HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.c. Well 16 Update, City Project 416 xROSEMO�NT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: October 14, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Well 16 Update, City Project 416 AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, Director of P I� AGENDA NO. 2 Works/City Engineer . � • ATTACHMENTS: August 11, 2014 Utility Commission APPROVED BY: Executive Summary RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion and direction. ISSUE Update for Well 16 development—review test well results and consideY next steps foY proceeding with the development of a production well. BACKGROUND At the Utility Coinmission meeting August 11, 2014, the Commission discussed the test well water sample results for Well 16. The sampling indicates that the radium level in the test well of 7.1 pCi/L is in excess of the Minnesota Department of Health maximum level of 5. Included�vith the Utilit�� Commission Executive Summary is an August 11, 2014 Technical Memoiandum which provides additional information on the results and options to proceed��ith the development of a production well. Based on the discussion at the Utility Commission meeting of the presented options, the Commission to adopt a motion to recommend the City Council direct staff to proceed�vith the design of a production well and well house for Well 16. • Dave Hume�vith Leggette,Brashears &Graham,Inc. and Jamie Wallerstedt�vith WSB&tlssociates, Inc. will be in attendance at the meeting to review with Council the options and address questions. SUMMARY Staff is requesting Council review and consideration of the recommended options and clirection to pYOCeed �vith the completion of fmal plans and specifications for Well 16 (production well). G:AI?NGPRO�\41G\Council itcros\20141014 CWS Wcll 1G Updatc.docs !� ROSEMOLINT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY UTILITY COMMISSION Utility Commission Meeting: August 11, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Well 16 Update AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, Director of Public ' AGENDA NO. h Works/City Engineer � C( --- - - --- --------------- — --- --- - --- - ATTACHMENTS: Technical Memorandum -_ APPROVED BY: �,� RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend that the City Council Direct staff to 1 proceed with the design of production well and well house for Well 16. i, —!i BACKGROUND "1'he test well fc�r��'ell 1 G �vas ce�inplete�) earlier this ��ear. �G'irh the a�m��leric�n c�f tl��e test ���ell, it ���a� determined througl� the collecti<>n lncl restin� �>f nt�<, scparnte �vater samplc. that thc radium (c�-el in the tcst ���cll of 7.1 �Ci/1, is in czccss of thr �Iinncsot�� llc��arnncnt of f�icalth ma�iu�uui lc�-cl ��ti�. "1'hc attachecl technical memoraneiun�i pr�>��icles a summac�• ��f thr radiutn le�-els in the test �vell, eristin�;cirt' �vclls, and nci�liborin}; lii�•cr C�ro�-e f [cis;lits. 'l�lic mcuic>ran�lum al,�> <�utlir�cs a nunibcr of��rc��res�i�-� strate};ies to rccluce d��c radiuu� Ic�•cl tr��n� prr>��oscd \1'�Il 1G t�� bcl��w i\11�1�1 staticlarcis tor dic tlnishcci ��-ater. '1'hese ���tions incluclr the f<�ll�>��•in�;: �1. Urilizc in-��lacr r:i��- ���a[ci- lincs t<� l>lcncl ��•;itcc tr��u1 ��'cll l5 aiic� ��'cll 1� t�� ceclticc rac3iui�1 lc��cls to bclo�r S. 2. Dc�-clop ?.5 \IG �>f nc��• stc�ragc ;it thc Eutuce��-;ircr trc:ittnc��t ��lant sitr �1car�C''cll 1-� tc, l�lcnd �v��tcr fr<>m \Y�'clls l-�, 15 ancl l6 t�� rc�lucc racliutli Icc•cls r<� bcic>��� 7. .Adcliti��>nal st�>ra�;e �ti�ill bc ncccssar�- in thc ncar futtu•c t�� su�����>rt.�ciclitional �;rc���•th such thar cc�n;icicrati��it t�� ad�l stc�ra�;c nc>�v �v��ul�l scr��c mulril�lc ��urp��scs. i. llc�-clop a ��-ater trcatincnt l�l.�nr ncar \V'cll l-�. �l�his ���c�tilc3 bc ;iinil;ir tc> ln�•rr Gr�>�-c }-lci�;llt's process tc,, address radiuu� le��els in the ���urce ��;iter. StaEf:irici (a»iic �V'all�rstcdt ��itl� �V'S13 c`� ,�ss�>c:iarc�, Inc. ��ill t-e�-ic��� thc tcchnical incmoran�lum �vith tlic (;ommissic�n at the tncctin�. SUMMARY Sraff is requesting l'rilit�� (;<>mmissic�n cr�nsi�lerati�,n t�> rec�>nimencl the Circ (:<,uncil r�> autli�n�ize rhe cc>ntinuaTion c>f tl�c �C'cll 1 G ��r<�jcct as j�r��posc�l. (�:'�,I�:A(�I'I�( 1��,-{I G'.?I I I-{i��1 1 l'l:AV�rll I 6 l'���1.ttr.�1��r� - YY JO ,�� @17(�!/7G'@7"it1f���71E3t7t7itt(�� Cf7V11�Or7r7iCfil�li� CC)f1S��tlG'Cr�)!J 701XeniaAvenueSouth Suite 300 Minneapolis,MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax 763-541-1700 Techirical Menro��andrrhr To: Utilit�� Conr�»rssio�r Cilt'��f Rusc�ntuiutt D►rinlrt Joh�rson, Citi'Arintinistrutor CitV uf Rnsemurrnt Copti�: A►td�� Krot;,ler, PE, Prrblic {Vorks Dircctor/Cit��Ennirrecr Citl'nf Ruse�uutnrt Fronr: Jne 6V�rrd, PE GGS13�Assnciates, l�rc. Dnte: Au�ust 11, 2014 Re: {Vell 16 art�l«uter Supplt'S►'ste�»Issrres Cil��o/�Rose�noru�t,MN W.S/3 Projc c!Nu. 1 i 82-I S INTRODUCTION Currently, several water system supply improveinrnts and is�ues are being evaluated for the continued e�pansion of the City's i�iunicipal water suE�ply system to support the City's cimtinu�d growth. Tl�cse iss�ies��nerally incJ�ide the t��llo�vin��: • �ddition ol�Well No. ICi • nddition of ohservation wells in accordan�:e with Minnesota Uepartm�nt of Nat�n•al Rrsources (MnDNR)�round ����ater appropriation prrmit • Addition of���ater storage EVALUAT[ON Pra/w.rc�cl!I'ell,�''u. 1<i The City h��s planned 1or�i well field ofseven ��veli;(including ���II; No. I� ancl I>) in the north crntral area of thc City as part of the C'it�'s Comprehen�i�c \ti'ater System Plan (C\��P). "I�his ���ell tield ���c�ulil utilize the I'rairie du Chien-J�7rdan geolo�ic f�onnati�in (.lord:in). Olher ��eolo;�ic formatiuns�ue availahle; however each has their challen��es. "The Mt. Simon-I linckley-f•�on du Lac ��colo�.;ic ti�rmation (Mt. Simon) is protected by sttitc statute iil the metr�;irea. Th� I�ranconia-Ire'�nton-Galc,ville geolo�ic 1�orm�tion (I��1G) can be usecf: however, it typically yields '/ the vol�uiie��i�w,�[er of�ihe Jordan I�ormation thcreb�� douhlii�is the cost of the �vcll system to meet deman�is. l..a,tiv, �r��un<i���ater is available in the �lacial driR �ireas: however, these wclis may prove to be less r�liable because thev �u�� su�ce��tihlc to cuntainin�Uion. In the meU�o�rca, the Jordan tormaCion typicall�� E�rovidc� thc best ��alue for��roun�l���ater���Ils. Equal Opp�>rtuNty Emplcyer wsbeng.com ,,,, _ ,.. ,. �, ,�., ., ,��.. Utility Commission Dwight.lohnsoi�,City Administrator City of Rosemount August 1 l,2014 Page 2 ln order to meet inereasing water demands as discusse�l prc��iousl��. ���ell No. 16 is currcntiv under desi��n. A test well was completed for the pr�ject for which test results indicntccl the radium concentrations exceeded the maYimum contan�inant I�vel (MCI,) under the Safe l�rinkin�� Water Act (SDWA). Since no other�vell in Rosemount exhibited thi�characteristic, the ���ater quality ���as tested t���ice. Combined radium (Ra 226 and Ra 238) must be less than i ��icoc�u�ies per liter(E�Ci/L,)to mect the MCL,. Combincd r�dium in the ��irst test was 6.6 pCi/L and 7.1 pCi/I, in the sccond te�t. In addition, iron and manganese excecded Secondc�ry Standards. "fhc Sccondarv Standards for iron and manganese arr 0.3 mg/I and 0.0� mg/i, respecti��rly, anci ���ater qualit}� testin�� indicated the levels ���ere 0.408 m�/L and 0.15=} m��/L. E�ceedin��the Sec��ndar� St�indards ��ill not impact a consumer's health, therefore h•eatment is not required. Fio�+�ever, the watcr quality ��vill bc undesirable tor�icsthetic reasons. Excessive iron and manganese concenU��tions can c��use red, hlack, hro���n, and yellow colored water. Water�vith concentrations abovc th� Secondary� Stunclards �vill typicall�� cause customer complaints i1� some form of�vater treatment is i�ot iised. These cumpl�iints can be conU�olled either b�� sequesterin«or b�� removing the iron and man��anese. Wel I No. 16— I r�n and Man�ai� ��se 'I�hr City of Roscmount cun•entiv� uscs polyphospliates to sequester iron and man�anes�. Sequesterin�� does not remove the iron and mangancse. "I�he pol���h��sphates form a ���cnk chemicai hond ���ith the ir��n and manganese ro reduce the formation ot preci��itates. which caus�, rcd. black, bro���n. ,znd���ello��° ���ater. t-lo���ever,the chemic�l bond deteriorates with timr. Amcrican Water Works Association(/\WWA)�uidance is that seyuesterin�� ���ill n��t be successful for ���ater�vith n�aneancse (eveis greater than 0.10 m�%I or�vater�vith coinbineci iron ancl inan�anese Icvels greater than 1.00 m�/I. At iron and manganese c�ncentrations ��reatcr than the recommcnded le��els, seq�iesterin�becomes less effective. In accordanc� ��ith the�e ��uidclincs onl�� Well Nc�. I'' �s sho���n in "t�able No. 1 is a candidate for succcssful se��uesterin��. ho�c�ver. Wells No. I-1 and I� b��th u5e polyphosphate. "i':ibic No. 1 Iron anci �'Ian�.inese D.►ta Iron+ Well No. Iron (mg/L) Manganese �0.10(mg/L) Manganese <1.00(mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/�) Secondary i Standard 0.3 0.05 � n/a n/a n/a I 12 0.453 0.072 Yes 0.525 Yes 14 0.159 0.119 No 0.278 Yes 15 0.147 0.154 No 0.301 Yes _� _ TW 16 0.408 0.116 ' No 0.524 Yes Utility C�ommis5ion Dwight.lohnson, Cit�� Administratc�r Gity of Rosemount August 1 I, 2014 Pa��e 3 Alihough iron and mangancse levels exceed sec�mdary stand�ards and r�;ccm��mended levels below which sequestration is etiective, City staft�have had minimal complaints about watcr quality eoncerns. The City has consh�ucted a raw water main systein for the �cells that �vould brin�� untreated �vater back to a cc>mmon treaUnent site. �Illerefore. h�eatment has been plc�nned for and can b�added ��ith minimal impact to the water disiribution sti�stem. Thereforc, it is recommrnded not to treat well �tiatcr based oi� iron and manganese alone. Similar to uther welis �vithin the City, iron and mangunesr sequestration can be prc�vided. If proved to be ineffective, treatment can be addcd in the future. Well No. 16— Radium The City of Rosemount currently does not treat fc�r radium removal ,ince r��dium concentrations in othcr wells are less than thc � pCi/I_ MCL. "I'here are ti�ur altrrnative�tu resolve the radi�m� issue: I. Mothball ���ell and relocate to a ne��� site. Complete a test �rcll at the ne��� site, and consh�uct th� production wcll there if radium levels�re less than the � pCi/L MCL. 2. [31ei�d �vater f�rc�m Well No. l6 in ra�v waicr lines with Wells No. Id and 1� to reduce the t<�tal concentration belo���the � pCi!I. N�1CL. 3. If blendin�����ater fi-om Wclis No. 1� ancl 16 in ra��� ���ater niain is not a fcasible option. �valuute development ��I�a?.0 MG (iSR �t the f�Uurc �v��ier treatment facilitr� (W"I�F) site for blen�iing water to reciucc the total concentration belo��� thr > pCi/I, MCI,. �. E�pansion oi�well tield may continue to have radium issues(re(crence Inver Gro��e fleights ia�iium levels in Table Nc�. �). "I�he ultimate sulution may bc a ��`"I�F ti�r radium removal to Irss than the 5 pCi/L MCL. Thcre are substantial risks tu�d costs to earh one of thrse alternatives, Well N��. 16—Alternative 1 "i�his altcrnative ���ould include aband��nin��the currently pl��nned ���cll site near th� ii�ter,ection of[3acardi Avenue und 12.5'�' SU-cct West. A nc�v sitr woulcl then be selecteci an�l a test �ti�ell �lrilled at another location in order to dctermine if radium is ��otenti�illv less than thc�urrent site. To determine the feasibilit�� of this option WSB r�vie���cd radi�nn concentr�itions in ;�ener��l for the state and locally at Inver Gruve I lei��hts. 't�he MDH ha� studi�d radiuni ce>nc�nh•ation,and h��s generall�� f���ind a band of wells in the.lordan formalion exceedin��the MCL as shown on the �ttached ntap from the Deccmbcr 21. �010. [)istrihution ui�R�i�lium in f�lii�ncu�ta Urinkin:� Water Aquifrr; stud�� (i�1Dl l Radium Study). Inver Grove Hei�hts ��rovid��i WSf� ���ith informai ion r��ar�lin��thcir���ells ���hich indicates that each ���� thcir sev�n wells e�cecds the 5 pCi/l, radium MC'I.. Radium concciiu•ati�>ns for thc Invcr Grove lici��hts �velis ranged from 5.8 pCi/l. to 9.0 pCi/L and are sh��wn in "I�able No. ?. ,. .-,,, �;,,,,, ,,, ;,,,� �,,,,,_. ��,. �,,,,..,, ,.,,,... Utility Commission Dwi��ht .lohnson, City Administrator City of Kosemount A u`�ust 1 I, ?014 Pa��c d T.iblc No. 2 Radi�un I)ata for In��er Cr�ivc Hci�hts and Roscmount �Vclls MDH Maximum Contaminant WeHs Well 12 Well 14 Well 15 Test Well 16 Level(MCL) Combined Radium S 5.8-9 1.4 3.7 2.3 7.1 pCi/L 6- Well Aquifer Jordan, �ordan Jordan Jordan Jordan 1-Mt. Simon There is substantiai cost iii construeting additional test �vcll and there a��E�r�ir,to be a si�niticant risk uf tinding radi�nn concenh•ations in excess of MCL in othcr locations based on the MDI I Radium Studti�. Thereli�r�, it is not recommcndrd to proceed ��itli �Itrrnative I. Well No. 16—Alternative 2 Pendin�� MDFI approval, it should be possibie to hlcnd ��ater ti•om Weli Nu. 16 �vith �tiater frc�ni another �reil in or�ler to dish-ibutc clrinkin�� water to thc ��strm ��ith a radium concentration less than thr � �C'i;l. MCL. WSl3 has discussed thc issue with the MDI I �vho inciicated that hlcn�lin�, is�enerally� gu�u•antced if the �v��tcr is mi�cd �vithin a rescrv�iir, nlso, hl�ndin��c,in h� achieved hy pun���in�� Well No. 16 concurrently �vith Well Na I� as long as it can he proven the MDH that nearb�� residents do not rcccivc drinking���ater���ith a raclium I�vel greater than tl�� � pCi/I. MCL. Usin;�the Cit�'s raw ��atcr pi��in��s�;tem. ��atcr Irom Wrll No. 16 could br hlended ��ith ��ater frc,m Well No. 1� or pumped direcll� to a ne�� rescr����ir nrar thc [3acardi le���cr. ��h�rr it ��ould br blen�ied tu achieve a radium level less than the � pCilL MCI.. As part of the Cit��'s CVdP, it ��as planned that �� ?.0 MG GSI2 hc construct�d near the ��uturr W"I�F sitc. scr nitcrnative 3.� It is recommended to puisur this��Iternati��e. n� ���u•t of thi� alternative, it is rcc<�mm�nded to further discuss and e����luat� ��ith Ml)I I thc potential t��r hlendim, ��ater from ��'clls Nu. I� and 16 to arhie�e a radium �oncentration le;s th�in the � pCi/L h�1Cl.. �I'he ra�� ��atzr mains ncec,sar�� tor blendin�arc in place,su the cost is substantiall�� Ies; than constru�iin��a nc��� reser��oir(cli;�u�seci in tollo���in�sections). Wall No. 16—Alternative 3 Should blcnding Wells No. I� ancl 16 prove (u hc inlcasihle tu achievr a raciiuin c�>ncenU�ation Iess thun the 5 pCi/L MCL, construction ofa new reservuir ��houl�l he evaluated. �I�h� MI)I I has indicated that stora��e would providc a morr guaranteed metho�l for blendin�����ater �i���in \�cll N��. 16 ���ith ��atcr 1�roiii other���ells in the system to provi�le r�sidents ��ith ���atrr inceting thc � ��Ci%l. radium MCL. Conatruetion o�a ne��� reservoir���ill likel�' br r�commendcd in thc f�uture based on R��scin��unt's continued ��ro���th. so thc rrservoir���ould likel}� be cunsu�ucte�l in the nrar futurr r��en if it is not ne�r;sarc for lil�n�iin;�. Utility Commission D�t-i��ht Johnson, Citv Administrator Citv of Roscmount A�����s� > >, �o�a �a�t � A detailed evaluation of supply and stora��c plz�nnin����as completed in th� October 28, ?013, Rosamount Water Stor�ge/Supply Capacity Desi�n Memor��nduin (Sturage/Supply Capacit�� M<:mo). Bas�d on Rosemount's increasing�vater demands, the Stora��e/Supply C��pacily Memo recommendeci that pl��nnin� for construction of additional ���ater stora�e begin in ?017 in ordcr to brin`,the facility on line b�� 20'_0. As discussed �reviously, water demands fluctuate hased on man�� t�actor5 so it is recommended to reevaluate storage/supply capacity ani�ually. "I�he City's CWP indicates lhe next plann�d stora��e lacility ior the C'ity should be a 2.0 MG GSR at a new WTF. Regardless of the need f�r a ne��� W�fl�, a ne�v GSft could be constructed at die t�uture W"fP site. However, a preliminary W"I�F layout ��nd teasibility study ���ould be n�cessar� to e��ntirm the site �vould be adequate for the WTF and ?.0 MG GSR. In 201 I, WSl3 designed and n��ana�ed the construction of a 2.0 MG GSR in the City of'Rogers. The tinal total project cost of the GSR was approximatel�� `��.100,000. Due to construciion co,t intlation, a 2.0 MG GSR �vil) cost more in ?019-20?0. Additionally. sitr constraints and Cit� preferences related to the GSR would need to be evaluated before an accurate en�inccr's opinion o1�E�r<�bable cost could be provided. For example, the Ro�ers GSR �vas not completely buried. If�th� t<�nk ����r�completel�� buried it «�ould have increased construction cost npproximatrlv 10%to ?f)�%. Well No. 16—Alternative�l Underthis alternative, the production ���cll (Well No. If�) ��ould h�drilled at the l���cation originall�� planned. In some insta��ces, the raciium cuneentr�ation in <i production w�ell has becn tc�und to be less thar� that o1�a test welL I�or examplc, the test ���ell for �t�ell No. I'? had a ra�lium concentration of� pCi/L. but the production �vell had a concentration of'onl�� 1.� pC'i/L. Following the driifin�of the producti��n �vell, ����it�r qualit�� wc�uld he tested to contirm the radium concentration. If radiwn levels ���erc to be f�ounii in c�crss <�f the � ��Ci/I, MCI. a treatment system ���ould L�e d�;signed to rei7�ove radium. 'I�he h�caiment process required for radium remo�.�l has hcrn implemented in many communities in Minnesota. It generally inclucics o�idation uf manganrsc te� torm s<�lid particl�s (radium thei� �dsorbs to the manganese particles), ��vhich are thcn tiltcred from the <vater. �l�his is the h•eatment process Inver Grovc Heights uses. "I�herc are sevcral di Il�crent n�cthods<n�ailable f'or o�idation of�m�nganese and sever�l different methods av�iilable fi�r liltratiun. A site for U•c�tment has bcen designatcd nrar Wcli Nu. 14 und thr E3acardi To���er. W�ter from Well No. IC would be E�umped directl�� to the watcr U�eatment f�acility thr<�u��h ra�4 �vater mains that have already� bccn constructed. Follo�vin�trcatment at thr �eat�•r tr�,�tnicnt t<icility. treated ��ater�vould be pumpeci into the svstem. Utilih� Cammission Dwi��ht Johnson, Cih� Administrator Citv o1�Kos�mount A ugust I I,20 I 4 Page 6 Ohsei�ru�inn L�ells The MnDNR permit� the vui�nr�e of�a�at�r that cai� he withdrawn f�rom the groun�lw�iter belo�v the City of� Rosemount throu�h an appropriation ��crn�it. The Cit��'s appropriation permit has becn amended several times as wells have bcen added to the �cater s�stein and the volume��f permitt��i ��ithdra��al� incrcased. As part of th� most rec�nt appropriation permit anicn�iment to adci Wcll No. I� �nci increase the volume of water thal can be withdra�vn, the MnDNR required the City to construct threc observation w�lls in order to monitor the ground�vater level. Also, MnDNR's<ipproval of�Test Well No. IC indicated that the test well should be retain�d as a potenlial t�uture monitorin`� ��eIL nssoriated �rith the monitorin����ells. the City is required to install level monite�rin��equipment to record the ��ater level data and suhinit the data periodically to the N1nDNR. The threc observation w�ils requirecl by the appn�priation �crmit for Well No. 15 are lisred belo�v. I. C)ne located near the center ofall the Cit�'; ��elis(aroun�i the do��nto��n arca). ?. One located in the northwest well tield (nc�rth�vest of the Bacardi ��ater tower). 3. One located outside the drti�vdown area of�thc Citv's wells(e.g. UMorc a�ra or south of the Cit�� boundary). The eaistin�inonitorin�,����II at Well No. 14 meet; rcyuirement n��. 2. �1 monitorii�;� ��ell has bc�n constructed ir� UMore wl�iich satisties rcyuirement n��. 3. The City recentlr compicted an investi��ati�n of��'ells� antl �. funded b�� a��rant t�roni the MDI I. �l�hc status of these �vells ���as unkno�4n<�nd represent��l a potential conduit tor contaminants to reach the groiu�dwater i f�not properly� sealed. Recommendations r�sultin�from the invcsti�ation ���cre: • W�II No. -1 —Contract ��ith a li�rnsed ���il �lriller tor the ��ell to be partiall� �irilled out. casin�� perforated, anii grouted in aceordance ���ith Minnesota Well Code. • Wcll No. �—Contract with a licensed ��,�cll driller to cle�in out the w�ll. I�ollo���ing well cleanin�, a decision can bc made to eithrr se�l the ���cll in accordanre ���ith Minnesuta Well Codr ur u�e it as an observatic>n ��ell as rec�uircd h�� the Cit�'s l)\�R flppropriation Permit. As discus5ec! previously, the City is re��uired to c��nstruct an obseivaiion �veli ncar the center of�the Cit�� in accordance with the MnDNR ap��ropriation prrmit amendment a��proval. f�epcnilin� upon thc condition of V��ell 5, it may be pos5ible t�i use thi� ���cll ti�an obscnati��n well. I��it i; not possible to use Well � as an ob�ervatiun �vell, a ne�r onc ���ould likcl�� ha��e to br drill�d. � - �: � � ' L � -�-� � _ _ - - 5 .. . C� ` J '" CJ� _ _ _ � - � •� - J _ _.. 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