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Case 14-24-IUP Request by SKB Environmental to Amend their Interim Use Permit to Allow the Construction and Operation of Recycling Facility 4 ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting Date: June 17, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Case 14-24-IUP Request by SKB Environmental to Amend their Interim Use AGENDA SECTION: Permit to Allow the Construction and Operation Consent of Recycling Facility PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. h • ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Location Map; Operations and APPROVED BY: Closure Plan dated March 2014; Appendix A Section 14 Operations Plan Dated March 2014; Conestoga-Rovers Memorandum dated May 9, 2014; Recycling Facility Site Plan revised May 2014; SKB IUP Resolution 2013- 93; Interim Use Permit Agreement; 2013 SKB IUP Recycling Facility; 2013 Landfill Stormwater Plan (Drawing CL-07); 2013 Recycling/Transfer Facility Plan (Drawing Cl- 23); City Engineers Memorandum dated May 21, 2014; Excerpt of the Draft May 27 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt a resolution approving the amendment to the SKB Environmental, Inc. Interim Use Permit to allow the operation of a MSW ash recycling facility. ISSUE SKB Environmental, Inc. (SKB) has proposed an 11,520 square foot building for Gem-Ash Processing, LLC to operate a non-ferrous metal recycling facility. The recycling facility will include a 4,200 square foot outdoor concrete pad for trucks to deposit the waste to be recycled. This outdoor pad is inconsistent with the 2013 Waste Facility Interim Use Permit (IUP) that included an indoor recycling/transfer facility. SKB is requesting an amendment to their 2013 IUP to allow for a recycling facility up to 14,976 square feet and a 4,200 outdoor waste depositing pad. MAY 27 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING The Planning Commission reviewed and conducted a public hearing for the SKB recycling facility request on May 27. No residents spoke during the public hearing. Chairperson Miller questioned SKB about a number of regulatory provisions required by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency regarding waste management operations. Chairperson Miller and Commissioner Husain questioned the description of tire recycling. John Domke, representing SKB, responded that tire recycling is a possible use of the building if the non-ferrous metal recycling operation were to stop, but that tire recycling and non-ferrous metal recycling would not both occur at the same time. The Planning Commission recommended approval of SKB IUP Amendment on a 4-0 vote. Commissioner Kurle was absent from the meeting. SUMMARY SKB Environmental, Inc. (SKB) owns and operates an industrial, construction and demolition waste landfill at 13425 Courthouse Blvd. On November 19,2013,the City approved a new five (5) year interim use permit (IUP) for the landfill that included plans for an enclosed recycling/transfer facility. Since that approval, SKB has proposed a recycling facility that will remove non-ferrous (non-magnetic) metals from municipal solid waste (MSW) ash at the landfill. SKB currently accepts MSW ash and this process removes additional solids that have an economic market. The proposal includes an outdoor drop off area where trucks would drop MSW ash and then the ash would be brought into the facility with a front end loader. SKB has indicated the outdoor concrete pad is necessary because semi-trailers can tip over when dumping their loads if waste is partially frozen. This outdoor drop off was not considered in their 2013 IUP and therefore SKB is requesting an amendment to their IUP to allow this outdoor activity. Applicant: SKB Environmental, Inc. Operator: Gem-Ash Processing,LLC Location: 13245 Courthouse Blvd (MN Highway 55); about 1 '/a miles southeast of US Highway 52 and about 1 mile northwest of County Road 42. Site Area: 236 Acres Existing Zoning District: WM: Waste Management Comprehensive Plan: WM: Waste Management Surrounding Land Uses: North: General Industrial (Spectro Alloys and Endres) East: Agriculture South: Agriculture West: Public/Institutional (Rosemount Wastewater Treatment Plant) and Agriculture Planned Land Uses: North: General Industrial East: Light Industrial South: Light Industrial West: Public/Institutional and General Industrial Legal Authority The interim use permit approval is a quasi-judicial action, meaning that if the application meets the City Code and interim use permit regulations, then the interim use permit must be approved. Staff supports approval of this interim use permit and finds that it is substantially in conformance with the approved interim use permit regulations with recommended conditions. The detailed analysis of this finding is provided below. Site Layout The proposed recycling facility is located on the northwest side of the SKB landfill about 800 feet southwest of MN Highway 55 and about 125 feet southeast of the Union Pacific railroad spur. The recycling facility will be about 200 feet southwest of the existing office building,lab building and scales. Due to the distance from MN Highway 55, the existing berm and trees, and the siting of the lab and office building,it is unlikely that the recycling facility, other than its roof,would be visible from MN Highway 55. The proposed recycling facility is an 11,520 square foot (144 feet long by 80 feet wide) building with a 4,200 square foot (70 feet by 60 feet) waste depositing pad located to the southwest of the building. The building is designed for expansion to the southeast by 24 feet in the future; for a total size of 14,976 square feet. To the southeast of the recycling facility is the access road between the MSW ash cells and the main access to MN Highway 55. The location of this facility is consistent with the location of the recycling facility within the 2013 IUP. It is the proposed outdoor concrete waste depositing pad which is inconsistent with 2013 2 IUP and prompts the current amendment. The management of the waste depositing pad is discussed in detail below. The rest of the site as designed and approved within the 2013 IUP is used for the existing lab and office buildings, truck access road,lined landfill cells, and stormwater management. With this building all space on the site is used for current operations and to address ordinance standards and regulations. For this reason, staff has included a recommended condition that no other recycling/transfer facilities are allowed at the SKB waste facility site. The recycling facility is designed to process the MSW ash waste (both existing ash waste within the landfill cell and future ash waste being brought to the site) through a series of machines that will remove non- ferrous (e.g. non-magnetic) metals from ash. Magnetic metals are removed from the ash before it is trucked to the SKB facility. The recycling process will begin by trucks bringing ash waste to the outdoor concrete pad and dumping ash waste on the pad. SKB and Gem-Ash have stated that the dumping of the waste outdoor is safer than dumping indoor because trucks have tipped over when dumping of the waste is partially frozen. If part of the waste is frozen to the side of the trailer the truck can become unbalanced and potentially tip on its side. A truck tipping inside could be less safe and it is easier to return a truck to its wheels with a crane or tow truck when it is outdoors. Once the ash waste is deposited on the concrete pad, a front end loader will bring the waste into the southwest corner of the recycling building and drop it onto a conveyer that will run the ash through a series of machines. Towards the end of the process are two machines that recycle the non-ferrous metals from the ash waste using eddy currents. The two machines remove metals of different sizes. The building has the ability to be expanded by 24 feet to the southeast in the future. If the expansion were to occur,a third machine would be installed to remove even smaller sizes of metal than the first two machines. The recycled metals and the remaining ash waste are conveyed out the southeast side of the building into roll off boxes. Trucks will pick of these boxes when they are full. The recycled metals will be trucked off site and sold while the remaining waste will be trucked into the landfill and deposited or re-deposited. Building Design The recycling building is a 35 foot tall building with a metal roof. On the northeast,northwest and southwest sides of the building, the lower 17 feet of the building will be precast concrete panels. On the northeast and southwest sides of the building, the upper 18 feet will be metal siding. On the northwest side of the building, the upper eight (8) feet will be translucent panels to allow some sunlight into the building and the middle ten (10) feet will be the same metal siding as the rest of the building. The southeast side of the building is proposed to be 100%metal because of the future building expansion possibility. The City has approved lesser building materials on walls that will be removed for future expansion, such as the Fairview clinic that has EIFS on the northwest side of the clinic to allow for a future addition. The southeast side of the recycling building faces the landfill. To the southwest of the recycling building is a 70 foot by 60 foot concrete pad where the ash waste will be deposited. A twelve (12) foot tall concrete wall (bunker) will be constructed around the northwest 30 feet of the concrete pad. At least 22 feet above the bunker will be a metal shed roof of the same material as the roof on the building. The roof will be supported by metal support columns and the roof is sloped to drain to the northwest and away from the concrete pad. The twelve (12) feet tall concrete walls will be used by the front end loader and the roof will reduce the amount of rain that falls on the pad and the waste. At the end of the work day, the ash waste will be pushed under the roof and within the concrete walls. This will reduce the chance that rain or wind would affect the stored waste. 3 Outdoor Waste and Leachate Containment City staff is concerned with waste being handled outdoors because of the chance for the waste to be carried off site by wind or by contact with rainwater. As discussed earlier,the twelve (12) concrete walls will lessen the wind affecting the waste and the operation plan calls for tarps being available to temporarily cover the waste on the concrete pad if significant wind or rain were to happen. Staff is particularly concerned about rain contact with the waste because that would turn the run-off water into waste leachate that must be collected and treated separately from stormwater. Any leachate from the concrete pad will be collected and added to the leachate from landfill. Leachate from the SKB waste facility is analyzed and transported to the Metropolitan Council's wastewater treatment plant for treatment. The leachate from the concrete pad will be collected by a trench drain on the southwest and southeast side of the concrete pad. To assist the trench drain, a surmountable curb is installed at the southwest and southeast edges of the site. The trench drain will collect the leachate generated by a 100-year storm even with the trench drain half cogged with sediment. For secondary containment if the trench drain were completely clogged or the storm is greater than a 100-year event, a depressed basin will be installed to the southwest of the concrete pad. At the bottom of the basin will be two outlets, one leading to the leachate collection system for the landfill and one leading to the stormwater basins. Normally,both outlets will be closed. When rain would fall at a rate to collect in the basin, SKB staff can test and evaluate the water within the basin and open the appropriate outlet to treat it either as leachate or as stormwater. The issue of waste leachate was a topic discussed with Dakota County and the city engineering staff.The County has indicated the modifications to the proposal since the application addresses their concerns. With the infrastructure shown in the May 9 Conestoga-Rovers memorandum and drawings; staff finds that the outdoor concrete pad appropriately addresses the possibility of wind and rain contact with the ash waste. 2013 IUP The 2013 IUP for SKB to operate a waste facility included the plans and regulations for the operation and development of the site including vehicular access,hours of operation, screening and stormwater management. The 2013 IUP included plans for the eventual construction of a recycling/transfer facility. Staff does not believe that any elements of the 2013 IUP needs to be revised beyond those provided in the 2014 Recycling/Transfer Facility request with the modification included in the May 9,2014 Conestoga- Rovers Memorandum. Interim Use Permit Regulations 11-10-8 E. 1. The extent, location and intensity of the use will be substantially in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan: A recycling facility is allowed within the WM: Waste Management land use designation and is an interim use within the WM: Waste Management zoning district. 11-10-8 E. 2. The use will provide adequate ingress and egress to minimire traffic congestion in the public streets:MN Highway 55 within Rosemount provides access to numerous industrial businesses,including Hawkins Chemical, Spectro Alloy and Endres. With the accesses to MN Highway 55 and the emergency option of access from 140th Street east, staff finds that the facility has adequate ingress and egress. 11-10-8 E. 3. The use will not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safety, and general welfare:Staff is concerned that the outdoor depositing of waste could endanger public health and general welfare is not managed properly. With the proposed leachate management infrastructure and the May 9, 2014 modifications to the operations plan, staff finds that the recycling facility will not be detrimental. 4 11-10-8 E. 4. The use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district:• In 2013, the City adopted the IUP for SKB to operate a Waste Facility with the finding that will not impede development. 11-10-8 E. 5. The use shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located: With the recommended conditions, staff finds that the request will conform to the applicable regulations. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve the Amendment of the SKB IUP to allow the operation of a recycling facility that includes the outdoor dumping of MSW ash waste. This recommendation is based on the information submitted by the applicant, findings made in this report, and the conditions detailed in the attached memorandums. 5 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2014- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AMENDMENT TO THE SKB ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. INTERIM USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE OPERATION OF A MSW ASH RECYCLING FACILITY. WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount received an application from SKB Environmental, Inc. (SKB) to amend their Interim Use Permit (IUP) to construct and operate a recycling facility located at 13425 Courthouse Boulevard, Rosemount, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the amended IUP will allow the recycling facility to recycle non-ferrous metals from MSW ash and includes a concrete pad for outdoor depositing of MSW ash; and WHEREAS, on April 22 and May 27, 2014, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing to review the IUP amendment application from SKB for their recycling facility; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion recommending that the City Council approve the IUP amendment for SKB;and WHEREAS, on June 17, 2014, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendation to amend the IUP for SKB. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves an amendment to the IUP and plan drawing attachments for SKB to construct and operate a recycling facility located at 13425 Courthouse Boulevard, Rosemount,Minnesota,by replacing Condition 15 in the Interim Use Permit Reissuance to SKB, Inc. Minnesota Industrial Containment Facility (Exhibit A) adopted on November 19, 2013 by Resolution 2013-93 as follows: 15. Recycling/ Tran3fer Facility. SKB shall operate and maintain the Recycling/Tranafcr followiftreentlitionst the entire time that it is on site. approved by City staff that may include the plan being prepared by a pest and vermin control professional and periodic in . .. -- . .- - •• -• _ - _ • --••- -_ - . professional. C. The recycling and transfer facility shall be constructed of a minimum of 40%masonry for each side of the facility. 15. Recycling/ Transfer Facility. SKB shall operate and maintain the Recycling/Transfer Facility in accordance with the Operations and Closure Plan—Recycling Facility/Transfer Areas dated March 2014 and revisions within the Conestoga-Rovers Memorandum dated May 9, 2014, subject to the following conditions: A. Compliance with the Operations and Closure Plan dated March 2014. B. Compliance with the Appendix A: Section 14: Operations Plan dated March 2014. RESOLUTION 2014- C. Compliance with the Conestoga-Rovers Memorandum dated May 9, 2014. D. Compliance with the Recycling Facility Site Plan revised May 2014. E. Compliance with the Interim Use Permit to SKB Environmental, Inc. for the Operation of a Waste Facility (Resolution 2013-93) not otherwise Amended by Conditions 1 through 4 above. F. Compliance with the Interim Use Permit Agreement Reissuance to SKB, Inc. not otherwise Amended by Conditions 1 through 4 above. G. No recycling/transfer facility is permitted beyond the 114 foot by 104 foot building with expansion shown on Figure 2: Site Plan and Drawing A1.1: Proposed Building Plan. H. When the recycling building is expanded to the southeast, the lower 17 feet of all the new walls will be precast concrete similar to the initial building. I. Compliance with the City Engineer's Memorandum dated May 21, 2014. ADOPTED this 17th day of June, 2014 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste,Mayor ATTEST: Jeff May, Deputy City Clerk 2 SKB Recycling Facility ,-----..� s y"+° a, p: w``, b w,_. * * .'4:4 „ ''a' '. f. [ * . i --"J ''-' ' ' < ' ''':*1---i-,,,.., ".. , '11\\ ***'' '''''' -F- .. I 1, .. ,,,,, ` ., " , t j ,, f f� k �4 . .\ \ 41 ., , - ,-----__„::::::,_,,T..„,„....,,,,,--,,_,._.:.. ,...c,.. A, ,,,, , y R «M1 4 ts. 4- Recyclig — — Build6n i s / i e � i +,' r. It 1 i- -i.; i .' ___ — . _ _ _ , - -.....— 1 - ~, s ■ Disclaimer; Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not Map Scale a legal document and should not be substituted for a title search,appraisal,survey,or for zoning 1 inch = 1320 feet verification. Dakota County assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained in this data. 4/18/2014 ERS at _ROV EST°G TES cON ASSOCIATES '•- -4- &--' ... www•C m .....,....,, ... --- RAw°ricLc°V ,_ . -, - ,,, k,,-„.....T-1,—,..----7, :0-ii•-% !It=-rrFhi. ,, - - ,\', -,-;-- -._ •• ---47',Y4rter ,;, --,,,t. ,-;?. - '. ,' ,„, - --t!..... ;.--.,,,=-..!--„----- , , -.... Recycling . , ecyc Plan - -• e . and p R Facility/Transfer Fac Operations sn Closure Areas Rosemount Industrial Landfill SKB Roseu , Minnesot m Rosemount, Prepared for: SKB En vironmental, LLC prePa Conestoga-Rovers — A S S )d ates 1801 Old Highway 8 Northwest,Suite 114 St. Paul, Minnesota 55112 a%. fal-tr1 in 1 March 2 014•075704(36) sustalna 11tY SKB Environmental,Inc. Operations and Closure Plan Section 1.0 Introduction 1 Section 2.0 General Operation 1 2.1 Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility Initial Operation 1 2.2 Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility Future Operation 1 2.2 Future Waste Transfer Areas 2 Section 3.0 Site Plan and Traffic Flow for Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility 2 3.1 Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility 2 3.1.1 Concrete Bunker Leachate Collection System 3 Section 4.0 Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility Hours of Operation 4 Section 5.0 Access to the Recycling Facility/Transfer Areas 4 5.1 Traffic Routes 4 5.2 Access Control and Regulations 4 5.3 Authorized Customers 5 Section 6.0 Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility Vehicle Types and Recycling Quantities 5 Section 7.0 Recycling Facility/Transfer Areas Waste Handling,Shipment,and Disposal6 7.1 MSW Combustor Ash 6 7.2 Industrial Waste,C&D,and MSW 6 7.3 Construction and Demolition Debris 6 7.4 Processing 7 7.4 Other Recyclables 7 7.5 Tires 8 Section 8.0 Recycling/Transfer Facility Maintenance 8 Section 9.0 Storage Capacity for Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility 9 Section 10.0 Equipment for Recycling Facility/Transfer Areas 9 Section 11.0 Recycling Facility/Transfer Areas Nuisance Control Methods 9 11.1 Dust 9 11.2 Noise 10 11.3 Litter 10 11.4 Odor 10 Section 12.0 Run-Off Controls 10 12.1 Bunker/Concrete Storage Pads 11 Section 13.0 Site Safety 11 13.1 Operator Training for Transfer Area 11 13.2 Inspections for Recycling Facility/Transfer Areas 11 CONESTOGA-ROVERS &ASSOCIATES 075704(36) March 2014 SKB Environmental,Inc. Operations and Closure Plan Section 14.0 Closure/Site Restoration Plan 12 List of Figures (Following Text) Figure 1 Existing Conditions Figure 2 Recycling Facility Site Plan Figure 3 Leachate Collection Detail Figure 4 Traffic Patterns List of Appendices Appendix A Section 14 from SKB Waste Facility(March 2013)Operations Plan Appendix B Design of Leachate Storage and Collection System Filter design Appendix C Site Inspections/Facility Maintenance Checklists Appendix D Stormwater Calculations CONESTOGA-ROVERS &ASSOCIATES 075704(36) March 2014 SKB Environmental,Inc. Operations and Closure Plan Section 1.0 Introduction This Operations Plan is intended to amend and supplement Section 14 of the SKB Rosemount Operations Plan submitted with Permit Application Renewal to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)dated March 2013. The intent of this document is to update the Section 14-Operation Plan- Recycling Facility/Transfer Areas of the Permit Application to supplement the original Section 14 by including specifics for the Recycling Facility to be constructed in 2014. For reference Section 14 is included as Appendix A. This includes specifics about changes to the design and operation of the facility since the permit renewal documents were prepared in addition more specifics about how the facility will operate initially after its construction. This document is the result of the meeting between the City of Rosemount, Dakota County and SKB on March 3,2014. Section 2.0 General Operation 2.1 Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility Initial Operation Initially,the Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility will accept and process MSW Combustor Ash excavated from the existing waste within Cell 4 of the Facility as well as newly accepted MSW Combustor Ash. These materials will be transported to the Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility located on the west side of the SKB Rosemount Facility,south of the Laboratory and Main Office. MSW Combustor Ash will be unloaded within a concrete receiving bunker,which meets the requirements of Minn. R.7035.2855,as indicated in Figure 2 and processed inside the recycling facility/transfer facility to remove recyclable materials from the Ash. The receiving bunker will be constructed with a leachate collection system that will collect and convey to a wastewater treatment facility any leachate produced from the ash pile within the bunker at the time of precipitation. The ash pile within the bunker will be covered to the greatest extent possible during precipitation events to minimize leachate production. Recyclable materials will be deposited into separate containers and transported to appropriate facilities, as markets allow. Processed residual ash will be deposited by mechanical means onto concrete bunkers as shown on Figure 2. The temporary storage for processed residual ash is covered by an overhang to allow access for loading into trucks to dispose the ash in the MSW Combustor Ash Cell(Cell 4)for disposal. 2.2 Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility Future Operation In the future,the Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility will also accept other wastes materials that are acceptable in the SKB Rosemount Facility's approved Waste Acceptance Plan. For waste streams that are deemed to be rich in recyclable materials will be diverted to the Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility j CONESTOGA-ROVERS le &ASSOCIATES 075704(36) Month 2014 1 SKB Environmental,Inc. Operations and Closure Plan for processing. The residual from the processing will be directed to the landfill cell for which the original waste stream was acceptable. Prior to processing a waste stream that would require the residual being disposed in a different cell (i.e. changing from MSW Combustor Ash (Cell 4)to an industrial waste stream (Cell 3 or 6))the processing line will be cleared and the area of the facility where residual is stored prior to shipment to the landfill will be cleared. 2.2 Future Waste Transfer Areas C&D waste and Industrial waste,and selected other recyclables delivered by residents and businesses will be processed and/or transferred from the Facility in the future. Future transfer operations will accept tires,white goods, mattresses, and recyclables such as paper,glass,aluminum,tin, metals, and cardboard and other recyclables as markets allow. Waste transfer station operations will be separate from ash processing. Waste intended for processing will be stored indoors as appropriate onsite or placed in containers. After sorting and materials recovery, residuals will be loaded in the appropriate transfer vehicles prior to transfer to an approved disposal facility. Section 3.0 Site Plan and Traffic Flow for Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility 3.1 Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility Access to the Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility will be through Gate No.1 located on Highway 55 (directly north of Cell 3). Figure 1 shows the current site conditions. Figure 2 depicts the site plan and layout for the Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility. Figure 3 show the access gates for SKB Rosemount. Figure 4 shows the leachate collection design. Vehicles entering SKB Rosemount will be directed by signage and permanent traffic controls to the Facility scales located along the access road east of the Main Office (North of the Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility). Access controls are discussed in greater detail in Section 5.0. Each arriving MSW combustor ash delivery vehicle will be directed to stop at the scales to be weighed and inspected. The trucks delivering MSW combustor ash will proceed south to the outdoor tipping pads located on the south side of the Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility. The trucks will leave SKB Rosemount via Gate 1 (Courthouse Boulevard)or Gate 2 (140th Street/Ehlers Path). The building has been located such that traffic flow from the Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility will have little interference with traffic from other operations at SKB Rosemount. MSW Combustor Ash will be processed inside the building. As loads are gathered, pre-processed material will be placed in stockpiles on the tipping pad for temporary storage. Loads of processing f }CONESTOGA-ROVERS &ASSOCIATES 075704(36) Month 2014 2 SKB Environmental,Inc. Operations and Closure Plan residual waste will be disposed of at the landfill in Cell 4. The recycling process of combustor ash is discussed further in Section 7.4. Future transfer station waste delivery vehicles will stop at the inspection point at the facility and be weighed in. The trucks delivering waste or recyclables will enter the building through the overhead doors on the side of the building. In addition to the building, recyclables may be unloaded in one of the other recyclable areas;the recycling areas that are within the permitted disposal areas may move around the Facility. The trucks may either leave the site via Courthouse Boulevard or continue to the appropriate onsite disposal cell. The building has been located such that traffic flow from the Recycling Facility will not interfere with the traffic from the landfill operations. Waste will be mechanically and manually processed inside the building. As loads are gathered,the material may be directly loaded onto outgoing trucks or placed in stockpiles, bins,or containers for temporary storage. Loads of residual waste will be disposed of at the landfill if the wastes are listed as acceptable in Rosemount's Waste Acceptance Plan (WAP). Recyclables will be shipped from the facility via semi transfer trailers or rail cars. Clean recyclables that are stored outside will be loaded directly into the trucks from the stockpile locations or storage bins. In addition to the ash processing proposed within the building,SKB currently has one other recycling areas. The current recycling areas are for C&D and shingle waste. This area or future recycling areas may be performed in the disposal area that is permitted to accept similar types of materials. As needed, SKB may move these operations around the Facility. 3.1.1 Concrete Bunker Leachate Collection System The concrete bunker and associated concrete pad to be utilized for unloading MSW combustor ash from the HERC and excavated from the landfill will have a leachate collection system located at the south east corner as shown on Figure 2. Leachate collection is required for waste storage areas. The perimeter of the concrete pad/bunker is either a 12 foot wall or 6-inch surmountable curb. The leachate collection trench is forty feet long with the drain located in the corner. The interior of the leachate collection trench will be surrounded by a 1-inch surmountable curb to minimize fines transferred in the leachate. Additionally,geotextile socks filled with filter materials will be placed on the interior and within the leachate collection trench. Figure 3 shows details for the leachate collection system. Appendix B includes calculations for the leachate volume management and filter and solids reduction from the concrete pad. t )CONESTOGA-ROVERS &ASSOCIATES 075704(36) Month 2014 3 SKB Environmental,Inc. Operations and Closure Plan Section 4.0 Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility Hours of Operation As per the City of Rosemount IUP,the SKB Rosemount site has the option to be open Monday through Saturday. The recycling facility will stay in operation for four additional hours outside of current landfill hours to accommodate second shift operations. The landfill will not be open to accept wastes during those four hours. Ash processing will continue after the last ash load is unloaded from the HERC/landfill excavation. The second shift is required in order to recycle the ash wastes and place for final disposal in the landfill. Section 5.0 Access to the Recycling Facility/Transfer Areas 5.1 Traffic Routes The facility is accessed via the main gate (Gate No. 1), located on Courthouse Boulevard (State Highway 55)or Gate 2, located on 140th Street/Ehlers Path. The facility is located between Highways 55 and 52 just north of County Road 42. The recycling facility will be located south of the existing landfill offices. The traffic routes for incoming and outgoing vehicles are shown on Figure 3. Gate 2 will not typically be used for Recycling Facility operations, but can be used as an exit if necessary. 5.2 Access Control and Regulations The Facility Main Gate,Gate 1, is located at the site entrance from Courthouse Boulevard. An additional gate,Gate 2, is located at the site entrance from 140th Street/Ehlers Path. These gates will remain locked during non-operational hours and will be open and monitored by scale operator during operating hours. Only Gate 1 will be utilized during the hours the recycling facility is in operation outside of current landfill hours. The exits will be either Gate No. 1 onto Highway 55. A permanent sign located near the main entrance displays the days and hours of operation for the Facility,the MPCA permit number, and acceptable waste types. The Facility is enclosed by an 8-foot high chain link fence,which runs along the permitted boundary line on all sides of the entire Facility(the Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility is within the entire Facility). Screening berms and tree plantings are located along the perimeters of the property. Gate attendant(s)and/or certified operator(s)will be on-duty and on site during all operating hours for the Recycling/Transfer Facility. The gate attendant(s)will be responsible for monitoring and approving each load of material as it enters the site. The operator(s)will be responsible for inspecting the loads for prohibited materials as they are tipped on the tipping floors. 7 CONESTOGA-ROVERS &ASSOCIATES 075704(36) Month 2014 4 SKB Environmental,Inc. Operations and Closure Plan 5.3 Authorized Customers Current use of the ash recycling facility will be for industrial vehicles loading or unloading combustor ash, recycling trucks loading processed materials,and facility heavy equipment utilized to perform operations at the Site. For MSW, C&D and industrial transfer operations in the future use of the site will be limited to residential,city,or commercial vehicles delivering waste or recyclables and transfer vehicles. Section 6.0 Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility Vehicle Types and Recycling Quantities Typical sizes of trucks and rail cars utilizing this facility are the following: • Vehicle Type Approximate Capacity • Packer truck: 20 cubic yards or 3-8 tons • Roll-off truck: 30,40,or 50 cubic yards • Transfer trailer: 110- 150 cubic yards or 22 tons • Private vehicle: 2-5 cubic yards • End dump truck: 50 cubic yards • Rail Car: 100 tons • Container Boxes: 40-80 cubic yards • Truck Traffic-Incoming. The approximate number of waste trucks hauling to the Transfer/Recycling Facility is not anticipated to exceed 200 trucks per day when full operations are underway in the future. Trucks hauling combustor ash from the HERC and the landfill will average approximate 10 trucks, and trucks hauling recycling materials will average 2 to 4 trucks a day. • Truck Traffic-Outgoing. The trucks hauling from the new Facility may be transfer trailer trucks, off-road trucks, or 20,30,or 40 cubic yard roll-off trucks or rail car. • Truck Types, Waste is anticipated to enter the Facility in private vehicles and commercial trucks. The recyclables portion of the waste will be delivered to end markets by transfer trailer, rail cars or container boxes. The waste will be hauled away in trucks to appropriate disposal cell at the site. Anticipated Volumes. Waste and recyclable material entering the Recycling/Transfer Facility is anticipated to reach 808,080 cubic yards of MSW per year,and 346,320 cubic yards of recyclables per year. Any future MSW wastes will be accepted indoors. MSW Combustor Ash material entering the Recycling Facility will be classified as recyclable material and reported within recyclable volumes. CONESTOGA-ROVERS &ASSOCIATES 075704(36) Month 2014 5 SKB Environmental,Inc. Operations and Closure Plan Please note that a portion of this MSW Combustor ash material entering the recycling facility will be from material already exiting in Cell 4. Volumes are subject to change depending on market prices. Section 7.0 Recycling Facility/Transfer Areas Waste Handling,Shipment,and Disposal 7.1 MSW Combustor Ash MSW combustor ash will be separated by mechanical and proprietary methods inside of the building as described in Section 7.3. Recyclable components recovered from combustor ash will be placed in storage containers outside of the building until they are shipped to markets. Recyclables will typically be shipped as they are recovered to minimize onsite storage. Non-recyclable residuals will be kept separate and disposed of on site in SKB Rosemount's Cell 4. Additions to the building will be incorporated for future processing areas as shown on the Site Plan (Figure 2). Permitting and approvals will be obtained prior to any addition construction. Processing equipment will be added as markets for other recyclables develop. 7.2 Industrial Waste, C&D, and MSW Recyclable and non-recyclable components of select industrial waste and C&D loads will be separated mechanically or manually by staff on the tipping floor in the future. MSW acceptance and transfer will be performed indoors. No MSW processing will be performed in the Recycling/Transfer Building until a permit amendment is obtained from the City of Rosemount to allow it. Potential wastes acceptable for recycling include all wastes, except asbestos that are approved for acceptance in the industrial cell that contain ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Recyclable components will be placed in temporary storage until they are shipped to markets. Recyclables will typically be shipped as they are recovered to minimize onsite storage. Non-recyclable residuals will be kept separate and disposed of at an approved offsite landfill. Additions to the building will be incorporated for future processing areas as shown on the Site Plan (Figure 2). Permitting and approvals will be obtained prior to any addition construction. Processing equipment will be added as markets for other recyclables develop. 7.3 Construction and Demolition Debris Recyclable and non-recyclable components of the C&D deliveries will be separated in areas designated at some point in the future. Separated components will be further recycled and/or placed in a CONESTOIAGA-ROVERS &ASSOCTES 075704(36) Month 2014 6 SKB Environmental,Inc. Operations and Closure Plan temporary storage area before delivery to markets or to the C&D disposal facility. The appropriate transfer vehicles will typically ship as they are filled in order to minimize onsite storage. 7.4 Processing MSW combustor ash processing will include the following: • Hand sorting • Mechanical sorting • Ferrous and non-ferrous separation, and • Magnetic sorting MSW combustor ash will be removed from the bunker and placed into the batch feeder located near the southwest overhead door. Conveyors will carry the ash to a Trommel then either feed through a magnet(material over 40 mm)or conveyed to be screened. The large ferrous materials will be loaded into waiting storage bins. Hand picking will also occur at this location prior to conveyance to the waste pile where larger ash materials will be temporarily stored prior to final disposal in Cell 4. The screening equipment will separate the remaining ash into two size ranges. The final step in processing is the vibratory equipment to separate ash from the recyclable metals. Ash will be conveyed to a temporary storage area prior to final disposal in Cell 4. Recyclable materials will be stored on site within the building or in the secondary storage area on the west side of the building. Shipping of recycled materials will be performed as discussed in Section 7.1 Industrial waste and C& D processing that may be performed in the future will include the following processing: • Hand sorting • Mechanical sorting • Ferrous and non-ferrous separation • Grinding of wood products • Concrete or asphalt recycling 7.4 Other Recyclables Recyclable materials,either those materials delivered source separated or the recyclables manually separated from one of the tipping floors,will be placed in a temporary storage area before delivery to a processor or market. The appropriate transfer vehicles will typically ship as they are filled in order to minimize onsite product storage. 74 }CONESTOGA-ROVERS &ASSOCIATES 075704(36) Month 2014 7 SKB Environmental,Inc. Operations and Closure Plan 7.5 Tires Tires will be accepted and stored in an appropriate area in the future. As per regulations, no more than 500 tires will be stored at the Facility at any one time. It is anticipated that as a full load is ready,the tires will be hauled away by an approved tire recycler. Section 8.0 Recycling/Transfer Facility Maintenance Recycling/Transfer Facility maintenance shall be conducted in accordance with Minnesota Rules 7035.2845 Subparts 4 and 4b,7035.2855 Subpart 3,and 7035.2870 Subpart 5. The load out pad and bunker will typically be cleaned on a regular basis with all residue delivered to an appropriate disposal facility. Cleaning will consist of a combination of dry or wet methods(e.g., sweeping,spraying, etc.)appropriate to the work area and weather conditions. The maintenance performed at the recycling facility and time frames to complete will be used to monitor conditions: • Regular cleaning of the recycling facility. • Daily sweeping of the ash bunker and concrete pad. • Although ash processing isn't expected to produce litter the facility grounds will be cleared of errant litter at least once every seven days, • Keep roads,gates,doors,and tipping floor areas clear of obstructions at all times. • Dust,windblown material,vermin populations,and other nuisance conditions will be monitored and controlled as necessary. • No putrescible wastes will be stored at the Recycling Facility. All other residuals will be removed at higher frequency due to processing requirements, but will be removed at least once per month. • Drainage filters in ash storage leachate collection system and removal of sediment from trench drain after each precipitation event. • Ash piles in the ash bunker/concrete loadout will be covered prior to precipitation events. • Ash piles will be covered prior to high wind events. • During future transfer station operations ensure that any recyclable materials,stored longer than one year,are stored in such a manner that they retain their recyclability. • Remove,dispose of,and replace any Class 5 crushed gravel from the facility grounds that has been contaminated. • Repair or replace any leaking or damaged storage containers. „--"i1-;')CONESTOGA-ROVERS &ASSOCIATES 075704(36) Month 2014 8 SKB Environmental,Inc. Operations and Closure Plan Record all maintenance activities on a blank Maintenance Checklist in Appendix C. Inspection requirements of the recycling/transfer facility are discussed in Section 13.2. Onsite operating and transfer equipment will be maintained as discussed in Section 10.0. Section 9.0 Storage Capacity for Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility The facility will have adequate capacity to provide: • Three days of waste storage at projected delivery quantities. Storage of this product will occur be on the load out bunker and pad,and if additional storage capacity is required for MSW combustor ash, a staging area within Cell 4 will be utilized. • 30 days of recyclable storage at projected delivery quantities. Storage of this product will occur in dedicated areas inside or outside of the building. As the appropriate containers are filled,they will be shifted to sit outside the building. Section 10.0 Equipment for Recycling Facility/Transfer Areas Various recycling equipment will be used to process the incoming waste. Front-end loaders and skid loaders will be used on site to move and to load materials. A series of screens, magnets and vibratory equipment will be used to separate metallic components from the ash waste. All of the processing equipment except for one magnet is located within the interior of the building. The magnet is located over one conveyor as it delivers waste to the covered storage bunker. Transfer vehicles removing materials from the site will meet the requirements of Minnesota Rules 7035.0800,subparts 2 and 3. The vehicles will be maintained in good repair and regularly cleaned to prevent nuisances, pollution,and insect breeding. Section 11.0 Recycling Facility/Transfer Areas Nuisance Control Methods 11.1 Dust The facility area, including the onsite access road,will be constructed of road base material(e.g., asphalt and/or Class V). Asphalt areas will produce little dust. Class V areas will be wetted during dry periods if dust generation becomes a nuisance. The overhead doors will typically be closed during metals recovery processing operations. When doors are open and sorting machinery is in operation,water will be utilized wet down the ash if dust generation is problematic. 7-11`}CONESrOGA-ROVERS &ASSOCIATES 075704(36) Month 2014 9 SKB Environmental,Inc. Operations and Closure Plan Outdoor storage of ash wastes in the concrete bunker will be covered during conditions of precipitation or high winds. Processed ash wastes are temporarily stored in the covered ash bunkers located under the covered awning. 11.2 Noise Onsite noise will be reduced from current levels due to the enclosure of operations within the recycling building. Outdoor noise from delivery and shipment traffic and heavy machinery(during construction, cleaning or snow removal)is expected to be minimal. 11.3 Litter Facility activities will occur primarily within the recycling building. Any product susceptible to wind dispersal that is stored outside the Facility will be tarped or otherwise covered in order to minimize windblown litter. Employees or a contractor will be dispatched on a regular basis to collect litter that may accumulate on site. 11.4 Odor Due to the use of an enclosed facility for storage prior to transfer,odor concerns from the recycling building are expected to be negligible. II Section 12.0 Run-Off Controls The Site Plan (Figure 2) illustrates site grading to be sloped away from the Runoff controls, including a retention pond and catch basins,already exist at the SKB Rosemount Facility. The ash processing facility proposed reduces stormwater run off and increases vegetated areas. The facility stormwater calculations for existing and proposed conditions are included in Appendix D. Stormwater SWPPP for the recycling facility will be appended to the SKB Rosemount SWPPP once construction is complete and prior to initial site operations. Runoff controls for the MSW Combustor Ash Recycling Facility will incorporate the use of containment such that any surface water that comes into contact with Combustor Ash. To minimize contact with precipitation the stockpiled combustor ash will be covered with tarps or other covering material. CONESTOGA-ROVERS *: &ASSOCIATES 075704(36) Month 2014 10 SKB Environmental,Inc. Operations and Closure Plan 12.1 Bunker/Concrete Storage Pads The concrete pads are surrounded by insurmountable curbs and grading is sloped away from the concrete pads(as shown on Figure 2). The bunker loadout pad is designed to collect and manage the 10 year 24-hour storm volume. Stormwater calculations are included in Appendix D. Section 13.0 Site Safety Communication equipment on site include telephones,two-way radios in the office,and hand-held and/or two-way radios in the operating equipment. Minor fires such as equipment fires or within roll-off boxes or dumpsters will be handled by onsite fire extinguishers located in the office and on operating equipment. The Recycling Facility/Transfer Areas will also be equipped with a dry, pressurized sprinkler system or other acceptable city zoning method. Sensors within the building will activate the system in the event of a fire of significant intensity. Fires,other than those discussed in the previous paragraph,will be handled by the City of Rosemount Fire Department. 13.1 Operator Training for Transfer Area The Transfer Facility operators will be trained,certified,and will have refresher courses as per MPCA solid waste regulations. SKB has a Health&Safety officer who will oversee training requirements and schedules. Additionally,SKB Rosemount holds monthly safety meetings. 13.2 Inspections for Recycling Facility/Transfer Areas Recycling Facility personnel(shift lead or other designated personnel)will conduct Site inspections Recycling/Transfer Facility inspections in accordance with Minnesota Rules 7035.2845 Subpart 4c, 7035.2855 Subparts 4 and 5,and 7035.2870 Subpart 5. Inspections to observe the site,safety and emergency equipment,security devices,fencing,concrete floor integrity,and other conditions are performed and recorded on the below discussed schedule and list. Inspection requirements include: • A facility inspection, at least once every 30 days,for malfunctions, deterioration,or discharges that may result in either the release of pollutants to the environment or a threat to human health. • Scheduled inspections of monitoring equipment,safety and emergency equipment,security devices, and operating and structural equipment used to prevent, detect, or respond to environmental or human health hazards. CONESTOGA-ROVERS y?! &ASSOCIATES 075704(36) Month 2014 11 SKB Environmental,Inc. Operations and Closure Plan • Daily liner inspections to sweep and remove ash materials to minimize dust generation and migration into the leachate collection system. • Liner inspections every week and after storms to detect evidence of deterioration, malfunctions,or improper operation of run-on and run-off control systems,the presence of leachate in and proper functioning of leachate collection and removal systems, improper functioning of wind dispersal control systems. • Scheduled liner inspections at least annually,with waste removed,for deterioration,cracks,or other conditions that may result in leaks. The frequency of this inspection is based on the potential for the liner and base to crack or otherwise deteriorate under conditions of operation,such as waste type, rainfall, loading rates,and subsurface stability. The inspection must include a view of the liner for failures due to puncture,cracking,tearing,or other physical damage from equipment used to place waste in or on the pile or to clean and expose the liner surface for inspection. • Liner construction inspections,during construction,for uniformity, damage,and imperfections. • Liner construction inspections, immediately after construction,for — Tight seams and joints and the absence of tears, punctures, or blisters in synthetic liners;and — The absence of imperfections including, lenses,cracks,channels, root holes, material variability, or other structural nonuniformities in soil based and admixed liners;and — The construction of the liner is certified by an engineer registered in Minnesota in compliance with the approved plans and specifications. • Transfer area inspections for compliance with the transfer facility operation standards. Record all inspections on a blank Inspection Checklist in Appendix C. Records will be kept onsite. Section 14.0 Closure/Site Restoration Plan The Recycling/Transfer Facility has an expected operation life of approximately 40 years. Closure will begin after all ash to be processed, recyclable material, process equipment are cleared from the building. The facility buildings, concrete load out bunkers will be demolished and either recycled or placed in waste cells as appropriate. The facility grade will be restored to approximate existing conditions shown on Figure 1. Fill and topsoil will be placed to achieve grades and to encourage revegetation. No Class V,concrete or building materials will remain on site. '= CONESTOGA-ROVERS &ASSOCIATES 075704(36) Month 2014 12 GRA Appendix A Section 14 of Permit Renewal Application Operations Plan SKB Rosemount Industrial Waste Facility, SW 383 13425 Courthouse Boulevard Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Prepared by: Conestoga-Rovers & Associates 1801 Old Highway 8 Suite 114 St.Paul,Minnesota 55112 Office: (651)639-0913 MARCH 2013 Fax: (651)639-0923 REF.NO.075704(27)-Section 14.0 Only web: http:\\www.CRAworld.com Worldwide Engineering, Environmental, Construction, and IT Services 14.0 OPERATION PLAN-RECYCLING FACILITY/TRANSFER AREAS 14.1 GENERAL OPERATION C&D waste, Industrial waste, MSW Combustor Ash, MSW,Shredder Fluff and selected other recyclables, delivered by residents and businesses, will be processed and/or transferred from the Facility. Waste intended for disposal will be stored or placed in containers or the appropriate transfer vehicles prior to transfer to an approved disposal facility. Materials suitable for recycling will be sorted and placed in the appropriate transfer vehicles and processed or marketed as discussed in Section 14.6. The recycling facility will also accept tires, white goods, mattresses, and recyclables such as paper, glass,aluminum,tin,metals,and cardboard and other recyclables as markets allow. 14.2 SITE PLAN AND TRAFFIC FLOW FOR RECYCLING FACILITY/TRANSFER AREAS Sheet CI-23 shows the general plans for the Recycling/Transfer Facility. Access to the facility will be gained through Gate No. 1 off Courthouse Boulevard (Highway 55) or Gate 2 on 140th Street/Ehlers. The facility truck scales are located adjacent to the office building as shown on Sheets CI-01A and CI-01B and will include two scales (one for in-bound and one for out-bound trucks). In addition,there are two auxiliary scales east of the Facility entrance. Access controls are discussed in greater detail in Section 14.4. Waste delivery vehicles will stop at the inspection point at the facility and be weighed in. The trucks delivering waste or recyclables will enter the building through the overhead doors on the side of the building. In addition to the building,recyclables may be unloaded in one of the other recyclable areas; the recycling areas that are within the permitted disposal areas may move around the Facility. The trucks may either leave the site via Courthouse Boulevard or continue to the appropriate onsite disposal cell. The building has been located such that traffic flow from the Recycling Facility will not interfere with the traffic from the landfill operations. Waste will be mechanically and manually processed inside the building. As loads are gathered, the material may be directly loaded onto outgoing trucks or placed in stockpiles, bins, or containers for temporary storage. Loads of residual waste will be disposed of at the landfill if allowed by the approved WAP or shipped to an approved offsite disposal facility. Recyclables will be shipped from the facility via semi-transfer trailers or rail cars. Clean recyclables that are stored outside will be loaded directly into the trucks from the stockpile locations or storage bins. 075704(27)OP 42 CONESTOGA-ROVERS&ASSOCIATES In addition to the recycling area within the building, SKB currently has two other recycling areas. The current recycling areas are for C&D and shingle waste, which is currently located in Cell 5; and HERC metal processing operation, which is located in Cell 4. These areas or future recycling areas may be done in the disposal area that is Y g Y P permitted to accept similar types of materials. As needed, SKB may move these operations around the Facility. 14.3 HOURS OF OPERATION FOR RECYCLING FACILITY/TRANSFER FACILITY As per the MPCA Permit SW-383, the SKB Rosemount site has the option to be open Monday through Saturday. However, under certain circumstances, such as the time of the year and the amount of material incoming the demand for recycling increases,it may be necessary to extend the hours of the recycling facility to accommodate the increased volumes. It may also be necessary to add a second shift to the Recycling Building operations to accommodate the increased demand for recycled products. 14.4 ACCESS TO THE RECYCLING FACILITY/TRANSFER AREAS 14.4.1 TRAFFIC ROUTES The facility is accessed via the main gate (Gate No. 1) on Courthouse Boulevard State Highway 55, which runs generally north/south through the area or Gate 2 on 140th Street/Ehlers Path. The facility will be located between Highways 55 and 52 just north of County Road 42. 14.4.2 ACCESS CONTROL AND REGULATIONS An entrance gate,Gate 1,is located at the site entrance from Courthouse Boulevard and another gate, Gate 2, is located at the site entrance from 140th Street/Ehlers Path. These gates will remain locked during non-operational hours and will be open but monitored by the scale operator during operating hours. The exit for the facility will be either Gate No. 1 onto Highway 55 or Gate 2onto 140th Street/Ehlers Path. 075704(27)OP 43 CONESTOGA-ROVERS&ASSOCIATES A permanent sign is located near the main entrance that will display days and hours of operation for the Transfer Facility, the MPCA permit number, and acceptable waste types. The Facility is enclosed by an 8-foot high chain link fence, which runs along the permitted boundary line on all sides of the property of the entire Facility(the Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility is within the entire Facility). Screening berms and tree plantings are located on the edges of the property. Either a gate attendant or a certified operator will be on-duty and on site during all operating hours for the Recycling/Transfer Facility. The gate attendant will be responsible for monitoring and approving each load of material as it enters the site. The operator(s) will be responsible for inspecting the loads for prohibited materials as they are tipped on the tipping floors. The estimated number of jobs at the new facility includes five permanent and five seasonal positions. 14.4.3 AUTHORIZED CUSTOMERS Use of the site will be limited to residential, city, or commercial vehicles delivering waste or recyclables and transfer vehicles. 14.5 POTENTIAL VEHICLE TYPES AND QUANTITIES FOR RECYCLING FACILITY/TRANSFER FACILITY • Typical sizes of trucks and rail cars utilizing this facility are the following: - Packer truck: 20 cubic yards or 3-8 tons - Roll-off truck: 30,40,or 50 cubic yards - Transfer trailer: 110-150 cubic yards or 22 tons - Private vehicle: 2-5 cubic yards - End dump truck: 50 cubic yards - Rail Car: 100 tons - Container Boxes: 40-80 cubic yards • Truck Traffic - Incoming. The number of waste trucks hauling to the Recycling Facility will be approximately 200 trucks per day. • Truck Traffic-Outgoing. The trucks hauling from the new facility may be transfer trailer trucks,off-road trucks,or 20,30,or 40 cubic yard roll-off trucks or rail car. 075704(27)OP 44 CONESTOGA-ROVERS&ASSOCIATES • Truck Types. Waste is anticipated to enter the Facility in private vehicles and commercial trucks. The recyclables portion of the waste will be delivered to end markets by transfer trailer, rail cars or container boxes. The waste will be hauled away in the trucks to appropriate disposal cell at the site. • Waste Volumes. The estimated waste and recyclable material to enter the Recycling/Transfer Facility is 808,080 cubic yards of MSW per year, and 346,320 cubic yards of recyclables per year. Volumes are subject to change depending on market prices. 14.6 WASTE HANDLING,SHIPMENT,AND DISPOSAL FOR RECYCLING FACILITY/TRANSFER AREAS 14.6.1 CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS Recyclable and non-recyclable components of the C&D deliveries will be separated. Separated components will be further recycled and/or placed in a temporary storage area before delivery to markets or to the C&D disposal facility. The appropriate transfer vehicles will typically ship as they are filled in order to minimize onsite storage. 14.6.2 INDUSTRIAL WASTE,MSW ASH,MSW, AND SHREDDER FLUFF Recyclable and non-recyclable components of select industrial waste, MSW ash, MSW, or shredder fluff loads will be separated mechanically or manually by staff on the tipping floor. Recyclable components will be placed in temporary storage until they are shipped to markets. Recyclables will typically be shipped as they are recovered to minimize onsite storage. Non-recyclable residuals will be kept separate and disposed of in the appropriate facility on site or an approved offsite landfill for MSW residuals. Space will be available in the building for future processing areas. Processing equipment will be added as markets for other recyclables develop. 075704(27)OP 45 CONESTOGA-ROVERS&ASSOCIATES 14.6.3 PROCESSING Processing may include the following - Hand sorting, - Mechanical sorting, - Ferrous and non-ferrous separation - Grinding of wood products,and - Concrete or asphalt recycling. 14.6.4 OTHER RECYCLABLES Recyclable materials,either those materials delivered source separated or the recyclables manually separated from one of the two tipping floors, will be placed in a temporary storage area before delivery to a processor or market. The appropriate transfer vehicles will typically ship as they are filled in order to minimize onsite product storage. 14.6.5 TIRES Tires will be accepted and stored in an appropriate area. As per regulations, no more than 500 tires will be stored at the Facility at any one time. It is anticipated that as a full load is ready,the tires will be hauled away by an approved tire recycler. 14.7 MAINTENANCE FOR RECYCLING FACILITY/TRANSFER FACILITY The tipping floor and load out areas will typically be cleaned on a regular basis with all residue delivered to an appropriate disposal facility. Cleaning will consist of a combination of dry or wet methods (e.g., sweeping, spraying, etc.) appropriate to the work area and weather conditions. Onsite operating and transfer equipment will be maintained as discussed in Section 14.9. 075704(27)OP 46 CONESTOGA-ROVERS&ASSOCIATES 14.8 STORAGE CAPACITY FOR RECYCLING FACILITY/TRANSFER FACILITY The facility will have adequate capacity to provide: • Three days of waste storage at projected delivery quantities. Storage of this product will occur first on the tipping floor, and second in the appropriate bin, transfer, or recycling vehicles. • 30 days of recyclable storage at projected delivery quantities. Storage of this product will occur in dedicated areas inside or outside of the building. As the appropriate containers are filled,they will be shifted to sit outside the building. 14.9 EQUIPMENT FOR RECYCLING FACILITY/TRANSFER AREAS Various recycling equipment will be used to process the incoming waste. Two front-end loaders and miscellaneous skid loaders will be used on site to sort and to load materials. A series of screens, magnets and eddy currents will be used to separate metallic components of the waste. See a list of equipment for the SKB Rosemount site in Table 13-1. Transfer vehicles removing materials from the site will meet the requirements of Minnesota Rules 7035.0800, subparts 2 and 3. The vehicles will be maintained in good repair and regularly cleaned to prevent nuisances,pollution,and insect breeding. 14.10 NUISANCE CONTROL METHODS FOR RECYCLING FACILITY/TRANSFER AREAS 14.10.1 DUST The facility area, including the onsite access road, will be constructed of road base material (e.g., asphalt) that produces little dust. A ventilation system will be incorporated into the design of the building to minimize dust and fumes from the working area. 075704(27)OP 47 CONESTOGA-ROVERS&ASSOCIATES 14.10.2 NOISE Onsite noise will be reduced from current levels due to the enclosure of operations within the recycling building. Outdoor noise from delivery and shipment traffic and heavy machinery (during construction, cleaning or snow removal) is expected to be minimal. 14.10.3 LITTER Facility activities will occur primarily within the recycling building. Any product susceptible to wind dispersal that is stored outside the Facility will be tarped or otherwise covered in order to minimize windblown litter. Employees or a contractor will be dispatched on a regular basis to collect litter that may accumulate on site. 14.10.4 ODOR Due to the use of an enclosed facility for storage prior to transfer, odor concerns from the recycling building are expected to be negligible. 14.11 RUN-OFF CONTROLS Runoff controls, including a retention pond and catch basins, already exist at the SKB Rosemount Facility. Refer to the Engineering Report in Tab 2 for stormwater control discussion. 14.12 SITE SAFETY Communication equipment on site include telephones,two-way radios in the office,and hand-held and/or two-way radios in the operating equipment. Minor fires such as equipment fires or within roll-off boxes or dumpsters will be handled by onsite fire extinguishers located in the office and on operating equipment. The Recycling Facility/Transfer Areas will also be equipped with a dry, pressurized sprinkler system or other acceptable city zoning method. Sensors within the building will activate the system in the event of a fire of significant intensity. 075704(27)OP 48 CONESTOGA-ROVERS&ASSOCIATES Fires,other than those discussed in the previous paragraph,will be handled by the City of Rosemount Fire Department. 14.13 OPERATOR TRAINING FOR TRANSFER AREA The Transfer Facility operators will be trained,certified,and will have refresher courses as per MPCA solid waste regulations. SKB has a Health & Safety officer who will oversee training requirements and schedules. Additionally, SKB Rosemount holds monthly safety meetings. 14.14 INSPECTIONS FOR RECYCLING FACILITY/TRANSFER AREAS Inspections to observe the site, safety and emergency equipment, security devices, fencing, concrete floor integrity, and other conditions are performed and recorded on a routine basis. 075704(27)OP 49 CONESTOGA-ROVERS&ASSOCIATES 1-801 Old Highway 8 NW, Suite#114 GRA CONESTOGA-ROVERS St. Paul, Minnesota 55112 &ASSOCIATES Telephone: (651)639-0913 Fax: (651)639-0923 www.CRAworld.com MEMORANDUM To: John Domke, SKB REF. No.: 075704-3063 Geoff Strack, SKB CJ Goodwald, Gem Ash FROM: Margaret Zuckweiler, PE/sb/8 DATE: May 9, 2014 cc: Eric Zweber, City of Rosemount Phil Olson, City of Rosemount Dave Magnason, Dakota County Christie Otterson, Dakota County Dan Aamot, MPCA RE: SKB Recycling Facility Drawings,Operations Updates, and Ash Storage Pad Calculations for 100-Year 24-Hour Rainfall SKB Rosemount Landfill This memo and its attachments were prepared to address items discussed at the City of Rosemount during a meeting between SKB, Gem-Ash, City of Rosemount, Dakota County and the MPCA on April 23, 2014. The following lists the requests in bold for additional information resulting from the meeting. The response immediately following the bolded request is SKB's plan of action: Jersey barrier to mark traffic pathways near the ash storage pad. The jersey barrier location is shown on the site plan; however, exact placement will be determined during operation of the facility. Revised Drawings are included as Attachment A to this memo. The covered bunker will be added to the architectural. Include a roof on the ash waste bunker. A roof detail was added to CI-05 included in Attachment A. The roof will be constructed of the same prefinished metal roofing as the building. The height of the roof will be 22 feet, sloped 5%to the back of the concrete bunker. The supports and columns for the roof will adhere to the roofing manufacturer's requirements. The one-inch surmountable curb on the interior side of the drain was removed as the inclusion of the roof reduces the potential for ash migration. Daily maintenance to remove ash residue from the uncovered area of the ash pad is still planned. Overall site stormwater calculations were redone to include the runoff from the roof, and the proposed plan stormwater flows are less than from existing conditions.These stormwater calculations are included as Attachment B. REGISTERED COMPANY FOR ISO 9001 ENGINEERING DESIGN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CRA MEMORANDUM Page 2 How much storage for stormwater/leachate is available in the waste storage pad? Provide calculations. Stormwater calculations are discussed in the section in this memo titled "Ash Pad Stormwater Calculations." Ash pad stormwater calculations are provided in Attachment C. It should be noted that the inclusion of the roof on the ash bunker minimizes precipitation volume and the leachate volume generated. It does not change the available leachate storage available on the pad as waste is assumed to be present in the bunker at all times for stormwater calculations purposes. The total volume available on the concrete pad is 213 CF (as determined by AutoCAD-Civil 3D)which controls the flow from the pad at half capacity of the 6-inch pipe. As the 100 year storm is managed on the leachate pad,the City of Rosemount requested that a depression or a berm located southeast of the open concrete pad be included in the Site Plan to act as overflow control if the pipe would completely clog. The area will be constructed by excavating the area south and constructing a berm as shown on the Site Plan CI-02 in Attachment A. Assume some plugging of 6"drain from the waste storage pad and provide calculations. Stormwater calculations are discussed in the section in this memo titled "Stormwater Calculations show that ash pad manages the 100 year/24 hour storm with the 6-inch pipe at half capacity without overtopping. The drainage pipe slope was increased from 1.5%to 2.25%to allow this and increase velocity to reduce potential sedimentation in the pipe. 11100 year/24-hour storm is not contained, include berm located south of the waste storage pad to stop leachate from reaching downstream existing sedimentation pond. • Provide volume of leachate calculated to overtop waste pad for 100 year/24 hour storm. • Provide flow into/out of the drain The stormwater calculations are discussed in the section in this memo titled "Stormwater Calculations" Stormwater model outputs are provided in Attachment C. The 100 year/24-hour storm is contained on the ash pad with the drainage pipe at half capacity. Flow in the drain and pipe are further discussed in the section below. Clarify future operations Operations described as transferring wastes other than ash or metal recycling are intended for future use should the ash recycling cease. The municipal wastes, industrial or demolition waste discussed in Appendix A of the operations plan include discussion will only be processed should the ash recycling facility ceases operations. Any future transfer operations will be conducted indoors. Clarify inspection requirements: Inspection requirements for the ash pad include inspection after a rainfall event of 2.4 inches (1 year-24 hour rainfall event) or greater. Also the yearly cleaning by flushing of all pipes and drains associated with the ash pad control structures. CRA MEMORANDUM Page 3 Provide a demolition plan showing which utilities are being removed/abandoned. The demolition plan is included as CI-1A in the Drawings in Attachment A. Stormwater Calculations Per The City of Rosemount request, additional stormwater calculations were performed. A hydraulic analysis was completed for the Ash Pad for the 100 year/24 hour rainfall event. The Ash Pad has a total area of 4,200 square feet and the pad has a roof covering part of the pad and is diverted toward the railroad tracks away from the pad. However portion of this ash pad is used for ash waste storage and management. The covered portion of the pad has a catchment area of 2,660 square feet. The volume of precipitation over the uncovered portions of the pad for the 100 year-24 hour storm is 1330 square feet. Storage available on the pad without accounting for drainage is 213 CF. The proposed pad is designed with a surmountable curb around the perimeter to contain potential leachate from the rainfall event. The surmountable curb elevations are maintained at the same elevation around the pad and the surmountable curb is 3-inches high near the building and 7-inches on the south side of the pad to maintain the same elevation around the ash pad. The collection system will contain a trench system to manage the 100 year-24 hour rainfall event to be discharged to the sanitary sewer. The uncovered portion of the ash pad is designed to have a peak discharge of 0.70 cubic feet per second (cfs) assuming full flow in the drainage pipe, and 0.55 cfs and storage volume on the ash pad of 205 cubic feet with the pipe half full. The maximum storage volume on the pad is approximately 213 cubic feet contained within the surmountable curb. The 6-inch pipe at half capacity will flow with a velocity of 0.551 cubic feet per second to allow for any deposits of ash. This analysis is conservative based on the pipe will be cleaned annually to remove sediments accumulated in the pipe. The time that is would take for the pad to drain based on the%capacity model would be approximately 9 minutes. The pipe is designed to flow at full capacity and reach the runoff discharge of 0.70 cubic feet per second, and not require any storage on the pad for this system for a 100-year 24-hour rainfall event. The calculations and the hydraulic model results are included in Attachment C. The proposed recycling pad is able to contain the 100-year 24-hour rainfall event and discharge the flows into the sanitary sewer when no obstructions are present in the pipe or drain. No additional stormwater controls are required to contain the runoff. However,the City of Rosemount requested overflow control be included southeast of the ash pad in order to reduce the probability further that potential overflow from the ash pad would reach the sedimentation basin south of the leachate tanks if the drain or pipe ever clog more than 50%. The overflow from the primary containment of the ash pad is directed to the overflow control area by a sharp crested weir that has a length of 10 feet and a depth of 0.083 feet with a discharge velocity of 0.700 cubic feet per second. In order to include the weir to control flow,the outer surmountable curb was modified, and the location of the drain was relocated five feet from the southeast side of the ash pad. Any potential overflow will be contained in the overflow control area with a total depth of 2.6 feet and a side slope of 4:1 and have a freeboard of feet. The overflow control area will contain a volume of 1,242 cubic feet that equals the remaining volume of potential runoff the ash pad generated from a CRA MEMORANDUM Page 4 100 year-24 hour rainfall event should the drain and or drain pipe completely clog. In the case of overflow, the design includes a drain inlet outfitted with an isolation valve to discharge any overflow leachate from the ash pad to be directed into the sanitary sewer.The sideslope is designed to discharge stormwater from the pond through a culvert controlled by an isolation valve. The ash pad is design to control the 100 year/24 hour storm event when the pipe is 50%operational. The valves controlling outflow to the sanitary sewer or stormwater release will remain closed to allow stormwater to be inspected prior to release. If no ash impacts are observed, the water will be released as stormwater. If ash impacts are observed,the water will be discharged to the sanitary sewer. 0 I 0 I CO I <_ 1 ■, 2sp 1 0 ! . . 6 — 4 l',' 1 Pi U51 ertvc) i 1 i I (NI _,;. U' -...,o) 0 L1J •>i Z Z la L E g 8 ii e, sg;, m D ° ,„2 W 0 c7) o5 (I)0 0 >- 2! 8 L,, 0< ; 2 ; .0 . x ,. c., LH, u)0 P,A / pl, s'P f! il 6 A Alit !I I 1 flit :t1,5 f iv,E1 h :it-,(!! " :-- gl, ilil, if , ,,, I ,iif, If-airs • 111 ii. .,°°+ 111111141111111' .. .4. I 0 iiii 1 ----. .a \ / " ) L ,\.............7.............. 2 2 1 t _ ,-, 2 .. . . .. . i 0 / .63Lj 3 , z E Es I- i I I < --- — :'i' Q $i i '' ...— I S. • 0 ,, 0._Ah 3 1 L u M V " I-.-— di th° (2' a 5, :'-----v-j i_ ?" N 7 ' , E i i f, i LLI, __, Q- .° g 5 -. 1 8 •.1,4, • ) i 8 < II ( g I '2 - 6 3 I`f1)2 IL ';' !hi <„ w I;(2). ;lg.A g 1, +-7—,,,.- cl F, -4 ,...., 7 0 , `...,,, , i 1 e ,,,,, 4L■ftwill 4 rili; -n\l_iji ( >> 0 ., ..... i i,,i.i - ,6 : ...—■ z , . , a c)--- -- iir--x-- , LAJ W . a: , y 0—— , ?•() iC. , :t6' 83 — 'Ltj 041.4104( 1 ) 4)(23 L8c'cLi F., 23 il r A L_9 ''ii • 0 i uZ i vg 4 ,,,..ii I , ii, 0 , • 4 : , 4 03, 0 I , ... , , 1 , L . . I , , • ■ D I . , cc, I < : a 4 ,- 1 +,,,, ,0 •• ; g14 ii,.. " 1 1'7° 1 1`,11) §c- - i 1 i I recl cv, • ' 1 , f ,1 , A . . . 01,4/9=ANI MN.9 ,T, —I 1-'—' lil2J • CV . LP N9=1/11121 • -J 0 0 (.1.3 0..9.3";)a+L;11.;—t 1 . 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I ! 1 I 11 ... 1 CO 8 1 7 TOPSOIL REPLACEMENT M VARIES) 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 I 2 1 1 EARTHFILL(INCLUDE IN MANHOLE BID ITEMS) RIM ELEVATION TO BE 1"ABOVE FINISH GRADE IN THE JOINT BETWE.THE MANHOLE DEVELOPED AREAS,8"MIN ABOVE ADJACENT GROUND FRAME AND THE EXTENSION RING TO BE IN DN.VELOPED AREA EtCEPT WHERE OTHERW SE MADE WTH AN APPROVED COMPOUND DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER RIMS SHALL BE SET FLUSH SUCH AS DEWITT NO 10,DURASEAL 3101 WITH NEVV SURFACE IN PAVED AREAS PIONE.301 OR APPROVED EQUAL STANDARD FRAME GRADE _ AND COVER a 1111.. ..4111 I. 8-TOPSOIL A.SEED a X862 10 ye„ UNPAVED AR . PAVED AREA(OR UNDER SIDEWALKS FINISH GRADE MANHOLE DISH INSERTS ............................../.------. N-GRA.RINGS AS REQUIRED(MAX OF 17, '',?? D DRIVEWAYS OR CURBS) SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ALL -,-—...----. NEW MAN.LE INSTALLATIONS x 7....,........._____--SURMOUNT,.E CURB(HEIGHT IN ACCORDANCE WTH SPECIFICATIONS ADJUST TO GRADE WTH APPROVED PRE-CAST .......... "SRTOWMTITT-gPS'OrT:Et: Li 114$r1 E. DaENSION RINGS GRADE L, ---E7CENTRIC CONE SECTION APPRO JED 111111111.11111M1 N\-UNEXCAVATED A THE JOINTS BETMEN THE CONE SECTION AND THE j EXCAVATED EARTH EXTENSION RINGS SHALL BE MORTARED IN PLACE ...' MATERIAL ,,,, ..,...............■TRENCH ORA. APPROVED B THE INDIVIDUAL RINGS SHALL NOT EXCEED 8"IN '...":,'''........_,-RISER SECTIONS AS REQUIRED(TYP) PAVEMENT,SIDEWALK,OR THICIWESS THE TOTAL NUM.R PLACED SHALL GE 4 6"(TYP) BACKFILL GIN STANDARD MANHOLE STEP DRIVEWAY IN ACCORDANCE 'i. LIMITED TO 2 OR A MAXIMUM OF 12"IN HEIGHT 2 WTH PROPERTY OVVN. ,, •- .-- C THE ENTIRE OUTSI.SURFACE FROM THE FRAME ,,....‹.; SPECIFICATIONS LEACHATE COLLECTION LINE CASTING TO THE CONE SECTION SHALL BE COATED ,.. -'VAHLEIDTISMS=11=LL' 4--/Mt .TECTABLE TAPE .=,' BELOW GRADE FOR > :2 1 40111 WTH AN APPROVED COATING MAT...CH AS 8 ENTIRE PIPE LENGTH n "PRECO-PATCH","ROCK MOUNT",'WATER PLUG",OR j' 4 I (FOR NON METALLIC I SELECT BACKFILL APPROVED EQU. .. PIPE ONLY) ENE PIPE BE DING D ci Iliair,0" . PIPE BEDDING ASTM C478(LATEST DATE)REINFORCED CONCRETE(4000 PSI)TONGUE AND GROOVE -..--• CONCRETE PAD 11111111re, SECTIONS WITH ROUND NEOPRENE GASKETS ... lir I' Mill TRE ',TY '18 fr IN EARTH EXCAVATI. , IsIFNIIIII -\ - L-- .2. SANITARY SEWER ,IN ROCK EXCAVATION FOR TYPICAL B.CH SEE 1 'L k, • 1 SIZE VARIES —1—•-• SANITARY sE.,ER DETAIL DWG THIS SHEET • _ , IIIIIMIMIP PIPE BEDDING L......0..........34.-0.DIA 'll LR'0111VTI LRI:n'i lE3AORTTHO.1:1R-li 1 TRENCH PAY LIMITS ; ' 1 I.÷ W-ar ''.1 )C''' .• 6"rcir' PAYLIMITS FOR SELE T M TER AT MANHOLES WHERE REQUIRED NOTES 1 DIMENSIONS ARE PAVEMENT LIMITS WHERE APPROPRIATE DETAIL /Mk E 3 N- ,,, , , __ _ _,. ss 3/8"-1 0- MICIF CLASS 5 CRUSHED GRAVEL ''''*'l""'Irfl:It'Y'"'klV*"it0--r ^4 2 ,-.V2,44',4 4',.-- DETAIL AI SHARED TRENCH 1,=1=0 H Mr ,,,,.........._1,7N.D4MsTIN uSRELBEECLABARTCKFH ILL TYPICAL TRENC DETAIL DETAIL gh 411111 LEACHATE TRENCH PRECAST MANHOLE GR A ....L::1-.......!%L ('L.L.A.R.A.NP. OEM AEI PLUG CUT GRA. ADA,TO MAIN , AS REQ 0 SEWER AS REQUIRED illyil = 11111111 1111111611 I ../ I,..iNTEINIOA,R,RDR0OvP EL, B •— ......•••.•• L''''' 1112.11=11 I IMII STAINLESS STEEL BAND IRON WTH 00.ANSION SLEEVE BOLTS MAX SPACING 4.-0(TYP) 17 HOPE TRENCH DRAIN .-.. HEAVY SILT LOG LENGTH AS REQUIRED T__ 1 ... ..5'C RUSHED GRAVEL ' 1.-(1),) 'Z', 6 ',,' .• ,,,,, PM Ii ) FOR TYPICAL BENCH SEE DETAIL DWG THIS SHEET 1 MN 11111111111111.111' 11111 l'. DOUBLE WALLED DOUBLE WALLED iiPPIAITI rjcwil 6.X B.HDPE WYE 111 311111111_ ii11 : ' ._ UNDISTURBED ,N. ,...:...1-1,.:;g1sNiZRELBEECDTEBAARC,KHFILL SILT LOG FILTER I •. -• HDPE LEACHATE NOTES COLLECTION LINE 1 PROVIDE REDUCER SECTION AS REQUIRED TO CONVERT FROM DETAIL 5 DETAIL 6 50.'BARREL TO CONE SECTION 3/4'.-1 0' 1 1/2"=i•-cr , CI 02 CI 02 ••••••••- -•••••• ...•• CLASS 5 CRUSHED GRAVEI 3 S.PRECAST MANHOLE DETAIL A DETAIL 7 SECTION AI PRECAST CONCRETE INSIDE DROP MANHOLE SCALE 1 Ir2-.1-cr gar , SCALE VERIF1CATICN THIS BAR MEASURES 1.ON ORIGINAL ADJUST SCALE ACCORDINGLY 44,,,,4,j 0 ... CONES.,D. Mar.Avanu:a0s!ra a ASSOCIA'TIS 1........■i SKB ROSEMOUNT LANDFILL ''.`.'..'1,7,d.,,,. DAKOTA COUNTY,MINNESOTA Butfab New Yak 14.2 - . .. .. . - .. ;7-'i..4.4 4, Date ... . - .. SKB ROSEMOUNT LANDFILL - FEBRUARY 20. ... . .. .. 1,44,nit L•26.4•14, ••• • - . Fro,a Mae., RaYNN4N1 By IN.Nred By Drwa,By ... . ... DETAILS M lUCKWEILER M 2UCKWE1LER S PNE $P. ... • ... .. ... A ISSUED FOR IUP AMENDMENT 05.14 MZ FAT21",,EtTglgi:. AS SHP,. 75704-3063 034 CI-04 ,a. R..... 75704-1063034,,BUOCI7 MAY 09/2014 8 1 7 , 6 1 5 I 4 I 3 1 2 I 1 RIM ELEVATION TO BE 1"ABOVE FINISH GRADE IN DEVELOPED AREAS,8"MIN ABOVE ADJACENT GROUND IN UNDEVELOPED AREA OCCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER RIMS SHALL.SET FLUSH 3-0. VNTH NEW SURFA.IN PAVED AREAS , PLACED WATER SPIGOTS , 'Ct#04-11NE-1,,CE CURB CLASS 5 r,,, Y". CONCRETE 1 ON/OFF SWITCH D CRUSHED c7 &AEI/BUILDING G R A.R,,Si,1G.GA NAc DG0A RNR:DR.E TFuRREA ME GBuE(i Am A::iDN GC0 Os 7,,37R) GRAVEL SLOPE 21a .§. FOUNDATION ' GRADE I ----4. __ ___........ I ............. ......... TFRHAmE JEOIANTNDBETWETHE ExTENETNHsE.MNANRH.OGLTE.. ./. RISER SECTIONS AS REQUIRED(TY, p _ 414; MADE WITH AN APPROVED COMPOUND UNEXCAVATED...././..... if SUCH AS DEWITT NO 10,DURA.AL 3101, PIONEER 301 OR APPROVED EQUAL MANHOLE D.IN.RTS .. EARTH • • FIRST MANHOLE STEP SHALL BE 8.'FROM THE TOP OF THE CONE ECCENTRIC CONE.CTION SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ALL Lt 6-a.DIA 111111 NEW MANHOLE INSTALLATIONS II= .- -- I_ F•ROVIDE 1/2••PREFORMED BITUMINOUS 1.PANSION JOINTS AT A STANDARD MANHOLE STEP CHECK MAXIMUM 50.-0"OC VALVE ... -ItTrjAF CC;f27C8E(D'ACTRDEATTEE)(4 000 P SI) 2 PROVIDE FINE.00M FINISH TO EXPOSED PORTION OF CONCRETE • P pl./ II= CURB 111 LOTNHGRUouE ANN0D NGER0,00RVENE SEEGCATsIOKETNSs CUT EtIST-WE-LL•*HEAD ••11111L.11PM'Ir.j DETAIL 0 -Ii 1r ALL INTERIOR SEAMS SHALL. C SEALED USING HYDRO-SEAL NTS ISOLATION VALVE TYPICAL CONCRETE CURB PUMP ADJUST TO GRADE VVITH APPROVED PRE-CAST ' I EXTENSION RINGS 1 A. THE JOINTS BETWEEN THE CONE.CTION AND THE EXTENSION RINGS SHALL BE MORTARED IN PLACE B. THE INDIVIDUAL RINGS SHALL NOT EXCEED V'IN THICKNESS.THE TOTAL NUM.R PLACED SHALL BE 12"MIN SELECT BACKFILL••••/7 LIMTED TO 2 OR A MAXIMUM OF 12'IN HEIGHT - .9 UNDi STUR.D EARTH C. THE ENTIRE OUTSIDE SURFACE FROM THE FRAME .4. ..---EX ST WELL BOREHOLE CASTING TO THE CONE.CTION SHALL BE COAT E_D EX ST VVELL PIPE WITH AN APPROVED COATING MATER.SUCH AS PRECO-PATCF,ROCK MOUNT.''WATER PLUG..OR APPROVED EQUAL l•• Ark DETAIL 1131F VVATER tIVI'AN'1-110'L°E" PIZI-kFLI.,71=113Nts,?1ESTAAML EAS PERLINS SPACED AS BUILDING ig 516 SLOPE REQUIRED BY METAL ROOF MANUFACTURER STAINLESS STEEL TAKE-UP CLAMP 1 FOR PIPE 14_3'.00 OR SMALLER ROOF SUPPORTS/FRAMES AS REQUIRED ,N000mm........ 2 FOR PIPE 14.3'.OD OR LARGER BY METAL ROOFING MANUFACTUR.ON 11116,„ 3 CONCRETE WALLS 1 B STAINLESS STEEL 11 '111141 -,t."-- PO,AER SLEEVE RING -,C-- OR APPROVED EQUAL /-SLOPE To cHANNa 2'OVERHANG 1111.I.......... ON ALL SIDES -.I-CHANNEL IIIIIIIIIIIB PIPE 11111.....'"'-' I, \--EXISTING BENCGHA'' CONCRETE BUNICER ENTRY NOTES 1 CORE DRILL ENTRANCE HOLE IN MANHOLE BARREL,BA. AND/OR BENCH FOR REQUIRED PIPE CLEARANCE PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS ' 2 WATERTIGHT PIPE TO MANHOLE BOOT SEAL REQUIRED L ' 3C1-0. I I FOR ALL CORE DRILLED ENTRANCE HOLES IN MANHOLE BARREL AS SHOWN 3-/F-0'. DETAIL 10 DETAIL 11 A CONNECTION TO EXISTING MANHOLE COVERED ASH BUNKER . SCALE VERIFOCADON THIS BAR MEASURES I.ON ORIGINAL ADJUST SCALE ACCORDING, 4V...1 1 hereby.,thotthe oron,reeol.oer,or 0 CONES2.De,TOGA-ROVERS A ASSOCIATES 1,...........1 Zen,'Ion" *Z,"1.4.,," SKB ROSEMOUNT LANDFILL e Avenue,Sutra 500 PHA...KA Eng...under thelay.of the SUN, DAKOTA COUNTY,MINNESOTA Buffalo,New York 14202 — . .. - ot None.. .- . - - i?:46,0.-.4- Oat. .... • . .. SKB ROSEMOUNT LANDFILL - FEBRUARY 20IA — . .. .. 1,044mPil Lug... — .. .. Pro,Manager Re...id By 1,K,K1 By Gra.By — . ... .. Da..., Roestroten 4 44B52 DETAILS M ZUCKWEILER M ZUCKWEILER S PKE 5 PIKE — • •.• •• ScAl. %q.t.:, .Report No (*.erne No A ISSUED FOR ILIP AMENDMENT ..05-0904 MZ gilliggiggi;PED .. ...v. 75704-3063 034 CI-05 wee 75704-1063■034,CFBUOU MAY 06/2014 8 I 7 I 6 I 5 I 4 I 3 1 2 I 1 :-. _ ,--- „-° D . ..., ISOLATION VALVE TCOOP N TORF.O.O.L."V AER,REFA,L.OEW L.=..8,8.3._5. .„.....'.., .. . ','...'. ........ „'.„ „,... .., ,, •......„,., ..••.' _ „.........- - ---- ,---- , ._., „ ,,,, ,,,, \ i r"--- - ,---- 1 STORPAWATER I I 1 I lb, ....,,' .........'''''''''''' ,''' ISOLATION VALVE : j i 0 c , I i I I t .. i ....._____--tr SURMOUNTABLE CURB . 1 I 'fill'ILATZROA,1IN j '-. 6-STORM PIPE I : I I i I 1,4 ,.. ,..----- --BARETATI!LIZESTENTI ON '' I if i I b 1 V L'g ', I 11....._..,..... : : 1 ........ 1 I I ---............____ ......... 1 1 ......... B 1 1-----------7--------------_____Zi i I ............... _......._ . -... ..........___ ....---.... .------____ -------- -----____. --------_ ----, --------____.__ -----------.....-- DETAIL 12 A CI.02 OVERFLOW CONTROL AREA SCALE VERIFICATION-MIS BAR MEASURES I'ON ORIGINAL ADJUST SCALE ACCORDINGLY APProTAFI II I her.,oat,Nat thn pi,N000doalio,or rso. 7447747.41 l'A",". : ' SKB ROSEMOUNT LANDFILL CpiN CONES.,D.204Are Ave:ROVIE5.1111 a ASSOCIA'Till --. Prowsmoo:t4pouRoloomr No I...10A Sisto — of..... DAKOTA COUNTY,MINNESOTA Buffalo,Now York 14202 ... . - - — • - - mai94fit[...RR SKB ROSEMOUNT LANDFILL - FEBRUARY 2014 : . — .. Prolog 1414.4944- -Rom..By. D.M.2040 By DT..SY: — — NM.., Rogoantion II 46652 .... . DETAILS m.ZUCKINEILER M.ZUCKWEILER S.PIKE M ROTH A ISSUED FOR 1UP AMENDMENT 05-09-14 MZ RiLiTeLATIFT474:giE: .. sc.., Pro,*No Ropat No. Dray..op No: No_ Roy.. Do. Neal .'cm' 75704-3063 034 CI-06 15704.30634034,1-BUO07 MAY 0.0. EXISTING MANHOLE 0 20 6Qft RIM=861.70 6"NE INV=857.39 8"SW INV=855.39(EXISTING) r— .�... CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AS-BUILT DATA INDICATE EXISTING PROPOSED 173 LF OF R1M=881.19 . . SEA CII�E'bl�E'T�$T'If1DiCi41'Eb 7raESE 11VERE NOT ••.. ..... 6"NE INV=873.70 CONNECTED TO OFFICE/MAINTENANCE BLDG SEWER 6."SW INV=871.70 • RI M=882.84 �.. - 6"SE INV=875.75 INSIDE DROP 4 6"SW INV=875.65 CONNECTION Ix— K___L__ .:, o'' -4001, of RELOCATED . ... CHARGING STATIONS LEACHATE COLLECTION LINE ,� 70'x60' •• ............. --• CONCRETE 3'x3'CONCRETE PAD—_ PAD 2%� III OVERFLOW � '4 K PAD d CONTROL Alt<-5 AREA IN BUILDING Al FFL 882.50 CLASS 5 1 -...• TRENCH DRAIN ~./ 3'x20'CONCRETE PAD CRUSHED RIM=882.47 (50'LONG) CLASS / 1 J GRAVEL 6"NW INV=874.97 CRUSHE 3'x16'CONCRETE PAD CLEANOUT GRAVEL i� '3/ i r z� 6"SURMOUNTABLE CURB AI� -T EXISTING CHARGING ���� STATIONS TO BE RELOCATED 1 �! CLASS 5 AI ea, CRUSHED --) GRAVEL 380_- _�r'8` n9 ,�� -----------------Th H Ad■ ■ AL AL 46. ∎.�. figure 2 SITE PLAN SKB ROSEMOUNT LANDFILL (41;6' Dakota County, Minnesota 75704-3063(034)GN-80005 MAY 09/2014 o — ----------, __ CONCRETE - l PAD � e �. PROPOSED +! BUILDING S '''''N\.\\\ I FFL°ez� LOADING PROCESSED 1 PRIMARY LOADING WASTE ASH 0 40 1205 PROCESSED MATERIALS \\ \ PRIMARY UNLOADING ASH - --w- -- INCOMING TRUCKS WEIGHED PRIOR TO UNLOADING \ , ASH/LOADING PROCESSED MATERIALS JERSEY BARRIERS PLACED ��~` Rv - v 1 - TO CONTROL TRAFFIC EXITING TRUCKS TO BE WEIGHED �� Y � ,.- —EX WE _ ) - -t=om —_s.•-.--_,> _--.....,,� ..- PRIOR TO LEAVING SITE TRUCKS BACK INTO LOADING AREA e_ -., TO UNLOAD ASH INTO BUNKER -` .a. , i 1( 1 - \\,----- ------) . )11k , v I O CELL 4 WORKING FACE (SHIFTS BASED ON FILLING PRACTICE) ' op o , \. \., `o 0 � f —~_- \ --- \ , o LEGEND figure 4 TRUCKS WITH PROCESSED MATERIALS TRAFFIC PATTERNS -- TRUCKS WITH EXCAVATED CELL 4 ASH SKB ROSEMOUNT LANDFILL C a TRUCKS WITH MSW COMBUSTER ASH - TRUCKS WITH ASH FOR FINAL DISPOSAL IN CELL 4 Dakota County, Minnesota 75704-3063(034)GN-B0003 MAY 09/2014 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2013-93 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE INTERIM USE PERMIT AND ATTACHMENTS INCLUDING THE DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENT TO SKB ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. FOR THE OPERATION OF A WASTE FACILITY. WHEREAS,the City of Rosemount received an application from SKB Environmental,Inc. (SKB) for the approval of an Interim Use Permit (IUP) to expand their waste facility located at 13425 Courthouse Boulevard,Rosemount,Minnesota;and WHEREAS, the IUP will allow the disposal of industrial waste,municipal solid waste (MSW) incinerator ash,and construction and demolition debris and the operation of a recycling and transfer facility handling the previously mentioned wastes along with MSW;and WHEREAS, on August 27 and September 10,2013,the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing to review the IUP application from SKB to expand their waste facility;and WHEREAS,the Planning Commission adopted a motion recommending that the City Council approve the IUP for SKB subject to the conditions in the Interim Use Permit Reissuance to SKB, Inc. Minnesota Industrial Containment Facility (Exhibit A);and WHEREAS,the City,serving as the responsible governmental unit(RGU), conducted an environmental assessment worksheet(EAW) and determined that no addition environmental review is needed for the expansion of the waste facility;and WHEREAS,on November 19,2013, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendation, the EAW,and the IUP for SKB. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the IUP and attachments,including the Development Commitment,for SKB to expand their waste facility located at 13425 Courthouse Boulevard,Rosemount,Minnesota,subject to the conditions in the Interim Use Permit Reissuance to SKB, Inc. Minnesota Industrial Containment Facility (Exhibit A). ADOPTED this 19th day of November, 2013 by the City Council of the City of 'osemount. /it _ JL William H. Droste,Mayor : Amy Domeier, City Clerk INTERIM USE PERMIT AGREEMENT REISSUANCE to SKB,INC. MINNESOTA INDUSTRIAL CONTAINMENT FACILITY THIS AGREEMENT, is made this day of , 2013 by and between SKB Environmental Inc. (hereinafter "SKB") and the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corporation(hereinafter the "City"). 1. Interim Use Permit. SKB assumed the obligations of an Interim Use Permit (IUP) originally granted by the City on March 19, 1992 (Resolution 2000-29) for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the Minnesota Industrial Containment Facility (MICF). The execution of this Agreement by the parties shall constitute approval and reissuance of the IUP by the City subject to the provision of this Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the reissued IUP, as amended. Compliance with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Permit No. SW-383, dated March 2013 (MPCA Permit) as renewed and amended, and Dakota County Solid Waste License associated with SW-383 (DC License) as renewed and amended, which are incorporated herein by reference, and conformance with the application of SKB to the City as amended by the plan for finished design approved by the MPCA and Dakota County, are conditions of the IUP. This IUP is issued by the City in accordance with Ordinance B, City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance, adopted September 19,1996, as amended, including Section 11.3. 2. Term. The MICF Permit Renewal Application for Permit No. 383 Minnesota Industrial Containment Facility, prepared by Conestoga Rovers and Associates, dated April 2013, (the "MICF Permit Application") and revised plan sheets dated March, 2013 in response to the Planning Commission review, details the revised design, construction, operation, closure, corrective actions, and revisions thereto, and financial assurances for a six cell non-hazardous industrial waste containment and construction and demolition facility, with an anticipated operating life of forty (40) years. Construction, operation, and closure of the individual cells will be phased throughout the operating life of the facility. Consistent with the term of MPCA Permit and the provisions of Ordinance B, this IUP is valid for five years from the effective date of this agreement, or until terminated or amended by the City. Prior to expiration of the IUP, or to apply for an amended IUP, SKB shall request that the City review and reissue the IUP. To avoid possible termination of the IUP at the time the IUP expires, an application for reissuance of the permit must be submitted no later than 180 calendar days before the expiration date of the permit. The reissuance of the IUP may, at the option of the City, be approved without modification to this Agreement, or the City may require SKB to modify this Agreement. 3. MICF Description. MICF is located on property legally described on attached Exhibit A. The 236-acre site is located between TH55 and 140th Street East, lying easterly of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad. The location of MICF is illustrated on attached Exhibit B. MICF consists of six (6) containment cells, each occupying a surface area and waste volume capacity as follows: (a) Cell 1 contains 5.1 acres and 341,454 cubic yards; (b) Cell 2 contains 17.1 acres and 1,458,507 cubic yards; (c) Cell 3 contains 39.4 acres and 10,592,188 cubic yards; and (d) Cell 3M contains 158,300 cubic yards; and (e) Cell 4 contains 12.5 acres and 2,648,950 cubic yards; and (1) Cell 5 contains 41.2 acres and 7,490,591 cubic yards; and (g) Cell 6 contains 51.8 acres and 12,659,927 cubic yards. The anticipated operating life of MICF is (40) years based on a total capacity of 35,191,617 cubic yards. The facility also consists of an office/laboratory building, a container management building, rail and truck unloading facilities, leachate storage tanks and on-site stormwater retention areas. The general site plan is illustrated on attached Exhibit C. This Agreement allows for the construction and maintenance of all the roadways, railways, buildings, leachate storage tanks, stormwater retention structures, sanitary sewer, berming, landscaping, and other ancillary components of MICF. Such construction and maintenance is subject to the provisions of this Agreement, compliance with City ordinances and issuance of necessary permits. Subject to the provisions of Section 14, this Agreement also allows for the construction, operation, closure and post-closure care of cells 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 and all related earth work and excavation, subject to the provisions of this Agreement, compliance with City ordinances and issuance of necessary permits. Wetland mitigation for filling 9.19 acres of wetlands has been accomplished through the purchase of 18.28 acres of wetland credit in accordance with the Wetland Conservation Act and the Rosemount Wetland Management Plan. 2 4. Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW). The City, as the Responsible Unit of Government (RGU), conducted on EAW in accordance with State Rules for the proposed landfill expansion to create Cell 6. On November 19, 2013, the City Council found that the proposed expansion does not have the potential for significant environmental effects and issued a negative declaration of need for an Environmental Impact Statement(EIS). 5. Design Plans and Specifications. SKB shall construct MICF in accordance with plans, specifications and procedures approved by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), Dakota County (DC) and the City. Landscaping shall be completed in accordance with the plan for finished design approved by the MPCA, DC and the City. Any exceptions to the approved plans and specifications made during construction shall be listed in the Construction Certification provided pursuant to Section 9. SKB shall not make any alteration or addition to MICF that would materially alter the method or effect of disposal without first obtaining the written approval of the City Administrator. 6. Tree Replacement. SKB has provided a landscape and tree replacement plan that meets the Ordinance requirement of 769 replacement trees. The landscaping and tree replacement plans approved are intended to serve as a guideline and not the exact location of all the replacement trees. The city recognizes that this plan may represent an instance where the total amount of tree replacement required cannot occur on site..In this instance, the city may,at its option, accept a fee in lieu of tree placement or allow the planting of replacement trees in public areas. Tree replacement is encouraged to happen on site as much as possible and replacement in public areas will be considered after the site has been revegetated to a reasonable extent. A revised tree replacement plan which includes some tree installation off-site must be approved by the City Council. Until approval of the revised plan the currently approved tree replacement plan of 2008 is in effect. 7. Quality Assurance/Quality Control. SKB shall construct, operate, and monitor MICF in accordance with the quality assurance/quality control plan(s) approved by MPCA. Any modifications to the quality assurance/quality control plan(s) require the written approval of the City Administrator. 8. Additional Construction Permits. SKB shall obtain all required construction permits, such as grading, excavation, building, plumbing, heating, electrical, and occupancy permits, in accordance with the adopted standards, procedures, and requirements of the City. All 3 construction permits for improvements identified in Section 3 and authorized by Issuance of the IUP are administratively issued and administered. 9. Construction Inspection. SKB shall instruct its contractors and subcontractors to contact the City at least two (2) working days in advance of routine inspections (building, plumbing, electrical, etc.) required by the City. SKB shall contact the City at least ten (10) working days in advance of the commencement of construction of liner installations, leachate collection systems, and final cell cover. During hours of construction, SKB shall grant the City and its agent, upon presentation of proper credentials, access to MICF for the purpose of inspections and enforcement related to construction. 10. Sanitary Sewer Connection. MICF shall remain connected to the MCES Interceptor. SKB will be responsible for all costs resulting from the sewer connection including, but not limited to,the City's engineering, construction,permitting, easement, and legal costs. 11. Construction Certification. Within thirty (30) days of construction completion, SKB shall submit to the City a copy of the construction certification as required by MPCA. 12. Soil Protective Cover. The City acknowledges the ongoing nature of soil cover placement and will not require notice for inspections. The City and its agents may make random inspections throughout the life of MICF. 13. Operations and Maintenance. SKB shall operate and maintain MICF in accordance with the "Operational Plans" (Tab 4, 2013 MICF Permit Application), MPCA Permit, and DC License. No amendments may be made to the "Operational Plans" without the written approval of the City Administrator. 14. Waste Acceptance. SKB shall accept reject, and manage wastes according to the approved "Waste Acceptance Plan" (Tab 3, 2013 MICF Permit Application). SKB shall not dispose of any wastes identified as unacceptable wastes in the "Waste Acceptance Plan", City Zoning Ordinance, DC License or MPCA Permit. No amendments may be made to the "Waste Acceptance Plan" without the written approval of the City Administrator. A. Disposal of Ash/Conditions. Despite the provision of Section 12 above, SKB may dispose of ash at MICF, but only pursuant to the following conditions: 1) SKB shall not use ash as cover over waste when fill heights exceed the height of the perimeter berm at the MICF. 4 2) During transport of all ash to the MICF, trucks carrying ash must be covered with tarpaulins adequate to limit dusting. 3) SKB shall take adequate steps to prevent dust migration from ash disposal at the MICF. SKB may utilize, but is not limited to, one or more of the following methods for dust control: a) conditioning the ash by addition of moisture; b) handling ash when wind conditions are calm; c) immediately covering ash with cover materials. All methods utilized must be in conformance with all other provisions of the permit. 4) Ash disposal at MICF must not result in leachate discharges to the Empire Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) that fail to comply with Industrial Discharge Permit requirements of the MWCC. 5) SKB shall submit with its annual report a summary of the quantity (in tons and cubic yards), type and source of ash deposited into MICF and shall provide an evaluation of the effects of ash on the chemical composition of leachate discharged from the MICF to the Rosemount WWTP. 6) Any ash disposal that requires an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) and/or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) shall not be permitted under this permit without first securing approval by the City Council following completion of the environmental review process. B. Petroleum Contaminated Soil shall not be used in the composting operation. C. Sewage Sludge used in the composting shall not exceed the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 Residential Soil Reference Values (SRVs) for perfluorocarbons(PFCs). D. The Industrial Waste deposited in the saddle area of Cell 3F/5D shall not exceed the contamination limits set in the Dakota County Solid Waste Ordinance Variance. 15. Recycling/ Transfer Facility. SKB shall operate and maintain the Recycling/Transfer Facility in accordance with Section 14, Tab 4, 2013 MICF Permit Application, subject to the following conditions: A. Any MSW brought to the recycling and transfer facility shall be stored indoors during the entire time that it is on site. 5 B. A vermin control plan for the recycling and transfer facility shall be prepared and approved by City staff that may include the plan being prepared by a pest and vermin control professional and periodic inspections of the facility by a pest or vermin control professional. C. The recycling and transfer facility shall be constructed of a minimum of 40%masonry for each side of the facility. 16. Wetland Mitigation. Wetland mitigation shall comply with the conditions and standards Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act Notice of Wetland Conservation Act Decision/Findings and Conclusions dated November 19, 2013. 17. Construction Plans. The construction plans shall be modified as directed in the Assistant City Engineer's Memorandum dated November 12, 2013. 18. 140th Right of Way. In recognition of the 2013 expansion, SKB will dedicate to the City a 50' easement from the existing centerline of 140th for public road and utility purposes. Until such time as the road is upgraded and expanded, SKB will be permitted to pond within the right of way as depicted on Plan Sheet CI-25 dated 10/16/2013. A right of way permit, which allows the approved stormwater encroachment until the easement is needed for road purposes with be authorized by the City. Upon determining the easement is needed for public infrastructure, the City will give SKB six (6) months notice to vacate stormwater ponding activity within the road and utility easement. Upon notice, SKB will be required to provide stormwater ponding on-site or make payment in lieu of ponding for off-site ponding to meet the current stormwater ponding requirements for the SKB development. 19. Personnel Training. All SKB personnel involved in the operations and maintenance of MICF shall be trained, qualified,and certified as identified in the "Operational Plans". 20. Incident Reporting. For any incident during operations at MICF resulting in emergency shutdown, release, explosion or fire, SKB shall notify the City's Police Department by telephone within two (2) hours of the detection of the incident; emergencies shall require immediate notification. SKB shall promptly furnish the City with written reports of the incident, as specified in the plans. 21. General inspections, Records, Reporting, Enforcement. SKB shall, during normal operating hours, grant the City and its agents, upon presentation of proper credentials, access to MICF for the purpose of inspections and enforcement of this agreement. Except for information 6 deemed privileged in accordance with state law, SKB shall allow the City to inspect written documentation pertaining to compliance by SKB with the terms of this IUP. Records pertaining to compliance at MICF shall include but are not limited to, operating records as described in the "Operational Plans", the "Corrective Action Plan", and MPCA Permit; inspection records; monitoring, investigation and modeling data; personnel training records, reports and plans required by regulatory agencies; correspondence with regulatory agencies; and records and correspondence regarding waste characterization, evaluation, management, inspection and acceptance/rejection. All information obtained during the course of inspections shall be used solely by the City or its agents for matters pertaining to this IUP. SKB shall simultaneously submit to the City an electronic copy of annual reports required to be submitted to the MPCA, Dakota County, and any other governmental regulatory agencies, unless such submission is waived in writing by the City Administrator. 22. Contingency Actions. SKB shall implement contingency and/or corrective actions as specified in the permit application and MPCA Permit and DC License. SKB shall furnish the City with a copy of the remedial measures report or remedial measures plan, according to the timetable specified in MPCA Permit. No amendments may be made to the Corrective Action Plan" or the "Postclosure Contingency Action Plan" without the written approval of the City Administrator. 23. Monitoring/Reporting. SKB shall monitor MICF in accordance with MPCA Permit.Nothing shall be construed to prevent SKB from exceeding MPCA Permit requirements. 24. Closure. SKB shall close MICF in accordance with the Requirements of MPCA Permit. SKB shall notify the City at least ten (10) working days prior to the date closure activities for each cell are scheduled to begin. SKB shall notify the City at least ninety(90)days prior to the date final closure activities for MICF are scheduled to begin. Upon completion of closure of a cell or MICF, SKB shall notify the City to provide the opportunity for a final inspection. A copy of the closure certification and supporting documentation that is required by MPCA Permit shall be submitted to the City upon submittal to the MPCA. No amendment may be made to the "Closure Plan" (Tab 5, 2013 MICF Permit Application), as amended by Exhibit E of this Agreement, without the written approval of the City Administrator. 7 25. Postclosure. SKB shall provide postclosure care of MICF in accordance with the requirements of MPCA Permit. No amendments may be made to the "Postclosure Plan" (Tab 5, 2013 MICF Permit Application)without the written approval of the City Administrator. 26. Financial Assurances. SKB shall comply with the financial assurance requirements of the MPCA and DC. No reduction in the financial assurance requirements may be made without the written approval of the City Administrator. 27. Development Commitment. The provisions of the Development Commitment, approved by the City Council on November 19, 2013 are incorporated by reference as conditions of the IUP and attached as Exhibit D. The provisions of this Section and Section 11 of Exhibit D shall survive the termination of the Agreement and shall remain in effect for one year following closure of the MICF. Notwithstanding any provision of Section 2 of this Agreement, the City will not require any amendment of the Development Commitment for 15 years from the date of this Agreement, unless there are material differences in the operation at the landfill that negatively affects the municipal revenues as contemplated in this agreement. 28. Responsibility for Costs. SKB and the City agree to fund the out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the City in the review and issuance of the reissued IUP, according to the provisions of the Development Commitment. Costs incurred by the City for ongoing monitoring of the operation of MICF and administration of the IUP shall be paid by the City. Notwithstanding any provision of Section 2 of this Agreement, the City will not require any amendment of the Development Commitment for 15 years from the date of this Agreement, , unless there are material differences in the operation at the landfill that negatively affects the municipal revenues as contemplated in this agreement. 29. Hours of Operation and Traffic Control. MICF operations are restricted to the hours of 6: 00 a. m. to 8: 00 p. m., Monday through Saturday. The hours of operation may be amended to accommodate special projects by the City Council. The City Council may impose traffic circulation and routing requirements on the operation of MICF at any time it deems such requirements necessary or convenient in the public interest. Such requirements, which may include restricting trucks entering or leaving MICF to right-in and right-out turning movements to and from CR 42 and TH 55, shall be given in writing and shall specify the days, times or circumstances during which such requirements apply. 8 30. Indemnification. SKB shall defend, indemnify and save the City, its officers, and employees harmless from and against any and all claims, suits, demands, actions, fines, damages and liabilities, and all costs and expenses related thereto (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys'fees) arising out of or in any way related to MICF. The provisions of the Section shall survive the termination of this Agreement and shall remain in effect until final resolution of any and all of the various claims and actions made as defined in this Section. 31. Other Laws and regulations. SKB agrees to comply with all other laws, regulation,permits, or licenses that apply to MICF. 32. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid, such finding shall have no effect on the validity of the remainder of this Agreement. 33. Notice of Violation. Notice of violation of any provision of the IUP shall be given to SKB by the City in writing. Such written notice shall specify the violation and request that the violation be corrected. SKB shall have ten(10) days after receipt of notice to correct the violation. Upon evidence that the health, safety, and welfare of the public is not in jeopardy and upon evidence of diligent cooperation by SKB to correct the violation, the City Administrator may agree in writing to extend the ten-day period. 34. Termination. This IUP shall terminate on the happening of any of the following events,whichever first occurs: (1) Five (5)years effective date of this agreement; (2) Upon change in the City's zoning regulation that renders the use nonconforming; (3) By the City Council (Council) for violation of any provisions of the IUP, in accordance with the following procedures: Termination shall not occur earlier than ten (10)working days from the time the written notice of termination is served on SKB or, if a hearing is requested, until written notice of the Council action has been served on SKB. Notice to SKB shall be served personally or by registered or certified mail at the address designated in the IUP. Such written notice of termination, the nature of the violation or violations constituting the basis for the termination, the facts that support the conclusion that a violation or violations has occurred and a statement that if SKB desires to appeal, it must within ten (10) working days, exclusive of the day of service, file a request for a 9 hearing. The hearing request shall be in writing stating the grounds for appeal and be served personally or by registered or certified mail on the City by midnight of the tenth (10th) working day following service. Following receipt of a request for a hearing, the City shall set a time and a place for the hearing. HEARINGS: A. If SKB properly requests a hearing on termination of the IUP, such hearing shall be held before the Council, or a hearing examiner as provided below, and shall be open to the public. B. Unless an extension of time is requested by SKB in writing directed to the City and is granted, the hearing will be held no later than forty-five (45) calendar days after the date of service of request for a hearing, exclusive of the date of such service. In any event, such hearing shall be held no later than sixty (60) calendar days after the date of service of request for a hearing, exclusive of the date of such service. C. The city shall mail notice of the hearing to SKB at least fifteen(15) working days prior to the hearing. Such notice shall include a statement of time,place, and nature of hearing. D. Hearing Examiner. The Council may by resolution appoint an individual,to be known as the hearing examiner, to conduct the hearing and to make findings of fact, conclusions, and recommendations to the Council. The hearing examiner shall submit the findings of fact, conclusions and recommendations to the Council in written report, and the Council may adopt,modify, or reject the report. E. Conduct of the Hearing. SKB may be represented by counsel. The City, SKB, and additional parties, as determined by the Council or hearing examiner, in that order, shall present evidence. All testimony shall be sworn under oath. All parties shall have full opportunity to respond to and present evidence, cross examine witnesses, and present argument. The Council or hearing examiner may also examine witnesses. F. The City shall have the burden of proving its position by a preponderance of the evidence, unless a different burden is provided by substantive law, and all findings of fact, conclusions, and decisions by the Council shall be based on evidence presented and matters officially noticed. 10 G. All evidence that possesses probative value, including hearsay, may be admitted if it is the type people are accustomed to rely on in the conduct of their serious affairs. Evidence that is incompetent, irrelevant, immaterial, or unduly repetitious may be excluded. The hearing shall be confined to matters raised in the City's written notice of termination or in SKB's written request for a hearing. H. At the request of the City, SKB, or the hearing examiner, a pre-hearing conference shall be conducted by the hearing examiner, if the Council has chosen to use one, or by a designated representative of the Council. The pre-hearing conference shall be held no later than five (5) working days before the hearing. The purpose of the pre-hearing conference is to: (1) Clarify the issues to be determined at the hearing. (2) Provide an opportunity for discovery of all relevant documentary, photographic, or other demonstrative evidence in the possession of each party. The hearing examiner or City's representative may require each party to supply a reasonable number of copies of relevant evidence capable of reproduction. (3) Provide an opportunity for discovery of the full name and address of all witnesses who will be called at the hearing and a brief description of the facts and opinions to which each is expected to testify. If the names and addresses are not known, the party shall describe them thoroughly by job duties and involvement with the facts at issue. I. If a pre-hearing conference is held, evidence not divulged as provided above may be excluded at the hearing. J. If SKB fails to appear at the hearing, it shall forfeit any right to a hearing before the Council or hearing examiner. 35. Amendments. Any changes in the provisions of this Agreement requested by SKB require the express written consent of the City. The City may at its option impose addition requirements for the IUP when changes or amendments in waste management rules, laws, or technology are in the best interest of public health, safety, and welfare, or if there are changes in the MPCA Permit or DC License. The procedure to amend the IUP shall be the same as the procedure required to issue the IUP. 11 36. Enforcement. SKB shall reimburse the City for its reasonable costs (including without limitation engineering and legal fees) incurred in the enforcement of the IUP, that results in a City Council decision to terminate the IUP. Payment of these costs will be in addition to the City Service Charge,provided for in the Development Commitment. 37. Interpretation. In any challenge of the provisions of this Agreement, the interpretation of the provisions shall be liberally construed to protect the public health, safety, and welfare. 38. Assignment. The IUP is not assignable or transferable without the express written consent of the City. In the event an assignment of the IUP is proposed, the City may at its option impose additional requirements to this Agreement or may require a new agreement. 39. Notice. Notices given pursuant to this Agreement shall be personally delivered or sent by certified mail to City of Rosemount, 2875 145th St. W., Rosemount, Minnesota 55068- 0510 and to SKB, Inc., 13425 Courthouse Boulevard, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068. All notices shall be effective upon receipt. 40. Recording. This Agreement shall run with the subject land and may be recorded in the Dakota County Recorder's Office. SKB ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. By: Its: Andby: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2013, by and , the and respectively,of SKB Environmental,Inc.,a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public 12 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By: Its: Mayor And by: Its: Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2013, by William Droste and Amy Domeier,the Mayor and Clerk, respectively,of the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corporation,on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public 13 N9 Ramon Date M ST MH-1 0 ISSUED FOR PERMIT APPLICATION RENEWAL 03/29/13 CR Ara 24': ; c175 24 HDPE PIPE(103 LF)/ INV=873.03'03 f L ::) I LEGEND:eh � ; \ ti,,• T `-/ � :•_-_ � ,/P (3)38'0 CULVERT(10 Lf)m v -874.0a f N INV 877.07 = DUSTING MINOR CONTOUR APPROXIMATE LOCATION � `''''f7; " � ��;�� \ 5 INV=878.37 v` /; %`/ ,� ` \ X �° 24'0 HOPE CULVERT(80 LF)✓ '-'. = PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR / I I :‘,/?.r / �,\, '\, SE INV=678 07 24'0 HDPE CULVERT(210 LF) . 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CONESTOGA-ROVERS&ASSOCIATES \ ` \ 24.0 HOOPS CULVERT 60 LF ,I ' 12'0 HOPE PIPE(30 LF) \ \ \ ( ) \ 24'0 HDPE CULVERT(120 LF) BASIN p8A ® NINV=62623' W INV=823A0' :84e N IN1/=8 INV 00 `� �' S INV=856.23'OAOSSING® OVERNV 2903' \ 3DO ® f iE::=829.10 r �� P=4.Mww9er: Dre:X 4' CONTRO STRUCTURE \ © \�"~IM•INV (INLET ATE) \ 'w INV \ \ Da+\ ® 027 CI-07 75709-4000(027)GH3U018 MAR 27/2013 , , . 0 0 0 0 ISSUED FOR PERMIT APPUCATION RENEWAL war. SP , -■., OVERHANG 7/ 0 0 'r 1 --/ D-5S2 D-5D 0 ,/ <.... ,....,„/ / .-4'--------'' ,-9--- -- 7 < 0 lAW---113—.0— EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR 1 i -830- PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR * 1 -822- PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR ,/ irk ( Nor PAVED PAD , \%, 4 4 \,. ./' •. '..... 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RECYCLING/TRANSFER FACILITY(FLOOR PLAN) NTS DRAWING STATUS , ''I a- / 4.q9,04 NTS CI-23 ll'iii="1.'se 17= /r '/, A , c7"Lw"I''"'".E. 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 Statue Dete WWI,,, , `,:=4 : : i E i r: : fi.f.ff&:`E: , ,..:.:+,,,, c' .:: "----- 1 ' 1- -..i..°..I....;.sq.ars-- ---- n_r ---- '"""' . DRAWINGS FOR PERMIT , ...'.....2....... .....,F.—.0 APPLICATION RENEWAL ..---•=7"1-N el Ifl El a ID r „ n t -47-7- ..... -T ..„.„„...„,,,,, _ ,1-- ._., —Aar SKB ROSEMOUNT LANDFILL ,-- ii/UTH ELEVATION RECYCLING/TRANSFER WEST ELEVATION .. \ FACILITY PLAN 0 ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? ? ? , . ----------------- must ROOF I CLg' IL,_ E E__ E I EL'Et ili E E `'.' il E ii `,('. :°, i',:' . Zi, '2: L' E I —4;,--4:: ,,, __.,,_ , , , 0 __------- ,-::'., - -,-.4i.;13•77-7777. CO CONESTOGA-ROVERS&ASSOCIATES -1TV'--- LI-M<_.,,.R. -. Ir Xi'GUTI1911,01. In MaTrior-N, 1 M I 0 Source Rekteoce. '-'2ill '1TE n - '-rt°1 1 t 4'4. :1:1311 — tr,......ztrAir rr„,t.";.;;;s, =1,....zizzw =,=z-:,..-- :I.:.—..c...- rnr.v.rz=" ...---sw--- NOTE _Z-I 21,20 OVIMEAD OCCR OA 2UCKWEILER Ft.FRENNER EAST ELEVATION Mtlet?".111::::3711■12:474= ZOI,RTH ELEVATION PRIOR TO BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. 555 75704-3063 027 CI-23 1 4ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: May 21, 2014 TO: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner CC: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Andrew Brotzler, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Christine Watson, Public Works Coordinator FROM: Phil Olson, Assistant City Engineer RE: SKB Building Expansion Engineering Review SUBMITTAL: Prepared by Conestoga-Rovers, the SKB Rosemount Recycling/Transfer Facility Site plans are dated March 24, 2014 and revised May 9, 2014. Engineering review comments were generated from the following documents included in the submittal: • Site Plan and Traffic Patterns • Stormwater Calculations SITE PLAN COMMENTS: 1. The NPDES permit is the responsibility of the owner/contractor. Documentation of permit acquisition shall be forwarded to the City prior to issuance of a building permit. 2. An erosion control plan should be submitted for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. 3. The hydraulic calculations demonstrate retention of the 100-year storm event on the ash loading/unloading pad assuming less than 50% clogging in the sanitary sewer outlet pipe. A secondary berm is proposed to contain runoff in the event that the trench drain clogs. The combination of the secondary berm and ash loading/unloading pad are proposed to retain the 100-year storm event if the drain completely clogs. 4. Figure 4 shows jersey barriers near the primary loading area. The barriers appear to separate traffic but do not restrict traffic from driving on the trench drain. The barriers can be movable to allow flexibility with operations the standard layout of the jersey barriers should protect the trench drain. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the items listed above,please contact me at 651-322-2015. EXCERPT OF DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING COMIMISSION MEETING MAY 27, 2014 5.a. Request by SKB Environmental for IUP to allow construction and operation of a recycling facility on their site(14-24-IUP). This is a continuation of the public hearing opened at the April 22, 2014 Planning Commission meeting. Senior Planner Zweber presented a summary of the staff report in which SKB Environmental, Inc. (SKB) has proposed an 11,520 square foot building for Gem-Ash Processing,LLC to operate a non- ferrous metal recycling facility. The recycling facility will include a 4,200 square foot outdoor concrete pad for trucks to deposit the waste to be recycled. This outdoor pad is inconsistent with the 2013 Waste Facility Interim Use Permit (IUP) that included an indoor recycling/transfer facility. SKB is requesting an amendment to their 2013 IUP to allow for a recycling facility up to 14,976 square feet and a 4,200 outdoor waste depositing pad. The public hearing was opened at 6:50 p.m. The applicant John Domke of SKB, 13222 Downy Trail,Apple Valley,was present to answer questions. Chairperson Miller inquired about Section 4.0 of Operation and Closure Plan which stated there may be additional hours. Domke advised that while he anticipated additional hours of operation eventually this would not occur right away. Chairperson Miller inquired about the storage and marketing of recyclables discussed in Sections 7.1 and 7.2. Domke said he anticipated storing ferrous and non-ferrous metals such as copper, aluminum,nickel and zinc from the waste. Domke advised that Gem-Ash has an individual on staff to monitor world markets for selling the recyclables. Chairperson Miller inquired further about the on-site storage as those items may be subject to RCRA permitting. The rules state that 75% of materials must be recycled within a year or two to avoid the permit requirement. Domke said SKB is familiar with the RCRA requirements and didn't think this would be an issue. Chairperson Miller asked Domke about the acceptance of tires in the future discussed in Section 7. Domke advised that SKB may potentially accept tires. City staff had encouraged SKB to try to encompass some of these future items to avoid having to amend the permit. Domke stated there are metals and other items in tires that are currently landfilled that could be pulled to recycle. Chairperson Miller stated if tires are going to be accepted in the future Planning will need to review as it would be subject to permitting by the PCA and Planning may need to look at the Interim Use Permit at that time. Domke advised that SKB is already permitted to maintain up to 500 passenger tires. Geoff Strack,251 Starkey Street, St. Paul, Engineer with SKB addressed the tire storage question. Strack advised that those parts of the plan were included if this new operation ceases to exist. The facility was permitted through the City IUP, County and MPCA in the past to be a solid waste transfer station. SKB included those items in the plan as a fallback position if the new venture doesn't work out. There are no plans to run these operations simultaneously. They would use the new building as they had in described in the 2013 IUP. Miller stated that if a facility is receiving the tires in a landfill operation there may be some additional requirements. Strack advised that the permit language stated they were allowed to take up to 500 passenger tires. 1 EXCERPT OF DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING COMIMISSION MEETING MAY 27, 2014 Chairperson Miller noted that in Section 8 refers Minnesota Rules 7035.2845 Subparts 4 and 4b which he believes should be Subparts 3 and 4b. Chairperson Miller inquired that what the EAW study included last year. Domke replied that the EAW study included composting,recycling,ponds and runoff. Chairperson Miller inquired about the leachate discharge. Domke advised that SKB currently maintains a wastewater permit which is adequate for new building in terms of volume and strength. Commissioner Husain inquired about the size of the non-ferrous metals. Domke advised that the machines can harvest ve ry small amounts of metals that can't be seen with the naked eye. This type of operation is being used widely in Europe and a facility was built in Massachusetts about a year ago using this same technology and pulling out non-ferrous metals. SKB will use this technology to pull out the non-ferrous metals to be stored and shipped to market. Commissioner Husain inquired about the storing and recycling of tires by SKB. Domke advised that there are some markets for shredded tires but SKB has no plans to do that right now. The tires and other items from previous IUP are included as a fallback position as the plans are for the new facility to be used for ferrous and non-ferrous metals. MOTION by Husain to close the public hearing. Second by Kenninger. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 7:04 p.m. Zweber inquired about the discussion about reviewing the tires and future permitting because if those items stayed in the permit it wouldn't be addressed again until the 5-year IUP expires. Miller didn't think further discussion was necessary as per Domke,it was Miller's understanding that this matter would go through the appropriate permitting process with the PCA. Commissioner Husain inquired about the reason for condition number 7 regarding no recycling/transfer facility permitted beyond the building as shown. Zweber advised that there was no sufficient area anywhere on the property that SKB owns to install a second facility. The condition is added to clarify that this facility is being approved and no other recycling facilities are approved as SKB would need to demonstrate what they are taking away to build a second building. All of the rest of the land area has a purpose either in landfill, storm water management, offices or haul roads. MOTION by Kenninger to recommend that the City Council Amend Resolution 2013-93 Exhibit A Interim Use Permit Agreement to Approve the Recycling Facility/Transfer Facility, subject to the following conditions: 1. Compliance with the Operations and Closure Plan dated March 2014. 2. Compliance with the Appendix A: Section 14: Operations Plan dated March 2014. 3. Compliance with the Conestoga-Rovers Memorandum dated May 9,2014. 4. Compliance with the Recycling Facility Site Plan revised May 2014. 5. Compliance with the Interim Use Permit to SKB Environmental, Inc. for the Operation of a Waste Facility (Resolution 2013-93) not otherwise Amended by 2 EXCERPT OF DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING COMIMISSION MEETING MAY 27, 2014 Conditions 1 through 4 above. 6. Compliance with the Interim Use Permit Agreement Reissuance to SKB, Inc. not otherwise Amended by Conditions 1 through 4 above. 7. No recycling/transfer facility is permitted beyond the 114 foot by 104 foot building with expansion shown on Figure 2: Site Plan and Drawing A1.1: Proposed Building Plan. 8. When the recycling building is expanded to the southeast, the lower 17 feet of all the new walls will be precast concrete similar to the initial building. 9. Compliance with the City Engineer's Memorandum dated May 21,2014. Second by Forster. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. 3