HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.n. Approve Change Order No. 2 - Bacardi Avenue Improvements, City Project 452 J RCIS�l �' lO�INT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting: September 2, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Approve Change Order No. 2 — Bacardi AGENDA SECTION: Avenue Improvements, City Project 452 Consent PREPARED BY: Phil Olson, PE, Assistant City Engine AGENDA NO. � � . . ATTACHMENTS: Change Order 2 APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve Change Order 2 for Bacardi Avenue Street and Utility Improvements Project, City Project 452. BACKGROUND Due to pooi soils, the road�vay- subgtade is pioposed to be constiucted �vith an additional one foot of sand and geotextile fabYic. 'l�he eltra subgrade�vork and geotextilc fabric are needed to meet the onsite soil conditions. '1'he subgYade Yoad�vav work �vill not vnp�ct the pYOject schedule. Change OYder 2 includes an inciease in the quantit� of ezca�-ation and sand (select gianular material) as well as the adding geotettile fabric to die contract "I'he State ��id office has re��ie�ved and appro�-ed the contract changcs in pricing. 11 cop�- of Changc Oidcr 2 has bcen attach�d. "I"hese conuact changes Yesult in a net increase of�118,800 to the conttact amount of�2,724,335 for a ne�v total of 52,843,135. �111 costs associatcd�vith Chan�;c Orde�•2 �vill bc fundcd b�- statc aid funds. SUMMARY Staff recommends Council appioval of Chan�e Order 2 foi tl�e Bacardi rl�renue Stieet and �Ttilin- Impro�-ements Pioject, Cin- Project 452. (�:AI(�GPR()��1�2�Councl Itrm:\2�1I�U9U2 C(.Changc(hcicr 2.doc� State of Minnesota - Department of Transportation CHANGE ORDER # 2 Contractor: Ryan Contracting Co. State Project No.: 208-134-001 Address: 26480 Prance Ave Elko, MN, 55020 Federal Project No.: Location: Bacardi Avenue STA 1+18 to 28+2� Contract No.: In accordance with the tenns of this Contract,you are hereby authorized and instructed to perfornl the Work as altered by the fo(lowing provisions. Based on soil conditions,the Engineer has added Type 5 Geotextile Filter Fabric and added an additional one foot of select granular to the typical section.This change order does not change contract time. The increase in quantity is as follows: CfEM MNDO"I' TOTAL N0. SPGC NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT PR10E QUANT[TY GSTIMATED COST 16 2105.507 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION(EV) CU YD S 6.00 4,�00 � 27,000.00 18 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW(CV) CU YD 5 15.00 4,�00 S 67,500.00 137 2105.604 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE V SQ YD $ L80 13,�00 � 24,300.00 Total S 113,800.00 Total Contract Increase $118,800.00 Signature Date Project Engineer/Supervisor Contract t#� epresentative � , �►��� � Assistant D' �c �meer *Local Agency **Consultant Contract Administrator *Required if work funded wholly or in part by a Local Agency ** Recommendation for Approva] Original to Project File Copy to Contractor,Construction and Innovative Contracting(submit with FinaO Copy to Local A�ency and MN/DOT Municipal Agreement Unit if funded wholly or in pat�t by Local Agency Funds