HomeMy WebLinkAbout14109 ABERCORN AVE I
Address: 14109 ABERCORN AVENUE ��' �
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PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lot 2, Biock 1, PRESTWICK PLACE �6��t' ` �.�o � .� � C � � � �
6TH ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota � �� �, �- ,� �
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We hereby certify that this is a true and correct survey of the above �� � Z� �'14 �..�� "GO N °'
described ro ert and that it was erformed b me or under m �.� � �9� � `"
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direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Surveyor under the ��ti� �-�`y� 9,� °J `�� �J �\��� / �� � z � � ,,
l a w s o f t h e S t a t e o f M i n n e s o t a. T h a t t h i s s u r v e y d o e s n o t p u r p o r t t o �oo oG��—���,� `9-y 9• /�g• \ �9�J's P J Z 3 � � ;
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e x c e p t a s s h o w n t h e r e o n. G�, � a �s ,�o �9� O � �
Si gned this 21st da y of April , 20 4. James R. HIII, 111C., �9 J $ -��' � s F� �O� '��,o`����`� � � � �
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B� Harold C. Peterson, Minnesota L.S. No. 12294 ,�\ � �,� 9��h�6`// o 0�9 00�� p�,�`�`��� ` `,�o \ 9 ,,c \
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Notes: SCALE IN FEET � �°�'jg,��y���� ��� �,`��oJ�``�''` D��y°?J 9� o s.�. �0i-9��sJ S%F �
0 30 60 90 \� ` // !' � c9,Q,9 �O °'°`�� �93�0 \����
1. Building dimensions shown are for � `��s� ro ��,, �F, �93s�,, \
horizontal & vertical placement of structure '�j� ,ye, ��,� J o,F �� �,, 1 s��� � � W
only. See architectural plans for building 1 inch = 30 feet �,�'�' `9'� � � 3R�J/ 9�oo�G�—,�-- o /����,���� J
& foundation dimensions. Bearin s are on assumed datum ' s ��' �' � �°` '°a� a �°
2. No specific soils investigation has been g ��.%' `� �.y��'f,�.��o � � � � °
c o m l e t e d o n t h i s l o t b J a m e s R. H i l l, I n c. �� �'� l� �� ` � � `
The P suitability of soils to support the specific \ � 9�� ��,�Q`�P��9`�R ���J �S�J ���y� �� .� � w�c
sibilit � J �'� 9'� � � I• �°'�
house proposed is not the respon y of � GF, Q ` �— q o a o..
James R. Hill, Inc. or the surve or. h ��,P�'� �' � �o �_F�� ,�_�cF � � �' �Q o
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has been conducted by the surveyor as a part � \ �� , J C ;� �,� ,►�� g� r�, � Y
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of this survey. Only easements per the recorded �9 . �9 , � �,
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plat are shown. � S � �,�,o R ,� ,�
4. Proposed grades shown were taken from rye�F� T !92 s) ` ;'' /F�/NF�RN q ��'•9j � �J o,�/ ,��� p�� J U Q J
the grading &/or development plan prepared by � �ooTOM F i N � ' �SHo�qSS6�9MfN�q,qs �.9 � � � ��� ���'�' DRAWN BY
WESTWOOD Professional Services, Inc. \yR\��! � 9q � �0284 C���D�Nf��4� 0�Gq� ,�'' �O'� (' � ']� Spq�J
�9 8g� 0 2O ?8 x�s„N o83 9� �s � � �vJ � a 2> >4
�� �� S 9 8 � dy�y S6 � � � `� � V"" LOT 2 = 14,850 SQ. FT.
� Denotes set s ike ��r, 6 o uN � � ls REVISIONS
P i , 4 , �J �� , �? \ HSE/GAR = 2,189 SQ. �T.
O Denotes set iron monument �� � � �
• Denotes found iron monument '�-` T��� \ 9 S��929g ; '�;�� \ PORCH = 137 SQ. FT. s 22214 Finalenrade
x[900.0] Denotes as—built elevation �v j��� , �� , \ F �� '�, � DRIVEWAY = 992 SQ. FT. As—built
(930.0) Denotes proposed elevation �i� � V Ti \ �r !s3 �93� �� �, • SIDEWALK = 48 SQ. FT.
--- Denotes proposed drainage ;�i �. �T \ °9.I �� '; � � Total Impervious = 3,366 SQ. FT.
tc Denotes top of curb <,,1 ��r� / '1 �
`,�` ��r � � .� , OR 22.67% OF LOT AREA
TNH—NE Quad Adair Avenue 7^ \ ' U� BOOK/PAGE
BenCh MOrk: 940.23 _ and Abercorn Avenue �/ ��� � i+ u� t NONE
�, ,� ; N PLAN NO. 5341-B
Proposed Garage Floor � Front= 940.3 Existing Garage Floor � Front= 940.3 ���iT � DRNEWAY TOTAL = 1,190 SF. hse2014\340155
Proposed Garage Top of Block= 940•7 Existing Gorage Top of Block= 940•7 �� j'1,� � �RAD/NG PLAN DATE/REV/S/ON DATE 8/07/i3 PROJECT NO.
Pro osed House To of Block= 940•7 Existin House To of Block= 940.7 l� i
Proposed Lowest Floor= 932•7 Existing Lowest Floor= 932•7 � v 340155
Proposed Top of Block Existing Top of Block SANITARY SERVICE INVERT ELEVATION FlLE NO.
at Lookout Window= 935•9 at Lookout Window= 935.9 PER CITY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT = 926.94