HomeMy WebLinkAbout13293 CARLINGFORD LN �
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-- - - - 4TH ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota. � N � � .
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[961.5 tc C.B. tn m �
. �� � [gs2_o]tc ° We hereby certify that this is a true and correct survey of the above o � N �
N 89°38'39��E R��� � O L961.8] EXISIING SIDEWALK described property and that it was performed by me or under my w � o
�°o °�-s'� / �9 B 2 4� d i r e c t s u p e r v i s i o n a n d t h a t I a m a d u l y L i c e n s e d S u r v e y o r u n d e r t h e � � a
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29.�4���\ �--F?�96��, Q� 11 laws of the State of Minnesota, That this surve y does not pur port to cn � N
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[9 5 9.o]tc \ ( 6 g� 'o � pORCH excep t as s hown t herean. � � �
� _ �g�g,4� L 9 6� �� /�5 �, � Signed this 1 9 t h day of June , 2012. J mes R. Hi l l, IPtC.,
22° °' � �
(959.4) m o � � � ctOO , GF=[966.8]
/m "'+�.- ��SERV. N 9 2 2 'n rn o, °?, � /GARAGE�
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S (963.7)0�0.00 � t �O ; �� � IiOUSE ' B�
(s5s.$) - Ns.o � (sss.o) � . � ��� Harold C. Peterson, Minnesota L.S. No. 12294
[sso.�] °'
` �1^ 14.�O PORCH 0.2p,46 u?
C9gp2 `, `n d- 13.5 �°12.04c.�/ / le� � ?> (WALKOUT) ��'e�°���'d�d: �
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q�kp �- r (WALKOUT RWT[961:3 0 •f [�. Building dimensions shown ore for � � o=
�T� �958'�� N � 25.0' ��� R��957'9� � ;° �x[957.s] x[95s.1) �� `� , horizontal & vertical placement of structure 6s, � o c;
. I �
N�' [955.9) 955.7N�i4.o [95s 4) "z � �� �• . _ _ nly. See orchitectural plans for building � � �o
�s s 23� Sk o � � � [9 5 5.9] I ry O I� �a t 4 3.__ 4 i t� 7-o,�j,� foundation dimensions. �
�95� f 9 3 4� O � ` 1 I� p 2. No speci f ic soi ls inves tiga tion has been � � o z
�� Z r, tp c o m p l e t e d o n t h i s l o t b y J a m e s R. H i l l, i n c. m o
X ('9�� � [954.3] [954.6) [954 8] � p�, ��
c J x 31 � � I ( ; �x[95s.2] x[956.6] The suitobility of soils to support the specific �O o 0
� rn � house proposed is not the responsibility of �' �¢
�- - �u u � n�- � James R. Hill, inc. or the surveyor. �
�94g.7 I[952.0] [953.7] [953.9� L_\J I `1� LOT 3 = 12,280 SQ. FT.
x 1 �� � x x x 3. No specific title search for existence or non- DRAWN BY
_� �s493� N � N HSE/GAR = 1,927 SQ. FT. SHP
x o "�- PORCH = 139 SQ. FT. existence of recorded or un-recorded easements DATE
� I LOT 3 u [95X.6) [ssX'2] DRIVEWAY = 773 SQ. FT. has been conducted b y the surve yor as a part 6 19 12
u DRAINAGE & UTILITY I Total Im ervious = 2 839 SQ. FT. of this survey. Only easements per the recorded REVISIONS
(g4 P � 8 29 12 Foundation
'` 4 �� �94 5 EASEMENT PER PLAT�'���`�, 5 OR 23.12� OF LOT AREA p�at are shown. As-built
��S.o) � _ _ + �� 4. Proposed grades shown were taken from 12 05 12 Final Grade
'\ , - - -�- � As-built
38.2 0 � o the grading &/or development plan prepared by
)� � � / L\ Denotes set spike
[94f.7] (950.8) [952.0]
�942•8,7 � [943.2 g4g,g X o Denotes set iron monument WESTWOOD Professional Services,
8.� .oo -,� L950.6] � Denotes found iron monument /nc.,
x[927.6] Denotes as-built elevation
/1 � iTi /1T n Ngg°38'39"E (930.0) Denotes proposed elevation
v U I �_v I r-� - - Denotes proposed drainage
tc Denotes top of curb Bench Mark: 961.36 _1NH-Lot 1. Block 2
NWL=926.0 SANITARY SERVICE INVERT ELEVATION Proposed Garage Floor � Front= 963.3
100 YR. HWL=935.30 PER CITY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT = 949.55 Existing Garage Top of Block= 9�3•7 Proposed Garage Top of Block= 963•7 CAD FlLE
Existing House Top of Block= 964.4 Proposed House Top of Block= 964.4 ot2012 321085.dw
-�1� Existing Lowest Floor= 956.4 Proposed Lowest Fioor= 956.4 PROJECT NO.
_ Bearings are on assumed datum 321085
926-- Scale� 1'=30' , FlLE NO.
�� SHEET 1 OF 1