HomeMy WebLinkAbout14110 ABBEYFIELD AVE Fi�eW�6W@d: [� �
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LOT 3 = 13,827 SQ. FT. \ ' �o R�6itbrttit: � a Q >°- � e
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HSE/GAR = 2,162 SQ. FT. � � o �, � � � � �
PORCH = 110 SQ. FT. �° a � w�" Q e, g_9-Zo/ � Q �' � °�
DRIVEWAY = 1019 SQ. FT. a c, N ,_, 4 � � � i
SIDEWALK = 37 SQ. FT. � s � � � °i• r, � . � � � '
Totai Impervious = 3,32s so. FT. � s a - " x 221 .90 N89°32'15"W 1 � N -,.�� � Z �
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0 Denotes set spike � s�, �- � � 84,79 �sss.s� �955.9� N89 32 15 W � -'�� `� " � �" a o
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PLAN NO. 5336-B a � W v i._u T fi I I °�i "� o
D R I V E W A Y T O T A L = 1,2 9 4 S.F. � \ t� A
N o t e s. c\ Address: 14110 ABBEYFIELD AVENUE SHP
1. Building dimensions shown are for PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lot 3, Block 1, PRESTWICK PLACE 4 08 14
horizontal & vertical placement of structure Bench Mark: 958.31 _ TNH-Lot 8. B{ock 3 REVISIONS
only. See architectural plans for building 4TH ADDITION, Dakota Coutlty, Minnesoto. 4 10 14 Client
& foundation dimensions. s oi �a c�t
2. No s ecific soils investi ation hos been Pro osed Gara e Floor � Front= 955.7 5 27 14 Client
p 9 p 9 9 04 14 Final
completed on this lot by James R. Hill, Inc. Proposed Garoge Top of Block= 956.1 We hereby certify that this is a true and correct survey of the above Grade As-built
The suitobility of soils to support the specific Proposed House Top of Block= 956•1 described property and that it was performed by me or under my
house proposed is not the responsibility of Proposed Lowest Floor= 948•1 direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Surveyor under the
Jomes R. Hill, Inc. or the surveyor. Proposed Top of Block laws of the State of Minnesota. That this survey does not purport to 800K/PAGE
3. No specific title seorch for existence or non- ot Lookout Window= 951.3 show all improvements, easements or encroachments, to the property NONE
existence of recorded or un-recorded easements except as shown thereon. CAD FILE
has been conducted by the surveyor as a part As-built Gara e Floor � Front= 955.7 8th A ril hse2014\340133
of this surve . Onl easements er the recorded g Signed this day of P , 14. James R. Hlfl, I�C.,
plat are shown. Y p As-built Garage Top of Block= 956.1
As-built House Top of Block= 956.1 PROJECT NO.
4. Proposed grades shown were taken from As-built I_owest Floor= 948•1 340133
the grading &/or development plan prepared by �-•�""""""'"� FlLE NO.
As-built Top of Block By. N/A
WESTWOOD Professiono! Services, �nc. at Lookout Window= 951.3 Harold C. Peterson, Minnesota L.S. No. 12294