HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. 2015 Budget ROSEMOLINTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Special Work Session: August 26, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: 2015 Budget AGENDA SECTION: PREPARED BY: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator AGENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: Revised budget summary sheets; Fire Department compensation and pension APPROVED BY: information RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review updates and changes; give staff direction for preparation of preliminary budget for September approval. BACKGROUND At the last budget work session on August 11`h,the last remaining issue that staff was asked to address related to Fire Department compensation and Fire Pension benefits. Staff was asked to bring back additional information and recommendations on these items. In addition, staff has received the final quotes for 2015 Heath Insurance Premiums and is proposing budget adjustments for these costs. DISCUSSION Overview. Health insurance premiums will decline by 2.5% for 2015. In addition, additional analysis shows that the Fire Department can begin paying training costs at the rate of$10 ep r hour and boost the Fire pension benefit from$6900 to $7000 per year of service without increasing the overall fire budget. If staff recommendations are approved,the overall levy increase for 2015 will be 1.95% rather than the 2.56% figure we showed at the August 11`h meeting. Further,the increase in annual City taxes on the median value home will be $26 rather than the $32 estimated on August 11`h. Keep in mind that the estimate of taxes on the median value home may still fluctuate as the County provides us more information over the next several months on the value of tax increment districts and late changes in overall assessed valuation. Fite Department. The increase in training payto $10 eo r hour will benefit all firefighters,but will particularly benefit new firefighters in their fast two years who require extensive training to meet the requirements for the position. The estimated cost of changing training pay to $10 per hour from the current$10 stipend per training event is estimated to cost$28,900 per year. The department then modeled the Fire Pension spreadsheet to show only a$100 increase in retirement benefit per year of service with a fire pension levy that is $29,800 lower than previously proposed on August 11`h. The spreadsheet shows that the fire pension fund can handle this more modest pension benefit increase with the new lower pension levy. As discussed at the last meeting,the fire pension funding should be reviewed every year for the next several years. Beyond the recommended compensation and pension changes recommended above,the Fire Chief believes that the next priority to be addressed is the general pay for firefighter calls to either pay by the hour as most area cities do, increase the pay rate, or both. The Fire Department plans to develop a multi-year scenario relating to staffing/recruitment/and retention strategies before the 2016 budget preparation begins next spring. Health Insurance. Several years ago,the Council assigned budget surplus funds for mitigating the cost increases of health insurance when premiums are rising sharply as they have in 2014. The original amount of funds assigned for this purpose was $225,000. Because of the sharp rise in premiums for 2014,the amount of assigned funds is being drawn down and will be about$190,000 by the end of this year. Staff is comfortable that we will be able to restore the assigned funds back to the original$225,000 either through unused contingency funds or new general fund surplus funds at the end of 2014. Therefore,there is no reason not to take the full reduction in health insurance premiums in 2015 and reduce the tax levy accordingly. Our original strategy for making our health insurance premiums more predictable and sustainable over time will still be intact. CONCLUSION If after reviewing the attached information the Council is comfortable with staff recommendations,we will prepare the official preliminary budget document for consideration at one of the September council meetings. As you will recall,we must adopt a preliminary budget and levy by September 30`h and the amount of the levy set in September cannot be increased with final budget adoption in December. 2 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS-USES (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) September 2,2014 2014 2015 Adopted Proposed +/- Departments Budget Budget Difference Percentage ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ----------------- Council Budget $252,600 $265,900 $13,300 5.27% Sales Tax Exemption Savings ($90,000) ($90,000) $0 n/a Administration Budget 505,600 520,300 14,700 2.91% Elections Budget 40,000 20,000 (20,000) -50.00% Finance Budget 464,800 496,100 31,300 6.73% General Government Budget 374,200 351,400 (22,800) -6.09% Community Development Budget 929,300 943,900 14,600 1.57% Police Budget 3,349,700 3,546,200 196,500 5.87% Fire Budget 437,300 409,300 (28,000) -6.40% Public Works Operating Budgets: Government Buildings Budget 504,600 520,100 15,500 3.07% Fleet Maintenance Budget 677,000 692,800 15,800 2.33% Street Maintenance Budget 1,348,300 1,332,100 (16,200) -1.20% Parks Maintenance Budget 833,400 912,400 79,000 9.48% Park&Rec Budget-General Operating 1,169,100 1,175,700 6,600 0.56% Park&Rec Budget-Steeple Ctr.Operations 61,200 59,500 (1,700) -2.78% Park&Rec Budget-Activity Center 15,000 32,700 17,700 118.00% Park&Rec Budget-Special Programs 111,500 105,400 (6,100) -5.47% Transfers-Arena Assistance 115,000 130,000 15,000 13.04% ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ----------------- Total Operating Budgets-General Fund $11,098,600 $11,423,800 $325,200 2.93% Building CIP Requirements 24,000 24,000 0 0.00% Street CIP Requirements 740,000 760,000 20,000 2.70% Equipment CIP Requirements 490,000 540,000 50,000 10.20% Insurance Budget Requirements 245,000 245,000 0 0.00% Port Authority Operating Levy 58,000 58,000 0 0.00% Bonded Indebtedness 375,622 373,247 (2,375) -0.63% Bonded Indebtedness-Fire Station Levy 0 0 0 0.00% Armory Anticipatory Levy(Value 2/19/14) 0 0 0 0.00% **$2,175,853,425 x.00798%_$117,633** Water Enterprise Fund 1,504,600 1,686,300 181,700 12.08% Sewer Enterprise Fund 1,874,300 1,948,700 74,400 3.97% Storm Water Enterprise Fund 660,300 663,900 3,600 0.55% Arena Enterprise Fund 504,800 579,800 75,000 14.86% ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ----------------- Total Funding Requirements $17,575,222 $18,302,747 $727,525 4.14% NOTE: Special Levies include(1)Bonded Indebtedness,(2)Fire Station Levy and(3)Armory Anticipatory Levies. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS-SOURCES (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) September 2,2014 2014 2015 Adopted Proposed Types Budget Budget Difference Percentage ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internal Revenue Generated: Licenses and Permits 438,300 535,800 97,500 22.25% Intergovernmental 580,800 670,200 89,400 15.39% Charges for Services 848,300 900,800 52,500 6.19% Fines&Forfeits 125,000 125,000 0 0.00% Recreational Fees 253,600 248,000 (5,600) -2.21% Miscellaneous Revenues 160,300 112,700 (47,600) -29.69% Transfers In 3,500 3,500 0 0.00% Enterprise Revenues 4,544,000 4,878,700 334,700 7.37% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Internal Revenues 6,953,800 7,474,700 520,900 7.49% Levy Sources: Special Levies 375,622 373,247 (2,375) -0.63% General Levy 10,245,800 10,454,800 209,000 2.04% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Levy $10,621,422 $10,828,047 $206,625 1.95% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Revenue Sources $17,575,222 $18,302,747 $727,525 4.14% NOTE: Special Levies include(1)Bonded Indebtedness,(2)Fire Station Levy and(3)Armory Anticipatory Levies. 2014 GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY PAYABLE 2015 GENERALLEVY GENERAL FUND $8,827,800 BUILDING CIP FUND $24,000 STREET CIP FUND $760,000 EQUIPMENT CIP FUND $540,000 INSURANCE FUND $245,000 PORT AUTHORITY OPERATING LEVY $58,000 ------------------------- TOTAL GENERAL LEVY $10,454,800 BONDEDINDEBTEDNESS G.O. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) BONDS 2005A(Authorized-$211,801) $211,801 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 2006B (Authorized-$264,704) $0 G.O. PUBLIC FACILITY REFUNDING BONDS 2010B (Old 2001C) (Port Authority) (Authorized-$161,446) $161,446 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 2011A(Authorized-$4,137) $0 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 2012A(Authorized-$611) $0 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 2013A(Authorized -$4,600) $0 ------------------------- TOTAL BONDED INDEBTEDNESS $373,247 MARKET VALUE BASED REFERENDUMS G.O. FIRE STATION REFUNDING BONDS, 2005D (Authorized-$141,619) $0 ------------------------- TOTAL FIRE STATION LEVY $0 ------------------------- PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS ARMORY ANTICIPATORY LEVIES ($2,175,853,425 x .00798%= $173,633) (As of 2/19/14) $0 (Authorized-$173,633-Only Levy Amount Due MSABC) ------------------------- TOTAL PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS $0 ------------------------- GRAND TOTAL 2014 PROPERTY TAX LEVY $10,828,047 -------------- -------------- Last Updated 8/21/14 SPREAD LEVY COMPUTATIONAL WORKSHEET (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) (Proposed) 2012 2013 2014 2015 ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- Total Funding Requirements 16,689,426 16,954,894 17,575,222 18,302,747 Less: Internal Revenues 6,357,600 6,495,200 6,953,800 7,474,700 Less: Market Value Based Levy-Fire Station(See Below) 0 0 0 0 (3) ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- Equals: Revenues Needed 10,331,826 10,459,694 10,621,422 10,828,047 Add Back in State MVHC Cuts to Reflect Actual Levy 0 0 0 0 (4) ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- Levy Certified by City to County Auditor 10,331,826 10,459,694 10,621,422 10,828,047 County Auditor Adjustments(All Subtractions): Fiscal Disparities Distribution Levy(Metro Area) 1,252,954 1,235,453 1,208,535 1,172,199 (2) ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- Spread Levy Used to Compute Local Tax Rate 9,078,872 (1) 9,224,241 (1) 9,412,887 (1) 9,655,848 Increase/(Decrease)from Previous Year in Spread Levy 1.60% 2.05% 2.58% Market Value Based Referendum Levy-Fire Station 143,654 0 0 0 (3) (1) Actual Spread Levy Based on Numbers from Dakota County (2) 2015 Number Provided by Dakota County as of 8/6/14 (3) For 2012 Through 2015 No Levy Needed so No Impact on the Taxpayers (4)The MVHC Program was Eliminated for 2012 and Replaced with a Market Value Exclusion Program Last Updated-8/21/14 O m 65 no -0 m tnn o m m K G1 Oqn Ol T ONQ .1 -1-4 < ; O.�d^ v O.Z d- x it 01 'd °1 O`?°d- a °1 O`Z °y C a y*3� 3.0 o Q� y#� ul stn n tl00 ry n ° �3- 3 W 0 0 o °�3 u, CO S 0 n nn m n o 0�Im a niQ. sc°O Tao G 1 d m y a �' °c '.}c d d �r?`7aa w_ ° �-°m m $ �� m °03° �O-Q Q.a c m_ °c 3�p°m m °--'� v oo 3^ �o-q ° ° °1 n D �?m• O� m ' °1 O F7 m D d p 31 Oq m m p p QQ m d N 2 °.ZI(� G n" d d m m N c 7. 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FF 0-1 years 8.20/hour FFI, First Respond, Haz-Mat 11.72 hour FFII, First Respond, Haz Mat $13.47/hour Captain $15.23/hour $133.33 Training Officer $17.57/hour $292.92 Rosemount Chief $10/call $850 Asst. Chief $10/call $441.66 Captain $10/call $87.50 LT $10/call $41.60 Secretary $200 Firefighter $10/call Eden Prairie Firefighter $10/hr 12 LT's $10/h r $70 5 Captains $10/hr $100 2 Asst. Chiefs $10/hr $1,000 Plymouth Asst. Chief $19.87/hour Captain $16.87/hour Lieutenant $15.37/hour FF- 2 years $13.87/hour FF- prob to 2 years $11.30-$13.24/hour Maple Grove Firefighter Trainee $8.50/hr Probationary FF $10.93/hr Firefighter $14.33/hr LT $15.85/hr $150 Captain $16.92 $200 Note: no change in monthly stipend since 2005 JAssistant Chief $17.52 $250 Note: employees assigned hazmat and investigator responsibilities receive additional $0.50/hr Roseville Fire Associate Firefighter $9.76 None Firefighter $14.60 None Lt's $16.94 None Captain $19.28 None Deputy Chief $19.28 None 2013/2014 Rosemount Fire Departures 1. Scott Aker (Retired, 2013) 2. Carl Bourdages (Resigned, low percentages, 2013) 3. Mike Haeg (Retired, 2013) 4. Nate Judson (Resigned, job change, 2013) 5. Andrew Norsten (Resigned, time commitment, 2013) 6. Kevin Bartol (Resigned, time commitment, 2014) 7. Brandon Corcoran (Resigned, time commitment, 2014) 8. Dave Ehrhardt (Resigned, job change/moved, 2014) 9. Allen Flanders (Resigned, time commitment, 2014) 10.Joe Pluta (Resigned, time commitment, 2014) 11.Isaac Zurawski (Resigned, hired as full-time FF/WI, 2014) Reasons for Leaving from survey : Time Commitment Home life to busy for EFD Change in career Training commitment Moving from city Retirement Low call volume No longer interested Pay City of Eap Primary Reasons for Leaving Personai, 3 -� Unknown,3 Mutual Lost Interest.5 Reasons, 14 (:ell 'o,.5 Retirement,36 ' Medical. 5 Moved, 14 1 New Job, 6 Time, Mike Scottl Fire Chief I City of Eagan Fire Safety)Center 11001 Station Trail I Eagan,MN 55123 1651-675-5901 1651-675- 5910 Fax mscottCakityofeagan.com City JY I 1 (l I' THIS COMMUNICATION MAY CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL AND/OR OTHERWISE PROPRIETARY MATERIAL and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. 11 \\ 2 _CP_ Z,- +� Z, t a C �c < •4 • c c Z>rn w 3 t 0,;n o >z yr a b a C N m m S Li fD W p O S�t0 ^O m w R 10 5 p L7 3 7 o°cyc� .-,•u �cNO �cmO° c� � � yAip00o _. `R°°° =° c =cD � ° � ° ?° °� O - a< vs < m N a 7 .At N m '+ c -'p W A _ N R ma- m � R -•o _3cmaa w 3N g ".m - cDmpo b `< m 3rR,oa m ^a m E A R ms m ^� ^. 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F. <o rmp o^�9� 'D xa =9 m c • <.� moa cap o_a��ro r'e ° ry A O° c f^SD N m n G. K 3•n ° m w^ •mr A� c7 •"•C ���''._.. C.a vmRi •7 N A A 3 N £ m = p�M < (DD ° S!OD m n n ^p ^ •5 IIA�' 7?W N '?�� ,p �D �D T-ten OC' .v ^: w�p G� !A w m O - ° < a x a N rc4 :z m d.y 30 W G_a M T C I. 'O R a n C.C R !IR Yi S-Or% >° y ....O rSD w rD 'Rj. o {/3 w N Da M= A R £ m fD rD G^ w ^ CD c S c�, CD a W a ms O w O AA fRD E G O rwS G m �'w 'U G 7 G Nm. N C7 w° y K w C O y 3mo ° W w rpo n 'ctmm g m 3mR R m = N m�, 0 .R ()awr, d m •cm w 3 O ^ p ..t < p S I R A -ms O CD = N I <oRxo.303e ' a m < Da <am° y<� �� 3N5 v = -�^and �'f,='° m° a� "C w maw'o•° ,:r c m a..., = R c ID O'^O m b p R O C rn b a m' 3 °.3�N '-' w m A =o < ^; w rDO C �5? QC p o = w C _ m Wm 3.3 c3i, N -w•r w .,-,. o c w Y m o m 'u- ? 3 Q o s r4 UO Al R m Q 3 in ' R m Po 0.OQ tS z m C p .•..< =r 7 fD '.e m Fire department introduces duty crews : News from the City of Minnetonka Page 1 of 5 Search Menu Account (/account.cfm) Home (/index.cfm) > About Minnetonka (/about.cfm) > News & Events (/news_events.cfm) > News Fire department introduces duty crews Posted: Friday, January 30, 2009 Updated: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 The Minnetonka Fire Department is marking its 50th anniversary this year with its most dramatic change in staffing ever—the introduction of duty crews. The Minnetonka Fire Department is marking its 50th anniversary this year with its most dramatic change in staffing ever—the introduction of duty crews. While for all of its history the fire department has used paid-on-call firefighters who respond to emergencies from work or home within minutes, duty crews include three paid- on-call firefighters on duty 24 hours, seven days a week, at fire station #1 (near city hall). These three firefighters are the first responders to any calls, including car accidents, medical emergencies and fires. Additional firefighters are then called in as the situation requires. http://eminnetonka.com/news.cfm?story_id=FireDepartmentDutyCrews2009O2 8/17/2014 Fire department introduces duty crews : News from the City of Minnetonka Page 2 of 5 According to Minnetonka Fire Chief Joe Wallin, duty crews were implemented for three reasons: to ensure that the fire department continues to have prompt response times to emergencies; to help recruit new firefighters and retain current firefighters; and to effectively respond to Minnetonka's aging population, which translates to an increase in medical calls. "With people working longer hours and further away from home, it's becoming harder and harder to find people available at all hours of the day to respond quickly to an emergency," Chief Wallin explained. "The duty crew system allows people to have a set schedule which they can then fit more easily into their work and personal life, versus being called out at any time of the day or night." The use of a combination of duty crews and paid-on-call firefighters is a trend among fire departments nationwide, with full-time departments realizing they can't financially support the staff they used to, and solely paid-on-call departments realizing they can't continue to provide the same level of fire service without implementing duty crews. After experimenting on weekends in December to iron out any kinks in the program, duty crews began officially on January 2, 2009. When not out on calls, each shift of duty crews has assigned tasks, such as cleaning areas of the fire station or checking equipment. Firefighters sign up for duty crew shifts via an electronic scheduling system. "We are committed to the paid-on-call system," said Chief Wallin. "However, by combining duty crews and paid-on-call firefighters, we are ensuring we continue to provide excellent fire service to our residents and to our neighboring fire departments that rely on us to provide mutual aid." Get in touch How to reach us Monday—Friday 8 a.m.-4:30, p.m. Minnetonka City Hall 14600 Minnetonka Blvd. a. Minnetonka, MN 55345 Map and directions (http://maps.google.com/maps? f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=14600+Minnetonka+Blvd,+Minnetonka,+MN+553, Phone: 952.939.8200 Fax: 952.939.8244 http://eminnetonka.com/news.cfm?story_id=FireDepartmentDutyCrews200902 8/17/2014 Help wanted: More than a few good part-time volunteer firefighters I Star Tribune Page 1 of 3 Log In Register I My account I Digital Home delivery Today's Paper Search Q All content 0 Business listings Search • Site Index tarTribune east metro News Local Sports Business Politics Opinion Lifestyle Entertainment obituaries Classifieds Autos Housing Jobs 110 North Metro West Metro South Metro East Metro Minneapolis St.Paul Your Voices Blogs+Columns Minnesota Topics ,ADVERTISEMENT Home Local East Metro Help wanted: More than a few good part-time in case you missed it volunteer firefighters 9 people shot inside Article by:KEVIN GILES,Star Tribune Updated:August 7.2013-9:52 AM Warehouse District ,.m nightclub Cities across state struggle with shortages. Commuting,unpredictable on-call schedule at blame,chiefs say. 40 3 Black-on-white crime in �� ' America — 0 resize text 0 print buy reprints Share 394" Tweet "24' ®^...^ How to...find(and eat) hen-of-the-woods mushrooms IBM wins$14.2 million suit against Carlson Critical staffing shortages are hitting fire departments across related content over contract cancellation Minnesota,leaving the ranks of many dangerously thin because far fewer people want to commit to years of demanding training Coming this fall:A new federal starter exercises and unpredictable emergency calls. retirement account The problem surfaced most recently in Stillwater,where Fire Chief Perfect storm rattles restaurants,wait Stuart Glaser sounded the alarm to the City Council that the city's staffs pool of on-call,part-time firefighters was evaporating.Some recent recruits,Glaser said,didn't stay long enough to leam how to drive a fire truck and others left the job after the city had invested thousands of dollars to train them. All IN THE FAMILY:Three generations of firefighters ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT "We're constantly burning through people,"said Dan Concha,24,a posed for a photo after a part-time firefighter at departments in Roseville,Maplewood and Stillwater Fire Department North St.Paul who's heard of shortages."People had to drop out training bum,including,from because it was too much.They don't see the benefit of getting 10 right,Tim Bell.65;Jon Bell, bucks for spending an hour on a unit call.Every unit is struggling to 45;and Jake Bell,27.At top, keep enough guys." Brad Junker rolled up hose State Fire Marshal Jerry Rosendahl said rural departments,too,are after the exerese. OAVID DOLES desperate for help,including one that had only four volunteers whose djoles@startribune.com age was 76. dbune.com As part of training,the Stillwater Fire Department burned down a four bedroom, 2.000 square-foot house on the edge of town,on land that will become a 15 lot "It probably is a crisis in some communities.This is a problem subdivision Saturday.August nationwide.It's not unique to Minnesota,"Rosendahl said. 3,2013,in Stillwater,MN. Firefighter Brad Junker rolls Minnesota has more than 20,000 firefighters,most of them on-call up hose following the training.] volunteers who are paid only when they're needed.They receive the (DAVID same training as chiefs and their assistants,requiring long hours at DOLES/STARTRIBUNE) firehouses,but many of them leave the job after cities invest tens of djoles@startribune.com thousands of dollars in teaching them how to fight fires,save lives Stillwater's approach to and operate sophisticated equipment. firefighting just wasn't working, because the city couldn't find http://www.startribune.com/local/east/218619651.html 8/17/2014 Help wanted: More than a few good part-time volunteer firefighters I Star Tribune Page 2 of 3 "The turnover rate is extremely high,"Glaser said,naming enough"on-call'firefighters to Bloomington,Excelsior,New Brighton,Woodbury,Minnetonka and safely staff the department. Plymouth among those cities experiencing similar problems. The City Council decided to let Fire Chief Stu Glaser hire two The"combination"strategy that cities have used for years—retaining full-time firefighters to staff the a volunteer force of paid,on-call firefighters to supplement a minimal department.This comes in full-time crew managing the station—isn't working anymore in many addition to another hot topic cities. still under debate,which is DAVID JOLES Reasons vary,but most often it's that potential firefighters lead busier djoles @startribune.com lives with family obligations,sports and electronics.In the metro area especially,commuting has bled many suburban cities of prospects who work miles away and spend hours on the road.Cities'emphasis on cutting spending and taxes also has distracted residents from the life-or-death importance of firefighting. f r "Society has changed,"Glaser said."It's not easy for people anymore to drop everything and come to the fire department for a call.It's busier,everybody is expected to do more,and it's getting tougher and tougher to meet all those requirements." For training,the Stillwater Fire Department burned down a house on the edge of town on Saturday,atop land that will become a 15-lot subdivision. Here,firefighters Derrick Nelson,Jake Bell and his grandfather firefighter/engineer Tim Bell. Glaser said he expected five retirements on top of eight current discussed the training. vacancies in the on-call ranks.There are 24 now in on-call.The City Photos by DAVID JOLES Council responded by voting 5-0 to hire two full-time firefighters to djoles @startribune.com enable Glaser to assemble three-person"duty crews"at the station. The posting for the two full-time firefighters attracted 36 respondents. "In 30 years I've been pretty much against full-time fire departments but after meeting with Stu,and looking at the issue,our current model is broken,"said Stillwater City Administrator Larry Hansen."It's been slowly losing its way for 30 years.In the immediate future I can tell you we have a problem and this looks like the least expensive way to correct it." 199 New approach Stillwater can't find enough "on-call"firefighters to safely staff the department. In Cottage Grove,26 miles from Stillwater,chronic problems with on- DAVID JOLES call shortages led to a new approach where part-time firefighters work djoles @startribune.com 12-hour"duty crew"shifts."Instead of living by the pager they're already at the station.They've already committed themselves to working a block of time,"said P.J.McMahon,the city's assistant fire chief. Minnesota firefighters In Roseville,another city that adopted the duty crew approach,more Minnesota has more than part-time firefighters leave nowadays because they're hired at full- 20 firefighters time departments in Minneapolis,St.Paul,Rochester and other larger Mosst t a are on volunteers cities,said Fire Chief Tim O'Neill.When prospective firefighters learn Minnesota haas s a higher percentage of volunteer they'll have to complete 500 hours of classroom fire and medical firefighters training,and operate big trucks,"they go back to their families and than every state say,nah,I can't do that,"O'Neill said. except Delaware Concha,a native of White Bear Lake,hopes to land a full-time job, with benefits,at a larger department.He got married in May and said more from east metro his wife asked about hours required for training and emergency calls. Man texts for help,is "She lets me know when things are getting out of hand,"he said, rescued from cave in St. "Sometimes it just feels like my life is the fire department and that Paul near Mississippi River feels emotionally exhausting." "Down quite a bit" Stillwater's Lowell Park lights up night with family- To head off potentially dangerous shortages,chiefs everywhere rely friendly flicks more and more on strong"mutual aid"agreements with neighboring cities to make sure sufficient help arrives at the scene of fires, state,local election ballots Rosendahl said.Some cities employ"automatic aid,"when set in Washington County emergency dispatchers alert several fire departments to save precious response time. "It's not just the fire chiefs'problem,"Rosendahl said."Communities need to pay more attention to the services that are there.What most citizens believe,quite frankly,is that their fire departments have full- time staff which is not the case." In Bloomington,which has six fire stations,three-person duty crews are scheduled at three of them.Chief Ulysses Seal said,"You'll find a lot of different flavors"in how duty crews are configured as cities try to http://www.startribune.com/local/east/218619651.html 8/17/2014 Help wanted: More than a few good part-time volunteer firefighters I Star Tribune Page 3 of 3 find the best use of their money.His department,authorized for 155 firefighters,has 120. "We're down quite a bit,"Seal said. The Stillwater Fire Department,with a$1.1 million annual budget, covers a 61-square-mile area.That zone includes 24,000 people, nine schools,the St.Croix River,the Washington County Government Center and several senior apartment buildings with hundreds of residents. The vote to loosen the budget for more full-time firefighters in Stillwater came after Council Member Doug Menikheim delivered an impassioned appeal for more resources. "We're playing with life and death here,you know that,"Menikheim said after Glaser's presentation. 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StarTribune.com is powered by Limelight Networks Newspaper Subscriptions eEditicn ' RSS 14iiiiii Newsletters http://www.startribune.com/local/east/218619651.html 8/17/2014 Columbia Heights Fire Department struggles to hire, retain paid-on-call firefighters By Kassie Petermann The Columbia He hts Fire Department continues to work toward finding, hiring and retaining paid-on-call firefighters j I s�#air s The department is a combination department that consists of eight full-time firefighters, including the fire chief and assistant fire chief, three captains and three firefighters. The department also tries to maintain a group of 20 to 24 paid-on-call firefighters. There are 17 active paid-on-call firefighters, and the department is currently undergoing a hiring process. On average, the department has maintained about 20 paid-on-call firefighters. "I haven't been able to get enough coming in the door to keep up with the ones that go out the door," Fire Chief Gary Gorman said, noting that the department has had about a 90 percent turnover in the last five years. As an older fire department, people have been retiring. j Gorman said the hiring process is tougher now than it used to be. Most departments require a written test, psychological evaluations, background checks, a driving records check and a physical ability test. "I probably easily lose a third to a half of candidates in the written test and lose a good number in psychological evaluations," he said. "We don't want to lower the standards to try and get more people. We want make sure that the people we have here are smart, quality, decent people." For the first time this past April, the Columbia Heights Fire Department hosted an open house for people interested in becoming paid-on-call firefighters. In the past, the department has advertised on its website and Facebook page and in a couple papers that they're hiring. Gorman said Columbia Heights is a tough city to recruit from because of the diverse and transient population. The basic requirements for applying to become a paid-on-call firefighter include being at least 18 years old, having a high school diploma or equivalent, having a valid Minnesota driver's license, and living within the response area. I The first year of being a paid-on-call firefighter is very busy because it's almost a whole year of attending school a couple nights a week, Gorman said. The training and classes result in a lot of time away from home. Firefighters have left the department because they can't juggle everything, which can include jobs and family activities. "Family comes first," Gorman said. "We try to stress that in our interviews with candidates." Calls for service 2 ii According to the 2013 Annual Report, the Columbia Heights Fire Department responded to a total of 2,794 calls for service this past year. Of that total, 852 calls were fire related, and of those calls, 24 were structure fires. The greatest number of fire department responses is due to medical emergencies, of which the department responded to 1,942 medical calls in 2013. HIS hometownsource.comhttp://hometownsource.com/2014/07/16/the-fire-inside-burns-strong-future-of-volunteer-firefighting- u ncertai n-but-still-rooted-i n-pride-and-service/ The fire inside burns strong : Future of volunteer firefighting uncertain, but still rooted in pride and service By Site Editor on July 16, 2014 at 6:34 pm As fire departments across the state struggle with budget issues and recruitment and retention shortfalls, the lingering question is what the future of firefighting will look like in Minnesota. Nationally Minnesota ranks 47th in fire investment, even though the state is 21 st in population and 20th in land mass, Eden Prairie Fire Chief Greg Esbensen said. righting,Fires Facitig Change of frefioVoto today and ornat MqM be M Store for Me future pan III of "Fire departments are going to have to take a hard look at customer service," Dayton Fire Chief Jason Mickelson said. "And as demand increases and staffing decreases, we will have to look at other options like daytime staffing or city employees trained as firefighters." Municipal fire departments are now looking for creative ways to staff, regulate costs and work with neighboring cities. In Minnetrista, homeowners who need the assistance of the fire department for structure fires are now billed a flat fee of$500 by the city. The city contracts with two neighboring fire departments: St. Bonifacius and Mound. The fee would likely be covered by the property owner's home insurance. The Maple Grove Fire Department also bills for false alarms. Other departments have tried to work together. Loretto Fire Department Chief Jeff Leuer said his department and the Hamel Fire Department worked in unison to buy tanker trucks to help save money. However, when the two departments talked about consolidating fire services, the cities could not agree on how the department would look. Mound Fire Chief Greg Pederson said one of the biggest obstacles facing six Lake Minnetonka departments that are brainstorming shared service options is maintaining each department's identity. "Fire departments are afraid they'll lose their identity, logo and history," he said. 3 The other huge disparity is pensions, Pederson said, because some departments offer a higher rate per call, while others invest that money into a higher pension plan. Excelsior Fire District Chief Scott Gerber said identity is generally rooted in society. He said out of the 785 departments in Minnesota, each one operates a little differently because it's hard to have one model fill all the "community needs and expectations." He likens this to the Fire Department of New York City, which is one of the nation's largest departments. "It's one department, but all the stations have their own identities," he said. The Excelsior Fire District operates through a joint powers agreement between the cities of Deephaven, Excelsior, Shorewood, Greenwood and Tonka Bay. Almost 15 years ago, the communities made the switch to operate together. "The face of firefighting has changed," Pederson said. Across departments, firefighters are responding to fewer fire calls and ending up at more medical calls or other less dire calls, such as false alarms. To alleviate the need for all firefighters to be paged for minor calls, some departments have employed a duty crew program. Plymouth has a four-crew team that is ready to answer to fire and emergency calls from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday. "These positions offer the predictability of a part-time job while providing the community with readily available firefighters during the hours a majority of emergencies occur,"the city's website states. Some chiefs, however, contend that the volunteer model is still viable. "I personally think this (volunteer) model can continue,"Andover Fire Chief Jerry Streich said. "It's a city service. You just have to look at what level of service you want to provide.' Fire departments already are actively working together. A mutual aid system through the county automatically dispatches nearby departments to provide aid and assistance for certain calls. "The box alarm is a pretty significant change and a terrific way for local government to share resources," said Chanhassen Fire Chief John Wolff. On Feb. 27, 2014, when the Eden Prairie Fire Department was called to a house fire, an Eden Prairie duty crew responded first along with the fire chief. Other crews came from Minnetonka, Chanhassen and Edina to help extinguish the fire. Wolff said, years ago, this would have been handled by one department, but now the departments are able to respond and work together. Career firefighters Pederson said the national trend is for fire departments to move toward more full-time firefighters. "I don't think we're there yet, but it's coming," he said. Leuer agreed. "I see it coming sooner or later," he said. "It is just a reality. Cities are going to have to deal with less and less of a pool of people available." "Everyone wants to be career," Esbensen said, noting that these positions draw 50 applicants for every open position, as opposed to volunteer positions that can remain open for months. Hennepin County Technical College is also starting to see more students looking at firefighting career options in its fire protection program. Mike Colestock, HCTC associate dean of public and emergency services careers, said there has been a general increase in firefighters' desire to get more education. While some students are sent to HCTC for 4 basic certification by their departments, others are classified as"nonaffiliated,"or are not committed to a department. Colestock said these students could be more attractive to potential employers because"they have everything the chief is going to want."While some in-house training would have to be done, candidates will come to fire departments with their own training. Colestock said the nonaffiliated students tend to be under 30. This is the students' "first taste of firefighting." However,the associate degree in fire science technology tends to attract older students, sometimes career firefighters, Colestock said, who "mentally have made the commitment and goal"to seek this out as a long-term profession. What's evident is the students' dedication to community service, Colestock said. "Nobody goes in thinking they're going to get rich," Colestock said. "All (firefighters)want to help others. It's duty, pride, commitment and integrity that is tangible." Eagan is one of those cities that employs some full-time firefighters. The Eagan Fire Department has 83 paid-on-call volunteer firefighters and four full-time firefighters: the chief, deputy chief, fire marshal and inspector. The department recently hired five additional full-time firefighters, funded through a grant, to close the gap in its volunteer force so that it can better staff its stations during peak weekday hours and offer educational and prevention programs during the week. Costs to employ four full-time firefighters and one captain will be paid for two years with a federal grant of$871,000. The grant was given to the city in January by Adequate Fire and Emergency Response, a federal program that provides funding to fire departments and volunteer firefighting organizations to help them increase or maintain the number of trained emergency responders. "We always take great pride in being part of the community. If we are doing our job as best we can, we can prevent the calls in the first place," Eagan Fire Chief Mike Scott said. There are no plans to hire any additional full-time firefighters. "I don't think we'll ever be a full-time department," Scott said. t Ramsey Fire Chief Dean Kapler said firefighting is"very rewarding"and the people who volunteer want to serve the community and get involved. Several fire chiefs noted that community service and volunteerism are at the core of fire departments, regardless of what the future will hold. • e rece received a k you from he United tates vy for some our tr ers helping t it C dets it firefighter ain g. THA�1K OU to I t at vol teerto h p nd to'R ck Mc L y for co rdina in j ! \ Chi f, on eha f of ur ca ets an offic rs, l want to sinc rely t n� y u and 11 your people 'most of all ick) w o re t ere f r trainin us firefightiog, buil in en a lat d tasks. This training wa the pr a culmi atio of the " old' training JYh ur men ve a fe ee s ago at t e Na al Re erne Ce r. As u an well i gi e, firefiing is an activity of e reme ports ` toe Na y, and nobody can r vide us wit etter trang here in Minnesota than y r depa ment. This 5