HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.h. Sign Retroreflectivity Policy REISEMOUN 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting: June 3, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Sign Retroreflectivity Policy AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, Director of Public AGENDA NO. h, Works / City Engineer ATTACHMENTS: Sign Retroreflectivity Policy APPROVED BY: OoJ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt a Policy Regarding Retroreflectivity of Signs BACKGROUND: The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has established new retroreflective standards and by June 13, 2014, cities are required to adopt a sign management program designed to maintain traffic sign retroreflectivity at or above specific levels. Retroreflective sheeting on roadway signs is needed to for nighttime driving because it illuminates signs by directing light back to the driver. Previous versions of the retroreflectivity requirements included mandatory compliance dates for replacing signage that failed to meet minimum standards. The compliance dates have been eliminated;however, cities still need to adopt a management policy by June 13, 2014. Adopting a sign retroreflectivity policy will reduce tort liability lawsuits involving traffic signs. The policy states that the city will complete a sign inventory and replacement schedule based on expected life of signs by October 1, 2014. Following these two items, funding needs will be calculated. Replacement by expected life is the lowest cost approach for the city to meeting the new retroreflective requirements. The policy has been reviewed by the City Attorney. SUMMARY: Staff recommends Council adoption of the Sign Retroreflectivity Policy. G:\POLICIES\20140603 CC Sign Retroreflectivity Policy.docx CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POLICY TITLE: SIGN RETROREFLECTIVITY POLICY EFFECTIVE DATE: June 3, 2014 POLICY NUMBER: P - 7 PROPOSED BY: PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING DATE APPROVED June 3, 2014 BY COUNCIL: PURPOSE AND GOAL The purpose of this policy is to establish how the city will implement an assessment or management method, or combination of methods, to meet the minimum sign retroreflectivity requirements in the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MN MUTCD). Substantial conformance with the MN MUTCD is achieved by having a method in place to maintain minimum retroreflectivity levels. Conformance does not require or guarantee that every individual sign in the city will meet or exceed the minimum retroreflective levels at every point in time. The goal of this policy is to improve public safety on the city's streets and prioritize the city's limited resources to replace signs. BACKGROUND Applicable Signs This policy applies to all regulatory,warning, and guide signs as set forth in the MN MUTCD. Pursuant to Section 2A.8 of the MN MUTCD the city excludes the following signs from the retroreflectivity maintenance guidelines: A. Parking, Standing, and Stopping signs (R7 and R8 series) B. Walking/Hitchhiking/Crossing signs (R9 series, R10-1 through R10-4b) C. Acknowledgment signs, including Memorial signs D. All signs with blue or brown backgrounds E. Bikeway signs that are intended for exclusive use by bicyclists or pedestrians 1 Resource Materials The city has reviewed and relied on numerous resources in adopting this policy. These resource materials include, but are not limited to the following: • Methods for Maintaining Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity, Publication No. FHWA-HRT-08- 026, U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration(November 2007). • Sign Retroreflectivity Guidebook, Publication No. FHWA-CFL/TD-09-005, U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration(September 2009). • Sign Retroreflectivity:A Minnesota Toolkit, Minnesota Department of Transportation, Local Road Research Board(June 2010). • Traffic Sign Maintenance/Management Handbook, Report No. 2010RIC10, Version 1.1, Minnesota Department of Transportation(October 2010). • LMCIT Sign Retroreflectivity Memo and Model Policy, League of Minnesota Cities (Final Edition, March 2014). Sign Inventory To meet the city's goal of maintaining sign retroreflectivity above certain levels,the city will maintain a sign inventory of all new or replacement signs installed after the effective date of this policy. The inventory shall indicate the type of sign, the location of the sign,the date of installation or replacement, the type of sheeting material used on the sign face, the expected life of the sign, and any maintenance performed on the sign. As to existing signs, the city will perform an inventory of all signs covered by this policy. The city recognizes this process will occur over time subject to the city's monetary and staffing resources. The city expects to complete its sign inventory by October 1, 2014. The city shall record the above information related to new signs to the extent that such information is known, and shall also include a statement on the general condition of the sign. Approved Sign Evaluation Method After reviewing the various methods proposed for sign maintenance, the City adopts one or more of the following methods to meet the minimum sign retroreflectivity requirements in the MN MUTCD: Expected Sign Life. The installation date is labeled or recorded when a sign is installed, so that the age of any given sign is known. The age of the sign is compared to the expected sign life. The expected sign life is based on the experience of sign retroreflectivity degradation in the City. Signs older than the expected life will be replaced. 2 Blanket Replacement. All signs in the City of a given type are replaced at specified intervals. This eliminates the need to assess retroreflectivity or track the life of individual signs. The replacement interval is based on the expected sign life for the shortest-life material used in the City or a given sign type. The current replacement interval is 12 years. PROCEDURE FOR SIGN REPLACEMENT The City hereby establishes the following priority order in which road signs will be replaced: • First priority shall be given to replacing all signs determined not to meet applicable retroreflectivity standards. Top priority shall also be given to replacing missing or damaged signs determined to be of a priority for safety purposes. • Second priority shall be given to signs determined to be marginal in their retroreflectivity evaluation. • Third priority shall be given to all remaining signs as they come to the end of their anticipated service life, become damaged, etc. In addition, within each category above, further priority shall be given to warning and regulatory signs on roads with higher vehicle usage. After the initial replacement of signs as provided for in this Policy or the installation of new signs, the City shall, for the purpose of complying with the requirements of the MN MUTCD, maintain minimum retroreflectivity standards, as budgetary factors allow, by replacing signs as they reach the end of the latter of their(a) warranty period; (b) expected life expectancy for the sheeting material used on the sign; or (c) expected life as determined by an authorized engineering study. Damaged, stolen, or missing signs may be replaced as needed. Modification and Deviation from Policy The City reserves the right to modify this Sign Retroreflectivity Policy at any time if deemed to be in the best interests of the City based on safety, social, political and economic considerations. The Director of Public Works, or his or her designee, may authorize a deviation from the implementation of this policy in regard to a particular sign when deemed to be in the best interests of the City based on safety, social, political and economic considerations. Such deviation shall be documented including the reason for the deviation and other information supporting the deviation. 3 Adopted by the City Council of the City of Rosemount on this 3rd day of June, 2014. William H. Droste, Mayor Jeffrey A. May, Deputy City Clerk 4