during the past two years? (IF "YES," ASK:) Which ones? NO, 64 %; NATIONAL NIGHT OUT, 2 %;EASTER EGG HUNT, 6 %; HALLOWEEN EVENTS, 7 %; CONCERTS IN THE PARK, 2 %; FOURTH OF JULY, 2 %; WINTER CARNIVAL, 2 %; LEPRECHAUN DAYS, 3 %; PUPPETS IN THE PARK, 2 %; CHILDREN'S SPORTS, 2 %; PARADES, 4 %; SCATTERED, 5 %. Continuing.... The Rosemount park system is composed of larger community parks and smaller neighborhood parks, trails, and community ballfields. Of these facilities, which have you or members of your household used during the past year? 75. Larger community parks? 76. Smaller neighborhood parks? 77. Trails? 78. Community ballfields? YES NO DKR 68% 32% 0% 75% 25% 0% 65% 35% 0% 39% 61% 0% 79. Have you or members of your house- YES 35% hold participated in any City NO 65% park and recreation programs? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 0% IF "YES," ASK: (N =139) 80. Which ones? BASEBALL /SOFTBALL, 31 %; SOCCER, 16 %; AAA, 2 %; BAS KETBALL, 5 %; SWIMMING, 2 %;PUPPETS IN THE PARK, 7 %; SUMMER PROGRAMS, 17 %; SKATING, 3 %; HALLOWEEN EVENTS, 2 %; MULTIPLE SPORTS, 7 %; SCATTERED, 8 %. 81. Were you satisfied or dis- SATISFIED 99% satisfied with your exper- DISSATISFIED 1% ience? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 0% 82. Have you or members of your house- YES 32% hold participated in any Rosemount NO 67% Area Athletic Association -- R- DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 1% Triple A -- programs? 83. Do you or members of your household currently leave the city for park and recreation facilities or activities? (IF "YES," ASK:) What would that be? NO, 71 %; ATHLETIC FIELDS, 5 %; HIKING /BICYCLING TRAILS, 5 %; FISHING, 4 %;CAMPING, 3 %; WATERPARK, 3 %; OTHER CITY'S PARKS, 3 %; OTHER CITY'S RECREATION PROGRAMS, 2 %; SCAT TERED, 4 %. Thc City rcccntly rcccivcd a donation of 57 acrd for an outdoor rccrcational complcx in thc community for both activc and paoaivc rccrcation. Thc oitc is locatcd on thc corncr of Akron Avcnuc and 135th Avcnuc.Facilitica that may be includcd arc 3occcr ficlda, baccball ficld3, Softball ficld3, football ficlda, lacroocc ficld3, and tcnnis courts. 81. Would you Support or oppooc thc construction and operation of an utdoor rccr ational complcx in Roscmount? (WHIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you fccl Strongly that way? 85. W uld y u oupp rt r pp 3c a property tax incrcaoc for thc con otruction of an outdoor rccr a tional complcx? (WHIT FOR RE STRONCLY SUPPORT 16% SUPPORT 61% OPPOSE 16% STRONCLY OPPOSE 1% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 3% STRONGLY SUPPORT 7% SUPPORT 37% OPPOSE 36% STRONGLY OPPOSE 14% 86. How much would you be willing to pay in additional property taxc3 for thc construction of an outdoor rccr ational complcx? How about $ per y ar? (CHOOSE A RANDOM STARTINC POINT; MOVE UP OR DOWN DEPENDING ON RESPONSE) How about NOTHING 46% $25.00 19% $50.00 11% $75.00 4% $100.00 6% $125.00 1% DON'T KNOW 12-% O I would like to read you a list of facilities which could be constructed by the City of Rosemount. Keeping in mind that the construction of each facility would require a property tax in- crease for EACH, please tell me if you would strongly support the city constructing that facility, somewhat support, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose the city constructing that facility. (ROTATE) STS SMS SMO STO DKR 88. A Scnior Ccntcr? 11% 37% 19% 27% 4% 89. A Youth Ccntcr? 21% 36% 19% 23% 1% 90. A second sheet of ice? 7% 19% 32% 37% 4% 91. An arts and cultural ccntcr? 13% 29% 25% 32% 2% 92. Are there any other additional services beyond those cur- rently offered you would like to see the City of Rosemount provide? UNSURE, 6 %; NO, 86 %; LIBRARY, 2 %; SCATTERED, 6 %. Moving on.... 93. Do you leave the City of Rosemount NO /WORK IN ROSEMOUNT..10% on a regular or daily basis to go NOT EMPLOYED /RETIRED..28% to work? (IF "YES," ASK:) How YES /5 MINUTES OR LESS3% many minutes does it take you to YES /6 TO 10 MINUTES7% get to work? (IF "NO," ASK:) Do YES /11 TO 15 MINUTES..10% you work in Rosemount? YES /16 TO 20 MINUTES..15% YES /21 TO 25 MINUTES8% YES /26 TO 30 MINUTES7% YES /OVER 30 MINUTES...11% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 0% 94. Have you used public transporta- YES 22% tion during the past two years? NO 78% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 0% 95. How likely would you be to use public transportation if a park - and -ride facility for bus service were constructed in the City of Rosemount -- very likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, or not at all likely? Changing topics.... VERY LIKELY 10% SOMEWHAT LIKELY 17% NOT TOO LIKELY 10% NOT AT ALL LIKELY 63% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 0% 96. Other than voting, do you feel YES that if you wanted to, you could NO have a say about the way the City DON'T KNOW /REFUSED of Rosemount runs things? 79% 16% 5% IF "NO," ASK: (N =63) 97. Why do you feel you cannot have a say? UNSURE, 3 %; DON'T LISTEN, 76 %; DON'T KNOW HOW, 5 %; DON'T ASK FOR INPUT, 8 %; NOT INTERESTED /WILL VOTE, 8 %. 98. How much do you feel you know about the work of the Mayor and City Council -- a great deal, a fair amount, or very little? 99. From what you know, do you ap- prove or disapprove of the job the Mayor and City Council are doing? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) And do you feel strongly that way? GREAT DEAL 8% FAIR AMOUNT 51% VERY LITTLE 39% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 2% STRONGLY APPROVE 16% SOMEWHAT APPROVE 61% SOMEWHAT DISAPPROVE14% STRONGLY DISAPPROVE.... 3% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 7% 100. How much first -hand contact have you had with the Rosemount City staff -- quite a lot, some, very very little, or none at all? 101. From what you have seen or heard, how would you rate the job per- formance of the Rosemount City staff -- excellent, good, only fair, or poor? 102. During the past year, have you visited or contacted Rosemount City Hall in person, or on the telephone? IF "YES," ASK: (N =182) On your last contact with the City, which Department did you contact -- the Police De- partment, Fire Department, Water and Sewer, Planning, Park Maintenance, Street Maintenance, Building Inspec- tions, Engineering, Deputy Registrar for License Ser- vices, Community Center/ Arena, Recreation Services, General Information Desk, or Administration /City Council? QUITE A LOT 4% SOME 42% VERY LITTLE 33% NONE AT ALL 22% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 0% EXCELLENT 10% GOOD 63% ONLY FAIR 11% POOR 1% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED.... 16% YES 46% NO 55% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 0% POLICE DEPARTMENT 9% FIRE DEPARTMENT 1% WATER AND SEWER 12% PLANNING 6% PARK MAINTENANCE 1% STREET MAINTENANCE 4% BUILDING INSPECTIONS.. 18% ENGINEERING 3% DEPUTY REGISTRAR 18% COMMUNITY CENTER /ARENA.0% RECREATION SERVICES....2% GENERAL INFORMATION21% ADMIN /CITY COUNCIL 6% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 1% Thinking about your last contact with the City, for each of the following characteristics, please rate the service as excellent, good, only fair, or poor.... 104. Waiting time for the City Rcceptioniot to respe to you? 105. Courtcoy of the City Rcccp tioniot? 106. Ease of reaching a City Staff member who could help you? EXC GOO FAI POO DKR 58% 38% 44 1% 57 °, 41% 84 4 14 55% 41% 3% 1% 0% EXC GOO FAI POO DKR 107. Courtesy of the City Staff? 60% 37% 2% 1% 0% 108. Efficiency of the City Staff? 56% 41% 2% 2% 0% Moving on.... 109. What is your principal source of information about Rosemount City Government and its activities? (PROBE) "TOWN PAGES" NEWSPAPER, 26 %; "SUN CURRENT" NEWSPAPER, 5 %; "THIS WEEK" NEWSPAPER, 10 %; "CITY NEWS" NEWSLETTER, 34 %; WORD OF MOUTH, 5 %; CABLE TV, 4 %; WEBSITE, 9 %; MEETINGS, 2 %; SCATTERED, 5 %. 110. How would you prefer to receive information about Rosemount City Government and its activities? "TOWN PAGES" NEWSPAPER, 24 %; "SUN CURRENT" NEWSPAPER, 5 %; "THIS WEEK" NEWSPAPER, 10 %; "CITY NEWS" NEWSLETTER, 35 %; WORD OF MOUTH, 3 %; CABLE TV, 4 %; WEBSITE, 10 %; E -MAIL, 2 %; PIONEER PRESS, 2 %; MEETINGS, 2 %; MAILINGS, 3 %; SCATTERED, 2 %. 111. Do you or any household members YES 90% regularly read the City's news- NO 9% letter, "The Rosemount City News ?" DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 1% 112. Does your household currently sub- YES 69% scribe to cable television? NO 31% REFUSED 0% IF "YES," ASK: (N =277) As you may know, the City currently cablecasts City Council and Planning Commission meetings. 113. How often do you watch City FREQUENTLY 3% Council or Planning Commis- OCCASIONALLY 22% sion meetings -- frequently, RARELY 34% occasionally, rarely, or NEVER 42% never? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 0% 114. Do you havc acccoo to thc Intcrnct at homc? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you havc acccoo to thc Intcrnct at work? IF "YES," ASK: (N -364) 115. How do you conncct to thc intcrnct at home on a dial up modcm, DSL, Chartcr Cablc Nigh Spccd Intcrnct, FTTII 1`3.'-T-H Cale- IIigh Spccd Intcr nct, cellular wircicoo, or oomc othcr way? (IF "OTHER," ASK:) Ilow? HOME ONLY 40% WORK ONLY 3% BOTH 48% NEITHER 9% DON'T KNOW /RE -FUSED 04, YES /DIAL -UP 21% YES /DSL 28% YES /CIIARTER CABLE 40% YES /FTTH CABLE 6% YES/CELLULAR WIRELESS1% YES /SOME OTHER WAY 2& DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 1% 116. Have you accessed the City's YES web site? NO DON'T KNOW /REFUSED IF "YES," ASK: (N =229) 63% 37% 0° s 117. Were you able to find YES 96% what you were looking NO 4% for? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 0% 118. What information would you like to see on the City of Rosemount's web site? UNSURE, 30 %; NONE, 22 %; GENERAL INFORMATION, 7 %; PARKS AND RECREATION, 6 %; CITY EVENTS, 6 %; COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES, 3 %; PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT, 10 %%; CODE AND ORDINANCES, 2 %; RECYCLING, 3 %; SCHOOL, 3 %; DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT, 4 %; SCATTERED, 4 %. The City is considering using a bulk e -mail system to pro- vide information about activities and services to interested residents. in rccciving city information SOMEWHAT INTERESTED... 34% through ±1k c mail very NOT 'GA N ES B....1 -4v intcrcatcd, oomcwhat intcr NOT AT ALL INTERESTED.32% ZZ not at all intcrcotcd? 120. Ilow interested would you bc VERY INTERESTED 4% in watching live City Council SOMEWHAT INTERESTED... 23% not too interested, or not at 121. Arc all your technology needs at home being met in the City of Rosemount? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) STRONGLY YES 14% YES 78% NO 5% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 2% IF "NO" OR "STRONCLY NO," ASK: (N -26) 122. What changes or improvements nccd to bc made? ke ABLE, 19 %; OFFER COMPETITORS TO CABLE COMPANY, 35 %. Now, just a few more questions for demographic purposes.... Could you please tell me how many people in each of the following age groups live in your household. Let's start oldest to young- est.... 123. First, persons 65 or over? 0 86% 1 7% 2 OR MORE 7% 124. Adults under 65? 0 8% 1 11% 2 72% 3 8% 4 OR MORE 2% 125. School -aged children? 0 53% 1 19% 2 20% 3 OR MORE 9% 126. Pre - schoolers? 0 82% 1 15% 2 OR MORE 3% 127. Do you own or rent your present OWN 92% residence? RENT 8% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 0°% IF "OWN," ASK: (N =370) 128. When was your residence SINCE 2000 30% built? The decade of con- 1990 -1999 32% struction is close enough. 1980 -1989 21% 1970 -1979 7% 1960 -1969 6% 1950 -1959 2% 1940 -1949 1% 1930 -1939 0% BEFORE 1930 0% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 1% 129. What is your age, please? 18 -24 4% 25 -34 11% 35 -44 34% 45 -54 23% 55 -64 17% 65 AND OVER 12% 130. Are you employed by a public en- PUBLIC ENTITY 20% tity, such as state and local gov- PRIVATE COMPANY 46% ernment or a school district, a OWN BUSI /SELF -EMP 11% private company, self - employed or NOT WORKING 23% own a business, or currently not REFUSED 0% working? 131. Gender MALE 49% FEMALE 51% 132. ZONE PRECINCT 1 18% PRECINCT 2 19% PRECINCT 3 22% PRECINCT 4 13% PRECINCT 5A 6% PRECINCT 5B 7% PRECINCT 6 16% The Morris Leatherman Company 3128 Dean Court Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 February 24, 2014 Mr. Dwight Johnson City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street W Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Dear Dwight: The Morris Leatherman Company is pleased to present this survey research proposal to you for the City of Rosemount. This prospectus is organized in three parts: a potential design; project schedule; and, estimated project costs. As you will see, I am certain that we can provide the City of Rosemount with the information it seeks in both a cost- effective and timely manner. DESIGN OF THE RESEARCH: The Morris Leatherman Company proposes to conduct a telephone survey of 400 randomly selected households in the City of Rosemount. A sample of 400 residents would provide results projectable to the entire city adult population within ± 5.0 percent in 95 out of 100 cases. The sample is also of sufficient size to permit the city to be divided into a maximum of four categories for more detailed analysis, such as age, mobility, home ownership, location of residence, presence of children, and other demographic characteristics. To insure the integrity of the sample, the Morris Leatherman Company places the most exacting sampling standards in the industry on our procedures. Before an alternate household is substituted for a designated target, at least ten tries are made to contact the initial households during a five -day period. The telephone calls take place during various times on weekday evenings and during the weekend. Our interviewers are also instructed to seek convenient appointments with interviewees, cutting our non - contact rate to less than five percent on average. An unbiased selection process is also used to identify the adult member of the household to be interviewed. To validate the completed sample, the latest United States Census updated population characteristics are utilized as a standard of comparison. The questionnaire would be administered by company trained and supervised personnel. The computer analysis will be obtained from our in -house C- MENTOR and SPSS statistical analysis City of Rosemount Residential Survey Research Proposal February 2014 systems, insuring both access to the most current analysis programs and confidentiality of the data set. The City of Rosemount will be presented with bound copies of the final report highlighting all the major findings of the study. The Morris Leatherman Company will also speak to any major differences from and similarities with the past studies of the community, when applicable, in addition to other maturing communities. A volume of all computer - generated cross tabulations and other multivariate statistical techniques will also be included. PROJECT SCHEDULE: 1. Planning with City Council Members, City Staff, and/or relevant individuals to establish the topics to be covered in the survey. Based on these topic concepts, the Morris Leatherman Company would word specific, neutral questions. This activity can be completed by a meeting, telephone and/or fax, depending on client wishes, within two weeks of the initiation of the contract. 2. Structuring of questions and final approval of the survey instrument. These activities are usually completed within three weeks of the discussion of topics to be covered in the survey. 3. Final determination of the field dates for interviewing. 4. Pre - testing and, if needed, approval of resulting revisions. This activity is usually completed by the second day of fieldwork. 5. Completion of all fieldwork within a two -to -three week period. 6. Computer analysis and preparation of written report. All analytical tests and commentary will be available within four weeks after completion of the fieldwork. 7. Delivery of the final written report to the City of Rosemount, including presentation graphics. Afterwards, telephone consultation, as the need arises, will be provided about the study's findings and implications. PROJECT COSTS: The cost of a survey is driven by two factors: sample size and questionnaire length. The cost to conduct a 50 question unit survey would be $13,000.00. Each additional question unit beyond the initial allotment would be $135.00. The typical city survey is generally between 120 and 150 questions with an estimated cost of between $18,000 and $22,000. City of Rosemount Residential Survey Research Proposal February 2014 As company policy, the Morris Leatherman Company requires one -half of the cost prior to the commencement of fieldwork; the remainder is due upon delivery of the final written report. Unless otherwise arranged, the Morris Leatherman Company invoices clients for the initial payment at the time of the initiation of the contract; the remainder is due at the time of the receipt of the final written report. If you require any further information from us, feel free to contact either Bill Morris, Diane Traxler, or me. We look forward to the opportunity to work with the City of Rosemount once again. Sincerely, peter zeetammao Peter Leatherman