HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.d. Minutes of the November 10th, 2014 Special Work Session ProceedingsROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS NOVEMBER 1 0 , 2014 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a work session of the Rosemount City Council was held on Monday , November 1 0 , 2014 beginning at 6:3 0 p.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall, 2875 145 th Street West, Rosemount. The work session replaces the regularly scheduled work session due to the Veterans Day holiday. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members DeBettignies, Shoe -Corrigan, Weisensel and Demuth attending. Staff present included City Admin istrator Johnson, City Clerk Hadler , Assistant City Engineer Olson, and Finance Director May . DISCUSSION 2.A . Annual Meeting with Dakota County Transportation Representatives Assistant City Engineer Olson introduced Dakota County Transportation Director Mark Krebsbach, Assistant County Engineer Brian Sorenson, and Dakota County Commissioner Nancy Schouweiler, who were in attendance to update Council on transportation issues. T hey gave updates on the County Road 42 / Highway 52 interchange, Pine Bend Corridor Study, signals and interchanges along County Road 42, and others. Most of the discussion revolved around the 42/52 interchange. Mr. Krebsbach stated that the County’s i ntent is to have a full system interchange at this location, but funding has been difficult to come by and the project isn’t in the MnDOT plan for the next 25 years. The County is now working on a first -stage interim project plan, which is to replace and elongate the bridges, opening up the sight lines and adding lanes under the bridge. These new bridges w ould be built to the future design when the full clover leaf system is implemented. There is a regional solicitation effort curren tly through the Met Council and the County is trying to get fund ing through that. Council member DeBettignies pointed out how long this has been in the planning stages and wonder when this will take place. Mr. Krebsbach stated it probably won’t happen un less MnDOT sees problems on 52, such as backups onto the freeway. Assistant County Engineer Sorenson discussed future plans for the intersection of County Road 42 and Biscayne. The long -term plan is to have a signal and a joint powers agreement to share the costs with the City. This project is tentatively scheduled for 2016, depending on development. The County recently held an open house for the Pine Bend Arterial Connection Study, which will determine how to better connect some of the County Roads aro und Pine Bend, such as Cliff Road, 117 th , and Akron. The discussions have been generally well received thus far, and another open house to present roadway alignments is tentatively scheduled for January 14 th . Mr. Sorenson explained that an assessment was recently done at the intersection of County Road 42 and Akron Avenue. Given the traffic counts and incidents, they are not seeing enough to make any traffic control changes at this time. A study was also don e at Diamond Path and Connemara Trail. Traffic counts are high, but they’re not seeing a lot of backups, so they do not plan to add a signal yet. They will continue to examine 6.d . ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS NOVEMBER 1 0 , 2014 this intersection, and have considered the possibility of a roundabout or addi ng turning lanes in the future. Mr. Krebsbach discussed a safety review that was performed at McAndrews Road, which stemmed from a constituent request to State Representative Anna Wills. This resulted in some signing changes and they will pursue grants to make McAndrew s into a three -lane design road in the future. Other topics mentioned were the 2015 East/West Transit Connectivity Study, Zip Rail, and Transportation Improvement Districts. Council member Demuth inquired about the County’s preferences of bituminous and concrete. Mr. Krebsbach and Mr. Sorenson explained instances when they might utilize concrete over bituminous. 2.B . Budget and Capital Improvements Program Finance Director Jeff May presented the draft CIP and minor changes to the preliminary budget adopted in September. He also presented updated comparison information with other Dakota County communities based upon preliminary levy information. Council members brought up discussio n on several items including: • The estimated year end fund balance and possible uses for any surplus operating funds. Mr. May estimated a possible surplus of $300,000. • Ice Arena 10 year expenditure projections. Replacement of refrigeration equipment is in cluded within the 10 year plan and the intent is to avoid having major repairs and renovations delayed until a crisis occurs. • New GASB accounting standards were discussed which require Fire Pension funds to perform periodic actuarial studies. Mr. May is c ommunicating with the Fire Relief Board about these new requirements. • Expenditures for payout of vacation and a percentage of sick leave for two retiring Sergeants was brought up. Mr. Johnson suggested that the year -end surplus might be a good way to addr ess these costs. There was discussion about City sick leave and vacation carry -over policies as well as overall police staffing . Dan Schultz brought up two grant opportunities through the County for regional trails in Rosemount. Council members supported applications for grant funds for both regional trails. Mr . May suggested that the CIP could be placed on the November 18 th agenda for approval and that the budget will be addressed at the December 2 nd meeting. Council members supported this schedule. UPDATES City Administrator Johnson updated the Council on a possible new format for the Friday weekly report, a request to consider flooding only for the Middle School ice rink, and the status of the Activity Center bid award. Councilmember Demuth informed the C ouncil about the deadline for comments on UMore pollution by the Minnesota Department of Health and also plans for a holiday party. Councilmember Weisensel inquired about the status of Star Cities and Resilient Communities work. He also said that he will attend the upcoming Metro Cities meeting. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS NOVEMBER 1 0 , 2014 Councilmember Shoe -Corrigan inquired about whether Tom Scott at District 196 has been included in our Resilient Communities project. She also mentioned the 50 th anniversary open house n ext Sunday at Rosemount High School. Mayor Droste brought up a conversation with a resident about issues with the City dump site and the upcoming Chamber Business Excellence Awards breakfast. Mark DeBettignies or Vanessa Demuth will attend. The Mayor also reported on his most recent conversations with residents on private streets in Evermoor. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Mayor Droste and seconded by Councilmember Demuth that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 9:46 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Clarissa Hadler , City Clerk