HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.c. Request by Vic's Crane for Site Plan Approval to Allow Construction of a 25,000 Sq Foot Building 4ROSEMOUNTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY PLANNING COMMISSION Planning Commission Meeting Date: April 22, 2014 Tentative City Council Meeting Date: N/A AGENDA ITEM: Case 14-26-SP Vic's Crane & Heavy Haul Site Plan Approval to Allow Construction of AGENDA SECTION: 25,000 Square Foot Vehicle Maintenance Public Hearing Building PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, AICP AGENDA NO. Planner 5.c. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map, Cover Sheet, Existing Conditions and Removal Plan, Site and APPROVED BY: Utility Plan, Grading and Erosion Control Plan, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, Floor Plan, Landscape Plan, Code 1� Analysis, Applicant's Narrative. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the site plan for Vic's Crane and Heavy Haul to allow construction of a 25,000 square foot vehicle maintenance building at 3000 145th Street East (County Road 42), subject to conditions. 1. Issuance of a building permit. 2. Coordinate the colors of the different wall panels to insure the building has a consistent appearance. 3. Increase the number of proof of parking stalls from 65 to 77. Submit a revised site plan prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. Construct the parking and maneuvering areas south and northeast of the existing office building. 5. Revise the landscape plan to meet the minimum requirement of at least 8 trees and 70 foundation plantings prior to issuance of a building permit. Foundation planting may be substituted at a rate of 1 tree for every 5 plantings. All trees shall be coniferous and located in a double row 15 feet on center adjacent to County Road 42 to provide screening. 6. Submission of a landscape security equal to one hundred and ten percent (110%) of the total cost of the required plantings. 7. Revise the lighting plan to include a light fixture consistent with the City's exterior lighting standards. 8. All trash containers shall be stored within a building or an enclosure consistent with the standards in Section 5-1-3. 9. Conformance with all conditions of the City Engineer as outlined in the memo dated April 17, 2014 prior to issuance of a building permit. SUMMARY Applicant&Property Owner(s): Vic's Crane and Heavy Haul Location: 3000 145`'' Street East (County Road 42) Area in Acres: 51 Acres Comp. Guide Plan Desig: RC—Regional Commercial and BP—Business Park Current Zoning: GI—General Industrial The applicant,Vic's Crane and Heavy Haul,requests site plan approval to allow the construction of a 25,000 square foot precast concrete vehicle maintenance building. The subject property is located on the south side of County Road 42,west of the County Road 42/Highway 52 interchange. According to the applicant, the new building will be located at the south end of the property and is necessary to serve the needs of Vic's growing equipment fleet. This project also involves re-grading the area south of the proposed building and removal of an old material storage shed. This will allow equipment that is presently stored on the north end of the site near County Road 42 to be relocated to the south end of the site. Staff recommends approval of the site plan subject to the conditions outlined in the Recommended Action section above. BACKGROUND The Vic's Crane and Heavy Haul site was initially developed in 1960. According to their website,Vic's supplies cranes and moving equipment for refineries,power plants and wind generators throughout the upper Midwest. The site consists primarily of outdoor storage of equipment on an unimproved surface. The site also contains an assortment of metal storage buildings, a cellular tower and an 8,400 square foot office building constructed in 2006. Because the site developed over time, many aspects of the current site (outdoor storage, surfacing, minimum building size,pedestrian circulation) do not conform with the Site and Building standards added to the General Industrial District in 2007. Under State law, existing non-conformities may be maintained,repaired or replaced but cannot be expanded. In situations where non-conforming properties wish to make improvements, the City's strategy has been to comply with State law while working with landowner to bring the site closer to compliance with current development standards. Site Plan The purpose of a site plan review is to evaluate each project as it relates to the performance and site design standards of the zoning ordinance. Site plan approval is required for all commercial, industrial,institutional and multi-family development projects. In this case, the applicant proposes a 100'by 250' (25,000 square foot) vehicle maintenance building. Site plan applications are approved by the Planning Commission and considered a Quasi-Judicial action. As such, the City has a set of standards and requirements for review. Generally,if a site plan application meets the ordinance requirements it must be approved. These standards are outlined in Section 11-4-16 (General Industrial District) and 11-10-3 (Site and Building Plan Review). Land Use&Zoning The subject property has a mix of land use and zoning designations. The 2030 Future Land Use Plan guides the northern 700 feet of the subject property as RC—Regional Commercial and southern 1,200 feet as BP—Business Park. The entire property is zoned GI— General Industrial. This mix is intended to facilitate continuance of the existing use while ultimately transitioning the entire site toward the land uses identified in the Comprehensive Plan. The 2 proposed vehicle maintenance building will be located approximately 820 feet south of County Road 42 on the portion of the property guided as Business Park and could operate under the standards for those land use and zoning designations without the outdoor storage associated with the existing contractor use. Lot and Building Standards. As planned, the subject property is consistent with the General Industrial District's lot and building standards. The subject property is an existing lot of record and exceeds the minimum lot requirements. In addition, the proposed building exceeds all setback requirements. The lot and building standards for the General Industrial district are detailed in the table below. Building Performance Standards for the GI—General Industrial District Standard Required Proposed Minimum Lot Size 5 Acres 51 Acres Front (North) 75 ft. 820 ft. Side (East) 50 ft. 100 ft. Side (West) 50 ft. 760 ft. Rear (South) 50 ft. N/A Minimum 10% of Lot 25,000 sq. ft. Building Size (222,156 sq. ft.) Total Site = 33,400 sq. ft. ' 1.5 %o of total site Minimum Building Size. Currently, the site does not meet the General Industrial District's minimum building size requirement;however, development of the proposed 25,000 square foot vehicle maintenance building will move the site closer to compliance. In 2003, the City added a minimum building size standard to guard against inefficient land uses and infrastructure development in General Industrial District. This standard requires the size of buildings in the General Industrial District to be at least 10 percent of the property on which it is located. Currently, the site contains an 8,400 square foot office building (existing metal accessory buildings are non- conforming and therefore not counted toward the minimum building size requirement). With the addition of the proposed 25,000 square foot vehicle maintenance building the site will contain 33,400 square feet of building amounting to 1.5 percent of the total site. While this does not bring the site into full compliance with the 10 percent standard,it moves the site closer to compliance and is supported by staff. Exterior Building Materials. The proposed building is consistent with the General Industrial District's exterior materials and building massing standards. In this district, exterior walls facing a public right-of-way or residential use or district shall be constructed of a combination of glass,brick, natural stone, specialty integral colored concrete block, tile, concrete panels or better. All other walls shall be constructed of at least forty (40) percent of these materials and may include up to sixty (60) percent finished steel or aluminum. In addition, any wall more than one hundred (100) feet in length and facing a public right-of-way or residential uses or district shall be divided into increments of no more than fifty (50) feet through articulation of the facade. As proposed, the building will be constructed of precast concrete panels. The panels on the south and east sides will have a sandblasted finish with decorative reveals while panels on the north and west sides will be a double tee design (see Sheet A4).The City's massing standards are met on the south elevation by the overhead doors and on the north elevation by the double tee pattern and variation in roof line. Staff recommends a condition of approval shall require the applicant to coordinate the colors of the different wall panels to insure the building has a consistent appearance. 3 Access&Parking Currently the site is non-conforming with regard to parking and surfacing. Minimum parking requirements are detailed in the table below based on the different uses within the proposed building. The zoning ordinance also requires all access, parking and outdoor storage areas to be located on an improved surface and meet all construction, size and dimensional standards. The applicant requests, and staff is agreeable to,use of proof of parking and an unimproved surface based on the site's proposed use and remote location. However, staff believes additional improvements are needed to move the site closer to compliance and insure the site provides the minimal facilities necessary to accommodate the proposed use. Section 11-6-1.H contains the off-street parking standards for the proposed building including maintenance,warehouse, and office uses. In this case, the ordinance requires 89 total stalls while the applicant plans illustrate 12 stalls and 65 proof of parking stalls. As designed, the improved parking area and proof of parking fall 12 stalls short of the ordinance requirement. Staff recommends that a condition of approval require the applicant to revise their plans to illustrate at least 12 off-street parking stalls and 77 proof of parking stalls. Off-Street Parking Requirement Comparison Use Size Standard Required Proposed Status Maintenance 22,000 1 Stalls /300 Sq. Ft. 73 10 -63 Warehouse 1,110 1 Stalls /2,000 Sq. Ft. 6 1 -5 Office 1,890 1 Stall/200 Sq. Ft. 10 1 -8 Proof of Parking N/A N/A N/A 66 N/A Total 25,000 N/A 89 78 -11 The applicant's plan indicates the parking and maneuvering area associated with the proposed building will include a concrete apron in front of the building, a 12 space bituminous parking area, and gravel driveway. These improvements fail to meet the City's requirements for the type of surface or number of stalls. In order to move the site closer to compliance and accommodate the required parking, staff recommends a condition of approval require the applicant construct and pave the parking and maneuvering areas south and northeast of the existing office building. There will continue to be significant areas of gravel for maneuvering and parking. Again, the intent is to move the site closer to ordinance compliance without overburdening the property owner at one time. Outdoor Storage. The subject property does not conform to the outdoor storage requirements for the General Industrial District detailed Section 11-4-16.C. The applicant proposes to move the site closer to compliance through constructing the proposed building, re-grading the area south of the proposed building and removing an existing material storage shed. Together, these improvements will allow equipment that is presently stored on the north end of the site near County Road 42 to be relocated to the south end of the site decreasing its visibility. Landscaping The applicant's plans do not meet the City's minimum landscape requirements outlined in Section 11-6-3. The City requires each development provide a minimum of 8 trees and 1 foundation planting per 10 linear feet of building perimeter. Based on these standards, the site must provide 8 trees and 70 foundation plantings. In this case, the applicant proposes a total of 15 trees and 16 foundation plantings. The applicant and staff have agreed to continue the practice on this site of substituting 1 tree for every 5 foundation plantings and locating them at the north end of the site for screening. Staff recommends a condition of approval require the applicant to revise their plans to meet the City's landscape requirements. 4 Signage. Currently, the site contains no building signage and a non-conforming ground sign. The current proposal contains no changes to either building or ground signs. As a result, the existing non-conforming ground sign is allowed to continue. Exterior Lighting. The applicant's plans illustrate exterior lights on the south, east, and west side of the proposed building. While the locations are appropriate, the proposed light fixture does not meet the City's requirement that lighting must be shielded to prevent glare and directed toward the ground. Staff recommends a condition of approval require the applicant to revise their plans to include a light fixture consistent with the City's exterior lighting standards. Trash Enclosure. The applicant's plans do not designate a location to house trash containers. Staff recommends a condition of approval require the applicant to store all trash containers within a building or construct an enclosure consistent with the standards in Section 5-1-3. Engineering Prepared by Carlson Professional Services, the Vic's Crane plans are dated March 3, 2014 and were submitted April 14, 2014. Engineering review comments were generated from the following documents included in the submittal: • Site Construction Plans (6 pages) • Stormwater Management Report (27 pages) • Landscaping Plans (2 pages) • Building Plans (4 pages) SITE PLAN COMMENTS: 1. City standards allow slopes to be a maximum of 4:1 and a minimum of 2% (a maximum of 3:1 slopes are allowed below the 10:1 maintenance bench for ponds). The plan contains 3:1 slopes and should be updated to meet the City standards. 2. Grading is shown to extend across the eastern property line. The site grading should be revised to be contained on the property or permission is required from the adjacent property owner. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: 3. Based on the proposed site plan submitted,it appears that the proposed building and areas to the north, east, and west of the building is intended to meet the City's Stormwater Management Plan requirements, however additional modeling is needed to prove compliance. It does not appear that the City's Stormwater Management Plan requirements for rate control, treatment, and infiltration will be met for the proposed parking lot improvement southeast of the building based on the proposed grading plan and absence of stormwater management facilities. Any future development in this area will require the construction of additional ponding areas to meet the City's Stormwater Management Plan. This area is referred to as Area 2 in the comments below. A sketch is required to be submitted showing the boundaries of Area 1 and Area 2. 4. The property owner must provide ponding and storage for runoff from the 100 year, 24 hour storm event on-site for Area 1 (see comment 3). A HydroCAD model is required to be submitted utilizing the following defined storm events for runoff as defined in the City Engineering Guidelines: 5 • The 2-year storm event is defined as 2.8" of rainfall in 24 hours. • The 10-year storm event is defined 4.2" of rainfall over 24 hours. • The 100-year storm event is defined as 6.0" of rainfall over 24 hours • The 10-day snowmelt is defined as 7.1" of runoff. 5. Additional stormwater management calculations are required to be submitted to show that runoff from Area 2 (see comment 3) does not increase from current conditions across the adjacent property lines. Calculations for the existing and proposed conditions are required. Additional grading may be required to direct drainage away from the property lines. 6. Area 1 (see comment 3) is required to provide 1/12 of an acre-foot/acre/day of infiltration. Pretreatment of stormwater is required prior to discharge to an infiltration basin. Options available for infiltration design are included in the Surface Water Management Plan. 7. The pond outlet pipe appears to be directing flow uphill. Drainage pattern shows water flowing in a northerly direction in the vicinity of the pond outlet. 8. Steel sheet pile and concrete grouted riprap shall be installed at all pipe outlets 21 inch diameter or larger per the current version of the FES Sheet Piling and Grouted Riprap. Outlet details are shown in the City's General Specifications and Standard Detail Plates. 9. Riprap is required to be extended to the toe of slope in the pond. This will prevent erosion when the pond is below the normal water level. 10. The pond inlet flared end section shall be installed with 1/2 the pipe diameter below the NWL elevation. 11. The minimum allowed storm sewer pipe diameter is 15 inches. All storm sewer less than 15 inches should be updated on the plan. 12. Design calculation should be provided to verify that reducing the existing 36-inch pipe to a 27-inch pipe will not create a tailwater issues and that flow velocities at the outlet will not cause erosion. 13. The emergency overflow routes are required to be shown on the grading plan. 14. The NPDES permit is the responsibility of the owner/contractor. Documentation of permit acquisition shall be forwarded to the City prior to issuance of a building permit. 15. Record drawings (paper and electronic formats) of the site that meet the standards set forth in the Engineering Guidelines shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval the site plan for Vic's Crane and Heavy Haul allowing construction of a 25,000 square foot vehicle maintenance building at 3000 145th Street East (County Road 42). This recommendation is based on the plan submitted by the applicant, the findings made in this report and the conditions outlined in the Recommended Actions section above. 6 Vic's Grant , `F, iii Site Map tl Tv, 1. Mil I s s I I z 6 :� i ,, awe's' ,," .: `, '4,,,, i �� r t S l '44f / ' ''' A v 1 f Site Location t i i1r * 1 1 t v x «~ ::4 -;', ' ,,,,-441, -,„r '' ' `, -Ar , ,.. — it , 4 " f , «: - *6 > 4u. .. s r f .• ,3 - / V '« r'/ 4'Y:/ - f, i" / / L / / • /, (F Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a Map Scale legal document and should not be substituted for a title search,appraisal, survey, or for zoning 1 inch = 268 feet verification. Dakota County assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained in this data. 4/18/2014 6S6L-684-£9L:xad 006L-68b-E9L:auo4d elosauulW'lunowasoy e I TOSS NW'sa>tal oull'00T all0S'JO ollodv 8bZ ]sea laa�75 419bT 000E 8 x:19 .. 3NV31J S.JIA 890SS elosauulW'lunowasoy ! h S331Al S 1YNOISS3d011L lse3 laouS 4754T 000E X168 I V (1) ll'MUOS JD 133HS N3AOJ e a g� ; U Boa }si tali I a° a =tea I 1 3E -_ c_.... a g ------r-- . r s3 ! go:1116,_ 1 i MI) 1 - i .. Pi!jrp � :i� // q 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1r1,V1 ! I // //'/ / \ ! f / ///'✓ /.i' "' ! / 7/! /7 /V,•7'A A r / 7%/ { //// / '/'rir ' - , 1 x, Etfi Iai / / // 4 c'..a. e ?:, vl a 2 S 4/ Vr P 5CV / , j v A t..) 2 / • , 1 acv.fgr vgs, V 2 // //' oo / ti� j, 1,l, HOW / !i, o � ; V // '/✓ 1 T–?-- . I 1 I alt 6ma 44 IX / /////1 i'I : P '4 >I 1 1 o% �I / ,Y'r/'l' \�� r i g 1 11 ,111 b 0 gg 1 ti / / I I / �! ,/ v, 4.j ;�11 // 1 1 a I , I / >w, / / P 111• 111 , A //, el Ph R ;, / / 1 / 1 ' ICI II f l,; i ; a' '1 , 1" 'Il 6u I ati_a RI 1 .d.... e . . 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I: 1 I gl g crig;g,,,,.Ei' 1E101 a a ---,---.-,,,, al MI :,-,„il i " , . .. 1 i i Iry i z ew li a J p ' F I °b 1 g g 11 N1161 w1 1 1:Y is« iI O ' 0 li -- --- — — -- �,„1 " , p kg§1 I Ir 111 I 1 .'t ! h' " 0000000 0 o - -j - - - ---1 • ! _ • till x " a k O lW u_I 1/1111 I to to iia,o - O 5- - I • `1-� : � e � 1t 3 © _I Iii li 11115„: ,. n 91 1 VW§ dr,,,ng ..,1 .: pg 4:.:itF I 0-1 a - --- - 4 - - - - I • .w..v I N,n a, a — a I 1 V 4 a ii S, W !� 11111L1 L1 Y ow, 0 8 b )<?(, )Ct AVE.SOUTH B L OQ W∎4 2 FON.:VN S$43t P F!Os!E 9,2-884-o45S FAX 952-884-30-0 6-,^OAU P,it4 NE LiN^1tR..ARCH 00-S.COY, Narrative April 16, 2014 To:Jason Lindahl Rosemount City Hall 2875 145t St W Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 - RE: Vic's Crane and Heavy Haul Building 3000 145th St E Rosemount, MN 55068 Vic's Crane is proposing to build a new precast concrete vehicle maintenance building on DAVID LINNER ARCHITECTS their present property to service their growing fleet of equipment. The building would be located approximately in the middle of the site in the north-r south direction. The grades on the south side would be lowered and expanded. This would allow equipment that is presently stored on the north end of the site near County Road 42 to be relocated to the south. An old material storage shed will be removed from the south end as well. The new 250' wide building - along with the elevation changes will result in better screening of the equipment from County Road 42. A 12 car, concrete parking lot and a 20' x 250' concrete apron are included. All the truck doors on the building face south,away from County Road 42.This will result in most of the onsite vehicle traffic occurring on the south end. New landscaping is being added along County Road 42. 1.1 Sincely, ' David Linner,AIA Project Architect 4/15/2014 Structural Double Tee—Building Application It is our mission to do everything tie can to be the solution provider of choice for our customer. HOME PRODUCTS SERVICES SHOWCASE RESOURCES NEWS AND EVENTS ABOUT US EMPLOYMENT CONTACT US PRODUCTS : PRECAST PRODUCTS : Structural Double Tee—Building Application •Double Tees available in 20",24",and 32"with depths at 10'widths •42"depths available in 8'widths Wells,MN/Albany,MN Grand Forks,ND Linked®. tse.atsu 800.658.7049 800.732.4261 ^� ,�,M`k��" '�- ►u• Coos flea C Welts Concrete Products.Inc.All Riehts Reserved.En.colovee Lcum http://wellsconcrete.comlproducts/structural-precast/structural-double-tee-bui Idi ng-application/ 1/1 x 7 � . ' • \ \ \ ? \ { . . • IMIE� . | HID lighting Job information D404Type:AA Catalog#: D404-250/400- P-MT-BZ Large Wallpack Project: VIC'S CRANE Comments: Prepared by: f t Itlitili; .' The 0404 large low profile wall pack offers reliable performance with a I i TT wide range of uses. It delivers the lighting needed for the exteriors of retail buildings,businesses,walkways,underpasses or door entrances. -. 0 On Heavy duty two piece,die-cast aluminium housing with a textured 7 LISTED bronze UV resistant finish over a chromate conversion coating ■ Dimensions Specular anodized aluminium reflector =• Silicone gasketing provides protection against moisture Mounts directly to 3.5"octagon or 4'square outlet box 5"NPS tapped holes provided in three locations for surface conduit Q entry or optional photo control UL 1598 listed for wet locations ', Ij- ,,' , ' { Clear prismatic borosilicate glass refractor is thermal and shock-, - /r, Integral cast-in aluminium hinges permit complete removal of lens J/2; resistant t frame assembly without tools n Front housing is hinged for easy relamping and is complete with /�� P silicone gasket seal C) Aluminium"dimpled"reflector for optimum light distribution —4 Sturdy,low-profile design for commercial and industrial applications M Approx.Weight: 16 lbs. Standard color is bronze;also available in black and white.Contact ORDERING INFORMATION: factory for custom finishes. Example:C. t. D404 — — — — ; — Series Lamp Source Finish Large Wall Pack I M-Metal Halide BZ-Bronze' S-High Pressure Sodium 8L-Black P-Pulse Start Metal Halide WH-White Options C-Compact Fluorescent CU•Custom- LP-Lamp with fixture Wattage f Base Voltage Q-Quartz Stand-by 250-250W MOG MT•120/208/240,277V PSC-Pulse Start CWA 400-400W MOG MTPS-120/208/240/277 Pulse Start MH Pc-Photocell' 250-250W MOG PS 480.480V WG-Wire Guard 320-320W MOG PS FC-Full Cutoff Visor(Dark Sky) 350-350W MOG PS n-120/277/347V SC•Side Cutoff 400-40000 MOG PS GS-Glare Shield 126-(t)26W CFL '''''' VR-Polycarbonate Vandal 132-(1)32W CFL Resistant Guard 142-(1)42W CFL WSF-Wired Single Fuse' 226-(2)26W CFL WDF-Wired Double Fuse' 232-(2)32W CFL 242-(2)42W CFL 'Standard calor for this fixture 'Contact factory for custom finishes 3Pleast voltage(eg.120V) D E C 0 ru ©2008 Deco Lighting•'The Brand Name for Quality•A division of Deco Enterprises,Inc. HID lighting Job Information D404 Type:p Catalog#: D404-250/400-P-MT-BZ Large Wallpack Project: VIC'S CRANE Comments: Prepared by: CHARACTERISTICS IES Classification Type I Longitudinal Classification Short Cutoff Classification(deprecated) Non-Cutoff Total Rated Lamp Lumens 21000 ti Maximum Candela 7958.89 Maximum Candela Angie 270H 50V Maximum Candela At 90 Degrees Vertical 3218.05(15.3%Lamp Lms) Maximum Candela from 80 to<90 Degrees Vertical 3689.19(17.6%Lamp Lms) r Downward Total Efficiency 57.4% Total Luminaire Watts 280 ,A Ballast Factor 1.00 rii POLAR GRAPH COEFFICIENTS OF UTIL12AT1ON 08 ■■■_■■■_■■■■■■■_■ �� mmommisimilimmulimm '' ., ■.■_■1111_■.■■■■■_. Ca � , °d 1111■_1111._..■■■1111_■ O( 1111■_1111._■1111■■1111_. .„. °.) ■■■_■■■_■■■iiiiUe 55 .4_'���. . ■.11__11.■11..■. C)Ai* d2 111111■_11■■■■■11_11 44/10� � .•._..._..■1111■11_11 **I I' u° 1 2 0 a s Street Wain•Mauntin9 HepM FLUX DISTRIBUTION Magnum Candela•7958.89 Looted At Honrental 00)M•270.Vertical ANN•SO Peroni 11 S 1•<arecal Plana Though Honaen0 MOOS 0)).90)IThreugh Maa Cd.l Lurmns q lamp II 2 Hanson.)Cana Through VeNOI Ang1a 150)(Thau9h Maa.Cd.) Downward Sllval SN• 6189.1 29 5 Dn.nward House 5ide 50829 279 Downwvd rohl 120520 n+ 0404-250-M Upward Street Selo 00 O0 Upward House Sala 0.0 00 Upward Total 00 0.0 Mounting Height:10' a IFIU, 2052D 57< � e fio t ?• x • ,.1. 5 ,r I° i 5 C20 O.6 Poet' C +a t,wi 6 DO 15 e I4 Mrt.. '. 26 D E C 0 TB ©2008 Deco Lighting•"The Brand Name for Quality'.•A division of Deco Enterprises,Inc. HID lighting Job Information D404 Type:AA Large Wallpack Catalog#: D404-250/400-P-MT-BZ Project: VIC'S CRANE lal, Comments: Prepared by: CI 02 Prismatic Glass Lens Polycarbonate Lens '?j,, Guard 3 Co AS . Full Cutoff m Wire Guard In CD --I M Side Cutoff ii L C 0 u ©2008 Deco Lighting• The Brand Name for Quality' •A division of Deco Enterprises,Inc. • 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: April 17, 2014 TO: Jason Lindahl, Planner CC: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Andrew Brotzler, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Christine Watson, Public Works Coordinator Kathie Hanson, Planning Department Secretary Eric Zweber, Senior Planner FROM: Phil Olson, Assistant City Engineer RE: Vic's Crane Site Plan Engineering Review SUBMITTAL: Prepared by Carlson Professional Services,the Vic's Crane plans are dated March 3,2014 and were submitted April 14,2014. Engineering review comments were generated from the following documents included in the submittal: • Site Construction Plans (6 pages) • Stormwater Management Report(27 pages) • Landscaping Plans (2 pages) • Building Plans (4 pages) SITE PLAN COMMENTS: 1. City standards allow slopes to be a maximum of 4:1 and a minimum of 2% (a maximum of 3:1 slopes are allowed below the 10:1 maintenance bench for ponds). The plan contains 3:1 slopes and should be updated to meet the City standards. 2. Grading is shown to extend across the eastern property line. The site grading should be revised to be contained on the property or permission is required from the adjacent property owner. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: 3. Based on the proposed site plan submitted,it appears that the proposed building and areas to the north,east,and west of the building is intended to meet the City's Stormwater Management Plan requirements,however additional modeling is needed to prove compliance. It does not appear that the City's Stormwater Management Plan requirements for rate control,treatment,and infiltration will be met for the proposed parking lot improvement southeast of the building based on the proposed grading plan and absence of stormwater management facilities. Any future development in this area will require the construction of additional ponding areas to meet the City's Stormwater Management Plan. This area is referred to as Area 2 in the comments below. A sketch is required to be submitted showing the boundaries of Area 1 and Area 2. 4. The property owner must provide ponding and storage for runoff from the 100 year,24 hour storm event on-site for Area 1 (see comment 3).A HydroCAD model is required to be submitted utilizing the following defined storm events for runoff as defined in the City Engineering Guidelines: • The 2-year storm event is defined as 2.8" of rainfall in 24 hours. • The 10-year storm event is defined 4.2" of rainfall over 24 hours. • The 100-year storm event is defined as 6.0" of rainfall over 24 hours • The 10-day snowmelt is defined as 7.1" of runoff. 5. Additional stormwater management calculations are required to be submitted to show that runoff from Area 2 (see comment 3) does not increase from current conditions across the adjacent property lines. Calculations for the existing and proposed conditions are required. Additional grading may be required to direct drainage away from the property lines. 6. Area 1 (see comment 3) is required to provide 1/12 of an acre-foot/acre/day of infiltration. Pretreatment of stormwater is required prior to discharge to an infiltration basin. Options available for infiltration design are included in the Surface Water Management Plan. 7. The pond outlet pipe appears to be directing flow uphill. Drainage pattern shows water flowing in a northerly direction in the vicinity of the pond outlet. 8. Steel sheet pile and concrete grouted riprap shall be installed at all pipe outlets 21 inch diameter or larger per the current version of the FES Sheet Piling and Grouted Riprap. Outlet details are shown in the City's General Specifications and Standard Detail Plates. 9. Riprap is required to be extended to the toe of slope in the pond. This will prevent erosion when the pond is below the normal water level. 10. The pond inlet flared end section shall be installed with lh the pipe diameter below the NWL elevation. 11. The minimum allowed storm sewer pipe diameter is 15 inches. All storm sewer less than 15 inches should be updated on the plan. 12. Design calculation should be provided to verify that reducing the existing 36-inch pipe to a 27-inch pipe will not create a tailwater issues and that flow velocities at the outlet will not cause erosion. 13. The emergency overflow routes are required to be shown on the grading plan. 14. The NPDES permit is the responsibility of the owner/contractor. Documentation of permit acquisition shall be forwarded to the City prior to issuance of a building permit. 15. Record drawings (paper and electronic formats) of the site that meet the standards set forth in the Engineering Guidelines shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the items listed above,please contact me at 651-322-2015.