HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.p. Authorize Scope of Service for TH 3 Corridor Study – CSAH 42 to CSAH 46 4ROSEMOUNTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting: May 6, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Authorize Scope of Service for TH 3 AGENDA SECTION: Corridor Study— CSAH 42 to CSAH 46 Consent PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development AGENDA NO. (j) . . Director ATTACHMENTS: Scope of Service APPROVED BY: on../ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Approve the Scope of Service for TH 3 Corridor Study— CSAH 42 to CSAH 46. ISSUE It is requested that Council consider authorizing the attached scope of service to conduct a corridor and access study for TH 3 between CSAH 42 and CSAH 46 for a proposed fee of S18,250. BACKGROUND The attached scope of service is for a corridor and access plan along TH 3 between CSAH 42 and CSAH 46. It was developed in response to the land use planning study currently underway by the SUGAR task force. Through recent discussions with MnDOT staff about the goals for evaluating future land uses along this section of TH 3, there is value to completing a corridor and access plan concurrently with the work of the SUGAR task force. The goal of this study is the identification and approval of future access locations and configurations by MnDOT along the corridor. Developing a clear plan for the future access locations will assist property owners and staff with development plans and memorialize decisions as land uses are changed. The Plan would serve as the template for future development access, similar to the County Road 42 Study. The proposed scope has been reviewed by MnDOT staff and the schedule has been established to coordinate with the SUGAR task force planning schedule. Approximately S3,000 of remaining grant funding will be applied to the cost of the study with the balance of the cost proposed to be funded by the Street CIP Fund. SUMMARY Staff recommends City Council approval of the attached scope of services. TH 3 Corridor Study Proposal CSAH 42 to CSAH 46 City of Rosemount, MN PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The City of Rosemount is currently working on a land use plan for the area west TH 3 between CSAH 42 and CSAH 46. As part of finalizing the land use for the area access to TH 3 will be a critical component. In order to determine the ideal access locations a planning level corridor study should be completed. The purpose of the TH 3 Corridor Study will be to: 1. Update the projected traffic volumes based on current and anticipated land use and traffic growth. 2. Identify the future roadway cross section including lane configuration and right of way needs. 3. Identify intersection access locations and control needs. 4. Prepare a capital improvement plan for the corridor including preliminary cost estimates and anticipated improvement timeline. The following outlines our anticipated scope of work for completing the study: SCOPE OF WORK 1. Document Existing Traffic Conditions—WSB will collect the following data: a. From MnDOT, County and City • As built roadway plans. • As built traffic signal plans and traffic signal timing plans for CSAH 42 and CSAH 46. • Access spacing guidelines • UMore AUAR Scenario 2 traffic projections and analysis • Historical traffic count date for the corridor • Railroad crossing locations and data • Anticipated land use plan b. WSB staff • 48 hour directional average daily traffic counts on the TH 3 at up to 4 locations • AM and PM peak hour turning movement counts on TH 3 at: 1. CSAH 42 2. Canada Avenue 3. Canada Circle 4. CSAH 46 • 5 year crash history for the TH 3 corridor TH 3 Corridor Study Proposal 1 2. Traffic Forecasts— Updated Projected 2030 ADT and turning movement counts will be developed for the TH 3 corridor and each primary intersection. The projected traffic will be based on the Met Council and Dakota County Regional Travel Demand Model, the City's Transportation Plan, the UMore Scenario 2 traffic projections and historical traffic count data. 3. Access Concept Plans—Based on current access guidelines, railroad crossing locations and the anticipated land use plan for the area, access alternatives will be developed for review and analysis. It is anticipated that up to 3 access plans will be prepared. The layouts will include the intersection/access locations, corridor lane configuration, intersection control, right of way needs and pedestrian accommodations. It is assumed that existing aerial base mapping will be used to develop the concept layouts. This task will also include preparation of a concept level cost estimate of the improvements and an anticipated improvement timeline. 4. Traffic Operations Analysis—A weekday AM and PM peak hour peak hour traffic operations and level of service analysis will be conducted for the TH 3 corridor and the primary intersections using Synchro, a software package that implements Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) methodologies. Output from Synchro is transferred to SimTraffic, a micro-simulation computer modeling software that simulates each individual vehicle's characteristics and driver behavior in response to traffic volumes, intersection configuration, and signal operations. The model simulates drivers' behaviors and responses to surrounding traffic flow as well as different vehicle types and speeds. It outputs estimated vehicle delay and queue lengths at each intersection being analyzed. The capacity and level of service analysis will be conducted for the existing 2014 and projected 2030 traffic conditions. The analysis will document the corridor level of service, intersection level of service, any operational deficiencies and recommendation for intersection control and lane configuration improvements. 5. Report Preparation - WSB will prepare a summary report documenting the data collection,traffic projections, traffic capacity analysis methodologies and recommendations, concept layouts and the estimated improvement cost with an anticipated timeline. WSB would submit a draft report to the City for their review. WSB would then prepare a final report to incorporate any comments received from the City and present the report to the City Council. 6. Meetings - WSB &Associates, Inc. would be available to attend any meetings that are necessary to discuss or present the TH 3 Corridor Study. Five (5) meetings are assumed at part of this proposal, one with City staff, one open house, two with the MnDOT and County staff and one with City Council. If additional meetings are required, WSB would bill those costs at our standard hourly rates. TH 3 Corridor Study Proposal 2 ESTIMATED COST The estimated cost to prepare the Corridor Study for Pinecone Road from 35th Street North to County Road 120 is based on the above Scope of Work and is as follows: Task Amount Task 1 —Document Existing Traffic Conditions $2,200 Task 2—Traffic Forecasts $1,800 Task 3 —Access Concept Plans $7,750 Task 4—Traffic Operations Analysis $3,000 Task 5 —Report Preparation $1,300 Task 6—Meetings $2,200 Total Project Cost $18,250 WSB & Associates, Inc. will bill the City for the actual hours worked at each employee classification times the current WSB hourly rates for that employee classification up to the maximum not to exceed of$18,250. SCHEDULE Based on the above scope of work the follow schedule is anticipated: Data Collection Week of May 5, 2014 Draft Access Concept Plans May 23, 2014 Traffic Forecasts and Traffic Operations Analysis May/June, 2014 Meeting with MnDOT and County Week of May 26, 2014 Public Open House June 5, 2014 Meeting with MnDOT and County Week of June 19, 2014 Final Access Concept Plan July 3, 2014 Draft Report July 18, 2014 City Council Presentation August 4, 2014 Final Report August 15, 2014 TH 3 Corridor Study Proposal 3