HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes of the October 14th, 2014 Work Session ProceedingsROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS OCTOBER 14 , 2014 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a work session of the Rosemount City Council was held on Tuesday , October 14, 2014 beginning at 6:3 0 p.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall, 2875 145 th Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members DeBettignies, Shoe -Corrigan, Weisensel and Demuth attending. Staff present included City Administrator Johnson, City Clerk Hadler , Community Development Director Lindquist, Parks and Recreation Director Schultz, Public Works Director /City Engineer Brotzler . Guests included Steven Chavez and Patrick Boyland from the Metropolitan Council, WSB Engineers Todd Hubner and Jamie Wallerstadt. DISCUSSION 2.A . Discussion with Steven Chavez, Metropolitan Council Representative – District 15 Steven Chavez, District 15 Metropolitan Council Representative , and Patrick Boylan, Metropolitan Council Staff, were present to give an update and answer questions on drafts of the Transportation Policy Plan and Housing Policy Plan. Because of feedback fro m cities, proposed adoption dates have been pushed back; the Housing Policy Plan to December 10th and Transportation Policy Plan to December 14, to allow their staff to compile comments. Chavez stated that many of the comments are at the extremes and few in the middle. Chavez thinks there is a lot of misunderstandings about the initial proposed plans and attempted to clarify the difference between what is required and what is suggested. He anticipates there will be modifications to the two Plans to rewri te these sections to make it more clear. Council members expressed concern about the Metropolitan Council tying funding to the affordable housing requirements both in terms of transportation and transit funding as well as specific programs such as the Liva ble Communities Program. It was noted that the City is developing and with proper funding we could “get it right” the first time and not have to go back and retrofit infrastructure improvements. Council members expressed concern about the emphasis on trans it corridors and because there are no transitways designated in Rosemount, we are not highlighted for funding or improvements. Discussion continued on the topics of transportation, Metropolitan Council grant funding, development patterns, growth patterns , and planning time lines. Mr. Chavez suggested the City continue to engage one -on -one with the Metropolitan Council, at least semi -annually, as well as continue to collaborate across communities. 2.B . UMore Park Integrated Water Management Program Proposed Scope of Services Public Works Director Brotzler introduced the topic of the integrated water management program. Rosemount has unique opportunities given the potential development of UMore Park. Brotzler gave presentation which included histor ical data on groundwater levels and local uses of groundwater. Brotzler estimated that 40 -50% of the water pumped in Rosemount is used for non - potable uses. WSB Engineer Tubner continued the presentation with a proposal for water management p rogram using treated effluent for reuse in irrigation, fire pr otection or industrial uses. Discussions about the potential issues and perceptions of water reuse, conservation, funding opportunities, potential partners and stakeholders, market forces, and next steps. 6.b . ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS OCTOBER 14 , 2014 Council member DeBettignies asked what percent of water used filters back to the aquifer.. Hubner stated only about 10%. City Administrator Johnson stated that a grant application has been submi tted for $196,000 to Bowser for a study. Council members asked questions about topics on water policy and statistical interpretations. Brotzler and WSB staff members Hubner and Wallerstadt answered questions of Council. Council members concurred with the recommended next step to engage the UMore Park LLC on this issue. 2.C . Well 16 Update, City Project 416 Public Works Director Brotzler introduced Dave Hume, of Leggette, Brashears & Graham. Test Well 16 is experiencing higher than allowed lev els of radium at 7.1 pCi/L. T he maximum contaminant level allowed by the Minnesota Departmen t of Health is 5 pCi/L. Mr. Hume explained the reasons for this and the proposed solution. Mr. Brotzler explained the project design alternatives, phasing, costs, and timing. The production well may be within acceptable limits. If not, t he proposal inc ludes mixing water from wells 15 and 16, to create an a cceptable a verage level of radium. If more action is needed, a storage reservoir or a water treatment plant may be needed. Staff asked for feedback as to whether they should continue on the proposed path. Council members agreed they should. 2.D . Danbury Way Street and Utility Improvements Public Works Director Brotzler stated the recent survey results regarding Danbury Way Street Improvements were; 19 yes, 11 no, and 2 have not responded. Given the responses from citizens, staff is asking if they should pursue the project. Council members generally agreed they should. Council member Demuth asked that the proposals includ e an option for concrete. Staff responded that concrete can be considered without raising the design cost very much. Discussion ensued about responses from citizens and the width of the street. Staff stated that a feasibility study is the next step. 2.E . Meadows Park Update Parks & Recreation Director Schultz summarized a n issue with a resident who was concerned about dog waste in Meadows Park. Resolutions include plans to educate residents and increase signage. Schultz has been in contact with t he resident and stated he seems content with the proposed solutions. UPDATES