HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. MVTA Merger AgreementROSEMOLII IT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Session: September 2, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: MVTAAgreements AGENDA SECTION: PREPARED BY: Dwight Johnson, CityAdministrator AGENDA NO. 9 a ATTACHMENTS: Memo from Jane Kansier, Resolution, PowerPoint presentation, Agreement to APPROVED BY: Consolidate with attachments,Memo from MVTA le al counsel RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the attached resolution approving the Third Amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement of the MVTA adding the cities of Prior Lake and Shakopee as members of the MVTA and ratifying the agreement to consolidate the MV'I'A public transit services with Prior Lake and Shako ee Transit Services. BACKGROUND The attached agreements have been negotiated among the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority(MVTA) communities and the cities of Prior Lake and Shakopee to join MV'I'A and consolidate services. The planned effective date is January 1, 2015. DISCUSSION The attached memo from Jane Kansier of MV'I'A and the PowerPoint provide details about the consolidation and some of the detailed steps needed to accomplish it. The Ciry Attorney has reviewed the agreements and recommends approval. Other MV'I'A member cities are also scheduling approval votes at this time. A representative of MVTA will be present to discuss this item and answer questions. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the agreements as prepared and recommended byMV'I'A. TO: MVTA Board DATE: July 30, 2014 FROM: Jane Kansier RE: MVTA/B1ueXpress Consolidation Agreement Update Requested Action Approve amendments to MVTA's Joint Powers Agreement and approve an Agreement to Consolidate Public Transit Services with Prior Lake and Shakopee, for presentation to Prior Lake and Shakopee for their approvals. Back rg ound MVTA staff, legal counsel and elected representatives have been working with staff, legal counsel and elected officials from the cities of Prior Lake and Shakopee to craft a consolidation agreement. We have worked hard to create a mutually beneficial agreement for all parties. On Friday, July 25, 2014, the staff and attorneys agreed on a document to bring forward to the elected bodies for approval. Attached is a redline version of the Amended Joint Powers Agreement. The changes to the JPA are intended to simply update the a neement and add the cities of Prior Lake and Shakopee as members of the MVTA. This amendment inust be ratified and signed by all parties, upon approval by Prior Lake and Shakopee. Also attached is the final version of the Ageement to Consolidate, with Exhibits A-G. This agreement is specific to MVTA, Prior Lake and Shakopee. It identifies the expectations and responsibilities of the MVTA and the two cities as the inerger moves forward. Some of the major points of the agreement are: Establishes an Effective Date which is the date of the signature of the last MVTA member to approve the JPA. On the Effective Date, Prior Lake and Shakopee become full meinbers of the MVTA Board. At the same time, staff is authorized to begin the process of fully consolidating services. This includes obtaining all the necessary consents, making upgrades to the fleet and so on. Establishes a Consolidation Date of January 1, 2015, at which time MVTA takes over full administration of the Prior Lake and Shakopee transit services. For the first few months, MVTA plans to work with the current providers. Complete integration of the services is expected to occur in the Spring of 2015, with new schedules, branding, ete. Establishes a schedule for the transfer of funds. Start-up funds will be transferred to MVTA within 30 days of the effective date. A second transfer is scheduled for February 15, 2015, to cover operation costs. Transfer of the final transit fund balances will take place on August 15, 2015. Establishes a miniinum length of initial membership of three years (until December 31, 2017) for Prior Lake and Shakopee. States MVTA shall use its best efforts to maintain the existing level of all services provided to customers in MVTA's system, including Prior Lake and Shakopee, while seeking to raise the level of all services provided as of the Effective Date to all M VTA customers. Requires the cities to include, as part of their annual audit, a sufficiently in-depth review of transit revenues and expenditures to ensure compliance with all federal and state requirements. From a staff and legal counsel perspective, the agreement is beneficial to all parties and is recommended for approval. Following MVTA Board approval of the Amended JPA and the Agreement to Consolidate, the documents will be for varded to Prior Lake and Shakopee for City Council approval. Once the cities have formally approved the Amended JPA, it will be delivered to current MVTA members for ratification. Impact The merger of Prior Lake and Shakopee's transit services with MVTA is consistent with the 2011 Legislative Auditor's report which identified the combining of Opt-Out transit providers as a means to enhance the cost-effective provision of public transit services. It is also consistent with MVTA's Strategic Plan in that it will further MVTA's goal to provide increased and improved transit opportunities south of the river. With this merger, MVTA will expand its service area west to the Highway 169 corridor, and to include northern Scott County. MVTA will be responsible for the operational and financial requirements of providing transit service to this area. Recommendations 1. Approve the attached resolution approving the Amended JPA and directing the amendments be submitted to the cities of Prior Lake and Shakopee and to all other member cities for their approval following approval by both Prior Lake and Shakopee. 2. Approve the attached resolution approving the Agreement to Consolidate Public Transit Services and direct the agreement be submitted to the cities of Prior Lake and Shakopee for their ratification of the Agreement. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2014 - RESOLUTION APPROVING THIRD AMENDED AND RESTATED JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT OF THE MVTA ADDING THE CITIES OF PRIOR LAKE AND SHAKOPEE AS MEMBERS OF THE MVTA AND RATIFYING THE AGREEMENT TO CONSOLIDATE MVTA PUBLIC TRANSIT SERVICES WITH PRIOR LAKE AND SHAKOPEE TRANSIT SERVICES WHEREAS, the Minnesota 'alley Transit Authority (MVTA) is a joint po vers entity organized pursuant to 1 7innesota Statutes, section 471.59 and Sections 473.384 and 473.388, under the Second Amended and Restated MV'I'r Joint Po veYS greemcnt stablishing the I Iinnesota Vallej TYansit Authority, effecri-e OctobeY 12, 2012 (the "JPr"); and WHEREAS, the 1 1VT has opetated as a legislari-e1-authorized "opt-out" provider of Metropolitan TYansit Service in and for tl e areas repYesented by I 1''1'A membeYShip since 1990;and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount is a member of MV'I'A and has reviewed the proposed 1'hird Amended and Restated JPA adciing the cities of Prior Lake and Shakopee as new MVTA members; WHEREAS, die Cin of Rosemount has further re-ie ved the 1-greement to Consolidate consolidating the public transit sen ices c f Prior Lake and Shakopee into the 'T under the terms set foYth in the 1-greement;and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount deems it to be in its best interests and in the best interests of the MV"TA to expand MVT'r1 membcrship and transit seivicc territory under the terms sets forth in the"I'hird mended and Restated JPA and thc Agreement to Consolidate. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, b- the Council of the Cit- of Rosemount as follo vs: 1. The City of Rosemount appYO res the Third Amended and Restated JPA. 2. The Mayor and the City Clerk are authorized to sign the'Third lmended and Restatcd JP and deliver the same to the NTr'. 3. The City of Rosemount ratifies the rlgreement to Consolidate bettveen the 1 1`'"I'r1 and the Ciries of Prior Lake and Shakope. ADOPTED this 2"` day of September, 2014, b- the Cit Council of the Cit- of Rosemount. William H. Droste, 1a}or ATTEST: Clarissa Hadler, Cit- Clerk C r R J: T V\.`Shakc 4 Minnesota Valley Transit Authority f ..k Transit t„:: MVTA-Prior Lake-Shako ee p Mer er g August 6, 2014 ', MVTA Commitment OurVision The Minnesota Valley Transit Authority is a trusted artner in trans ortation, serving as an innovative leader moving eo le to destinations. Our Focus is Customer Service i= We want to increase service and partnerships We do what mal<es sense — we have the ability to mal<e changes that will result in high quality, efficient service We are collaborators Our Ultimate Goal: Provide increased and improved transportation opportunities south of the M i nnesota River 2 P u rpose Benefits of consolidation identified by Scott County in 2005 and in 20 I I Legislative Auditor's Report G reater Efficiencies Combined administration Economies of scale Flexibility in bus route assignments Provide more transit options for current and future riders Continue to provide excellent service 3 Shared Benefits Increased and improved service and partnerships Efficiencies in linlcing trips and sharing buses Opportunities to add and enhance connections MVTA Board will collectively mal<e decisions about transit service south of the Minnesota River Increased transit representation and advocacy Reliable approach to transit planning Opportunity to grow and expand transit south of the Minnesota River 4 C C O a c 0 a 0 r > a=ao Q> o o c 6 m a 1 Y 01 O N w Y a 4 u; a o Y O N Z Fast Facts s . £_. 0 . .. . €, Daily Ridership 10,000 750 Number of Routes 25 5 Service Types Local, Express, Reverse Circulator, Express, & Commute, & BRT Reverse Commute Active Fleet 128 12 2014 Operating Expenses 24.3 million 2 million Primary Corridors I 35W & Cedar TH I 69 5 parl< & rides Facilities 6 transit stations 3 parlc & rides 2 bus garages Service Area Population 224,580 6 I ,327 MVTA platform hours would increase I I % with the addition of Prior Lalce and Shalcopee 6 Guiding Principles Capture Intent MVTA Service Change Process Guiding Principles 7a Focus on Customer Service; strive to increase service and Service Change EFfective Record and respond to public a rtn e rs h i s commerrts;monitor service; analyr.e ridership M aintain (at a minimum)Driver training;pocket schedule produdion;rider notificatioll existing level o f services Ma i n ta i n a n d u gra de Final service change in(onnaAOn 60 days before change) existing ca ital assets Review overall service lan Drahservicechangein(ormation ex ress, local, and unmet needs) and eonsider serviee Completeplanning/Beginscheduling 3 months before change) adjustments Puhlic consulatation&review of service change requests Establish riorities, based on 4-Smonthsbeforechat e) u dated service lan 7 Process Technical Worlc Group (staf reviewed and discussed issues Tracl<s progress on milestones Provide regular updates to cities and counties in Monthly Memos Subcommittees formed as needed to discuss specialized issues f Finance Legal Elected Worl< Group discussed policy direction and TWG recommendations MVTA Board approved final agreement and JPA amendment Forwarded to Prior Lal<e & Shalcopee for approval Amended JPA forwarded to MVTA members for approval 8 MergerAgreement — Major Points Establishes an Effective Date 4 The date of the signature of the last MVTA member to approve the JPA Amended J PA must be approved by ALL parties On the Effective Date, Prior Lalce and Shalcopee become full members of the MVTA Board. At the same time, staff is authorized to begin the process of fully consolidating services. Establishes a Consolidation Date of January I , 20 I 5 MVTA tal<es over full administration of the Prior Lalce and Shalcopee transit services. For the first few months, MVTA plans to worlc with the current providers. Complete integration of the services is expected to occur in the Spring of 2015, with new schedules, branding, etc. 9 MergerAgreement — Major Points Includes a list of start-up costs (Exhibit F) Establishes a schedule for the transfer of funds Exhibit G: 9.; i u M.,., ., , w - .. , . , ,:. .. : ., x.a..M . r fa .s. .s : - n,- I month after Transfer Start-Up Costs 410,000 275,000 Effective Date I -Jan-20 I 5 Consolidation Date I 5-Feb-2015 Transfer 75% of minimum fund balance 250,000 300,000 amount I 5-Aug -2015 Transfer remaining 25% of minimum 62,500 75, 000 fund balance amount I 5-Aug-2015 Transfer any remaining transit balance TBD TBD 10 MergerAgreement — Major Points Establishes a minimum length of initial membership of for Prior Lalce and Shalcopee. 3 years (until December 3 I , 20 I 7) States MVTA shall use its best efforts to maintain the existing level of all services provided to all customers in MVTA's system, including Prior Lal<e and Shalcopee Requires Prior Lalce and Shalcopee to audit transit revenues and expenditures to ensure compliance with all federal and state requirements. J PA Amend ment Adds Prior Lalce and Shalcopee as full members No other changes to J PA z Key 014 Milestones z Wa i 1 e: .. . a.: . ....„ . < ,. . - s_,._ _.,., ._. ''_ _ _...,.,. w _ . c .= _.__ _.::.NF_ :_::,..,.s,s ,, . January / ' Establish EWG &TWG February Worlc to brealc down tasl<s and answer questions Complete Begin bus reassignment and fund transfer conversations March Continue document and service reviews Complete Consideration of points of agreement and Draft JPA April amendment to include Prior Lalce & Shakopee Complete EWG/TWG meetings to checl< in and Iceep process on track May-July • Joint EWG/TWG meeting with final status updates Complete Prior Lake and Shakopee make decision on JPA/Agreement August • Submit JPA to other MVTA cities for approval In Process State Fair Pilot Project 13 Key 2014 Milestones x . F: f en .._.. o . x . . .r _.. n September • Begin development of marl<eting and publicity for merge October / • Final JPA approval by all partners November • Begin crafting other agreements as needed December • Marketing begins Prior Lalce and Shalcopee operations transfer to MVTA J an u ary Celebration and Roll Out February Initial Fund Transfer March-May • Fully integrate Prior Lal<e & Shalcopee service into MVTA August Final Fund Transfer 14 AGREEMENT TO CONSOLIDATE PUBLIC TRANSIT SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreeinent") is effective this day of 2014 ("Effective Date") by, between and among the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority, a municipal joint powers association ("MVTA"), the City of Shakopee, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("Shakopee") and the City of Prior Lake, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("Prior Lake"), (collectively referred to as the "Parties"). RECITALS A. The Parties each operate public transit service pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 473.384 and § 473.388 and other related statutes otherwise known as "Opt-Out" public transit services. B. Minnesota law allows municipalities to act in combination to carry out public functions they are otherwise authorized to perform, including public transit. C. The 2005 Scott County Unified Transit Management Plan ("UTMP") and the 2011 Office of Legislative Auditor report identified the combining of Opt-Out transit providers as a means to enhance the cost-effective provision of public transit services. D. The Parties have closely reviewed their existing grants, service agreements, short and long term capital and operational costs and mutual relationships with essential public transit partners such as the Metropolitan Council; Scott County; and the County Transit Improvement Board ("GTIB"). E. Technical and Elected Work Groups formed by the Parties have carefully reviewed financial and operational issues and have agreed on certain Guiding Principles that are based on a community approach to services changes and are to be followed with the consolidation of the public transit sen ices of the Parties. Those Guiding Principles are attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A and incorporated into this Agreement. F. Based on these premises and on the terms and conditions set forth below, the Parties deem it to be in their best long term interests to consolidate their respective public transit services and facilities under the terms and conditions set forth below and for Prior Lake and Shakopee to become members of the MVTA, creating an expanded MVTA public transit service operation. NOW THEREFORE, for valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Recitals. The Recitals are made a part of this Agreement. 2. Agreement Effective Date; Full Transit Service Consolidation. 2.1 The Parties acknowledge that this Agreement shall not have any force and effect until it is (i) duly signed by authorized signatories of t11e MVTA Board and by Prior Lake 1 and Shakopee, upon approval of their respective councils of both this Agreeinent and of that certain Third Amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement of the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority("JPA") attached as Exhibit B and (ii) each of the MVTA members has ratified this Agreement by their respective authorized written signatures on the JPA. The Parties further acknowledge that the consolidation of public transit services contemplated by this Agreement requires the transfer and assignment of all rights, title and ownership interests in those assets of Prior Lake and/or Shakopee used in the operations of their transit services, including but not limited to dedicated funds for such services, and requires the consent of third parties such as the Met Council, Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community and Scott County as to grants, leases or service agreements. The Parties have reviewed the tenns and conditions governing such necessary assignments and transfers and believe that each shall be approved as needed to effectuate this consolidation. The Parties also agree that all such transfer of these and other necessary conditions to the consolidation of transit services may not be completed by the date the last MVTA member signs the JPA. Notwithstanding the above, the Effective Date of this Agreement shall be the date of the signature of the last MVTA member to approve the JPA as set forth in Exhibit B. Unless each of the MVTA members sign the JPA made part of this Agreement, this Agreement shall not have any force or effect. 2.2 On the Effective Date, this Agreement shall be enforceable and the Parties shall diligently proceed towards the achievement of full consolidation of what were separate MVTA and Prior Lake/Shakopee Opt-Out transit services into a fully consolidated system operated by the MVTA, with nine JPA members ("Transit Service Consolidation"). 2.3 The Parties shall use their best efforts to achieve full Transit Service Consolidation by, but no sooner than, January 1, 2015 ("Consolidation Date"). 3. Actions upon Effective Date. The Parties agree that as soon after the Effective Date as possible, the following shall occur and/or continue until to cornpletion by the identified Party below: 3.1 MVTA shall issue customer notices, provide all necessary driver and related training to personnel operating bus services for Prior Lake and Shakopee in accordance with the Work Plan set forth in Exhibit C, and issue scheduling modifications as set forth in Exhibit C, attached and incorporated into this Agreement. 3.2 On the Effective Date, Prior Lake and Shakopee shall continue their transit operations and agree to operate in co npliance with all applicable standards and regulations, and shall maintain regular communication with MVTA operations staf£ Prior Lake and Shakopee, with the assistance of MVTA, shall further complete all necessary transfers and assignments to MVTA of all right, title and interest in Prior Lake and Shakopee assets and funds used in transit operations, including obtaining all necessary consents of third parties; the foregoing to be effective on the Consolidation Date. Upon request, MVTA shall provide administrative assistance to Prior Lake and 2 Shakopee in their operation of transit services as they transition such operations to MVTA by the Consolidation Date. A checklist of said rights, funds and equipment to be transferred is attached as Exhibit D. Prior Lake and Shakopee further agree to do all things necessary to effectuate future transfers and assignments that may be necessary for the Transit Service Consolidation contemplated by this Agreement. If any transfer, consent or assignment is not obtained from a third party by the Consolidation Date, the Parties agree that such fact shall not delay the Consolidation Date if otherwise complete. The Parties agree to pursue the necessary steps to obtain such transfer, consent or assignment after the Consolidation Date. Notwithstanding this Section, the fund balance transfers described in Section 4.4 shall be governed solely by that Section. 3.3 MVTA shall provide all necessary notices to and filings with all public, private and regulatory bodies of the consolidation and Consolidation Date and shall do all things necessary to complete the ministerial requirements of the Transit Service Consolidation. 3.4 Prior Lake and Shakopee representatives to the MVTA Board and MVTA committees shall be fully participating in MVTA matters. 3.5 Prior Lake and Shakopee shall use best efforts to bring their joint transit services into compliance with regional policies, including but not limited to fares on the Shakopee Circulator, and do all things necessary to correct any noncompliance by December 1, 2014 or otherwise with sufficient time prior to the Consolidation Date to avoid fare increases after the Consolidation Date that are made necessary because of earlier noncompliance. MVTA agrees to assist Prior Lake and Shakopee in their compliance with this Section. 4. Assets and Liabilities; Payable and Receivables; No Warranties. 4.1 If not otherwise completed on the Consolidation Date, or as soon thereafter as reasonably possible, all transit related property, real, personal and mixed, and all and every other transit related interest of or belonging to either Shakopee or Prior Lake shall be taken by and deemed to be transferred to and vested in the MVTA without further act or deed. The title to any interest otherwise vested by deed or otherwise in Shakopee or Prior Lake shall not revert or otherwise be impaired by reason of the consolidation. On the Consolidation Date and except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all rights of creditors and all liens upon the property rights of Shakopee and Prior Lake and all debts, liabilities, obligations and duties of Shakopee and Prior Lake shall attach to MVTA and may be enforced against it to the same extent as the debts, liabilities, obligations and duties incurred or contracted by Shakopee or Prior Lake. As of the Effective Date, Prior Lake and Shakopee are unaware of any creditor rights or liens that would prevent MVTA's use of such property for transit service operations. 3 4.2 On and after the Consolidation Date, all revenue and expenditures incurred for Prior Lake or Shakopee transit operations shall be assumed by or inure to the benefit of MVTA. All such transit accounts payable and receivable incurred by Prior Lake or Shakopee for transit operations prior to the Consolidation Date shall remain as the sole right or responsibility of Prior Lake or Shakopee, or both, as the case may be, and Prior Lake and Shakopee shall indemnify, defend and hold MVTA harmless from and against any claims or liabilities arising out of such payables or receivables incurred before the Consolidation Date. 4.3 Subject to other provisions in this Agreement, MVTA agrees to assume the operations of Shakopee and Prior Lake public transit services on the Consolidation Date. 4.4 Prior Lake and Shakopee shall transfer a minimum fund balance from their joint transit operations equal to 25% of the Prior Lake and Shakopee budgeted 2015 expenditures ("Minimum Fund Balance"). Any fund balance exceeding the required Minimum Fund Balance transfer may be expended or legally obligated for transit related expenses, or allocated for liabilities Prior Lake and Shakopee are responsible for pursuant to paragraphs 5.1 and 5.2 herein. The Minimum Fund Balance and fund balances which are not expended or legally obligated for transit related services, or allocated for a specific purpose as of the Consolidation Date shall be transferred to MVTA as set forth in Exhibit G, attached and made a part of this Agreement. 4.5 Prior Lake and Shakopee shall transfer their respective rights to the buses and other equipment to be used in the consolidated transit services (list attached in Exhibit D) by the Consolidation Date, or as soon thereafter as reasonably possible. Prior Lake and Shakopee make no warranties or representations to MVTA concerning the condition of said leased assets, which are subject to MVTA inspection and approval. Notwithstanding, the foregoing, Prior Lake and Shakopee shall assign to MVTA all rights Prior Lake and Shakopee have in the manufacturer's or other third party warranties applicable to buses and other equipment. 5. Liabilities not Assumed by MVTA. 5.1 MVTA shall not assume any responsibility for claims or demands by third parties against either Prior Lake or Shakopee, or both, relating to their joint transit services, in which such third parties allege breach of contract, negligence, intentional wrongful acts or any other claim giving rise to liability of Prior Lake or Shakopee, or both, where the asserted liability arises prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement, regardless of whether the claim or demand is made after the Effective Date. Such obligations and a1I issues arising out of said claims or dernands shall be the sole responsibility of Shakopee and/or Prior Lake, and they shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless MVTA from any and all claims or demands arising thereunder. On and after the Effective Date, Prior Lake and Shakopee agree that they shall promptly provide MVTA with notice of all proposed transit service contracts or other pending transactions to allow MVTA to work with Prior Lake and Shakopee, or both, to 4 negotiate said contracts or transactions. Unless otherwise agreed, MVTA shall be the signatory on all contracts entered relevant to transit services provided by or for either Prior Lake or Shakopee. MVTA further agrees that after the Effective Date and until the Consolidation Date, MVTA shall promptly provide designated representatives from Prior Lake and Shakopee notice of pending MVTA contracts and other transactions not involving Prior Lake or Shakopee services areas in order to keep each apprised of MVTA system-wide operations. 5.2 If any discrepancies are found in the collection or expenditure of transit funds either in the audit described in paragraph 17 below, or otherwise, Prior Lake and Shakopee shall be solely responsible for all necessary corrections, penalties, proceedings, costs of investigation or other costs and liabilities arising out of such transit operations revenue collection or expenditure and shall defend, indemnify and hold MVTA harmless therefrom. 6. Shakopee and Prior Lake Membership in MVTA. On the Effective Date and unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, Shakopee and Prior Lake shall become members of the MVTA on the terms and conditions set forth in the JPA and Bylaws as they may be amended from time to time, and fully participate at the MVTA Board and committee levels on an equal basis as the other seven MVTA members. 7. Minimum Length of Initial Membership. Notwithstanding paragraph 11 of the JPA, Prior Lake and Shakopee shall remain a member of MVTA at least until December 31, 2017 as provided herein. To effectuate a December 31, 2017 withdrawal, notice of withdrawal by Prior Lake or Shakopee, or both, shall be given to the MVTA Board no later than June 30, 2016. Notice of withdrawal given after June 30, 2016 shall be effective for a December 31, 2018 withdrawal and no earlier. On January 1, 2018, this paragraph 7 shall expire and both Prior Lake and Shakopee may withdraw from the MVTA in accordance with paragraph 11 of the JPA, as it may be amended from time to time. The Parties agree that this initial membership commitment of Prior Lake and Shakopee is necessary to allow for effective consolidation of transit services, including the establishment of CMAQ grant funded additions. 8. System-wide Service Programs and Standards. 8.1 Prior Lake and Shakopee acknowledge and agree that as members of the MVTA, their respective public transit services, individually and in combination, become a part of and subject to the MVTA system-wide standards of service and will not be subject to programs or standards of service applicable only to Prior Lake or Shakopee, or both. MVTA shall use its best efforts to maintain the existing level of all services provided to customers in MVTA's system, including Prior Lake and Shakopee, while seeking to raise the level of all services provided as of the Effective Date to all MVTA customers. When evaluating increases or decreases in service, MVTA shall consider the Guiding Principles in Exhibit A and applicable regional standards. MVTA's goal is to provide the best service possible to all MVTA customers within the funding guidelines of its operations. 5 8.2 Prior Lake and Shakopee agree to do all things necessary to effectuate the assignment of their respective rights to MVTA as Subrecipient of funds from those certain Subrecipient Grant Ageements ("SGA") that Prior Lake and Shakopee anticipate receiving in 2014 for the purpose of use on the B1ueXpress. Prior Lake and Shakopee further agree to do all things necessary to order SGA funded buses on a timely basis relative to the operative dates in this Agreement. MVTA agrees to perform and complete the "Workscopes" as defined and described in the SGAs, to comply with all other SGA terms and conditions, and to use the SGA funds in accordance with SGA terms. 8.3 In the event MVTA seeks to eliminate a route in Prior Lake and/or Shakopee, the MVTA shall, for all routes, regardless of type of ridership, utilize the Major Service Change Policy found in MVTA's Title VI Plan, attached hereto is Exhibit E and incorporated into this Agreement. This Policy is found in FTA Circular 4702.1B, Chapter IV-12, as it may be amended by the FTA from time to time, and found in http.//www.fta.dot.gov/legislation law/12349 14792.htm1) and specifically includes, but is not limited to, public outreach as required in the Policy. Prior to eliminating a route that is the subject of this subparagraph, the MVTA Board must approve the service equity analysis for Major Service Changes as provided in the Plan. 9. Long Range Service Plan. At the earliest possible time, MVTA agrees to conduct a transit market study for northern Scott County to evaluate existing service, connections, and unmet needs. The Scott County Transit Operations and Capital Plan will be used as the starting point of this study. The results of this study will be prioritized and used as the basis for service in northern Scott County. Should Scott County enact a transit sales tax or join CTIB, the sales tax dollars allocated to Scott County may be used to operate this service. 10. Return of Assets upon Withdrawal. 10.1 The Parties acknowledge that based on assumptions contained in that certain financial analysis conducted by Springsted dated April 11, 2014, reserves of each of the Parties as separate public transit entities, or as consolidated hereby, may be depleted within the first three years of the consolidation. MVTA will not own any additional physical assets as a result of the consolidation. If Prior Lake and/or Shakopee withdraw pursuant to section 7 above, Prior Lake and Shakopee shall be responsible to work with the Met Council and other parties to effectuate transfers and otherwise re-establish all necessary funding for the delivery of public transit services as independent Opt-Outs after withdrawal. MVTA will cooperate in assisting Prior Lake and Shakopee: (i) to effectuate the transfer of vehicle leases to Prior Lake and/or Shakopee of the buses transferred to MVTA as part of this consolidation or buses of equal quality, recognizing that the subject buses are owned by the Met Council; (ii) to effectuate the transfer of leases or negotiation of use agreements for park and ride facilities between Prior Lake and/or Shakopee and Scott County and the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community, (iii) in support of their requests to the Met Council for new funding after withdrawal from the MVTA 6 in amounts necessary for each city, or both in combination, to reestablish independent transit services at appropriate levels. 10.2 MVTA agrees to work with Met Council and the withdrawing Party or Parties to determine fleet reassignments of"like buses in similar condition." 10.3 MVTA also agrees to work with Scott County and do all necessary acts to assign MVTA rights in the facilities to the withdrawing Party or Parties effective the date of withdrawal. 11. Party Representation of Rights to Provide Transit Services. The Parties represent and warrant to each other that as of the Effective Date, they are duly authorized to operate as Opt-Out" public transit providers and have authority to do all things necessary to fulfill their respective duties in the provision of public transit services to the public. They further warrant that the terms of this Agreement and the act of entering into this Agreement do not impair their rights to provide "Opt-Out" services or otherwise breach a covenant in any contracts entered into or grants received that would affect MVTA and its ability to continue public transit services in the Shakopee and Prior Lake service areas, or in other MVTA service areas. 12. No Threatened Litigation. Shakopee and Prior Lake are aware of no threatened litigation that could affect MVTA rights and obligations to carry out public transit services after the Effective Date. Shakopee and Prior Lake agree to defend, indemnify and hold MVTA harmless from and against any and all claims that may be brought after the Effective Date that arose out of acts and omissions of Shakopee and/or Prior Lake that occurred prior to the Effective Date. 13. Employee Impact. Shakopee and Prior Lake agree that each is responsible for any and all impacts on employees affected by this Agreement, if any, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the MVTA from any and all claims by their employees arising out of this consolidation of transit services. 14. Appointed Board Commissioners, Alternates. Prior Lake and Shakopee shall, by the Effective Date, appoint a commissioner and alternate to the MVTA Board as set forth in the Third amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement of the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority. 15. No Separate Operational Staff. After the Effective Date, all MVTA operations shall be carried out by MVTA staff as constituted on the Effective Date and as it may be expanded or contracted from time to time thereafter. 16. Start-Up Costs. The Parties have identified certain actions that have been or will be necessary to effectuate the consolidation of Prior Lake and Shakopee transit services with MVTA. Costs and estimated costs for these actions include and will be limited to those items listed in Exhibit F, attached and incorporated into this Agreement, or items that are directly related and necessary to complete an identified item on Exhibit F. ("Start-Up Costs"). If additional Start-Up Costs arise that are not listed in Exhibit F, MVTA will 7 obtain authorization from Prior Lake and Shakopee prior to expenditure of funds, authorization not to be unreasonably withheld. MVTA agrees to carry out these start-up actions with the assistance of Prior Lake and Shakopee. Prior Lake and Shakopee shall transfer funds used for Start-Up Costs in accordance with Exhibit G, which includes required transfers for both Start-Up Costs and for operational costs through the Minimum Fund Balance transfers described in section 4.4 of this Agreement; provided however, that the initial transfers on Exhibit G required one month after the Effective Date ("Initial Transfers") shall be used exclusively for Start-Up Costs until August 15, 2015. To the extent that Start-Up Costs incurred by August 15, 2015 exceed the Initial Transfers amount, Prior Lake and Shakopee agree to reimburse MVTA for reasonable and necessary costs associated with such Start-Up Costs, within 30 days of MVTA providing invoices and supporting documentation for any costs that exceed the estimates set forth on Exhibit F. To the extent Start-Up Costs incurred by August 15, 2015 are less than the amount of the Initial Transfers, MVTA may use the entire remaining balance for any transit related expense and shall not seek reimbursement from Prior Lake or Shakopee for any Start-Up Cost incurred by MVTA after August 15, 2015. 17. Audit. As part of the standard annual audit for the calendar year ending December 31, 2014, Shakopee and Prior Lake shall include an audit of their respective transit funds. Prior Lake and Shakopee shall direct its auditors to conduct a sufficiently in-depth review of fare collection and transit expenditures to provide MVTA with assurance of Prior Lake and Shakopee compliance with any and all applicable federal and state requirements through December 31, 2014 and with generally accepted accounting principles. Additional audit costs incurred, if any, for the foregoing transit funds audit shall be considered start-up costs and included in Exhibit F. 18. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and each executed counterpart shall be deemed to be an original instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the authorized signatories below bind the parties on whose behalf they signed as of the date indicated. 8 Adopted this day of 2014 MVTA BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By: Its: Chair ATTEST: By: Its: Executive Director STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA On this day of 20 before me a Notary Public within and for said County personally appeared fit and to be personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Chair and Executive Director of the MVTA BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, the joint powers association named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said joint powers association by authority of its Board, and said Chair and Executive Director acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said joint powers association. 9 Adopted this day of 2014 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE By: Its: ATTEST: By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF SCOTT On this day of 20 before me a Notary Public within and for said County personally appeared fit and to be personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council, and said Mayar and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. 10 Adopted this day of 2014 CITY OF SHAKOPEE By: its: ATTEST: By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF SCOTT On this day of 20 before me a Notary Public within and for said County personally appeared fit and to be personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the CITY OF SHAKOPEE, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council, and said Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. 11 Exhibit A Guiding Principles for Consolidated MVTA, Prior Lake, and Shakopee Transit Services The following are transit services goals and standards the MVTA seeks to achieve or carry out, as adopted by the Technical and Elected Official Consolidation Work Groups comprised of representatives from MVTA, Prior Lake and Shakopee: 1. Focus on customer ser-vice and strive to increase service and partnerships 2. Maintain existing level of all services while seeking to raise the level of all services 3. Maintain and upgrade existing capital assets 4. Review overall service plan (express, local, and unmet needs),update plan and consider service adjustments 5. Establish priorities based on updated service plan Exhibit B Third Amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement of the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority Effective upon the date of signature of the last MVTA member to approve.) THIRD AMENDED AND RESTATED JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT OF THE MINNESOTA VALLEY TRANSIT AUTHORITY THIS THIRD AMENDED AND RESTATED JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT Agreement") is by and among the Cities of Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Prior Lake, Rosemount, Savage, and Shakopee ("Cities") municipal corporations organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and Dakota County and Scott County ("Counties"), political subdivisions under the laws of the State of Minnesota. This Agreement amends, restates and replaces the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority ("MVTA") Second Amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement adopted in October 2012. The Agreement is made pursuant to the authority conferred upon the Parties by Minnesota Statutes, Sections 473.384, 473.388, and 471.59 and related statutes. WHEREAS, since 1990, the MVTA has operated as a legislatively-authorized "opt-out" provider of Metropolitan Transit Service in and for the areas of cities that have been members of the MVTA; WHEREAS, the Cities of Prior Lake and Shakopee seek to add their public transit services to the MVTA by becoming members of the MVTA and continue the provision of high quality transit services to their customers through the MVTA; WHEREAS, the MVTA, by and through its board and constituent members, seeks to add Prior Lake and Shakopee as new MVTA members and incorporate their public transit services and customer service areas into the MVTA while maintaining high quality services to those customers in Prior Lake and Shakopee as well as to those in the MVTA's service area existing prior to this merger of transit services; and WHEREAS,the MVTA also seeks to amend the Agreement to simplify the process under this Ageement of future addition or subtraction of MVTA members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, it is hereby agreed by and among the Cities and Counties: 1.Name. The name of this joint powers arganization is the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority, also known as the MVTA. 2.Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide public transit service in and for persons within the Cities and within the Metropolitan Area pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 473.388, 473.384, 471.59 and related statutes. 3.Definitions. A) "MVTA" means the organization created by this Agreement. B) "BOARD" means the Board of Commissioners of the MVTA. C) "MVTA BOND BOARD" means the board established under Section 6 of this Agreement. D) "METROPOLITAN COLINCIL" means the Metropolitan Council as established by Minnesota Statutes, Section 473.123. E) "PARTY" or "PARTIES" means any one or more of the Cities or Counties that has entered into this Agreement, and cities or counties that may become Parties subsequent to the effective date of this Third Amended and Restated Agreement. Each Party to the Agreement is a member of the MVTA. F) "TECHNICAL WORK GROUP" is a committee consisting of one staff member of each City and County represented on the Board, which shall act as technical advisors to the Board. 4. Party Addition or Withdrawal. After the effective date of this Agreement, if new Parties join the MVTA or existing Parties withdraw and no other amendment is made to this Agreement at the time, the following process shall be used for such addition or withdrawal. New MVTA Parties shall be added to this Agreement upon the filing with the MVTA of a resolution duly adopted by the new Party or Parties agreeing to the terms of this Agreement, as it may be amended from time to time, and upon the filing of a resolution by each then existing MVTA Party, approving the addition of the new Party. All such resolutions shall be attached and become a part of this Agreement. Party withdrawal shall be effectuated in accordance with paragraph 11 of this Agreement. Upon the effective date of such withdrawal, the notice of withdrawal shall be attached to and become a part of this Agreement. No change in governmental boundaries, structure, organizational status or character shall affect the eligibility of any Party to a member of the MVTA so long as such Party continues to exist as a separate political subdivision. 5. Board of Commissioners. A) Except as otherwise provided under Section 6 hereof, the governing body of the MVTA shall be its Board which will consist of a representative of each MVTA Party as provided in this Agreement. Each Party shall appoint one commissioner, one alternate comrnissioner, and a staff inember who shall serve on the Technical Work Group. The alternate commissioner and the Technical Work Group member may be the same person. The commissioner appointed by each Party shall be a member of that Party's governing body; the alternate commissioner need not be a member of the Party's governing body. Each Party has one vote. If a Party's commissioner is not present at a meeting of the Board of Commissioners, the alternate may vote. Metropolitan Council members who represent the Cities of the MVTA may serve as non-voting ex officio members of the Board. The terms of office of each commissioner and alternate commissioner shall be determined by the Party making the appointment. In January of each year, or as soon thereafter as the Party representatives to the Board are appointed, the Party shall provide to the MVTA in writing the name(s) of the appointed representative(s). B) A commissioner or alternate may be removed by the Party appointing the commissioner with or without cause. C) Commissioners and alternates shall serve without compensation from the MVTA. D) A majority of the MVTA commissioners (including alternates, in the absence of commissioners) shall constitute a quorum of the Board. Attendance by a quorum of the Board shall be necessary for conducting a meeting of the Board. The Board may take action at a meeting upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the commissioners present at a meeting, E) The Board may adopt Bylaws to govern its meetings. F) As the first order of business at the January meeting of each year, the Board shall elect a chair, a vice chair, a secretary-treasurer, and such other officers as it deems necessary to conduct its business and affairs. The current chair shall facilitate these elections. In the event that the current chair is no longer his/her Party's representative to the MVTA, the vice chair shall facilitate the election process. In the event that both the vice chair and chair are no longer its Party's representative to the MVTA, the Board shall decide on another Board member to preside over the elections. The newly-elected chair shall then preside over the remainder of the meeting, and all meetings henceforth until a new chair is elected. In no event may an alternate commissioner act as an officer of the Board in the absence of the commissioner who holds that office. 6. MVTA Bond Board. A) There is hereby established the board designated as the "MVTA Bond Board." The MTVA Bond Board shall consist of a representative of each MVTA Party, each of whom is a member of the respective Parties' governing body, and is each Party's appointed commissioner on the Board. If both the Board commissioner and the Board alternate appointed by a Party are members of that Party's governing body, only the designated commissioner shall represent that Party on the MVTA Bond Board. In no event shall any alternate commissioner on the Board serve in any capacity on the MVTA Bond Board. The terms of office of each member of the MVTA Bond Board shall be the same as their terms on the Board, determined by each Party as described in Section 5(A). B) The MVTA Bond Board may issue bonds or obligations on behalf of the Parties, under any law by which any Party may independently issue bonds or obligations, and may use the proceeds of the bonds or obligations to carry out the purposes of the 1aw under which the bonds or obligations are issued; provided that such bonds or obligations shall be issued only to carry out the powers and duties of MVTA described in Section 7 hereof. C) The MVTA Bond Board may issue bonds and obligations only in accordance with express authority granted by the action of the governing bodies of each Party, which bodies must each approve the Bond Board decision to issue bonds and obligations. The MVTA may not pledge the full faith and credit or taxing power of any Party to any bonds or obligations issued by the MVTA Bond Board. The bonds or obligations must be issued in the same manner and subject to the same conditions and limitations that would apply if the bonds or obligations were incurred by one of the Parties, provided that any reference to a governmental unit in the statute, law, or charter provision authorizing issuance of the bonds or obligations is considered a reference to the MVTA Bond Board. D) A member of the MVTA Bond Board may be removed by the Party appointing that member with our without cause; provided that if a member is removed from the MVTA Bond Board, that person shall also be deemed removed from the Board; and if a member is removed from the Board, that person shall be deemed removed from the MVTA Bond Board. E) The rules for compensation under section 5(C) and for a quorum under section 5(D) also apply to the MVTA Board. F) Bylaws adopted by the Board under Section 5(E) also apply to the MTVA Board. G) The officers of the MVTA Bond Board shall be the same as the officers of the Board described in Section 5(F). 7. Powers and Duties of the MVTA. A) General. The MVTA has the powers and duties to establish a program pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 473.384 and 473.388 to provide public transit service for persons within the Parties and on such routes within the Metropolitan Area that the MVTA may operate to provide such service pursuant to the authority granted the MVTA under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 473.384, 473.388, 16A.88, and other applicable statutes, if any. The MVTA shall have all powers necessary to discharge its duties. B) The MVTA may acquire, own, hold, use, improve, operate, maintain, lease, exchange, transfer, sell, or otherwise dispose of equipment, property, or property rights as deemed necessary to carry out the purposes of the MVTA. C) The MVTA may enter into such contracts to carry out the purposes of the MVTA. D) The MVTA may establish bank accounts as the Board shall from time to time determine. E) The MVTA may employ an executive director whose duties shall be to administer policies as established by the MVTA. The executive director shall be an employee of the MVTA. The MVTA shall hire and terminate personnel and provide for compensation, insurance, and other terms and conditions that it deems necessary. F) The MVTA may enter into a contract for management services. G) The MVTA may sue or be sued. H) The MVTA shall cause to be made an annual audit of the books and accounts of the MVTA and shall make and file the report to its Parties at least once each year. I) The MVTA shall maintain books, reports, and records of its business and affairs which shall be available for and open to inspection by the Parties at all reasonable times. J) The MVTA may contract to purchase services from any one of the Parties. K) The MVTA may finance the acquisition of any real or personal property under a lease-purchase ageement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 465.71, including without limitation through issuance of certificates of participation in such lease together, a"Financing Lease"); and each Party hereby expressly approves and authorizes any Financing Lease entered into by the MVTA on behalf of the Parties. 8. Operating and Capital Costs, Budgets, and Financial Liability. The MVTA shall have a fiscal year beginning January 1 and ending December 31. The executive director shall prepare an estimated budget for the next fiscal year including an estimate of expenditures, operating costs, capital costs and revenues and submit it to the Board for preliminary approval. The executive director shall also submit the preliminary budget to the Parties for comment within thirty (30) days of the date of submittal. The budget shall be deemed approved by a Party unless the Party objects to the preliminary budget within said thirty (30) days. The Board shall approve, or approve as modified, a final budget and submit the final budget by December 15 to the Metropolitan Council for approval. The Board may adjust the budget from time to time on the basis of actual costs incurred or changes in estimated revenue or expenditures. In the event of an adjustment of the budget, the Board shall furnish to each Party a computation of the adjustment. 9. Indemnification. Except as may be otherwise provided in this Agreement, the Parties transfer to the MVTA all responsibility and control for actions taken pursuant to this Agreement. The MVTA shall defend and indemnify the Parties, and their officers, elected off cials, employees, and volunteers, from and against all claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including attorney's fees, arising out of the acts or omissions of the Joint Powers Board or the Bond Board in carrying out the terms of this Agreement or acts or omissions otherwise occurring in the course of carrying out MVTA operations. This Agreement does not constitute a waiver of the limitations of liability set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 466.04. Nothing herein shall be construed to provide insurance coverage or indemnification to an officer, employee, or volunteer of any Party for any act or omission for which the officer, employee, or volunteer is guilty of malfeasance in office, willful neglect of duty, or bad faith. To the fullest extent permitted by law, actions by the Parties to this Agreement are intended to be and shall be construed as a"cooperative activity" and it is the intent of the Parties that they shall be deemed a single governmental uniY' for the purposes of liability, as set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59, subd. 1 a (a), provided further that for purposes of that statute, each Party to this Agreement expressly declines responsibility for the acts or omissions of another party. The parties to this Agreement are not liable for the acts or omissions of another Party to this Agreement except to the extent they have agreed in writing to be responsible for such acts or omissions of the other Parties. 10. Insurance. The MVTA shall purchase liability insurance coverage to cover the activities of the MVTA. The MVTA shall provide all Parties with copies of the liability insurance coverage documents. The liability insurance coverage shall provide all Parties with sixty (60) days notice of cancellation, material change or termination of coverage. In the event the liability insurance coverage is cancelled, or otherwise becomes unavailable, the MVTA shall procure similar liability insurance coverage from another entity. The MVTA shall purchase insurance in addition to liability insurance in such amounts and on such terms as the MVTA shall determine. 11. Duration of Agreement. This Agreement sha11 continue in force from the effective date of this Agreement from year to year, subject to termination by all Parties. Withdrawal by any Party or Parties shall not affect the duration of this Agreement unless and until all Parties duly terminate this Agreement and dissolve the MVTA. Party withdrawal shall be initiated by serving written notice upon the MVTA no later than February 15`h of the year at the end of which such Party withdrawal is to be effective. Withdrawal from the Agreement by any Party at the end of the calendar year shall not affect the obligation of that Party to perform the Agreement during the period it remains a Party to the Agreement. Withdrawal of any Party or termination of the Agreement by all Parties shall not terminate or limit any liability, contingent, asserted or unasserted, of any Party arising out of that Party's participation in the Agreement. In the event a Party withdrawal or other change renders one or more provisions of this Agreement inapplicable, those inapplicable provisions shall be severed from the Agreement and the balance of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 12. Distribution of Assets. A) In the event of the withdrawal of any Party from this Agreement and subject to the return of assets set forth in subparagraph 10.1 of that certain Agreement to Consolidate Public Transit Services dated 2014, attached as Exhibit A, the withdrawing Party shall not be reimbursed for or be entitled to the return of any costs incurred for, or contributions of property made to, the MVTA. The MVTA and the withdrawing Party shall do all things necessary to effectuate promptly the reimbursement or other form of property transfer agreed upon. The withdrawing Party shall be responsible for all reasonable costs incurred by the MVTA in effectuating the reimbursement or property transfer. B) In the event of termination of this Agreement by all Parties, all of the assets that remain, if any, after payment of debts and obligations that are not required by terms of state statutes, federal statutes, or contracts with the Metropolitan Council or federal agencies to be available for regional use for transit purposes or to be transferred to the Metropolitan Council or federal agencies, shall be distributed among the Parties to this Agreement immediately prior to its termination in accordance with the following formula: Each Party shall receive that percentage of remaining assets determined by dividing the total then current asset value the receiving Party contributed to the MVTA by the total remaining asset value contributed by all the Parties that are Parties to this Agreement immediately prior to its termination. C) The amount of the distribution to any Party pursuant to this Agreement, including upon withdrawal, shall be reduced by any amounts owed by the Party to the MVTA. 13. Effective Date. This Agreement shall be in full force and effect when all Parties sign this Agreement as amended and restated herein. This Agreement may be signed in counterpart. The signed Agreement shall be filed with the executive director, who shall notify all Parties at the earliest Board meeting of its effective date. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned government units, by action of their governing bodies, have caused this Agreement to be executed in accordance with the authority of Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59. Adopted this day of 2014 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY By: Its: ATTEST: By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA On this day of 20 before me a Notary Public within and for said County personally appeared fit and to be personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the CITY OF APPLE VALLEY, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council, and said Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. Adopted this day of 2414 CITY OF BURNSVILLE By: Its: ATTEST: By: Its: By: its: ATTEST: By: Its: 5TATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA On this day of 20 before me a Notary Public within and for said County personally appeared fit and to be personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor, Clerk and City Manager of the CITY OF BURNSVILLE, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council, and said Mayor, Clerk and City Manager acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. Adopted this day of 2014 CITY OF EAGAN By: Its: ATTEST: By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA On this day of 20 before me a Notary Public within and for said County personally appeared fit and to be personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the CITY OF EAGAN, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council, and said Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. Adopted this day of 2014 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE By: Its: ATTEST: By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF SCOTT On this day of 20 before me a Notary Public within and for said County personally appeared fit and to be personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council, and said Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. Adopted this day of 2014 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By: Its: ATTEST: By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA On this day of 20 before me a Notary Public within and for said County personally appeared fit and to be personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council, and said Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. Adopted this day of 2014 CITY OF SAVAGE By: Its: ATTEST: By: its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF SCOTT On this day of 20 before me a Notary Public within and for said County personally appeared fit and to be personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the CITY OF SAVAGE, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council, and said Mayor and Cierk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. Adopted this day of 2014 CITY OF SHAKOPEE By: Its: ATTEST: By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF SCOTT On this day of 20 before me a Notary Public within and for said County personally appeared fit and to be personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the CITY OF SHAKOPEE, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council, and said Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. DAKOTA COUNTY RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: By: Its: Its: COUNTY BOARD RESOLUTION: By: No: Date: Date: SCOTT COUNTY RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: By: its: Its: COUNTY BOARD RESOLUTION: By: No: Date: Date: Exhibit C Consolidation Work Plan See timeline on the following page MVTA-Prior Laka-%t.kop..Consolidation Work Plan Updated Api115,2014 ge Note that 1)meeting dates for elected officials are tentatr e:and,2)adherence to work plan is dependent on JPA approval by all partnsre and selection of AMA's provider. x""' Task Name Femme Nacres 2011 off Dec Jan Feb ; Mar Apr.... Mar. Jon 1 JI Sea Qct Nqi Jan. _. F_F_MIS r._-A.iiL.73.7.-./.rat.•4 i....1I41L .. l ._..I}RF. .., _. _ .,, e4 .'ASR _. JW_ 1 .A40.. ]....7:141.7..:17...0d... .NSr ..,.._-D.K ....R!!.....L...1!lb..._T .Iisr ...t..._Ap _M.?Y. J{n.. JJ A49. •T Initiation of detailed merger discussions we>•Here Met Council re-assignment approval(master leases,active grants,and fare reimbursement) Met Council IM Cornell Order 3 Prior Lake CMAQ buses Fleet Flea Conduct 5-year financial analysis Finance rnmce Draft update of JPA and Bylaws for EWG review Legal Legal State Fair Pilot service planning Planning Planning Transit web site integration plan;MVTA website RFP issued Customer Service 1'aanaer Safes Incorporate CIP projects into Scott County Annual Work Plan Finance Firma Met Council TAB approval to advance 3 Shakopee CMAQ buses Met Council 0 1.111 Merger EWG approves JPA and Bylaws Elected Officials o 522 MVTA Board approves JPA and Bylaws Elected Officials 5109 Shakopee City Council considers JPA and Bylaws Elected Officials 5117 Prior Lake City Council considers JPA and Bylaws Elected Officials : tap] Provide notice on fund transfer process Met Council Met Cauca Integrate Scott County Transit CIP projects into MVTA CIP Finance Finance Develop survey for BlueXpress and Shakopee Circulator nders Customer Service Colmar aaNa Develop Marketing Plan Customer Service• Customer Seneca Eagan City Council considers JPA and Bylaws Elected Officials 1 7115 Rosemount City Council considers JPA and Bylaws Elected Officials 7115 Scott County Board of Commssioners considers JPA and Bylaws Elected Officials 7115 C Savage City Council considers JPA and Bylaws Elected Officials 7121 e Apple Valley City Council considers JPA and Bylaws Elected OfBdals 722 ZBumsville City Council considers JPA and Bylaws Elected Officials • 7122 eoite new MVTA service provider contract Elected Officials . 7713 Z Dakota County Board of Commissioners considers JPA and Bylaws Elected Officials 7i tact Develop service plan for 3 Prior Lake CMAQ buses Planning mina ab Order3Shakopee CMAQ buses Fleet '.. Fleet a Option:Install RouteMatch on BlueXpress buses IT IT t.2 Integrate real time information IT • IT• 0 Order and install WFi on BlueXpress buses IT - IT s Scott County provides MVTA access to facility cameras IT : IT Scott County provides MVTA override capabilities to transit-only gates IT IT Z.Develop SOP for incident management process Operations operations Review driver qualifications/training plan Operations j Operations to Fair Service and Marketing Operations Opsaroes Implement transit web site integration plan Customer Service; Customs Service Scott County facilities tour Customer Service 1 r------customs Service Merger EWG begins branding!marketing discussions Elected Officials !r--- ---Eaea annals Customer Service training Customer Service ss - -•Some service Pre-merger survey of BlueXpress nders Customer Service, customs :• to Ering Shakopee Circulator fares into regional compliance Operations paragons Extend Shakopee Circulator agreement with Scott County through 2015 Legal Legal Re-assign Shakopee Circulator agreement to MVTA,effective 1/1/2015 Legal • Lege Option:Re-assign park-and-ride agreement with Beniek to MVTA,effective 1/1/2015 Legal Legal Option:New agreement between MVTA and Scott County for Scott County management of park-and-ride contract Legal Legal New agreement between MVTA and Scott County for operation from Eagle Creek and Marschall Road Legal Legal Planning Joint MVTA and BlueXpress spring service change information posted,including CMAQ service additions Planning City Council action to re-assign SST Lakeville contract to MVTA Elected Officials Mocked 011101s Order TwinVision destination signs Fleet Fleet Order Seon cameras Fleet met Integrate and print pocket schedules Customer Service Customs Service Order and install cell phone mounting kits on BlueXpress buses Fleet Freef Integrate BlueXpress dispatching with Eagan Bus Garage Fleet , Fleet Provide SST written notice that BlueXpress services are re-assigned to MVTA,effective 1/1/2015 Legal Legal Centralize Customer Service at MVTA Customer Service• 170 Centralize Planning at MVTA Planning 115 E Prepare marketing materials and public information messages Customer Service yen ce 7 Maintenance training,including site visit Fleet Fleet to Dispatdn training,induding site visit Operations N - operations 6 Driver training,as needed Operations paragons cm •: ..E Additional supervisors(from provider) Operations operations w °inform BlueXpress drivers of Penalties and Incentives Program and Reporting Requirements Operations • operations 4 n Order spare transit-only gate access chips Fleet Fleet U Expand fleet maintenance software to include BlueXpress Fleet i l --....Fleet iCoordinate with SST Lakeville to install bus equipment Fleet Fleet Add BlueXpress service to MVTA website Customer Service Customs Service Provide written notice to SST Lakeville to terminate BlueXpress contract Legal Legal Provide written notice to MVTA provider regarding service addition Legal I Legal Transfer funds to MVTA Met Council • ss=Met term l tElueXpress services are managed by MVTA;SST operations continue Operations operatmee In o Scott County continues Shakopee Circulator operations under contract with MVTA Operations paragons e a Marketing of merged services Customer Service Customs Strew, a°Install and program TwinVision destination signs Fleet Flee rL 5 Install Seon cameras Fleet Fleet f Develop service plan for 3 Shakopee CMAQ buses Planning : Planning Centralize BlueXpress fleet at Eagan Bus Garage Fleet o Front a 0 Prior Lake CMAQ service begins Operations 2123 MVTA Spring Service Change Operations 2123 t ga Centralize BlueXpress dispatch at Eagan Bus Garage Operations 223 a' i MVTA begins operation of BlueXpress services Operations 223 BlueXpress fleet absorbed into MVTA vehide replacement plan Fleet Fleet Evaluate staffing needs Finance France Potential for additional staff in 2015&2017 Finance France Evaluate Prior Lake bus stop at Main/CR 21 with traffic signal installation Planning Planning e Comprehensive review of first year Operations f opsalions r° °Prepare RFP for northern Scott County service review,potential to include MVTA service Planning Plac11ng a-.Option:Phase in RouteM etch technology on BlueXpress fleet IT IT c e Survey all riders post-merger Customer Service ess."Customs Service W Kick off service study Planning Planeirg Evaluate Beniek park-and-ride maintenance agreement Facilities Fac•ties Evaluate continuation of Scott County park-and-ride management Facilities Feciaties Evaluate Shakopee Circulator operations by Scott County Planning r PlaO1Og Prioritize service changes following service study Planning i t --- Planning ITask lesse Spa Propras IA redone • Summary Project Summary External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Page 1 Exhibit D Rights, Funds, and Equipment Transferred to MVTA Fleet Bus Number Model Year Model Vin Prior Lake 4515 2006 MCI: D4500 1M8PDMPAX7P057883 Prior Lake 6061 2010 MCI: D4500 1M8PDMEA5AP059583 Prior Lake 6062 2012 MCI: D4500 1M8PDMBA3CP012723 Prior Lake 6063 2013 MCI: D4500 1M8PDMBAXDP012901 Prior Lake 6064 2013 MCI: D4500 1M8PDMBA1DP012902 Prior Lake TBD 2014 MCI: D4500 CMAQ; delivery 10/2014 Prior Lake TBD 2014 MCi: D4500 CMAQ;delivery 10/2014 Prior Lake TBD 2014 MCI: D4500 CMAQ; delivery 10/2014 Shakopee 4017 2006 MCI: D4500 1M8PDMPA47P057880 Shakopee 1018 2006 MCI: D4500 1M8PDMPA67P057881 Shakopee 4019 2006 MCI: D4500 1M8PDMPA87P057882 Shakopee 4020 2006 MCI: D4500 1M8PDMPA87P057879 Shakopee 6053 2007 MCI: D4500 1M8PDMPA17P057884 Shakopee TBD 2015 MCI: D4500 CMAQ; delivery 2015 Shakopee TBD 2015 MCI: D4500 CMAQ; delivery 2015 Shakopee TBD 2015 MCI: D4500 CMAq; delivery 2015 Shakopee 64021 2008 Supreme: Startrans 1FDXE45S58DB09779 Shakopee 64022 2008 Supreme: Startrans 1FDXE45S38D609781 Shakopee.64037 2010 Goshen Coach: GCII 1FDFE4FS1ADA82337 Shakopee 64038 2010 Goshen Coach: GCII 1FDFE4FSOADA84659 Shakopee 64039 2010 Goshen Coach: GCII 1FDFE4FS7ADA84660 Facilities MVTA will execute an agreement with Scott County to operate from Southbridge Park and Ride, Eagle Creek, Park and Ride, and Marschall Road Transit Station. Fund Transfer The amount of funds transferred will be determined based on Section 4.3 of the Consolidation Agreement. Updated 5/15/2014 Exhibit E MVTA Major Service Change Policy for All Service PerMVTA Title VI Plan-Approved December 11,2013 Ap„pendix 2 Minnesata Valley Transft Authority{MVTAj Majar Seroice Change Policy Effecti e March 27,2013- The Federal Transit Administration's tFTA) updated Circular 4702.1B includes new requirements that all transit providers,in an urbanized area of more than 200,000 who receive federal funding and operate at least 50 peak vehicles, establish a policy detining the threshold used to identify a major service change. The major service change threshold is used to determine when a more detailed, service equity analysis is required. All increases or decreases in fixed route service that meet the major service change threshold require a Title VI EquityAnalysis priorto implementation,which must be presented to MVTA's Board for consideration and recorded in MVTA's Title VI Plan. Further,the FTA requires public engagement in the decision-making process used to develop this policy. The major service change policy will be approved by the MVTA Board and incorporated into MVTA's Title VI Plan, Major Service Change Thresholds In support of a regional approach to developing a major service change policy, MVTA recommends adopting crrteria in collaboration with the Metropolitan Council, Due to differences in system size and service types,the criteria below includes slight modifications that best reflect MVTA's service area. A major service change meets at feast one of the foflowing criteria; a) An existing route or set of routes,with one or more net increases or decreases within a 12 month period of more than a 25%change in the daily in-service hours. b) A new route in a new coverage area. c) A system-wide restructuring of transit service. d) Elimination of a transit route without alternate service or a fixed route replacement. The following service changes are exempt: a) Seasonal service changes, b) Route number or branch letter designation. ca Any change or discontinuation of a demonstration route within the first 24 months of operation. d) Changes on special service routes such as State Fair,sporting events,and special events. eJ Route changes caused by an emergency, Emergencies include,but are not limfted to, major construction, labor strikes,and inadequate fuel supplies. f) Any service change that does not meet the conditions of a major service change as defined a bove. UpdatedJanuary 16,2013 M{nnssotA Valley Translt AuthoHty Exhibit F Start-Up Cosb ShakopN iro wm Ana Task dor Lak Shar Shan MVTA Shan Customer Servitf Be in developin marketin plan In kind Customer Service Survey of BlueXpress and Shakopee Circulator riders(pre-merger) 750•00 S 75•00 Elected Officials Approve updated 1PA and Bylaws Elected Officials Exewte new MVTA provider controct finance Inte rate Scott Counrytransit CIV pro'ects into MVTA CIP;included in fina cial analysis In kind Fket Install cell hone mountin kits on BIueX ress buses 2,000•00 $ 1,250•00 Fleet Inte rote dispatch communication s stem with EBG 5 900•00 5 9U0•00 Fleet Durchase and install PouteMatch on BlueXpress buses(RM optior 1) 5 167,576.92 $ 104,923.08 IT Integrote real time information-dependent upon RouteMatch In kind IT Order and install Wifi on&ueXpress buses 5 5,230.n 5 3,269.23 Planning Develop service plan for 3 Prior lake CMAQ buses S S,A00.00 Elected Officials Be in brandin/marketin discussions Fleet 3 Shakopee CMA4 buses ordered&delivered;20%local match for operations induded in financial analysis Operations DeveloD SOP for incident mana ement prxess In kind Operations State Fair Service&Marketing 5 2,700•00 5 2.700.00 In kind Customer Service Scott CountY Facilities Tour tustomer Service Customer Service Trainin In kind Customer Service Inte rate and print pocket schedules(one year of printing costs) 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 Operotions Brin ShakopeeCircularorfaresintore ionalcompliance Plannin Joint MVTA-BlueXpress spri service chan e information posted In kind I7 Provide MVTA access to park and nde faciliry cameras(potentiallY via remote lo in) IT Provide MVTA override capabilities to[ransiFOnly ates in Scott County(potentially via remote lo in) Legal Eztend Shakopee Circulamr Agreement with Scott County for 2015 operations Le al Re-assi n Shakopee Circulator A reement to MVTA,effective lanuary 1,2015 legal Re-assign park-and-ride maintenance agreement with Beniek to MVTA,effective January 1,2015 jP&R oprlon li Le al New a reement between MVTA and Scott County for Scott County mana ement of pdrk and ride Con[ract(P6,R opUon Z? Le al New a reement between MVTA and Scott County for operation from Eagte Creek and Marschalt Road 7rans'rt Station Operatbns Review driver qual cations/trainin plan 5 900•00 $ 900•00 Customer Service Pre arc marketin materials&public information messa es In kind Customer Service Marketing of inerged services 5 1,666.67 $ 1,666.67 5 1,666.67 Custom r S rvk Gntnliu custemu i rvfee at MVTA In kind Customer Service Implement transit website inte ntion plan In kind Fleet Maintenance Traini ,inciudin site visit 387.5p S 387.50 In kind Fket Order s arc ate access chips 5 500•00 S 500.0 Fleet Order TwinVision destination signs 5 64,000.00 5 40,000.00 Fleet Order Seon cameras for BlueXpress buses S 40,000.00 $ 25,000.00 Operetions Prior Lake GMAQ service begins O rotions Dispatch Trainin,includin site visit 5 00 Operations Driver Trainin ,as needed 4,260.00 5 4,260.00 Operations Additional su rvisors(from provider) In kind Operations __ Inform BlueXpress drivers ot Denahies and Incmtives 7rogram,and Reporting Requiremmts _ _In kind Clannin Centrall:Plannin atMVTA Inkind Fleet Bus Wra i S 60.000.00 $ 37.500.00 Met Council Transfer funds to MVTA Operation, 7rovide SST written notice that BlueXpress services are reassigned to MVTA;continue under SST operetions Fleet Coordinate with SST LakevilM to install bus equipment In kind Pieet Instali and pr ram TwinVision deztination si ns on BlueXpress buses S 1,538.46 $ 961.54 Fleet Install Seon cameras 5 1,538.46 $ 961.54 Fleet MViA fleet maintenance sofcware expa ded to include BlueXpress buses S 9,230.77 S 5,769.23 Operations 61ue%prns servicu an mana d by MVTA;SST op ratlons continu Op rations Scott Counry op rrt s Shakope Circulrtor under contract with MV70 Fls t iC ntralix SlutXpnsa fle t at Es an Bus Gara e(assum 13 MQ but t) Fleet Bluexpress Fleet absorbed into MV7A vehicle replacement plan___ In kind Op ration MVTA operst s 61wXpnss S rvk s Operations ICmtralia Dlue%press dispatch st Eapn Bua Gaw Finance iEvaluate staffing:poteotia needs include intem;operations supervisor wstomer service;finance,and maintenance 78,000.00 Plannin Develop service lan for 3 Shakopee CMAQ buses;im lement with MVTA summer service chan e 5 5,000.00 Fleet Phase ia RouteMatch technol y on BlueXpress buses(RM option 1 In kind Plannin Hire consult to perform northem Scott Counry local service study;potentiai to include MVTA services 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 Customer Servia Survey o ait MVTA riders 5 1,166.67 5 1,166.67 5 1,166.67 faa6ties Evaluate Brniek park and ride maintenance agreement Fac I ties Evaluate continuation of Scott County management of park and rides Planning Service study kick off Operations Provide uvntten notice to MVTA service provider regardin senice addition Operations Provide written notice[o Schmitty's and Sons to terminate BlueXpress service Plannin Evaluate existing bus stop in Crior Lake at MainlCR 21 when traffic signal at Arcadia/Main is installed ' Planning Prioritize ervice changu,induding ixal service in northern Scott County MVTA iComprehensive review of first year and mer ed s-rrvices TOTAL S 405,066.22 $ 273,265.45 S 306,608.33 Exhibit G Schedule for Fund Transfers Date Activity Prior Lake Shakopee Amount Amount One month after Transfer estimated amount for MVTA's start-up Effective costs as detailed on Exhibit F of the Consolidation 410,000 $ 275,000 Date Agreement 2015 estimated operating budgets 1,000,000 $ 1,200,000 01-Jan-15 Consolidation Date Minimum Fund Balance Amountl 250,000 $ 300,000 Transfer 75% of Minimum Fund Balance Amount to 15-Feb-15 MVTAz 187,500 $ 225,000 Transfer remaining 25%of Minimum Fund Balance 15-Aug-15 Amount to MVTA 62,500 $ 75,000 15-Aug-15 Transfer any remaining transit fund balance to To Be To Be MVTA Determined Determined Notes: 1The Minimum Fund Balance Amount is equal to 25%of the 2015 budgeted expenditures. Prior Lake, Shakopee and MVTA wil!work together to establish the 2015 budget amount. ZThis transfer is intended to cover the operations bills which will be assumed by MVTA as of the Consolidation Date (January 1, 2015). 3This transfer will include all remaining transit fund balances. The total will be based on the balance in the cities'transit funds, less the start-up costs, minimum fund balance transfers and any funds spent or otherwise legally obligated prior to the Consolidation Date. THIRD AMENDED AND RESTATED JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT OF THE MINNESOTA VALLEY TRANSIT AUTHORITY THIS THIRD AMENDED AND RESTATED JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT AgreemenY') is by and among the Cities of Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Prior Lake, Rosemount, Savage, and Shakopee ("Cities") municipal corporations organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and Dakota County and Scott County ("Counties"), political subdivisions under the laws of the State of Minnesota. This Agreement amends, restates and replaces the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority ("MVTA") Second Amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement adopted in October 2012. The Agreement is made pursuant to the authority conferred upon the Parties by Minnesota Statutes, Sections 473.384, 473.388, and 471.59 and related statutes. WHEREAS, since 1990, the MVTA has operated as a legislatively-authorized "opt-out" provider of Metropolitan Transit Service in and for the areas of cities that have been members of the MVTA; WHEREAS, the Cities of Prior Lake and Shakopee seek to add their public transit services to the MVTA by becoming members of the MVTA and continue the provision of high quality transit services to their customers through the MVTA; WHEREAS, the MVTA, by and through its board and constituent members, seeks to add Prior Lake and Shakopee as new MVTA members and incorporate their public transit services and customer service areas into the MVTA while maintaining high quality services to those customers in Prior Lake and Shakopee as well as to those in the MVTA's service area existing prior to this merger of transit services; WHEREAS, Dakota County seeks to withdraw from the MVTA as a member and become a non-voting, ex-officio member of the Board, effective immediately upon full execution of this 'Third Amended and Restated Agreement,and WHEREAS,the MVTA also seeks to amend the Agreement to simplify the process under this Agreement of future addition or subtraction of MVTA members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, it is hereby agreed by and among the Cities and Counties: l.Name. The name of this joint powers organization is the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority, also known as the MVTA. 2.Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide public transit service in and for persons within the Cities and within the Metropolitan Area pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 473.388, 473.384, 471.59 and related statutes. 391535v15 JMS MN455-1 3.Definitions. A) "MVTA" means the organization created by this Agreement. B) `BOARD" means the Board of Commissioners of the MVTA. C) "MVTA BOND BOARD" means the board established under Section 6 of this Agreement. D) "METROPOLITAN COUNCIL" means the Metropolitan Council as established by Minnesota Statutes, Section 473.123. E) "PARTY" or "PARTIES" means any one or more of the Cities or Counties that has entered into this Agreement, and cities or counties that may become Parties subsequent to the effective date of this Third Amended and Restated Agreement. Each Party to the Agreement is a member of the MVTA. F) "TECHNICAL WORK GROUP" is a committee consisting of one staff member of each City and County represented on the Board, which shall act as technical advisors to the Board. 4. Party Addition or Withdrawal. After the effective date of this Agreement, if new Parties join the MVTA or existing Parties withdraw and no other amendment is made to this Agreement at the time, the following process shall be used for such addition or withdrawal. New MVTA Parties shall be added to this Agreement upon the filing with the MVTA of a resolution duly adopted by the new Party or Parties agreeing to the terms of this Agreement, as it may be amended from time to time, and upon the filing of a resolution by each then existing MVTA Party, approving the addition of the new Party. All such resolutions shall be attached and become a part of this Agreement. Party withdrawal shall be effectuated in accordance with paragraph 11 of this Agreement. Upon the effective date of such withdrawal, the notice of withdrawal shall be attached to and become a part of this Agreement. No change in governmental boundaries, structure, organizational status or character shall affect the eligibility of any Party to a member of the MVTA so long as such Party continues to exist as a separate political subdivision. 5. Board of Commissioners. A) Except as otherwise provided under Section 6 hereof, the governing body of the MVTA shall be its Board which will consist of a representative of each MVTA Party as provided in this Agreement. Each Party shall appoint one commissioner, one alternate commissioner, and a staff inember who shall serve on the Technical Work Group. The alternate commissioner and the Technical Work Group member may be the same person. The commissioner appointed by each Party shall be a member of that Party's governing body; the alternate commissioner need not be a member of the Party's governing body. Each Party has one vote. If a Party's commissioner is not present at a meeting of the Board of Commissioners, the alternate may vote. Metropolitan Council members who represent the Cities of the MVTA and a duly appointed representative from Dakota County and other representatives of municipalities or political subdivisions, as may be approved by the Board from time to time, may serve as non-voting ex officio members of the Board. The terms of office of each commissioner and alternate commissioner 391535v15 JMS MN455-1 shall be determined by the Party making the appointment. In January of each year, or as soon thereafter as the Party representatives to the Board are appointed, the Party shall provide to the MVTA in writing the name(s) of the appointed representative(s). B) A commissioner or alternate may be removed by the Party appointing the commissioner with or without cause. C) Commissioners and alternates shall serve without compensation from the MVTA. D) A majority of the MVTA commissioners (including alternates, in the absence of commissioners) shall constitute a quorum of the Board. Attendance by a quorum of the Board shall be necessary for conducting a meeting of the Board. The Board may take action at a meeting upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the commissioners present at a meeting, E) The Board may adopt Bylaws to govern its meetings. F) As the first order of business at the January meeting of each year, the Board shall elect a chair, a vice chair, a secretary-treasurer, and such other officers as it deems necessary to conduct its business and affairs. The current chair shall facilitate these elections. In the event that the current chair is no longer his/her Party's representative to the MVTA, the vice chair shall facilitate the election process. In the event that both the vice chair and chair are no longer its Party's representative to the MVTA, the Board shall decide on another Board member to preside over the elections. The newly-elected chair shall then preside over the remainder of the meeting, and all meetings henceforth until a new chair is elected. In no event may an alternate commissioner act as an officer of the Board in the absence of the commissioner who holds that office. 6. MVTA Bond Board. A) There is hereby established the board designated as the "MVTA Bond Board." The MTVA Bond Board shall consist of a representative of each MVTA Party, each of whom is a member of the respective Parties' governing body, and is each Party's appointed commissioner on the Board. If both the Board commissioner and the Board alternate appointed by a Party are members of that Party's governing body, only the designated commissioner shall represent that Party on the MVTA Bond Board. In no event shall any alternate commissioner on the Board serve in any capacity on the MVTA Bond Board. The terms of office of each member of the MVTA Bond Board shall be the same as their terms on the Board, determined by each Party as described in Section 5(A). B) The MVTA Bond Board may issue bonds or obligations on behalf of the Parties, under any law by which any Party may independently issue bonds or obligations, and may use the proceeds of the bonds or obligations to carry out the purposes of the law under which the bonds or obligations are issued; provided that such bonds or obligations shall be issued only to carry out the powers and duties of MVTA described in Section 7 hereof. 391535v15 JMS MN455-1 C) The MVTA Bond Board may issue bonds and obligations only in accordance with express authority granted by the action of the governing bodies of each Party, which bodies must each approve the Bond Board decision to issue bonds and obligations. The MVTA may not pledge the full faith and credit or taxing power of any Party to any bonds or obligations issued by the MVTA Bond Board. The bonds or obligations must be issued in the same manner and subject to the same conditions and limitations that would apply if the bonds or obligations were incurred by one of the Parties, provided that any reference to a governmental unit in the statute, law, or charter provision authorizing issuance of the bonds or obligations is considered a reference to the MVTA Bond Board. D) A member of the MVTA Bond Board may be removed by the Party appointing that member with our without cause; provided that if a member is removed from the MVTA Bond Board, that person shall also be deemed removed from the Board; and if a member is removed from the Board, that person shall be deemed removed from the MVTA Bond Board. E) The rules for compensation under section 5(C) and for a quorum under section 5(D) also apply to the MVTA Board. F) Bylaws adopted by the Board under Section 5(E) also apply to the MTVA Board. G) The officers of the MVTA Bond Board shall be the same as the officers of the Board described in Section 5(F). 7. Powers and Duties of the MVTA. A) General. The MVTA has the powers and duties to establish a program pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 473.384 and 473.388 to provide public transit service for persons within the Parties and on such routes within the Metropolitan Area that the MVTA may operate to provide such service pursuant to the authority granted the MVTA under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 473.384, 473.388, 16A.88, and other applicable statutes, if any. The MVTA shall have all powers necessary to discharge its duties. B) The MVTA may acquire, own, hold, use, improve, operate, maintain, lease, exchange, transfer, sell, or otherwise dispose of equipment, property, or property rights as deemed necessary to carry out the purposes of the MVTA. C) The MVTA may enter into such contracts to carry out the purposes of the MVTA. D) The MVTA may establish bank accounts as the Board shall from time to time determine. E) The MVTA may employ an executive director whose duties shall be to administer policies as established by the MVTA. The executive director shall be an employee of the MVTA. The MVTA shall hire and terminate personnel and provide for 391535v15 JMS MN455-1 compensation, insurance, and other terms and conditions that it deems necessary. F) The MVTA may enter into a contract for management services. G) The MVTA may sue or be sued. H) Th.e MVTA shall cause to be made an annual audit of the books and accounts of the MVTA and shall make and file the report to its Parties at least once each year. I) The MVTA shall maintain books, reports, and recards of its business and affairs which shall be available for and open to inspection by the Parties at all reasonable times. J) The MVTA may contract to purchase services from any one of the Parties. K) The MVTA may finance the acquisition of any real or personal property under a lease-purchase ageement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 465.71, including without limitation through issuance of certificates of participation in such lease together, a "Financing Lease"); and each Party hereby expressly approves and authorizes any Financing Lease entered into by the MVTA on behalf of the Parties. 8. Operating and Capital Costs, Budgets, and Financial Liability. The MVTA shall have a fiscal year beginning January 1 and ending December 31, The executive director shall prepare an estimated budget for the next fiscal year including an estimate of expenditures, operating costs, capital costs and revenues and submit it to the Board for preliminary approval. The executive director shall also submit the preliminary budget to the Parties for comment within thirty (30) days of the date of submittal. The budget shall be deemed approved by a Party unless the Party objects to the preliminary budget within said thirty (30) days. The Board shall approve, or approve as modified, a final budget and submit the final budget by December 15 to the Metropolitan Council for approval. The Board may adjust the budget from time to time on the basis of actual costs incurred or changes in estimated revenue or expenditures. In the event of an adjustment of the budget, the Board shall furnish to each Party a computation of the adjustment. 9. Indemnification. Except as may be otherwise provided in this Agreement, the Parties transfer to the MVTA all responsibility and control for actions taken pursuant to this Agreement. The MVTA shall defend and indemnify the Parties, and their officers, elected officials, employees, and volunteers, from and against all claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including attorney's fees, arising out of the acts or omissions of the Joint Powers Board or the Bond Board in carrying out the terms of this Agreement or acts or omissions otherwise occurring in the course of carrying out MVTA operations. This Agreement does not constitute a waiver of the limitations of liability set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 466.04. Nothing herein shall be construed to provide insurance coverage ar indemnification to an officer, employee, or volunteer of any Party for any act or omission for which the officer, employee, or volunteer is guilty of malfeasance in office, willful neglect of duty, or bad faith. To the fullest extent permitted by law, actions by the Parties to this Agreement are intended to be and shall be 391535v15 JMS MN455-1 construed as a "cooperative activity" and it is the intent of the Parties that they shall be deemed a single governmental unit" for the purposes of liability, as set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59, subd. 1 a (a), provided further that for purposes of that statute, each Party to this Agreement expressly declines responsibility for the acts or omissions of another party. The parties to this Agreement are not liable for the acts or omissions of another Party to this Agreement except to the extent they have agreed in writing to be responsible for such acts or omissions of the other Parties. 10. Insurance. The MVTA shall purchase liability insurance coverage to cover the activities of the MVTA. The MVTA shall provide all Parties with copies of the liability insurance coverage documents. The liability insurance coverage shall provide all Parties with sixty (60) days notice of cancellation, material change or termination of coverage. In the event the liability insurance coverage is cancelled, or otherwise becomes unavailable, the MVTA shall procure similar liability insurance coverage from another entity. The MVTA shall purchase insurance in addition to Iiability insurance in such amounts and on such terms as the MVTA shall deternune. 11. Duration of Agreement. This Agreement shall continue in force from the effective date of this Agreement from year to year, subject to termination by all Parties. Withdrawal by any Party or Parties shall not affect the duration of this Agreement unless and until all Parties duly terminate this Agreement and dissolve the MVTA. Party withdrawal shall be initiated by serving written notice upon the MVTA no later than February 15`h of the year at the end of which such Party withdrawal is to be effective; provided, however, that withdrawal by Dakota County duly acted upon and noticed by the County Board prior to the effective date of the Third Amended and Restated Agreement, shall be occur on the effective date. Withdrawal from the Agreement by any Party at the end of the calendar year shall not affect the obligation of that Party to perform the Agreement during the period it remains a Party to the Agreement. Withdrawal of any Party or termination of the Agreement by all Parties shall not terminate or limit any liability, contingent, asserted or unasserted, of any Party arising out of that Party's participation in the Agreement. In the event a Party withdrawal or other change renders one or more provisions of this Agreement inapplicable, those inapplicable provisions shall be severed from the Agreement and the balance of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 12. Distribution of Assets. A) In the event of the withdrawal of any Party from this Agreement and subject to the return of assets set forth in subparagraph 10.1 of that certain Agreement to Consolidate Public Transit Services dated 2014, attached as Exhibit A, the withdrawing Party shall not be reimbursed for or be entitled to the return of any costs incurred for, or contributions of property made to, the MVTA. The MVTA and the withdrawing Party shall do all things necessary to effectuate promptly the reimbursement or other form of property transfer agreed upon. The withdrawing Party shall be responsible for all reasonable costs incurred by the MVTA in effectuating the reimbursement or property transfer. B) In the event of termination of this Agreement by all Parties, all of the assets that remain, if any, after payment of debts and obligations that are not required by terms of state statutes, federal statutes, or contracts with the Metropolitan Council or federal 391535v15 JMS MN455-1 agencies to be available for regional use for transit purposes or to be transferred to the Metropolitan Council or federal agencies, shall be distributed among the Parties to this Agreement immediately prior to its termination in accordance with the following formula: Each Party shall receive that percentage of remaining assets determined by dividing the total then current asset value the receiving Party contributed to the MVTA by the total remaining asset value contributed by all the Parties that are Parties to this Agreement immediately prior to its termination. C) The amount of the distribution to any Party pursuant to this Agreement, including upon withdrawal, shall be reduced by any amounts owed by the Party to the MVTA. 13. Effective Date. This Agreement shall be in full force and effect when all Parties sign this Ageement as amended and restated herein. This Agreement may be signed in counterpart. The signed Agreement shall be filed with the executive director, who shall notify all Parties at the earliest Board meeting of its effective date. 391535v15 JMS MN455-1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned government units, by action of their governing bodies, ha e caused this Agreement to be executed in accordance with the authority of Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59. Adopted this day of 2014 CITY OF APPLE VALLEY By: Its: ATTEST: By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA On this day of 20 before me a Notary Public within and for said County personally appeared fit and to be personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the CITY OF APPLE VALLEY, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council, and said Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. 391535v15 JMS MN455-1 Adopted this day of 2014 CITY OF BURNSVILLE By: Its: ATTEST: By: Its: By: Its: ATTEST: By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA On this day of 20 before me a Notary Public within and for said County personally appeared fit and to be personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor, Clerk and City Manager of the CITY OF BURNSVILLE, the municipality named in the foregoing instzument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council, and said Mayor, Clerk and City Manager acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. 391535v15 JMS MN455-1 Adopted this day of 2014 CITY OF EAGAN By: Its: ATTEST: By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA On this day of 20 before me a Notary Public within and for said County personally appeared fit and to be personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the CITY OF EAGAN, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council, and said Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. 391535v15 JMS MN455-1 Adopted this day of 2014 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE By: Its: ATTEST: By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF SCOTT On this day of 20 before me a Notary Public within and for said County personally appeared fit and to be personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council, and said Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. 391535v15 JMS MN455-1 Adopted this day of 2014 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By: Its: ATTEST: By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA On this day of 20 before me a Notary Public within and for said County personally appeared fit and to be personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the CITY OF ROSEMOLTNT, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council, and said Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. 391535v15 JMS MN455-1 Adopted this day of 2014 CITY OF SAVAGE By: Its: ATTEST: By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF SCOTT On this day of 20 before me a Notary Public within and for said County personally appeared fit and to be personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the CITY OF SAVAGE, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council, and said Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. 391535v15 JMS MN455-1 Adopted this day of 2014 CITY OF SHAKOPEE By: Its: ATTEST: By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF SCOTT On this day of 20 before me a Notary Public within and for said County personally appeared fit and to be personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the CITY OF SHAKOPEE, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council, and said Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. 391535v15 JMS MN455-1 DAKOTA COUNTY RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: By: Its: Its: COUNTY BOARD RESOLUTION: By: No: Date: Date: 391535v15 JMS MN455-1 SCOTT COUNTY RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: By: Its: its: COUNTY BOARD RESOLUTION: By: No: Date: Date: 391535v15 JMS MN455-1 To: MVTA Member Legal Counsel, Lead Staff and Elected MVTA Board Representative From: MVTA Legal Counsel, Jim Strommen Date: August 8, 2014 Re: MVTA Agreement to Consolidate with Prior Lake and Shakopee Services; Amended JPA—Recommended for Council/Board Ratification and Execution INTRODUCTION On July 30, 2014, the MVTA Board acted to approve the following for presentation to the Cities of Prior Lake and Shakopee for their approval: 1. Agreement to Consolidate Public Transit Services, with Exhibits A-G -- in executable form 2. Third Amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement of the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority in both a. Redline showing changes from Second Amended JPA and b. Executable form MVTA member staff their respective legal counsel have reviewed a June 5, 2014 version of the Agreement and JPA. The JPA has not changed since that time. The Ageement has modifications in certain provisions since that draft (as described below), but none of the modifications have changed the important terms the MVTA has required remain a part of this consolidation or merger. Specifically, as reflected in the June 5 draft and approved by all MVTA member legal counsel when reviewed, the MVTA does not guarantee the same level of service to Prior Lake and Shakopee, though best efforts will be made to meet or exceed existing levels (8.1), Prior Lake and Shakopee agree to a minimum membership period of three years (7), Prior Lake and Shakopee bear all out of pocket start-up costs and must reimburse MVTA for such costs, including from general funds if necessary(Exs. F and G, 16), and if withdrawing from membership, Prior Lake and Shakopee do not receive "refunds" of funds transferred to MVTA as part of the merger(10.1, 4.4, Ex. G). The changes, summarized below, are operational in nature and further define timing and other actions in carrying out the consolidation. MVTA staff and I recommended Board approval of these documents and the Board approved them unanimously. In turn, Prior Lake and Shakopee staff are recommending that their councils approve and execute the agreements, and MVTA Board and staff expect that they will be approved. We recommend that your respective council or board approve these agreements and believe the Agreement to Consolidate, JPA amendment and resulting expansion of MVTA transit services will be in the best interests of all members. AGREEMENT MODIFICATION COMMENTS The June 5, 2014 version was reviewed and approved by legal counsel for existing MVTA members, with minor comments. What the MVTA regarded as a near final version to the Agreement to Consolidate, however, was not acceptable to Prior Lake and Shakopee as to timing, operational and reciprocity issues. As a result, there has been added language in several provisions since the June 5 version was reviewed. The modifications to the June 5 draft did not, however, change the important, fundamental aspects of this merger. Specifically, the attached final Agreement is unchanged from the June 5 draft in these terms. 1. MVTA maintained the minimum three plus year membership requirement for Prior Lake and Shakopee ("Cities") (sect. 7), 2. Start-up cost payments are to be borne by the Cities and are not limited to certain funding sources if the Cities run short in transit accounts for necessary reimbursements. MVTA staff will provide"in kind" contributions to the administrative and operational needs to achieve consolidation of services. (sect. 16, Exs. F and G), 3. The Cities will make scheduled fund balances transfers to the MVTA, without reimbursement if the Cities withdraw (sects. 4.4, 10.1, Ex. G), and 4. System-wide service levels apply, with MVTA's use of best efforts, but not a guarantee, to maintain the same level of service that the Cities now have (sect. 8.1). The following is a summary of the purpose of the additional language added to the June 5 draft. Since the discrete provisions are short and read as a whole, the attached Agreement is provided in clean version form. If you need a redline comparison to the June 5 version, please contact me and I'll send one out to you. MVTA staff has carefully evaluated each of the issues described below and is comfortable with its ability to operate under the terms. 3.2 Language was added to resolve operational concerns of the Cities prior to Consolidation relating to maintaining controls of assets and timing of fund transfers (to be governed by section 4.4). All operational asset transfers will occur by the Consolidation Date. Third party consents will also be effective by Consolidation. MVTA staff has no concern that there are any third party consents (Met Council and Scott County only) that could prevent full Consolidation. MVTA confirms that its staff will assist the Cities in transit operations during the pre-Consolidation interim. 3.5 This addresses the Cities need to assure MVTA of regulatory compliance by the time of Consolidation, focusing mostly on Shakopee's compliance with Met Council requirements on fares. Shakopee was concerned about Met Council requirements that may change so "best efforts"was substituted for"ensure". MVTA will assist the Cities in their compliance efforts. MVTA obtains a date certain for any compliance corrections with enough time to avoid a"last minute"need for MVTA to impose a fare increase immediately after Consolidation. 4.1 Standard merger language was added regarding MVTA assumption of Cities' liabilities, subject to express exceptions (3.5, 5.1 and 17) and a representation that the Cities are not aware of any liens that would prevent transit operation. The transit operations of the Cities are well known to MVTA staff and consist of very few owned properties of any kind. Most assets and equipment are leased to the entities by Met Council and other public bodies. 4.4 This provision was slightly modified to establish a set; scheduled transfer of Cities' fund balances (Ex. G). The final transfer is made on August 15, 2015 when the Cities will have determined their total respective "expended or legally obligated for transit related expenses." Start-up costs are cross referenced in Exhibit G and described in Exhibit F and section 16,below. 5.1 Two sentences were added at the end to establish reciprocal communication from MVTA staff prior to Consolidation about MVTA operations in its greater service area, to complement Cities communication to MVTA about pre-Consolidation transactions. 8.1 This maintains "best efforts"language and restates the goal as MVTA seeking to "maintain existing level of all services"rather than "provide the same standard of services" It also incorporates the Guiding Principles set forth in Exhibit A. 16 Additional language was added to define the anticipated start-up costs, which remain the responsibility of the Cities. This designates the funding source for start-up cost as the initial transfer amount, while allowing MVTA to obtain additional reimbursement from the Cities for start-up costs incurred if not covered by the initial transfers ar if outside of the Exhibit F list. The start-up cost process concludes on August 15, 2015, after which MVTA can use funding designated for startup costs for"any transit related expense."