HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.m. Case 14-57-AMD Request by Caribou Coffee for a Major Amendment to the KTJ Limited Partnership Thirty-Nine Planned Unit Development Allowing Caribou Coffee to Install a Drive-Through Window and Drive Lane � ROSE1VlO�.11 V 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting Date: November 18, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Case 14-57-AMD: Request by Caribou Coffee for a Major Amendment to the KTJ Limited AGENDA SECTION: Partnership Thirty-Nine Planned Unit Consent Development Allowing Caribou Coffee to Install a Drive-Throu h Window and Drive Lane PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. . ATTACHMENTS: Resolution; Planned Unit Development APPROVED BY: Amendment; Location Map; Application Narrative; Site Plan; Exterior Elevations; Existing Conditions and Demolitions Plan; Grading, Drainage, Paving & Erosion Control Plan; Landscape Plan; Rosemount Village Site Plan; KTD Limited Partnership Thirty-Nine Planned Unit Development Agreement; City Engineer's Memorandum dated October 21, 2014; Drive-Through Sign Details; Excerpt from the draft October 28 Planning Commission Meetin Minutes. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Motion to adopt a Resolution approving a Major Amendment to the KTJ Limited Partnership Thirty-Nine Planned Unit Development Agreement to add the drive- through window and drive lane for Caribou Coffee. 2. Motion to approve the amended the KTJ Limited Partnership Thirty-Nine Planned Unit Development Agreement and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into these agreements. ISSUE The building that is occupied by CaYibou Coffee at 3868 150`h Street West was constructed in 2000. Caribou Coffee is proposing install drive-through�vindo�v on the north side of the building and the drive- through lane�vill be constructed on the north,west and south side of the building that will begin and end in the e�sting parking lot. To accomplish this construction, Caribou Coffee must request a major amendment to the Planned Unit Development that approved the Cubs Foods and adjacent strip retail centers. OCTOBER 28 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING The Planning Coinmission Yeviewed the Caribou Coffee request on October 28. No residents spoke during the public hearing. Commissioner Forester inquired if snow removal would be affected by the drive-through and the Caribou representative responded that the snow Yemoval would be the same as is currendy conducted. Commissioner Kenninger asked about the construction schedule and the Caribou representative responded that construction would begin next spring and it should take about 3 weeks to construct. There were no changes to the recommended conditions as a result of the Planning Cominission discussion. The Planning Comtnission recommended approval of the Major Amendment to the Planned Unit Development Agreement on a 5-0 vote. SUMMARY Applicant: Caribou Coffee Property Owner: Clarel Corporation (Kraus Anderson) Location: Southeast Corner of CSAH 42 and Crestone Avenue Gross Acres: 9.7 Acres E�sting Comp Plan Designarion: CC —Communiry Commercial Existing Zoning: C4 PUD — General Commercial Planned Unit Development Proposed Zoning: C4 PUD — General Commercial Planned Unit Development Legal Authortty This Major Amendment to the Planned Unit Development request is a quasi-judicial decision because no City Code deviations are being requested. Quasi-judicial decisions meaning that the City Council is acting as a judge to determine if the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance are being followed. Caribou Coffee is requesting to install a drive-through window and lane at their business at 3868 150`h Street West. That building was approved�vithout a drive-through lane in October 2000 as a part of the Planned Unit Development that approved the Cub Foods and adjacent strip retail. Caribou Coffee occupies about 1,600 square feet of the approxirnately 7,000 square foot building. The building is located in the northwest corner of the site,is separate from the Cub Foods building, and located on the southeast corner of CSAH 42 and Crestone Avenue. Caribou Coffee has the northern most space in the building, with Litde Caesars Pizza clirectly south of Caribou and Chuck and Don's pet food warehouse has applied to occupy the space that foYmer held the Blockbuster Video. This building shares the same accesses and parking lot as the Cub Foods and attached retail spaces. The only modification to the building for the drive-through�vill be a the construction of a 11 foot 8 inch wide, 3 foot 10 inch deep, and 8 foot tall bump out on the north side of the building to house the drive- through window and the replacement of the a�vning over the�vindows. The bump-out will be constructed of the same color brick as the existing building and have a standing seam metal roo£ The elevation shows a black metal roof,`vhile their architect has verbally stated that it will be dark brown matching the existing trim on the building. Staff has recommended a condition requiring the dark brown metal roof. A drive-through lane will be constructed on the north,west and south sides of the building. The drive lane will be 12 feet wide and be located about five (5) feet from the building. The City Code requirement for the drive (parking) setback is 20 feet and the building setback is 30 feet. The drive lane will be about 24 feet from CSAH 42 and about 26 feet from Crestone Avenue. The new drive-through windo�v bump- out will be about 36 feet from CSAH 42. No setback deviations or variances are required for the improvements. 2 Customers using the drive-through will enter the drive lane using the third parking lot access lane from the west. This will not conflict with the walk-in customers that can park directly in front of Caribou without crossing the drive-through traffic. The menu board will be installed near the beginning of the drive lane and the drive-through window is about 70 feet west of the menu board. This design pYOVides for the stacking of seven (7) cars before the drive lane would interfere with the parking lot traffic. The City Code requires stacking foY s� (6) cars. AfteY the windows, cars would travel south behind (to the west o� the building and returning to the parking lot about 60 feet south of the building. The distance between the building and the e�t of the drive-through maintains access to the trash enclosure and the delivery doors for Chuck and Don's. The construction will require the removal of ten (10) parking stalls: one (1) directly in front of Caribou Coffee; two (2) handicapped stalls and four (4) regular stalls on the north side of the parking lot; and three (3) parking stalls south of the building for the e�t of the drive-through lane. The construction will also increase the grade on the slopes adjacent to Crestone Avenue and CSAH 42, and require the reconstruction of a side�valk from Crestone Avenue to include stairs. The City Engineer and the Building Official do not have any major concerns with the proposal. The City EngineeY's Memorandum is attached to this Executive Summary. Parkir�g To install the drive-through lane, Caribou Coffee will remove ten (10) total parking stalls, t�vo (2) handicapped parking stalls and eight (8) normal parking stalls. The shopping center has a total of 89,891 square feet of Yetail space�vhich requires 450 parking stalls (89,981 square feet times 5 parking stalls/1,000 square feet). Building Code requires ten (10) handicapped parking stalls (1 handicapped parking stall per 50 parking stalls constructed). After the construction of the drive-through lane, the shopping center will have 494 parking stalls (44 more than required) and 12 handicapped stalls (two more than required). Parkin Anal sis Re uired Existin Proposed Compliance Total Parkin Stall.r 450 504 494 Yes +44) Handica ed Stall.r 10 14 12 Yes +2) Landscaping The construction of the drive-through lane removes two existing locust trees and two new honey locust trees will be installed at the ends of the drive-through lane. Six shrubs and 21 stands of grasses will be installed at the beginning of the lane and nine shrubs and 16 stands of grasses �vill be installed at the exit of the drive lane. Sod will be installed in all other locations that are disturbed. Staff finds that the landscaping will be improved from its current condition the through the installation of the shrubs and grasses. Drive-Through Drive-through facilities for restaurants, banks, and other similar uses. 1. The site and building(s) shall be designed to limit the effects of the dri�re-through on adjacent properties and public rights of�vay. No use�vith a drive-through�vindow shall be located abutting any residential use or district. The stacking lane is nine feet lower than CSAH 42 and si�c feet lower than Crestone Avenue. The drive-through lanes turn the cars towards the west (Crestone Avenue) when ordering and pick-up window faces the north 3 (CSAH 42) and is screened from the public right-of-way by this difference in height. 2. Drive-through facilities shall have a minimum six (G) stacking spaces per drive-through window. Fast food uses operating more than one window per individual drive aisle shall meet the stacking requirements for a single drive-through facility. Each space shall be a minimum of nine feet (9') wide by eighteen feet (18') long. The drive-through windows has space for the stacking of at least seven (7) cars. 3. The principal building shall be the primary source for screening the drive-through facility�and stacking and e�ting areas from adjacent properties and/or rights of way. Landscaping and berming shall be a secondary source for screening drive-through, stacking or exiting areas. Should landscaping and berming be found ineffective by the city, the city may approve screening walls and/or decorative fencing as an alternative. Screening walls shall be constructed of the same materials as the principal building and shall not extend more than twenty five feet (25') �vithout a change in architecture to reduce their mass and appearance. Stacking areas shall have a minimum ninety percent (90%) opacity screen to a height of six feet (6') while e�ting areas shall have a ininiinum fifty percent (50%) opacity screen to a height of at least four feet (4'). The stacking lane is nine feet lower than CSAH 42 and six feet lower than Crestone Avenue. This difference in height provides 100% opacity to at least the height of six (6) feet. The building screens the drive-through windows from the parking lot. 4. Stacking lanes, order board intercom, and service window shall be designed and located to minimize noises, emissions, and headlight g1aYe upon adjacent properties and public rights of way. The stacking lane is nine feet lower than CSAH 42 and six feet lower than Crestone Avenue. This different in height from the adjacent roadways limits headlight glare upon public right-of-ways and limits the visibility of the stacking lanes, menu boards, and service windows. 5. Stacking lanes shall not interfere�vith circulation through any required parking, loading, maneuvering or pedestrian area. The stacking lane is located on the north side of the Caribou Coffee building and adjacent to CSAH 42. The stacking lane does not interfere with circulation or any required parking, loading, maneuvering or pedestrian area. 6. No public address system shall be audible from a noncommercial or nonindustrial use or district. Staff has prepared a condition prohibiting public address or ordering speakers from being audible from the properry lines. 7. In addition to the freestanding sign allowed by the sign ordinance, fast food uses may display menu signs related to drive-through facilities,provided that: a. Not more than one menu sign per defined drive-through aisle is allo�ved. 4 b. Individual menu signs shall be single sided with an area not to exceed thirty two (32) square feet including both menu information and sign cabinet. c. The height of the menu sign(s) shall not exceed eight feet (8') including its base oY pole measured from grade to the top of the structure. d. The menu sign(s) shall not encroach into any parking setback and shall be located directly adjacent to the drive-through aisle and oriented in such a manner that the sign provides information to the drive-through patrons only and does not provide supplemental advertising to pass-by traffic and does not impair visibility or obstruct ciYCUlation. The proposed sign revisions meet the Ciry Code. The actual sign permit will be administratively issued. RECOMMENDATION Staff and thc 1'lanning Commission recommend that the City Council approve the Resolution for the Major PUD Amendment for Caribou Coffee to install a drive-through facilit��. It is also recommended that the Council approve the amended PUD agreement. 5 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2014 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MAJOR AMENDMENT TO THE KTJ LIMITED PARTNERSHIP THIRTY-NINE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) AGREEMENT ADDING A DRIVE-THROUGH WINDOW AND DRIVE LANE FOR CARIBOU COFFEE WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received a Yequest from C1aYe1 CorpoYation and Caribou Coffee to amend the KTJ Lunited Partnexship Thitty- Nine Planned Unit Development Agreement to add a drive-through window and dxive lane for Caribou Coffee; and WHEREAS, staff has prepared and xecommends a Major PUD rlmendment to add the drive-through �vindo�v and drive lane for Caribou Coffee, and WHEREAS, on October 28, 2014, the Planiung Conunission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing and Yeviewed the Major PUD �lmendment;and WHEREAS, on October 28, 2014, the Planning Coininission recommended approval of the Major PUD 1�mendment, subject to condirions;and WHEREAS, on November 18, 2014, the Ciry Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the application and the Planning Cornriiission recommendation. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Ciry Council of the Ciry of Rosemount hereby approves the Major rlmendment to the KTJ Lunited Parmership Thirty-Nine Planned Unit Development rlgreement to add the drive-through window and drive lane foY Caribou Coffee, subject to the following conditions: 1. The roof over the drive-through window shall be dark brown, the same color are the building trun. 2. Public address systems and ordering speakers shall not be audible at the property lines. 3. The text on the menu board shall not be so large as to be visible from the public right- of-way or as to serve as off-site advertising. 4. Size and design of inenu boards shall conform to condition seven (7) of the drive- thYOUgh facility conditional use permit standards. 5. Compliance with the City Engineer's Memorandum dated October 21, 2014. ADOPTED this 18`" day of November, 2014, by the Cit��Council of the City of Rosemount. RESOLUTION 2014- William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk 2 A MAJOR AMENDMENT TO THE KTJ LIMITED PARTNERSHIP THIRTY-NINE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) AGREEMENT ADDING A DRIVE- THROUGH WINDOW AND DRIVE LANE FOR CARIBOU COFFEE THIS DECLARATION made this 18th day of November, 2014, by and between Clarel Corporation, (hereinafter referred to as the "Declarant"), and the CITY OF ROSEMOLJNT, a Minnesota municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "City"); WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of the real property described on Attachment One, attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof(hereinafter referred to as the "Subject Property"); and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is subject to a Planned Unit Development Agreement, "KTJ Limited Partnership Thirty-Nine Planned Unit Development Agreement", dated October 2, 2000 and recorded with the Dakota County Recorder as document number 1725128 on October 19, 2000, (hereinafter referred to as the "Planned Unit Development Agreement"); and WHEREAS, Declarant wishes to amend the Planned Unit Development Agreement to include a drive-through window and drive lane for Caribou Coffee which amendment has been approved and consented to by the City of Rosemount, acting through its City Council, as evidenced by the duly authorized signatures of its officers affixed hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarant declares that the Subject Property is, and shall be, held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, conditions, and restrictions, hereinafter set forth. 1. The use and development of the Subject Property and Prestwick Place 8t" Addition shall conform to the documents, plan and drawings listed in Paragraph 1 of the Planned Unit Development Agreement and, in addition, to the following: Exhibit 13. City Resolution No. 2014-_; Attachment Two Exhibit 14. Site Plan; Attachment Three Exhibit 15. Exterior Elevations; Attachment Four Exhibit 16. Existing Conditions and Demolitions Plan; Attachment Five Exhibit 17. Grading, Drainage, Paving & Erosion Control Plan; Attachment Six 1 Exhibit 18. Landscape Plan; Attachment Seven All of which attachments are copies of original documents on file with the City and are made part hereof. 2. The use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the KTJ Limited Partnership Thirty-Nine Planned Unit Development Agreement except as modified herein. 3. Except as modified by paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Amendment, the Planned Unit Development Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 4. The obligations and restrictions of this Amendment run with the land of the Subject Property and shall be enforceable against the Declarant, its successors and assigns, by the City of Rosemount acting through its City Council. This Amendment may be amended from time to time by a written amendment executed by the City and the owner or owners of the lot or lots to be affected by said amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned as duly authorized agents, officers or representatives of Declarant have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. DECLARANT By Its By Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2014, by and , the and , for and on behalf of , a , by and on behalf of said Notary Public 2 This Amendment is approved and consented to by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By: William H. Droste, Mayor And by: Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2014, by William H. Droste and Amy Domeier, the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, for and on behalf of the City of Rosemount,a Minnesota corporation, by and on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: City of Rosemount 2875 145`h Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 651-423-4411 3 Caribou Coffee Drive-Through Lane . ° `�, `'�,.. � "- ,„� ,•+w.. -•�j�r� �e» � � , �; ��. ! �"1'='1�...��..'"""l�C.�'�":"t � �;. � � c > � Y � ir `� at �m*�s����� � �'y ���>� .. � .r�, " p� r� � , � � _ -. ,.,. , ,. a _ : , , . � - .. .' a � � . i s . . J , � .' . � �> '"�� �� ( � _ . � ' : y�. ��� �` �.. �� � 1 � ` _) � .�.. . > �V� .^ �. �l +y _: � '6 4 a ' .� -� � "p! � -w� ' + "��.� i - .' �._ y� �� f � .1F . .._' . � �.. �.. -� � f 5 D � � _ . • tf . r .� * `. �, ♦ i � *.�..� " �p x� S 4�i t .F l 7C t� '� �� a,�' 3 �� - �: , e -. - � > . . .� ,_:�. - � 1 <�., « � � -- � b .. �°'�` . � � • _ +� �- � . '_ Y ' t � . � �� �., �+ .,., � . ,. � � 1• . " ..,+ ^ . ^t r�r. � � � � .� -�` � � � � . , a: . , ... . . . � : t � . 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This�s not a Mdp Scale legal document and should not be substrtuted for a tit/e search,apprarsal, survey, o�for zoning 1 inCh = 400 feet verification. Dakota County assumes no legal responsibility for the information confained rn this data. 10/10/2014 Caribou Coffee Drive-through '��i0'u�,�.— C,� F � � � . Rosemount, MN PUD AMENDMENT APPLICATION September 30, 2014 . . . . � A N D F O R M � • Fram Site to Finish INTRODUCTION On behalf of Caribou Coffee, Landform is pleased to submit this application for a major amendment to a PUD to allow for the construction of a drive-through for Caribou Coffee and associated building modifications at 3860 150th Street W(PID#346468001010). SITE PLAN According to Section 11-10-6 of the City Code, PUD approval requires site plan review for all major PUD amendments. The existing Caribou Coffee shop is proposing to build a drive-through land and associated interior and exterior improvements. The site is zoned PUD with a C4 General Commercial underlay, and guided Community Commercial in Rosemount's 2030 Comprehensive Plan. The building is located in the northwest corner of the site, and is surrounded by PUD to the east, west, and south. Parcels to the east, west, are also zoned PUD. The parcels across the street to the North are zoned R-1 Low Density Residential, and the parcels to the south are zoned PUD, R-2 Medium Density Residential. The proposed drive-through meets all of the stacking, dimensional, and design standards for drive-throughs as required by Section 11-4-14 of the Zoning Code. Patrons will enter the drive-through from the northeast side of the building, and exit on the southern tip of the building. The addition of the drive-through will enhance the Caribou patron experience by proving increased access to the site for Caribou customers. The interior of the building has been modified to provide a safe and attractive work environment for Caribou employees. MAJOR AMENDMENT TO PUD The addition of a drive-through to the existing Caribou Coffee requires a major amendment to PUD agreement number 1725128 dated October 2, 2000. Section 11-10-6 of the Zoning Code provides the following criteria to Planning Commission and City Council to evaluate PUD developments: a. Compatibility of the proposed plan with this chapter and the goals and policies of the comprehensive plan. The proposed drive-through is compatible with the long term goals of the comprehensive plan. The community commercial district emphasizes traffic patterns that are designed to serve automobiles and other auto-oriented uses that do not require outdoor storage. The proposed change encourages flexibility in on-site uses, increases patron choice, and will support other uses on the PUD site. Section 11-4-14 Drive-through Facilities allows drive-through facilities as conditional uses in the C-4 district and requires that drive-throughs meet the following standards: WAR 14093 L r'� t`J (� F O R M September 30,2014 Caribou Coffee—Major Amendment to a PUD 2 1. The site and building(s) shall be designed to limit the effects of the drive-through on adjacent properties and public rights of way. No use with a drive-through window shall be located abutting any residential use or district. The drive-through will not impact adjacent properties and public rights of way. The site is bound by public streets, and customers will use existing entrances to the site to access the drive through. The ordering window is screened by a berm and retaining wall, which minimizes any perceived visual impacts. 2. Drive-through facilities shall have a minimum six (6)stacking spaces per drive-through window. Fast food uses operating more than one window per individual drive aisle shall meet the stacking requirements for a single drive-through facility. Each space shall be a minimum of nine feet(9') wide by eighteen feet(18)long. The proposed plans meet this standard. The stacking lane provides space for 7 spaces for patron vehicles that are 9 feet wide and 18 feet long. 3. The principal building shall be the primary source for screening the drive-through facility and stacking and exiting areas from adjacent properties and/or rights of way. Landscaping and berming shall be a secondary source for screening drive-through, stacking or exiting areas. Should landscaping and berming be found ineffective by the city, the city may approve screening walls and/or decorative fencing as an alternative. Screening walls shall be constructed of the same materials as the principal building and shall not extend more than twenty five feet(25) without a change in architecture to reduce their mass and appearance. Stacking areas shall have a minimum ninety percent(90%) opacity screen to a height of six feet(6) while exiting areas shall have a minimum fifty percent(50%) opacity screen to a height of at least four feet(4). The building is the principal source of screening the drive-through to the south. The majority of the parcel is below grade from the street, and the retaining wall to the north of the parcel screens the parking lot and interior circulation of the lot. Landscaping is designed to support existing screening and enhances the appearance of the existing site. 4. Stacking/anes, order board intercom, and service window shall be designed and located to minimize noises, emissions, and headlight glare upon adjacent properties and public rights of way. The stacking lanes, order board intercom, and service window are designed to minimize noises, emissions, and headlight glare upon adjacent properties and public rights of way. These elements are screened by a retaining wall on the north side of the site, which also acts to reduce noise from the property. Elements are designed to be welcoming and tasteful and are not visible or audible from the exterior bounds of the property. WAR 14093 L ,� f� p F O R M September 30,2014 Caribou Coffee—Major Amendment to a PUD 3 5. Stacking lanes shall not interfere with circulation through any required parking, loading, maneuvering or pedestrian area. Stacking lanes are designed to minimize traffic and pedestrian conflicts on site. The stacking lane directs traffic behind the building away from pedestrian walkways and high-traffic parking areas. 6. No public address system shall be audible from a noncommercial or nonindustrial use or district. No systems are audible from a noncommercial or nonindustrial use or district, and are designed to be audible to the patron only. 7. In addition to the freestanding sign allowed by the sign ordinance, fast food uses may display menu signs related to drive-through facilities, provided that.� a. Not more than one menu sign per defined drive-through aisle is allowed. The plan proposes only one menu sign for the drive-through aisle. b. Individua/menu signs shall be single sided with an area not to exceed thirty two (32) square feet including both menu information and sign cabinet. The area of the face menu sign is approximately 25 square feet, and meet this requirement. c. The height of the menu sign(s) shall not exceed eight feet(8) including its base or pole measured from grade to the top of the structure. This requirement is met. The height of the menu sign is 8 feet. d. The menu sign(s) shall not encroach into any parking setback and shall be located directly adjacent to the drive-through ais/e and oriented in such a manner that the sign provides information to the drive-through patrons only and does not provide supp/emental advertising to pass-by traffic and does not impair visibility or obstruct circulation. The menu sign does not encroach into the parking setbacks and is oriented to provide information to drive through patrons. The placement of the sign does not obstruct circulation, and is constructed to assist patrons in placing their order. b. Effect of the proposed plan on the neighborhood in which it is to be located. The addition of a drive-through to the Caribou will not impact the surrounding neighborhood. A retaining wall on the north side of the property screens the drive-through from properties to the north. The west side of the building is effectively screened by mature trees. The drive through will not significantly increase noise, traffic, or nuisance lighting. c. Internal organization and adequacy of various uses or densities, circulation and parking facilities, public facilities, recreation areas, open spaces, screening and landscaping. WAR 14093 L .� N D F O R M September 30,2014 Caribou Coffee—Major Amendment to a PUD 4 The placement of the drive-through along the north and west side of the building maximizes existing space on the parcel, and prevents loss of parking spaces in the parking lot. The placement of the drive- through minimizes parking conflicts in front of the building while allowing more customers to access the coffee shop. d. Consistency with the standards of section 11-10-3 of this chapter pertaining to site and building plan review. The proposed plan is consistent with the standards of Section 11-10-3 (Site Plan and Building Design Review) of the Zoning Code. We have submitted a site plan that meets the spirit and intent of the code. SUMMARY We respectfully request approval of this major PUD amendment application to construct a drive-through lane at 3860 150�h Street W. We understand that plan commission review with a public hearing is tentatively scheduled for October 28, 2014 and City Council is tentatively scheduled for November 18, 2014. CONTACT INFORMATION This document was prepared by: Mary Matze, Planner Landform 105 South Fifth Street, Suite 513 Minneapolis, MN 55330 Any additional questions regarding this application can be directed to Steve Sabraski at ssabraski(a�landform.net or 612.638.0243. WAR 14093 [_ ;� N [? F O R M September 30,2014 Caribou Coffee—Major Amendment to a PUD 5 mu��m.. il ------� r����� �' ———————————————————————————— .. . ———————————————— CXESTONE AVF,NUE � . . � � .. ,.. e ' ..�. ,: ` � . .� .. . —. . . _- _ —. ...—. . ... � h'OU°04�04��W- . 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I� i• ( ����' i) � s �1 / I• ` 1 � �, � � I 3f1N3/��d 3NO1S321� � � F�` � �I � i r i � � k 08-11-09 08:59 From-Kennedy & Graven +61233T9310 T-301 P.007/O11 F-004 ' I � , • / ,,,� > �. 1725�28 OO�RI�ERCIAI.pAR'f1�8�'I'fLE,L1.0 . PLANNED Ul�'IT DEVET.OPMENT AGRE�MENT KTS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP T�IIRTY NAVE TffiS AG•REEr�NT dated this�day of 1��3000,by and , ,, - between the CX'�'X OF ROSEMOUNT,aMinnesota mmmicipal coiparat�on,("City"), � and KT7 L#mited partn.ership'I'hirtY-Nme,5125 CotmLy Road 101,Suite 100 �_.� � Minnetonka,MN 55345,(the`�evelopei'�. �VHEREAS, the Developer is tlze owner of the real property legally descnbed as Y,oC 1, Block l,Rosemoimt Viltage;form.erly�ow�a as: Outlot B,McNau�,axa Addition,Range 19,Tovvnship 1 I�,]7akota County,lV!"iwuesota,hereina$er refeaed to as the"Subject Pzoperty";and, . WHEYt�AS, the Subject PropertY is included m a planned unit development for the land previously plalted as the McNamara Add'zaon that was appruved by the City Council on March 4, 1997,(hereia�a�ter referred to as the Chippez�dale 42 parmership PUD). The Subject Property, along with other property in the McNamaza Addition,is subject to tbe � terms of a docuznent entitled"Planued Unit Development Agteenaemt Chippendale 42 Partnership",dated March 4, 1997(bereinafter referred to as the"Chippendale�2 . Partnership PUD Agreemen��,aad, W�EREAS, m conuection with the development of the Subject Property,the • Aeveloper b�as applied Lo the City for approval of an amendment(heremafter referred to as"ihe PUD Amendmenx')to the Chipgeadala 42 Paxtnership PCJD as it relates to the Subject Propezty pursu�nt to the ordinances of the City;and, WHER�A,S, the City has approved the PUD Amen�dment on�the basis of a � determinatio�a by the City Coumcil ihat such PUD Amcndment is acceptable only by . reason on details of the Developer's development proposal as descn'bed herein and the wnique characteristics of the combination of land uses proposed for the subJect property; and but for such details�f the de�-elopment propasal and unique land use comb'vaadons proposed for the properly,the PUD Ameudment would not bave beem approved;aad, � WHER�AS, as a condition af approval of sucb PUD Amendmen�k,the G�ty has requzxed . tbe execufzon and filing o£this docnmcni by the Developer;and, � VV�REAS, to secu.ie the benefits and advantages of such appr�val,t�ie Devdoper desires to subject the Subject kroPerty to the terms hereo� 1�IOW'��EREFORE, the De�elaper declazes tbat the real property described above is, and shall be,held,transfened,sold,conveyed and occupied sabject to the covenants, � _. ._ eond�tions and t�estrictions set forth heccu►amd agrvcs$s:�uows: � I. Plauned Unit Develo m,ent: All development of the Subject�coperty shall comply with the Development Plan approved by the City and witl�conditions specified � below. Wklere a spec'�.fic conditionis not addressed herein,the eonditions of Resolution . , 08-11-08 08:59 From-Kennedy & Graven +6123379310 T-301 P.008/011 F-004 � �. � �} .. n a m m g ,. � . : f•, .;�. . � � ' ' � � _ =�z � �� ° � '/ � o m � 0 � h� � $o�� � 7 � O � � ]7 O r c] � � m��h9 � ^� rn N z � � � rn ❑ � A � � �m Z � O � O ��� � d ��� 1� m C p �, ��� N � mz � d i/�� m m a m n � N x� �.a � �� Q o�> N _ � p� � QO � ��� � � . 1 I � ' i r` ' � �. • � � � , . � PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT � �` �.,I-�, (1 ( �'Y.,`it �.��5. . KTJ LIMITED PARTNERSHIP THIRTY-NINE ` � - � � THIS AGREE1�IEl�`T dated this'�� day of{�J�-to�+.200( between the CITY OF ROSEMOiJNT, a Minnesota municipal'corporatio.., � .._., „ and KTJ Limited Partnership Thirty-\Tine, 5125 County Road 101, Suite 100 Minnetonka,MN 55345, (the"Developer"). WHEREAS, the Developer is the oR�er of the real property legally described as Lot 1, Block 1,Rosemount Village; formerly l�own as: Outlot B,McNamara Addition, Range 19,Township 115,Dakota County,Minnesota,hereinafter referred to as the "Subject Property"; and, . WHEREAS, the Subject Property is included in a planned unit development for the land previously platted as the McNamara Addition that was approved by the City Council on March 4, 1997, (hereinafter refened to as the Chippendale 42 Partnership PUD). The Subject Property, along with other property in the McNamara Addition, is subject to the terms of a document entitled"Planned Unit Development Agreement Chippendale 42 Partnership", dated March 4, 1997 (hereinafter referred to as the "Chippendale 42 Partnership PUD Agreement"); and, WHEREAS, in connection with the development of the Subject Property, the Developer has applied to the City for approval of an amendment(hereinafter referred to as "the PUD Amendment")to the Chippendale 42 Partnership PUD as it relates to the • Subject Property pursuant to the ordinances of the City; and, WHEREAS, the City has appro�-ed the PUD Amendment on the basis of a determination by the City Council that such PUD Amendment is acceptable only by reason on details of the Developer's de�-elopment proposal as described herein and the unique characteristics of the combination of land uses proposed for the subj ect property; and but for such details of the de�elopment proposal and unique land use combinations proposed for the property,the PUD Amendment would not have been approved; and, WHEREAS, as a condition of appro�-al of such PUD Amendment, the City has required the execution and filing of this document by the Developer; and, WHEREAS, to secure the benefits and advantages of such approval, the Developer desires to subject the Subject Property to the terms hereof; NOW THEREFORE, the Developer declares that the real property described above is, and shall be, held, transferred, sold, con�-eyed and occupied subject to the covenants, conditions and restrictions set forth herein and agrees as follows: I. Planned Unit Development: :�11 development of the Subject Property shall comply with the Development Plan approved by the City and with conditions specified below. Where a specific condition is not addressed herein, the conditions of Resolution � 2000-83 adopted b the � Y City Council on August 15, 2000, which resolution is attached hereto as exhibit 13 and hereb regulations of the City Zo�no made a part hereof shaIl a �ordinance(Ordinance B "Zon In Otherwise, the apP1Y• The term "Developrnent Plan"used herein shall refer t landsca p g Regulations )sha11 pe lan and building elevations submitted by the Developer,ap eroved Site Plan� Architects and Bolton&Menk,In�, apProved by the Ci p pared by R. S. P. The Develo �1'Council on August 15, 2000. pment Plan consists of the following documents original copies of w ' on file with the City ofRosemount Communi photo reduced copies are attached as Exhibitstl Development De ��h are Pa e# Title A�ment, and of w��h 1 of 8 Title Sheet b Dated 2 of 8 Y Bolton&Menk,In�. Revised Details by Bolton 8c Men1�, ��. 9/14/2000 3 of 8 Details by Bolton&Menk, Inc, 9�14�2000 4 of 8 Existing Topogra h b 9/14/2000 5 �f 8 Utility Plan by Bolt n&Menlc,In�Menk' ��' 6 of 8 9/14/2000 Site P1an—Elechical b 9�14/2000 ���8 Site, Grading and Erosion o B oI by Bolt n&Ivlen�c��, 9��4�2000 8 of 8 Preliminary Landscape Pl� 9/14/2000 AS 1.1 Proposed Site Plan b 9�15/2000 CS2 Elevations b y R'S' P'���tects, Ltd. CS2,1 Elevations by� S� P'�chitects,Ltd. ��5�2000 9/12/2p00 CS2,2 y R� s• P•�'��tects,Ltd. 7�5�2000 9/12/2p00 � Elevations by R. S. P.��hitects,Ltd. ��5�2000 9/12/2000 The Chi ��5�2000 9/12/2000 Ppendale 42 Partnership p�A�eement shall remain in effect rovid Subject Property maybe developed and used in accordance wi and the Chippendale 42 th the De eloprrient planhe Partnership Agreement, as it relates to the Sub�ect Pro e modified to the extend of any inconsistency with the Develo men agreement_ � P rty, is P t Plan.and this II• Conditions of Planned U�it Develo ment A Subject pzOperty shall tic consistent with the following re�ire� The development of the 9 ments: A• The Development Plan will consist of a maximum of 70 75 indicated for"SupermarkeY'use. The Supermarket wiil have an � 0 sq. ft. expansion area avaiIable on the east side for a 9,250 sq, ft. buildin addition. The exparision shaIl conform to the requirements of the Chippendale 42 Partnershi p g consistin of a P �A�'eement including all wall surfaces g minimurr� of 50% brick, except the southem elevation which shall be screened from view by a concrete wall consistent wit paragraph C. The anticipated 9,250 s h site plan revie�v. The Development Plan al 01 inc�des 13,050 Sll require additional retail space attached to the "Su e ft. may be controlled b the Su e � ft• �f y P rmarket", of which, 4,000 sq. retail space. Arl additional separate 7r550 s r,fte as separate non- � included as part of the Development Plan. � retail building iS��oery • $. Wall surfaces when taken in aj�e�ate�shall be treated with a minimum of 48%brick. The southerly elevation will be screened with landscaping, earthen berming and a masonry�t-alI,which would obscure otherwise required brick materials. C. The southern elevation of the"SupermazkeY'building shall be screened with an eight foot high(north side)masonry wall consisting of rock-faced block, painted with colors consistent with the"Supermarket"building. This wall is required to extend the entire length of the building, and is necessary to screen the loading docks, trash enclosure area as well as to screen the southern elevation that has been relieved of the brick requirement. � D. All solid waste material,debris,refuse, garbage,junk or similar material shall be kept within tightly closed containers designed for such purpose. The containers shall be kept in an enclosed area of masonry construction between days of scheduled pick-up. _ E. Incorporation of recommendations relative to circularion, driveways, grading, parking and utility plans by the City consulting Engineer. These recommendations include specific traffic regulatory signs directing exiting tnick traffic to exit to the east alon� 1515Y Street to Chippendale Avenue � and to restrict traffic south of the 13,000 sq. ft. retail building to employees and truck traffic. F. Provision of"Acorn"lights alonQ Crestone Avenue and reducing the height of the light standards to 30 feet and that the lighting intensity and color shall be consistent with the plans and compatible with_existing General Commercial development in the area. G. Compliance with all applicable building and fire codes. H. Any future building expansions shall require site plan review and be consistent with ordinance requirements for public hearings. I. Signage shall consist of two si�s totaling 275 sq. ft. The lighted sign located at the corner of Crestone Ave. and 1515`Street shall be turned off at 10:00 p.m. The sign located along CSAH 42 shall have no restriction for times it may be lit. J. Conformance with requirements for platting. III. Administrative Provisions A. The Development Plan represents the approved development on the � Subject Property. Amendments to the Development Plan shall be processed in accordance with Section 12.6 of the Zoning Ordinance. The � City Council will have the discretion to determine if a major amendment process with public hearings is warranted. Any amendments to this agreement shall be in writing and executed by both parties. B• Breach of the terms of this agreement by the Developer, or any successor or interest, shail be ground.s for denial of building permits. C• If any portion, section, sentence, clause,paragraph or phrase of this agi-eement is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Agreement. D. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Agreement. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by both parties and approved by the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Agreement shall not be a waiver or release. E• Each right,power or remedy herein conferred upon the City or the Developer, respectively, as the case may be, is cumulative and in addition to every other right,power, or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to the City or the Developer, at law or in equity, or under any other Agreement, and each and every right, power, and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City or the Developer and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right,power or remedy. • F• The Developer may not assign this Agreement without the wzitten permission of the City Council except that the Developer may assign this Agreement and the obligations under it to any subsequent owner or successor of any part of the Subject Property, G• The City of Rosemount has agreed that the current Drainage Easement, per the existing plat(McNamara Addition), would be released upon completion of the Storm Sewer portion of the public improvements, as outlined in the Feasibility Report for McNamara Addition Phase 2, Streets, Utilities and Appurtenant Work, City Project Number 304, (Section 4.3 of the attached copy)which work has been completed in accordance with the recommendations of the referenced report. The City shall process the appropriate document to release the referenced easement as part of this ag�•eement, H• Required notices to the Developer shall be made in writing, and shall be either hand-deiivered to the Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by registered mail at the following address: K.T.J. Limited Partnership Thirty-Nine c/o Joseph N. Ryan, 5125 County Road 101, Suite 100,Minnetonka,MN 55345. Notices to the City shall be in writing and either hand delivered to the City Administrator or mailed to � the City by registe�ed mail in care of the City Administrator at the following address: Rosemount City Hall, 2875 145�h Street West, • Rosemount, MN 55068, Attn: City Administrator. � I. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have hereunto set their hands to day and year first above written. CITY OF ROSEMOUI�TT � / � �:������-'' B �' � � Y• athy Bush , Mayor By: Linda Jent�r'Lk, ity Clerk �N DEVELO R � By: Jos ph . Ryan, Pr id nt, Oppidan, I . General Partner of K.T.J. L mited Partnership Thirty-Nine STATE OF MINnESOTA ) ) SS COUNTY OF�DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this o'Zh� day of ��'O�Er, 2000 by Cathy Busho, Mayor, and Linda Jentnik, City Clerk, of the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. �e ' � • K���;�, CINI�Y DORNIDEN � ��:� NOTARYPU9UGMiNNESOfA otary Public �,� My Cemmissioa Expires Jan.31,2095 ������:�1'.'♦J,','_��'..rv• • y 1!�/Y./v�i�l V Y1�+�l1����ti���} STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS ` COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this aq�h day of�Se e-vnb-GY , 2000 by Joseph�.Ryan, President, Oppidan, Inc., General Partner of K.T.J. Limited Liability Partnership Thirty-Nine. ,.�,_�- Notary Public Drafted by: City ofRosemount �`'��'' ANN D.SCALZC+ �w 2875 145��` StY22l WESt NdTARY PUBUC•MI�N�E3,?2005 �� My Canrnission Exptres Rosemount, MN 55068 � . ` , � :.,;� x ����;� y O O O O O O n N � � � N � 7 / E � �� � ' ° � � � N . � V g N c� �� 1 1 ; �- �= o � �< "� ,I � ~ k� � 3p O ! �' ��� _' � _ � � ��� 1 _______�__-__ ''__ __ I � 4 �, }, � . :o � � _-, `� ° P (.ui)raveia er+Nra.ai � � � � � •7 l' � ' i ; � ° � . OwOViB LWN""" � � G' I ' � �,. .,� '°.�r� I � O � � I r '' I I V � � � ,s I � niiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�iiii� ` ' ;� � � � , - �_ � _ �WJlf1"Il.11l,llllllll�ll�. �'` if 13ad�� � , = m`lfT�I I � °n .i I_ N a -O � q° '1 J � i �"~ �� � � �� I � � C O -� ' � oi� � �Q h� ' ' e j � °� a ~ � - U I I I I I I I I I�I��'`��� � `� o ' 4_ � . I a'�, c� I C ' G 1��� 1 w ' t'— r oLL _ l y � � ..f_L-1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I l.I I I I f I I I.I i� — N N _ I ' Q �o � � � � �n _ i 1 �� Ullflllll°lo_ _ _ — m ' � K^ I a� . I.. 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Engineering review comments were generated from the follo�ving documents included in the submittal: • Site Plan (7 pages) • Exterior Elevations • Sign Plans (6 pages) • PUD Amendment Application GENERAL COMMENTS: 1. The owner/contractor is required to ensure that erosion and sediment control is in conformance with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Best Management PYactices. 2. Record drawings (paper and electronic formats) of the site that meet the standards set forth in the Engineering Guidelines shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of a CeYtificate of Occupancy. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the items listed above,please contact me at 651-322-2015. i U ( �� � 3 °' rn� c � -p N N � N � O p � O .N � i �U N N ai m ; sw Y � i � � � Oa p L Y W�'�. 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Request by Caribou Coffee for a Major Amendment to the KTJ Limited Partnership Thirty-Nine Planned Unit Development Allowing Caribou Coffee to Install a Drive-Through Window and Drive Lane (14-57-AMD). The building that is occupied by Caribou Coffee at 3868 150th Street West was constructed in 2000. Caribou Coffee is proposing install drive-through window on the north side of the building and the drive-through lane will be constructed on the north, west and south side of the building that will begin and end in the existing parking lot. To accomplish this construction, Caribou Coffee must request a major amendment to the Planned Unit Development that approved the Cubs Foods and adjacent strip retail centers. Commissioner Kurle confirmed that a bump out for the drive thru window will be added. He also stated that he strongly supports this addition. Commissioner Miller confirmed that with the removal of the parking spots the ordinance standards are still being met. The public hearing was opened at 9:26 pm. Public comments: None Additional Comments Commissioner Forester wondered what the impact on snow removal would be with the addition of the drive thru. Jerry Roper with Caribou Coffee stated there aren't any concerns about snow removal, it would be handled the same as in the past. Commissioner Kenninger inquired on the timeline of construction. Mr. Roper stated that work won't start until spring and it will take about 3 weeks to build the drive thru window and the rest would follow suit. MOTION by Kenninger to close the public hearing. Second by Kurle. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. The public hearing was closed at 9:30 pm. Additional Comments None MOTION by Kenninger to recommend that the City Council approve the Major Amendment to the Planned Unit Development to allowing Caribou Coffee to install a Drive-Through, subject to the following conditions: 1. The roof over the drive-through window shall be dark brown, the same color are the building trim. 2. Public address systems and ordering speakers shall not be audible at the property lines. 3. The text on the menu board shall not be so large as to be visible from the public right-of-way or as to serve as off-site advertising. 4. Size and design of inenu boards shall conform to condition seven (7) of the drive- through facility conditional use permit standards. 5. Compliance with the City Engineer's Memorandum dated October 21, 2014. Second by Kurle Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion approved.