HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.g. Zip Rail Scoping Booklet ROSEMOUNTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting Date: August 4, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Zip Rail Scoping Booklet AGENDA SECTION: PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, AICP AGENDA NO. Planner ATTACHMENTS: Scoping Booklet, Presentation Materials, Letter APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Approve a Resolution supporting the Zip Rail Investment Planning and Tier I Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process and placement of an intermediate station within eastern Rosemount. SUMMARY The Zip Rail Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) continues to work through the Investment Planning and Tier I Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process to evaluate development of a high-speed rail corridor between downtown Rochester and the Twin Cities metropolitan area. Recently,the Zip Rail TAC published a Scoping Booklet and Draft Scoping Decision Document and presented its findings at a series of open houses to gather public comment. The Scoping document is the first step in the Tier I EIS process and identifies eight potential corridors that are recommended to be carried forward into the environmental review process. Each of the mile wide corridors extend through the eastern portion of Rosemount running roughly east of the Dakota County Technical College (DCTC) and west of the Flint Hills Refinery. Staff has reviewed this document and attended the open house in Inver Grove Heights on July 30, 2014 and recommends the City Council approve the attached resolution supporting the Zip Rail Investment Planning and Tier I EIS process and placement of an intermediate station within eastern Rosemount. BACKGROUND Currently, a partnership between the Olmstead County Regional Rail Authority, Minnesota Department of Transportation and the Federal Railroad Administration is conducting a Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan and Tier I Environmental Impact Statement. Staff has been monitoring and participating in this process and the City Council previously sent letters to State Representative Anna Wills and State Senator Greg Clausen encouraging their support for the project and a midway stop in Rosemount. This process is the first in a lengthy review and approval procedure prescribed by the Federal government for obtaining approvals and funding for a high speed commuter rail service from Rochester to the Twin Cities. The attached Scoping document is the first step in the Tier I EIS process and identifies eight potential corridors that are recommended to be carried forward into the environmental review process. At the conclusion of the 30-day scoping review period,a Final Scoping Decision Document will be prepared and posted on the Zip Rail. The Tier 1 EIS process occurs in three stages—Scoping, Draft Tier 1 EIS and Final Tier 1 EIS—and culminates in a federal Record of Decision under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and a state Determination of Adequacy under the Minnesota Environmental Policy Act (MEPA). Each of the three stages includes publication of a document for public comment and narrows the number of alternatives,with the Final Tier 1 EIS identifying one or more Preferred Alternatives for the project. This Tier 1 process will be completed in 2015. The Tier 2 environmental process may require an additional 36- 42 months to fully evaluate the project impacts. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council approve the attached resolution supporting the Zip Rail Investment Planning and Tier I EIS process and placement of an intermediate station within eastern Rosemount. 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2014 - A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE ZIP RAIL INVESTMENT PLANNING AND TIER I EIS PROCESS AND PLACEMENT OF AN INTERMEDIATE STATION WITHIN EASTERN ROSEMOUNT. WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount is monitoring and participating in the Zip Rail Technical Advisory Committee (TAC);and WHEREAS, the Zip Rail TAC recently published a Scoping Booklet and Draft Scoping Decision Document and presented its findings at a series of open houses to gather public comment;and WHEREAS, the Scoping document is the first step in the Tier I EIS process and identifies eight potential corridors;and WHEREAS a midway stop in along the line is proposed in Dakota County, and WHEREAS, each of these mile wide corridors extend through the eastern portion of Rosemount running roughly east of the Dakota County Technical College (DCTC) and west of the Flint Hills Refinery;and WHEREAS, the Zip Rail TAC has approached both UMore Park (University of Minnesota) and Flint Resources regarding these potential corridors and receive preliminary support;and WHEREAS, the 2013-2014 City Council goals include the aim to increase existing community transportation and transit connections; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes a Zip Rail stop within Rosemount could be a significant economic development tool for the community; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the city of Rosemount supports the Zip Rail Investment Planning and Tier I Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process;and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the city of Rosemount supports an intermediate transit stop within Rosemount, near DCTC. ADOPTED this 4th day of August, 2014. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk Rochester-Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan I &Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement zip 2014 SUMMER NEWSLETTER lit- PROJECT UPDATE NUMBER OF POSSIBLE ROUTES NARROWED Since the Open Houses held last summer 2013,Zip Rail SLFani project staff have been working to analyze and evaluate Mi ea In, f the 1,200 possible route combinations for the high-speed LEGEND passenger rail connection between Rochester and the + p Aa`POfltion i�er Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. From the feedback ]] 55 Grove Cottage —Hig hway p\e gain O Study Area provided at last years Open Houses and from ongoing M;nne�5' —Aiternat-2.2 discussions with corridor stakeholders,the number of —Aitem .2 gosemount �Alternative—4 ql Alternative S.2 possible route combinations have been narrowed down I COATES to eight (see Figures 1 and 2).To assess the routes,the vermniion project area was broken up into two areas: north of Farmington leQ' the City of Coates and south of the City of Coates.The Hampton ,e 6, potential route segments for the northern segment i include two corridors between MSP Airport and Coates; t Fend. h and three corridors between St. Paul's Union Depot and Cimn.. is Coates.One of the corridors connects to both destina- tions. For the southern segment,two corridors were 52 identified,following Highway 52 and Highway 56,from Dennison 56 Coates to Rochester. Her:trend wanaimingo mbtaai HOW ARE ROUTES EVALUATED? Kenyon The initial evaluation of possible Zip Rail routes, known Pine as Level 1 Screening, included the preliminary travel time Wand t Dronoco from one end of the corridor to the other, redundancy Co °ad of service with existing bus and other transit services, impacts to the natural environment,and impacts to the q MantorvBie built environment.Considerations were also based on Cod Byron Kasson input received from public agencies and other RucheFtet stakeholders. Currently,the remaining eight routes are being analyzed using Level 2 Screening evaluation criteria.The Figure 1:Alternatives in the Highway 52 corridor evaluation criteria include preliminary travel time from end to end,top speed, ridership estimates,consistency with local planning efforts in each city,connectivity with existing street grids and infrastructure,and the social, economic and environmental impacts of each alternative. WHAT ARE THE NEXT STEPS? UXION oEROr LEGEND A State Scoping Booklet and Draft Scoping Decision Document has been completed as part of the Tier 1 gIAPORi m � _ Environmental Impact Statement process. The E® Scoping documents are available at www.goziprail.org. I Key decisions that will be made in the Tier 1 EIS include COATES the location of primary terminal points and station locations,the locations of Mississippi and Minnesota River crossings,and the corridor alignments north and south of Coates. Hampton Td.r Zip Rail project staff are currently in the process of Randolph working with local and regional stakeholders to communicate updated project information. Input from ' 2 public stakeholders will ensure that the best and most m viable alternatives have been identified. Public meetings are scheduled this summer 2014 at the following W.—mg. tnnbmt locations from 5 p.m.to 7 p.m.: Rochester Community&Technical College Tuesday,July 29, 2014 Wand W"t Orono- 1926 College View Road East,Rochester Inver Grove Community Center Wednesday,July 30, 2014 14 RIXXESTFR W , 9 8055 Barbara Ave, Inver Grove Heights Kenyon-Wanamingo High School Thursday,July 31, 2014 Figure 2:Alternatives in the Highway 56 corridor 400 6th Street, Kenyon ABOUT THE PROJECT For details on the public meetings:www.gozipraii.org The Rochester-Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor(Zip Rail) is an approximately 100-mile corridor between Rochester and the Minneapolis/St. Paul Metropolitan Area (Twin Cities)that includes the Counties of Dakota, Dodge,Goodhue, Hennepin,Olmsted, Ramsey and Rice.The project is led by the Minnesota Department of Transportation in partnership with the Olmsted County Regional Railroad Authority and the Federal Railroad Administration. The purpose of the Zip Rail project is to provide a convenient,cost effective, reliable and safe passenger rail transportation alternative that will meet forecasted population and economic growth, mobility demands in the corridor,and connect intercity economic centers. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? Charles R. Michael, PE Daniel Krom, Director Project Manager Passenger Rail Office Olmsted County Regional Railroad Authority Minnesota Department of Transportation (612) 581-3003 (651) 366-3193 Chuck.Michael @gmail.com Daniel.Krom @state.mn.us FF Frequently Asked Questions KO I Rochester-Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan&Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement 0 What is the Zip Rail Project? 0 Who will own Zip Rail? The Rochester-Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Ownership of Zip Rail could be structured in a variety of Project (Zip Rail) is a proposed high-speed passenger ways, including public ownership, private ownership or rail connection between Rochester and the a public-private partnership. Ownership arrangements Minneapolis/St.Paul Metropolitan Area (Twin Cities). would be determined as further study continues. The project study area includes the counties of Dakota, Dodge,Goodhue, Hennepin,Olmsted, Ramsey and 0 What are the areas being considered for station Rice. locations? ® What is the status of the Zip Rail Project? Proposed termini include downtown Rochester at the south end of the corridor,and at or near the Minneap- The Minnesota Department of Transportation, in olis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP)and/or Union cooperation with the Federal Railroad Administration Depot in St. Paul at the north end of the corridor. and the Olmsted County Regional Railroad Authority, is preparing a Tier I Environmental Impact Statement to Zip Rail is planned as an express train between evaluate potential passenger rail alternative corridors Rochester and the Twin Cities.As part of the evaluation process,an intermediate station is under consideration for Zip Rail. in southern Dakota County. No other intermediate 0 What are the benefits of this high-speed rail project? stops are under consideration at this time. With limited direct connection opportunities between 0 How many miles is the corridor estimated to be? Rochester and the Twin Cities,this project would provide a convenient, reliable,and safe transportation The Rochester-Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor is an alternative while meeting the expected increase in approximately 100-mile corridor between Rochester population and employment in Rochester,theTwin and the Twin Cities. Cities and Southeast Minnesota. The project would serve the anticipated travel demand to accommodate 0 How fast will Zip Rail travel? growth in regional economic generators as well as the The trains that will be used for the Rochester-Twin Cities services and industries that support these facilities. Passenger Rail are being planned to achieve true high speeds of up to 150-220 mph in the rural areas of the 0 Has a cost estimate been prepared? corridor. Speeds would range from 79 to 110 mph in A cost estimate has not yet been developed and is the urbanized areas of the corridor. dependent on numerous variables such as the route the train will take,the location and number of stations, 0 How long will it take to travel between Minneapolis and the design speed selected.More information about and Rochester on a high-speed rail service? the costs will be prepared once a locally preferred alternative(LPA) has been selected and further Using high-speed passenger rail equipment,travel time analyzed through a Tier 2 Environmental Impact between Rochester and the Twin Cities is estimated to Statement later in the environmental process. be 45-50 minutes. 0 How will Zip Rail be funded? 0 How much will it cost to use Zip Rail? Project funding may be secured from federal,state or Fare estimates would be determined in future financial private sources,or a combination of the three. studies of the project.Ticket prices,anticipated to be competitive with alternate means of transportation between Rochester and the Twin Cities,are estimated to be in the $27-$30 range with discounts to be available for seniors,students,and frequent travelers. ® What is the train schedule? ®What would be the process for property acquisition if Specific train operations, including trip tables and there is a need for new right-of-way? schedules,would be determined as part of the Tier 2 At this phase in the project, broad corridors have been Environmental Impact Statement process.Current identified as potential locations for Zip Rail.The actual projections, based on travel time and ridership, right-of-way and alignment would not be determined anticipate 10 round trips per day. until after the completion of the environmental studies that would take several years to complete. Any ® What is the difference between Zip Rail and an acquisition of property for right-of-way would be in existing rail service? accordance with the Uniform Relocation Assistance Zip Rail would offer a different type of service than and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970(P.L. commuter rail or existing rail service because it could 91-646) and MnDOT's established process for property achieve high speeds of up to 150-220 mph.Convention- acquisition. al commuter rail often shares track with freight rail and may only achieve speeds of up to 79 mph. When would construction of Zip Rail begin? How long would it take to build? How will Zip Rail compare to automobile Several factors would influence the time frame for the transportation? initiation of construction. Funding is a key component Zip Rail is time and cost competitive with automobile of project advancement. It is still to be determined travel due to its high speeds,dedicated track,and its if the project would be funded by public or private ability to maximize ridership potential. If travel speeds sources,or a combination of sources. Additionally, reach as high as 220 mph on its own dedicated track, environmental studies, preliminary and final design, Zip Rail can potentially reduce travel time by up to 60% and right-of-way determination must be accomplished compared with driving. before construction begins. ® What are the next steps in the study process? G How can I be involved in the study process? A State Scoping Booklet and Draft Scoping Decision Stakeholders can be involved in the study process by Document has been completed as part of the Tier 1 attending public meetings,signing up to receive Environmental Impact Statement process.The Scoping project updates and by visiting the project's Facebook document is available at www.goziprail.org.Comments (facebook.com/ziprail) and Twitter(@ziprail) pages.To on the Scoping document will be considered in the sign up for project updates,email the project at preparation of the Tier 1 EIS. Key decisions that would info @goziprail.org or visit the project website at be made in the Tier 1 EIS include the location of www.goziprail.org.Comments on the project can be primary terminal points and station locations,the submitted via email,or on the project website. locations of Mississippi and Minnesota River crossings, and the preferred study corridors between Rochester and the Twin Cities. X11 I t l 1 1 ' 1 Who would determine where the final route will be? MnDOT would ultimately select the locally preferred ' alternative(LPA), based on consultation with the • ' " '' '- •' • Federal Railroad Administration and Olmsted • -• • • �''' County Regional Railroad Authority,and input received '"• • •• ••• • • •• • throughout the environmental process from federal and •• state agencies and public and private stakeholders. • • • O�ONESOTgy OW �Q Q U.DDepanment rrarwn COUNTY OF pU C wed- • • • • - • • • • y Federal Railroad OF iFlPN Administration Rochester-Twin Passenger Rail Corridor Plan and Tier I EIS ,` ar A Scoping Booklet and Draft Scoping Decision Document July 1 �O��NNESpT9Zp n a �� U.S.Deppr'ment of Transportation — o v Federal Railroad Administration PREFACE In the Tier 1 EIS, the technical analysis is less detailed and considers impacts to the The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), corridor as a whole and evaluation of the Minnesota Department of Transportation impacts at a qualitative level. A Tier 1 EIS (MnDOT), and the Olmsted County addresses questions related to the type of Regional Railroad Authority (OCRRA) have service being proposed, including cities and initiated the environmental review process stations served, route alternatives, service for the Rochester-Twin Cities Passenger levels, type of operations, ridership Rail Corridor(Zip Rail). Federal funding will projections and major infrastructure be pursued for this project from the FRA. As components. Environmental analysis is a result the FRA, as the lead federal agency completed at a higher level, but detailed site for this project, is required to undertake information is conducted at the Tier 2 environmental review in compliance with the environmental level, when the alignment National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). and related service information has been determined and more specific project As the local public agency sponsoring the boundaries can be developed to determine project, MnDOT, as the Responsible effects. Governmental Unit (RGU), and OCRRA must also comply with the requirements of The tiered environmental review process the Minnesota Environmental Policy Act used by the Federal Railroad Administration (MEPA). The FRA, MnDOT, and OCRRA (FRA) reflects that the scale and scope of have determined that the Zip Rail project most rail projects are typically very large. As may have significant environmental impacts. a result, it is more practical to conduct a two-step environmental review with step 1 REGULATORY BACKGROUND (Tier 1) staying at a higher level and step 2 (Tier 2)focused on a more refined This booklet summarizes the regulations assessment. that guide the environmental analysis process and the characteristics of a "tiered" Given FRA's tiered approach, the environmental review process. As the state environmental information provided in this and local public agencies sponsoring the Scoping Booklet is less detailed than a project, MnDOT and OCRRA must comply typical scoping booklet, but appropriate for a with both the federal and state corridor level study as would be conducted environmental review requirements. with the Tier 1 EIS. This Scoping Booklet is the first step in the Tier 1 EIS process. TIERED ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTS This Scoping Booklet provides information The Federal Railroad Administration uses a about the formal "Scoping" process required tiered EIS process for its NEPA studies. The under both federal and state environmental level of detail proposed for assessing review. Within this booklet you will find a potential impacts reflects that this project is description of the Scoping process, anticipated as Tier 1 of a two-tier information on the scope and contents of environmental review process. the Tier 1 EIS, and information on how you can get involved in the Scoping process. SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE I You will have the opportunity to review the Website: www.goziprail.org Scoping information and offer your comments in person, at one of three Email comments to: infoCc)gozir)rail.org meetings, or in writing during the public comment period via email, U.S. mail, or Voicemail: 651-366-3195 voicemail. U.S. Mail: Minnesota Department of Transportation Passenger Rail Office ATTN: Zip Rail 395 John Ireland Boulevard, MS 470 St. Paul, MN 55155 The 30-day comment period on this Scoping Booklet will begin on July 7, 2014 and will remain open through August 6, 2014. F nnesota Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) e state's environmental review program is based on MEPA, which established a formal process for investigating the environmental impacts of major projects that are anticipated to require an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). This Scoping Booklet addresses the requirements of the state environmental review process as administered by the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board. Summary of Minnesota and Federal Environmental Review Regulations National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 The Act establishes national environmental policy and goals for the protection, maintenance, and enhancement of the environment and ' provides a process for implementing these goals within the federal agencies. All federal agencies are required to prepare detailed statements assessing the environmental impact of and alternatives to i projects significantly affecting the environment. i SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE II ex Formal public scoping meetings are scheduled for the following dates and locations Open House #1: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 5:00 to 7:00 PM Heintz Center Commons Area 1 Rochester Community and Technical College j 1926 College View Road East Rochester, MN Open House #2: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 5:00 to 7:00 PM Inver Grove Community Center Community Room 2 8055 Barbara Ave. Inver Grove Heights, MN Open House #3: Thursday, July 31, 2014 { 5:00 to 7:00 PM Kenyon-Wanamingo High School Commons Area and Auditorium 400 6th St. Kenyon, MN r To request an ASL or foreign language interpreter for the public meetings call 651-366-4720.* To request other reasonable accommodations for the public meetings call 651-366-4718.* Or email requests to ADAreguest.dot(a)state.mn.us.* *Please submit request at least seven days prior to the public meeting. To request a document in an alternative format call 651-366-4718 or email your request to ADAreguest.dot(aastate.mmus. SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE III TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface...........................................................................................................................................i RegulatoryBackground..............................................................................................................i Tiered Environmental Documents..............................................................................................i What is the Zip Rail Project?.........................................................................................................1 Whatis Scoping?..........................................................................................................................1 What is the Purpose of this Scoping Booklet?..............................................................................4 Why Should We Consider Building This Project? What Benefits Could it Provide? (Purpose and Need)......................................................................................................................4 PurposeStatement....................................................................................................................4 NeedElements..........................................................................................................................4 ProjectBackground...................................................................................................................5 What Alternatives Have Been Studied?........................................................................................6 Alternatives Screening Process ................................................................................................8 ScreeningCriteria..................................................................................................................8 Level1 Screening..................................................................................................................8 Level2 Screening..................................................................................................................9 Corridors for Further Study in the Tier 1 EIS .......................................................................12 Service Development Plan ..................................................................................................13 Social, Economic, and Environmental (SEE) Issues ..................................................................15 Environmental Issues Identification.........................................................................................15 How Can I Participate in the Zip Rail Scoping process?.............................................................20 Public Outreach Program........................................................................................................20 NextSteps...............................................................................................................................21 Why is an Environmental Impact Statement Necessary?...........................................................21 How Long will the Process Take?...............................................................................................21 HowWill my Comments be Used? .............................................................................................22 SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE IV TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) FIGURES Figure1 Project Location..............................................................................................................2 Figure 2 Project Corridor Study Area............................................................................................3 Figure 3 Universe of Alternatives..................................................................................................7 Figure 4 Alternatives to be advanced into the Tier 1 EIS (East).................................................10 Figure 5 Alternatives to be advanced into the Tier 1 EIS (West)................................................11 Figure 6 MEPA and NEPA Environmental Review Process Sequencing...................................22 TABLES Table1 Previous Studies..............................................................................................................5 SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE V WHAT IS THE ZIP RAIL PROJECT? WHAT IS SCOPING? The Rochester-Twin Cities Passenger Rail Scoping is the process of determining the Corridor Project (Zip Rail) is a proposed content of the Tier 1 EIS. As the first step in high-speed passenger rail connection the Scoping process, interested members of between Rochester, Minnesota and the the public, including individuals and groups, Minneapolis/St. Paul Metropolitan Area as well as representatives of affected Native (Twin Cities). The project is located in the American tribes and local, state, and federal counties of Dakota, Dodge, Goodhue, governmental agencies, are invited to Hennepin, Olmsted, Ramsey and Rice. participate in the evaluation of the Zip Rail environmental impacts. Proposed termini include downtown Rochester at the south end of the The purpose of Scoping is to confirm the approximate 100-mile corridor, with purpose and need for the project, identify Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport appropriate alternatives that could address (MSP) and/or St. Paul Union Depot at the project needs, focus on potentially north end of the corridor. At the north end significant issues that should be studied in of the corridor, Zip Rail would also connect the Tier 1 EIS, and eliminate issues that are to the existing light rail transit at MSP (Metro not significant and/or have been addressed Blue Line) and/or the existing light rail by prior studies. transit at Union Depot (Metro Green Line). Public participation in the Scoping process Zip Rail is planned as express train between for the project is encouraged. Three public Rochester and the Twin Cities. As part of meetings will be held to allow for members the evaluation process, an intermediate of the public to learn about the project and station is under consideration in southern voice their opinions about issues that should Dakota County. No other intermediate be considered during Scoping. stops are under consideration at this time. At the Scoping meetings it would be most With no existing direct rail connection helpful to hear your thoughts or concerns between Rochester and the Twin Cities, the about the project's purpose and need, the proposed corridors would predominately range of alternatives to be evaluated, the include new or"greenfield" rail right-of-way evaluation methods to be used, and the and new rail construction, located to the potential impacts of the alternatives maximum extent practicable along existing considered. public or railway right-of-way. Travelling at speeds of 150+ mph, these corridors would Your comments may also propose be sealed, with no at-grade crossings. alternatives that may better meet the Travel times between Rochester and the project's purpose and need with fewer Twin Cities would be approximately 45-50 adverse environmental impacts. minutes. The Zip Rail study area is highlighted in Figures 1 and 2. SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE 1 Figure 1. Project Location a Grand forks ED i Fargo s9 Dalutla ti 3 71 169 � i ( Saint 75 Cloud toon Rapids Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metro Area 1 Project location 1 bI , i IJ , Roche el mm a E3 to Crosse 67 ROCHESTER-TWIN CITIES PASSENGER RAIL CORRIDOR OVERVIEW MAPI SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE 2 Figure 2. Project Corridor Study Area Study Area T sr. r - Rad Stalron Target field Star -•., Dow (il Hosp;lat 5 4 S.r. 7'rT� �pg 1 County BouMary + 05 intenstate Highway RISP Airport '©. US and State Highways County Road water ` PatkM'ddUle Land � 7 caw OF' w.ww wr 1 wig,. ." l nor.l�etee�tW*y t �g t yk ar" Downtown cif �yd Ik. Rochester �1 '��d� "� � RSTIIiPgrt Rochester-Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Pan -= "• Project Comdor Study Area SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE 3 6 I� WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS PURPOSE STATEMENT SCOPING BOOKLET? The purpose of the project is to study The purpose of this Scoping Booklet is to potential reliable and safe passenger rail inform the public and regulatory agencies transportation alternatives that would meet about the proposal to implement High- forecasted population and economic growth Speed Passenger Rail service ("Zip Rail") mobility demands in the Southeast between Rochester and the Twin Cities, and Minnesota corridor between Rochester and provide information on how individuals and the Twin Cities area. The system would organizations are able to comment on the connect the Twin Cities and Rochester by process, the alternatives being considered, providing a convenient and cost effective and the analysis completed to date. transportation alternative. The project is being developed to: The Zip Rail study area includes an . Provide intercity passenger rail service approximately 100-mile corridor between linking the regional economic center of Rochester and the Twin Cities and is being Rochester and the Twin Cities examined for potential high speed rail Metropolitan Area economic hub service. The study area includes Dakota, . Provide travel options for the growing Dodge, Goodhue, Hennepin, Olmsted, population and accessibility to Ramsey and Rice counties and various population centers termini, or end points, in the Twin Cities and Improve safety, convenience and travel Rochester area. There is no continuous time existing railroad connection between the Complement the plans of the Midwest Twin Cities and Rochester, so many of the Regional Rail Initiative (MWRRI) and potential corridors would create new or Minnesota Comprehensive Statewide "greenfield" transportation routes. Freight and Passenger Rail Plan Within this booklet are an overview of the NEED ELEMENTS purpose and need for the Zip Rail project, a description of the potential alternatives, the The project need for expanded environmental issues being considered, the transportation options in this corridor is next steps in the study, and details on how based on the following elements: you can comment on and participate in the ongoing planning process. Increase in population and employment in Rochester, the Twin Cities and Southeast Minnesota WHY SHOULD WE CONSIDER . Anticipated travel demand to BUILDING THIS PROJECT? WHAT accommodate growth in economic BENEFITS COULD IT PROVIDE? generators and attractions such as the Mayo Clinic and University of Minnesota (PURPOSE AND NEED) as well as services and industries that will support those facilities SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE 4 • Limited direct and convenient between Rochester and the Twin Cities in a transportation connectivity opportunities manner that is competitive with other modes for the corridor between Rochester and of transportation. As the population, the Twin Cities employment, and number of visitors grow along the corridor, especially in the Twin The development of world-class and Cities and Rochester, the number of people internationally recognized medical facilities travelling between these locations will in Rochester, along with its agribusiness increase, creating increased demand on and high-tech industrial base, make the city existing transportation. The existing a significant economic engine in the north roadway system in the corridor is central United States. The Twin Cities, also anticipated to experience capacity needs a base of high-tech industry, and the main resulting from current and future economic transportation hub in the north central growth; a rail option would provide a means states, marks the importance of the to address those needs into the future. economic connection between these cities. Transportation connections between these PROJECT BACKGROUND cities are primarily based on the private automobile with few commercial Over the last two decades, several previous transportation options. The Mayo Clinic in studies have been conducted with respect Rochester draws patients and their to the feasibility of the Zip Rail project. companions from around the nation and the world, and constitutes a primary need for Please see Table 1 below for further transportation options not based on the information on these studies. The complete private automobile. The project needs to studies are available for reference at meet existing and future transportation www.goziprail.org. connectivity demands of the corridor Table 1. Previous Studies Study • . Evaluated the potential for high speed rail between the Tri-State High Speed Rail Study 1991 Twin Cities and Chicago, through Rochester and Wisconsin. Alternatives between the Twin Cities, Rochester and Tri-State 11 High Speed Rail Feasibility 2000 Winona had the best benefit/cost ratio of those studied Study and should be implemented following the incremental upgrading of the existing Amtrak route. A high-speed rail link would provide an effective Rochester Rail Link Feasibility Study 2003 transportation connection between Rochester and the Twin Cities to help link these cities to the rest of the Midwest. Tri-State 111 High Speed Rail Study. Supported Twin Cities to Chicago service through Minnesota Segment Assessment 2009 Rochester on a new alignment as compared to the "River Route" identified in MWRRI. Minnesota Comprehensive Statewide The Rochester—Twin Cities Rail Corridor was identified Freight and Passenger Rail Plan 2010 in the plan as a Priority 1 corridor in the recommended Minnesota and Regional passenger rails stem. SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE 5 WHAT ALTERNATIVES HAVE Figure 3 below shows the 45 individual segments in the universe of alternatives. BEEN STUDIED? When combined into full end-point to end- point alternatives, the segments produced ALTERNATIVES DEVELOPMENT PROCESS more than 1,200 separate alternatives. To facilitate the initial evaluation and screening, After the purpose and need was the project area was divided into north and established, the next step in the Zip Rail south segments, with the boundary at study process was to define the full range Coates, Minnesota. ("Universe")of alternatives. This step addresses the question, "what alternatives South of Coates, alternatives under might address the problem?" Based on the consideration included potential corridors in review of previous studies, field reviews the vicinity of US 52 on the east and a performed by the project team, and corridor running west from Rochester and stakeholder input, a universe of alternatives then north in the vicinity of MN 56. North of was developed (see Figure 3). Previous Coates, the alternative segments include planning studies and the purpose and need one grouping that extends northwest toward also helped to identify the five locations that MSP and another grouping extending north would be considered as termini, or end toward the Union Depot. points, for the service: As part of the evaluation process, a No- • Minneapolis-St. Paul International Build alternative is included and carried Airport (MSP) through the alternatives evaluation. The No- • Target Field Station in Minneapolis Build alternative reflects existing conditions, • Union Depot in St. Paul and includes all currently planned and • Downtown Rochester programmed improvements in the project • Rochester International Airport(RST) area over the next 20 years. The No-Build alternative would be a base of comparison to the potential Build alternatives. SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE 6 Figure 3. Universe of Alternatives Target Field" - Station Study Area Radstati Z, © Hospdar MSP .c am + Airport County Boundary Intmiate Highway +� US and State Highsnys Counry Road B u,,.. Water ParklWidMle Land 4s t. Coates I i t - Rochester-Twin Cities Passenger Ran Corridor Investment Plan - Universe of Alternatives Ma SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE 7 ALTERNATIVES SCREENING PROCESS Right-of-Way—As noted above, the specific right-of-way footprint for each SCREENING CRITERIA alternative would not be identified until later in the environmental process (Tier The project team developed a specific set of 2 NEPA phase). It is assumed that an criteria for evaluating each of the alternative approximately 200-foot right-of-way segments and recommending which should envelope would be evaluated for the advance for further consideration. The first selected alternative in the Tier 2 NEPA step was to determine whether each phase. alternative met the purpose and need for the project. Alternatives that did not meet It is important to emphasize that the the purpose and need were discarded. alternatives development and evaluation process during the Tier 1 phase is set at a After this, the alternatives were screened high level of analysis. This allows for through a two-step evaluation process. consideration of a large number of Level 1 evaluation criteria were based on alternatives while keeping the analysis general project performance and impacts for manageable. Enough information is all identified segment alternatives. In Level gathered to facilitate informed decision 2, more detailed performance criteria and making while setting the stage for more impact data were applied to full end-to-end detailed analysis during the Tier 2 NEPA (Twin Cities to Rochester) corridor process. alternatives. For purposes of this multi-step screening process and for the LEVEL 1 SCREENING environmental analysis the following definitions and parameters were Level 1 screening evaluated the alternative established: segments using the following criteria: • Redundancy: Locations where there are • Corridor— Each alternative is multiple options that reflect the same considered within the context of a study relative service area were identified. corridor. The corridors are one mile wide preliminary Travel Time: Rough ('/2 mile either side of a conceptual estimates were developed for the centerline). This width allows for proposed service using approximations flexibility as the design proceeds and of average speeds over major route provides opportunities to minimize segments. Travel time estimates would impacts to existing land uses and be refined as part of the Service environmental resources. Development Plan process (described in • Alignment—An alignment is the actual greater detail later in this section). location of the right-of-way footprint that Impacts to the Built Environment: would be secured to construct the high- Potential impacts to adjacent land uses speed rail line. Specific alignments were evaluated in both urban and rural would not be identified until later in the settings in order to avoid and minimize environmental process (Tier 2 NEPA impacts. phase). SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE 8 • Impacts to the Natural Environment: Calculations were developed for each Known critical environmental resources alternative to determine its potential top were identified including lakes, rivers, speed. parks and other critical areas. The Consistency with Local Planning: number of potential water crossings was Alternatives were evaluated based on also quantified. their consistency with local planning efforts regarding both transportation and In addition to the reduction in alternatives land use. from Level 1 screening, the study team Connectivity: Alternatives were collected input from cities, counties and evaluated to assess their connectivity to other stakeholders within the study area. other passenger rail and multimodal The list of alternatives recommended for passenger service. further study was refined to reflect local Ridership Projections: High-level planning efforts regarding both projections for annual riders were transportation and land use. Matching all of developed using factors such as travel the individual segments together produced time, connectivity to other intercity a total of 15 end-to-end alternatives for passenger rail, and reliability and evaluation as part of Level 2. In each case, frequency of service (i.e., more train these alignments lie within a one mile wide sets/round trips). corridor, with the anticipation that any future Potential freight rail conflicts: alignment would likely have a right-of-way of Alternative corridors were evaluated approximately 200 feet. At this level of based on the difficulty of implementation study, however, broader corridors are and anticipated costs that would be examined to allow for flexibility and expected for a host railroad to minimizing impacts. accommodate high-speed passenger rail service on their property. LEVEL 2 SCREENING Social, Economic and Environmental (SEE) Factors: A more formalized With the reduced number of alternatives for consideration of key SEE factors was Level 2 consideration, more detailed included in Level 2. Examples include evaluation was possible. Criteria applied in high level estimates of impacts to Level 2 included: wetlands, parklands, and residential neighborhoods (both right-of-way and • Travel Time: Travel time estimates for noise concerns). The assessment was each alternative were refined from the consistent with state and federal work completed as part of the Level 1 environmental requirements and is the screening. The estimates were foundation for more detailed analysis in developed based on assumptions the Tier 1 EIS. including route length, travel speed, curve radii, and other route-specific The result of the Level 2 evaluation was the information. identification of eight potential corridors that • Top Speed: Alternatives were evaluated are recommended to be carried forward for using the same route specific information scoping and potentially into the environmental studied in the Travel Time criteria. process (see Figures 4 and 5). SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE 9 Figure 4: Alternatives to be advanced into the Tier 1 EIS (East) St.Paul Mi ea Its y t r LEGEND WRail station Airport 55 ln�et Cottage 77 r ve Grove Highway 00 gan el Study Area Mlpt� I 13 Alternative 2.2 Alternative 3.2 Rosemount Alternative 4.2 Alternative 5.2 COATES 4pr Vermillion r•i (� Farmington � 9� New 1 Hampton Trier 61 Randol h Cannon ails 52 Oenrison 56 Nerstrand Wanamingo umbrota Kenyon \\l A Island st Oronoco Co ord iir r t-_ � Mantorville .._,......._..._.._____.....__.__._ 14 . Center -• Syron Kasson Rochester's { d - SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE 10 Figure 5: Alternatives to be advanced into the Tier 1 EIS (West) ISL Paul Mi eal� is — �`� LEGEND Rail StaWn + Airport e / 55 In er Cottage — Highway 77 �< r ve Grove Edgan es O Study Area ppm°e5°`D Alternative 2.3 13 j' Alternative 3.3 / Alternative 4.3 Rosemount Alternative 5.3 COATES vermillion Farmington 94P New Hampton Trier 6t Randolph Cannon all% 52 Denrison 56 \�Nerstrand Wanammgo ^��ti umbrota Kenyon 1 Pine Island West Cronoco Concord 4 Mantorvdla Dodge Center Kasson Byron f SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE 11 CORRIDORS FOR FURTHER STUDY IN THE and entering Union Depot from the west. A TIER 1 EIS variation to this option would be high-speed rail service to both MSP and the Union Figures 4 and 5 illustrate the remaining Depot which would preclude the need for a alternatives that are proposed to be carried transfer station near Pilot Knob Road. forward for further study in the Tier 1 EIS. As shown in the figures, the various end- UNION DEPOT OPTIONS: point to end-point alternatives have common segments. To facilitate the North from Coates, the Union Depot options description, the study area has been divided extend along the west side of the Pine Bend into north and south segments. Refinery and then run parallel to the UP rail corridor through Inver Grove Heights. The NORTHERN SEGMENT- COATES TO options continue north on the UP rail TERMINALS IN THE TWIN CITIES (MSP corridor to the vicinity of 1-494. Near 1-494 the options split with one crossing the AND/OR UNION DEPOT) Mississippi River on a new bridge and Extending north from Coates, which joining the CP corridor on the east side of represents the area where all the the river. From there, the alignment would alternatives combine to a single corridor, the either share track or construct a new track alternatives eventually split with two options through the existing rail corridor and rail extending northwest toward MSP and two yard, and enter Union Depot from the east. options continuing north to Union Depot. The second option for connecting to Union Depot continues along the west side of the MSP OPTIONS: Mississippi River on the UP rail corridor and crosses the river in the vicinity of the Robert These alternatives extend northwest from Street Bridge in Downtown St. Paul. the Coates area along County Road 71 through Rosemount and Inver Grove SOUTHERN SEGMENT- COATES TO Heights, transitioning to a corridor parallel to DOWNTOWN ROCHESTER the existing Canadian Pacific Railway (CP) in Eagan and Minnesota Highway (MN) 149, South of Coates there are two primary then northwest to the 1-494 corridor. From options, as shown in Figures 4 and 5. The this point there are two options; one is to first extends southeast roughly paralleling continue across the Minnesota River Valley US Highway (US) 52, and the second with a new bridge on or adjacent to 1-494 to extends south in the general proximity of the provide a direct connection to MSP. The MN 56 corridor before turning east along the other alternative includes a station in the US 14 corridor into Rochester. area of Pilot Knob Road and 1-494. From the station, passengers could transfer to a shuttle to connect to MSP or continue on the train northeast to the Union Depot, using the Union Pacific Railroad (UP) alignment SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE 12 EASTERN CORRIDOR(US 52): CORRIDOR TERMINALS: Though paralleling US 52, this is primarily a As illustrated in Figures 4 and 5 the greenfield corridor. Following the US 52 proposed terminal stations are downtown right-of-way was determined to be Rochester on the south end and MSP impractical because of the curves and hills and/or Union Depot in the Twin Cities. The prevalent along the highway corridor, the Rochester International Airport and Target limited available right-of-way, and the Field Station have been removed from numerous intersecting roads including consideration as primary terminals for this several interchanges. As a result, the study. Preliminary ridership forecasting proposed corridor extends west of US 52, at indicated relatively light demand to and from times adjacent to the existing highway and the Rochester International Airport as a elsewhere several miles to the west. The primary terminal. A rail link between corridor was defined with a focus on downtown Rochester and the Rochester minimizing impacts to existing land uses International Airport could be considered in and environmental features, while the future as part of any Zip Rail extension maximizing the ability to attain and maintain planning. true high-speed rail operations (150+ mph). The Target Field Station was removed from Between Pine Island and Oronoco the consideration because it is being addressed corridor is adjacent US 52. Immediately as a high-speed rail terminal as part of the south of Oronoco the corridor departs the Twin Cities to Milwaukee/Chicago High US 52 corridor extending southwest to Speed Rail Study. Depending on the results follow a corridor near US 14 into Rochester. of that process, access from the Zip Rail corridor to the Target Field Station would be WESTERN CORRIDOR(MN 56): provided through Union Depot via a high- speed rail link or the Metro Green Line. This corridor continues south from Hampton Access from MSP to the Target Field roughly paralleling MN 56. This is a Station is provided via the Metro Blue Line. greenfield corridor that travels in close A link to Target Field Station could be proximity to MN 56 mostly along an considered in the future as part of any Zip abandoned rail right-of-way. The proposed Rail extension planning. corridor would extend along the east side of the communities of Randolph, Kenyon, and SERVICE DEVELOPMENT PLAN West Concord prior to reaching Dodge Center where the corridor turns east and At the outset of passenger rail projects, follows the US 14 corridor into Rochester. questions are always asked about where The corridor was also defined with a focus the train will stop, how long will it take to get on minimizing impacts to existing land uses there and how many trains will there be per and environmental features, while day. All of these questions will be maximizing the ability to attain and maintain addressed in the Service Development plan true high-speed rail operations (150+ mph). (SDP). SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE 13 The SDP will be a detailed implementation and modeling efforts, as required, plan for the proposed Zip Rail project. It will tailored to the local conditions. provide a platform to develop new service to Station &Access Analysis: One of the meet the growing travel needs of the public. major decisions for a passenger rail The SDP will evaluate the business case for project is where to locate stations. This the project and will inform the alternatives part of the SDP addresses that issue. analysis in the Tier 1 EIS. The SDP for this Station locations, conditions, and project will be developed based on the opportunities in passenger rail service preferred alternative(s) identified in the Tier would be evaluated. This would include I NEPA document(except where the No- a site analysis, and consideration of Build alternative is preferred). available amenities and importantly, intermodal connections. The SDP will incorporate and reflect the business case for investment in the corridor Demand & Revenue Forecasts: This supported by technical information relative part of the SDP is performed to to impact evaluations, public input, cost determine how much revenue can be estimates, and financial capacity analysis. generated by the project either by This report would be prepared using the passenger fares, advertising or other conceptual engineering and the selection of private resources. This will help a preferred alternative(s) as identified in the determine how much tickets will cost Tier 1 NEPA document. among other considerations. Specifically, the SDP would include more Operational Financial Performance: detailed information in the following areas: Operational financial performance is analyzed to determine whether farebox • Operations Modeling: Passenger rail revenue and other revenue would be operating plans will address line sufficient to offset operations and capacity, train movements, equipment maintenance costs. The goal for the cycles and servicing, train storage project is to avoid operating subsidies facilities, station facilities and crew from state and local funding sources. requirements. This effort is necessary to help determine how many train sets will Conceptual Engineering & Capital be needed, when they will run and how Programming: The project team will they will pass each other along the work with OCRRA, MNDOT, Amtrak and route. Service planning starts with the other railroads to develop capital costs recognition that the proposed service estimates for proposed major provided must match the market investments, and their implementation. demand. This information is used to guide later project planning to grow and develop Ridership forecasting would be used to the proposed service. evaluate alternative schedules, service frequencies, travel times, and reliability. The SDP would incorporate planning SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE 14 SOCIAL, ECONOMIC,AND southern Dakota County to the northwest portion of Olmsted County, land use is ENVIRONMENTAL (SEE) ISSUES predominantly rural agricultural and open space with smaller cities spaced five to ten ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES IDENTIFICATION miles apart. The southern end of the study area extends into the Rochester Information for completing the metropolitan area with mixed residential environmental issues identification was densities, commercial, office, and light gathered through a variety of sources industrial land uses. including literature reviews, field investigations, and GIS data analysis. The proposed alternatives were defined Regulatory agencies and local governments using existing and/or historical provided important input through transportation corridors to the extent participation in Technical Advisory practicable in an effort to minimize impacts Committee (TAC) meetings and the agency to residential and agricultural land uses. In coordination meetings held in 2013 and many cases, to meet the service objectives earlier in 2014. Additionally, public of providing a high-speed rail service and to information meetings in the summer of 2013 manage capital costs, greenfield corridors were held to present preliminary information have been defined. and provide an opportunity for the public to provide input regarding key issues and In general, the western alternatives south of potential impacts related to the project. Coates extend through a slightly greater Information gathered in these meetings proportion of rural agricultural land uses as contributed to the development and compared to the eastern alternatives. evaluation of the alternatives. However, given the current level of definition, there are no differentiating land This section provides an overview of the use-related features distinguishing the environmental subject areas included in this range of alternatives. The Tier 1 EIS would Tier 1 EIS Scoping Booklet. The level of more closely address potential land use detail is limited at this stage, with further impacts by quantifying the amount of assessment to be conducted during the Tier agricultural land and residential land use 1 EIS process. that each alternative traverses, and would consider impacts related to severing of farm LAND USE fields, and noise and access impacts. The project study area is defined by a broad GEOLOGY/SOILS range of land use types from the Twin Cities to Rochester. The northern segment of the The study area includes a broad range of study area extends through a mix of urban geological and soil conditions that could and suburban land use settings including affect construction of rail lines. The areas of residential, commercial, light industrial, and greatest concern include those areas parks/open spaces. Land uses gradually susceptible to erosion, areas where there is become less dense when traveling south a presence of karst topography, and areas from the Twin Cities suburbs. From subject to groundwater flow along the SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE 15 Decorah Edge. The Decorah Edge is a The Tier 1 EIS would quantify the number of unique geologic feature comprised of shale water crossings required for each rock that extends northwest to southeast alternative and identify other potential water through Goodhue and Olmsted counties. resource impact issues such as whether The Decorah Edge in combination with the any resource has special designation (i.e. karst topography that extends west from the wild and scenic)which may limit the Decorah Edge represent the greatest areas feasibility of introducing a new crossing. of concern related to erosion, groundwater flow and groundwater recharge. These karst The study area also includes a broad range topography issues are most prominent in of wetland resources including lakes, rivers, the southern portion of the study area. streams, and different wetland types. The These specific locations would be identified majority of potentially affected wetlands are in the Tier 1 EIS and the degree to which concentrated along the river and lake each alternative extends through these basins. Conversely, many of the agricultural locations would be quantified. The following areas have been tiled therefore wetlands web link provides additional information are somewhat limited. Based on the one- regarding karst topography and the Decorah mile wide corridors defined to date, there Edge: are no substantial differences in wetland impacts among the remaining alternatives. http://www.forestry.umn.edu/prod/qroups/dans/Ca)pub/ Wetland analysis would be further refined in CcD.cfans/Ca)forestry/documents/asset/cfans asset 262 the Tier 1 EIS. 714.pdf WATER RESOURCES CONTAMINATIONMAZARDOUS MATERIALS The study area contains a variety of water resources including but not limited to: The project study area does not contain disproportionate concentrations of known • Mississippi River hazardous material sites. Review of existing • Minnesota River databases would be conducted in the Tier 1 • Vermillion River EIS to better determine the potential for • Lake Byllesby issues throughout the entire study area. • Cannon River FISH,WILDLIFE,PLANT COMMUNITIES • Zumbro River The greatest concentration of fish and Both southern corridors require new wildlife communities occurs in the rural open crossings of the Vermillion, Cannon, and spaces and rivers and lakes throughout the Zumbro rivers in rural areas. At the north study area. Documented rare, threatened, end of the corridor, potential crossings of and endangered species and habitat in the the Mississippi and Minnesota rivers may be MnDNR Natural Heritage Program (NHP) required. These crossings may be new database, as well as records from the bridges, rehabilitated existing bridges, or regional non-game wildlife specialist and the expansion of existing river crossing bridges. County distribution of Minnesota's Federally-Listed Threatened, Endangered, SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE 16 6 -1 1�,_ Proposed, and Candidate Species would be will complete the Environmental Justice compiled and presented in the Tier 1 EIS. assessment by evaluating whether disproportionate project impacts may occur HISTORIC PROPERTIES to these populations. There are several prominent historic VISUAL properties in the study area. In the Twin Cities area, the corridors are near Fort The land uses in the study area consist of a Snelling, the historic village of Mendota and range of urban, suburban, and rural the Union Depot in St. Paul, and other characteristics. The level of visual setting properties. Farther south in the corridor, change introduced by any alternative would there are properties in rural areas including also be influenced by whether the farmsteads, and individual properties in alternative follows an existing rail corridor, communities that would be identified. highway alignment, or is a greenfield. In general, residential and park land uses are One major historic property is the Nansen considered most visually sensitive. The Agricultural Historic District in Goodhue amount of these land use types adjacent to County's Sogn Valley, near MN 56 and each alternative would be quantified in the County Highways 14 and 49. The Nansen Tier 1 EIS. District contains 30 farms representative of Norwegian immigrant settlement in the AIR QUALITY nineteenth century and is one of the few rural historic districts in Minnesota. The scope of this proposed project does not indicate that negative air quality impacts In accordance with both state and federal from transportation-related emissions would provisions, the Tier 1 EIS would focus on likely be expected. In addition, this project is identifying the known cultural resources considered to have low potential to result in listed on or eligible for listing on the National Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSAT) effects, Register of Historic Places, including that is, none of the proposed alternatives architectural and archaeological resources. are expected to result in meaningful differences in MSAT emissions. ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE NOISE AND VIBRATION Executive Order 12898 requires the assessment of impacts from a proposed Each of the project alternatives has the project on minority and low-income potential to introduce noise and vibration populations. The Tier 1 EIS will identify if issues. The level of impact is dependent on any minority and/or low-income populations train technology, frequency, speed, and the are present in the project area based on location of sensitive receptors. As noted in current population data (2010 census and the Land Use section, the study includes county data). Information to complete the both suburban and rural land uses that are initial assessment will include demographic especially sensitive to noise and vibration data and the ongoing public involvement issues. For the Tier 1 EIS, noise and program. The Tier 2 environmental process SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE 17 vibration contours would be defined to Portions of the proposed rail corridors may determine how many sensitive land uses also fall within the state's airport (i.e. residences) are potentially impacted by coordination areas that have been identified each alternative. for each airport in the state. When alignments are closer to airports, they may TRANSPORTATION fall within the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) Runway Protection Because this study is focused on provision Zones (RPZ), requiring additional evaluation of high-speed rail, it is necessary to by FAA. incorporate information developed as part of the Service Development Plan discussed The Zip Rail project has identified the need previously. The SDP provides information for ongoing coordination in the Tier 1 EIS on ridership, service frequencies, travel with the following airports: times, station and facilities planning, revenue analysis and capital, operating and • Minneapolis-St. Paul International maintenance costs. This information is the • St. Paul Downtown business case for the project, and would • South St. Paul provide supporting information for analyzing • Dodge Center the environmental impacts in each corridor • Stanton in the Tier 1 EIS. CUMULATIVE POTENTIAL EFFECTS The preliminary rail corridor alternatives for this study were identified by maximizing use Given the scope of the proposed project of existing and historical railroad and there likely are other reasonably highway transportation corridors to the foreseeable projects that would be extent practicable in order to reduce implemented prior to or after construction of impacts to the overall transportation system. the Zip Rail project. As part of the Tier 1 EIS However, given the scope of the proposed process, these projects would be identified project alternatives it is anticipated there and the nature of the cumulative potential would be some impacts associated with effects would be documented. changes in vehicular traffic volumes or traffic congestion. OTHER POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS Depending on the alternative, there would also be changes in roadway access RIGHT-OF-WAY including potential to sever existing local roads. However, it is expected that higher As noted in the Land Use section, where level roadways, including state and county practical, the alternatives were developed to roads, would not be affected. Ongoing maximize use of existing public and/or coordination would occur with the cities and transportation related corridors to reduce counties along the corridors to recognize right-of-way acquisition and impacts to current and future roadway plans that could study area land uses. However, given the work in conjunction with rail planning. size of the study area and scope of the SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE 18 0 Zip proposed alternatives some right-of-way acquisition and potential relocation of commercial businesses and/or residential properties would likely be required. The analysis in the Tier 1 EIS would be based on alternative corridors that are one-mile wide. These broader corridors allow for greater flexibility in avoiding or reducing impacts as the process and details advance. Using these one-mile wide corridors, a right-of-way assessment would be conducted as part of the Tier 1 EIS. PARK AND RECREATIONAL PROPERTIES The study area includes numerous park and recreational properties ranging from federal and state level resources to local parks. Some of the most prominent resources in the study area include: • The Mississippi River(Corridor Critical Area) • The Minnesota River National Wildlife Refuge • Fort Snelling State Park • Vermillion Highlands Research Recreation and Wildlife Management Area (WMA) • Lake Byllesby Regional Park • Cannon Valley State Trail • Warsaw WMA • Douglas State Trail • Richard J. Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest The Tier 1 EIS would verify the location of all known resources in order to avoid, or minimize any impact to the park and recreational properties. SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE 19 0 :1 HOW CAN I PARTICIPATE IN THE The Scoping Meeting Notice will be published in local newspapers and in the ZIP RAIL SLOPING PROCESS? EQB Monitor. SCOPING MEETINGS Those attending the public scoping meetings will be able to view project Scoping meetings are planned to provide materials, listen to an informational opportunities for the public to learn more presentation, discuss issues with Zip Rail about the project, ask questions, and team members, and present any comments provide input. Meetings will be held at three they may have in verbal and/or written form. different locations: Stenographers will also be available to record individuals' comments separately. Open House #1: PUBLIC OUTREACH PROGRAM Tuesday, July 29, 2014 5:00 to 7:00 PM The Zip Rail program seeks to provide the Heintz Center public and agencies with accurate Commons Area Rochester Community and information about the project and its Technical College progress, using convenient and varied I 1926 College View Road East methods to provide that information and Rochester, MN engage stakeholders and the public to help define the issues to be evaluated in the Open House #2: program. This will enable the project team Wednesday, July 30, 2014 5:00 to 7:00 PM to develop, screen and select alternatives in � Inver Grove Community Center a manner that reflects public priorities for Community Room 2 I improved service. Every effort will be made 8055 Barbara Ave. to accommodate persons with disabilities Inver Grove Heights, MN and non-English speakers in the public s involvement process and to accurately Open House #3: document public comments and responses Thursday, July 31, 2014 5:00 to 7:00 PM in accordance with state and federal Kenyon-Wanamingo High School requirements. Commons Area and Auditorium 400 6th St. Numerous outreach meetings and Kenyon, MN presentations with public boards and other stakeholders were held from March 2014 through June 2014 to provide information and updates and receive feedback and The 30-day comment period on this comments prior to development of this Scoping Booklet and Draft Scoping Scoping Booklet. Decision Document will begin on July 7, 2014 and will remain open through August 6, 2014. SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE 20 These meetings and presentations included website, (www.goziprail.org). The report will the following organizations: summarize the overall results of the scoping process, including comments received, and • Zip Rail Technical Advisory Committee identify the alternatives that would be JAC) studied in the Tier 1 EIS. • Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) • Metropolitan Council Transportation WHY IS AN ENVIRONMENTAL Committee IMPACT STATEMENT NECESSARY? • Metropolitan Airports Commission Staff HOW LONG WILL THE PROCESS • MnDOT Aeronautics Rochester-Olmsted Council of TAKE? • Governments (ROCOG) Dakota County Regional Railroad Due to anticipated federal funding for the • Zip Rail project, and the fact that the project Authority may have significant environmental impacts, • Dodge County Board of Commissioners the FRA is required to prepare an • Goodhue County Board of Environmental Impact Statement(EIS) Commissioners under the National Environmental Policy Act • Hennepin County Regional Railroad (NEPA). MnDOT and OCRRA will also Authority conduct this review in compliance with the • Olmsted County Regional Railroad Minnesota Environmental Policy Act Authority (MEPA) and Minnesota Rules Chapter • Ramsey County Regional Railroad 4410. Authority • Rochester City Council Committee of The Tier 1 EIS process occurs in three the Whole stages—Scoping, Draft Tier 1 EIS and Final • UMore Park Development, LLC/ Tier 1 EIS—and culminates in a federal University of Minnesota Record of Decision under NEPA and a state • Flint Hills Resources/Pine Bend Determination of Adequacy under MEPA. Refinery Each of the three stages includes • Canadian Pacific Railway (CP) publication of a document for public • Union Pacific Railroad (UP) comment and narrows the number of • CONDAC— Dakota County alternatives, with the Final Tier 1 EIS identifying one or more Preferred Alternatives for the project. NEXT STEPS This Tier 1 process will be completed in The Draft Scoping Decision Document 2015. The Tier 2 environmental process (DSDD) is provided as an appendix to this may require an additional 36-42 months to Scoping Booklet and is available at fully evaluate the project impacts. www.goziprail.org. At the conclusion of the 30-day scoping review period, a Final Scoping Decision Document will be prepared and posted on the Zip Rail SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE 21 8 Figure 6. MEPA and NEPA Environmental Review Process Sequencing NOTICE OF INTENT TO PREPARE AN EIS - NEPA Requirement SLOPING BOOKLET/DRAFT SCOPING DECISION DOCUMENT • MEPA Requirement FINAL SCOPING DECISION DOCUMENT • MEPA Requirement TIERED EIS (FRA PROCESS) STEP 1 -Tier 1 Draft and Final EIS(MEPA&NEPA) -Tier I Record of Decision(NEPA) -Tier 1 Adequacy Determination(MEPA) STEP 2 -Tier 2 Draft and Final EIS(MEPA&NEPA) Tier 2 Record of Decision(NEPA) -Tier 2 Adequacy Determination(MEPA) [ Environmental Decisions/Proceed to Final Design HOW WILL MY COMMENTS BE WHAT HAPPENS AFTER SCOPING IS USED? COMPLETED? WILL THEY MAKE A DIFFERENCE? CAN I STILL BE INVOLVED? Your comments can make a difference. The Scoping process is the beginning of the Comments received during the Scoping environmental review process. Although the period will be used to finalize the Zip Rail formal Scoping period ends on August 6, purpose and need, refine the proposed 2014, opportunities for involvement in the alternatives, and identify environmental Tier 1 EIS will continue. Additional topic areas to be analyzed in the Tier 1 EIS community meetings will be scheduled and their method of analysis. You can find during the preparation of the Draft Tier 1 out how all comments were addressed by EIS and materials will be posted to the reviewing the Final Scoping Decision project website for community review and Document, which will provide a summary of comments. the Scoping process, comments received, and response to comments that will be Following publication of the Draft Tier 1 EIS published after the Scoping public comment another series of formal public meetings will period ends. be conducted to receive your comments on the findings of the Draft Tier 1 EIS and the recommendation for the preferred alternative(s). SCOPING BOOKLET PAGE 22 Rochester- Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan and Tier 1 EIS Appendix A: DRAFT Scoping Decision Document APPENDIX A DRAFT Scoping Decision Document July 2014 Rochester- Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan and Tier 1 EIS Appendix A: DRAFT Scoping Decision Document TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction...................................................................................................................................1 ProjectDescription........................................................................................................................2 Purposeand Need........................................................................................................................3 Project Cost, Funding, Source, and Schedule..............................................................................7 Responsible Governmental Unit and Project Manager.................................................................7 Alternatives to be Studied in the Tier 1 EIS ..................................................................................7 Issues to be Addressed in the Tier 1 EIS....................................................................................12 Public and Agency Involvement..................................................................................................19 Permitsand Approvals................................................................................................................21 FIGURES Figure 1 MEPA and NEPA Environmental Review Process Sequencing.....................................2 Figure 2 Project Location..............................................................................................................5 Figure 3 Project Corridor Study area ............................................................................................6 Figure 4 Alternatives to be advanced into the Tier 1 EIS (east) .................................................10 Figure 5 Alternatives to be advanced into the Tier 1 EIS (west).................................................11 TABLES Table 1 Preliminary List of Permits and Approvals .....................................................................21 Pagel July 2014 Rochester- Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan and Tier 1 EIS Appendix A: DRAFT Scoping Decision Document This page intentionally left blank. Page ii July 2014 Rochester- Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan and Tier 1 EIS Appendix A: DRAFT Scoping Decision Document INTRODUCTION This Draft Scoping Decision Document (DSDD) has been prepared as part of the state environmental review process (Minnesota Environmental Policy Act, MEPA) to fulfill requirements of Minnesota Rules Chapter 4410.2000. The DSDD is distributed to federal, state, and local agencies and the public to provide an opportunity for review and comment prior to the preparation of a Scoping Decision Document(SDD). A 30-day comment period will begin when the availability notice for the DSDD is published in the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board (EQB) Monitor. A series of three Scoping Meetings will be held during the 30-day comment period (as required by Minnesota Rules Chapter 4410.2100 Subpart 3), which will provide an opportunity for the public to comment on the DSDD. A final scoping decision will be made by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) under MEPA, after the public scoping meeting and at the end of the 30-day comment period. The 30-day comment period on the Scoping Booklet and Draft Scoping Decision Document will begin on July 7, 2014 and will remain open through August 6, 2014. Federal funding will be pursued for this project from the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). As a result the FRA, as the lead federal agency for this project, is required to undertake environmental review in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). As the local public agency sponsoring the project, MnDOT, as the Responsible Governmental Unit (RGU), and Olmsted County Regional Rail Authority (OCRRA) must also comply with the requirements of the Minnesota Environmental Policy Act(MEPA). The FRA, MnDOT, and OCRRA have determined that the Zip Rail project may have significant environmental impacts. The Federal Railroad Administration uses a tiered EIS process for its NEPA studies. The level of detail proposed for assessing potential impacts reflects that this project is anticipated as Tier 1 of a two-tier environmental review process. In the Tier 1 EIS, the technical analysis is less detailed and considers impacts to the corridor as a whole and evaluation of impacts at a qualitative level. A Tier 1 EIS addresses questions related to the type of service being proposed, including cities and stations served, route alternatives, service levels, and types of operations, ridership projections and major infrastructure components. Environmental analysis is completed at a higher level, but detailed site information is conducted at the Tier 2 environmental level, when the alignment and related service information has been determined and more specific project boundaries can be developed to determine effects. Figure 1 below illustrates the various steps and sequencing of the combined MEPA and NEPA processes. Page 1 July 2014 Rochester- Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan and Tier 1 EIS Appendix A: DRAFT Scoping Decision Document Figure 1. MEPA and NEPA Environmental Review Process Sequencing NOTICE OF INTENT TO PREPARE AN EIS • NEPA Requirement SCOPING BOOKLET/DRAFT SCOPING DECISION DOCUMENT • MEPA Requirement FINAL SCOPING DECISION DOCUMENT • MEPA Requirement TIERED EIS (FRA PROCESS) STEP 1 —Tier 1 Draft and Final EIS(MEPA&NEPA) —Tier 1 Record of Decision(NEPA) —Tier 1 Adequacy Determination(MEPA) STEP 2 —Tier 2 Draft and Final EIS(MEPA&NEPA) —Tier 2 Record of Decision(NEPA) —Tier 2 Adequacy Determination(MEPA) • Environmental Decisions/Proceed to Final Design The tiered environmental review process used by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) reflects that the scale and scope of most rail projects are typically very large. As a result, it is more practical to conduct a two-step environmental review with step 1 (Tier 1) staying at a higher level and step 2 (Tier 2)focused on a more refined assessment. Given FRA's tiered approach, the application of MEPA differs somewhat from the more commonly applied procedures of Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) led transportation projects. With a federal tiered EIS process, the environmental review typically associated with a State Scoping Environmental Assessment Worksheet(EAW) occurs during the federal Tier 1 phase. Likewise, the level of review synonymous with the State EIS occurs during the federal Tier 2 NEPA phase. Following completion of the scoping process, a Tier 1 EIS will be prepared in accordance with the findings of the Final Scoping Decision Document. This Draft Scoping Decision Document describes the purpose of and need for the proposed action; the process followed in the development and evaluation of alignment alternatives; the potential social, economic, and environmental impacts and discussion of the methodology that will be used to address each issue in the Tier 1 EIS. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Rochester-Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Project(Zip Rail) is a proposed high-speed passenger rail connection between Rochester, Minnesota and the Minneapolis/St. Paul Metropolitan Area (Twin Cities). The project is located in the counties of Dakota, Dodge, Goodhue, Hennepin, Olmsted, Ramsey and Rice. Page 2 July 2014 Rochester- Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan and Tier 1 EIS Appendix A: DRAFT Scoping Decision Document Proposed termini include downtown Rochester at the south end of the approximate 100-mile corridor, with Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport(MSP) and/or St. Paul Union Depot at the north end of the corridor. At the north end of the corridor, Zip Rail would also connect to the existing light rail transit at MSP (Metro Blue Line) and/or the existing light rail transit at Union Depot (Metro Green Line). Zip Rail is planned as express train between Rochester and the Twin Cities. As part of the evaluation process, an intermediate station is under consideration in southern Dakota County. No other intermediate stops are under consideration at this time. With no existing direct rail connection between Rochester and the Twin Cities, the proposed corridors would predominately include new or"greenfield" rail right-of-way and new rail construction, located to the maximum extent practicable along existing public or railway right-of- way. With trains travelling at speeds of 150+ mph, these corridors would be sealed, with no at- grade crossings. Travel times between Rochester and the Twin Cities would be approximately 45-50 minutes. The Zip Rail study area is highlighted in Figures 2 and 3. PURPOSE AND NEED The purpose of the project is to study potential reliable and safe passenger rail transportation alternatives that would meet forecasted population and economic growth mobility demands in the Southeast Minnesota corridor between Rochester and the Twin Cities area. The system would connect the Twin Cities and Rochester by providing a convenient and cost effective transportation alternative. The project is being developed to: • Provide intercity passenger rail service linking the regional economic center of Rochester and the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area economic hub • Provide travel options for the growing population and accessibility to population centers • Improve safety, convenience and time of travel • Complement the plans of the Midwest Regional Rail Initiative (MWRRI) and Minnesota Comprehensive Statewide Freight and Passenger Rail Plan The project need for expanded transportation options in this corridor is based on the following elements: • Increase in population and employment in Rochester, the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, and Southeast Minnesota • Anticipated travel demand to accommodate growth in economic generators and attractions such as the Mayo Clinic and University of Minnesota as well as services and industries that will support those facilities • Limited direct and convenient transportation connectivity opportunities for the corridor between Rochester and the Twin Cities Page 3 July 2014 Rochester- Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan and Tier 1 EIS Appendix A: DRAFT Scoping Decision Document The development of world-class and internationally recognized medical facilities in Rochester, along with its agribusiness and high-tech industrial base, make the city a significant economic engine in the north central United States. The Twin Cities, also a base of high-tech industry, and the main transportation hub in the north central states, marks the importance of the economic connection between these cities. Transportation connections between these cities are primarily based on the private automobile with few commercial transportation options. The Mayo Clinic in Rochester draws patients and their companions from around the nation and the world, and constitutes a primary need for transportation options not based on the private automobile. The project needs to meet existing and future transportation connectivity demands of the corridor between Rochester and the Twin Cities in a manner that is competitive with other modes of transportation. As the population, employment, and number of visitors grow along the corridor, especially in the Twin Cities and Rochester, the number of people travelling between these locations will increase, creating increased demand on existing transportation. The existing roadway system in the corridor is anticipated to experience capacity needs resulting from current and future economic growth; a rail option would provide a means to address those needs into the future. Page 4 July 2014 Rochester- Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan and Tier 1 EIS Appendix A: DRAFT Scoping Decision Document Figure 2. Project Location I 1\ Grand Forks i r s Fargo $9 Duluth 1 i 71 1 99 �1 I � Saint 705 Cloud Coon Rapids Minneapolis-Saint "' Paul Metro Area Pro,eoUcatiov-�� 1 � u 1 Roche er1 1 ._ 52 to Crosse 63 ROCHESTER-TWIN CITIES PASSENGER RAIL CORRIDOR OVERVIEW MAP mef uiv:1.'P7 7013 Page 5 July 2014 Rochester- Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan and Tier 1 EIS Appendix A: DRAFT Scoping Decision Document Figure 3. Project Corridor Study Area -© _ Study Area Rail Staten } Target Fleid Staten Dept _ a' De'4 © H.Wdal + argon .+a County,B—Mary ' •; ``}xx..„,, interstate Highway MSP Aapert `•C 4 US and State Highways + ! County Road • _ � y ParWWetdafa Land CONES t s: r, +r fit all j wy�. dz i f i may. Downtown ,rr.. - .... Ro,,hester WT Anort Rochester Twin Cities Passenger Rail Comixfor Investment Plan Project Condor SNC Area Page 6 July 2014 Rochester- Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan and 77er 1 EIS Appendix A: DRAFT Scoping Decision Document PROJECT COST,FUNDING SOURCE,AND SCHEDULE Specific cost estimates have not been performed for the various alternatives recommended for further study. More detailed cost estimating efforts will be performed for the preferred alternative(s) selected as a result of the Tier 1 environmental efforts. The current phase of project study has been funded by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) and the Olmsted County Regional Railroad Authority (OCRRA). Funding for future phases of project work has not yet been secured. It is anticipated that the project will ultimately include funding from local, state, federal and private sources. The Tier 1 environmental document is scheduled for completion in 2015. Subsequent phases of project work have not yet been scheduled. The future schedule of work will depend on funds identified and secured for the individual phases of work. RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENTAL UNIT AND PROJECT MANAGER MnDOT is the project proposer and Responsible Governmental Unit (RGU) under Minnesota Rules Chapter 4410.0500 for the purposes of this Draft Scoping Decision Document, and for the Tier 1 EIS, with respect to State environmental review requirements. MnDOT Project Manager: Praveena Pidaparthi, AICP Planning Director- Passenger Rail Office Minnesota Department of Transportation 395 John Ireland Boulevard, MS 470 St. Paul, MN 55155 ALTERNATIVES TO BE STUDIED IN THE TIER 1 EIS The Rochester-Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan Scoping Booklet described a universe of alternatives that were initially identified for study. Based on the alternatives screening process discussed in the Scoping Booklet, the over 1,200 potential alternative combinations were screened to 8 Build Alternatives proposed to be studied in the Tier 1 EIS, as described below and illustrated in Figures 4 and 5. A final decision regarding the number of alternatives to be studied will be made based on input received from the public, agencies and others during the scoping public comment period. In addition, the No-Build Alternative will be carried through the Tier 1 EIS process. The No- Build Alternative reflects existing conditions, and includes all currently planned and programmed improvements in the project area over the next 20 years. The No-Build Alternative would be a base of comparison to the potential Build Alternatives. Page 7 July 2014 Rochester- Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan and Tler 1 EIS Appendix A: DRAFT Scoping Decision Document As shown in Figures 4 and 5, the various end-point to end-point alternatives have common segments. To facilitate the description, the study area has been divided into north and south segments. NORTHERN SEGMENT-COATES TO TWIN CITIES TERMINALS:MSP AND/OR UNION DEPOT Extending north from Coates, which represents the area where all the alternatives combine to a single corridor, the alternatives eventually split with two options extending northwest toward MSP and two options continuing north to Union Depot. MSP Options These alternatives extend northwest along County Road 71 through Rosemount and Inver Grove Heights, transitioning to a corridor parallel to the existing Canadian Pacific Railway (CP) in Eagan and Minnesota Highway 149, then northwest to the 1-494 corridor. From this point there are two options; one is to continue across the Minnesota River Valley with a new bridge on or adjacent to 1-494 to provide a direct connection to MSP. The other alternative includes a station in the area Pilot Knob Road and 1-494. From the station, passengers could transfer to a shuttle to connect to MSP or continue on the train northeast to the Union Depot, using the Union Pacific Railroad (UP) alignment and entering Union Depot from the west. A variation to this option would be high-speed rail service to both MSP and the Union Depot which would preclude the need for a transfer station near Pilot Knob Road. Union Depot Options Continuing north from Coates, the Union Depot options extend along the west side of the Pine Bend Refinery and connect with the UP rail corridor through Inver Grove Heights. The options continue north on the UP rail corridor to the vicinity of 1-494. Near 1-494 the options split with one crossing the Mississippi River on a new bridge and joining the CP rail corridor on the east side of the river. From there, the alignment would either share track or construct a new track through the existing rail corridor and rail yard, and enter Union Depot from the east. The second option for connecting to Union Depot continues along the west side of the Mississippi River on the UP rail corridor and crosses the river in the vicinity of the Robert Street Bridge in Downtown St. Paul. SOUTHERN SEGMENT-COATES TO DOWNTOWN ROCHESTER South of Coates there are two primary options, as shown in Figures 4 and 5. The first extends southeast roughly paralleling US 52, and the second extends south in the general proximity of the MN 56 corridor before turning east along the US 14 corridor into Rochester. Eastern Corridor(US 52) Though paralleling US 52, this is primarily a greenfield corridor. Locating the service adjacent to, or within the US 52 right-of-way is not feasible because of curves and hills prevalent along the highway corridor, the limited available right-of-way, and the numerous intersecting roads including several interchanges. As a result, the proposed corridor extends west of US 52, at Page 8 July 2014 Rochester- Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan and Tier 1 EIS Appendix A: DRAFT Scoping Decision Document times adjacent to the existing highway and elsewhere several miles to the west. The corridor was defined with a focus on minimizing impacts to existing land uses and environmental features, while maximizing the ability to attain and maintain true high-speed rail operations (150+ mph). Between Pine Island and Oronoco the corridor is generally adjacent to US 52. Immediately south of Oronoco the corridor departs the US 52 corridor extending southwest to follow a corridor near US 14 into Rochester. Western Corridor(MN 56) This corridor continues south from Hampton roughly paralleling MN 56. This is a greenfield corridor that travels in close proximity to MN 56 mostly along an abandoned rail right-of-way. The proposed corridor would extend along the east side of the communities of Randolph, Kenyon, and West Concord prior to reaching Dodge Center where the corridor turns east and follows the US 14 corridor into Rochester. The corridor was also defined with a focus on minimizing impacts to existing land uses and environmental features, while maximizing the ability to attain and maintain true high-speed rail operations (150+ mph). Corridor Terminals As illustrated in Figures 4 and 5 the proposed terminal stations are downtown Rochester on the south end and MSP and/or Union Depot in the Twin Cities. The Rochester International Airport and Target Field Station candidate terminals have been removed from consideration as part of this study process. Preliminary ridership forecasting indicated relatively light demand to and from the Rochester International Airport. A rail link between downtown Rochester and the Rochester International Airport could be considered in the future as part of any Zip Rail extension planning. The Target Field Station was removed from consideration because it is being addressed as a high-speed rail terminal as part of the Twin Cities to Milwaukee/Chicago High Speed Rail Study. Depending on the results of that process, access from the Zip Rail corridor to the Target Field Station would be provided through Union Depot via a high-speed rail link or the Metro Green Line. Access from MSP to the Target Field Station is provided via the Metro Blue Line. A link to Target Field Station could be considered in the future as part of any Zip Rail extension planning. Page 9 July 2014 Rochester- Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan and Tier 1 EIS Appendix A: DRAFT Scoping Decision Document Figure 4: Alternatives to be advanced into the Tier 1 — EIS (East) t St.pain MITed lIS 4- k LEGEND L Rail Station T' - � Airport In erg Cottage + 77 � SS Gr ve Highway �CfOYe 1144, gin 0 Study Area a \ Minn-e Alternative 22 4 t 3 I \! Alternative 3.2 Rosemount Alternative 4.2 Alternative 5 2 COATES Vermillion a Farmington New Hampton Trier 61 Randol h Cannon ales 52 Denrrson 56 Nerstrand Wanamingo lZumbrota Kenyon Pine Island st oronoto Coi ord l 1 Mantofville .Dodge (l Center — -- Byron F••� Kasson Rocheste� f Page 10 July 2014 Rochester- Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan and Tier 1 EIS Appendix A: DRAFT Scoping Decision Document Figure 5: Alternatives to be advanced into the Tier 1 — EIS (West) St.Paul M ea hs -- \pe\ LEGEND r-9 Rail Station + Airport In or 77 S5 ve Cottage — Highway Grove 0.11, gan e1- O Study Area `noes — Alternative 2.3 N' 13 — Altemative 3.3 Alternative 4,3 Rosemount Alternative 5.3 COATES Vermillion Jf Farmington 4q 9°P New Hampton Trier �-- Randolph Cannon alts 52 Denrison 56 Nerstrand Wanamingo umbrota Kenyon Pine Island West Oronoco Concord } Mantorville 14 r Do ge Center Kasson Byron Rochester> +/ Page 11 July 2014 Rochester- Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan and Tier 1 EIS Appendix A: DRAFT Scoping Decision Document ISSUES TO BE ADDRESSED IN THE TIER 1 EIS Information for completing the environmental issues identification was gathered through a variety of sources including literature reviews, field investigations, and GIS data analysis. Regulatory agencies and local governments provided important input through participation in Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meetings and the agency coordination meetings held in 2013 and earlier in 2014. Additionally, public information meetings in the summer of 2013 were held to present preliminary information and provide an opportunity for the public to provide input regarding key issues and potential impacts related to the project. Information gathered in these meetings contributed to the development and evaluation of the alternatives. This section provides an overview of the environmental subject areas to be addressed in the Tier 1 EIS. The level of detail is limited at this stage, with further assessment conducted during the Tier 1 EIS process. Based on information gathered during the scoping process the range of environmental issues typically addressed in accordance with MEPA guidelines were categorized into three areas based on the potential for significant impacts: • Issues Requiring More Detailed Analysis in the Tier 1 EIS • Issues Requiring Less Detailed Analysis in the Tier 1 EIS • Issues Not Requiring Further Analysis in the Tier 1 EIS ISSUES REQUIRING MORE DETAILED ANALYSIS IN THE TIER 1 EIS There are a number of issues that are expected to influence the selection of the preferred alternative. These issues will receive a greater level of attention and coordination with the public and appropriate agencies as part of the Tier 1 EIS. Land Use The Tier 1 EIS will examine the compatibility of the project alternatives with the existing land uses and with future land use plans in the areas through which the proposed alternatives extend. Social and community impacts are possible both from the physical impacts of the project as well as changes in access and circulation given the need to close some roads or provide for grade-separated access where roadway and rail alignments may intersect. Community Character/Cohesion The project alternatives introduce some potential for adverse impacts to communities along the study corridors, especially residential land uses. Specific issues that will be addressed in other sections of the Tier 1 EIS include noise and vibration, transportation system/access changes, and right-of-way impacts. This section will identify the specific location of residential neighborhoods, their proximity to the project alternatives, and the probability for adverse effects on those sensitive land uses. Page 12 July 2014 Rochester- Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan and Tler 1 EIS Appendix A: DRAFT Scoping Decision Document Community Facilities/Public Services The Tier 1 EIS will identify key community facilities adjacent to or in proximity to the various alternatives. These facilities include city halls, fire stations, hospitals, libraries, churches, community centers, and other institutional uses. The focus of this section will be to assess the potential for adverse effects associated with changes in access to these facilities as well as potential noise and vibration concerns. Geology/Soils The study area includes a broad range of geological and soil conditions that could affect construction of rail lines. The areas of greatest concern include those areas susceptible to erosion, areas where there is a presence of karst topography, and areas subject to consideration of groundwater flow along the Decorah Edge. The Decorah Edge is a unique geologic feature comprised of shale rock that extends northwest to southeast through Goodhue and Olmsted counties. The Decorah Edge in combination with the karst topography represent the greatest areas of concern related to erosion, groundwater flow and groundwater recharge. Karst topography issues are most prominent in the southern portion of the study area. These specific locations would be identified in the Tier 1 EIS and the degree to which each alternative extends through these locations would be quantified. Water Quality/Stormwater This section of the Tier 1 EIS will build from the analysis completed for the Geology/Soils assessment by identifying areas where erosion is of greatest concern. In addition, areas where providing storm water ponding could be particularly difficult given unique geological or soil conditions will be identified. These will include locations where karst topography is present. Coordination with applicable water resource agencies including area watersheds and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)will be initiated. Water Resources Wetlands in the project study area are under the jurisdiction of the Army Corps of Engineers, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MnDNR), and local agencies administering the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act. An impact assessment of all project alternatives will be conducted. The assessment will focus on wetlands identified by the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI). The wetland impact assessment will be based on calculation of the area of wetland within the conceptual impact limits of each alternative. This will be performed using NWI mapping overlaid on corridors. Fish, Wildlife, Threatened and Endangered Species Documented rare, threatened, and endangered species and habitat in the MnDNR Natural Heritage Program (NHP) database, records from the regional non-game wildlife specialist, and the County distribution of Minnesota's Federally-Listed Threatened, Endangered, Proposed, and Candidate Species list will be reviewed for each project alternative. The information will be geo- referenced with the proposed alternatives and the number of resources within each alternative's impact area will be quantified. Page 13 July 2014 Rochester- Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan and 77er 1 EIS Appendix A: DRAFT Scoping Decision Document Natural communities in the project study area will be classified based on GIS data and mapping. Project alternatives will be compared according to potential habitat loss and fragmentation of forested areas or sensitive vegetation like natural prairie land. Visual/Aesthetics The land uses in the study area consist of a range of urban, suburban, and rural characteristics. A qualitative visual assessment will be conducted using land use adjacent to each alternative as a proxy for relative visual sensitivity. For example, residential and park land uses will be considered the most visually sensitive. The assessment will identify and quantify the total amount of sensitive adjacent land uses (in miles) that are within the sightline of the proposed alternatives. Cultural Resources The Tier 1 EIS analysis will focus on identifying known cultural resources listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, including architectural and archaeological resources. This information will be used to establish the relative potential of each alternative encountering historical and/or archaeological resources. Further analysis under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act would be carried out in the Tier 2 environmental process. Noise/Vibration The project alternatives have the potential to introduce noise and vibration issues. The level of impact is dependent on train technology, frequency, speed, and the location of sensitive receptors. For the Tier 1 EIS, noise and vibration contours will be defined for each alternative and applied to GIS mapping to determine how many sensitive locations are within the established noise contour boundaries. The noise contours will be based on the applicable federal and state noise criteria. Transportation Highways:A transportation system impact assessment will be completed to determine what roadway crossings will be maintained and whether they will be at-grade or grade-separated crossings. The assessment will include quantifying changes in access and connectivity in the transportation network. Freight Railroads:Several project alternatives parallel active freight rail lines, especially in the north end of the project study area. This section will identify the specific locations where some levels of co-location with freight railroads are assumed. The ownership, operating characteristics (right-of-way, daily trains, operating speeds), coordination to date with the owners, and assumed modifications necessary to make co-location feasible will be identified. Aviation: Several alternatives include a connection to MSP. The Tier 1 EIS will identify issues associated with providing rail service to MSP such as accounting for runway protection zones (RPZ's), trade-offs between at-grade and tunnel operations, and other special provisions. Coordination has already been initiated with the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) and it is anticipated that a substantial amount of additional coordination will be required to determine Page 14 July 2014 Rochester- Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan and Tier 1 EIS Appendix A: DRAFT Scoping Decision Document the feasibility of a direct MSP connection. Many of these issues will require rail design details that will not be generated until the Tier 2 NEPA phase. Therefore it is anticipated that the Tier 1 EIS will document the status of ongoing coordination with MAC and any decisions that are generated from the continuing coordination. Coordination will also be conducted with the St. Paul Downtown, South St. Paul, Dodge Center and Stanton airports, due to proximity with proposed corridors. Pedestrian/Bicyclist Movements:The proposed project could have adverse impacts on pedestrian and bicycle movements such as the Douglas State Trail. The EIS will identify major facilities and describe anticipated effects of the proposed improvements on those facilities. Transit:The proposed project is expected to have both beneficial and adverse impacts on transit services. Beneficial effects include expanded transit services and options. Adverse impacts may include minor disruption in transit services during construction. The transit assessment will identify any substantial differences in potential transit service impacts between the proposed alternatives. Right-of-Way and Relocation Given the size of the study area and scope of the proposed alternatives some right-of-way acquisition and potential relocation of commercial businesses and/or residential properties would likely be required. The analysis in the Tier 1 EIS would be based on alternative corridors that are one-mile wide. These broader corridors allow for greater flexibility in avoiding or reducing impacts as the process and details advance. Using these one-mile wide corridors, a right-of-way and relocation assessment will be conducted as part of the Tier 1 EIS. The following information regarding households and businesses will be discussed for each alternative retained in the Tier 1 EIS. • An estimate of the number of households to be displaced including an estimated value of properties to be acquired; • An estimate of the number and type of businesses to be displaced; The Tier 1 EIS will also contain a statement that (1) the Acquisition and Relocation Program will be conducted in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended, and (2) relocation resources are available to all residential and business entities without discrimination. Environmental Justice Executive Order 12898 requires the assessment of impacts from a proposed project on minority and low-income populations. The Tier 1 EIS will identify if any minority and/or low-income populations are present in the project area based on current population data (2010 census and county data). Information to complete the initial assessment will include demographic data and the ongoing public involvement program. The Tier 2 environmental process will complete the Page 15 July 2014 Rochester- Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan and Tier 1 EIS Appendix A: DRAFT Scoping Decision Document Environmental Justice assessment by evaluating whether disproportionate project impacts may occur to these populations. Park and Recreational Properties(Section 4(016(f)) The project alternatives could potentially impact various park and recreational resources in the study area. Some of the resources include the Fort Snelling State Park, the Minnesota River National Wildlife Refuge, the Mississippi National River Recreation Area, and the Douglas State Trail. Development and evaluation of alternatives will be performed consistent with the requirements of federal Section 4(f) and Section 6(f)with the intent to avoid any conversion of these properties to transportation use. The Tier 1 EIS will verify the location of all resources and estimate the level of impact. The formalized Section 4(f) and Section 6(f) processes would occur during the Tier 2 environmental process, if necessary. Floodplains Floodplains in the study area correlate to the various river and stream crossings, including the Minnesota, Mississippi, Vermillion, Cannon, and Zumbro (North Fork, Middle Fork, and South Branch Middle Fork) rivers. The 100 year floodplain for each resource will be identified and the amount each alternative extends through the respective floodplains will be quantified to estimate the potential floodplain impact. The more comprehensive Floodplain Assessment required to address Federal and State regulations will be prepared in the Tier 2 environmental documentation. Wild and Scenic Rivers The Cannon River is designated as a State Wild and Scenic River. MnDNR staff will be contacted to determine whether there are differences in the significance of potential impacts related to where each alternative crosses the river. Prime and Unique Farmlands The study area contains soils identified by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) as being prime farmlands and unique. Soils of statewide significance are also located in the study area. County soil surveys will be consulted in conjunction with NRCS data to determine the amount of prime and unique farmlands potentially impacted by each alternative. Critical Areas The Mississippi River from the northwestern Twin Cities to the St. Croix River confluence near Hastings is a designated Critical Area. The Tier 1 EIS will identify those alternatives that parallel or cross the Mississippi River and therefore introduce the potential for impacts to this designated Critical Area. Contamination/Hazardous Materials Available data resources will be researched to identify known contamination sites. The information will be geo-referenced with the proposed alternatives and the number of sites within each alternative's impact area will be quantified. Page 16 July 2014 Rochester- Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan and Tier 1 EIS Appendix A: DRAFT Scoping Decision Document ISSUES REQUIRING LESS DETAILED ANALYSIS IN THE TIER 1 EIS There are several environmental issues that are of lesser concern given the nature of the undertaking and the study area. The Tier 1 EIS will address these issues however major impacts are not anticipated. Air Quality The scope of this proposed project does not indicate that negative air quality impacts from transportation-related emissions would likely be expected. This project is considered to have low potential to result in Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSAT) effects, that is, none of the proposed alternatives are expected to result in meaningful differences in MSAT emissions. Cumulative Potential Effects Cumulative effects result from the incremental impact of the action when added to other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable actions. Indirect effects are caused by the proposed action and are later in time or farther removed in distance, but are still reasonably foreseeable, such as induced changes in land use patterns, population or growth rate changes, and related effects on natural resources. Given the study corridors in the Tier 1 EIS are one-mile wide, it is not feasible to accurately account for and assess the relationship with other foreseeable projects. As a result, the assessment will focus on identifying the locations where reasonably foreseeable projects are anticipate to occur. The final determination of cumulative and indirect effects will be conducted in the Tier 2 NEPA process when the preferred alternative is identified and a more specific alignment is defined. Economics/Business Impacts Many of the potential positive effects of the proposed alternatives are related to station areas. Adverse effects are associated with potential right-of-way impacts and changes to access. Given the limited level of detail associated with the Tier 1 EIS, the economic assessment will focus on differences in the proposed station locations between the alternatives. Utilities Above ground and underground utility lines may be adversely affected by the proposed project, including pipelines and electrical power lines. For the Tier 1 EIS, major utility corridors will be identified and the interrelationship with the project alternatives and relative differences between alternatives will be discussed. Construction Impacts Construction impacts can include traffic congestion, noise, soil erosion, traffic detours, economic impacts, safety, utility disruption, and other issues. The construction impacts assessment will document areas where construction impacts are expected to be of greater concern including adjacent residential land uses, river crossings, state and county highway crossings, karst topography areas, and major utilities. Page 17 July 2014 Rochester- Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan and Tier 1 EIS Appendix A: DRAFT Scoping Decision Document ISSUES NOT REQUIRING FURTHER ANALYSIS IN THE TIER 1 EIS Based on the assessment completed through the initial alternatives evaluation and scoping processes, the following environmental issue areas do not require additional evaluation and as a result will not be included in the Tier 1 EIS. Energy No major differences in energy requirements and use are anticipated amongst the proposed alternatives. Coastal Zones The project study area is not located within a coastal zone or coastal barrier. Therefore this issue will not be addressed in the Tier 1 EIS. Climate Change The climate change assessment will be deferred to the Tier 2 NEPA process when a preferred alternative is identified and more clearly defined. Relationship of Short-term Uses versus Long-term Productivity This issue will be deferred to the Tier 2 NEPA process when a preferred alternative is identified and more clearly defined. Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitment of Resources This issue will be deferred to the Tier 2 NEPA process when a preferred alternative is identified and more clearly defined. Page 18 July 2014 Rochester- Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan and Tier 1 EIS Appendix A: DRAFT Scoping Decision Document PUBLIC AND AGENCY INVOLVEMENT State Scoping Meetings Scoping meetings are planned to provide opportunities for the public to learn more about the project, ask questions, and provide input. The 30-day comment period on this Scoping Booklet and Draft Scoping Decision Document will begin on July 7, 2014 and will remain open through August 6, 2014. The Scoping Meeting Notice will be published in local newspapers and in the EQB Monitor. Meetings will be held at three different locations as noted below: / Open House #1: Those attending the public scoping meetings will Tuesday, July 29, 2014 be able to view project materials, listen to an 5:00 to 7:00 PM informational presentation, discuss issues with Heintz Center Zip Rail team members, and present any Commons Area comments they may have in verbal and/or written Rochester Community and form. Stenographers will also be available to Technical College record individuals' comments separately. 1926 College View Road East Rochester, MN 1 Contact Information Open House #2: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 To view the Scoping Booklet or for more 5:00 to 7:00 PM information: Inver Grove Community Center Community Room 2 www.gozipraii.org 8055 Barbara Ave. Inver Grove Heights, MN ! Email comments to: info(aD_goziprail.org a Open House #3: Voicemail: 651-366-3195 Thursday, July 31, 2014 5:00 to 7:00 PM Or send comments by U.S. mail to: Kenyon-Wanamingo High School Commons Area and Auditorium 8 Minnesota Department of Transportation 400 6th St. Passenger Rail Office Kenyon, MN ATTN: Zip Rail y ✓ 395 John Ireland Boulevard, MS 470 St. Paul, MN 55155 Public Outreach Program The Zip Rail program seeks to provide the public and agencies with accurate information about the project and its progress, using convenient and varied methods to provide that information and engage stakeholders and the public to help define the issues to be evaluated in the program. This will enable the project team to develop, screen and select alternatives in a manner that reflects public priorities for improved service. Every effort will be made to accommodate persons with disabilities and non-English speakers in the public involvement process and to accurately document public comments and responses in accordance with state and federal requirements. Page 19 July 2014 Rochester- Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan and Tier 1 EIS Appendix A: DRAFT Scoping Decision Document Numerous outreach meetings and presentations with public boards and other stakeholders were held from March 2014 through June 2014 to provide information and updates and receive feedback and comments prior to development of this Scoping Booklet. These meetings and presentations included the following organizations: • Zip Rail Technical Advisory Committee JAC) • Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) • Metropolitan Council Transportation Committee • Metropolitan Airports Commission Staff • MnDOT Aeronautics • Rochester-Olmsted Council of Governments (ROCOG) • Dakota County Regional Railroad Authority • Dodge County Board of Commissioners • Goodhue County Board of Commissioners • Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority • Olmsted County Regional Railroad Authority • Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority • Rochester City Council Committee of the Whole • UMore Park Development, LLC/ University of Minnesota • Flint Hills Resources/Pine Bend Refinery • Canadian Pacific Railway (CP) • Union Pacific Railroad (UP) • CONDAC- Dakota County Next Steps The Draft Scoping Decision Document (DSDD) is provided as an appendix to this report and available at www.goziprail.org. At the conclusion of the 30-day scoping review period, a Final Scoping Decision Document will be prepared and posted on the Zip Rail website (www.goziprail.org). The report will summarize the overall results of the scoping process, including comments received, and identify alternatives that would be studied in the Tier 1 EIS. After completion of the Final Scoping Document, the Tier 1 EIS for the project would be initiated to evaluate the various alternatives and environmental impacts, in order to identify a preferred alternative. The Tier 1 EIS process would include additional public meetings and consultation as information is developed to examine the alternatives and environmental impacts. The Service Development Plan would also be prepared and would evaluate the business case for the project and provide information to inform the analysis in the Tier 1 EIS. The Tier 1 EIS process occurs in three stages-Scoping, Draft Tier 1 EIS and Final Tier 1 EIS- and culminates in a federal Record of Decision under NEPA and a state Determination of Adequacy under MEPA. Each of the three stages includes publication of a document for public comment and narrows the number of alternatives, with the Final Tier 1 EIS identifying one or more Preferred Alternatives for the project. This Tier 1 process will be completed in 2015. Page 20 July 2014 Rochester- Twin Cities Passenger Rail Corridor Investment Plan and Tler 1 EIS Appendix A: DRAFT Scoping Decision Document Upon approval of the Tier 1 EIS, the project would advance to Tier 2. The Tier 2 environmental process would address site specific environmental issues, project impacts and potential mitigation measures. In addition, individual properties that could be impacted will be identified. The Tier 2 environmental process may require an additional 36-42 months to fully evaluate the project impacts. PERMITS AND APPROVALS Preliminary lists of permits and approvals that may be required for the proposed project are included in Table 1. Table 1: Preliminary List of Permits and Approvals. Agency Permit/Approval Federal: Federal Railroad Administration Tier 1 EIS Approval • Tier 1 EIS Record of Decision • Section 4(f) Evaluation (if needed) • Section 106 Tribal Coordination • Section 106 Cultural Resources Determination • Section 7 Threatened and Endangered Species Act determination U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permit (fill in U.S. Waters) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Section 7 Threatened and Endangered Species Consultation (if needed) State: Minnesota Department of Transportation • Scoping Booklet Approval • Scoping Decision Document Approval • Tier 1 EIS Approval • Tier 1 EIS Adequacy Determination • Wetland Conservation Act(WCA) Approvals Minnesota Department of Natural Resources . Public Water Work Permit (if needed) • Groundwater Appropriation Permit(if needed) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency • National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Construction Stormwater Permit • Section 401 Water Quality Certification State Historic Preservation Office . Section 106 Consultation Page 21 July 2014 4ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA April 9, 2014 Representative Anna Wills 225 State Office Building 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Saint Paul,Minnesota 55155 Dear Representative Wills: The City of Rosemont encourages your support for Olmsted Regional Rail Authority's (OCCRA) bonding request to continue to study the feasibility of a proposed high-speed rail connection between Rochester and the Twin Cities known as Zip Rail. Connecting Rochester to the Twin Cities will connect two dynamic economic hubs for the State of Minnesota Preliminary study has indicated significant ridership and a positive operating cash flow.The potential to build a nationally renowned bio-medical corridor leveraging the unique intellectual capital of these two regions is significant and merits continued study.The City is particularly interested in the project as preliminary planning indicates a mid-way stop in Dakota County, potentially within Rosemount. The City of Rosemont encourages support for OCRRA's bonding request to support the Tier 2 EIS that is required for the Zip Rail project to move forward. Completion of the Tier 2 EIS would allow all stakeholders involved in the process to make a thoughtful decision on the future of Zip Rail. Sincerely, William H. Droste Mayor SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS Rosemount City Hall • 2875 145th Street West • Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 651 -423-4411 • TDD/TTY 651 -423-6219 • Fax 651-423-5203 www.ci.rosemount.mn.us 4ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA April 9, 2014 Senator Greg Clausen 75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Capitol,Room 320 St.Paul,MN 55155-1606 Dear Senator Clausen: The City of Rosemont encourages your support for Olmsted Regional Rail Authority's (OCCRA) bonding request to continue to study the feasibility of a proposed high-speed rail connection between Rochester and the Twin Cities known as Zip Rail. Connecting Rochester to the Twin Cities will connect two dynamic economic hubs for the State of Minnesota Preliminary study has indicated significant ridership and a positive operating cash flow.The potential to build a nationally renowned bio-medical corridor leveraging the unique intellectual capital of these two regions is significant and merits continued study. The City is particularly interested in the project as preliunina.ry planning indicates a mid-way stop in Dakota County, potentially within Rosemount. The City of Rosemont encourages support for OCRRA's bonding request to support the Tier 2 EIS that is required for the Zip Rail project to move forward. Completion of the Tier 2 EIS would allow all stakeholders involved in the process to make a thoughtful decision on the future of Zip Rail. Sincerely, zz William.H. Droste Mayor SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS Rosemount City Hall • 2875 145th Street West • Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 651-423-4411 • TDD/TTY 651 -423-6219 • Fax 651-423-5203 www.ci.rosemount.mn.us