HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Annual Financial Report 4 ROSEMOUNT' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PORT AUTHORITY Port Authority Meeting Date: April 15, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Annual Financial Report AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Deputy Director AGENDA NO. 5.b. ATTACHMENTS: Budget Documents, Excess TIF Project APPROVED BY: List RECOMMENDED ACTION: Information Item. ISSUE When reviewing the bylaws,Port Authority members noticed that there was mention of an annual report which reviewed plans, projects and expenditures of the previous year. Enclosed are budget materials which provide year end budget information. The one most reviewed by the Port Authority is the revenues and expenditures for the Port Authority Fund. This is the budget that the Commission reviews during the City budget preparation time. This is usually on the June agenda for discussion. Most of the programmatic expenditures come from this budget. If the Port Authority and Council approve contracting with Buxton for economic development marketing, that item would also be included for the next two budget cycles as the contract is for three years. The other fund that the Port Authority is involved with is the Downtown/Brockway TIF fund. This fund was set up specifically for the TIF project and aided in redevelopment of the Brockway Glass factory and also assisted in the redevelopment efforts Downtown. Primarily this fund is now used to track payment of the bonds that are outstanding associated with the redevelopment efforts. There is also TIF dedicated to the Waterford Commons project. Under the development contract, the developer will receive the TIF generated from the project up to $360,000. More recently, the Port Authority made some modifications to the District due to some legislative changes that permitted the City to utilize some projected excess funds from the District. As indicated to the Port Authority and City Council there are numerous projects the City is working to complete by the July 2014 deadline. A list of the projects is attached. While the revenues are currently in excess of that budgeted, there is quite a bit of debt associated with the two outstanding bonds. Based upon the last TIF run, the funds within the account, aside from the excess $600,000 previously mentioned, all monies generated by the District will be needed to pay off the two bonds. The final budget sheet is the debt fund associated with the TIF District. Because there are restrictions on the funds that are deposited into the debt fund, only those funds necessary to make the TIF bond payment are transferred into that fund. RECOMMENDATION Information only. 4-08-2014 11:114 MI CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PAGE: REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT - UNAUDITED AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2013 201-PORT AUTHORITY FUND CURRENT CURRENT YEAR It DATE BUDGET % OF REVENUES BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BALANCE BUDGET _DYES SC1-31010.00 CURRENT AD VALOREM TIES 58,000.00 0.00 58,000.00 0.00 100.00 TOTAL TAXES 58,000.00 0.00 58,000.00 0.00 100.00 GEAN'T3 & ALL'S CHARGES FOR SERVICES SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 20"1-36210.00 INTEREST EARNINGS 100.00 3.85 50.42 49.58 50.42 201-36211.00 INTEREST EARNINGS-LOCH LOAN 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 1101-36215.00 INTEREST EARNINGS ...00 0.00 33.31 ( 35.31) 0.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 210.00 _.-_ 85,73 154.21 42.87 _C''LA� RE'VENUE3 58,200.00 3.85 58,085.73 114.27 99.80 4-28-2024 11:11 AM CITY OF ROSEMOUN'T PAGE: 2 REVENUE o EXPENSE REPORT - UNAUDITED AS OE: DECEMBER 31ST, 2013 201-PORT AUTHORITY FEND PORT AUTHORITY CURRENT CURRENT YEAR TO DATE BUDGET E OF EXPENDITURES BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BALANCE BUDGET PORT AUTH. OP'ERA'TING BUG PUESONAL SERVICES '91 46300-01-113.(10 PART ._XE EMPLOYEES - REG 0.00 0.00 5,646.50 1 5,646.50) 0.00 901-15300-01-122.00 FICA CONTuUU'TIONS 0.00 0.00 350.10 !I 3.50.10) 0.00 221-46390-01-62 21.00 MEDICARE. CONCRIBUT10NS 1.00 0.00 81.90 ( 81.9D) 0.00 TOTAL PERSONAL. SERVICES 0.00 0.00 6,078.50 ( 6,078.50) 0.00 SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES 5 CHARGES 201-46300-01-303.00 ENGINEERING FEES 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 101-46300-01-301.00 LEGAL FEES 3,000.02 0.00 1,645.31 1,354.63 54.85 46310-01-311.20 GEN'L FULL ADMIN FEES 6,002.20 0.00 6,000.20 0.00 100.00 101-46300-01-319.01 -ROOLUT NANAGEMENT CONSUL 2,022.20 0.30 0.20 2,002-00 0.00 101-46300-21-319.02 1ARKETIN0 10,000.0 0.00 10,020.00 ( 20.00) 100.20 941-45.300-01-319.01 OTHER DOSS L'TANDS 5,400.00 0.00 0.00 5,400.00 0.09 O'MER PROEL 510NAL SERV 17,400.0C 0.00 70,020.00 370.00 51.59 '31-4650G-01-221 CC POS1GE COSYS 800.00 0.00 445.77 354.33 55.72 20Y-45300-01-339.00 0 FLR ADVERTISING 11,800 00 0.00 7,093.36 4, (06.44 60.11 201646300-01-359.00 075ED PRINTING & BINDING 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 201-46300-01-365-00 WORKMEN'S COMP INSURANCE 500.00 0.00 540.08 ( 40.08) 108.02 201-46300-01-369.00 OTHER INSURANCE 2,000.00 0.00 394.25 1,605.75 19.71 201-46300-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 500.00 0.00 308.78 197.22 61.76 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 46,000.00 0-00 26,447.81 19,552.19 57.50 O'THER SERV & COGS ICONTI 'S1-463. 0-01-421.01 PROP ORCA^ IATIONS/JOURNA 1,700.0C 0.00 1,806.25 I 106.25) 106.25 341-46326-051-43'.20 CONFERENCES 5 SEMINARS 5,000.02 0.00 4,249.32 750.70 84.99 31-46320-21-419.00 0 HI3 MISYSKEANFOUS 234..6 600.00 0.00 434.01 65.99 96.80 'YI'AI SL:1` Gc5 ICON'1'! 1,200.02 0.001 6,489.56 710.44 90.11 CAPITAL OUTLAY ACCOUNTS [O:AL PORI AE_3. OPERATING BOO 53,20CA00 0.00 39,015.87 4-0=F-9014 11:14 AM CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PAGE: REVEN(E 5 YXPFNSE REPORT - UNAUDITED AS OE: DECEMBER 31ST, 2013 -1-PORT AUTHORITY FUND (PHI AUTHORITY CURRENT CURRENT YEAR TO DATE BUDGET R OF EXPENDITURES BUDGET PERI02 ACTUAL BALANCE BUDGET PORT AUTH. BOARD MEMBERS PERSONAL SERVICES 201-46300-99-103.00 PART-'TIME EMPLOYEES - REG 5,000.00 0.00 2,380.00 2,620.00 47.60 201-46300-99-122.01 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 0.00 0.00 95.48 ( 95.48) 0.00 '01-46300-99-1;5.00 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 0.00 0.00 33.62 ( 33.62) 0.00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 5,000.00 0.00 2,509.10 2,490.90 50.18 IOTA:, PORT A'CT:(. BOARD MEMBERS 5,000.00 0.00 2,509.10 2,490.90 50.18 TOTAL PORT AUTHORITY 59,200.00 0.00 41,524.97 16,615.03 71.35 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 58,200.00 0.00 41,524.97 16,675.03 71.35 REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 0.00 3.85 16,560.76 ( 16,560.76) O.00 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (05051 OTHER EINP.NC-NO SOURCES 0:HER FINANCING :USEY) REVENUE 6 0:HER SOURCES OVER/ (UNDER) IXPENDITLRES 5 OTHER (USES) 0.00 3.55 16,560.76 ( 1 6,560.76) 0.00 END OE REPORT "° 4-08-2014 11:14 AM CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PAGE: 1 REVENUE E EXPENSE REPORT - UNAUDITED AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2013 242-'TIP DOWEIOWN-BROCXWAY CURRENT CURRENT YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % OF _.EVENU ES BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BALANCE BUDGET PX El .1-31650.00 TAX INCREMENTS 554,00'0.00 4,398.00 660,130.45 106,130.451 119.16 TOTAL TAXES 554,000.00 4,398.00 660,130.45 ( 106,130.451 119.16 GRANTS & AIDS CHARGES FOR SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 242-2E210.00 _ENTERES EARNINGS INVESTMENTS ...00 9.63 826.03 ( 826.03) 0.01 242-36215.00 INTEREST EARNINGS 0.00 0.00 14.02 ( 14.02) 0.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 0.00 9.63 640.05 ( 840.05) 0.00 TOTAL REVENUES 554,000.01 4,421.63 660,970.50 1 106,970.50) 119.31 I-25-2114 11 :'11 A_. P117 op ROSEMOUNT PACE: _ REVENUE 6 EXPENSE REPORT - UNAUDIT°-5 AS OF: DECEMBER TAY:, 2013 _.--TIE DOWNTOWN-BROCKWAY TIP DOWNTOWN-BROCKWAY CURRENT CURRENT YEAR TO DATE BODGE: % OF EXPENDITURES BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BALANCE BUDGET .E LAWN1OWN-BROCKWAY UPI PS JIHET SERVICES & CHARGES .12-19042-01-3!9.00 OTHER TR0 ESSTUNA: SERVIC 23,010.00 0.00 16,516.13 3,4.53.85 82.58 TOTAL. OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 20,000.00 0.00 16,516.15 3,483.85 82.58 OTHER SERV & COGS (CURT) CAPITAL OUTLAY ACCOUNTS DEBT SERVICE ACCOUNTS 242-49042-01-601.00 PRINCIPAL ON WATERFORD NO 44,000.00 0.00 52,952.52 ( 8,952.52) 120.35 242-49042-01-61`.00 INTEREST ON WA1'EREORD NOT 90,000.00 0.00 84,178.63 5,821.37 93.53 'TOTAL DEBT SERVICE ACCOUNTS 134,000.00 0.00 137,131.15 ( 3,]31.15) 102.34 TOTAL III D1'WNCO'W1I-BROCNVAY 154,000.00 0.00 153,647.30 352.70 99.77 TOTAL TIP DOWNTOWN-BROCKWAY 154,000.00 0.00 153,647.30 352.70 99.77 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 154,000.00 0.00 153,447.30 352.70 99.77 REVENUES OVER/)UNDER) EXPENDITURES 400,000.00 4,407.63 507,323.00 .. 107,323.20) 126.83 . P R.R IINANCINT SOPPCES AFTER FINANCING 142-49042-01-110.00 TRANSFERS 100,000.00 0.00 400 000.00 _ 0.00 100.00 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING (USES) 400,000.00 0.00 400,000.00 0.00 100.00 REVENUE 8 OTHER SOURCES OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENDITURES & OTHER (USES) 0.0C 4,407.63 107,323.20 ) 107,323.20) 0.00 END OE REPORT TT- 4-08-2014 11:14 PX CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PAGE: 1 R"'SLII0iP: 0 EXPENSE REPORT - UNAUDITED AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2013 CURRENT CURRENT YEAR TO DATE 900GF'S 5 OF ET VENUF'S BUDGET PERIOD AC-UAL. BALANCE 9UDGET TAXES SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 321-36210.00 INTEREST EARNINGS 0.00 2.31 124.72 ( 124.72; 0.00 341-392IL.TO INILRDS- EARNINGS .00 0.00 14.29 ( 14.29) 0.00 IGTAL M(SCTVIANEOUS REVENUES 0.30 2.31 139.01 ( 139.01; 0.00 0.00 2.21 129.01 ( 139.01) 0.00 4-08-2014 11: AN CITY OF ROSENOUNT PAGE: 2 REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT - UNAUDITED AS 05: DECEMBER 31T, 2013 391-BS PA GO TIE 2CCE.A6200SE DEBT SERVICE CURRENT CURRENT YEAR TC DATE BUDGET 6 OE EXPENDITURES BUDGET 2ER_CD ACTUAL BALANCE BUDGET )EBT ERVICC 9THFR SERV ICES 6 CHARGES OTHER SERV & C1FCS (CONT) DEBT SERVICE ACCOUNTS 361-47000-01-601..00 BOND PRINCIPAL 75,003.20 0.00 75,000.00 0.00 100.00 381-47000-01-611.00 BOND INTEREST 273,100.00 0.30 273,010.00 90.00 99.97 381-47300-01-611.00 BOND PAYING AGENT & ADMIX 903.30 0_30 850.00 30.00 94.44 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE ACCOUNTS 349,003.00 0.00 348,860.30 140.00 99.96 IDDAL DEBT SNR✓_CE 349,000.10 0.00 348,860.00 140.00 99.96 349,006.00 0.20 348,860.00 140.00 99.96 TO1:AL EXPENDITURES 349,000.00 0.00 348,860.OS 140.00 99.96 REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES ) 349,000.00; 2.31 1 348,720.99) 1 279.01) 99.92 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) OTHER N[NANCING SOURCES 1E1-39201.0C TRANSFER FROM TIE 'FUND 350,000.00 0.00 400,000.00 ( 50,000.00) 114.29 TOTAL 0THER FINANCING SOURCES 350,000.00 0.00 400,000.00 ( 52,000.00) 114.29 O'CHLR FINANCING IUNESi REVENUE & 0Ti(ER SOURCES OVER/ )UN.I.R1 EXPENDITURES 6 OTHER (USES) 1,000 30 2.31 51,279.01 ( 50,279.01)5,127.90 -*' END OF REPORT "- Railroad crossing modifications $300,000 This project has been discussed by the City Council on several occasions and preparation of plans already authorized. The modification would allow construction of a sidewalk from the Greif Brothers site to the truncated sidewalk on the park and ride property. Municipal State Aid (MSA) funds were identified for the improvement, although there is significant demand for the MSA dollars. If TIF dollars could supplant the MSA dollars those would be freed up for other high priority projects. Staff anticipates following the MSA approval process as it may be difficult to complete the project, and expend the funds prior to July 2014. One wildcard is the railroad;the City has little ability to affect their approval timing and scheduling of railroad construction crews. Purchase 4th house for CDA, or supplement costs $40,000 The CDA is working to acquire property at the Genz Ryan site and the four homes along Cambrian Avenue to permit construction of a senior housing facility. It appears that there is agreement between the landowner and the CDA for the 4th property south of Lower 147th Street, and the price would include funds from the City's TIF district. Because the property was not in the original Redevelopment Project area and not called out for acquisition in the TIF Plan, actions tonight will allow City participation in site acquisition. It is anticipated that these funds would be spent prior to the deadline. Install fiber in Business Park$80,000 Installation of fiber in the Business Park has been discussed on and off for several years although it is still not available. Staff is recommending that some of the excess TIF funds be used to install a fiber backbone in the Business Park, along Boulder Avenue and Boulder Trail. The cost is based upon an estimate received from one provider earlier this year. Sewer relocation at Genz Ryan $100,000 There is a sanitary sewer that is located along the back lot line of the Genz Ryan property which also serves the Master Transmission site. This pipe needs to be relocated due to future development of the Genz Ryan site. Staff is interested in using TIF funds for the relocation. Installation of Right Turn Lane at Genz Ryan $120,000 With development approval of two office buildings on Genz Ryan, the Mn Department of Transportation (MnDOT) notified the City that a right turn lane would be required on Hwy 3 into the site. The turn lane would allow travelers turning into the property to move out of the traffic lane while decelerating. To provide good access for future development of the property remaining after CDA acquisition, staff is recommending construction of the turn lane now, paid for through excess TIF funds. Authorization of the City Engineer to start the work would allow construction in the spring which should mean the project could be completed before the expenditure deadline.