HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Project Program Updates 4 ROSEMO EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PORT AUTHORITY Special Port Authority Meeting Date: April 1, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Project/Program Updates AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Deputy Director AGENDA NO. 5.b. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution; Goals Work Plan APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion. ISSUE With two new members on the Port Authority, it seemed like a good opportunity to provide background information to the Port about its function and goals. In a previous item,the Port Authority Bylaws are attached for the group's use. Additionally, this memo includes the enabling resolution as well as the approved goals and work plan update. Hopefully various members can provide additional background to the two new members. Also it is appropriate to give a brief update to some bigger projects the Port Authority has been interested in: Steeple Center Senior Housing: The project was approved by the City Council at their March 18 meeting. Staff has spoken with the developer on several occasions since then and both parties are working on the details of the projects,the private senior housing and public activity center, prior to commencing final construction plans. The public hearing to approve sale of the Port Authority land and approval of the preliminary and final plat will be on the Port Authority agenda for April 15, 2014. CDA Senior Housing: With the holding of the public hearing for sale of a portion of the Genz Ryan site on this agenda,there is no more action needed by the City for the project. The one exception is the actions necessary to construct the turn lane and replace the sewer on the site. These projects are going through the public bidding process and we are awaiting final comments from MnDot regarding the turn lane. These two projects will be financed by excess TIF and grant monies. The remaining portion of the Genz Ryan site is currently being marketed on MNProspector. It had been discussed that the City will most likely hire a broker after the CDA development is underway. NE corner of County Road 42 and Hwy 3: These sites are available for commercial development and are being marketed by the land owner. In late 2012, a PUD approval was granted which included an 8 lot commercial subdivision, a convenience store with gas pumps, and a Country Inn Suites hotel. Staff has been in contact with the hotel developer over the last year and has provided information to assist in enticing investors to the project. The developer continues to be optimistic. The SA gas station approved in 2012 has also stalled. A different gas station company has looked at this site as well as several others in the community. More recently, a broker has requested access information to discussion locating a gas station in this area and that access information was forwarded to SA as well. YMCA: The City is working with representatives from the YMCA, DCTC, and UMore to bring a YMCA to the City. Most recently, work has occurred to review potential location options for the project. There has also been programmatic work done by the YMCA. Fiber in the Business Park: Installation of fiber in the Business Park is one of the projects to be financed with excess TIF. A fiber consultant has been placed under contract and he has made contact with the County and also the various building owners in the Park. He will write the RFP to obtain bids for installation of the public fiber and will also include as an"add-on"the pricing for each individual building. The owners will be approached with their individual project pricing. It is hoped that the building connections will experience a reduction in cost because the contractor will already be on site for the public project. RECOMMENDATION Information Only. 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1991 - 53 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY, A DEVELOPMENT AGENCY WHEREAS, the Minnesota State Legislature has enacted Laws of Minnesota, 1991, Chapter 291, Article 21, Section 17, authorizing the City of Rosemount to establish a port authority with the same powers as a port authority established under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.049, or other law, as a housing and redevelopment authority established Under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 469.047,or other law, and shall constitute an "agency"that may administer one or more municipal development districts under Section 469.110; and WHEREAS,the City of Rosemount wishes to establish such a port authority and to define the relationship between it and the Council by adoption of this resolution; and WHEREAS, it is intended that this resolution be amended from time to time as required to further define or redefine the respective roles of the port authority and the Council regarding development and redevelopment within the City of Rosemount; and WHEREAS, it is intended that by this resolution and actions taken hereunder,the Council of the City of Rosemount shall establish broad policies for public-assisted development within the City of Rosemount and that the implementation of such policies be the responsibility of the port authority; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Council that adoption of this resolution and the creation of a port authority will result in a conscientious and coordinated effort to encourage and precipitate further development within the City of Rosemount so as to 2 • increase tax base, promote employment and enhance the health, safety and welfare of City of Rosemount residents; and WHEREAS,the Council has conducted a public hearing, pursuant to published notice, as required by Laws of Minnesota, 1991, Chapter 291,Article 21, Section 17; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Definitions. "Authority"means the Rosemount Port Authority, a development agency. "City"means the City of Rosemount,Minnesota. "Commission"means the Rosemount Port Authority, a development agency. "Commissioner"means a person serving on the Rosemount Port Authority. "Council"means the duly elected governing body of the City of Rosemount. "Enabling Act"means Laws of Minnesota, 1991, Chapter 291, Article 21, Section 17, authorizing the City of Rosemount to create a port authority. "Enabling Resolution"means this resolution of the Council establishing the Authority pursuant to the Enabling Act. "The Development Act"means Minnesota Statutes,Chapter 469.124 to 469.134, inclusive. "Executive Director"means the City Administrator. "The HRA Act"means Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 469.002 to 469.047, inclusive. "The Housing Bond Act"means Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C. "Industrial Bond Act"means Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 469.152 to 469.1651, 3 inclusive. "Project Budget"means a financial budget containing the sources and uses of public funds to be expended in carrying out the public costs associated with a Project Plan or Project Area Plan. In the event any or all such public costs are to be paid with tax increment, the Project Budget shall constitute a"tax increment financing plan,"as described in Section 469.175 of the Tax Increment Act. "Project Plan"means an outline for the development or redevelopment of a geographic area or single parcel which contains a statement of objectives for improvement of the area as well as a description of public facilities to be constructed, an estimated schedule of the open space to be created, the environmental controls to be applied, the property to be publicly acquired and the condition under which the Authority shall exercise the right of eminent domain, if any, the proposed reuse of private property, and the general standards of development. Said plan shall be sufficiently complete to constitute a"development program"pursuant to Section 469.125, Subdivision 3 of the Development Act and a"redevelopment plan"pursuant to Section 469.027 of the HRA Act. "The Port Act"means Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 469.048 to 469.068, inclusive. "Port District"means the City of Rosemount. "Tax Increment Act"means Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174 to 469.191, inclusive. Section 2. Establishment. There is hereby created in the City of Rosemount a port authority which, subject to the provisions of this Enabling Resolution, shall have all of the powers, duties and 4 responsibilities of any port authority created pursuant to the Port Act, or other law, a housing and redevelopment authority created pursuant to the HRA Act, or other law and which shall constitute an"agency that may administer one or more municipal development districts under Section 469.110. It shall be the role and responsibility of such port authority to carry our economic and industrial development and redevelopment within the City of Rosemount in accordance within such general policies as may from time to time be established by the Council. Section 3. Legal Status. The Authority shall be a public body politic and corporate and a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota. It shall not be considered a department of the City of Rosemount nor shall the City of Rosemount be liable for its obligations, unless assumed by the City of Rosemount in writing. Its relationship to the Council shall be governed by the Enabling Act, this Enabling Resolution and the various statues under which it operates, including the Port Act, the HRA Act, the Development Act,the Industrial Bond Act,the Housing Bond Act and the Tax Increment Act;provided that in the event there is a conflict between the terms of this Enabling Resolution and any such statute, the Enabling Resolution shall control and in the event there is a conflict between the Port Act and any such statutes, the Port Act shall control;provided further that a statute granting authority shall not be deemed to be in conflict with a statute that grants less or no such authority. Section 4. Name. The port authority created by the Enabling Act and this Enabling Resolution shall be known legally as the Rosemount Port Authority, a development agency. 5 Section 5. Governing Body. The powers of the Authority shall be vested in the commissioner thereof in office at any time, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum for all purposes. Pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Section 469.050, Subds. 1 and 3, such commissioners shall be seven (7)in number, shall be residents of the City of Rosemount and shall be appointed and serve as follows: (1) All mayors and members of the city council shall automatically be appointed commissioners for a term that coincides with their term of office as mayor or council member. If a mayor or council member declines to serve as a commissioner,or resigns from his or her position as commissioner, a vacancy is created which shall be filled by appointment by the mayor with the approval and consent of the council. The appointment so made shall be for a term in office of the individual council member whose resignation or decision not to serve as a commissioner created the vacancy. (2) Commissioners who are not members of the council shall be appointed for terms of six (6)years. If a vacancy occurs in seat so appointed, including a vacancy created when a commissioner becomes a member of the city council, a replacement shall be appointed by the mayor subject to approval and consent of the council. 6 Section 6. Authority Staff. The commissioners of the Authority shall be empowered to hire such employees, agents and consultants as they deem proper and as further provided in the Port Act, including the appointment of an Executive Director of the Authority who shall have the following powers and duties: (1) To see that all resolutions,rules, regulations, or orders of the Authority are enforced. (2) To direct and manage the subordinate officers and regular Employees of the Authority. (3) To present to the Authority plans, studies, and reports prepared for Authority purposes and recommend to the commissioners for adoption such measures as defined necessary to enforce or carry out the powers and duties of the Authority or the efficient administration of the affairs of the Authority. (4) To keep the Authority fully advised as to its financial condition, and to prepare and submit to the commissioners the annual budget and such other financial information as requested. (5) To recommend to the commissioners for adoption such rules and regulations as deemed necessary for the efficient operation of the Authority's function. (6) To perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the commissioners. (7) To make necessary purchases of supplies for the operation of the 7 Authority in accordance with State and City regulations(City Code). (8) To establish and maintain a system of filing and indexing records and reports. (9) To be responsible for the proper maintenance of all Authority property and equipment. Section 7. Authority Officers. The commissioners of the Authority shall elect officers as provided in Section 469.051 of the Port Act;provided, however, that the City Clerk shall be secretary thereto. Section 8. Reports. A. At least once annually by April 1st, the Authority shall: (1) submit its Enabling Resolution modification recommendations to the Council pursuant to Section 2 of the Enabling Act. (2) appear at a regularly scheduled Council meeting and report to the Council, Mayor and member of the public regarding the operational status of the Authority. Such report shall comply with Section 469.055, Subdivision 2(9)of the Port Act and shall include a description of current and proposed projects as well as general development goals for the City of Rosemount. B. The Authority shall be responsible for all filings and reports required by the various statutes under which it operates. Copies of all such reports shall be provided to the Council and Mayor and shall be available to members of the public unless otherwise permitted or required by law. Section 9. Accounting, Budgets and Fiscal Year. 8 A. The Accounting,maintenance of books and records, establishment and maintenance of funds and accounts, investment of cash surpluses, disbursement of monies and other necessary financial matters of the Authority shall be the responsibility of the City Financial Director. Direction of and control over the City Financial Director with respect to such Authority financial matters shall reside in the commissioners and the Authority Executive Director; provided,however, that Authority accounting, investment, fund maintenance and disbursement shall be consistent with City of Rosemount procedures. Any conflict between the Authority or its Executive Director and the City Financial Director with respect to the appropriate interpretation of this paragraph shall be resolved by the Council. B. On or before such date of each year, as the Council may designate, the Authority shall submit its annual budget to the City Administrator in a form prescribed by the City Administrator. Such budget shall include a detailed written estimate of the amount of money that the Authority expects to need from the City of Rosemount for Authority business during the next fiscal year and shall otherwise comply with the Port Act. The Council may impose such conditions upon the issuance of obligations by The City of Rosemount for the purpose of funding said Authority budget as it may determine. The City Administrator shall submit such budget to the Council for review and approval as a part of the City of Rosemount budgetary process. The commissions and staff of the Authority shall 9 appear before the Council as requested to explain and discuss the content of the proposed Authority budget. Upon approval of such budget, the Authority shall not exceed total budgeted expenditures without approval of corresponding budget amendments by the Council;provided,however, that this provision shall not preclude the Authority from unilaterally making such line-item changes as it deems appropriate. C. The fiscal year of the Authority shall be the same as that of the City of Rosemount. Section 10. Powers. A. The Authority may exercise all of the powers contained in the Port Act, provided that: 1. Before establishing the boundaries of and undertaking public activities with respect to an industrial development district, as set forth in Section 469.058 of the Port Act, the Authority shall submit a Project Plan and Project Budget to the Council for approval. Such Project Plan shall be submitted to the Planning Commission of the City for its review and comment regarding the consistency of said plan with the City's comprehensive plan. Consideration by the Council shall be made at a public hearing upon 10 days published notice in the official newspaper of the City of Rosemount. The Council may impose such conditions upon its approval as it determines. 2. Before undertaking public activities within the Port District, but 10 outside an industrial development district,the Authority shall submit a Project Plan and Project Budget to the Council for Approval. Such Project Plan shall be submitted to the Planning Commission of the City for its review and comment regarding the consistency of said plan with the City's comprehensive plan. Consideration by the Council shall be made at a public hearing upon 10 days published notice in the official newspaper of the City of Rosemount. The Council may impose such conditions upon its approval as it determines. 3. The Authority shall not issue obligations without the prior Approval of the Council. B. The Authority may exercise all of the powers contained in the HRA Act, provided that: 1. Before establishing the boundaries of and undertaking public activities with respect to a redevelopment project, as defined in Section 469.002, Subdivision 14 of the HRA Act, the Authority shall submit a Project Plan and Project Budget to the Council for approval. Such Project Plan shall constitute a"redevelopment plan"pursuant to Section 469.027 of the HRA Act and shall be submitted to the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount for its review and comment regarding the consistency of said plan with the City's comprehensive plan. Consideration by the Council shall be made at a public hearing upon 10 days published notice in 11 the official newspaper of the City of Rosemount. The Council may impose such conditions upon its approval as it determines. 2. Before undertaking public activities outside of a"redevelopment Project", the Authority shall submit a Project Plan and Project Budget to the Council for approval. Consideration by the Council shall be made at a public hearing upon 10 days published notice in the official newspaper of the City of Rosemount. The Council may impose such conditions upon its approval as it determines. 3. The Authority shall not issue obligations under the HRA Act without the prior approval of the Council. C. The Authority is hereby appointed Administrator of City of Rosemount Development Districts,numbers 11=1 previously established by the Council. 1. Pursuant to the Development Act,the Authority shall have the following powers: a. To acquire property or easements through negotiation. b. To enter into operating contracts on behalf of the City of Rosemount for operation of any of the facilities authorized to be constructed under the terms of the Development Act. c. To lease space to private individuals or corporations within the buildings constructed under the terms of the 12 Development Act. d. To lease or sell land and to lease or sell air rights over structures constructed under the authority of the Development Act. e. To enter into contracts for construction of the several facilities or portion thereof authorized under the Development Act. f. Certify to the Council for acquisition through eminent domain of property that cannot be acquired by negotiation,but is required for implementation of the development program; g. Certify to the Council the amount of funds, if any,which must be raised through sale of bonds to finance the program for industrial development districts. h. Apply for grants from the Federal Government. i. Apply for grants from other sources. D. The Authority may exercise all the powers of a redevelopment agency contained in the Industrial Bond Act; provided,however,that obligations shall not be issued without the prior approval of the Council. E. The Authority may exercise all of the powers of a city contained in the Housing Finance Act,provided authorized to do so by ordinance Of the Council pursuant to Section 462C.02, Subdivision 6 of the Housing Finance Act and provided further that obligations shall not be 13 issued without the prior approval of the Council. F. The Authority may exercise all of the powers of an authority contained in the Tax Increment Act,provided that obligations shall not be issued without the prior approval of the Council. G. The Authority may exercise such powers as may be contained in other laws applicable to port authorities or housing and redevelopment authorities not specifically described herein. Section 11. Levy. Pursuant to Section 469.053, Subdivision 4 of the Port Act,the Council may propose to levy in 1992 .01813 percent of the market value of taxable property within the City of Rosemount for operation, and .00282 percent of the market value of the taxable property within the City or Rosemount for creating and development of industrial development districts,which said levy shall be taken into account for purposes of the City's levy limit and the proceeds of which shall be set aside by the City Financial Director for purposes of the Authority for expenditures by it in accordance with its approved budget. In the event that the City of Rosemount levies an amount in excess of.00282 percent of the market value of the taxable property within the City of Rosemount for the creation and development of industrial development districts, the City Administrator shall prepare a separate resolution and shall publish the same, together with a notice of public hearing on said resolution for two successive weeks in the City's official newspaper. The hearing shall be held on a date specified in said resolution which is two to four weeks 14 after the first publication. After the hearing, the Council may decide to take no action or may adopt a resolution authorizing the proposed levy or a lesser levy. A resolution authorizing such levy shall be published in the City's official newspaper. In the event that the City levies an amount in excess of .00282 percent of the market value of the taxable property within the City of Rosemount, the resolution shall not be effective if a petition requesting a referendum on said resolution is filed with the City Clerk within 30 days of publication of said resolution. The petition must be signed by voters equaling five percent of the votes cast in the City of Rosemount in the last general election. Then the resolution is only effective if approved by a majority of those voting on the question. The referendum must be held at a special or general election before October 1 of the year for which the levy increase is proposed. Section 12. Influencing Government Actions. Neither the Commissioners or the staff of the Authority shall present to Congress, the state legislature, any federal or state agency, or any member thereof,proposals regarding the structure and organization of the Authority or any matter of policy affecting the City of Rosemount generally without the prior approval of the Council. It is the intention of this section that the Authority be prohibited from representing to these or similar governmental entitles policy positions which might be in conflict with those held by the Council and Mayor. Section 13. Amendments. The Authority shall not act inconsistently with this Enabling Resolution;provided that a determination by the Council that the limitations imposed by this resolution have been complied with by the Authority shall be conclusive. Amendments to this resolution 15 i • shall be by written resolution and upon notice and hearing in accordance with Subdivision 3(b) of the Enabling Act. Section 14. Effective Date. The Rosemount Port Authority, a development agency, shall be deemed created as of January 2, 1992. Adopted this 3"1 day of September, 1991. Vernon J. Napper, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: _Wippermann Seconded by: Klassen Voted in favor: Wippermann,Napper, Oxborough, Klassen Voted Against: None 16 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2001- 34 A RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY; AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 1991 - 53 WHEREAS, City Council Resolution No. 1991-53 established the Rosemount Port Authority pursuant to the authority of Minnesota Laws 1991, Chapter 291, Article 21, Section 17; and WHEREAS, the Council has determined that it is appropriate and in the interest of the public to amend the resolution establishing the port authority as hereinafter provided: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Rosemount, Resolution No. 1991- 53, Section 5 is amended to read as follows: Section 5. Governing Body. The powers of the Authority shall be vested in the commissioner thereof in office at any time, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum for all purposes. Pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Section 469.050, Subds. 1 and 3, such commissioners shall be seven (7) in number, shall be residents of the City of Rosemount and shall be appointed and serve as follows: (1) All mayors and members of the city council shall automatically be appointed commissioners for a term which coincides with their term of office as mayor or council member. If a mayor or council member declines to serve as a commissioner, or resigns from his or her position as commissioner, a vacancy is created which shall be filled by appointment by the mayor with the approval and consent of the council. The appointment so made shall be for a term which coincides with the time in office of the individual council member whose resignation or decision not to serve as a commissioner created the vacancy. (2) Commissioners who are not members of the council shall be appointed for terms of three (3) years. If a vacancy occurs in seat so appointed, including a vacancy created when a commissioner becomes a member of the city council, a replacement shall be appointed by the mayor subject to approval and consent of the council. ADOPTED this 17th day of April, 2001. i, i Cathy Bust, Ma RESOLUTION 2000 - 34 ATTEST: v At.A.1 coda J. Jent'`,'� 1-rk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of Rosemount at a duly authorized meeting thereof, held on the 17th day of April, 2001, as disclosed by the records of said City in my possession. (SEAL) Linda J. Jentink, Rosemount City Clerk Motion by: C i s e w s k i Second by: K I a s s e n Voted in favor: K I a s s e n, Cisewski , Busho, R i l e y, Edweards Voted against: None. Member absent: None . 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2003- 25 A RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY; AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 1991 — 53 WHEREAS, City Council Resolution No. 1991-53 established the Rosemount Port Authority pursuant to the authority of Minnesota Laws 1991, Chapter 291, Article 21, Section 17; which resolution was amended by Resolution No. 2001-34; and WHEREAS, the Council has determined that it is appropriate and in the interest of the public to amend the resolution establishing the port authority as hereinafter provided: WHEREAS, the Public Hearing held this day has been properly noticed and published in the official city newspaper, The Rosemount Town Pages, on March 7 and 14, 2003. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Rosemount, Resolution No. 1991- 53, Section 5, as amended by Resolution No. 2001-34, is amended to read as follows: Section 5. Governing Body. The powers of the Authority shall be vested in the commissioner thereof in office at any time, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum for all purposes. Pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Section 469.050, Subds. 1 and 3, such commissioners shall be seven(7)in number, shall be residents of the City of Rosemount and shall be appointed and serve as follows: (1) All mayors and members of the city council shall automatically be appointed commissioners for a term that coincides with their term of office as mayor or council member. If a mayor or council member declines to serve as a commissioner, or resigns from his or her position as commissioner, a vacancy is created which shall be filled by appointment by the mayor with the approval and consent of the council. The appointment so made shall be for a term in office of the individual council member whose resignation or decision not to serve as a commissioner created the vacancy. (2) Commissioners who are not members of the council shall be appointed for terms of six(6) years. If a vacancy occurs in seat so appointed, including a vacancy created when a commissioner becomes a member of the city council, a replacement shall be appointed by the mayor subject to approval and consent of the council. ADOPTED this 20th day of March, 2003. RESOLUTION 2003 - 2 5 1101 William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda J. Jentink, ity Jerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of Rosemount at a duly authorized meeting thereof, held on the March 20, 2003, as disclosed by the records of said City in my possession. (SEAL) Linda J. Jentink, Rosemount City Clerk Motion by: DeBettignies Second by: Riley Voted in favor: Strayton, Riley, DeBettignies, Shoe-Corrigan, Droste Voted against: None Member absent: None 2 GOALS WORK PLAN JUNE 2013 Meet new Chamber President Vicki Stute Completed JULY 2013 Port Authority review of Steeple Center senior center/senior housing project -approve business subsidies -approve sale of port authority land Tentatively Scheduled for January or February 2014 AUGUST 2013 Review Draft Webpages-Business Incubator Completed Update on interns work accomplishments SEPTEMBER 2013 Update on South Gateway Revitalization Planning Study-Port Authority to provide comment Topic Introduced Discussion of Genz Ryan property and listing Completed OCTOBER 2013 Presentation of Redevelopment Status Listing -Port Authority members meet with Downtown business/property owners to discuss future plans Survey work on-going Discuss appropriate community representatives for Ambassador program Not Completed NOVEMBER 2013 Business Appreciation Lunch-theme Completed Joint Meeting with Rosemount Business Council Completed DECEMBER 2013 Discussion of Open to Business and presentation by Laurie Crow Presentation at Appreciation Lunch Update on growth and new starts in the community for 2013 List provided 1/21/2014 JANUARY 2014 Port Authority members report on discussions with Downtown business/property owners FEBRUARY 2014 Meet with University of MN for update on development plans and next steps-UMore MARCH 2014 Update on South Gateway Revitalization Planning Study-draft approval Draft is expected May 2014 APRIL 2014 Community meeting—economic development initiatives and update MAY 2014 Joint meeting with Rosemount Business Council JUNE 2014 Investigate business retention statistics for community. Each member review what one surrounding community is doing to assess the performance of their economic development strategy. JULY 2014 Continue discussion of best practices from surrounding communities. EXISTING BUSINESS RETENTION AND GROWTH Goal: To increase the positive interactions and engagement with existing businesses through partnership and networking in support of our desirable small town atmosphere. Objective: To increase the use of interactions, information and feedback to focus resources effectively. Implementation Strategies 2013-2014 Initiate annual visioning sessions with Rosemount Business Council leadership and other volunteer stakeholders (RAAC,Leprechaun Days, OneRosemount,RHS) to build existing and develop new community activities and events to engage residents,businesses and organizations. 2013-2014: Establish "virtual incubator"identifying resources and programs entrepreneurs have available for business start-ups and growth. Completed 2013: Promote and monitor efficacy of the CDA Open to Business Program to determine its effectiveness supporting new business startups and existing business development. Completed 2013-2014: Investigate partnerships with DCTC/Entrepreneurial programs for ability to offer program assistance to startups and expansion opportunities to home-based businesses and military families. 2013: Increase business communication contact list by at least 25%. Completed 2013-2014: Identify business retention statistics and analysis used by neighboring cities and identify other statistical resources, such as Greater MSP. 2013-2015: Create schedule of businesses that have left the City and ascertain reasons for leaving. Maintain this schedule for evaluation for next 3 years analyzing data for trends and needs. DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT Goal: To increase the number and variety of retail and commercial destinations to maintain Downtown as a place of commerce. Objective: To continue implementing the Development Framework for Downtown Rosemount (July 2004)with its eight identified focus areas. Implementation Strategies 2013: Continue to market Genz-Ryan property consistent with the Development Framework. Provide quarterly updates of contacts,prospects and market activity. Completed 2013-2014: Create a Redevelopment Status List of existing properties and engage business owners within the Downtown Redevelopment areas for upgrades,renovations and revitalization plans. Report to the Port Authority annually. Completed Downtown visits/on-going UMore PARK DEVELOPMENT Goal: To increase sustainable business and employment opportunities within an extended and long-term community development. Objective: To increase clarity of scope, schedule and development costs. Implementation Strategies 2011-2013: Monitor Alternate Urban Area-Wide Review (AUAR) as the Responsible Governmental Unit (RGU), collaborating with Empire Township and UMore. AUAR completed and approved. 2012-2015 Partner with the UMore development group to establish marketing and job creation opportunities consistent with creating a regional hub for emerging and sustainable technologies. 2012-2022: Investigate with UMore development group scope and timing of a demonstration project of sustainable development concepts and eco industrial park development. City continuing to partner with UMore on development initiatives COMMERCIAL AMENITIES Goal: To increase the quantity of desirable underserved retail and commercial businesses. Objective: To secure a hotel facility within the city limits. Implementation Strategies 2013: Monitor current hotel construction/opening for business. On-going 2013-2014 Monitor and review South Gateway Revitalization Planning Study process. In process 2013-2015: Continue to investigate/pursue niche businesses driven by unique markets instead of a growth model that depends on population size or number of"rooftops." INDUSTRIAL / BUSINESS (AND TECHNOLOGY) PARK Goal: To increase the quantity and quality of business and employment opportunities for residents while broadening the sector and tax base. Objective: To increase visibility and marketing direction for available development opportunities. Implementation Strategies 2013 Meet with undeveloped guided Business Park development stakeholders to understand their issues, goals and timing related to development. Create action items based on outcome. Have contacted both owners representatives 2013-2014: Investigate/partner to determine feasibility of establishing a "business incubator"growth model. Consider emerging technologies, sustainability,nanotechnology opportunities and partnership with DCTC. COMMUNICATIONS, MARKETING AND REGIONAL COOPERATION Goal: To increase the quantity and quality businesses. Objective: To increase the visibility and marketing of Rosemount business opportunities locally and regionally. Implementation Strategies 2013 Refine website presence to further develop community profile and economic development messaging to site selectors. Investigate social media opportunities. UI)Site enhancements completed 2013 Formalize an economic development"ambassador" contact list and program. 2013: Maintain participation in regional Greater MSP marketing strategy and Positively MN. On-going 2013: Maintain collaboration with Rosemount Business Council and Dakota County Regional Chamber of Commerce to enhance more local marketing effort. On-going PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Goal To increase communication of value, timeliness and consistency of development to the economic development community, businesses and our residents Objective: To increase data driven level of service in communication and efficiency of operations. Implementation Strategies 2013: Increase feedback on best practices from stakeholders (developers,businesses, Chamber, residents) and implement practices to be deemed business friendly and cost effective. some inroads 2013: Establish a metric to measure impact and value of development efforts. (i.e. new business started; number of new jobs;increase property tax valuation,retention)