HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.d. Danbury Way Street and Utility Improvements, City Project 453 �CROSEMOLII�IT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: October 14, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Danbury Way Street and Utility AGENDA SECTION: Improvements, City Project 453 PREPARED BY: Phil Olson, PE, Assistant City Engine�;, AGENDA NO. � Z. . ATTACHMENTS: Map, Resident Survey Memo, Feedback APPROVED BY: Summary RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: Discussion and Provide Staff Direction BACKGROUND The Danbury Way Street and Utility Improvement Project, City PYOject 453 was last discussed with Council at the Work Session on Septembex 9, 2014. As discussed, the project was previously scheduled to be completed m 2010 but was deferred to advance other projects within the city. The project is currendy scheduled for 2015/2016. At the September 9 meeting, Council directed staff to request feedback from the neighborhood regarding the tiining of the project. The attached memo and survey�vere mailed to all property owners on Danbury Way. Property owners�vere asked to reply with their survey card based on the following direction. • r� "yes" reply indicates that you are requesting that the pYOject proceed as currently planned with construction scheduled foY 2016. • A "no" reply-indicates that you are requesting the project be deferred indefinitely. Space is included for the submittal of comments. You may indicate a year or timeframe that you think a pYOject should be planned foY. • Please provide property address to validate your reply. • No reply will be counted as a "nd' response. Of the responses received, 18 households xesponded�vith a "yes"vote to proceed in 2016 and 14 households responded with a "no" or no response vote to delay the project bey�ond 2016. The attached summary sheet is a listing of all resident responses. SUMMARY Staff is seeking discussion and direction from Council regarding the timing for the Danbury Way Street and Utility Improvement Project, City Project 453. G:AL'.NGPRU]A453\Counc�Iicros\2�1141014 CCAC'S Danbug VV"ay Sun�c}�Results.docs Danbury Way Street Improvements Project,City Project 453 Survey Results-September 2014 ResidentFeedback Yes No Delay Proceed Beyond No If No, Address in 2016 2016 Response When? Questions/Comments Name 12501 Danbum Wac � � Indefinitely _ i�fid-lmerica Rail Scr�ices Inc. -__ .- � - _ _ __I_ . _ - . - - _- - _ - - � � �10/7/14.AB tried calling at 10.18;busy ugnal(651-423-6228);left follo�c up 12502 Danbury WaY � X 'in door. Mark&�la�azford Recciced r-ia emai]]0/6:Sorry for the lare response. Yes from Chris and 12505 Danbury Way I X Smoak Vitek]2505 Danbury Way Cl�ristophec&Smoak Vitek - - -�- _ _ �--- - _ _ _ - _ '� 10/7/14:AB lcft�oicemail me�tiage at 10:00(G51-423-4617). dB spoke to 12506 Danbury Way __ X pecso�ally and rece�ved suney response_ l:ric&F,IizaUeth Hcflin __ _ _ - � - - _ _ _- -__ -__ _ ___ 12509 Danbury WaY X Please just tar/rocl.the�oad. Tohn t�Cheryl Rutosl:i -- �-- -- - - - - 12510 Danbury�C�ay _j X __1 _ ' h�ichael&I�arbaza ones _ _ I _ � _ . . - - __ __ __ _.._ ' ' I A great number of us on Danbury are eldcdy. We'd like to enjoy a ncw, � smooth road as soon as possible. Adcantages: no obstmcdon ro pushing strollers,nacigating our�valkers,les•s scary snowplow damage appearing after 12513 llanbury Way X �s�n�snow mclt. _ _ _ _ Charlcs Ullery _ - - 12514 Danbur�Wa}� __ X Get this done...1'he sooner the better! �ames&I.ynn Ehmec I � 'Sl;im the top and lay do�vn a new top. Do not replace se�cer rages or curbs. 12517 Danburv Wa� X Cut the assessment m half? Have hard rimc payinK property tas. Donald&Licrnice Gmnmer 12521 Danbury WaY�X - - _ 13mcc&An nk c Bocltcr _ _. . - - - _ _ _ _ . _ _- - _ 1252_Danbu Wav � Y 2018 or later' Ronald&Susan Roigcr � �` , __ . � - --- _ _ _ __ __ ___ _ - - � � � I70/7/14 AB tricd calli�g at 10:05(G51-423-1039). Resident verbally told AB 12525 llanUury Wav I X no ro pro�ect Charles&i�I Parrish _ _ _ , �-- _ 1252G DanUu�Way___ X � ' �- -. . - - Mark&\farjonc�C'aldorf - ' - - --- — _ _ __ — -- - -- -- - --- - -- 12529 Da�bury WaY X Ecik&Roscmary Gundacker - _ _ . 12530 Da�bur�Way _�X � Kad&Car��l Bie�cald - -- -- - 12533 Danbury Way �_ X ' Garv I�ranson 12537 Danbury Way I X - - Cazlson - __ - - -- 12538 Danbury WaY � X effre�}&�.laine Bormn 12541 Danbu�ay_ __X 12onald&Constance Brastad __ __ _.. __ _ __ __ - __ . _-- -- ____ - _ _ __... 10/7:AI3 tried calling an no ans�cor or machine(651-423-9759);resident 12542 Danbury Way X �erbally rold 113 yes-ro project _ _ _ Ky I�ang&1'a 1'oua Yang_ _ -- _ 12545 Danbury WaY X 2076-17 Needs Eurther planninQ and discussion Tohn&blarianne I Iardev - - �_ - _ - - - - - 12549 llanburv Wav � X I:ric&'I'o�c Johnson II want the use of a ne�v improced coad. 1'he coad is 30+years road. Time to � � fis it. 9/12:resident has questions about selling her home and the projecr, Andv ad�-ised her the schedule is up to Council and she should consult�vith 12550 Danbury Way X realtorv for adciee on disclosure. Marilyn ltadtke - - -- _ . -- _ _ _ -- - ._- _ -. 12553 llanbury Way X 10/7:;\l3 spoke ro personally and recei�-ed sun�ey response. Cathy&Riehard Herman - - -- - We are�cry dissappointed the construcuon is 2 years a�ca}. �C'e do not 12556 Danbur Way { Y I l I u�dcrstand thc delay and would likc impcoacments sooner. _ Wa�oe&]anine Dahmcs _ -__,_ � - - - _ __-_ 10/7:AI3 called and resident said yes ro p�oject iE fibez�vas osrended to the 12557 llanbury\C/ay X � neighborhood(GS]-485-0231) �osc>�&13ritt Fostec __ _- - -_ _ __ _- -- _ -- __ _ _ 125G1 DanUury Way � X I . . Kevin R l,aura Brodcr �_- _ -_ _ - - -- - - -- -- - � ��Adequate stceet repaits�could be fine gi�en small traEfie�olume. Storm�cater 12562 DanburY Wa X Ne�er dcai�age ts OK as it evsts now. Yat Rccd - - __ � _ _-- 4 __ -- -- - _ ___ _- - _ - _ - _ -- - -Y � _�- _ _ I 1.We�vant to h2vc a say in which plan gets selected. 2.We�could Gkc high 125G5 Danbury WaY Y speed fiUcr optic cable run at the same trme. Carl c�Linda Rock - i � - - - - - - � �We wanted to sce a plan so we knew what was included in pcoject. Wc�cant it to be mpa�ed and cement eurbs are OIt,I3U'C�ce do NO'I'want ditehes. 125G8 Danbury Way _� `C � Install high speed Fibre internet. Chet Ellin�non _- I __ __ _- -- . - _ �- � i Yrojeet should bc delaycd as cucrent strect has been repaired and is finc .11so, 125G9 DanUu Way I X county addressed drainage culcert at Danbury&County 38 this summcr. VG'illiam&]anine Dahmes - - _ f- -- - }- -_ _ _ -_- _ _ - I �What is the"plan?' Plan nceds resident input and approvall NO ditches.. 125 i Z Danbun�Wa�� X I�IO concrete guttecs;NO�cided(didn't chcck yes or no) Charlene llelane+ TOTALS 18 I ll 3 I ' 10/7/2014 To: Danbury Way Property Owners From: Andy Brotzler, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Date: September 10, 2014 Re: Resident Survey— Proposed Danbury Way Street Improvements City Project No. 453 The City Council respectfully requests your reply to the attached resident survey regarding the proposed schedule for improvements of Danbury Way. As previously presented, the estimated special assessment amount is approximately $12,500 per property. At the September 9, 2014 City Council Work Session the City Council discussed a proposed schedule for a street project to improve Danbury Way. From our last correspondence with you dated November 25, 2013 (attached), the reconstruction of Danbury Way is currently programed in the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for city funding in 2015 and 2016. Prior to granting authorization to proceed with the project, the City Council has requested a survey be completed to evaluate resident interest for the completion of a project as currently planned (construction in 2016), or deferment of the project until a later date and time. To assist the City Council with this evaluation, we would ask that you either 1) complete and return the attached postage paid survey card; or 2) e-mail your response with name and address to pwadm _ci.rosemount.mn.us by Friday, October 3, 2014. • A "yes" reply indicates that you are requesting that the project proceed as currently planned with construction scheduled for 2016. • A "no" reply indicates that you are requesting the project be deferred indefinitely. Space is included for the submittal of comments. You may indicate a year or timeframe that you think a project should be planned for. • Please provide property address to validate your reply. • No reply will be counted as a "no" response. The results of the survey will be presented to City Council later this year. After City Council evaluation of the results, we will follow up with you to advise you of the project status. Should you have any questions or comments before then, please do not hesitate to contact me at 651.322.2025. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members Dwight Johnson, City Administrator Phil Olson, Assistant City Engineer !� ROSEMOL:INT MINNESOTA Public Works—Engineering 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 Danbury Way-lmpco��emcnts Pcojec[ Cit}�Yrojcct 453 Resident Sun�ey � Yes, I agree that the Danbury`�/ay Improvements project should proceed as currently planned�vith construction scheduled for 2016. � No, I request the Danbury��1ay Improvements project be delayed. (I'lease indicate preferred timeframe) Comments: Please provide propert��address to validatc your reply.