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The Rosemount at Steeple Center project 4 ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting: March 18, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Case 14-12-PUD; 14-13-PUD: Rosemount Senior Living Associates and the City of Rosemount Requests a Planned Unit Development Master AGENDA SECTION: Development Plan and Planned Unit New Business Development Final Site and Building Plan to Construct a Private 90 Unit Senior Housing with Services Building and Public Activity Center PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. c,-* ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance; Resolutions; Planned Unit Development Agreement; Site Map; Site Plan; Survey; Grading Plan; Utility Plan; APPROVED BY: Landscape Plan; Lighting Plan; Garage Plan; First Floor Plan; Second Floor Plan; Third Floor Plan; Roof Plan; Exterior Elevations; Activity Center First Floor Plan; Activity Center Second Floor Plan; Activity Center Roof Plan; Activity Center Exterior Elevations; Parks and Recreation Director's Memorandum dated March 11; City Engineer's Memorandum dated March 12; Excerpt of February 25 Planning Commission Minutes. 0i11 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt an Ordinance amending Ordinance B City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance for Rosemount Senior Living Associates and the City of Rosemount. Motion to adopt a Resolution approving the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Development Plan with Rezoning from R-1A and DT to DT PUD for Rosemount Senior Living Associates and the City of Rosemount Motion to adopt a Resolution approving the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Site and Building Plan for Rosemount Senior Living Associates and the City of Rosemount Motion to approve the Planned Unit Development Agreement for Rosemount Senior Living Associates. SUMMARY Makado Group LLC, through Rosemount Senior Living Associates I,LLC,is proposing to construct a 90- unit senior housing project on a portion of the Steeple Center site. The 3-story assisted living project will be privately owned but will link to a new public activity center the City will construct in the general location of the previous St Joseph's school. The City has been working over the last several years to redevelop the property and attract private senior housing to the site. Although not part of tonight's review, the property will ultimately be platted into two distinct properties to allow private ownership.The City will retain ownership of the Steeple Center, Gathering Place and activity center.Tonight, the review before the City Council is for PUD Master Development Plan with rezoning to Downtown PUD and Site and Building Plan approval. The private senior housing project will contain 90 units which are a combination of 30 units of memory care suites and 60 units that could be either assisted living or independent living. The management company for the project will be Augustana. The memory care units are on the first level and have direct access to a fenced in open space area cloistered interior to the site. The U-shaped building reflects the limitations of the site design given the existing structure location. Parking is predominately surrounded by the building footprint except in the south, along the main drive aisle. Sixty-one surface spaces are available for shared use and there is also a designated drop-off for the senior housing and one for the activity center. Underground parking is available for the senior building tenants and some staff. Site access is from Cameo Avenue due to access restrictions on Highway 3 and congestion along 143rd Street. The senior housing building architecture is more consistent with the downtown urban environment and has a flat roof, akin to the Waterford project down the street. The elevations have some undulation which also accents the changes in building materials or color. The elevations to the public rights-of-way are predominately brick with cement fiber board along the 3rd level. A significant amount of the facade is glass with some accents accentuating the entrances. The 5,000 square foot activity center footprint will be a two-story structure attached to both to the private senior housing through an enclosed link and constructed adjoining the existing Gathering Place. The facade will be of similar materials to the senior housing project with two entrance points, along Highway 3 and on the west, toward the surface parking lot. Internal spaces are available for larger and smaller gatherings to accommodate a variety of differing public uses. Applicant: Makado Group LLC/City of Rosemount Property Owner: City Council and Port Authority Rosemount Location: 14300, 14320, 14330, 14340 and 14350 Cameo Avenue; 14375 South Robert Trail. Area in Acres: 3.15 Acres Comprehensive Plan Designation: DT—Downtown Current Zoning: DT-Downtown District R-1A—Low Density Residential Proposed Zoning: DT PUD-Downtown Planned Unit Development The zoning ordinance permits apartments and multi-family housing in the Downtown so long as no dwelling units are located on the first floor of any part of the building within 150' of Highway 3. Staff has recommended a deviation to this requirement through the PUD similar to the Dakota County Community Development Agency (CDA) senior housing. The other requirement is that there is one parking stall for 2 each unit,which would require 90 stalls. Thirty of the 90 units are designed for memory care and care suites which would be occupied by residents who would not be driving and therefore would presumably not own cars. Surrounding Land Uses: North: School property East: Highway 3 South:Library with one single family resident along Cameo West: Single family Required Setbacks: N/A (Traditional Downtown Overlay District allows a zero foot setback) Proposed Setbacks: Front: 10 Feet (structure) Side (North): 22 Feet (structure) 13 Feet (parking) Side (South): 41 Feet (structure) 2 Feet (parking) Rear: 0 Feet (structure) Maximum Height: 50 Feet (Traditional Downtown Overlay District) Proposed Height: 37 Feet at South Robert Trail and 146th Street West 45 Feet at Burma Avenue and Lower 147th Street West FEBRUARY 25 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing for the Planned Unit Development and Plat request at their February 25 meeting. Staff gave a report about the project including the City portion of the site plan, the public activity center. Mark Applebaum (the developer) and Link Wilson (the architect) provided information on how the design was chosen,who the expected residents will be and how the services will be provided. Helen Brandt, 14315 Cameo Avenue,asked if her property would be rezoned as well and it was explained that rezoning would apply only to the City owned property east of Cameo Avenue. Michael Ryan, 14370 Cameo Avenue, expressed concerns about drainage,lighting and the driveway to the underground parking and requested additional landscape buffering and if the alignment of the driveway could be changed. Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director, explained that the selection of the driveway location and indicated the location could not be changed without reducing the size and shape of the building. Chair Powell asked if the senior housing market can support both this project and the CDA project. Mr. Applebaum responded that the projects have two different residents: the CDA has residents over 55 years old that can support themselves and his project normally has residents over 80 years old that require some level of service. Chair Powell inquired how the traffic will be addressed and where the snow will be stored. Staff responded that the access was chosen onto Cameo Avenue due to the school traffic on 143rd Street and that heavy snowfalls will likely need to be trucked off site, similar to other Downtown sites. Commissioner Husain asked if noise from the activity center would bother the residents of the senior housing. Mr.Wilson responded that the noise from the activity center would be directed towards the parking lot or South Robert Trail. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Planned Unit Development without any changes to the conditions on a 4 to 0 vote. Commissioner Miller was absent from the meeting. The plat action was continued to the March 25,2014 Commission meeting. Since the Planning Commission meeting, the applicant has continued to refine the interior spaces for the senior housing. Due to the operations of the senior housing project,it was determined that the some of the units should be shifted to the Highway 3 side of the first level and have the building services more centrally located within the entire building.While typically the City zoning addresses more of the exterior site and building plans, the new interior unit layout does require the Council to provide a waiver from the 3 multi-family housing requirements of the DT zoning ordinance. Through the PUD process, staff is recommending the Council approve the project noting that some, although very few,residential units will be located on the first floor of the project within 150' of Highway 3.This action is noted in the proposed resolutions approval. BACKGROUND The City acquired the St.Joseph's church complex in 2005 to provide land for the new Dakota County Robert Trail Library. The remainder of the site was retained by the City with the thought for future redevelopment or repurposing. From August 2007 to January 2008, the City and Port Authority acquired five single family parcels in anticipation that additional land would be needed to provide for future redevelopment. In 2007, the St.Joseph's Facilities Task Force issued a report recommending that the Steeple Center over time be transformed into an arts center for the community. Other types of uses for the building and site included a senior center and multi-purpose center. In 2011, the City initiated an RFQ process to attract a development partner for the site. By that time, the Council had determined that the City was lacking in senior housing, particularly senior living with some medical assistance. The Council chose several development partners over the last several years,ultimately settling on Wally Johnson,who brought Mark Appelbaum of Makado Group LLC to the table. The City has been working with the Makado Group since mid-2013. In anticipation of redevelopment on the site,the City applied for and received a Livable Communities Grant in 2011 to assist in the future project. Funding is available for specific components of the project including, the underground stormwater system,public sidewalks and street lighting, and the public plaza area. Additional funding has been provided by the Dakota County Community Development Agency for demolition of the five single family residences and also for the abandoned school building. On July 11, 2013 there was a public and neighborhood meeting regarding the senior housing and activity center. The plans shown at that meeting were similar to those currently before the city for review. There were a lot of questions about the operation of the senior housing and also the programming associated with the public activity center. From a design standpoint, some of the neighbors along Cameo were concerned about the building massing and would have preferred a lower structure. They wanted the site to look more residential in character and wanted to have more landscaping to mitigate views. Concept Design The concept design for the site project is a U-shaped structure that hugs the adjoining public roadways with the surface parking interior to the structure. The building orientations continue to provide pedestrian access into the structures from Highway 3 but provide a less congested and more comfortable entrance from the access and private drive interior to the site. One access to the site is proposed from Cameo with the drive aisle located in the southwest portion of the site. The site design is dictated by the location of the Steeple Center and access point. There is little flexibility for building design given the Steeple Center will remain and be expanded to include a new public activity center. The public activity center will be linked to the private senior housing through an enclosed link,with internal access managed by both parties for safety and building operations. After further discussions with the developer, the City and developer are rethinking the structural link. The reconfiguration of the senior housing lower level means that the link will enter into a residential corridor. There will need to be additional security for passage from the public to private side. The reasons for the link, shared common spaces and programming, have become less important as the private senior housing is including all their programming 4 space within their building footprint. Access to the public activity center would be convenient for the residents but maybe not as important. While the plans currently illustrate the link, staff would like the Council to approve the project recognizing the link may be removed in the future,upon final review and discussion with the developer. If the Council feels strongly the link should remain,its future inclusion should be stated at this meeting. Future Project Timing The applicant is currently going through the City planning approval process with the City trailing behind on the subdivision process. Additionally,the City Council and Port Authority will enter into a Development Agreement with Makado Group LLC as financial agreements are also being worked out. The Development Agreement is beyond the scope of the prescribed planning review process.After completion of all approvals the applicant will commence final design drawings and is hopeful that building construction can begin in early summer. The intention is that the public activity center construction will also begin within that general timeframe. However, as the activity center is a public building,by law, the City must go through a public bidding process which is more time consuming at the front end of the process. Public Activity Center The public activity center will be approximately 10,000 square feet with the 5,000 square foot footprint. The net square footage is less than 10,000 sq ft because the cafe area is open to the second level. The new construction will start at the edge of the Gathering Place currently north of the church structure. The entrance to the building will be modified and rotated to face Highway 3. On the first level there will be a cafe area which will include tables and chairs for small or larger informal gatherings. In the north, there is an office and conference room the latter of which can be used by the public. Across the corridor there will be a large multi-purpose room. The 1227 sq ft space has two entrances and would be programmed for larger events. The Gathering Place will be reconfigured and restroom stalls added to accommodate the higher activity use at the Center. A small kitchen will be added to support catering which occurs at the Steeple Center and can also occur at the activity center. The kitchen space is to facilitate catering and will not be constructed to meet all code requirements to allow meal preparation at this site. At this time the City is not planning on full build out of the second level of the activity center due to cost. However, the Council may revisit this decision in the future,which is dependent upon the cost estimates of the construction and renovation. On the second level, there are two multi-purpose rooms proposed, one slightly larger than the first floor room (1495 sq ft) and one slightly less (929 sq ft). Restrooms and storage complete the second level space. There are two stairs as required by building code and also an elevator. Building Architecture The two buildings are designed to be integrated from a design standpoint, although the public facility does have features not found in the senior housing. The main architectural feature is the glassed wall in the cafe area. The area has a curved wall with large window treatment on both building levels. This space will overlook the urban plaza proposed adjoining the activity center. Immediately north of the cafe area is the main entrance to the Center, from the interior parking lot. The architectural style is very similar on the east side, facing Highway 3.The drawing shown in the original packet indicated some concrete fiber board on the second level of the Highway 3 facade. Staff has indicated that the entire eastern facade be brick, consistent with the zoning ordinance requirements. 5 The interior spaces of the Center, those not adjoining a public right of way,are required to have 60%brick or stone and 40% of a lessor material. The western facade faces into the internal parking lot and is only 12% non-brick or stone. The northern side which has more concrete fiber board still meets the ordinance requirement. The only façade that does not comply with the ordinance standard is the southern façade, which for the most part is obscured from public views due to its close proximity to the church structure. The senior housing project contains less brick as a percentage than the Center but is significantly larger. There are two tones of brick which are generally located on the first two levels of the housing.At times there is an accent of colored cement fiber board, often in-between windows.As previously mentioned there is undulation in the building facades which assists in breaking up the large building massing.The northern facade is approximately 38%non-brick and the eastern elevation 33%. More cement fiber board is located in the west,where the percent of non-brick material is 46%. There is a large brick facade which faces northeast and will be very visible for travelers going south on Highway 3;the remainder of the northeast façade is 27% non-brick. Interior to the site the amount of brick is slightly decreased as compared to the elevations along the public rights of way. However,in total, the entire senior housing building is under 40% of non-masonry materials at 38%. Staff recognizes that the senior building does not fully comply with the exterior materials standards for the Downtown zoning district. However, staff believes that due to the massing of the building, some modification in materials helps to create visual interest rather than a flat 3-story brick building. There is some precedent for allowing less masonry on some of the larger structures within the Downtown. The Waterford project had a significant amount of brick and stone along Highway 3 and the percentage decreased as the other exterior elevations were on lessor traveled roadways. Staff does not have any recommendations to alter the architectural design or exterior materials.There is recognition in the PUD that exterior materials can be up to 40% of cement fiber board for the total building. Access Access to the site is from Cameo Avenue only. MnDOT controls Highway 3 and restricts access points along the designated arterial road. Staff also wanted to restrict access from 143rd Street because of the congestion that occurs in that area due to the public schools in the northwest. Staff believes the proposed access along Cameo,in the more southern portion of the site, allows a greater separation between traffic created by the site development and the traffic generated by the adjoining school activities. Landscaping&Plazas The landscaping plan includes 82 trees, 189 foundation plantings and two (2) plazas. One of the plazas is fenced and secured for the memory care residents located to the northwest of the parking lot and the second plaza is located on the west side of the activity center and Steeple Center. The activity center/Steeple Center plaza is intended to provide outdoor recreation or relaxation space to complement the activities occurring at the building. The senior housing spreads their 50 trees around the building with six (6) trees along the Robert Trail frontage, eight (8) trees along the 143rd Street frontage, 28 trees along the Cameo Avenue frontage, and 16 trees adjacent to the parking. Twenty-eight of the foundation plantings are installed along the Cameo Avenue frontage, 31 plantings are around the main building entrance and the parking lot island,with the remaining 41 around the memory care plaza. 6 The activity center locates six (6) trees along the Robert trail frontage and the remaining 26 trees are on the south edge of the parking lot and within the plaza. Eleven (11) foundation plantings are installed around the east entrance of the activity center,23 white cedars are installed along the south property line to screen the house on Cameo Avenue and the remaining 54 foundation planting are included in the plaza design. Landscaping Required Provided Senior Housing 28 50 Trees Activity Center 17 32 Total 45 82 Senior Housing 95 101 Foundation Plantings Activity Center 25 88 Total 120 189 The City will be engaging the landscape consultant to make recommendations around and in front of the existing Steeple Center. Re-landscaping of that area is intended to be installed with this project but is separate from the current planning approvals. There is one residential property that remains on the west side of Cameo adjacent to this redevelopment project. The setback from the drive aisle to the property line allows for some landscape screening. Additionally, the applicant and City has some conversations with the property owner who indicated he would prefer a solid landscape screen if possible. Consistent with the library project to the south, the applicant is proposing emerald cedars which are a dense columnar type of planting that should provide a high level of opacity even during winter months. Grading Plan The site is relatively flat with about four feet of elevation from the northwest corner at Cameo Avenue and 143`d Street to the southeast corner of the site by the Robert Trail library. To construct the building with sufficient grade for drainage, the first floor elevation is set by the existing northwest elevation which results in the grade at 143`d Street and South Robert Trail and the breezeway between the Senior Housing and the activity center being increased by about a foot. Generally this increase in grade is suitable,but two areas of concerns should be addressed. First, all sidewalks from South Robert Trail to the Steeple Center and the activity center have steps. An assessable sidewalk will need to be constructed to the east entrance of the activity center. Second, the slope to the east of the underground parking is greater than a 4:1 slope. This slope will need to be revised to be no more than 4:1,which may require installation of a retaining wall. Stormwater and Utilities Given the constraints on the site, the applicant is proposing to use an underground stormwater system on site. The system will be located under the surface parking lot and will be connected via a main into the public storm sewer in 143`d Street. It appears based upon City Engineer calculations that the system will meet city standards although a final assessment will be made when soil boring information is completed. The underground system is one of the eligible expenses for the approved LCDA grant. Water and sanitary sewer are available to the site. The plans illustrate accessing both of the services from 143`d Street which will require patching more of the existing street. Staffs preference is to use the service located south of the proposed building,in the utility corridor the City installed during St.Joe's school demolition. The applicant's engineer should work with the City to ascertain if utilities from the south will be adequate for the facility demand.Access from the south will negate the need for cutting and patching in the existing public street. 7 Parking The applicant is proposing to install 70 parking stalls on the lower level of the private senior housing project. The stalls and resident storage lockers mean that approximately 4/5 of the lower level is excavated. The underground parking stalls will be for building residents and some of the staff,with the intention that that could reduce the employee demand for the surface stalls. The site plan indicates a total of 61 surface parking stalls.These spaces are available for either the senior housing visitors or visitors to the Steeple Center complex. The number is slightly larger than the amount of "organized" parking stalls currently available at the Steeple Center. However,it is recognized that the additional attractions at the site will increase the demand for parking at the location. In general, the two primary uses, the senior housing and community events have off-peak demands. Much of the programming for larger Steeple Center events will be during the evening and weekend time periods. There will also be programming for seniors and other organizations throughout the day. With most of the parking interior to the building for the senior housing residents, surface parking demand will be for visitors and some employees. It is staffs understanding that visitors to the site will primarily be right after work and on Sundays. This time period, particularly after work, should be earlier than many of the activities scheduled at the Steeple Center. It is recognized that parking in the Downtown area, specifically in the Steeple Center area,will be at a premium during certain times of the day and certain days of the week. There is on street parking in the area, although the school activities already utilize some of that space. Other parking options are the surface lot across from the Steeple Center and the adjoining library site. There is a cross-parking easement with the library. The City has looked at installing diagonal parking along the east side of Cameo Avenue, adjoining the project,in the future should parking demand warrant it. Preliminary Plat and Final Plat A preliminary and final plat will need to be approved to create two lots, one that will be sold to the Makado Group for the 90 unit senior housing group and the other that will be retained by the City for the Steeple Center and the activity center. The Public Hearing for the Preliminary Plat is scheduled for the March 25 Planning Commission meeting. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommended the City Council approve the various items necessary for the project to move forward. The following motions are required: Motion to adopt an Ordinance amending Ordinance B City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance for Rosemount Senior Living and the City of Rosemount. Motion to adopt a Resolution approving the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Development Plan with Rezoning from R-1A and DT to DT PUD for Rosemount Senior Living and the City of Rosemount. Motion to adopt a Resolution approving the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Site and Building Plan for Rosemount Senior Living and the City of Rosemount. Motion to approve the Planned Unit Development Agreement for Rosemount Senior Living. 8 City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B- 234 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE Rosemount Senior Living THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT,MINNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled "City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance," is hereby amended to rezone property from R1A —Low Density Residential and DT - Downtown to DT PUD — Low Downtown Planned Unit Development that is located south of Lower 147`h Street and west of South Robert Trail within the City of Rosemount legally described as follows: Lot 1,Block 1,Kilcumreragh Addition; And Lot 1,except the East 6 feet;Lot 2 through Lot 6;and the North 8 feet of Lot 7;Dakota County,Minnesota. Section 2. The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount,referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled"Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount," shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning,but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk's office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and all of the notation references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this 18th day of March, 2014. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this day of , 2014. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2014 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN WITH REZONING FOR ROSEMOUNT SENIOR LIVING AND THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Rosemount Senior Living Associates I,LLC requesting a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Development Plan with Rezoning concerning property legally described as: Lot 1,Block 1, Kilcumreragh Addition; And Lot 1,except the East 6 feet;Lot 2 through Lot 6;and the North 8 feet of Lot 7;Dakota County,Minnesota. WHEREAS, on February 25,2014, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing and reviewed the PUD Master Development Plan;and WHEREAS, on February 25,2014,the Planning Commission recommended approval of the PUD Master Development Plan, subject to conditions;and WHEREAS, on March 18,2014, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendations. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Development Plan with Rezoning for the City of Rosemount Activity Center; and NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Development Plan with Rezoning for Rosemount Senior Living and, subject to: 1. Deviation from 11-4-11 B. Permitted Uses to remove the conditions for multiple-family housing: a: Apartments,condominiums, or multiple-family housing, subject to the following eeliditieftSI 1. No dwelling units ahall be allowed on the first floor of any part of the building within one hundred fifty feet (150') of Trunk Highway 3. 2. A minimum of one underground or structured parking stall is provided per dwelling unit. 2. Deviation from 11-4-11 G. Site and Building Standards 3. Permitted Materials to allow up to 40% cement fiber board. 3. Extend the sidewalk on the west side of the parking lot to the south to the curb line of the parking lot and install a curb cut. 4. Expand the width of the sidewalks adjacent to parking stall to six feet (6') in width. 5. Install an accessible sidewalk from the South Robert Trail sidewalk to the east entrance of the Activity Center. RESOLUTION 2014- 6. Conformance with the City Engineer's Memorandum dated March 12, 2014. 7. Conformance with the Park and Recreation Director's Memorandum dated March 11, 2014. 8. Recording of the Planned Unit Development Agreement. ADOPTED this 18th day of March,2014,by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste,Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2014 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) FINAL SITE AND BUILDING PLAN FOR ROSEMOUNT SENIOR LIVING AND THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Rosemount Senior Living Associates I,LLC requesting a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Site and Building Plan concerning property legally described as: Lot 1,Block 1,Kilcumreragh Addition; And Lot 1,except the East 6 feet;Lot 2 through Lot 6;and the North 8 feet of Lot 7,Dakota County,Minnesota. WHEREAS, on February 25,2014, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing and reviewed the PUD Final Site and Building Plan; and WHEREAS, on February 25,2014,the Planning Commission recommended approval of the PUD Final Site and Building Plan, subject to conditions;and WHEREAS, on March 18,2014, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendations. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Site and Building Plan for the City of Rosemount Activity Center; and NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Site and Building Plan of Rosemount Senior Living, subject to: 1. All grades shall not exceed a 4:1 slope. 2. Conformance with the City Engineer's Memorandum dated March 12,2014. 3. Recording of the Planned Unit Development Agreement. ADOPTED this 18th day of March, 2014, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste,Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS ROSEMOUNT SENIOR LIVING PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS DECLARATION made this day of , 2014, by the Rosemount Senior Living Associates I, LLC (hereinafter referred to as the"Declarant"); WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of the real property as described on Attachment One, attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof(hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Subject Property"); and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is subject to certain zoning and land use restrictions imposed by the City of Rosemount (hereinafter referred to as the "City") in connection with the approval of an application for a master development plan planned unit development for a residential development on the Subject Property; and WHEREAS, the City has approved such development on the basis of the determination by the City Council of the City that such development is acceptable only by reason of the details of the development proposed and the unique land use characteristics of the proposed use of the Subject Property; and that but for the details of the development proposed and the unique land use characteristics of such proposed use,the master development plan planned unit development would not have been approved; and 1 WHEREAS, as a condition of approval of the planned unit development, the City has required the execution and filing of this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (hereinafter the"Declaration"); and WHEREAS, to secure the benefits and advantages of approval of such planned unit development,Declarant desires to subject the Subject Property to the terms hereof. NOW,THEREFORE,the Declarant declares that the Subject Property is, and shall be,held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, conditions, and restrictions, hereinafter set forth. 1. The use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the following documents,plans and drawings: a. City Resolution No. 2014-xx,Attachment Two b. City Resolution No. 2014-xx,Attachment Three c. Site Plan(Dated 01/28/2014),Attachment Four d. Exterior Elevations (Sheets A500 and A501; Dated 01/28/2014), Attachments Five and Six e. Garage Plan(Dated 01/28/2014),Attachment Seven f. First Floor Plan(Dated 01/28/2014),Attachment Eight g. Second Floor Plan(Dated 01/28/2014),Attachment Nine h. Third Floor Plan(Dated 01/28/2014), Attachment Ten i. Grading Plan(Dated 01/28/2014),Attachment Eleven j. Utility Plan(Dated 01/28/2014),Attachment Twelve k. Landscape Plans (Sheets L1.0 and L1.1; Dated 01/28/2014), Attachments Thirteen and Fourteen 2 1. Lighting Plan(Dated 01/28/2014),Attachment Fifteen all of which attachments are copies of original documents on file with the City and are made a part hereof. 2. Development and maintenance of structures and uses on the Subject Property shall conform the maintenance agreement. 3. The Subject Property may only be developed and used in accordance with Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Declaration unless the owner first secures approval by the City Council of an amendment to the planned unit development plan or a rezoning to a zoning classification that permits such other development and use. 4. In connection with the approval of development of the Subject Property, the following deviations from City Zoning or Subdivision Code provisions were approved: a. Section 11-4-11 B. DT Permitted Uses: Apartments, Condominiums or Multiple-Family Housing are permitted without the Conditions for underground parking stalls and prohibiting units within 150 feet of South Robert Trail. b. Section 11-4-11 G. 3. DT Site and Buildings Standards; Permitted Materials: Up to 40% of the exterior materials (excluding doors and windows) may be cement fiber board siding. In all other respects the use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the requirements of the Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Declaration and the City Code of Ordinances. 5. The obligations and restrictions of this Declaration run with the land of the Subject Property and shall be enforceable against the Declarant, its successors and assigns, by the City of Rosemount acting through its City Council. This Declaration may be amended from time to time by 3 a written amendment executed by the City and the owner or owners of the lot to be affected by said amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned as duly authorized agents, officers or representatives of Declarant have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. DECLARANT ROSEMOUNT SENIOR LIVING ASSOCIATES I, LLC By Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2014, by , the , for and on behalf of , a , by and on behalf of said Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875 145TH STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT,MN 55068 651-423-4411 4 Rosemount Senior Living and Activity Center of ■ ,, ..... 0 ili,, .. .fr . ,,.. ..., . __ , .. . ,. .. ,,,,,, ill . : 4: , , / , 1 ... y- .0 • / , 47' ■, \ ...1) \\ • "." '''' *CP 0 -A .° 7, ..1, • , te , .6 t uala,titte . . 4 .."11 ". 142ND ST W , „ . , • 7..„....a. - -, ' it Ve , , . - vv. , is,, ERICK SCSI # - ■ t'-..!■..-L:bi -t..0' ,I PARK - ..4. 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'••°""` ,16k' ; I IN ' * a/ 1 i 1 , •oll , ,,,.. ' ,; - i ".. , . ,tiLtifi ,,, , 7 IF.- -4-24 . pm Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a Map Scale legal document and should not be substituted for a title search,appraisal, survey, or for zoning 1 inch = 400 feet verification. Dakota County assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained in this data. 2/21/2014 ,... 4In' 1 CA ME0 A VENUE 1 _J02.8_,_ 4 III y' firti --------------r- 5- — „sI_ -0 1----- • X " , 1 I , I ---------------1-"---:::::--+_-_-:.- -------- --•'1 e Vi-- 11.-- -- --\TNSA--:;,.. ir--'-:----c-:-. --c.-----rt c. , G--- ..tt:: =, ,,------ct-05,--;-,,,--;-------G---1--a--------E;-----------c,--77---r ;\--ZC)i -7 211 Nitgiqr-SF- -C a:"-- -'-P.'•'•••:•E•••,\---:•e----- •-6,--1—c•---,"7-",- =727,77:7-7_-_,-77.7.-.77:7-- • - "7--!!".r.'!_r:-.,-.:.'[ ?,s'i.:1 .. ,„4 r II III kaial-1--'4'.- -----''-9:5'a 12 r '.......:1,1"4-' I . w...,...x..,:t„..., ,s ..,, 11■ r.s....a.e... .•"" l' 0:-—1.., ' I I ;I I A -1; li - \I., 'L'.6.,..)1 I ILIFA;, 'T'1 - -- 1.. h;. ' [4-7 I L' 1(!: i --- - 4 I. 4 At— I -4 ,, fr . -. lin i Pil 0 F.-;----.,, 11111 1 MI ,% • , , ' ,,. 11....11 lo , J, Him Poi Inill I 1 j 1 1 Ra FM ...P M, . : T. . 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IC) 1 r, 1 2 1 r' 1 '', hP/ 111 W r 4 iiit ROSEMOUNT,MN 1...4 1110 • r\4) Fl !!!1■11! ! I ' ;11,id The Makado Group,LLC . r 1 I!: I' 711; 5407 EXCELSIOR BLVD,SUITE C MINNEAPOUS,MN 55415 li.. ...A....! .2._ — Boundary and Topographic Survey for: KAAS WILSON ARCHITECTS )4 t. \ „-•,\ . , \ M•w.® ' , f4/� D S REST bow w 8 I N88'j23lT -- 31088 '-.---,----..•r-?- 9 1 _ Aril' �e �: \ N r•— 20 141 a °— � `,= r , o`\ 5: \ EXISTING BUILDING \ i, , '..+ y0' ,,_J \\,r C \ Vicinity Mop I 1,1 L�\ `I.r \ (1),,,,--k......, \ s.ehon n w°sea. .Re•M.TS v _ N L.1.4,.3 Ix I % t \ om \ ... ti _ W I . km�rnR,�"... `/°; ;. GTE \ ,AND 4 1 — —.� ` , O II I ,,, 1:`+: y. •pm wnnr.rR lows •w s t,TN DETAIL Li r� I ''s, GP;\ I , I � Cn \ --s.rv5.a I 1 ♦ -p-C Id. 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Ir. 5 9 Inv 96115 ' \ V O OmrMH:a:.arartamxc .4.H!, n -. • r, CONNECT TO ErOTNO \je, UTILITY NOTES: ���^��Q . -- - \ \ \ L LTNiRAeIR a1N1 YFRT 1W1101E Mo UYOUE E ML m 90EIIe 6`J e 1 roP 9E9.97 \ POOR m ERRNE W6RICIp1.MOM MR NOT UN.m GS '00 1 \ _�JLIEB'.WBBI 1•z \, \\\ \\\ \ 10000%MAR NM=NO PAMIpR COIO�IIV11110 8 ASE •Mai o�w • 0 RENO,03 IJ \ ERFOSSE 1110 FCC 1/00/0106 All 90ENS M M SIZE ANY m. a TA low rr00 9sc 5=\ 4 J`�L) .-. '�`. ) c1r R auREiAE1Pri""s j'��v si S \\ \\\ \ \ minrortcxAEU AFTER EMI.° ROauu eET roYm1°wR'tI� We Ps. 9Nm9m nr 8' s 0 A0 top 11 J PER Sr �(M / \ \ \ DIEERAIAOSOIPf A90RaDT PAR 10 9 1M1.*1 N 6 w10 MS �+\•_ SANITARY 0OSmA , J 21 .Po OOweCT TO 00005."\1 1 ST.1 ME PL LOLL H MT m 01 MO FIATOUT. ?D61N0 \ 1 2,'-ST v rCr--04 Si 2•° ii ',z}• ,T -C -E C'J EMu \I \ s SE ACRIR ER FEB 100 ROLDM MO 91m1R. ' A r .000< Ntl9 2'T',•_ 7'.88 , - _ ---_e E. W =9:9do \\ \ rmA NOM MEm Cr 019aESwKOS - .-r-.-. -�. -- ..... -f ... -_ -. p \ a OM=Run 9.11.M.ME NMarAR=TACT L--y- ' r- - .t ..:�-r.- �. .�., 1',".:.___'O p __ __ _ E P ALE OE CALL'051-13/-0005 R EO-�i-11E)FOR -S"'TS 1 i-- �. - - - - -- G.i �\ \ T.N POOR 10 CRUER:mIL M U 115 12 O • ,` \ \�\ \ ONIRACIR 319E IOM R CPL.AMY IIIO11E5 TNT MC DIMIRU Ccc� OA fOEECIOI AT 110 MOST m M 0010 F+V I. •I EP'urc r_, w+ \ 3 YINY LMBTALIATO1 M .LOERN m M CURRENT EDIIOI OF '� \ \ \ 'SIMGIIO mammas FOR UM 5 MO ERVCE IRIS 3 i i1 r A1Y SENER SERVICE ffCarsnuiON WATER I \�. , I IS.LT'WHOE \\\\ \ PREMEDrf TE CM D.E.AS33005TR O'EEERA(� _ IE S OF911 040001 an FIRECE su�wTATER ``.\sTORM o TTST \\ \ 0. COSMOS SNAIL EC SALVMD FROM 3mKME IOOVN9 AM RE-MD r,\ \ RPM.AT M O LM1 OF 1090 i I i COORONATE WTN TNT MECHANIC.v. vAT1I WI O1NEO ',\ \\ \ 1. 16 PIF 91Ai1 E OIICSE MI PIPE(CV(IE6S OYETIYR • I I v5 NCOORO ONONCATEE \\ '``,\\ \. �\ \ a ML STARE KILL sum E Pasant mum P1F)1Ea•'j1 \\\, ,,\ /� 0 AMNMmlm !`j i \ '\5 015".." �J d \ L ML NM 11010 RIVAL E ERRTRLID R1I0EE REF OOI CO• � INR OFN91T PanTnulE ORES*III10RSE x0an \iE 01�� \\ \ It E o E IO I.1sD9NIWff0410* Ff11O11 m o]PIR R sTRN:RRE R m .,-'N--`�I ! 1s sTat0 MCA S6iw0E `\ 1'\\ r r� -\ \\j \ 110 R�EI01M TM PIM MC RMOACM60.1WYAr1FLT 1110 REE W1111E HUl I Es oFTM �LOIN \` V -\ `\ \ p�EROOxI RW50110 LrR ROOEAE raI AMOI0TI9N.ANO l COORDINATE NON �, \\ _\ y '5 I1 CA101 OA.M10 YNPYR 9 PAYED MW OVAL E!YD!00F \� , \\\ \ FEET.ML 01101 SA91E N ORERY MOLL E WC OAS FEET PE ii 5 I' v��' \ V WILL as amps awl II MS PIAN R NOT REFLECT 1UOO 1 '5 \ 11 F 001 MC COMM.O WILE E NOMLOEMR MX \ 1.1.an Imu0T mama AE 9RDO9. - _ \ \ 6 OOU 9 Wrm OM ALL mlO9ML ALWYO'TFES ° l I I \ \�� \ ROM DmR1eE MR0 EERIA OLIN WY BE RFSMD m MOM 1)11 \ y y A WWI E,r MRICK 9.911011 m WOOL R owl SEER /I� -, W-�-.-TD \/\\/\/ , \ Ia LARDY"s is E16Irx QAUIEI Mo to FEET Cr v : -J f) BOLT 15'Puc //�O! `9mr011.1e,:,F9N� �\ \ \ OIMND�R 1101 a EOIRFO/R ML uanES uRES `Z■ ' -Q \\ o \ 17.ILLL n COMMONS 01.10 I�m1101 TAE mr"I ACCOIDA.MI / . ;' RE A,1.11 �� 9 Y ?, v I[' ® STORM R,O `,\,,,.,' ; \\N `� \ M RNEO A m Ea9R0 4RRTRES EIRE E O1.104N J E.3 0, . Y \`p \ a MO 8®R sERA1a RIPECIELO NM M J r n I T1 TIN ET 1O \ r l I T I I - �� � PMM wI°rcuESnA+nR;NATD9 n mIS Asffi• P9RS' sIEEIS� N w A m a w V.' ' \ Uc`\ \ a19LffoPEmRPmcAr ML nNR MroM aRaREa auLLE Z o Yw • I. F Rows,PERPORarm POIt wFLTRAnON \ \\ FOEEIEO roar AmNFAPL rt M RI: rc OX I I yr =ROM IS NO..w...00EOwBOTTOMNALFOF (\ U\ \ a AL ol9w:nwx FE.1R Mo PIMA:9WLL E MNSI6 m P9IP® = f W Z S PALE ME FOR OOATp1wnETREATMENTROwINU,OER pJ \ \ OVOO MSEIE E0RT0. M EORIEID E ML OME1S 1101ST E O O I.f ':•',' I I �� �E=m1 A N HAVE BAPFLE WALLS TO HOLD j5 N P POOL \ \ MRm 9M SIRYCORS mE(04 m PAIR MEAT WST YFLT FIRE DEPT ,� PERR 11100 000E]H"TARS 901, (� \\ >s 1 EII�rsaYLL WO�aAR ARIL T011L rE 9EA1E RIMY W �'po' I 1 ONE BASE.a STONE COVER,IV STONE ME.AR5 \ MVSIES COOO9AAOM "PBTNIAO m11�lO1Gp1 aEEYEt m O r„1 . I-r CONNECTION 1 I, ss9TRE BETYEEN FWNO R00 SARAN M'\\ \� MOMS 7 I I I UNDERGROUND SYSTEM Sewn BE WASC RE.MINUNR \ EREART AS 1010T FACT 1*101011P 01115 1 I SWAN SA F� y COFiIP OEVT MATERIAL&wiBEOtALELOO1WEn MILD ETE I /i\\ �o \\\ G NOEO aIO B1 f.Y 01.0*A ET1Fa1T VOI' Q NO OIL.OO Q' TRBICB OwN EEW(BF N5B.OP ■1111 I I ' ' TE OUTLET 1151 MPEpPo ss CRUSHED � R \\ \ to Ml Aa1B ME MNFCMB M SNY EYFR M1019WL E w-i NCR J \O GSMO R MEMO.IMMO RENEW 11.01 Arts MIST E .11 I 1 ACGSfiER , \, USED m WIC w111111R!COMIC.m WNIOES 01mOLl9T6 R I 1 :I RM9 TM T S' •`\ CN OMR 3T�OI. I, RE=L9P.19 �ESLP,s.D. RE.emis 1-I i---I /.• I �� ",\ Ni Q CITY OF ROSEMOUNT UTILITY NOTES: E \\ I.I IE x10.13 sown o LOX 1 I 1 \ \T. IISFMID sae vox ow rose Mamer I X016 1•01010.7,110TRAT RAC \._l sI I 1 I \LI RN 0', I I I I -,\ \ EI� sO m II I \ Er-E, Y �. ■■I\ p; i i '.\ \\\ ^ap 969J uMV" ` .. L 5J1.20 U I'' T� ■I IIT f�, r° yininriiriiirrrrJrj i _ i ? 1 ,\\ \ \ .9e3.9 /(/./ E-A c 16 r / ' 36311.6 A,--------- =MSE•9 9.I�rl t- e•-S �5 .f er G 9iirnlm11;;I WM,M71/ r.. ,,A,..-,9E9»E 11•x• n.R.EG'IL,m...n,�lsl_ VV T P 610 RE='"OAS G L 4� 9601»s _G ee® � . \\ s9 awAn • SEE �� EEXISTING BUILDING 3- .,..,:::14„-:n ,1 \\ ,Ow.w1YNH9nN • • LI If V �I w f.-_ � O 6 - �� f r A \\ 1 \\\ c 0 c°- `_%acJ su 6 _ g,595 `>vUF RE __ET / 1�, ,�\ \\ LEGEND, • �' ---c 'N, SARBAFFLE G� `-"�'='�'"1' AREA \ 1 _.-- -.- STORM®O.00A SALVAGER rM SEA GE TAIL) . �J( F'\ A -•7 0 w9EER01Ta MN - _ I cwANe PPExLw.zs r' ' ' `',\ 7 Gc aOE - i. RE.Bw.ss EFE.�.T� c1 NO REiow E ;. < vilvlaurrq/vrvrr/rvrh �� II I m�.c.' �,IF ir• ! Lr x r TOE 1010X7 1E.E 9JMP-B0155 E9uMP-BL1De R =BW.]B R 'AZ" % 'J v rte lr ,U sroon1°'EEOIA E'" :r` �rufrv«rrurrrl�r<. ' �--/ \ - !,� sMEMr 9Ep1 J slr N MEI MET 2.1 I]" \� \ � MB YA11 --__-__ LSsf/Fk°.! �� -__ E^"',�v!`-._�• LI9. z_sr-O'°c - `,-1 ∎,\\\\ ANr • X89°3✓?3°!I ✓<< 'F� GJ Inr.ssrs \ STATE ONE CALL UTIUTYPIAN v� ; GOPHER ��r1RACe^ „�'N'vf I...� -{5 tz-s;�rF°1t4�3 J 'ref); mmmm \ \\ - 41th. /gip i z'-s' mm; t• �--------irm ,\ Rw ,1 Tau V I I I ✓'tAIiNG i „.,,,,,5.' O.G^ 'q,9>:tsv -, /mmmnmJnT ,I�A tl \ \ '` N1v .r EXISTING BUILDING , 1 \\ �.^1 DE�9 TEaE� n A O ■ MVO NW'SfOdtl3NNIW Yp �� d l 3 311l1S'OAIB tlOIS1 3X3 LOPS , . I�: CD 6 3-n(dncue spasm au s C e ■- NWLNf1OW3SOa 04 !@ 1 �a r . ^ICi' 11:111 y i gg •rla�� I�Bb 0 11 a S Vel` �� ONIAII�IOIN3S 1NflOW3S011 m ! Ell t - 11 I�!11' II 11g r°1 00 '19 1 3 11 S y€ qqg{{i !ill ggggl 1411 i� p 4 ig ' I tat I I _g$f B iii is pop a _ d1 Ih '1 ' 1 Q Z li i t n Ihi 11111h !-. 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LIGHNNG PLAN L2.0 Dm.,earnrre.,....K ►‘ VAT 21aanwaes. Sine B 11nre alq\.156101 It(812)6791000 fa(812)619 688 8 CM Elpnanaodsye. ONS.Gapk W WI .85p St SNea00 St 3)2l Pet,/188116 (!6]72133911 rmaaavowom ....avow am la • r----i I mml+=I++=1+==1+11+c= 3 .1; ' - <\, i 1MI■ , ����, � vv j o \/ N Rosemount Senior ��A \ Living H ��' ; Room"l« 1 O `'��`a I Air �_�� T \\ TheMakadoGroup,LLC Ill ,I! ._ --_ I -__-_ HI=14+_•+11=1--_ \•'� 5407ExcetsorBlvd, -- --J _..... 1 �— \ Suite C I C3 ` 1-- l r-.— `- �` Minneapolis,MN 55416 I'M I 0 0 0 \\ -- Ppp Mnp. 1315 \ NM 01/!6(411 p.aa 9r /AM I 0 R® i 0 o O\ Gaaatl IN Check. I; o o f o Q- 0+ 4 I i' ® EL 1 1 0 L_ I-, 1 ------ I r–! O a 101.-1 Ili M ® I L O ® O s O o 4 ¢ r- ® !--, i I _ ,\\\i I Garage Plan 1 �—L--_i P �--J i „d 1 1n6•=r-0• S A300 OGere9e Pbn 116.1'-0' sd AqAS uj© Y L CH s F .O-3=.91./1. 1 9 Ue d.00!d 1SJ!d MI o[ r F al Ai SSE al 0111.11 ,. ,,,, ,,,, F1,..,... Tir5W1.71 § 01 w.. 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Suds 1.1snepolik AN 5501 M 161238786880 ,M[181216798936 wwv.bwkm.pon qd Sefi,3w1 np. M1 W.35ro618w210 61 LwsPak W 55118 Mal 213-3944 1rywW,�rtiWppD.wn wvw.rnNwgwD.pon O I .. r..._ -ijimMil ynxII ci.. une IL AS yY IL�S Slnd1L0eU 52t1LUU UMIILcisa �� 7,012re 673 re 873re 3758 900K 975K 7,701 re � t UIUIL c7 1333re . ; Rosemount Senior Living f • My�www,F Ro•nwM.MN �� -1.. *Mn Un IL Al UuUL6S ydlJL AS yntlLM 11N.61 •`'o The Makado Grwp,LLC ♦�. 675I 177sre 6756 9008 675(7 7773 re 5407 Excelsior Blvd, r _Lw 0 'o 0 Suits C r .'4� Minneapolis,MN 55476 1 F- 11.. - 11 p. © Pmrtl Nmb 1338 fif• L _ 1O1°' .... / 11nt1LC]6 or. mrmwu 1,1fYre . UMn 6Y N3v COQ,c.0 '�' - ''�-, x wen Cl. ifnul et 5�Q' 1 ''`` #ti 1,153re 0� I x O 77: viva I Second Floor Plan `+` O`.! 1/16'=1,-0• i k O SoM FAOI Ren A302 1ec1,6'-,,-0. 21014111Pww 2. S.B u.1.2)a7216]89 56101 K 1816000 Ic1612ison a .661�wom6�1..6 St 1ol ssmsks5r16 (783)21 5344 55116 (!6]12133&1 OperaM®tlri 558841 m w.vx.crvl§IeV�060 O Un[IL C2 UM IL UU Yn[IL PS Unt II A'1 '1l6L1Lffi Sla1.LLAi VSU1L C187 r ,CD I nk RC7 1.01217 ersrc 676 6758• Kr 575 ft 1,1011P 1236 r Rosemount Senior Living I n.. Y6t1L64 Yn[ILA5 YBS1L65 1l0 ffi lBlt� The MakadoCxoup,LLC tl `��]s 67src 675rc 61ST . X68' 5407 Excelsior Blvd, Suite C Minneapolis,MN 55416 731 3. 1 1 0 _ FmF6ranes 1316 ek +�tf°' YniJL92 0 YM IL[:10 Bw. o1/MAu ""rP 900 ft. 1a86rc 6/ M 4 Mt',, v" �'l _ ___.. sot sQ CNU16 B/ C11166 ' 1.155 0., / 00 r { '3 k 5. . c,, "N_fn, rc 1O 1r , W t . ta f kz Third Floor Plan I 1I16=1'-o A303 g 8 0 7u6e F 7.Pm6 v1e-ro ;, YT 2104 1a Amos S. sub II Weepak MN 56494 Mt(612)8(96409 Ipc(612)8(96®9 Cie Ewa...saps saps CMI Sit Gap Fn. 1991 W.95th St&N200 • St 3)243-a/,1M55119 (763)213..39. .w.....7,pam O f R \ i .a._� Rosemount Senior L "` k �.ma .1n The Makado Group,LLC 0 \-N 5407Fxoelsior5vd, Suite C [1. - ' - ., Minneapofw,MN 55416 Rob Nm5_ (314 L 095 marmu\\\*0. m.4,By MOW z-ROCSACCIM .40 Medal Fil CM." zpo El A- 01 a - 1.m W ��JCj GP+ .na On I e-, U .O s4 0 g li Roof Plan I O1116'=1'-0• i A304 OROO 1/16'Wn .1'-0' 2101 An Avenue S ww..MO, Suds Mmcare.MN 5510a v w mar CUM..Cnar ,.,i. r t6�xi 6]9-t ,� me(617)679696 a weerka .sa.an wNM,-mv, CM s..A.anc. CM$5.ona•C. N61 W.3■,St SUMab Sl w.wk IM55116 (K¶1t33B44 . -.. nc.wu■ew..•.wam .n. ■-oi ...n . — m...r,n� ! �.� ..°^...,man ■. .. ..,.u■..■ , , J.. u. 1.. „ ■.,,,. i`I„ t..r.. ■. ■., .:. . ■■ ■■ _��■ ■■ ■•I E.. i■ ■■ /1:1.. i■ ii r■ o�� 1.■ .a ■■ n ■n .._. ■i ii , ii - ,.. . ii n C II i- ii 1.. ii III 11 — i O E.1eMf E.v.lhn-Veal t tRosemount Senior w„M,ma Living aOSEVIW.MN 1 I V.CAM n.....ma, a The Makado Group,LLC .5:� mat wr,e.�a, MwwI SuiteEfccelsiorBlvd, Suite C •'0` Minneapolis,MN 55416 3 i Rnl..Nu* 1$3 ■.am1 list■.■ mmszo�l. �■ snv..rio ■._„u�hm.a/n ■_■• •!. a• B�,A INS! Ili a .. n ■■ ■■ .■ ■■ / / . / /-i ■ / u u ■■ ■■ / / . ■■ ■■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■ By A.�. i --I 1!! ■ 4_. . _t■_ >_N a 3 �. �. ■ �.■�Yn fo n • I �••.---.own ■.�.■al't_■ �n a /1 /n o ,!,r1 �: pi ■■ a H. + / Li /1! :.■ .. .■ in !lit ■■ ■■ •111 y� ■■ <2- L/� X11 '! 11 r '—" Iii"11""® 4i ii it 11 °c, a'l'���91if a�_n n .. 4 ■■ .. ■I■ '�� �1! i-111M11110•1 11� ■■ ■■ ■■ ■�■, ■■ 's G O= EMxor EkMtbn-NONh 1/18'•1'O' p wNM.mar M.Cuui wr+H<na, 1 1.ON 01041 ¢ rpe M mu, o 'MIME,Mg" nrn n MINNS Matt an or ma y . I ReTT ■ ° ° a■ a n� ■ ifi' 4 . II ' a ail i , . ■■ � 1 ■■ ■■ < -- - - .. i 1 111 111 II ■t i■ ■■ ■■ il� ■. n u m / '!u - ■ ■ ■./ 2 r i.... ... Iv. Exterior Elevations '��� a r. .r.ui ■■ n �iun n 11- s= r se li "."--7 I::I 1'1�1'1h I.I i,u.l ! in !! P SET .a/1,L"[I 1 ii ■ . i 1/1 6.=1 c A500 ®Eleet Eff ticn-NOrth..M 0 EleAr El.6on-East `` V Y wm..ma1 RIOT Ph Mem•S. ELY Al •••••maI c••••••1 MO" m nasal••••mw, ho M v (Bl2)B1fl PoW 155 8 mc(elZ)eRSfiee wow km.=can as Enpi••AMms. CM S•Gw•Inc *811 W.NC SI Sate 20O St Louts Pak MN 55416 VP 211.11141 mpayaltEanakaSpoos corn iu ■■ ■ ■■ o■ ■■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■ ■■ I ■ ■ ■ u ■■ 11 �E a ■■3, , I.. ■■ ■ ■■ ■.. ■i a i'4 ■1■ i■ ■■ ■i ■■. ■ n �■ 1 .n is ii ii i ii -:a 5Q . . ii es fib ..1 __ _ - eeyy ( 'most ■■ . •U. I■■■,:•. ■f u■iGi •.g■ ■■ ■■ N%. : ■. II U1 ,''UIfT fl■.■: ■■ .—■ 1®, OExterior Ekva!on•South 1116-•1'-0' Z I Rosemount Senior Living Prennowl IA a..»-mw, _ tan somata _ •.a MOP mow, i .law, — The Makado Group,LLC_ ilif _ . 5407 Excelsior Blvd, t _ Minneapolis,eapd MN 55416 j■■ u I 1 ■■ u• /111 .;: o,u ■ u■" u ■■■ •■. ■ ■■ . . 44 MB 1.�l W (r � I I ntin a ..- �1 ml... .. ewe 6. 01 eao. 11 R rE 11 d p it if 1 �■■■1 1 .fit A 1 111 as ti a ■.■.. ■• ■ ■■ '1■■ ■■... ■■ ■■ .��■ '.■ ■■ ■ oram.By wl_ ' ® ; B i � i■■ ® U. III • 1■■ • g .. Checks]By Chador �.r 4,s. e d •••( i1I,in S 41 - • . •• �__.' -- -- I■■ I■■ - J`-- co' O Et r ENVetlon-Int Northeast O EN.ror Etna.-M Met G(:)\ E tORKs mow, dens tea, 1 40110.0.4 WV CORP 4. :.-- i II !! Eginlin Itier.,, 2 1 It e ' Z m•• 7 ■■ sir "' �t"" . � 1�1 _• '",.:: i ii - '®''� ' ,"II Exterior Elevations 10•111•111•11 - 1/16•=1-0• O E il•rM EI•vaBUn-Ink East A501 1118'•1'-0- — :\ Y VII 01011..x. Sie limp.104 W 97111 kit 212)09/919 Ci36033. 43311113513 51 970.000 51L.P.IM 55119 (+02191711 .513 w.13a139w11.n , 0 , .: n .s r r--Tr ra-9vwd (_ - ,- 1 191 911m m Rosemount T i ® e._ ® Activity Center III City of Rosemount n t^ ^? f i f l 287511581 Street �'" f; J (. J ■ J 3a"°mI RoserlaxR,MN55068 IINW O I�n�' e .a3 f.. 1 1 P.a.. 1997 cw W. 0103014 .tii COMM IL F ") e'•a C- `) I f.,> _ fn.e7 Qslr \ , Q\ 'S GO`l"'"T''.; J M f,. __ I Z 1_ { a C d� w 1 A First Floor Plan 3130 3.xx.r 13 I A300 t101MM.S. ELEVATOR ... Y..qo.W 00101 O UN Y PM mP0000 R F00FTOP- t6O0e e MECHANICAL . 1011a(310$7v. _ J • a.la..P4t.55.,.,. 16 3 aPEHro t FIFE eETO ��� OREN TO • CCwsew i _ eevcln '> Llla!!I . I I T _ lima jlllllllll. ■ ■, ����� Rosemount iii 0 g- Activity Center Rwmul W City of Rosemount • 2875145th Street Rosemont,MN 55068 y O Br21 eatlnn Oh N'.1'-0 RaI.N0M 1317 O. 010410t4 o..Di Nap Coded By a.dp 0 Il LP O� _ -I,I - o ld]® -- ii i Second Floor Plan &Bi g Section f 8 0 As incicated ' A301 SOMA/Flop Plan s.:...o ltd Mbwru.S 'IN WN011 LE TER. ... ,TN(]I LETTER. to,nay re.$ P A M �wxn aMSi142m St .. ... •!,',. wa„ „EU NM MO iii .. IHHII o. ma. n R I!! 11"1"11 � p seas r � + £4. • 1 ,I■.I, ........ ... ,. ME 1 Mini ��■ �� III ' � *� . `� Y \y s JOO E/B'.t%West OE..-.t.,%E- I Rosemount 8 _--_______ -___ _____ Activity Center i 1 = I City of Rosemount I-II 28751451h Street .. II Rosemount,MN 55068 .. .. I Prol.K.D. 1337 ki .. ■. or 01/2$0014 tI Draw By Awa • .. .. Checlad e, a.n. OElevelion-Bairn \- `�� 8. -0. \J G�` d Ma IIIIIIIHIIUIIIIIIIIEMIIIIII•1 1 LC I II -OI 1 1 111 II !Pill Iti OE all ii MM C F IIII!!III !!! ill Hill. .Pli! 1 it Exterior Elevations 1 s a i 1/8=1-O• A500©z,..1.1%.-- g 4ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION M E M O R A N D U M To: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Eric Zweber, Senior Planner Jason Lindahl, Planner Andy Brotzler, Public Works Director/City Engineer Phil Olson, Assistant City Engineer From: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date: March 11, 2014 Subject: Rosemount Senior Living at the Steeple Center Site The Parks and Recreation Commission recently reviewed the plans for the Rosemount Senior Living Project at the Steeple Center site and they made the following recommendation: • The Parks and Recreation Commission approved a motion to recommend that the City of Rosemount collect parks dedication for all 90 units and that the fees should be based on the approved City Fee Schedule at the time the fees are paid. Motion passed 5 - 0 Staff also recently reviewed the plans for the Rosemount Senior Living project on the Steeple Center site and has the following comments: • Staff is recommending the City of Rosemount collect parks dedication fees for 60 units of assisted living and independent living units but not for the 30 memory care/care suite units and that the fees should be based on the approved City Fee Schedule at the time of payment. The current rate for residential dedication is $3,400 per unit. Staff recognizes there is an additional$20,000 being paid by the applicant for other park purposes. Please let me know if you have any questions about this memo. 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: March 12, 2014 TO: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner CC: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Andrew Brotzler, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Christine Watson, Public Works Coordinator Kathie Hanson, Planning Department Secretary FROM: Phil Olson, Assistant City Engineer RE: Rosemount Senior Housing Engineering Review SUBMITTAL: Plans prepared by Kass Wilson Architects and Civil Site Group, Inc. are dated January 28,2014. Engineering review comments were generated from the following documents included in the submittal: • Rosemount Senior Living plans (23 sheets) including: o Survey,removal plans o Grading, drainage,and utility plans o SWPPP o Details,landscaping, and lighting plans • Rosemount Activity Center (18 sheets) including: o Survey,removal plans o Grading, drainage,and utility plans o SWPPP o Details,landscaping, and lighting plans • Preliminary Storm Water Management Report (67 sheets) DEVELOPMENT FEES: 1. No trunk utility area charges are proposed with this development. 2. Sewer and water connection charges are required at the time of development. 3. The developer will be responsible for consultant fees not covered by the grant for the underground stormwater system. SITE PLAN COMMENTS: 4. Water and sewer services should be connected from the existing water main and sewer main service to the Steeple Center. 5. The 15-inch HDPE pipe extending east from the underground stormwater system is shown through the building. This pipe should be DIP or RCP. 6. The storm sewer pipe class shown within 143`d Street is required to be RCP instead of HDPE. 7. The excavation limits along with sidewalk and roadway replacement limits should be shown on the plan for the storm sewer installation along TH 3. This pipe is approximately 13 feet deep. Sidewalk and roadway replacement will be required and should be included in the plan. 8. A traffic control plan is required for the storm sewer connection in 143`d Street. A detour on TH 3 is likely required which will also require approval from Mn/DOT. 9. Note 13 on Sheet C3.0 states that slopes shall not exceed 3:1. The maximum allowed slope is 4:1. TRANSPORTATION COMMENTS: 10. Parking for the development is provided in the parking lot and underground ramp. Street parking is also allowed by the City on the adjacent local roadways. If parking issues arise in the future, City Council can restrict parking on specific roadways according to City Code 8- 2-2: Parking Provisions. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: 11. Based on City calculations, it appears that the underground stormwater system will meet the City's stormwater management requirements. Additional information is needed to verify the infiltration rate for the existing onsite soils. Revisions to the underground stormwater system may be needed after the soil borings are complete. Additional comments related to specific design of the underground system have been provided to the developer's engineer. 12. An operation and maintenance agreement should be formed with the developer for the underground stormwater system. The agreement should include ownership and maintenance schedules and responsibilities. EASEMENTS: 13. A drainage and utility easement is required for the city sanitary sewer,water main, and private utilities that extend from Cameo Avenue into the site. The easement should include an area 10 feet on either side of the sanitary sewer and water main. A 10 foot wide easement is also needed for the existing private utilities. This easement area will be included on a future plat by the City. 14. The city is working with the attorney to vacate an easement owned by Peoples Natural Gas. This is needed prior to a future plat by the City. 15. The existing drainage and utility easement for the sanitary sewer serving the old school is not needed and should be vacated with a future plat by the City. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the items listed above,please contact me at 651-322-2015. EXCERPT OF DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING FEBRARY 25, 2014 c. The Makado Group, Inc. Request for Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan and Planned Unit Development Final Site and Building Plan for Rosemount Senior Living Associates I (14-12-PUD-MASTER, 14-13-PUD-FINAL).Makado Group LLC is proposing to construct a 90-unit senior housing project on a portion of the Steeple Center site. The 3-story assisted living project will be privately owned but will link to a new public Activity Center the City will construct in the general location of the previous St Joseph's school. Community Development Director Lindquist gave an overview of the project to the Commissioners. Mark Appelbaum,The Makado Group, stated they spent a lot of focus on the design of the inside of the building and described the floor plan as it relates to other parts of the project. He stated they plan on integrating art programming in the memory care section of the building and have had discussions with the Rosemount Area Arts Council. Link Wilson,with Kaas Wilson Architects, showed elevations of the architecture from different points of view and stated they tried to keep the architecture compatible with the Steeple Center. Commissioner Kurle asked if there would be an entrance to the activity center on the Robert Trail side of the building. Ms. Lindquist showed on the elevation where the outside entrance would be located, one towards South Robert Trail and one towards the joint parking lot. Commissioner Husain asked what the distance was between the activity center and the first resident next to the link area to determine whether or not noise would be an issue. Mr. Wilson showed on the floor plan diagram where the first resident would be located and only outside noise would possibly be heard. Chairperson Powell asked if the market supported both of the new senior living projects. Mr. Appelbaum stated that the two senior living project are very different in that the CDA project is solely independent living with no onsite staff and the Makado project has assisted living and memory care for residents usually in the low 80s. The two projects are directed towards two different groups of people. Chairperson Powell asked staff about traffic concerns in an already congested area. Ms.Lindquist stated the peak traffic times for the senior housing and the nearby schools will be different. Larger events in the activity center will typically be in the evening. She further stated there will be on street parking, shared parking with the library and additional parking in the park and ride lot across South Robert Trail if necessary. The public hearing was opened at 7:59p.m. Chairperson Powell shared with the Commission a letter received from resident, Helen Brandt, opposing the rezoning of the property. Helen Brandt, 14315 Cameo Avenue, asked how the rezoning of the property would affect her property. Michael Ryan, 14370 Cameo Avenue, stated he has privacy concerns with living so close to the project and requested additional buffers with landscaping. He also stated his concerns with lighting, runoff, draining and the location of the underground parking driveway. He requested the underground parking driveway be angled so headlights would not shine directly to his house. Ms. Lindquist addressed Ms. Brandt's rezoning question by stating that the request is only for the rezoning of the senior housing property and does not modify any property adjacent to the site. Ms. Lindquist pointed out the landscaping between Mr. Ryan's property and the project and stated that there are elevation challenges for the underground parking so to change the angle would not be feasible. She stated that staff and the architects can work with Mr. Ryan on the lighting to minimize the effect to his property. Mr. Ryan approached again and asked about the boulevard sidewalk shown on the diagram. Ms. Lindquist stated it is a sidewalk provided for people exiting their cars to reach the activity center. Chairperson Powell asked how snow will be removed and stored on the site. Mr. Zweber stated snow will likely be stored on the green areas or hauled away similar to other parts of Downtown. It has not been determined yet who will be responsible for the maintenance since the development agreement between the City and the Developer is still being worked on. There were no further public comments. MOTION by Powell to Close the Public Hearing for the Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning from RIA:Low Density Residential and DT: Downtown to DT PUD: Downtown Planned Unit Development and the Planned Unit Development Final Site and Building Plan item. Second by Weber. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 8:10pm. Chairperson Powell stated his opinion that the activity center is a great dynamic and a positive addition for the area. MOTION by Powel to recommend the City Council approve a Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning from RIA: Low Density Residential and DT: Downtown to DT PUD: Downtown Planned Unit Development, subject to the following conditions: 1. Deviation from 11-4-11 G. Site and Building Standards 3. Permitted Materials to allow up to 40% cement fiber board. 2. Extend the sidewalk on the west side of the parking lot to the south to the curb line of the parking lot and install a curb cut. 3. Expand the width of the sidewalks adjacent to parking stall to six feet (6') in width. 4. Install an accessible sidewalk from the South Robert Trail sidewalk to the east entrance of the Activity Center. 5. Conformance with the City Engineer's Memorandum dated February 20, 2014. 6. Conformance with the Park and Recreation Director's Memorandum dated February 19, 2014. Second by Kurle. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. MOTION by Powell to recommend the City Council approve a Planned Unit Development Final Site and Building Plan, subject to the following conditions: 1. All grades shall not exceed a 4:1 slope. 2. Conformance with the City Engineer's Memorandum dated February 20,2014. Second by Kurle. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. MOTION by Kurle to continue the Public Hearing for the Preliminary Plat to the March 25,2014 Planning Commission meeting. Second by Weber. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved.