HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.k. 14-52-IUP Rosemount Lions Club - Renewal of an Interim Use Permit (IUP) Allowing a Seasonal Christmas Tree Sales Lot in the Parking Lot of the Rosemount Market Square Shopping Center � ROSElVlO�� EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PLANNING COMMISSION Cit Council Meetin : November 18, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: 14-52-IUP Rosemount Lions Club. Renewal of an Interim Use Permit (IUP) Allowing a Seasonal Christmas Tree AGENDA SECTION: Sales Lot in the Parking Lot of the Consent Rosemount Market Square Shopping Center PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, A.I.C.P. Planner AGENDA NO.� �• . ATTACHMENTS: Draft 10-28-14 Excerpt PC Minutes, APPROVED BY: Resolution, Interim Use Permit Conditions, Site Plan, Applicant's Letter, Police Chief's Memo dated October 10, 2014 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt a Resolution Renew the Interim Use Permit (IUP) Allowing a Seasonal (Christmas tree) Sales Lot in the Northwestern Portion of the Rosemount Market Square Shopping Center Parking Lot, Subject to the Following: 1. Conformance with all conditions outlined in the attached Interim Use Permit for 2014 through 2018. SUMMARY Applicant&Property Owner(s): Rosemount Lions Club &Rosemount PropeYties,LLC Location: North�vestern Portion of the Rosemount Market Square Parking Lot (3408 150`'' Street West) Area in Acres: 7.1 Acres Comp. Guide Plan Design: C - Commercial Current Zoning: C-4, General Commercial and Rosemount Market Square PUD The applicant, the Rosemount Lions Club, requests renewal of their e�sting Interim Use Permit (IUP) to allow the operation of a seasonal sales lot for Christmas trees. Should the City renew the IUP, the Lions Club will opeYate the sales lot in the northwestern corner of the Rosemount Market Square Shopping Center (see attached map) located at 3408 150`h Street West. The sales lot will operate from November 24`h to December 22"`' or until the tree inventory is sold out,whichever comes first. The lot will be staffed by members of the Lions Club and open from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on weekdays and 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on weekends. For the last eight years, the Lions Club has operated under the e�sting IUP without incident. Both the Planning Commission and staff recommend renewal of this permit for the years 2014 tlirough 2018, subject to the conditions listed in the attached interim use permit. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION The Planning Commission held a public hearing to review this item on October 28, 2014. After hearing a presentation from staff, the Commission held a public hearing that produced no comment. Commissioners asked staff general questions about the history of the Lions Christmas tree sales lot and noted the Police Chief's memo citing no reported incidents associated with this use. The Planning Cominission then voted to recommend the City Council approve the request to renew the Lions IUP. BACKGROUND The Rosemount Lions Club has operated a Christmas tree sales lot at different locations within the community for the past twenty years and at Rosemount Market Square for the last 15 years. The sales lot encompasses 33 parking stalls in the northwestern corner of the parking lot. This area contains one light pole which provides illumination to the southeastern portion of the sales lot. The Lions added an addirional light in the north�vestern corner of the sales lot, next to the existing monument sign, to provide light to the balance of the site. The Lions have agYeed that this light will shine do�vn to the southeast to illuminate the sales lot and not impact traffic on County Road 42 or neighboring residential uses to the north. The Lions will display a 4'by 8' (32 square feet) ground sign identifying their location. It will be located north of the sales lot and south of County Road 42. By ordinance the sign shall be located at least 10' from the property line and outside of the required 25' sight triangle. The sales lot will also have an 8' by 16' (128 square foot) warming house to shelter staff during business hours. This building shall be located so that it does not encroach into the required 10' parking setback or the required 25' sight triangle. Given the small size of the structure and its temporary nature, staff finds it exempt from the exterior building materials standards. Interim Use Permit Review Interim Use Permits are intended to permit the temporary use of a property for a specific use until a particular date, the occurrence of a particular event, or zoning regulations no longer permit the proposed use. These requests are considered a quasi-judicial action. In such cases, the City is acting as a judge to determine if the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and/or Subdivision Ordinance are being follo�ved. Generally,if the application meets these requirements it must be approved. The general standards and fmdings necessary for reviewing an IUP application are outlined in Section 11-10-08. In addition, specific findings for transient merchants are outlined in Section 11-4- 13. The City must approve or deny each IUP request based on findings related to these criteria. Staff's review and findings for each are provided below. Should the City approve an IUP request,it may attach conditions to mitigate anticipated adverse impacts associated with the use, ensure compliance with the standards of approval, protect the value of other property, and achieve the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan. The three general criteria for reviewing all IUPs are list below. The third of these general criteria requires review of the specific criteria for the proposed IUP. In this case, this standard reviews the nine specific criteria for transient merchants. 1. The interim use must be allo�ved in the zoning district where the propert��is located. 2 Finding: The subject propert��is zoned G4, General Commercial Planned Unit Development (PUD). Outdoor sales lots are considered Transient Merchants and are listed as an interim use in this district by reference. 2. The interim use must meet or exceed the performance standards set forth in this tide and other applicable City ordinances. Finding: To operate the sales lot, the Lions Club �vill cordon off a portion of the e�sting parking lot encompassing 33 parking stalls, place an 8' by 16'warming house for staff, construct supports to display trees, erect a light to illuminate the sales lot, and place a sign to inform the public of their sale. The display area shall not interfere with the safe maneuvering of traffic for the balance of the shopping center. The light shall shine do�vn to the southeast to illuminate the sales lot and shall not impact traffic on County Road 42. The sign shall be located at least 10' from the property line and outside of the required 25' sight triangle. All other applicable standards remain in effect,including the requirements of the City Engineer and Fire Marshal. 3. The interim use must comply with the specific standards for the use identified in this title, and must comply with all conditions of approval�vhich shall be included in an IUP agreement. Finding: Specific standards for transient merchants are identified in Section 11-4-13.E. The following applies the ordinance standards to the particular request: a. The o`vner and/or operator of the outdoor sales lot shall have�vritten permission of the property owner on�vhich the sale lot is located. b. No portion of the sales lot or any advertising for the event shall take place within any public right-of-way or intersection sight triangle. A minimum ten (10) foot setback, or the n-uniinum parking setback for the applicable zoning district if it provides for a greater setback, shall be maintained from all property lines and no portion of the use shall take place within one hundred (100) feet of any property line of any residential use or district. c. Any signage for the outdoor sales lot or event shall comply with the temporary signage requirements contained in Section 11-8 of this tide. d. Any temporary structure,including tents and membrane structures, associated with the outdoor sales lot or event shall comply�vith all applicable building codes and permit xequirements. e. Hours of operation shall be limited to 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on weekdays and 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on�veekends. f. Adequate off street parking,with a surface in compliance with subsection 8-2-2.J of this code, shall be provided for Uoth the principal and interim use ensuring that no obstruction or interference occuxs with e�sting traffic patterns. g. No paYking related to the outside sales lot shall be peYmitted on adjacent parcels without the prior written consent of the adjacent parcel o�vner. h. The operation of the outdoor sales lot shall comply with the approved site plan attached to 3 this report. i. The outdoor sales lot may operate from November 24`h to December 22°`�in 2014. The Lions Club shall contact the City prior to installation of the sales lot each year with the dates of operation for that year. Up to 40 days of operation shall be allo�ved each year by this permit,which is valid until December 31, 2018. In addition to both the general IUP standards and those specific to transient merchants, Section 11- 10-08 requires the Cit�� to make the following five findings related to all IUPs. 1. The extent, location, and intensity of the use will be in substantial compliance with the comprehensive plan. Finding: The Comprehensive Plan identifies the subject property as CC—Community Commercial. The Comprehensive Plan lists C-4—General Commercial as the appropriate zoning district for this land use category. Staff fmds the applicant plans to operate the seasonal Christmas tree sales in compliance with the C-4—General Commercial zoning district and the CC —Community Commercial land use classification. 2. The use will provide adequate ingress and egress to miniinize traffic congestion in the public streets. Finding: The sales lot will enjoy the same access as the the shopping center. This includes direct ingress from County Road 42 as well as ingress and egress from both Chippendale Avenue and Canada Avenue via the shopping center's internal access drive. 3. The use will not be detrunental to the e�sting character of the development in the unmediate neighborhood or endanger the public health, safery,and general welfare. Finding: The sales lot will take place in the northwest portion of the Rosemount Market Square parking lot. The mall is currendy occupied by the Ponds, USA Nails,The Dollar Store,Ten Tiny Toes Photography, Cun-es, H &R Block, Lavin LaCrosse, and House of Curry. Given the seasonal and temporary nature of the Christmas tree sales lot along�vith its limited hours of operation, staff finds it will not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate neighborhood oY endanger the public health, safety, and general welfaYe. Should issue arise due to the operation of the sales lot, the City may reevaluate this IUP. 4. The use will not unpede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. Finding: Undex the eYisting mall design and tenant mix, the pYOposed Christmas tree sales lot should not impede the normal and orderly development and unprovement of the surrounding propert��. It should be noted that plans for the mall includes a 15,000 square foot expansion area east of the Ponds' tenant space. Development of the expansion or other areas of the site would likely unpact the development criteria (lot coverage, setbacks, parking, etc.) for this site and its ability to accommodate the proposed sales lot. As a result, staff recommends that a condition of the IUP state that should the propert�� owner choose to expand the site, the Cit��may reevaluate this permit. 4 5. The use shall,in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in�vhich it is located. Finding: The subject use is consistent with the CC —Commercial land use designation, the C-4, General Commercial zoning classifications, and the Rosemount Market Square Planned Unit Development (I'UD). It shall also conform to applicable regulations including but not limited to the Building and Fire Codes. RECOMMENDATION & CONCLUSION Both the Planning Coinmission and staff recommend renewal of an Interim Use Permit for the Rosemount Lions Club to operate a seasonal sales lot for Christmas Trees. 5 EXCERPT OF DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 28, 2014 6.c. Request by Rosemount Lions Club. Renewal of an interim Use Permit (IUP) Allowing a Seasonal Christmas Tree Sales Lot in the Parking Lot of the Rosemount Market Square Shopping Center (14-52-IUP). The applicant, the Rosemount Lions Club, requests renewal of their existing Interim Use Permit (IUP) to allow the operation of a seasonal sales lot for Christmas trees. The sales lot will operate from November 24th to December 22nd or until the tree inventory is sold out, whichever comes first. For the last eight years, the Lions Club has operated under the existing IUP without incident. As a result, staff recommends renewal of this permit for the years 2014 through 2018, subject to the conditions listed in the attached interim use permit. The public hearing was opened at 7:13 pm. Public comments: None MOTION by Kurle to close the public hearing. Second by Kenninger. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. The public hearing was closed at 7:14 pm. MOTION by Forster to recommend that the City Council renew the Interim Use Permit (IUP) allowing a seasonal (Christmas tree) sales lot in the northwestern portion of the Rosemount Market Square Shopping Center Parking Lot, subject to the following: 1. Conformance with all conditions outlined in the attached Interim Use Permit for 2014 through 2018. Second by Kurle Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion approved. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2014 - A RESOLUTION RENEWING THE INTERIM USE PERMIT ALLOWING A SEASONAL CHRISTMAS TREE SALES LOT IN THE PARKING LOT OF THE ROSEMOUNT MARKET SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount received an application from the Rosemount Lions Club for renewal of an Interim Use Permit (IUP) to allow a seasonal Christmas tree sales lot in the northwestern portion of the Rosemount Market Squaxe Shopping Center Parking Lot,located at 3408 150th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota and legally described as follows: Lot 1, Block 1, Rosemount Market Square WHEREAS, on October 28, 2014, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing to review the above stated application; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend that the City Council renew the Interun Use Permit for the Rosemount Lions Club subject to the conditions in the 2014- 2018 Interun Use Permit; and WHEREAS, on November 18, 2014, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Rosemount Lions Club application and the conditions in the 2014-2018 Interun Use Permit and agreed with the Planning Commission's recommendation. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby renews the Interun Use Permit to allow the seasonal Christmas tree sales lot in the northwestern portion of the Rosemount 1�Tarket Square Shopping Center parking lot, located at 3408 150�h Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota for the years of 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018, subject to the conditions listed in the 2014-2018 Interim Use Permit. ADOPTED this 18�h day of November, 2014, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, I�Zayor ATTEST: Clarissa Handler, City Clerk 2014-2018 Interim Use Permit Conditions for Rosemount Lions Club/ Rosemount Properties, LLC Transient Merchant Outdoor Sales Lot for Christmas Trees This Interim Use Pernut (IUP) is valid only for Lot 1, Block 1, Rosemount Market Square,Dakota County,Minnesota. 1. This pernzit shall be in effect for the calendar years of 2014,2015,2016, 2017 and 2018 from its effective date to December 31,2018. The outdoor sales lot may operate from November 24`h to December 22°d in 2014. The Lions Club shall contact the City prior to installation of the sales lot each year with the dates of operation for that year. Up to 40 days of operation shall be allowed each year bythis pernut,which is valid until December 31,2018. 2. Hours of operation shall be limited to 2:00 p.m. and 8 p.m. on weekdays and 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on weekends. 3. The owner and/or operator of the outdoor sales lot shall have written permission of owner of the property on which the sale is located. 4. Should the owner of Lot 1,Block 1, Rosemount Market Square receive any additional development approvals for this property,the City may reevaluate this permit. 5. This pernut shall be reviewed prior to renewal in 2015 for conforn�ance with these conditions. Thereafter,the Ciry Council will determine the appropriate time interval for the subsequent renewal procedure. 6. Violation of any specified IUP condition or otherwise unlawful activity may result in immediate revocation of the IUP. 7. The operation of the outdoor sales lot shall comply with the approved site plan attached as E�ibit A. 8. Adequate off street parking,with a surface in compliance with subsection 8-2-2 J of this code,shall be provided for both the principal and interim use ensuring that no obstruction or interference occurs with existing traffic patterns. 9. No parking related to the outdoor sales lot shall be permitted on adjacent parcels without the prior written consent of the adjacent parcel owner. 10. All site improvements shall be reviewed by the City Engineer for approval prior to completion in accordance with Ciry standards including grading pernuts. 11. No portion of the sales lot or any advertising for the event shall take place within any public right-of-way or intersection sight triangle. A minimum ten (10) foot setback shall be maintained from all property lines and no portion of the use shall take place within one hundred feet (100� of anypropertyline of anyresidential use or residentiallyzoned property. 12. All permits required by other applicable agencies must be obtained and copies submitted to the Ciry. 13. All development and dimensional standards of the zoning ordinance apply to future improvements of the Rosemount Lions Club Christmas Tree Sales Lot. 14. All structures must conform to the Uniform Building Code and Fire Code. 15. The applicant or property owner shall provide a handicap accessible satellite in conformance with Dakota CountyHealth standards for portable sanitaryfacilities. 16. Any signage for the outdoor sale lot or event shall comply with the temporary signage requirements contained in chapter 8 of this title. � � (��i � _ _ � ,� � . .;�. __.. `� �, � . . � ,. �. 3 _.` _ -� ; � � � � .. +, ` � , 4- �� — � �: a a -- �; ' ,;� ; �� �� � '� i. � � � � • _ _ � '� � �►� � �� � Z� � � �, . � r� � �Y � a yr -a r� 2 � i ' __ � o ' °' .:�` — � � � � # � ;� a - , � �, � � ; _ _ � . o � _ � �� . , � � :�t . � � o � . S �3 _ , �y _ ir'. �_ �, �s N �. 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Trees will be delivered on the 24th of November 2014 and will go on sale the 28th of November 2014. We will be closing the lot on December 22nd, 2014. Authorization from the land owners of the property for us to sell Christmas Trees is available if needed. ,� �incerely � � ��.�.J �►, . �,���-�:-�--y..-r- f.� ,,� �._..� � Lion J lare d M. Wohlers Lion Donna Wohlers Ron or Rich Carlson Chairs of Tree sales Owners of Properties Rosemount Lions Club 9100-267th street west Lakeville, MN 55044 612-965-6342 buckey42@juno.com RO^� , I OT T�1� j�� MITCHELL SCOTT Chief of Police � J M u y ' `� JOHN SOMMERS Sergeant f ' '� BRYAN BURKHALTER Sergeant � ,. -� � MIKAEL DAHLSTROM Sergeant POLICE DEPARTMENT � s' � •t RYANCOUGHLINSergeant '1 � N�, � 1EREMIAH SIMONSON Sergeant 1EAN DRISCOLL Records Supervisor MEMORANDUM T0: Jason Lindahl FROM: Mitchell Scott, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Rosemount Lions Club Interim Use Permit (14-52-IUP) DATE: October 10, 2014 Mr. Lindahl it is to my knowledge the Rosemount Police Department has had no issues in the past with the Rosemount Lions Club, with regards to their tree lot. The Rosemount Police Department has no concerns at this time if the City of Rosemount elects to issue the Rosemount Lions Club a new interim use permit. SPJR17 aF PR1DE AND PROGRF55 Rosemount Police Department • 2875 145th Street West • Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 Emergency 911 • Non-Emergency 651-423-4491 • TDD/TTY 711 • Fax 651-423-4485 www.ci.rosemount.mn.us