HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.e. Preliminary Plat, Final Plat, Rezoning for Properties Associated with Anytime Fitness 4ROSEMOUNTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting Date: August 4, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Case 14-42-PP, 14-43-FP, 14-44-RZ, and AGENDA SECTION: 14-45-SP Preliminary Plat, Final Plat, Consent Rezoning for Properties Associated with Anytime Fitness with the property owner being KJ Walk, Inc. PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, A.I.C.P. AGENDA NO. Planner ATTACHMENTS: Rezoning Ordinance, Preliminary Plat Resolution, Final Plat Resolution, Draft 07- APPROVED BY: 22-14 PC Excerpt Minutes, Site Location Map, Preliminary Plat, Final Plat, Land Use Map, Zoning Map, Site Grading and Utility Plan, Site Plan, Floor Plan, Building Elevations, Landscaping Plan, Photometric Plan, Light Fixture Spec Sheets, Park and Recreation Director's Memorandum dated July 17, City Engineer's Memorandum dated July 17 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the City Council make the following three motions: 1. Motion to adopt an Ordinance rezoning Outlot G, Rosewood Estates from R-1, Low Density Residential to C-4, General Commercial. 2. Motion to adopt a Resolution approving the Preliminary Plat for Rosewood Center, subject to conditions. 3. Motion to adopt a Resolution approving the Final Plat for Rosewood Center, subject to conditions. SUMMARY Applicant: KJ Walk, Inc Location: North of County Road 42 and West of Biscayne Avenue Area in Acres: 14.9 Acres Comp. Guide Plan Desig: CC—Community Commercial Current Zoning: R-1 —Low Density Residential The applicant,KJ Walk, Inc.,requests preliminary and final plat approvals for the Rosewood Center subdivision along with a rezoning. The site plan was approved at the Planning Commission meeting on July 22. By ordinance the Planning Commission is the final action on site plan approvals unless there is an appeal. The preliminary plat subdivides the existing 14.9 acre property into six commercial lots and three oudots. Based upon the preliminary plat, the final plat creates one developable lot and four oudots (2 for future development, 1 for storm water management, and 1 remnant parcel). The applicant proposes to rezone the entire property within the Rosewood Center plat from R-1,Low Density Residential to C-4 General Commercial. The site plan approval reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission is for an approximate 11,000 square foot commercial building to house an Anytime Fitness and an additional undetermined user. The Planning Commission and staff have recommended approval of these requests subject to conditions. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION The Planning Commission held a public hearing to review these applications on July 22, 2014. During the public hearing, three residents from the neighborhood directly north of the subject property expressed concerns about noise, traffic, signs,lighting and screening. After some discussion, the Commission recommended the City Council approve the preliminary plat, final plat and rezoning and approved the site plan subject to conditions. The Commission added conditions to the preliminary plat requiring enhanced exterior materials and additional landscaping for future development to Lot 1,Block 1. The Commission also added conditions to the site plan requiring the applicant to demonstrate the trash enclosure will be made of the same materials as the principal building.Also requested were revisions to the landscaping and lighting plans to mitigate the site's impact on adjacent residential development and in the case of the lighting, to bring the site into compliance with ordinance requirements. The applicant has revised their plans to address these conditions,with the new plans included in this packet. ISSUE ANALYSIS Legal Authority Subdivision,rezoning and site plan requests are all considered a quasi-judicial action. In such cases, the City is acting as a judge to determine if the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance are being followed. Generally,if the application meets these requirements it must be approved. The applicable standards,along with staff findings related to each are provided below. Rezoning The applicant proposed to rezone the property within the Rosewood Center plat from R-1,Low Density Residential to C-4 General Commercial. When considering a rezoning request, there are four key criteria for the City to weigh. These criteria and staffs findings for each are outlined below. For your reference, attached please find copies of the existing Land Use and Zoning maps for the surrounding area. Based on this information,both the Planning Commission and staff recommend approval of the rezoning proposal. It should be noted that Minnesota State Statute 462.357, Subdivision 2(b) requires adoption or amendment of any portion of a zoning ordinance which changes all or part of the existing classification of a zoning district from residential to either commercial or industrial requires a two-thirds majority vote of all members of the governing body. As a result, the application requires a "super majority" or at least 4 votes for approval by the City Council. Consistency with Comprehensive Plan. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive 2 Plan. The subject property is guided CC—Community Commercial. In this case, the applicant requests rezoning from R-1 —Low Density Residential to C-4—General Commercial to facilitate future commercial development. The purpose of the C-4- General Commercial district is to provide a wide range of goods and services to the entire community. Due to their proximity to major arterial streets,businesses in this district are dependent on large volumes of traffic and need high visibility and good access. According to the Comprehensive Plan, C-4—Community Commercial is the appropriate zoning classification for properties with a CC—Community Commercial land use designation. This land use designation is intended to provide retail,professional offices, and personal services that serve the daily and weekly needs of Rosemount residents. Close proximity to arterial streets is needed for visibility while individual business accesses shall be provided predominantly from collector,local, or private streets. Traffic patterns within the Community Commercial district are intended to be served through frontage roads,backage roads, and cross-access easements that supplement the collector and local street network. Traffic patterns should also be designed to adequately serve automobiles, delivery vehicles,pedestrians and bicyclists throughout the district. Compatibility with Present and Future Land Uses. The proposed rezoning is compatible with present and future land uses. The surrounding present and future land uses are detailed in the table below. The proposal is compatible with the existing business park uses to the south and planned commercial uses to the west. The proposal is also compatible with the residential uses to the north and east;although consideration will be taken to buffer these uses through site design, distance, fencing,berming or landscaping(see site plan review below). Present and Future Land Uses Surrounding the Rosewood Center Subdivision Direction Present Future North Residential Residential South Business Park Business Park East Residential Residential West Vacant Commercial Conformance with New Zoning Standards. Overall, staff finds the proposed rezoning from R-1 — Low Density Residential to C-4—General Commercial consistent with the proposed subdivision and site plan. Further details about the proposed subdivision and site plan can be found below. Availability of Utilities. Both the CC—Community Commercial land use designation and C-4—General Commercial zoning classification require connection to city sewer and water services. City sewer and water are readily available to the subject property and the applicant plans to connect to these services. Subdivision Request Standards for reviewing subdivision requests are outlined in Title 12 of the Rosemount City Code. This section of the Code details the two-step preliminary and final plat process for land subdivision. In this case, the applicant requests the City review the preliminary and final concurrently. Preliminary Plat. The proposed preliminary plat subdivides the existing 14.9 acre property into six commercial lots and three oudots. This application includes rezoning the subject property to C-4— General Commercial. That zoning district requires individual lots to be a minimum of 20,000 square feet and 120 feet in depth. With the exception of Outlot B, the design of the preliminary plat conforms to 3 these standards. This application also includes a final plat for the first phase of this development and includes a one acre lot intended to house an approximately 11,000 square foot commercial building for an Anytime Fitness center and an additional undetermined user. Staff has some concern about the buildability of Outlot C and Lot 1 given the ponding size on the site and the existing easement for the outlet and pond. There have been discussions that the portion of these properties which is buildable, the north,may need to be combined with one of the adjoining properties to attain some reasonable use. The site plan illustrates the potential for shared access with the Anytime Fitness site.The applicant should clarify what the intention is in that area. As noted above,the Planning Commission added a condition to its recommendation for approval of the preliminary plat requiring enhanced exterior materials and additional landscaping for future development to Lot 1,Block 1 to mitigate the site's impact on adjacent residential development. Land Use and Zoning. The subject property is guided CC—Community Commercial and currently zoned R-1 —Low Density Residential. As noted above, the applicant is requesting to rezone the subject property from R-1 —Low Density Residential to C-4—General Commercial. Staff recommends approval of the rezoning and finds it consistent with the proposed subdivision and site plan. Streets&Access. Access to the proposed subdivision will come from 149`''Street West. The City constructed 149 'Street in 2013 to improve access in this area and promote economic development. This street segment includes three access points designed to provide ingress and egress to the properties in the south. The two accesses that are part of this preliminary plat are intended to serve the six proposed commercial lots. It should be noted that no additional access will be allowed between the eastern most access point and Biscayne Avenue. This subdivision will necessitate dedication of additional right-of-way in two locations. The preliminary plat currently illustrates an additional 25 feet along the entire southern boundary of the subject property will be dedicated to Dakota County as right-of-way for County State Aid Highway 42 (CSAH 42). In addition, the City of Rosemount will require dedication of at least 15 feet along the east side of Lot 6 of the preliminary plat (Outlot D of the Rosewood Center final plat) for a future right turn lane on Biscayne Avenue. The dedication for CSAH 42 will be required with the final plat for Rosewood Center while the dedication for the right turn lane for Biscayne Avenue shall occur as part of the final plat for Outlot D (see attached Engineering memo). Parks and Open Space. The Parks and Recreation Department has reviewed the proposed Rosewood Center plans. Comments regarding this development are detailed in the attached memo date July 17, 2014 and require the applicant pay a park dedication fee of$9,891. Sidewalks, Trails and Pathway. The City recently completed the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan with a goal of building on existing infrastructure to create a community where choosing to walk or bike is a safe, convenient, and enjoyable recreation and transportation option of all users. When designing and constructing 149"'Street West, the City included a 5' concrete sidewalk along the south side of the street to facilitate pedestrian access to future commercial developments. This sidewalk is directly connected to the rest of the City's sidewalk and trail system through the sidewalk along Business Parkway and the Trail along Biscayne Way. Engineering Comments. The Engineering department has reviewed the plans for the Rosewood Center preliminary and final plats as well as the site plan for Anytime Fitness. Engineering comments are detailed 4 in the attached memo dated July 17, 2014. Final Plat. The Rosewood Center final plat appears consistent with the preliminary plat and creates one developable commercial lot and four oudots (A,B, C, and D). Oudot A contains wetlands and storm water ponding infrastructure and is undevelopable. Oudot B is an undevelopable remnant parcel. Oudot C also contains a wedand and storm water infrastructure but includes a limited development envelope on its north end. Oudot D is planned for future commercial development. This final plat is subject to approval of the rezoning from R-1,Low Density Residential to C-4, General Commercial and shall comply with all terms and conditions of approval for the preliminary plat. Site Plan The purpose of a site plan review is to evaluate each project as it relates to the performance and site design standards of the zoning ordinance. Site plan approval is required for all commercial,industrial,institutional and multi-family development projects. While the Planning Commission is the final authority for site plan approvals,per the code, staff is providing background information for the Council's information.This will be the first project in the new commercial area of the community—east of Hwy 3 and site design and building will set a high standard for other, future users. The applicant proposes an approximately 11,000 square foot commercial building. Currently, this building is configured to house a 6,948 square feet Anytime Fitness center. The remaining 3,953 square feet does not have a specific tenant at this time but the applicant is considering a daycare use for this space that could also serve customers of Anytime Fitness. Standards for reviewing this application are outlined in Sections 11-10-3 (Site and Building Plan Review) and 11-4-14 (C-4–General Commercial district). By Ordinance,the Planning Commission is empowered to approve site plans and did approve this application at their meeting on July 22 subject to City Council approval of the rezoning,preliminary plat and final plat applications. Land Use&Zoning. As noted above, the subject property is guided CC–Community Commercial and currently zoned R-1 –Low Density Residential. This application includes a request to rezone the subject property from R-1 –Low Density Residential to C-4–General Commercial. Staff recommends approval of the rezoning and finds it consistent with the proposed subdivision and site plan. Lot and Building Standards. Should the City approve the rezoning and subdivision applications for Rosewood Center, the proposed site plan is consistent with the lot and building standards for the C-4– General Commercial district. These standards are detailed in the table below. Lot and Building Performance Standards for the C-4 General Commercial District Standard Required Proposed Front Setback (North) 30 ft. 35 ft. Side Setback (East) 10 ft. 10 ft. Side Setback (West) 10 ft. 79 ft. Rear Setback South 10 ft. 84 ft. Minimum Lot Size 20,000 square feet 1.05 acres Minimum Lot Width 120 ft. 174.7 Maximum Lot Coverage 75% 67.8% Exterior Building Materials. The proposed building is consistent with the C-4 General Commercial 5 district's exterior materials and building massing standards. In this district, exterior wall surfaces of all buildings shall be constructed of at least fifty percent (50%) brick or natural stone. The remaining fifty percent (50%) of the wall surface may be specialty integral colored concrete block (including textured, burnished, and rock faced block), tile (masonry, stone or clay),architectural textured concrete panels cast in place, or better. EIFS or masonry stucco may be used for the sign band areas and/or architectural accents totaling no more than ten percent (10%) of the nonglass,brick or stone portion of the building. Unadorned concrete is prohibited. In addition, any wall more than one hundred (100) feet in length shall be divided into increments of no more than thirty (30) feet through articulation of the facade. As proposed,the building will be predominately brick with rock face block,glass and canvas canopy accents. Each elevation of the building contains a slightly different mix of these materials and is detailed in the table below. C-4 General Commercial District Exterior Buildin g Materials Standards Elevation Re uired Pro osed Status Brick or Stone Block* Brick or Stone Block* North 50% 50% 60.2% 39.8% Exceeds South 50% 50% 59.0% 14.0% Exceeds East 50% 50% 50.8% 49.2% Exceeds West 50% 50% 75.2% 24.8% Exceeds *May be block or a mixture of the materials detailed above. The proposed building also meets the ordinance massing requirements. The west elevation of the building incorporates windows and changes in roofline and elevation depth to breakup up the view. The north, south and east elevations integrate block columns and glass windows to reduce the massing of these walls. Access&Parking. As proposed the site meets the minimum off-street parking requirements for properties in the C-4 General Commercial district. Section 11-6-1.H contains the off-street parking standards for the proposed building including fitness center and general retail uses. In this case, the ordinance requires 59 total stalls while the applicant's plans illustrate 62 stalls or 3 more than required. If a daycare use is introduced into the site, the parking requirement would be met as staff estimates that the retail parking standard would require more spaces than a daycare use. Off-Street Parking Requirement Comparison Use Size Standard Required Proposed Status Fitness 6,948 1 Stalls /200 Sq. Ft. 35 35 -63 Studio Retail 3,953 1 Stalls /1,000 S . Ft. 24 27 +3 Total 11,018 N/A 59 62 +3 The applicant's plan also demonstrates that the overall parking area conforms to the City's design requirements. The overall parking area is setback at least 20 feet from the front and rear and 10 feet from each side property line. In addition, the parking area includes asphalt surfacing, concrete curb and cutter, parking spaces that are at least 18 feet deep and 9 feet wide and a drive lane at least 24 feet in width. Pedestrian Circulation:As designed, the subject property meets the pedestrian circulation requirements outlined in Section 11-4-14.G.4 and the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. The applicant's plan illustrate 6 a 6 foot wide concrete sidewalk along the entire west (front) side of the proposed building linking all entrances to the existing sidewalk along the south side of 149`'' Street and onto the rest of the City's sidewalk and trail system. Landscaping. The applicant's landscape plan exceeds the City's minimum landscape requirements outlined in Section 11-6-3. Properties in the C-4 General Commercial district are required to provide a minimum of 1 tree per 3,000 square feet of land area and foundation plantings equal to 1 per 10 linear feet of building perimeter. A detailed comparison of the required and proposed landscaping for this site is provided in the table below. A condition of approval required the applicant to submit a landscaping security in the form of a letter of credit equal to 110%of the value of the proposed landscaping ($2,400). Landscaping Requirement Comparison Type Size Standard Required Proposed Status Trees 45,875 1 tree /3,000 s . tt. 15 15 Conforming Foundation 460 1 planting/10 linear feet of 46 55 Exceeds Plantings building Total 11,018 N/A 61 70 +9 After reviewing this site, the Planning Commission added a condition of approval requiring additional landscaping along the north and west sides of the site to mitigate its impact on adjacent residential development. The applicant has complied with this condition by increasing the number of evergreens for screening along the north side of the site from two to eleven trees (three on the west side of the access to 149'h Street and six on the east side of the access). In addition,the applicant has relocated four river birch trees from the southwest to the northwest corner of the parking lot. Signage. The applicant's plans illustrate a freestanding ground sign in the southwest corner of the site adjacent to County Road 42. This location appears to meet the sign standards for properties in the C-4 General Commercial district but must be approved through a separate administrative permit. In the C-4 district ground signs may be up to 100 square feet in size,20 feet in height and must have a decorative base made of materials that match the principal building. Wall signs shall not exceed 20% of the wall on which the sign is placed and must be individual channel letters at least 3" deep. After reviewing the site, the Planning Commission added a condition of approval requiring signs on the north and west side of the building to not be illuminated between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Exterior Lighting. As originally proposed, the applicant's plans failed to meet the City's exterior lighting standards for properties in the C-4 General Commercial district. These standards are detailed in Section 11-4-14.G.5 and are listed blew. • Lighting shall be consistent in character throughout the entire property site,in both design and bulb type. • Any light fixture must be placed in such a manner that no light emitting surface is visible from any residential area or public/private roadway,walkway, trail or other public way when viewed at ground level. • Light shall be directed toward the ground. Externally lit signs, display, building and aesthetic lighting must be lit from the top and shine downward. Lighting must be shielded to prevent direct glare. • The level of lighting shall not exceed 0.5 lumens at any residential property line or 1.0 lumen at any 7 nonresidential property line. • The maximum height for exterior lighting is thirty feet (30').The maximum height for exterior lighting within one hundred feet (100) of a residential use or district shall be twenty feet (20'). • All nonessential lighting will be required to be turned off after business hours,leaving only the necessary lighting for site security. Staff's recommendation had included a condition of approval requiring the applicant to revise the lighting plan to conform with City requirements. The applicant has submitted a revised plan that reduces the number of parking lot lights from four to three, moves the northern parking lot light 50 feet south to reduce its impact on the residential uses to the north and conforms with the 0.5 lumens requirement at any residential property line. Trash Enclosure. The applicant's original plans failed to meet the City's exterior materials standards for trash enclosures. Staff's original recommendation required the applicant to store all trash containers within a building or construct an enclosure consistent with standards. The applicant has complied with this condition by revising their plans to show the trash enclosure on the south side of the building (away from adjacent residential uses to the north) and having the same exterior materials as the principal building. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission and staff recommend approval of the rezoning,preliminary and final plat application for the Rosewood Center. The Planning Commission approved the associated site plan for an 11,018 square foot commercial building for Anytime Fitness and another undetermined user on Lot 2,Block 1 Rosewood Center subject to City Council approval of the rezoning,preliminary plat and final plat applications. In taking these actions, the Planning Commission added a condition to the preliminary plat requiring enhanced exterior materials and additional landscaping for future development of Lot 1,Block 1. The Commission also added conditions to the site plan requiring the applicant demonstrate the trash enclosure will be made of the same materials as the principal building and revise the landscaping and lighting plans to mitigate the site's impact on adjacent residential development. The applicant has revised their plans to address these conditions. 8 EXCERPT OF DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JULY 22, 2014 5.c. Request by KJ Walk for Preliminary Plat (14-42-PP), Final Plat (14-43-FP), and Rezoning for Anytime Fitness(14-44-RZ).The applicant, KJ Walk,Inc,requests preliminary and final plat approvals for the Rosewood Center subdivision along with a rezoning and site plan approval. The preliminary plat subdivides the existing 14.9 acre property into six commercial lots and three oudots. Based upon the preliminary plat, the final plat creates one developable lot and four oudots (2 for future development, 1 for storm water management, and 1 remnant parcel). The rezoning is for the entire site and site plan approval is request for an approximate 11,000 square foot commercial building to house an anytime Fitness center and an additional undetermined user. Staff recommends approval of these requests subject to the conditions outlined in the recommended action section above. Planner Lindahl reviewed the staff report. Commissioner Husain inquired what the status is on the gas station that was approved previously. He also inquired about the distance between the gas station and the Anytime Fitness building. Planner Lindahl stated that is about 350 ft. between the two locations. Commissioner Kenninger wanted it to be known that she knows the owners and has no special interest in the approval of this project. She inquired about access between Lots 2 and 3. She also inquired about what type of tenants can go in on the north side of building. Planner Lindahl stated that anything that falls within C-4 zoning and anything outside of that would have to come back before the board for approval. Commissioner Kenninger wondered if there is any possibility to add additional landscaping in Oudot A. She also wanted to know how big the building in Lot 1 would be,doesn't seem big enough for much. Planner Lindahl stated that it would roughly be an 8,000 sq. ft. building. Commissioner Kenninger also inquired about the flexibility of the Anytime Fitness building. Planner Lindahl stated that there are many entrances and the space can be adjusted to tenants needs. Commissioner Kurle also inquired about the status of the gas station. Planner Lindahl stated that the applicant is present and he can speak to that. Commissioner Kurle also inquired about additional tree cover in Oudot A. Planner Lindahl stated that the elevation of the homes is lower than the proposed commercial properties and die current vegetation provides a good amount of screening. The City of Rosemount has installed a white vinyl fence on the eastern end of 149`h St where the residential property runs closer to the road. He also thought that when the approval of the gas station was passed they were requiring them to add in additional landscaping. Planner Lindahl confirmed that landscaping is to be installed once construction of gas station is complete. Commissioner Forster inquired about the parking spots on the east side of Lot 1,would the parking lots between Lots 1 and 2 be connected? He also inquired where access points to the business would be.Planner Lindahl stated that accesses on the far east and west sides of 149`h St are at the minimum and have already been installed. One or two more access points can be added as lots are developed. The western entrance would access the gas station and Lot 1, the eastern entrance would access Lots 4 thru 6. Planner Lindahl also reiterated that the change in zoning is to what is shown in the Comprehensive Plan from 10 years ago;we aren't deviating from something that has already been approved previously. The public hearing was opened at 9:21 p.m. Public comments: Joe Dangor, 14986 Brenner Ct, approached the commission stating his concern about signage and access to 24 hour fitness site. He thinks adding berms would help. He is also concerned that the commercial development will diminish his property value. He also inquired if the orientation of the building could be faced to the east instead of west. Kathy Keller, 14892 Brenner Ct, approached the commission stating her concerned about trash and traffic right now. She also stated she was unaware that a gas station is going in. She also has concerns about signage,noise and lights. She also thinks berms would help block the view from the residences. Trisha Dangor, 14896 Brenner Ct, approached the commission stating that she though the City of Rosemount was very prepared with their presentation. She would like similar landscaping to take place as neighborhood behind Cub Foods. She is also concerned about noise and traffic. She also wants to make sure that dumpsters wouldn't be seen from the residential areas. She also shared her concerns about the neighborhood kids living that close to a gas station and also not having a neighborhood park. She understands that the area will be developed; she just wants what is best for everyone. She also told us that her son said if he wins the lottery he is going to use the money to put in a neighborhood park. MOTION by Kenninger to close the public hearing. Second by Kurle. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 9:34 p.m. Planner Lindahl stated that the overall lot design is that buildings will be north and south, the area facing residential will have minimal exposure to residential property.There could be more landscaping where residential is closer to road and City of Rosemount has installed a fence on east side of 149`" St. The design of the commercial buildings is pushed south to increase distance from residential. Trash is proposed on south side of property. He also stated that the commission could ask applicant to increase landscaping to block exposure. The current building design will provide screening of parking. He also stated that he has already asked applicant to address lighting patterns. He noted that the attachment showing the front elevation the top image is mislabeled, should be labeled as west not east. He stated that if the placement of building was moved it would block access to Lot 1. He also stated that the commission could ask the applicant to provide landscaping on lot 1 to block the view of the Anytime Fitness building. He also stated that most likely businesses would want to advertise on the County Road 42 side of the buildings so there should be little exposure to the light from the signs and any signs facing residential areas would be subject to follow limitations. He also believes that when the building on Lot 1 is built it will screen much of Lot 2. He stated that there is room for compromise and the Commission could put in a condition on Lot 1 to provide landscaping to screen lots on Brenner Ct. Engineer Olson stated that if additional trees were planted they would need to be held against road He said it could be possible to plant a few trees to block view of commercial properties. He also stated that the pond will stay and there are no proposals to make any changes and there isn't a way to put in a park in Oudot A. Warren Isrealson with KJ Walk addressed the commission stating he worked with staff to come up with site plan that is several 100 ft. from houses. He cannot address specifics of Anytime Fitness building. He stated that the gas station is still going in but he doesn't have a date yet. He also stated that the gas station will stay on currently approved lot. 1. MOTION by Kenninger to recommend the City Council approve the request to rezone Oudot G, Rosewood Estates from R-1,Low Density Residential to C-4, General Commercial. Second by Kurle. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion approved. 2. MOTION by Kenninger to recommend that the City Council approve the Preliminary Plat for Rosewood Center, subject to conditions: a. City Council approval of the request to rezone the Oudot G, Rosewood Estates from R-1,Low Density Residential to C-4, General Commercial. b. Dedication of 25' of additional right-of-way to Dakota County for County Road 42. c. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memo dated July 17, 2014. d. Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Department as detailed in the attached memo dated July 17, 2014. e. Development of Lot 1 of the preliminary plat shall include enhanced exterior materials and additional landscaping along the north side of the site to mitigate its impact on the adjacent residential development. Second by Forster. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion approved. 3. MOTION by Forster to recommend that the City Council approve the Final Plat Rosewood Center, subject to conditions: a. City Council approval of the preliminary plat for Rosewood Center. b. Conformance with all requirements of the Rosewood Center Preliminary Plat. c. Execution of the subdivision development agreement for Rosewood Center. Second by Kurle. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion approved. 4. Motion by Kenninger to approve the Site Plan for Lot 2, Block 1, Rosewood Center allowing construction of an 11,018 square foot commercial building, subject to conditions: a. City Council approval of the request to rezone the Outlot G, Rosewood Estates from R- 1,Low Density Residential to C-4, General Commercial. b. City Council approval of the preliminary plat for Rosewood Center. c. City Council approval of the final plat for Rosewood Center. d. Submission of a landscape security equal to 110% of the proposed landscaping in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. e. Ground or wall signs shall be approved through a separate permit. £ Approval of a revised lighting plan consistent with the exterior lighting standards for the C-4 General Commercial district. g. Approval of a revised trash enclosure plan consistent with Section 5-1-3 of the City Code. h. Lights and signs along the north and west sides of the site shall not be illuminated between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. For the site in general, all nonessential lighting will be required to be turned off after business hours,leaving only the necessary lighting for site security. i. Approval of a revised landscape plan including additional landscaping along the north and west sides of the site to mitigate its impact on the adjacent residential development. Second by Kurle. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion approved. City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B- 239 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE KJ Walk, Inc THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled "City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance," is hereby amended to rezone property from R-1, Low Density Residential to C-4, General Commercial within the City of Rosemount legally described as follows: Oudots G,Rosewood Estates,Dakota County,Minnesota Section 2. The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount,referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled"Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount," shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning,but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk's office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and all of the notation references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this 4`'' day of August,2014. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this day of , 2014. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2014 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR ROSEWOOD CENTER WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount received a request for Preliminary Plat approval from KJ Walk, Inc. concerning property legally described as: Oudot G, Rosewood Estates,according to the recorded plat thereof,Dakota County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, on July 22,2014, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing and reviewed the Preliminary Plat for Rosewood Center.; and WHEREAS, on July 22,2014, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat for Rosewood Center, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on August 4, 2014, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendations. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Preliminary Plat for Rosewood Center, subject to the following conditions: a. City Council approval of the request to rezone the Oudot G, Rosewood Estates from R-1,Low Density Residential to C-4, General Commercial. b. Dedication of 25' of additional right-of-way to Dakota County for County Road 42. c. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memo dated July 17, 2014. d. Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Department as detailed in the attached memo dated July 17, 2014. e. Development of Lot 1 of the preliminary plat shall include enhanced exterior materials and additional landscaping along the north side of the site to mitigate its impact on the adjacent residential development. ADOPTED this 4" day of August, 2014,by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste,Mayor ATTEST: Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2014 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR ROSEWOOD CENTER WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount received a request for Final Plat approval from KJ Walk, Inc. concerning property legally described as: Outlot G, Rosewood Estates,according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, on July 22,2014, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Final Plat for Rosewood Center;and WHEREAS, on July 22,2014, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Final Plat for Rosewood Center, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on August 4, 2014, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendations. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Final Plat for Rosewood Center, subject to the following conditions: a. City Council approval of the preliminary plat for Rosewood Center. b. Conformance with all requirements of the Rosewood Center Preliminary Plat. c. Execution of the subdivision development agreement for Rosewood Center. ADOPTED this 4"' day of August, 2014, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk Site Location Map for Rosewood Center , r, - t 1Q L3OYSFNBFRRY CT _�i -.- • Z / v fI1 x _ J ' m y8r n _ Q O r i N„ i tiftENNER C• }� +t'1 1 v ,r Rosewood Center _N 1 i r 111 •I/' 151S CTW y / , R Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a legal document and should not be substituted Map Scale for a title search,appraisal, survey, or for zoning verification. Dakota County assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained in this data. 1 inch = 400 feet 7/17/2014 Land _ Plan ; RosEMOu PI T F A P AG Agriculture CC Community Commercial TR Transitional Residential PO Existing Parks/Open Space DT Downtown •AGR Agricultural Research MDR Medium Density Residential BP Business Park NC Neighborhood Commercial RR Rural Residential W HDR High Density Residential LI Light Industrial •RC Regional Commercial LDR Low Density Residential W PI Public/Institutional 4A GI General Industrial WM Waste Management O 147TH ST W `f r( RR BISC ` W _ L 1 CT i' B�V��� Z �o Z Z BOYSENBERRY CT m O BOSTON BOISE CIR €3RE R U C 149TH ST W 151 STCTW C,,x 06, x �O F Peth TAG1MCity1Maps\Depe rime nta 1 M.psC ommunityDevelopmennEnc%Rosewood Center and Anytime fitness\Land Use Comp Plan ttxtl.mxd iUUL eao00M cn ADA AVE w�>ppa AMFIE CIR ova CAMERO LN 1900008 :w°°3 . CAMBRIAN AVE -4 mm Z � g •? m'o g \� Cn a 000� � x O E m c `\ -- w j mm 00298009 OF ol �► \ / Q o AL OF Y. T 9 -"+ z .'/ ''' ',_!,• 20 obi o ' ' •� - ♦ 0 ��m m ?m An °e mo 0 O '�' OQVQ ` -C, 87 o olp cL CD / om3 U d N 2'0 'M 0 x z z n 4�'h"�ee I, 0 C-1 ti . . . . . . . . . . . fR o T-1 *-A L M z 0 z U) z 0 W, 0 Z 3.. 0 c gg j:a M ... 3 -n 0 w 0 M T T LA z cl)CZ)z 0, Fn, 3. (_ aN ND 0 Z;z U) R: .... m (1) B - 0 z 3 Amite FE Drawn By,AJS I Dab Comneab Anytime Fitness Checked BY: x ASSOCIATES R.L.MLAZGAR ASSOCIATES 162 SHADY OAK ROAD Z EDEN PRAIRIE,MN 55344 (p)952-943-8080 (f)952-943-8088 Rosemount Site Scale:l'=20' CIMARRON Cat.# Approvals SPAULD NG SERIES Job Type APPLICA11ONS * Area and FEATURES site lighting. �_ z,.TS 522.5 mm • Complements'Southwest Series' s,s / f / • IES Type II,III,V(square)and forward throw light distributions 171.5 mm w66.4.4 mm • Flat lens design L LL • 100w to 400w lamps In HIPS,and Pulse Start MH for design flexibility • All distributions are field-rotatable SO. 7.25" • Mounts on upswept,straight arms for poles or on wall bracket for a uniform 'sz, `mm 184.2 m y project look T- s.szs" • 5 standard,2 premium,and custom colors are available 143.91 1.625" L=RGS/CERT/RCAWNS 1— 2,9,mm • UL 1598 listed and CSA certified STRAWWAAN WALL BRACKET STRAXAFTAAM for outdoor use in wet locations. �311" 11.5 3" • U.S.Patent No.D556,935 I• IDA fixture seal of approval. For more detail,see PSG page U U s�" © 8.3 e.9 M }t 168.3 5" 211 5" c us V L UPSWEPFARM L WAU MOUMi UPSWEPJARM EPA=1,2/I'(single unit with arm) ORDERING INFORMATION ORDERING EXAMPLE:CR1-A-P40-H3P-F-U-D8-L Series Mount Wattagei Lamp Lens Voltage Color Options Source Orientation/Distribution SERIES LAMP ORIENTA170MIDISTRIBU170M OPTIONS CRt Cimarron H2 Horizontal II—hydroformed WBAD Substitutes Decorative Upswept Arm when WB H3 Horizontal III—hydroformed wall bracket mounting is chosen MOUNT 11113111 Horizontal III—Performance Series(Segmented) RPA2 Round Pole Adapter(21/4%31h") A Arm Mount Construction(6"straight rigid arm H4 Horizontal N—multi-piece RPA3 Round Pole Adapter(31/4"-3'/4") included&acceptable for 90°configurations) 11114P Horizontal N—Performance Series(Segmented) RPA4 Round Pole Adapter(31,1e"-41/2")AD Decorative Arm Mount Const(6"decorative upswept H5 Horizontal V(square)—hydroformed RPAS Round Pole Adapter(5") arm incl.&acceptable for 90°configurations) 11115P Horizontal V—Performance Series(Segmented) RPA6 Round Pole Adapter(6") Will Wall Bracket Const(includes Wall Bracket&6" F1 Fusing-120V straight arm unless WBAD option is chosen LENS F2 Fusing-208V which substitutes Decorative Upswept Arm) F Flat F3 Fusing-240V 0 No Arm or Wall Bracket(only order without arm or F4 Fusing-277V wall bracket when they are ordered as accessory) VOLTAGE FS Fusing-480V Q Ouad-Tap'-120,208,240,277V' F6 Fusing-347V WATTAGE/SOURCE V Five-Tap-120,208,240,277,4801' P1 Photo Button-120V PULSE START METAL HALIDE 5 480V P2 Photo Button-208V P70 100w(ED-17 Med base) T Tri-Tap•-120,277,347V' P3 Photo Button-240V P12 125w(ED-17 Med base) E 50 Hz 220/240V P4 Photo Button-277V P15 150w(ED-28 Mog base) 0 No Ballast P6 Photo Button-347V P17 175w(ED-28 Mog base) PR1 Photo Cell Receptacle-120V P20 200w(T-15 Mog base) COLOR PR2 Photo Cell Receptacle-208V P25 250w(ED-28 Mog base) DB Dark Bronze PR3 Photo Cell Receptacle-240V P32 320w(ED-28 Mog base) BL Black PR4 Photo Cell Receptacle-277V P35 350w(ED-28 Mog base) WH White PR5 Photo Cell Receptacle-480V P40 40Dw(ED-28 Mog base) GR Gray PR6 Photo Cell Receptacle-347V HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM PS Platinum Silver QZ Ouartz RS with lamp S10 100w(ED-231/2 Mog base) RD Red(premium color) HS Internal House Side Shield sts 1 Sow(ED-23 1/2 Mog base) FG Forest Green(premium color) (available for H2,H3&H4 distributions) S25 250w(ED-18 Mog base) CC Custom Color(consult factory) VG Polycartionate Vandal Guard S40 400w(ED-18 Mog base) r Fwtmywirod for nrgn•stYabgawimoear�is•spac&d. L Lamp SELECT UNITS ARE STOCKED FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT. SPAULDING LIGHTING SHEET#CIM-SPEC-3111 ACCESSORIES CIMARRON ACCESSORIES CATALOG# DESCRIPTION SPEORC477OMS ARM-CR4;-S-XX1.2 6"Rigid Straight Arm ARM-CRD-6-S-XX'•r 614"Rigid Upswept Arm HOUSING Architecturally styled,one piece die-cast aluminum housing with ARM-CR-K-TA-)0V Tenon Arm(single)adjustable nominal.125'wall thickness.Low profile design reduces the overall wind ARM-CR-TK-TA-XX' Tenon Arm(double 180°)adjustable loading while providing a sleek,unabtrusive look which complements most ARM-CR-K-S-W, Adjustable Arm building architectural styles. CR1-PVG Polycarbonate Vandal Guard CR1-HS-23 Internal House Side Shield(H2&H3 distributions) DOOR Die-cast aluminum door hinges to housing and secures with two cap- CR1-HS-4 Internal House Side Shield(H4 distribution) CR-RPA2-XX' Round Pole Adapter for Straight Arm(2 tive screws providing four points on contact ensuring a clean lens and optical CR-RPA3-XX' Round Pole Adapter for Straight Arm(3'/4-31/4") assembly.Both the flat tempered glass and door are sealed with one-piece CR-RPA4-XX' Round Pole Adapter for Straight Arm(3r/a-41/2") silicone gaskets. CR-RPA5-XX' Round Pole Adapter for Straight Arm(5") CR-RPAS-XX' Round Pole Adapter for Straight Arm(6") OPTICS Multiple levels of photometric performance to be achieved via CR0-RPA2-XX' Round Pole Adapter for Upswept Arm(21/;-3'/A") tiered optic offering ranging from fully segmented to hydroformed reflec- CRD-RPA3401' Round Pole Adapter for Upswept Arm(31/4-33/4") tors.All optical assemblies to field rotate in 90"increments.All distributions CRD-RPA4-XX' Round Pole Adapter for Upswept Arm(3'A-41/2") to be IES full cutoff classification.House side sheilding available as either CRD-RPA5-XX' Round Pole Adapter for Upswept Arm(5") factory installed options or field installed accessoreis. CRD-RPA6-XX' Round Pole Adapter for Upswept Arm(6") WB-CR-XX' Wall Bracket MOUNT Two arm designs are available providing maximum design flex- TPLB-XX' Twin Parallel Luminaire Bracket ibility.The die-cast aluminum arm offers a sleek upswept look while the CR1-EHS-XX' External 3 Sided Glare Shield(not rotatable) extruded straight arm includes the housings contoured lines for continuity of I When Replace ordering wlN color specify Pole 06 for atforo Bronze style.A wall bracket and pole/tenon accessories are also available allowing 2 When orderiny polls,specify Pole Ori6 Paftero a2 Y P 9 easy mounting for virtually any application. TENON TOP POLE BRACKET ACCESSORIES (231e"00 tenon) (RSS version requires 4"round pole adapter) ELECTRICAL Energy efficient HID lamps up to 400w.Pulse rated porcelain CATALOG# DESCRIPTION sockets have spring loaded,nickel plated center contact.All units offer fac- SETA-XX' Square Pole Tenon Adapter(4 at 90 degrees) tory or field-installable photocell options and fusing. BETA-XX' Round Pole Tenon Adapter(4 at 90 degrees) TETA-XX' Hexagonal Pole Tenon Adapter(3 at 120 degrees) BALLAST HPF ballast circuit,starting rated at-20 deg F(-40 deg F for HPS). I RepWoXX with color choice,eg.:06 for Dark Bronze Ballast and other electrical components mounted directly to housing for excellent heat dissipation and long life. PHOTOCONTROL EQUIPMENT FINISH TGIC thermoset polyester powder paint finish applied at nominal CATALOG# Photocontrol DESCRIPTION 2.5 mil thickness.Prior to painting all luminaires and mounting accessories PTt.-1 Photocontrol-Twist-Lock Cell(120-) should be thoroughly cleaned with acid and alkaline cleaners followed by the PTL-B Photocontrol-Twist-Lock Cell(1 20-277V) M-5 Photocontrol-Twist-Lock Cell(480V) application of a chromate conversion coating. PTL-6 Photocontrol-Twist-Lock Cell(347V) PSC Shorting Cap-Twist-Lock LISTING UL 1598 listed and GSA certified for outdoor wet location applications. HEX NUT SQUARE POLE COVER LOCKWASHER FLAT WASHER GASKET POLE COVER POLE T THREADED R00 • • POLE COYER • CAST ARM 2.25 COVER R WNER WASHER FLAT WASHER NUT PLATE 675 .L LOCKWASHEA _ lJ CAST ADAPTER AflM HOUSING HEX BOLT •" • • ROUND POLE 3.5 (1� (3-HOLE PATTERN END) CAST ADAPTER NUT PLATE TO '•y NUT PLATE HOUSING 0.563 (4-HOLE HEX BOLT 0.675 PATTERN ENDI LOCKWASHER HOLE 2 HOLES SQUARE POLE FLAT WASHER A ROUND POLE SQUARE&ROUND POLES SCR R CURVED ARM MOUNT #2 DRILL PATTERN FOR POLES SQUARE&ROUND POLES Due to our continued efforts to improve our products,product specifications are subject to change without notice. SPAULDING Spaulding Lighting•701 Millennium Drive•Greenville,SC 29607•PHONE:864-678-1000 IRyTA��Lf�n'1 U�L11Lt\1� For more information visit our web site:www.spauidingiighting.com Copyright O 2011 SPAULDING LIGHTING N Rights Reserved CIWSPHi3/11 Prhrted In USA LA R E D 0 Cat.# Approvals SERIES Job Type LNC Outdoor Lighting SPECIFICATIONS PRODUCT IMAGE(S) Intended Use: Lenses: The compact Laredo LED LNC is designed for Full cut-off distribution;Ambient diffuser included, entry/perimeter illumination for safety,security and use for applications near enterances or locations identity.Typical mounting height is up to 12 feet where reduced brightness is desired. with 40ft fixture spacing(without acrylic diffuser) and 30ft spacing with acrylic diffuser installed. Installation: LNC-5L Photocontrol option is available to provide dusk-to- Quick mount adapter provides quick installation, dawn control for additional energy savings. designed for both recessed box or surface conduit wiring. Constntction: ` Decorative die-cast aluminum housing and door. Listings: Rugged design protects internal components and Listed and labeled to UL 1598 for wet locations, provides excellent thermal management for long 25•C ambient environments.Meets DesignLights life-60,000 hours minimum LED life at L90 rating Consortium(DLC)qualifications. LNC-7L With diffuser per IESNA TM-21-11.Powder paint finishes provide lasting appearance in outdoor environments. Warranty: Five year limited warranty(for more information ; Optics/Electrical visit:htto://www.hubbelloutdoor.com/resources/ LED: warr,3Dly[ Drivers are 120-277V,50/6OHz 5000K170 CRI Type III and Type M lenses provide wide lateral spread. • LNC5L—5 LEDs,12.6w,.11 amp max,820 LNC-9L lumens,Type III only DIMENSIONS • LNC7L—7 LEDs,16.4w,.14 amp max,1147 lumens,Type III or N A • LNC9L—9 LEDs,20.6w,.18 amp max,1460 lumens,Type III or M t 6;;; D CERTIFICATIONS/LISTINGS e F r li htin A B C D SP� DISIGNl1GHTS 9facts .81° 1.55" 8.22" 5.25° c us o soA. M T.W.T.W.Fdendrr (122 mm) (39 mm) (209 mm) (133 mm) ORDERING INFORMATION LNC-5L and LNC-7U9L (Order tree below) CATALOG NUMBER WATTAGE NUMBER OF LEDS VOLTAGE LNC-5LU-5K 12.6w 5 120-277V 820 60,000hrs 5000k 4.0 (1.8) LNC-5LU-5K-PC 12.6w 5 120V 820 60,000hrs 5000k 4.0 (1.8) 1 Acrylic diffuser accessory lumen output is 650 with increased uniformity in the Type III distribution 2 Projected per lESNATM-21-11 ORDERING EXAMPLE:LNC-9LU-5K-3-1-PC1 NUMBER OF r L 1 1 LNC Laredo 7LU 7 LEDs,up to 1147 lumens,16.4w 5K 5000K nominal 3 Type III 1 Bronze PC(X)t Button photo- Cut-off input,Universal voltage 120-277V 2 Black control,replace 9LU 9 LEDs,up to 1460 lumens,20.6w AM2 Amber(590 pm 4 Type IV X with voltage, 4 White specify 1-120V, available for input Universal voltage 120-277V 'Turtle Friendly"/ 5 Platinum 2-208V,3-24OV, observatory 4-277V applications (consult factory) 1 When PC Is ordered,input must match PC voltage 2 Amber LEDs only available on 9LU configurations HUBBELL WillIFFITRM6 Hubbell Outdoor Lighting•701 Millennium Boulevard•Greenville,SC 29607•Phone:864-678-1000 Due to our continued efforts to improve our products,product specifications are subject to change without notice. Outdoor Lighting 0 2013 HUBBELL OUTDOOR LIGHTING,All Rights Reserved•For more information visit our websfte:www.hubbelloutdoor.com •Printed in USA LAREDOLNC-SPEC 2/13 PHOTOMETRICS Catalog Number IES Report LNC-51L-Laredo LNC without acrylic diffuser 7LNC5LU5K.lES LNC-5L-Laredo LNC with acr lic diffuser D.IES LNC-7L-Laredo LNC without acr lic diffuser .IES 24' LNC-9L-Laredo LNC without acr lic diffuser .IES ® 16' 8' ® 16' 8' 16' 8' 8' 8' 8' .5fc 16' 2fc tic tic 6' 6 .5fc 16' 16' 24' With acrylic diffuser Without acrylic diffuser LNC5LU5KAD.IES LNC5LU5K.IES PERFORMANCE DATA PROJECTED LUMEN MAINTENANCE f VdV4101111 I 1 I III 11 1 III li 111 1111 5 TD' 5K 3 820 0 0 0 64 Lumen Maintenance 1.0 - 0.93 STD. 3 1147 0 0 0 69 Factor 7 (700mA) 5K 4 1185 0 1 1 72 1.Projected per IESNATM-21-11 9 STD. 5K 3 1460 0 0 1 70 Data references the extrapolated performance projections for the LNC-9LU-5K base model in a 40°C (700mA) 4 1460 0 0 1 70 ambient,based on 10,000 hours of LED testing per IESNA LM-80-08. Lumen values are from photometric tests performed in accordance with IESNA LM-79-08.Data is considered to be representative of the configurations shown.Actual performance may differ as a result of end-user environment and application. ELECTRICAL DATA LUMINAIRE AMBIENT TEMPERATURE FACTOR(LATE) I I 1 1 I I gaaLlaal"JiL"I ii • 1 I , I• I 1• I 0°C 32°F 1.02 5 STD.(700mA) 120 12.7 0.11 0.96 10.85 10°C 50°F 1.01 277 12.7 1 0.05 1 20°C 68°F 1.00 25°C 77°F 1.00 7 STD.(7OOmA) 120 16.4 0.14 0.99 30°C 86°F 1.00 277 16.4 0.07 0.81 11.31 40°C 104°F 0.99 120 20.6 0.17 0.99 50°C 122°F 0.98 9 STD.(700mA) 277 20.6 0.09 0.85 9.33 Use these factors to determine relative lumen output for average ambient temperatures from 0-50°C(32-122°F). LIGHTING FACTS lighting facts lighting facts fighting facts Light Output(Lumens) 820 Light Output(Lumens) 1147 Light Output(Lumens) 1460 Wafts 12.7 watts 16.4 watts 20.6 Lumens per Wan(Etfi cy) 64 Lumens per Waft(Effieaey) 69 Lumens por Waft(Efficacy) 70 Cdor Accuracy , 77 color Accuracy 73 Cdor Accur 73 . acy... ,w..w.Wrnw; r..•„gym.m.i.er e.r...,b.me. ..,....ay..,� ,.. ,,i°.m•i.w,a-i..,....r...... .....,.igm.y..=new.ro.e,.a.er a.r«r.s.a..e. HUBBELL ® Hubbell Outdoor Lighting•701 Millennium Boulevard•Greenville,SC 29607•Phone:864-678-1000 Due to our continued efforts to improve our products,product specifications are subject to change without notice. Outdoor Lighting 0 2013 HUBBELL OUTDOOR LIGHTING,All Rights Reserved•For more information visit our website:www.hubbelloutdoor.com •Printed in USA LAREDO NC-SPEC V13 p,a New Construction DATE: TYPE: DBXFIRM NAME: PROJECT: r D BXQC t Line Voltage LiteBox 611 'i `= `` `Incandescent Downlight Aperture: Nominal 6" AirShieldT" °- Ceiling Cutout: 6 7/811 IC/Non-IC Rated Maximum Ceiling Thickness:2'/2" 120V Featuring For conversion to millimeters, g multiply inches by 25.4 APPLICATIONS: INSTALLATION: • Not to Scale Suitable for new construction,whether or not Patent pending Pro-NailT'bar hangers with insulation is present,including residentially in integral real nail compatible with common a single story home or on the second level joist systems and materials.Joist alignment of a two story home;or commercially in tab for rapid and consistent positioning spaces such as offices,single story retail, and convenient nail removal features for • and hospitality environments.The DBX easy re-positioning. Integral snap-on T-bar complies with requirements for AirShield- grip-lock feature and rigid 24"telescoping applications. bar hanger design 150%stronger than AIR TIGHT REQUIREMENTS: conventional designs.Auxiliary mounting The DBX is AirShield"rated in compliance Points for additional fasteners or wire w suspension to structure.Bar hangers are with ASTM E283 and the Washington State Energy Code(W.S.E.C.). captive with positive extension stop and locking feature to fix position,and can be REFLECTOR: reoriented 90"to housing.Optional sheet Trims are retained by a spring shipped metal screw for steel construction with SBH with DBX and has a positive upward spring housing option. /e O action to ensure a snug fit to the ceiling HOUSING: plane,eliminating unwanted light leak,and s Galvanized steel housing with full wrap - sagging over time.Trims come standard with a aimed white trim rin around plaster frame.Housing adjusts P g. from'/2"to 2'/2"thick ceilings.Notched LAMP/SOCKET: mounting frame for easy alignment.Housing Porcelain socket with brass or copper screw includes knock out free integral Romex shell.Socket snaps into trim carrier to place clamps,overspray protection,universal J-box lamp in proper position ensuring consistent with snap-out sides,universal J-box with appearance and performance.Socket is snap-out sides,'/2"and 3 14"knock outs for shipped with removeable paint protection rigid or BX fittings,thermal protector,and cap.Thermal protector prevents fixture from a grounding pigtail. Removable K.O.for i overheating when improperly installed or remodel use(plaster flange clips required). over-lamped.Refer to trim for specific lamp Rated for 8#12 90°conductors(4 in/4 out). information.Lamps furnished by others. Removable housing for field inspection of 7'1/2 wiring.Pre-installed wire quick connects CM CM available by ordering DBXQC. Oo LABELS: IC and Non-IC rated.UL,CUL listed for damp location and through wiring. Thermally protected.Air Shield"rated. WSEC compliant. CATALOG NUMBER: EXAMPLE:DBX-TB60-G6 HOUSING HOUSING OPTIONS TRIMS TRIMS TRIMS TRIMS ACCESSORIES ❑ DBX ❑ SBH BAFFLE LENSED OPEN SHOWER OPEN ❑ G6 6"IC/Non-IC Screw bar hanger ❑TB60 ❑ TL60 ❑ T063WLI ❑T06 Ceiling gasket for 6" air-tight w/nail ADJUSTABLE ❑TBW60 ❑ TL61 L3 T064WLI ❑T060B line voltage trim.bar hanger ❑ TA60 ❑T661 ❑ TL62 ❑ T060C ❑ QC ❑ TA65 ❑TBW61 ❑ TL63 ❑T060G With wire ❑T662 ❑ TL64 ❑T061 quick-connects TAW65 onnects ❑TBW62 ❑ T062 WALL WASH ❑TW61 BF ❑TW61 WBF 'Indoor/outdoor lamp required. prescolite In a continuing effort to offer the best product possible we reserve the right to change,without notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not alter the function of the product. A Division of Hubbell Lighting, Inc. Web:www.prescalite.com•Tech Support: (888) 777-4832 LB-INC-01 1 TRIMS & FINISHES LiteBox5 DBX, DBXQC - Incandescent Note:All trims are 7s/e"O.D.except where indicated. Adjustable +C 41=0 Open Open Shower +0 T962 440 0+0 High-wattage black stepped baffle.O.D. 83/4"dia. TA60 Max.Non-IC Application:15OW T063WL White eyeball. PAR38,120W BR-40 T06 White open shower trim.Metal flange.Wet Max.75W PAR-30,65W BR-30 White cone. location approved. Adj.358°H x 30°V Max.IC Application:75W Max.50W PAR-30L +0 PAR30,65W BR-30; (31+0 Max.Non-IC Application:150W 'r'ft W.-s' +0 PAR38,120W BR-40,40W A-19 TBW62 TA65,TAW65 High-wattage while stepped baffle.O.D. T064WL Black(TA65)or white(TAW65)regressed 83/4"dia. 100 441W High wattage white open shower trim. baffle eyeball. Max.IC Application:90W PAR-38,85W O.D.81/A"dia.Metal Flange.Wet location Max.IC Application:50W PAR-30,65W BR-40; approved. BR-30; Max.Non-IC Application:150W T060B Max.75W PAR38 Max.Non-IC Application:75W PAR38,120W BR-40 Black Alzak reflector. PAR-30,85W BR-30. Max.IC Application:75W Adj.358-H x 30"V PAR-30,65W BR-30; �C Lensed Max.Non-IC Application:150W PAR38, 120W BR-40,4OW A-19 Baffle OdiO *0 Wall Wash Ct TW618f obO Black baffle wall wash. TL60 T060C Max.Non-IC only:60W A-19 TB60 Shower trim with dropped opal glass lens. Specular clear Alzak reflector. TW61 WBF m Slapped black baffle. lt, llic flange.Wet location approved. Max.IC Application:75W White baffle wall wash. C Application:75W PAR-30,65W Max.IC Application:50W PAR-30,65W BR-30; Max.Non-IC only:60W A-19 Max.IC PAR-30,40W A-19; Max.Non-IC Application:150W 3 Max.Non-IC Application:150W Max Application.Non-IC:75W PAR8, 120W BR-40,40W A-19 PAR38,120W BR-40,40W A-19 PAR-30,75W A-19 *0 O Open (cons.) ►++O TBW60 440 [► Stepped white baffle. TL61 Max.IC Application:75W PAR30,65W Shower trim with dropped opal glass lens. T060G BR-30; O.D.8'/4"dia.Metal flange. Specular gold Alzak reflector. Max.Non-IC Application:150W Wet location approved. Max.IC Application:75W PAR-30,65W PAR-38,120W BR-40,40W A-19 Max.IC Application:50W BR-30; PAR30,60W A-19; Max.Non-IC Application:150W 0110 4%mo Max.Non-IC Application:75W PAR-38,120W BR-40,40W A-19 PAR30,75W A-19 TS61 00500 440 Long-neck black baffle. Max.IC Application:75W PAR-301.,65W BR-30; T061 Max.Non-IC Application:75W TL62 White open splay. PAR30L,85W BR-30,IOOW AA Fresnel lensed trim.Wet location approved. Max.IC Application:75W PAR-301.,65W Non-metallic flange. BR30; 014O Max.IC Application:SOW PAR30; Max.Non-IC Application:75W Max.Non-IC Application:75W PAR-30L,85W BR-30,1DOW A-19 TBW61 PAR-30 Long-neck white baffle. Max.IC Application:75W OSO PAR-30L,65W BR-30; Oo►0 Max.Non-IC Application:75W T062 PAR30L, 1OOW AA 9,85W BR-30 TL63 White open trim.Metal Flange. Domed polycorbonate shower Max.IC Application:85W trim.O.D.81/4"dia.Wet location ap- BR-40/PAR-38 proved. Max.Non-IC Application: Max.IC Application:40W A-19; 120W BR40,150W PAR38 Max.Non-IC Application:75W A-19 O0*1O TL64 White albalite flush glass lensed trim.Metal flange.Wet location approved. Max.Non-IC Application 75W PAR-30,60W AA 9 060 Denotes AirShield"capability with DBX.Refer to www.12re5colite.com for photometrics. OUL used hr-1-no Web:www.prescolite.com"Tech Support:(888)777-4832 oil 1 701 Millennium Boulevard"Greenville,SC 29607 U.S.A.•Phone(864)678-1000 HUBBELL t� J L(� 0 I I I Copyright®2009 Prescoliro,Inc.,a division of Hubbell Lighting,Inc.All Rights Reserved Specifications subject to change without notice.•Printed in U.S.A.•Ul4NC-0 11•6/24/09 Hubbell Lighting,Inc. New and Existing DATE: TYPE: Construction FIRM NAME: _"I LB6LE DA8 L PROJECT: LED Downlight Module LiteBox 13W High Efficacy • Wet Location Aperture:Nominal 6" 120V See Housing Specification �� ht�il O RO S Sheet for ceiling cutout gfacts requirements !3 % Uo v-«m 1 re-�x Commercial Not to Scale APPLICATIONS: LENS/REFLECTOR: LiteBox LED modules are designed for All LiteBox LED modules are provided standard use in new construction as well as retrofit with a diffuse impact resistant Polycarbonate applications with existing Prescolite or lens for uniform illumination and superior glare competitive 6"housings using the screw control.Reflector powder coat finish creates base adapter included.lumen output and aesthetic ceiling appearance and visually distribution comparable to a 65W BR30 comfortable 55°cutoff. while consuming only 13 watts.ENERGY INSTALLATION: 00 STAR®qualified.Can be used to comply For New Construction:Use with Prescolite 3 5/8" with California Title 24 Commercial and DBX QuickLink LED housings.QuickLink IECC watts per square foot requirements. connector mates directly to housing connector Suitable for use with continuous room without a screw base adapter for compliance side ambient temperature up to 25C. Continuous dimming to 15%with most to California Title 24 non-screw base socket standard dimmers.(See Dimming Notes). requirement. For Retrofit:Use in Prescolite or other 6 1/8n LIGHT ENGINE: compatible 6"recessed housings using High efficacy LED light engine,3000K, 80+CRI,integrated with durable supplied screw base adapter. aluminum heat sink for excellent thermal Easy installation with(3)stainless steel spring management. 120V,50/6011z,powered clips(pre-installed). directly to AC without the need for a CERTIFICATIONS: driver.>0.9 power factor,dimmable cCSAus Classified for use in Prescolite or other to 15%with standard incandescent or 6"recessed housings including Halo,Juno,and electronic low voltage dimmers.Cycles Lithonia.(See page 3 for more details)Suitable at 120Hz output.(See Dimming Notes for wet locations.ENERGY STAR qualified.Can for recommended dimmers.)Output over- be used to meet California Title 24 commercial voltage,over-current,and short circuit with DBXQL. protection.System designed for optimal life and lumen maintenance(42,000 hours at WARRANTY: 70%lumen maintenance per TM-21). 5 year warranty Additional information on pg 3. 2 See www.prescolite.com for details. 7 3/411 CATALOG NUMBER: EXAMPLE:LB6LEDA8L30K WH TRIM LED COLOR CRI TRIM COLOR ACCESSORIES ❑ LB6LEDA8L J 30K J Blank ❑ WH ❑ LGIS 6"Litebox LED 3000 Kelvin 80+CRI White Dual-Lite 100 VA Surface Mount LiteGear Emergency Module with Lighting Inverter dimming to ❑ LG1R 15% 120V Dual-Lite 100 VA Recessed Mount LiteGear Emergency Lighting Inverter ❑ LG1T Dual-Lite 100 VA Recessed Ceiling T-Grid Mount LiteGear Emergency Lighting Inverter ❑ LG2S Dual-Lite 250 VA Surface Mount LiteGear Emergency Lighting Inverter ❑ DBXQL IC/Non-IC Airtight housing with supply wire quick connects prescoliteIn a continuing effort to offer the best product possible we reserve the right to change,without ABOVE AND BEYOND notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not alter the function of the product. A Division of Hubbell Lighting, Inc. Web:wwwprescolite.com•Tech Support:(888)777-4832 LB-LED-010 PHOTOMETRIC DATA Litebox LED - 61t LED Downlight Module ELECTRICAL DATA L96LEDABL Input Voltage 120V AC Input Frequency 50/60 Hz Input Current 0.1 IA Input Power 13.1 W Power Factor >0.90 THD <20% EMI Filtering FCC 47CFR PERFORMANCE DATACHART Part 15,Class B Operating Temperature -30°C to 60oC Single Unit,Initial Footcandles,30"Work Plane Ceiling Multi le Units,Initial Footcandles,30"Work Plane Nadir 10° 20° 30° to Floor Spacing is Maximum Over Work Plane, SMH=1 Dimming Yes' FC FC Dia ft FC Dia F FC Dia ft to Ift) Fixture Spacing f RCR 2 1 RCR 5 RCR 7 Over-voltage,over-current,short-circuit protected 42 39 1 30 3 18 4 6 4.0 55 1 41 1 34 'See Dimming Notes for more information 17 16 2 12 4 7 6 8 6.0 22 17 14 8 8 1 3 6 6 3 9 10.5 9.0 10 8 7 6 5 3 4 7 2 1 1 12 10.0 7 6 5 LB6LEDA8L30K WH LED Light Engine: 3000K 83 CRI System Wattage: 13 Fixture delivered lumens: 825 Fixture Efficacy:63.5 Spacing Criteria: 1.0 ZONAL LUMEN SUMMARY COEFFICIENTS OF UTILIZATION CANDELA ZONE LUMENS %LUMINAIRE Zonal Cavity Method 90° DISTRIBUTION %Effective Ceiling Cavity Reflectance DEG CANDELA 0-30 369 44.7% r 80% 1 70% 1 50%130% 0 520 0-40 550 66.7% U._ 20%Effective Floor Cavity Reflectance 75° 5 517 0-60 785 95.1% o� %Wall Reflectance 0 180 15 483 0-90 825 100.0% 70 50 30 10 70 10 50 30 50 30 60° 25 398 1 112 108 105 102 109 103 102 1 OC 98 9 35 285 3 97 89 82 7 95 81 85 80 82 78 5 84 74 66 61 62 66 71 65 69 64 45 185 7 74 62 55 4 72 54 60 54 59 53 360 55 92 9 65 53 46 41 64 46 52 45 51 45 45° 65 30 LB6LEDA8L30K WH Test No,2660998.7431 75 6 85 3 540 90 0 0° 15° 30° Test No.CSA 2660998.7431 Tested at 25°C Ambient in accordance to IESNA LM-79-2008 Tested in DBX housing Central Inverters For fixture full light output in back-up mode, Prescolite and Dual-lice have jointly tested the LB6LEDA with the 100(LG1)and 250(LG2)VA LiteGear inverters. For more information on LiteGear go to http://www.dual-lite.com/resources/litegear_luminaire_looding_chart/. NOTES Refer to www.prescolite.com for additional photometric tests(IES Files). Web:www.prescolite.com•Tech Support:(888)777-4832 4rescohte Pre—lie,Millennium Boulevard•Greenville,SC 29607 U.S.A.•Phone(864)678-1000 HU, Copyright©20Pre—lie,Inc.,o division of Hubbell Lighting,Inc.All Rights Reserved Specifications subject io change without notice.•Printed in U.S.A.•LB-LED-010•4/16/14 Hubbell Lighting,Inc. PHOTOMETRIC DATA Litebox LED - 6" LED Downlight Module DIMMING NOTES: LiteBox L136LEDA8L is designed to be compatible with many 120VAC phase control dimmer controls including Incandescent(Forward Phase)and Electronic Low Voltage(ELV-Reverse Phase)controls. LED rated dimmer controls may offer favorable dimming performance. The following is a partial list of known compatible dimmer controls: TRIAC-Forward Phase Controls Lutron Diva Series (Part number DV-600P) Lutron Skylark Series (Part Number S-600P) Lutron Ariodni Series (Part Number AY-600P) Lutron Faedra Series (Part Number FA-600P) Lutron Lumea (Part Number LG-600PH) Leviton Renoir II (Part Number AWRMG-MAW) Electronic Low Voltage ELV Reverse Phase Controls Lutron Diva Series (Part Number DVELV-300) Lutron Nova T Series (Part Number NTELV-300) Lutron Vierti Series (Part Number VTELV-600) LED Rated Controls Pass&Seymour (Part Number DCL453PTCCCV6) Incandescent Digital type dimmers are not recommended. Dimming capabilities will vary depending on the dimmer control,load,and circuit installation.Always refer to dimmer manufacturer instructions or a controls specialist for specific requirements. Dimmer control brand names where identified above are tradenames or registered trademarks of each respective company. COMPATIBILITY OF 6"RECESSED HOUSINGS: LiteBox LED modules are cCSAus classified for use with Prescolite and most competitive recessed cans(with "A"and "B"dimensions)including: Prescolite Capri Lithonia Commercial Electric Lumapro ;f Elco Luminaire J Emerald Nora Halo Progress g- 1 "A"=6 5/16 MIN. 7 1/8 MAX Intense Sea Gull A" µ "B"=5 1/2 MIN. Jimway WAC Juno lighting facts I fight 0ut-1 it urn—c 525 tu.•..n•o...w,n 63 cotta l4ccura�cy 93 NOTES 1.Operation in ambient temperatures higher than those specified will shorten life and void warranty. 2.Warranty is limited to repair and replacement of defective parts of the LED system and does not include labor or installation.See www.prescolite.com for details. Web:www.pr,sc*lite.com•Tech Support:(888)777-4832 ID *Ores e o I ite 701 Millennium Boulevard•Greenville,SC 29607 U.S.A •Phone(864)678-1000 Hu L Copyright C2014 Prescolite,Inc.,a division of Hubbell Lighting,Inc.All Rights Reserved Specifications sublet to change without notice.-Printed in US.A.-LB-LED-003-4/16/14 Hubbell Lighting,Inc. ROSEWOOD CENTER �'�- - - ------ - ---- O/UTLOT B -aC� TA ----------1��-----r-----� 1 I 1 i I I 3 �Y /�•� lml WT�/ � i i I i � �• 3an.63c .oR3 I i 1 i I i i ss /� �--I I 3m6 s6331u3` 3 � ' 1 � uT. %• � I 3oTS 3633 Y- 1 M8.]] lOT 11 I6>�33.AM 0. COURI +. i' I ounorc .um.Ru OUTLOT A ---._.-.----.-.--._.-._.-.-.-.----.-.--- '• ' PONDING i r' --__-__---------- - 1 i J N ------------------'------------- —•'�� —� I I I I I I o Sou 300 _,-- 6 6003...0,16..3,.300. •.R..M.55))6 rneM:9s:.u6.3:3o w.e—nW.R.wm B LQ K 1 R 1 I I R I I R I I 5 —� I _ _ I 1� w ------------� 4 ---- I 3 i --'J PONDING _" 1 ROSEWOOD CENTER I _,,,'_— — n I I I ROSEMOUNT,MN H A N I 33694 --------------- ------ ------------ -- ------------------- ----------/----------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------- COUN TY ATE S � For Review June 27,2014 PREUMINARY PLAT SHEET 1 of 1 OFFICIAL PLAT ROSEWOOD CENTER larsrlr4 I I OUTLOT B _ . 'a �.� •,,. VLe,VVV I 1\ i_J I,".TE... PS•^F1tk+119 Sj�\ ,ry".lV�— 1 wsvwe Tkk .3°i 1' I I N �c 1 OUTLOT A f r s WETLAND----- s ..... N ._._._.wi:.sAV.�v..�N�: S 1e In Feet �.� /� , 1 T I T% //♦ I v a"` �SS � a Po �d Una*c.IH�w000 ln.rzs. .a"^�n�!<N SjPE O">a�' / T (' I Nm X11, .w rz�,,,•... ...>.1.. P — 'X49 ),y,,• P wr OUTLOT C I I I n ✓ OUTLOT D �6i i i i s---------- L) J I n«w w r WETLAND ; BLOCK 1 Vicinity Map I i Ht N Section 29,Township 115,Range 19 Na Scale ____•�.__ ------ ' �__-„-�- Ate ” "'"• — , 1 I I STAT ,.0..,.•a•,r a.t••o�3sk9 a ` COUNTY I, •ssxa"" I i I __________________ _____________________________________________________________ ________ N I Southeast come,of the Southeast auaner south Iin,of the Southeast Quart.,of f SMio1,29,Township 115,Pane.19 I Section 29,Township 115,Nane.19 / IFOUm Dakota County pe Pail wIN tiskl I i ---------I--- I j SITE r SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS ANYTIME FITNESS OWNER,DEVELOPER&ENGINEER: KJ WALK,INC. 6001 EGAN DRIVE Ji100 SAVAGE,MN 55378 LUKE ISRAELSON,PE LICENSE No.51362 AT .EPEE f�.G i _ ... .__ - �EZnrvw N•osv i -N•EIW i�n:u�"� wwszzr FpIMtR}[ �E�W"-�•,yK \ N'Qa KPf a]oa / L___ I' K IENI�MI 1 1 1 1 1 9 BLOCK 1 N PROPOSED BUILDIN1 OUTLOT D - OUTLOT C 11,0055.F. 30 a SLAB ELEVATION=951.50 - — — — — — _ sz. aoazE,.a»,suzm,:.....M•ssszE za �urzu POND ••�^� •so so i „.EY.E. ROSEWOOD CENTER ANYTIME FITNESS ROSEMOUNT,M _ h^ •nz _�_--'--` For Review J --•.__-___--- _ ITE GRADING&UTIL ITIES SHEET 1 of 1 I Z x n ' I I i i i�wxo ii i n e y I I 55 yy pYgQ p I 10'd I I I i y� C p FF AAII Y 0 r,=AUf-1 OL Z T I 9I ^ Rx • F A A I N �y p-AL I I1 A I tyf fp�Il I � .Y ' III �� Y yxy7�pp 1 1 R i lfll i, 9 3 t�i��F IYx 11 1 3 aC �� A � ! ANYTIME FITNESS 'r �� �y �9: R t ass Rosemount, Minnesota r ;drip ik,! 0 0 �D 'Z Eli I'A-P I 1-- o - -- o -- I , I I 1 I 4 I I 11 1 1I - - I- - -----T------- L----- aY VVgii"' a �1 _Pa R 4 I I I I I qqve ANYTIME FITNESS Ns Rosemount, Minnesota � i Wif " 44 s C? Jam 111111 I KTIN A sy pal C AW A Al Iz! pt Iv lu pill > Y F b € X1 ANYTIME FITNESS 1 I I Rosemount, Minnesota 51 a ' > ilnsws AN�111E nw -•°IIU[1MTUMYItld n1H 0 I 9m Y ♦ Y Y� � - u d u ♦ � - - •7 $s z jig Y I - - - - �_ { ^ I l J ® I I NI O tll NI NI Jy tll Z � • +f � �I I tll I® �A T o•l NII A 11 ■{ 2 fi A Nil m ITI .1 r °♦ F ANYTIME FITNESS 3e !20 �, Rosemount, Minnesota 4ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: July 17, 2014 TO: Jason Lindahl, Planner CC: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Eric Zweber, Senior Planner Andrew Brotzler, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Christine Watson, Public Works Coordinator Amy Roudebush, Planning and Personnel Secretary FROM: Phil Olson, Assistant City Engineer RE: Rosewood Center: Preliminary Plat & Final Plat Review Anytime Fitness Plan Review SUBMITTAL: Prepared by KJ Walk,the Rosewood Center preliminary and final plat is dated June 27, 2014. Prepared by RJ Ryan Construction,Inc.the Anytime Fitness plans are dated June 24, 2014. Engineering review comments were generated from the following documents included in the submittal: • Rosewood Center Final Plat (2 sheets) • Rosewood Center Preliminary Plat • Anytime Fitness: Site Grading &Utilities • Anytime Fitness Plans (4 sheets) • Site Plan • Floor Plan • Building Elevations • Landscape Site Lighting Plan GENERAL COMMENTS: 1. The approval and execution of a subdivision agreement is required prior to construction. 2. Development fees based on the City's current fee resolution are due with the final plat and subdivision agreement. 3. The NPDES permit is the responsibility of the owner/contractor. Documentation of permit acquisition shall be forwarded to the City prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. Record drawings (paper and electronic fomnats) of the site that meet the standards set forth in the Engineering Guidelines shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. FINAL PLAT COMMENTS: 5. Additional right-of-way is required along the east property line, south of 149`h Street, for a future right turn lane on Biscayne Avenue. It is anticipated that at least 15 feet along the east side of Outlot D is required. This property can be dedicated as part of a future final plat. SITE,UTILITY,AND GRADING PLAN COMMENTS: 6. Drainage is shown to be directed to the future parking lot on Lot 1. This area should be graded to direct drainage south to the proposed catch basin or additional storm sewer should be added to prevent drainage from crossing the property line. 7. Additional contours are required to show how the drainage east of the building will be directed north and south along the property line. 8. The water service is required to be sized based on recommendations from the Fire Marshal. Additional fire hydrants may also be required internal to the site. A review by the Fire Marshal is required. 9. Drainage calculations should be provided to show that an adequate number of catch basins are proposed within the parking lot. 10. The emergency overflow routes are required to be shown on the grading plan. 11. The minimum allowed storm sewer pipe diameter is 15 inches. All storm sewer less than 15 inches should be updated on the plan. 12. Normal and high water elevations should be added to the pond located in Lot 1. 13. Contour labels should be added to the grading plan. 14. A legend should be added to the plan. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the items listed above,please contact me at 651-322-2015. 4ROSEMOUNT FIRE DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M To: Eric Zweber, Planner Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director From: Kevin Benshoof, Fire Marshal Date: July 23, 2014 Subject: Rosewood Center (Anytime Fitness) Upon review of the Rosewood Center Final Plat Submittal dated June 27th 2014, provided for review by KJ Walk, Inc. The Fire Marshal offers the following comments: • The Preliminary Plan as submitted substantially meets the minimum requirements of the 2007 MN State Fire Code. Any changes to the Final Plan will require further review. • Facilities, building or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be accessible to fire department apparatus byway of an approved access road. 2007 MSFC 503.2 • Facilities that are completely sprinkled, the only need for access is to the building itself (not all portions) and to sprinkler and water supply connections. I recommendation is to sprinkler the building utilizing the fire hydrant across the street or add an additional hydrant between Block 1 Lot 1 and 2. Recommended placement would be along the lot line of the two properties south of the access drive, serving both properties. Thank you, Kevin Benshoof Fire Marshal City of Rosemount