HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.c. Verizon Wireless Site Plan Review 4 ROSE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PLANNING COMMISSION Planning Commission Meeting Date: March 25, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Case 14-19-SP Verizon Wireless Site Plan Review for a building to house cellular AGENDA SECTION: antennas equipment at the Connemara Public Hearing water tower site PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, AICP AGENDA NO. Planner NO. . ATTACHMENTS: Site Map, Plan Set APPROVED B RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the site plan application from Verizon Wireless allowing construction of an 11' 6" by 17' building to house cellular antenna equipment at the Connemara water tower site (13831 Connemara Trail), subject to conditions: 1. Approval of a building permit for the proposed building and antennas. 2. Execution of a lease agreement with the City to locate the proposed building and antennas on the Connemara water tower site. 3. Provide documentation for the proposed light fixtures that demonstrates all lighting will be directed toward the ground and not produce glare onto neighboring properties. 4. The applicant shall replace any existing landscaping removed during the construction process and shall provide a landscape escrow equal to 110% of the total value of the required landscaping. SUMMARY Applicant&Property Owner(s): Verizon Wireless and City of Rosemount Location: 13831 Connemara Trail Area in Acres: 1.7 Acres Comp. Guide Plan Desig: P/I—Public Institutional Current Zoning: P/I—Public Institutional The applicant,Verizon Wireless,requests site plan approval to allow construction of an 11' 6" by 17' (196 square feet) building to house cellular antenna equipment. The building will be located on the Connemara water tower site at 13831 Connemara Trail. This application was originally scheduled to come before the Planning Commission on February 25th. However, due to an error in the public notice it was tabled until tonight to allow staff time to re-notice the item. Staff recommends approval of this application subject to conditions. BACKGROUND The City's cellular tower and antenna standards are outlined in Section 11-9-6. This section requires new antennas to colocate on existing towers or buildings unless the applicant can demonstrate existing structures cannot accommodate the proposed antennas. Because the antennas will be mounted to the existing water tower,rather than a separate stand-alone tower, they may be approved administratively through a building permit and lease agreement with the City. However, the building necessary to house the associated cellar antenna equipment must be reviewed and approved through the site plan review process. Should the City approve the site plan application, the next step for the applicant will be to receive approval of a building permit and execute a lease agreement with the City to place the antennas on the Connemara water tower. ISSUE ANALYSIS The purpose of a site plan review is to evaluate each project as it relates to the performance and site design standards of the zoning ordinance and is required for all commercial,industrial,institutional and multi-family development projects. In this case, the applicant proposes an 11' 6"by 17'building to house associated equipment for cellular antenna mounted on the Connemara water tower. Site plan applications are approved by the Planning Commission and considered a Quasi-Judicial action. As such, the City has a set of standards and requirements for review. Generally,if a site plan application meets the ordinance requirements it must be approved. These standards are outlined in Section 11-4-18 (Public and Institutional District) and 11-10-3 (Site and Building Plan Review). Land Use&Zoning. The proposed equipment building is compatible with the subject property's land use and zoning classifications. The 2030 Land Use map guides the subject property as P/I— Public Institutional. According to the Comprehensive Plan, this category is intended to accommodate the civic,religious,governmental, and educational needs of the community. The property's current P/I—Public and Institutional zoning designation allows the proposed building as well as the associated cellular antenna on the existing water tower. Lot and Building Standards. The proposed building will be located behind the existing water tower in the northeast corner of the site. The required and proposed setbacks are detailed in the table below. As planned, the proposed building exceeds all setback requirements. Building Performance Standards for the P/I Public & Institutional District Standard Required Proposed Front (South) 30 ft. 160 ft. Side (East) 30 ft. 35 ft. Side (West) 30 ft. 240 ft. Rear (North) 30 ft. 40 ft. Access. Access to the site is provided from Connemara Trail through an existing bituminous driveway. The applicant's plans show an extension of the existing driveway to serve the proposed building and the future ground equipment site to the west. The existing driveway and proposed extension meet the ten (10) foot parking surface setback standard. Parking. Rosemount's parking regulations do not require off-street parking for the proposed unmanned equipment building. As a result, no additional parking is planned. The proposed driveway extension will provide adequate access for periodic maintenance. 2 Exterior Building Materials. The proposed building meets the exterior building materials requirements for the P/I—Public and Institutional district. This district requires the exterior wall surfaces of all buildings be constructed of at least fifty percent (50%) brick or natural stone. The remaining fifty percent (50%) of the wall surface may be specialty integral colored concrete block (including textured,burnished,and rock faced block), tile (masonry, stone or clay), architectural textured concrete panels cast in place, or better. EIFS or masonry stucco may be used for architectural accents totaling no more than ten percent (10%) of the non-glass,brick or stone portion of the building. Unadorned concrete is prohibited. In this case the applicant is proposing a beige building made of one hundred percent (100) exposed embossed brick. Trash Enclosure. Staff fords the proposed unmanned equipment building does not require a trash enclosure. Landscaping. The applicant's landscape plan meets the City's requirements and will provide additional screening of the proposed building. The applicant's plan calls for a total of ten (10) new trees. Six will be 6' tall Techney Arborvitae and four will be 6' tall Black Hills Spruce. These trees will be positioned around the east,west and north sides of the building to provide screening for adjacent residential neighborhoods. Staff recommends a condition of approval require the applicant to replace any existing landscaping removed during the construction process and provide a landscape escrow equal to 110% of the total value of the required landscaping. Signage. Under Section 11-9-6.A, commercial use antennas shall contain no signage,including logos, except as may be required by state and federal regulations. As a result, there will be no additional signage at the site. Exterior Lighting. The applicant's plan show safety and security lighting on two sides of the proposed building. Staff recommends that a condition of approval require the applicant to provide documentation for the proposed light fixtures that demonstrates all lighting will be directed toward the ground and not produce glare onto neighboring properties. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning Commission approve the site plan application from Verizon Wireless allowing construction of an 11' 6" by 17'building to house cellular antennas equipment. This equipment will serve new cellular antennas mounted to the Connemara water tower. This recommendation is based on the information submitted by the applicant, the findings made in this report and is subject to the conditions outlined in the recommended action section above. 3 Verizon Wireless Site Map . 0 44, r : . * 1 sily' ''',, \ "ifir4 ---frI\ \/,/ ...A..:+:3„ 1,..N.-4,i,iy,,,-.' - -11 at .,, e. . _ .4. .4.... � : , 10,9 � P ik;w . ! ) 8 r ' --->,/ (- -' eir- , , \ .„......, . ----______ _ ...,, ,.,r,„......,,,, , ........1.- _ r----___ii... ,. 1, ... 1, .41, . , , ._:....., ,,‘ `�. . n.. i rte" :t --'--��, k a'�IK+ ,- 5 • i —_ /•�•+_.r,,�. A <'"1 w t ! �' may' .k,:.,�t z n +� ,: ,'Vr " 1 �T . n,. � / r`4 `I \� * s pose uipment Building 4 4 ' f !. `~ate °'¢4 • e N. /el' \.' ' • l r I 'ytj At" --s--,----..... ;.„. * . e4.---... ),,,, br ; / /01 ' 1` ' ir 1' s Ill A. C emara frail - .. ',i 4r II!t 7 0 P f coppER . ---...,.;,:. -,- 'tom pr. 0 I/4 `<-1 ' 5 ? 1 s. . 1 V .1. % ,0.' ' i. 4" i r , i ', , , i y it* r l Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, c, accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a Map Scale legal document and should not be substituted for a title search,appraisal,survey, or for zoning 1 inch = 200 feet verification, Dakota County assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained in this data. 2/20/2014 Zco o H cun.!° A �y�� �r N Z w °$ f o� CD 1 ag NJ a2 Wg z K �z o 5 _ (ZW§Gn &" w o 0 m w Q Ow Cn _GW �ICt Slm aN Cl) zw w m w?moo Z Z W Et , °� o N 2: 3,u u OU A $OaffiwP Nm gocnfii -A a 02 1 iel -'' U w RN RI i 0 /1 !I i lig. 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