HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.n. Case 14-50-IUP Request by Hardrives for an Interim Use Permit to Operate a Seasonal Asphalt Plant �CROSEMOLIl�1T EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting Date: November 18, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Case 14-50-IUP Request by Hardrives for an AGENDA SECTION: Interim Use Permit to Operate a Seasonal Consent Asphalt Plant PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. b .n. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution; Location Map; Application APPROVED BY: Narrative; Site Plan; Grading & Erosion Control Plan; Plant Layout; Unified Drum; Baghouse; Storage System Layout; General Tank Arrangement (Sheets 1 through 3); 70 foot Diameter Tank Plan; Tank Containment Plan; Resolution 2012-105; MnPCA Air Emission Permit Approval Letter; Fire Marshal's Memorandum dated October 22, 2014; Letter from Julie Taylor; Letter from Robert and Ruth Pryor; Excerpt of the Draft October 28 Plannin Commission Meetin . RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt a Resolution Approving an Interim Use Permit (IUP) for Hardrives to Operate a Seasonal Asphalt Plant. ISSUE Dakota Aggregates (a partnership of Ames Construction and Cemstone) received a Large Scale Mineral Extraction (I.SME) permit on December 18, 2012. The LSME included an r,ncillary Use Facility (AUF� which is essenrially an industrial park of businesses that use significant amounts of aggregate in their production. The approved ancillary uses included recycled aggregate production (RAP), asphalt production, concrete production, concrete product casting yard and a maintenance facility for the vehicles used in the mine and AUF businesses. The Zoning Ordinance requires that each of the AUF businesses apply for and receive their own Interim Use Permit (IUP). Tonight, Hardrives is requesting an IUP use permit for a seasonal asphalt plant within the r�UF. OCTOBER 28 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING The Planning Commission revie�ved the Hardrives request on October 28. No residcnts spoke during the Public Hearing. Chair Miller asked if there were any resident complaints regarding dust or noise. Staff responded that the City received no complaints and that the Cit��uses MPCA standards for noise and dust. Chair MilleY encouraged staff and the City council to review current ordinances on noise and light. Con�n�issioner VanderWiel inquired why the large asphalt tank has a different containment than the smaller tanks. The Hardrives representative responded that the smaller tanks have a common containment system of 1 and a half times of any tank and that the large tank is separate in its own containment and sits 6 feet below the ground. Commissioner Kenninger inquired why the IUP didn't have an annual review. Staff responded that the surrounding properties are not expected to change in the next 10 years. Coininissioners Forster asked if the impervious surface was considered and Coinmission KuYle asked how the air pollution was considered. Staff responded that both unpervious surface and air emissions were known and considered in 2012 when the overall ancillary use facility design was approved. There weYe no changes to the recommended conditions as a result of the Planning Coinmission discussion. The Planning Cominission recommended approval of Interun Use Permit for Hardrives on a 5-0 vote. Letter from Residents The City of Rosemount received a letter from Julie Taylor (14425 Atwater Way) objecting to the project and the expansion to the 24 hour operarion. Her letter expresses concerns about wildlife habitat, air and noise pollution. She insists that environmental due diligence is conducted before the requests are approved. The City of Rosemount also received a letter from Robert and Ruth Pryor (14755 Bloomfield Circle) objecting to the project and the expansion to the 24 hour operation. Their letter expresses concerns about the smells and to�ns released into the air and the proxitnity to residents. These environmental studies have been conducted and have been approved. In November 2010, the University of Minnesota Board of Regents approved the Envitonmental Impact Statement (EIS) of the aggregate mining operation that included the revie�v of air, noise and wildlife concerns. Following that approval, the City approved mining and ancillary use plans in December 2012 that includes requirements that no more than 160 acres be mined at any one time. Exhausted inining areas will need to be reclaimed to and agricultural condition before an addition mining areas can be approved. This reclamation area will preserve the e�sting habitat. Additionally, Dakota Aggregates has a Minnesota Total Facility Operating Permit (rlir Permit #03700370-001) to address an air pollurion issues. SUMMARY Applicant: Hardrives Owner: Regents of the University of Minnesota Location: Northwest corner of CSAH 46 and Akron Avenue Net Acres: 17.35 Acres Comprehensive Plan Designation: AGR—r�gricultural Research CuYrent Zoning: AG—Agriculture Legal Authotity The interim use permit approval is a quasi-judicial action, meaning that if the application meets the City Code, the large scale mineral extraction permit conditions and interun use permit regulations, then the interim use permit must be approved. Staff supports approval of this interim use permit and fmds that it is substantially in conformance with the approved large scale mineral extraction permit and the interun use permit regulations with recommended conditions. The detailed analysis of this finding is provided below. Site Layout The 17.35 acre site is located within the designated ancillary use facility and is appro�cirnately 250 feet north of CSAH 46, directly west of r�kron Avenue and direcdy south of the private AUF access drive (158`h Street). Within the 250 foot separation between the asphalt plant and CSAH 46, there is an area of e�sting trees 125 feet wide and a berm that is 16 feet in height. The plant site is located at the north�vest 2 corner of CSAH 46 and Akron Avenue. The site has two accesses to 158`h Street with the western access being used by the concrete delivery trucks. The site is divided into three general areas. On the western third of the site is the asphalt plant, associated asphalt oil tanks, truck access and employee parking. The asphalt plant is located about 550 feet north of CSAH 46 and the asphalt oil tanks are located about 400 feet north of CSAH 46. The northeast portion of the site is the raw aggregate storage that is brought to the site from Dakota Aggregates' aggregate processing facility located about '/z mile to the west. The southwest portion of site is recycled asphalt product (RAP) storage and portable crusher that will grind the used asphalt brought from Hardrives construction projects. The RAP crusher is located about 400 feet north of CSAH 46. The asphalt trucks will leave CSAH 46 at Akron Avenue; head north to 158`h Street, turn left on 158`" Street and then turn left into the paved plant area. The trucks head south turn 180 degrees and drive under the storage silos to be loaded with asphalt. The plant will first install three storage silos that will supply one lane of trucks. The proposed plan and recommended approval includes two sets of three storage silos that would allow Hardrives to fill two lanes of trucks at one time. The second set of silos will be installed when the market demands that level of asphalt production. Once loaded, the trucks leave the through 158`h Street and Akron Avenue to CSAH 46. The asphalt plant is made up of multiple pieces of equipment that heat and combine all the materials needed to make various types of asphalt. The equipment starts with 12 cold feed material bins in which front end loaders load the various bins with various size of aggregate. A conveyor carries the cold material into a rotating heated drum that miYes the aggregate with Rr1P and asphalt oil to create the various asphalt recipes. The rnixed asphalts are conveyed to the three storage silos to be loaded into trucks. The exhaust from the plant is feed into a baghouse to remove pollutants. The fines (removed pollutants) from the baghouse are feed into drum for future asphalt m�es. Ten (10) asphalt oil and polymer tanks are installed on the south side of the plant to feed the rotating drum. There is one (1) large (70 foot diameter by 40 feet tall) 29,000 Uarrel asphalt tank that is intended to store an entire season�vorth of asphalt which can be bought in the winter for a reduced price. There are seven (7) 30,000 gallon tanks located just north of the large tank. Three (3) of the tanks store polymers that are used in the various mixes and the other four (4) tanks are used to heat the raw asphalt before it is mixed. The fmal two (2) tanks are 20,000 gallon miYing tanks. The large tank has a 6 foot 3 inch containment berm around it in case there�vas a leak. The other nine (9) tanks have concrete floors and a 3 foot 6 inch concrete containment wall around them to contain any leaks. The Fire Marshal has review and approved these containment designs. The detailed Fire Marshal's 1�lemorandum is attached to this Executive Summary. The asphalt plant is described as seasonal because asphalt is only installed during the summer and fall in Minnesota. The application narrative describes the typical season as l�1ay 1 through December 15 each year. While the plant is described as seasonal, Hardrives expects to install the plant and leave it in place for 40 years,�vhich the same tune period that Cemstone expects to use its concrete plant and the same time period as the Dakota Aggregates' Large Scale Mineral extraction peYiod approval. Staff is proposing a 10 year interim use permit for Hardrives, the same as Cemstone has received for the concrete plant. Staff does not support an IUP for any longex period because staff expects that the operational conditions of approval may need to change as development occurs around the asphalt plant. The asphalt plant is a part of the Dakota r�ggregates' Minnesota Total Facility Operating Pernzit (r�ir permit #03700370-001) and NPDES storm�vater permit. Stormwater from the site flows north to the ditch on the south side of 158`" Street, then north through a culvert under 158`'' Street to a stormwater and 3 infiltration pond. This pond was designed and construction to handle all of the stormwater from the entire AUF,including the asphalt plant. Large Scale Mineral Extraction Ordinance and Permit �1-10-4-1 G. 3. a. L.ocation: The a.rphalt plant and all eguipment a�.rociated aa�ith it.rhall be located a minimum of.rix hirndred.rixty feet(660)from any nonagricultural tioned land.• The nearest nonagricultural zoned land is the UMore Ballfields located more than 4,000 feet north. Currently, this standard is met, but development is expected to move closer to the asphalt plant as UMore develops. For this reason, staff does not support an IUP longer than 10 years in length. 11-�0-4-� G. 3. b. Setback And Buffering.• The plant and all equipment and material.r a.r.rociated zvith it.rhall be.ret back a minimu�n of.reventy five feet(75�from any EIS boundary line and.rcreened by natural feature.r including berming or vegetation. Year round one hundred percent(100%) opague screening ivith earthen berm.r and land.rcaping.rhall be required from groarnd level to the first thirty percent(30%)of the overall height and fifty percent(SO%) opague to fifty percent(50%) of the overall height of the plant a.r viezved from eye level from.rurrounding right.r of zvay or roadzvay�-: The plant is located at least 300 feet from Akron Avenue and 400 feet from CSAH 46 (the EIS boundary). There is a 100 foot wide stand of mature trees direcdy north of CSAH 46 follo�ved by a 16 foot tall berm. Long the west side of Akron Avenue, there is a ten foot tall grassy berm. Staff fmds that these setbacks and screening meet the Ciry standards. 11-10-4-1 G. 3. c. Haul Route.r: Tra�cgenerated by thi��ar.re��hall rrtilitie haul route.r approved 6y the czty and other agencie.r a.r required. The plant ozvner.rhall be re.rponsible for road improvements and ea.rement.r needed for ingres.r and egre.r.r .rubject to approval by the city. The haial route.r may reqiaire Dakota County bighivay department or the Minne.rota department of tran.r�ortation approval a.r zvell.• The main access to the asphalt plant is CSAH 46 via Akron Avenue. Dakota County has approved the improved Akron r�venue access onto CSAH 46. From CSAH 46, the asphalt trucks can access various County, State, and U.S. highways to reach the neighborhood of the construction project requiring the asphalt. Staff fmds that this standard has been met. 19-10-4-� G. 3. d.Acce.r.r: Trafficgenerated by thi.r u.re.rhall enter onto�-treet.r con.ri.rtent svith city acce.r.r and de.rign .rtandarde�. The oavner of these u.ree�.rhall be re.rpon.rible for all co.rt.r a.r.rociated zvith road improvement.r required to.rerve the u.re: The trucking to and from the asphalt plant site will access CSAH 46 using the private AUF road (158`'' Street) at either of the accesses at Station Trail or Akron r�venue. rlsphalt trucks may not use Biscayne Avenue or any UMore roadway (Akron,Angus, Barbara or Blaine Avenues) to access CSAH 42. With this specific condition within the IUP, staff finds that this requirement is achieved. 11-10-4-1 G. 3. e. Material Stoc•kpile.r:Stockpile��as��ociated zvith these zue.r��hall be limited to a height of.rixty feet(60): Material stockpiles are identified in the application narrative to be no more than sixty feet (60') in height. This is a specific recommended condition of approval. Staff finds that with this condition, this standard has been met. 11-10-4-1 G. 3.f. Outdoor Storage: There shall be no outdoor.rtorage of fini.rhed material or produc•t.r.�ll equipment and razv material a.r.rociated avith the a.rphalt plant mir�t/�e screened from inezv fronr an adjacent re.ridential ar.re orpublic right of �aray in conformance avitb section I I-2-�, "Oartdoor Storage", of thi.r title: The plant, tanks, stockpiles, and equipment are described in detail in the sections above. t�ll these elements are integral to the operation of the asphalt plant. The scYeening and setbacks are described in City Code Section �1-10-4-� G. 3. B. above. With that screening and setbacks, staff finds that this standard has been met. 19-�0-4-1 G. 3.g.Air Emi.r.rion.r:A.rpha�t operation.r shall comply zvith Minne.rota rcrle.r,part 7011 for testin� monitoring and operational reguirement.r: The asphalt plant is a part of the Dakota AggYegates' Minnesota Total Facility 4 Operating Permit (Air permit #03700370-001). As long as this permit is active, staff fmds that this standard is met. 11-10-4-1 G. 3. h. I�a.rte Byproduct�° Thi.r u��e.rhall operate.ro a.r not to di.rcharge onto the.roil.r zvithin the EIS boundary, acro.r.r the boundarie.r of the EIS boarndary line or througb perc•olation into the.rar6.roil ivithin the EIS boundary or beyorzd the EIS boundary line where,ruch u.re i.r located, toxic or noxiou.r matter in.ruch concentration.r as to be detrimental to or endanger the public health, .rafety, comfort or ivelfare;or, cau.re injury or damage to property or 6u.rine.r�:Trucks travel and are filled on a paved surface. The asphalt tanks will be installed with appropriate containment structures. These measures will control any asphalt spills. Staff finds that that this standard is met. 11-10-4-1 G. 3. i. Odor.r: Thi.r u.re.rhall operate.ro a.r to prevent the emi.r.rion of odorou.r matter of.ruch quality a.r to be detecta6le beyond EIS 6oarndary line:The exhaust from the asphalt plant is run through a baghouse that will treat the air emissions. Staff finds that this standard is met. 11-10-4-� G. 3.j. Surety Bond.• Thi.r ar.re.rhall conlply svith the applicable operating, .rpeczal requirement.r and bonding for re.rtoration��tandard.r for mineral extraction.rpeczfied in.ru6.rection K7 of thi.r.rec•tion:The proposed grading for the asphalt plan matches the reclamation grades of the site. The equipment and tanks (except the large seventy foot (70') diameter tank) of the asphalt plant are able to be mounted on to a truck and moved after the asphalt plant stops operating. Staff has recommended a condition requiring a letter of credit in the amount of 110% the cost of removing the seventy foot (70') diameter tank. �1-10-4-1 G. 3. k. Hoarr.r Of Operation: Tbe hozrr.r of operation.rhall be limited to.reven o'clock (7:00)A.M. to.reven o'clock (7:00)P.M. Monday throirgh Satiarday arnle.r.r e�ecial permi��.rion i.rgranted by the city council avithin the interim u.re permit. The extra hour.r of operation may be conditioned on more re.rtrictive performance.rtandard.r to addre.r.r the adverre impact.r cau.red 6y the extra hour�: Hardrives is requesting 24 hour, 7 day a week operation. Often, transportation construction projects require night and weekend delivery. In recognition of this demand and Yecognition that urban development is currendy more than a mile from this site, staff supports 24 hour, 7 day a�veek operation�vith the term of this IUP. This condition�vill be evaluated�vhen the IUP is up for future rene�vals. As urban development continues to move into the UMore property there may come a time when the City will determinc that 24 hour operations`vould be too disruptive to adjoining residential development. LSME 2012-105 Condition 18: The path of any road licen.red vehicle.r u.ring the concrete proce.r.ring, ae�halt proce.r.ring, and vehicle maintenance facility.rhall be paved zvith curl�ing per the City Code:r�kron Avenue and 158`h Street have been constructed by Dakota Aggregates�vith a concrete pavement. Hardrives proposes to pave an asphalt parking lot and drive lanes for the over the road asphalt trucks. Staff finds that this standard is met. Interim Use Permit Regulations 11-10-8 E. 1. The extent, location and intensity of the u.re avill be.rub.rtantially in compliance aa�ith the Comprehen.rive 1'lan: The Comprehensive Plan states that asphalt plants are incompatible�vith adjacent residential uses and discourages interun uses within the 2020 MUSr,. Within the timefYame of this recommended IUP, staff finds that the request is compliant with the Comprehensive Plan. 11-�0-8 E. 2. The u.re ivillprovide adequate ingre.r�-and egre.r.r to minimitie tra�c conge��tion in thepublic�-treet�:With the accesses to CSAH 46 via Station Trail or Akron Avenue and the recommended condition limiting the access to CSAH 42, staff finds the access adequate. 11-10-8 E. 3. The u.re avill not 6e detrinlental to the exi.rting cbaracter of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the pu6lic health, .rafety, and general zvelfare:The immediate neighborhood land uses are currently 5 agriculture or agricultural reseaYCh. Within the term of this IUP, staff finds that the request will not be detrimental to the public or the neighboring land uses. 11-�0-8 E. 4. The ir.re zvill not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the.rurroarnding property for u.re.r permitted in the di.rtrict: In 2013, the City adopted the UMore Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) which anticipates the development of this area over the next 40 years. Within the timefxame of this IUP, staff finds that the request will not impede the development oY improvement of the surrounding properties. 11-10-8 E. 5. The u.re.rhall, in all other re.rpects, conform to the applicable regulation.r of the di.rtrict in avhicb it i.r located.• With the recommended conditions, staff finds that the request will conform to the applicable regulations. RECOMMENDATION Staff and the Planning Commission recommend approval of the interun use permit for the operation of the seasonal asphalt plant with the conditions within the recommended action. This recommendation is based on the information submitted by the applicant, findings made in this report and the conditions detailed in the attached memorandum. 6 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2014- A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN INTERIM USE PERMIT (IUP) FOR HARDRIVES TO OPERATE A SEASONAL ASPHALT PLANT WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount received an application from HaYdYives for the approval of an Interim Use Permit (IUP) to operate a prunary concrete plant at 1010 158`h Street, Rosemount, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, on October 28, 2014, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing to review the IUP application from Hardrives for the seasonal asphalt plant; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion recommending that the City Council approve the IUP for Hardrives subject to the conditions listed below; and WHEREAS, on November 18, 2014, the Ciry Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Coinmission's recommendation and the IUP application for Hardrives. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Ciry of Rosemount hereby approves the IUP for Hardrives to operate a seasonal asphalt plant at 1010 158`h Street, Rosemount, Minnesota, subject to the following conditions: 1. Compliance with the Interim Use Permit r�pplication for the Prunary rlsphalt Plant dated July 23, 2014. 2. Compliance with the Large Scale Mineral Extraction Permit for Dakota rlggregates (Resolution 2012-105). 3. The Interun Use Permit expires on December 31, 2023. 4. 1lsphalt trucks shall access CSr1H 46 either via the Station Trail access or the Akron rlvenue access only. r�sphalt trucks my not use Biscayne Avenue or any UMore roadwa�� (rlkron, r�ngus, Barbara or Blaine Avenues) to access CSr�H 42. 5. Stockpiles associated with the asphalt plant cannot exceed 60 feet in height. 6. Provide a letteY of credit in an amount equal to 110% of the cost of remove of the 70 foot diameter asphalt tank. 7. Conformance with the Fire I��larshal's Memorandum dated October 22, 2014. ADOPTED this 18`�' day of November, 2014 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk Hardrives � .�r� �r� �� �.�� � �- �,� � ,� ���, �, � „� �.a, z '`�''�� ♦ ; � ,.,� , * ,�.=:.al.. .�' �� � � ,.� je t �; i� ,� k 7) /�� ,,/� ,�� s*' �J� '��� . ,� • _ � �� " 's ` 1i�7 r / � ' ,y`!*t r�N�r,�.,i u # $°' "- �;g(= ' ,� �,,,._{.L�. � �a ,�►�� ����s� �.- � , � �, �„ � w �� ��.� ���- '�� �.� .G,�wlr a.° � y^, ' ;�. � �„ . � ..�� � � � ��� � ����� � `� �� � � � � � � ` ' �, � ��� . , `�„ ° �'� . , $ . , . , � i� �, � � �r�r�� ' � p� • . � , _��s� !�, �� � ,�� - ,���`�,� � .� �, � , � _ ,:. t��i � .�r` .. �/ ',�� ' •,` , � � � „ � � � . ' �T � '. � � s``j��� ,,w.� l . �.� �?, � , n C � _ � �t _ .�.� Lr� :,�i ��,,,� .., �-'�� 4 p- � 4 ,12N r'� . 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Dakota County assumes no legal responsibilrty for the information con[ained in this data. 10/10/2014 �- "` � � ;= ._ � ��� ° � � � �� � � �� � � � � � % � =� �' %�= � G � � %�� �' ����� ���� �����t���� � : � �� '-'. °� ; ' �� � " � �� ��� �� ; / �����`�`������ ���������� ������ �� ,.�, �� � � � � , ��,� ,` , ` ������1���� ���� '��� ��� � � 3 � � �� � ; ,, �������` , �� � � _ , � = ������� ���� �` ,����cm������ ,,,, � - � -�� . ������� �"��r����..� : *r ������ / .,: � ������i�� � � � � � � . � � „ ; . �:� . , �..,����..��% �� ���� ������ � � � � � �.,� ,; � ��4���,��t����� � '�'���i t� � �r� , �� G � � � ���� � � ; �%,��� � � �,t��C���������'�� � ���k���"1+���� � !�-�� �' � =������.��r ,� � � � = ��`�r������,� ;������� � :,��;������� � �,��� � ����; ' �' ���� � ������t����':� � ,-� '� � �� �� �� � � � � ' '� ����� � � � �� ���� ����:� .c°j �� �i �'�,�� � � �� � ... - � € ���� ��� � �^� ' % �: � �j % i . � �,� y , �� � � " ' , ��,��-t����� .�� a��<��� �'������, ���� i� # ,, , , , „ � , � � ; �� ��„ , � �. � � , � -= � �. � �� � �� ����1tL�'J�,#��� ��t.��1� ��t��+l�� J�� � � ��� j � ������ � � „�t�� ��i►��� �������a1 � � � . � £ A �� � �� �� � ����'��.��.���� �, ���:��� � �` �; :� , � � t��t��r��r�—� ��.�����—����;��,��� � � ��„3 � � � ��,� � ,�� ; ��-,s � , ,� � � � ;; =,, �� �� � � ��:� �� ' � � � '�'"��''4�'�'.�������'�°�'����.��`��C� �x :,, � � � � � � ,_ � �� , . ; �`'�'�'t�'.�.�*I'�'��£��`'�����:���,�fi.'���C� " ' C� � � �i � 4.,. � ,,,,' O- � � � , �;������, ���c�.����t��r`��€-r , {�� s�- ;�- , �� r �,� �i �� ��,. �2���i�i��r f����. �'t������r������� a''n�.. �..�f��.�f� �.����#.�� ,���1'�x"'�+�`,�r��x �'�E�C.` K'����9���-��'�� ��..��i.�?k �a��'� ����t�"�`: ����.".�`�,°:�-���� �� " � �' ���'�"�i°.� _ .. ���xi ..����°�'"`+i',�� �� ���-��:��-�; �: �.���.������� t���i�=�;�:` ����«����+�i���� ��;���: ������a���-������ Hardrives, Inc. ExeCUtive Sl�mmary Hardrives, Inc., an asphalt paving company, was founded in St. Cloud, MN in 1963 by Ken Ha11. By 1968 a metro branch office and plant were opened in Blaine, MN. Soon to follow were two portable asphalt plants which esta.blished a tr�avel division that would focus on the needs of greater Minnesota and the Dakotas. In 1969 Hardrives, Inc. opened their Ready Mix Concrete division followed in 1973 by the Craft Crete precast concrete division. The 90's were big years. A Milling Operating division was started in 1996, and a Northern MN division opened a satellite office in Zim to offer a permanent base for their wide-ranging operations. A new Ready Mix plant was purchased, crushers were purchased and the Crushing Operating division was started in 1999. A dedicated Quality Assurance/ Quality Control department was also opened in Waite Park. And sadly, Ken Hall, our Hardyman, passes away in December 1997. Design Build was a highlight of the business in 2006 with a three year project on TH 212. In 2007 the portable plant operations were moved from Northern MN to a sta.tionary facility in Becker, MN. Hardrives, Inc. begins the innovative process of using MSP in its phalt mix designs in 2008. In 2009 warm mix was in�oduced into our drum mix Plants and today all our drum mix Plants have this system on them. These improvements provide an environmentally friendly, economically smart and performance improved product for our customers. In 2010 Hardrives grew in workforce and equipment by the acquisition of Tower Asphalt and Terra Services located in Lakeland, MN. Tower and Terra added to Hardrives years of experience in workforce and too was founded on family tradition and values. Hardrives had now expanded their Metro operations clear to the East and into Wisconsin. In 2013 work again was obtained in North Dakota. Today, over 51 years later, Hardrives, Inc. operates a Concrete Plant in Waite Park and 6 Asphalt Plants; Lakeland, Becker, Waite Park, Isle, and 2 Portable Plants currenily located in Grand Forks, ND and in Central, MN. We produce and place over 1.3 million tons of asphalt each consh-uction season and will supply over 70,000 yards of concrete. Hardrives, Inc. has been a quality coniractor that can be counted on to provide an exceptional product and service. We operate environmentally friendly and safely. We are family owned company that has offered personal and professional growth to our now over 300 employees. Hardrives, Inc is lool�ing forward to the opening of this new sta.te of art asphalt plant facility and becoming a new business partner in the Rosemount business community. With the opening of this new asphalt plant faciliry Hardrives, Inc. will create 30 new full time seasonal jobs. Hardrives, Inc will be serving the Dakota County area with quality asphalt products. Hardrives, Inc. brings 51 years of experience in the asphalt industry to the Rosemount UMORE facility. Hardrives, Inc. and all of our employees are very excited about serving current customer and new customers with their asphalt needs in this new market area. Rosemount City Hali � Ro���ou��r RosemountSMN 55068 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN7 651-423-4411 651-423-4424 (F,4X) revised 01.10.2005 INTERIM USE PERMIT APPLICATION Hardrives, Inc (763) 428-8886 Name of Applicant(to be used on legal documents) Telephone No. 14475 Quiram Dr. Rogers MN 55374 (763) 428-8868 Address of Applicant Fax No. kgannon@hardrivesinc.com Email Address of Applicanf Name of Consultant Telephone No. Address of Consultant Fax No. Name of Property Owner Regents of University of Minnesota Address of Property Owner Telephone No. 1300 So. 2nd st. #208 Mpls Mn 55454 Current Zoning Proposed Zoning(if applicable) AG Seasonal Asphalt Plant Presenf Use Proposed Use (if applicable) $500.00 Fee Paid? Q Yes Q No Location Map of Property(ies) Involved Attached: � Yes � No Current Description(s) and Survey Attached? � Yes � No Revised Description(s) and Survey Attached? � Yes � No Project Description: This application is for the placement of a seasonal asphalt plant in the Ancillary Use Facility of the Umore site. The attached narrative has a more in-depht description of the project. Conditions or Requirements: Is the property recorded under the Torrens system? �Yes � No (If yes, a copy of the property owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title must be included with this application.) NOTE: APPLICATIONS ARE NOT COMPLETE UNTIL ALL REQUIRED SUBMISSIONS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED. ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND SIGNATURE: THE UNDERSIGNED APPLICANT HEREBY REPRESENTS UPON ALL OF THE PENALTIES OF THE LAW, THE PURPOSE OF INDUCING THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT TO TAKE ACTION HEREIN REQUESTED,THAT ALL STATEMENTS HEREIN ARE TRUE AND THAT ALL WORK HEREIN MENTIONED WILL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT,AND THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, AND THAT THE UNDERSIGNED APPLICANT WILL PAY ALL FEES AND CHARGES INCURRED BY THE CITY FOR THE EXAMINATION AND REVIEW OF THIS PETITION. � BY CHECKING THIS BOX, I HEREBY AGREE TO ALL STATEMENTS HEREIN AND SUBMIT MY SIGNATURE ELECTRONICALLY TO THIS FORM. Signature of Applicant Signature of Property Owner Donald Hall University of Minnesota Printed Name of Applicant Printed Name of Property Owner Date Date x � "�`°Y HARDRIVES, INC. Interim Use Permit Application for a Seasonal Asphalt Plant UMore Park City of Rosemount July 23, 2014 1. Ancillarv Use Facility Le�al Description That part of the southwest Quarter of Section 34 and the Southeast Quarter of Section 33,all in township 115, Range, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of Section 34;thence South 89 degrees 42 minutes 10 seconds East,assumed bearing along the south line of said Southwest Quarter of Section 34, a distance of 2192.17 feet;thence North 04 degrees 21 minutes 18 seconds East a distance of 142.12 feet; thence North 01 degrees 12 minutes 32 seconds West a distance of 368.88 feet;thence North 01 degrees 58 minutes 09 seconds West a distance of 266.72 feet;thence northeasterly 112.50 feet,along a tangential curve,concave to the southeast, having a central angle of 56 degrees 02 minutes 58 seconds and a radius of 115.00 feet;thence northerly 56.43 feet, along a non-tangential curve, concave to the east, having a central angle of 35 degrees 55 minutes 23 seconds, a radius of 90.00 feet and a chord which bears North 17 degrees 26 minutes 35 seconds West;thence North 00 degrees 31 minutes 07 seconds East,tangent to last described curve, a distance of 206.76 feet; thence northerly 83.26 feet, along a tangential curve,concave to the west, having a central angle of 34 degrees 04 minutes 23 seconds and a radius of 140.00 feet;thence North 56 degrees 26 minutes 44 seconds East a distance of 45.08 feet;thence North 00 degrees 31 minutes 07 seconds East a distance of 299.38 feet;thence North 88 degrees 50 minutes 09 seconds West a distance of 537.90 feet;thence North 01 degrees 06 minutes 55 seconds East a distance of 542.56 feet to the following described line; Commencing at the northwest corner of said southwest quarter of Section 34;thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West, along the west line of said Southwest Quarter of Section 34, a distance of 549.45 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described;thence South 89 degrees 28 minutes 53 seconds East a distance of 2646.92 feet to the east line of said Southwest Quarter of Section 34 and there terminating. Thence North 89 degrees 28 minutes 53 seconds West, along said described line,a distance of 1701.18 feet to said west line of the Southwest Quarter of Section 34;thence South 89 degrees 42 minutes 48 seconds West a distance of 133.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 25 minutes 32 seconds West a distance of 1911.08 feet;thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of6.69 feet; thence South 24 degrees 59 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of 32.7 feet;thence South 38 degrees 36 minutes 54 seconds East a distance of 58.76 feet;thence South 24 degrees 49 minutes 30 second East a distance of 21.39 feet;thence South 08 degrees 35 minutes 01 seconds East a distance of 17.27 feet; thence South 01 degrees 13 minutes 27 seconds East a distance of 55.61 feet;thence South 20 degrees 01 minutes 53 seconds East a distance of 40.77 feet; thence South 20 degrees 03 minutes 43 seconds East a distance of 111.64 feet;thence South 15 degrees 03 minutes 51 seconds East a distance of 118.93 feet;thence South 27 degrees 25 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 247.59 feet;thence South 21 degrees 09 minutes 19 seconds East a distance of 78.57 feet;thence South 18 degrees 19 14475 Quiram Drive•Rogers,MN•553749461 P.O.Box 579•St.Cloud,MN•56302-0579 (763)428-8886•Fax(763)428-8868 An Equal Opportunity Employer (320)251-7376•Fax(320)251-5178 minutes 12 seconds East a distance of 190.08 feet;thence South 26 degrees 25 minutes 05 seconds East a distance of 227.06 feet; thence South 46 degrees 46 minutes 51 seconds East a distance of 98.15 feet; thence South 33 degrees 47 minutes 16 seconds East a distance of 171.67 feet;thence South 23 degrees 42 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 90.20 feet;thence South 17 degrees 56 minutes 04 seconds East a distance of 178.92 feet;thence South 17 degrees 54 minutes 28 seconds East a distance of 132.38 feet;thence South 25 degrees 39 minutes 33 seconds East a distance of 126.20 feet;thence South 30 degrees 29 minutes 59 seconds East a distance of 103.92 feet;thence South 28 degrees 45 minutes 36 seconds East a distance of 250.67 feet to the south line of said Southeast Quarter of Section 33;thence North 89 degrees 34 minutes 22 seconds East, along said south line,a distance of 1060.22 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPT that part lying southerly of north right of way line of County State Aid Highway No.46 per DAKOTA COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAY MAP N0. 253 and DAKOTA COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO. 254 according to the recorded plats thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. OVERALL GROSS AREA (Entire AUF): 171.86 ACRES NET USABLE AREA (Entire AUF): 100.30 ACRES NET USABLE AREA: 30.00 ACRES Land Owner: Regents of the University of Minnesota UMore Development LLC 1300 South 2"d Street,Suite 208 Minneapolis, MN 55454-1075 Applicant: Hardrives, Inc. 14475 Quiram Drive Rogers, MN 55374 (763)428-8886 Operator• Hardrives, Inc. 14475 Quiram Drive Rogers, MN 55374 (763)428-8886 2. Seasonal Asphalt Plant A New Astec seasonal asphalt plant will be located in the Ancillary Use Facility. Production in this area requires an asphalt plant capable of storing and mixing the ingredients for various asphalt mix designs. The asphalt plant site within the AUF will have 6 asphalt material storage silos 300 tons each,7 AC liquid storage tanks 30,000 gallons each,2 liquid AC mixing tanks 20,000 gallons each, 1 liquid fuel tank 20,000 gallons, 1 AC storage tank 29,000 BBL, 12 aggregate cold feed bins, 3 rap bins, 1 counter flow mixing drum 11'x 54', 1 100,000 CFM bag house, 1 control house center, 5 material conveyors, 1 material slat conveyor, 1 AC tank heater, 1 lab trailer,2 980k Cat loaders to feed the seasonal asphalt plant facility. Once per year we will move in a portable crushing plant in to process the bituminous millings and chunks this will take about one to two weeks to complete this process. See attached drawings of the asphalt plant 3. Site plan and plant lavout The seasonal asphalt plant will be located in the south central portion of the AUF site.The plant will not be located near any residential property; however, it will be located just north of CASH 46.The asphalt plant and all aggregate stockpiles will be screened from view from the public right of way by berms and existing mature trees on the north side of CASH 46.The nearest EIS boundary is located----- to the east of the asphalt plant facility area,which means the facility will meet the setback requirements of the city of Rosemount ordinance.The AUF site is surrounded on all sides by land owned by the Regents of the University of Minnesota,who also own the AUF site.The asphalt plant site will have paved haul roads and a paved pad for the asphalt plant to sit on.The site will have designated employee parking and truck parking areas.All hauling activities associated with the asphalt plant facility at the AUF site and employees will be entering and exiting the AUF site from Akron Ave on to CSAH 46 to the east of the asphalt plant site.Any lighting that is required for nighttime operations will be shielded to prevent lights from being directed at traffic on public roadways, and in order to not disturb any traffic or surrounding properties,the level of lighting will not exceed 1 lumen at the EIS boundary. Noise levels will comply with the regulations established by the MPCA.The asphalt plant facility will not require a well for water. Portable water will be located in our control house and lab facility on site for employee use and a portable toilet will be provided for the seasonal asphalt plant facility by an on-site sanitation service company.The height of the seasonal asphalt plant will be 89' tall to the top of the material storage silos. See attached site plan. 4. Hour of operations The proposed hours of operations for the asphalt plant facility are 24 hours per day 7 days per week job driven only. To meet the bid requirements of the Minnesota Department of Transportation and local Counties and Cities that are now calling for more and more night time and weekend construction projects.The normal operating hour for the asphalt plant facility will be 6am to 9pm Monday thru Saturday. The seasonal asphalt plant facility will operate only from May 1st thru December 15th each yea r. S. Aggre�ate Materials &Bituminous Millin� stockpiles The material stockpiles will be primarily located along the perimeters of the asphalt plant facility.The stockpiles will vary in height, but will not exceed 60' in height at any point. Most of the aggregate material used at the seasonal asphalt plant facility will be mined on site by Dakota aggregate and transported to Hardrives Inc. stockpile area by off road trucks. The stockpiles may include, but not limited to coarse sand, %"granite, 3/8"gravel,%:'gravel &granite,3/" gravel &granite, 1" gravel Mfg rock fines, man sand. Bituminous millings and chunks will be imported into the site and stockpiled. The bituminous material will be processed once per year by running the material through a crushing plant and stockpiled again.The processed milling will be inserted back into the new bituminous mix that we are making at the seasonal asphalt plant facility.This process of using recycled asphalt back into the new bituminous mix is a very good way to practice environmental stewardship in an attempt to conserve natural resources. The stockpiles and associated equipment will be screened from view from the public right of way by berms and the existing trees on the north side of CSAH 46.The aggregate stockpiles act as natural sound barriers. No stockpiles will exceed 60' in height at anytime. See attached site plan for stockpile locations. 6. Dust Control We are not anticipating a substantial dust problem since the AUF site haul roads for entering and exiting the asphalt plant facility will be all on paved or concrete roadways.There is a 15 mph speed limit on all unpaved areas in the AUF site.When and if a dust problem develops at this site while we are hauling in or out of the AUF site,we will take measures to control the problem that would most likely consist of simply applying water to the access roadway by means of a water truck and sweeping the roadway with a power broom. See attached Fugitive Dust Emissions Control Plan 7. Required Permits for the AUF site The Brand New seasonal asphalt plant facility is covered under the already issued Minnesota Total Faci{ity Operating Permit(Air Permit#03700370-001)to Dakota Aggregates LLC.The Seasonal Asphalt Plant Facility will be required by the MPCA to run an emission source stack test within 180 days of startup and if any major emission components on the plant are changed.The seasonal asphalt plant will be covered under Minnesota Total Facility Operating Permit issued by the MPCA on completion of Emission stack test.This permit places limits on production throughput of the plant, as well as lays out maintenance requirements for control equipment. See attached Dakota Aggregates Permit The seasonal asphalt plant is covered under the already issued Minnesota ( NPDES) permit# MNG490289,covering stormwater discharges and the on-site handling of process water.All stormwater and spill procedures can be found in the previously submitted by Dakota Aggregates Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)and Spill Prevention, Control and countermeasures(SPCC) plan. These plans encompass the entire site, including the seasonal portable asphalt plant. Hardrives, Inc. is required by our lease agreement with Dakota Aggregates to comply with all requirements of Dakota Aggregates(NPDES), (SWPPP), (SPCC) permits for the AUF site. See attached Dakota Aggregates Permits. — � Area of site: 30.0 acres Impervlous: Bituminous surface:129,000 sq.ft. 70 dta tank:3900 sq.ft. Total Impervious:132,900 sq.ft.-3.05 acres(10.0%) � 9�6 _ 4�_ C �4 ' \� � { � � I � � T' F" Y :. - - Ec� �'` �� � � [��J�:. ,`��` �C� ,':, �� � �;:�J�J; > ' ` �C��1� � ; � �:F��1 C� CIC� r�; j �;��;L �f 5 �Y � ii I ULTIWTE NUflP BASIN �,i,i , / DLE 92T.50 ` V �t'����\�,� ��� z' ':-! 4 ���I IOO�RTOM B21 SS= � �� ,��� � II '1ET VOL. 2�.23�LFT - 1 I 4� J � �;` � � �[� > -� a ;a� �— � it �'`�� �4' f,, � I h; � � � �� Y �� q tJLT14AiE INFILiRAT[�N � I � �^i-9 BASIN I � , ,r �. � 10 tF XtL 929.91 I �� ��4; ]OD Tli HR 972.�7 I [ ,` - � BOiTOV 941.5 � ���.�' ,jk. . -n a�'" .r.%-^� "... . i:;:�. ... ... . , .. _. ..-_ .s.. _.�- ... n��... . �.-., -., .. ,��.. ..: ...... ..r:�� .�.i.... � .......��: .. 158TH �T�EET WES r `~ , � � � � ., ----- � ��� �-------- � ------ �� < . t � r,, Y_ ,M1 � z� J �<.�� ��; � i \ a oa � 1'/ {.cGBEC�TE S7DRAGF � +�y ¢� , � / I `4r'} 4:� � � �J .Cw Y'W � �.� � �} �4k rneFvs. ;,^ } I - '�, /� � •� ���i �- � � J3 , r � I � c r-Y v �` „ ' ''-� � �� � � � u ,: ,a�m�n'%corcx�r ,:- '�, � <a d�j OO � acAµS :a ao� {�.: �u.x.u�tr,ut�os ��= - � � ;,� /� pz �` I I ' y r � W a° � � f� �`'� �, ` .��] � " i � `i {Ri"l X y4 \` �{"'�-�1 I a W u u q�k � I �'.Cy 4 \ . x.x�1 � a �{ Ql LAB TR�ILER ��.'� �5�' 1,' ��fS � �w ,;. 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'46 I SITE PLAN " New Bituminous Plant UMORE /� o ioo zoo Hardrlves Inc. $ ���v �9 NWh Htl�Awnw � City of Rosemount,County of DakP ta,Stateg f Minnesota � ��'b�� SGIE IN FEET �p���; �� �z��� 9�2014 Lxated in Sectlon 34,TownsM 115,Ran e 19 West NORTH IS ASSUMED � � ��4R f � 9�6 =__�'T�= ---=\ � rj��r�X �,y�TJ' /�''tc—`,if J � \ � F�; � s a �t r v 'r t �_�I — �� r=�- ��d��� t � � '� ,� ��1 i � � r ,�` � �, ��,� k �,�';�i � �r`'��: �r�' r " h { � f �'i i � ' ��y �.��4Z� ��r�� .4� ��I� � ) I y Y �� j�I ULTINATE NURP B�SIN I r ,t J l I OLE 93T.50 j ��-- k J� r � r 7 r<�t `Xt� Y y �� ,J ID YN XNL 931.6� '.I�� 7 �; ��,r ��-'f J : I 100 Yp HMl 97J.SI — _ � Y +� .�I BOTTON 921.5 � � `, -� �1� WET VOL. 29.23�CfT �f.� �� ��',x � ��! t; ' � 7,�I I�' 4�°�ac�i' �v'r`r���iX�s� .i r-S ��� � k,: ��� �,� r f� r�M I � `t� �a V �'�4 Ti' �M"t �� ���� ��w.s _i•ULTIMAiE INFILiRAT:�N v � I�'1 }9 Y � f X' "I"'f'— BASIN t 10 Yq HM�929,91 C.4 `L 1* f t:a � �� .�� 100 Yp HML 932.4i ��+,.�. .. a r � I! � I�� �� .qT� �`��R, l- ..r ry BOTTOM 921.5 .j � i� _ ��� 158TH �ST�EET WES o�rcx' 9� ,.. o�rcw , . � 1.,,� fJ�ECaS f�tE _�_�� Cw[CKS __ __ `�Sf� ;" f ..�'1 F �____ MOiEt�IQV E Y�)�'},/'.hr t`rY�l / '�',,, I q � 1��'lr:� ✓ � ' Y 3� ��J� 9, � # p �`'` � �� ��, ��c"F�qy�,�4s�^�r,, I I �`�-���r �� �^ ' �+�`�� I I ��'y'rTiACv��v a �' ��,�t� � . � I i+r i -4' •a 5� r r.,�3�;� � �i� �•,� .,� ���I � ���,�Y+n.vsED�'6ticaxP I - 7, � a� �P�xt�T +^c` ,.'� 9�� I �� � . ... ry�: ,�.�ax:r�tc�r,tis �,��; j � � ;�� �:.v. y �`b "��{ I ASPHALT PLANi i t '`,� / I I Y,�4;�' � � z;' �`+r"Y�;I I ''� i ���;� r �,>�j � : .�� � I A.��� , r � , { r � � � ys-� 5.4 !+���,;�V'''� J./� '�y'���J .^y�M�y� I`\ � F � y ����r Yu��'4 Z � �I 9 f N�,3� , �4 }� .:�N I � RENOVE TOPSOIL ONLY�E ��y;; r r� � f r�`�y��� � ANO GRAOE TO f MAL � s 4r,�,r.'� �`y,/�F�3" �S r ��y;1 � CONTOURS �� I �l �Y •�I S �� � '���-�� � 9�' �I � �.� 1 3 �: �§+:� �� � � � � u9,� 'r�It;��.� 1,1-'"�;� �/ I ' J Y I Js �a� �l� y h`l �.�J .� y Jf s� _._—._—I ji: � ' �� �, I \ \�/' f71�"£�'�C����I�r� ) 1"�'1 '� �'��� �'. . �i�rkf+ Nv�tit�Yi �{�i'rt� ,�� �i� � ���. �,�,.,,;.-�-�ti.^�?, � ------ -- — �'. �� i u � ;:{- ,e... �., j. `� ----.. —...._. __ _.... ---°--•---"- --_ ��� _-- �— _._.—. -----._. �i C.S.A.H. N0. 46 I I GRADING ft EROSION CONTROL PLAN " " New Bituminous Plant UMORE � � o +� � Hardrlves Inc. z K�� 13NpM11t1nA�^�" � City of Rosemount,County of DakP ta,Stateg f Minnesota � SCCkW.NN6690.1 sca.Ew�r HpRD1f403 Located 1n Section 34,TownsM 115,Ran e 19 West � .vaaeafaee 9/22/201� NORTH IS ASSUMED � B �- � F� = g � 3 3 3 3 � � � & � � b � �� � U� � a� � I �o�W a o o Z' a v ��ytl< a�oa � ��_�� � In ' e3 r$�a C�� r—I <°� So�`g oz� w o��a. j Y—mJ �= � ���� � J �z�S� W`Y� �U) O��0 x <Iq �b�� ���a 5 Q� �" _�'° g .B�f s-.ZLI NI° ���o „� � � � i n�� g �. o�F `r s�a a�8g x@a�' 66 �3 � • �_ W�o° ° i . U z�� � g � O N ry � I� � � � � — i ! 9 '1 ao, i � � � � ^ � � i J o� g = a W �-------�--�n d � r-f � � �_t� `- � I � I I I I W�� ---- �i � � e I "6. � � g: N I � I I I I " �o= � � � � ��J��i ��Y. 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E�CEPT the plat of UNIVERSITY ADDITION, said Dakota County. AND Section 33,To�vnship 115,Range 19, Dakota County, l�Linnesota;E�CEPT the East 133.00 feet of the North 549.43 feet of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 33;E�CEPT the East 133.00 feet of the South 930.25 feet of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 33;also LZC�PT that part of said Northeast Quarter described as follo�vs: Beginning at the nartheast corner of said Northeast Quarter;thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West,assumed bearing along the East lule of said�lorth�vest Quarter, a distance of 800.G3 feet; thence North 81 degrees 23 minutes 25 seconds ``t/est a distance of 40.76 feet;thence North 38 degrees 17 minutes 54 seconds��1est a distance of 819.06 Eeet; thence North 75 degrees 07 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 580.25 feet to the north line of said North�vest Quarter; thence I�iordl 89 degrees 51 seconds ]4 seconds East,along said north line, a distancc of 1111.53 feet to the point of beginning. AND That part of the North�vest Quarter of Section 34,Township 115, Range 19,Dakota County-, 1�linnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the northu:est corner of said Notth�vest Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds��'est, assumed bearing along the�cest line of said I�'orth�vest Quarter, a distance of 800.63 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 00 degrees 11 mimites 58 seconds ��'est, along said�vest line, a distance of 912.75 feet; thence North 89 degrees 51 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of RESOLUTION 2012-105 647.18 feet;thence North 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds East a distance of 813.16 feet; thence North 81 degrees 23 minutes 25 seconds West a distance of G54.21 feet to the point � of beginning. AND That part of the Southwest Quazter of Secuon 34,Township 115, Range 19,Dakota County, Minnesota,lying southerly of the following described line: Commencing at the north�vest corner of said Southwest Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West, assumed bearing along the�vest line of said Southwest Quarter, a distance of 549.45 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described;thence South 89 degrees 28 minutes 53 seconds East a distance of 2646.92 feet to the east line of said South�vest Quarter and there terminating And lying westerly, noxth�vesterly and northerly of the follo�ving described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said South�vest Quarter;thence South 89 degrees 42 minutes 10 seconds East,along the south line of said Southwest Quartez,a distance of 2192.17 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 04 degrees 21 seconds 18 seconds East a distance of 142.12 feet;thence North O1 degrees 12 minutes 32 seconds ��1est a distance of 368.88 feet; thence North 01 degrees 58 minutes 09 seconds ��1est a distance of 2GG.72 feet;thence northeasterly 194.G0 feet, along tangential curve, concave to the southeast,ha�ing a central angle of 9G degrees 57 minutes 13 seconds and a radius of 115.00 feet; thence South 85 degrees 00 minutes 56 seconds East, tangent to last described curve,a distance of 157.25 feet; thence easterly 99.70 feet,along a tangenrial curve, concave to the north,having a central angle of 09 degrees 25 minutes 45 seconds and a radius of 605.84 feet; thence northeasterly 100.73 feet, along a re�-ezse cun e, concace to the north�vest,haeing a central angle of 56 degrees 01 minutes 50 seconds and a radius of 103.00 feet to the west line of said South�vest Quarter and said line there terminating. WHEREAS, on August 28, 2012,and September 25,2012, the Planning Commission of the Cit�r of Rosemount held a public hearing to revie��� the IUP request from Dakota Aggregate; and «1HEREAS, the Planning Cominission adopted a motion recommending that the City Council appro�e the interim use permit to allo�v sand and gravel mining, mining accessory uses, and the potenrial to apply for separate interim use permits for ancillar5�uses;and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion recommending that the City Council approve the Interim Use Permit subject to conditions;and WHEREAS, on December 18, 2012, the Ciry Council of the City of Rosemount re��ie�ved the Planning Commission's recommendations;and 2 i RESOLUTION 2012-105 WHEREAS, on I�ecember ]8, 2012, the City Council of the City of Rosemount approved the I interim use permit allo�ving allo�v sand and gra�el min;ng, mining accessory uses, and the potential to apply for separate interim use permits for ancillary uses; and NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the IUP for Dakota ilggregates LLC to allow sand and gra�el minuig, mining accessory uses,and the potential to apply for separate inteum use permits for ancillary uses, subject to the follo�ving conditions: 1. The Unisersity of 1�linnesota shall grant to the City,its agents, employees, officers and contractors and to any surety of llakota rlggregates LLC performing Dakota Aggxegate LLC's obligations and the agents, employees,officers and contractors of the surety an irrevocable license,in a form approced by the City Attorney, to enter the Property-to perform all�vork and inspecrions deemed appropriate by the City to enforce conditions imposed on the Universiry to the extent the University engages in mineral extraction, or Dakota Aggregates,LLC in connecrion�vith permitting of mining operations on the Property,including work that the City elects to perform or requires the surety to perform as a xesult of the permitee's default. This license shall continue in effect until all mining operations on the Properc�are complete and all conditions itnposed by�the City have been complied with. 2. Thc design of the monitoring�vells shall be rec-iewed and appro�ed by the City's consulting hy drogcologist before the monitoring wells can be installed. Dakota Aggtegates�vill provide the boring log in the locarion of the monitoring�cell and proposed�vell construcuon including screening intercal and sampling method to assist the rc�iew. The Ciry may revise the proposed�vell construcrion based on field obserc•ation during the�vell boring. The City ma�r require a nested monitoring�vell if an adequate screening interval and sampling method cannot be pro��ided through a single well. The Cit�-may require changes to the monitoring well sampling if Euture City�vell pumping result in changes to the groundwater flow pattern. 3. l�fining�vithin anj�phase that would expose the groundwater will not be permitted befote additional borings are conducted in the deepest areas of the proposed lake to confirm that a miiumum of fifteen (15) feet of separation bet�veen the mining and the bedrock. l�iirung can occur�vithin two (2) feet of the ground�vater prior to testing occurring. 4. Protection equipment that is installed on hauling trucks, such as covers for [he truck beds, shall be used�vhile traveling on public roads. Non-use will be considered a�iolation of the permit conciition. 5. Trucks may not be loaded heavier that the public haul roads posted�veight restrictions. 6. 1�4uung in Dry I��Iining Phases 1 through 7 may not occur beyond 2028. Reclamarion of Dry 1�fining Phases 1 thsough 7 must be completed by Decembex 31, 2028,including grading in accordance��ith the end use plan as depicted on plan sheet 4.01 prepared by James R. Hill, � Inc. dated 6/26/12,Project No. 22632,unless some othet grading plan is appro�ed by the City. 7. An Interim Use Pernut for the casting yard shall not Ue allo�ved beyond December 31, 2022. 8. Esecution of,and continuing compliance with the terms of, a Letter Agxeement�vith the � Uni�ersity of�finnesota that includes a 25% contribution up to �100,000 (based on current estimated cost) to the stoplight installation at Biscayne Avenue and Count��Road 42 and a 50% contribution up to�1.2 million (based upon current estimated cost) to the improvement of Biscayne�1�-enue from Boulder Trail to County Road 4G. EYecution of a � 3 �I I RESOLUTION 2012-10� , Public Impro�-ement ilgreement�vith Dakota Aggxegates that includes a 25%contribution to the stoplight installation at Bisca�ne tivenue and County Road 42 if Dakota Aggregates uses the Bouldet Trail access. 9. Revise Sheet 1.07 to display access N1 at the intersection of Biscayne Avenue and Boulder Trail. ; 10. A City grading permit is requixed prior to construction of the haul route from Northem DrS� � Nlining area to Akron Avenue. 11. Access permits are required for any access route connection to a public roadwa�� from the jurisdictional agency in control of the public road�vay. 12. Engineered designs for any reclamation steeper than a 3 to 1 slope must be submitted and appro�-ed by the City�Engineer before the reclamation can occur. 13. Berming and landscaping consistent with ordinance criteria is be required on the east ' boundary of Dry 1�lining Sub-Phases lOB, 11A,and 11A;and required on the north ' boundary of Dry 1�lining Sub-Phase 11B. 14. The End Use Grading Plans for Dty�Iining Sub-Phases 5B and GB shall be submitted and appro�'ed before the Annual Operating Permit would be issucd for those sub-phascs. 15. No Annual Operating Permit for Dry Phases 8, 9, 10 and 11 shall bc issued until an End Use Grading Plan for Dry I�lining Phases 8, 9, 10 and 11 is re�-ie�ved and approved by the City Council. i 1G. A gate and thirty (30) feet of fencing on each side of the gate shall be installed at the entrance of each access route. The gate shall be closed and locked�vhen the niitung or ancillary uses are not in operauon. A knos boY or similar de�-ise shall be installed to provide emergency personal access to the key� for the lock. 17. Provide an End Use Grading Plan for the rincillar5�Use Facility (AUF) area. 1 S. The path of any road licensed�ehicles using the concrete processing, asphalt ptocessing,and �ehicle maintenance facility shall be pa�ed�vith curbing per the City�Code. I 19. Conformance�vith the City Engineer'.s I�Iemorandum dated September 20,2012. 20. The Uni��ersity of l�Iinnesota (or designated entity) shall obtain appro��al and/or concurtence from the 1�IPCA regarding complerion of appropriate investigations and/or actions taken in response to identified releases of hazardous substances,pollutants or contaminates as defined under�finn. Statutc 115B, and as deemed reasonable and necessary by the 1�IPCA. 21. ��'ithin the Environmental Contingency Plan, add Dakota County Environmental Tlanagement to the uudal notification list (including the University, the enc-ironmental consultant,and the CitS) if potentiall��hazardous/unsafe conditions are discosered. 22. Within the Environmental Contingency Plan, add beryllium, cy�anide,and thallium to the chemicals tested for in the ground�vater monitoring samples. � 23. A�vedand conservation act pernut and�vetland mitigation plan must be approved before an annual operating permit can be issued for any phase�vith a wedand. 24. �ny costs incurred no�v or in the future in changing the locarion of etisting public or private utilities including but not limited to pipelines, transmission structures and se�ver infrastructure locared within the permit area shall be the sole obligation and expense of Dakota Aggregates. 25. Dakota Aggregates shall abandon and removc the obsolete I�Ietropolitan Count�•sanitary se�ver line before an Annual Operating Permit can be issued�vithin an��tnuung phase contauung that old se�cer line. 4 RESOLUTION 2012-10� 2G. All costs of processing the permit,including but not limited to planning fees,engineering fees and legal fees, shall be paid by Dakota rlggregates prior to the issuance of the permit. Dakota Aggregates shall reimburse the City for the cost of periodic inspections by the City rldministrator or any other City�employee for the purpose of insuring that condiuons of the pernut are being satisfied. Dakota Aggtegates agrees to reunburse the City for any�other costs incurred as a result of the gtanting or enforcing of the pernut. 27. Dakota Aggregates shall hold the City harmless from all claims or causes of acrion that may result fxom the granting of the permit. Dakota 1lggregates shall indemnify the City for all costs, damages or espenses,including but not limited to attorney's fees that the City mati pay or incur in consequence of such claims. 28. Complete rruiung and interim reclamation per each designated sub-phase is requued before any addirional nuning beyond the uutial 80 acres in any one atea is authorized. Addirional mining Sub-Phases�vill be allowed equal to the Sub-Phase reclaimed. 1�lodificarions or expansion of the nuning areas must be appro�ed in�vriting to the City. 29. No minuig acti`-ity�vill occur�vithin fifteen (15) vertical feet of bedrock. 30. Dakota A�regates shall incorporate best management practices for controlling dust, erosion, noise and storm water runoff as specified bjr the 1�'Iinnesota Pollution Control rlgency and the United States Environmental Protecrion rlgenc5�. 31. Compliance�vith Dakota County Ordinances No. 110 and 111, as�vell as all other applicable Federal, I�tinnesota,Dakota County, and Rosemount regulations. Soil materials in the Property�vill be managed in accordance�cith the I�'Linnesota Pollution Control Agency's Be�t 1Vlanagement Practice.r(B�VIPS�for the Off-Site Reu.re of Unregtrlated Fill. 32. Dakota Aggregates may not assign this permit�vithout written approcal of the City. Dakota Aggregates will be responsible for all requirements of this permit and all City ordinances on the licensed pxemises for the pemut period unless Dakota rlggregates gi�es sixty(60} days prior written norice to thc Ciry of terminarion and surrenders permit to the City. Dakota Aggregates shall idenrify all operators prior to their commencement of minexal extracrion- telated acti�-iries in the pit area. The City shall have the authority to cause all mineral e�:traction acti�-ities to cease at any time there is an apparent breach of the terms of this Permit. 33. Dakota Aggregates shall comply�vith all the mitigarive measures idenrified in the previously completed nliiung EIS and the current nuning application associated�vith issues such as noise, dust, traffic, screening,berining and landscaping except�vhere the condirions of approval modify the proposed measures. r�ny action not e:cpressl�-requested and permitted by this approval is not allo�ved by the applicant. Failure to compl��vith all application commitments is a�iolation of the permit and is subject to enforcement actions per the City Code. 34. SuUmit a Quality Assurance Project Plan that has been approved by the 1�Tinnesota Pollution Control Agency in accordance with ANSI/r�SQC E4-1994. 35. The Ciry of Rosemount shall have the ability�to collect independent soil and water samples. 36. llakota rlggregates shall pro�ide the City of Rosemount notification of�vell sampling t�vo �veeks in advance of the testing. 37. Dakota rlggregates shall comply�vith such other requirements of the Cit��Council as it shall from time to time deem proper and necessary- for the protecdon of the citizens and general �velfare of the community�. 5 RESOLUTION 2012-105 ADOPTED this 18`'' day of December, 2012 by the Ci Council of the ity o semount.; �. �; �� - <- �- ��lilliam H. Droste,l�layor AT rlmy omeier,City Clerk � 6 t��li��n�sat� Ra(f�.atiar�� �c,�tt•ol Ag��zr.� 520LnfayelteqoadNorlh �56PauI,Minnesota 55I55�4194 � G51-2966360 LtO�)fi:17-3W;�1� 6ti�-Z1�2�5331 iT'i� t�;ws•:.�n.a.+laie.i�l9.u:� [qu�alOp��nilunilyErn�d�-iy?i August 14, 2013 � Mr,Patrici<A Bergin Envlronmental Manager Dal<ota Aggregates 2025 Centre Pointe Boulevard Suite 300 � Mendota Heights,MN 55120 RE: Air Emission Permit No.03700370-001 � Dear Mr, Bergin: The enclosed permit,Alr Emisslon Permit No.03700370-001,authorizes construction and operation of your facility located at 1601158th Street West,Rosemount,Dakota County,Minnesota. The permit is effective from the issuance date of the permit until the expiration date of the permit. Please read through the permit and review its conditions and requirements.Distribute the permit to • staff inembers responsible for ensuring compliance wfth the conditions and limitations in the permit. If appropriate,post the permit at the facility. The Minnesota Poliution Control Agency's(MPCA)air quality regulatory program is funded primarily by fees based on actual emissions to the air,which facility operators report to the MPCA in the annual emission inventory ln accordance with Minn. R.7002.0005-7002.0095.Facilities that have been issued permits for the first time and have not yet submitted an emissions inventory are required to pay an ' initial fee that is based on actual emission calculations in the companies permit application.You do not • need to pay this fee until we send you an invoice.An annual emission inventory will be required thereafter;and subsequent fees wili be based on annual estimates of aetual emissions.You will receive the erriission inventory form in the mail each year. We appreciate your cooperation and compliance with environmental laws.!f you ha�e questions about the permit,please contact me at 651-757-2843. Sincerefy, • /�,�`l������-,�• ./�- Cynthia Schafer � Engineer Air Quality Permits Section Industrial Division � CS:ss Enclosure cc: Brent Rohne,MPCA AQ F(le No.4565 � ,C�T�i��`DU�, �oi�vnoA.o . ��) � ��,,. - i = ?`��,• . .•''.� ����� AIR E(UIISSIUN PERMI"f NO.03700370-OQ1 Total Facility Operating I�ermit IS ISSUED'f0 Dakota Aggregates DAICOTA AGGREGA7E5-UMORE PARI(FACIII'CY 1G01 158th Street West Rosemount, Dalcota County, MN 55068 The emiss(on units,controi equipment and emission stad<s at the stationary source authorized in lhis permit are as described in the Permit App(ications T��ble. This permit authorizes the Permittee to operate and construct ihe stationary source at tl�e address listed above unless otherwise noted in Table A.'i'he Permittee must comply with all the conditions of the ��ermit.Any changes or moclifications to the stationary source must be performecl in�ompliance with Minn.R.7007.1150 to 7007.1500.Terms used in the permit are as defined in ihe slate air pollution control rules unless tlie term is explicitly definecl in the permir. Unless other+riise indicated,all the Minnesota rules cited as the ori�in of the permit t�rms are incorporated into fhe SIP under 40 CfR§52.1220 and as such are enforce�ible by U.S. Erivironmantal Proteclion llgency(EP�)Aciministrator or citizens under the Ciean Air Acl. Permit 7ype: State; Limits[o Avoid Parl 7U/Limits to Avaid NSR; Operatin�Permit issue Date; August 14, 2013 [xpiration bate: Non-[rpiring—�1111-itle I Conditions do not expire. , � Don Smith,P.[., Man� r Air Quality Permits Section Indusirial Qivision for John Linc Stine Commissioner • Minnesota Pollulion Con[rol Agency TDD(for hqarin�;and speceh In�pairod only�: (G:�1)1R2-5332 - P�in�ed nn retyeled popr.rcunLaininq aI lros(109�f;be�s(�nm pop�ri recpclyd by ra�sume�s Permit Applications Table [Perrnit Type � Application Date Permit Action _Total Facilify Operating I�ermil _ _ April 9, 2013_� 001 TABI.E OF CONTENTS Notice to tlie I'ermittee I�ermit 5hielci Facility Description Table A: Limits anc�Other Requirements Table B; Submittafs Appendix I: Units Authorized for Construction/Installatlon N071CC 70 7HE PERMITTEE; Your siationary source may be subject to fhe requirements of the Minnesot�� Poilution Control Agency's (MPCA)solid waste, hazardous wast�, and water quality progran�is.Ifyou wish io obtain in(ormation on these programs,indudin�;information on obtaining��ny required permits, please contact the MPCA general information number at: Metro Area 651-296-fi300 Outside Metro�rea 1-800-657-3864 TTY 651-2II2-5332 The rules governing these programs are cc�ntained in Minn. R.chs.7000-7105.Written questions may be sent to: Minnesota Poliution Control Agency,520 Lafayette Road North,St.I'ai.�l, Minnesnta 55155-�a194, Qtrestions about this air entission permit or about air quality requirements can also be di�ected lo ihe telephone numbers and address listed above. PERMIT SHIELD: Subject to the limitations in Minn. R. 7007,1800, compliance with the conditions of this permit shall be deemed compliance with the spe�ific provision of the appiicable requirement iclentified in the permit as the basis of each condition..Subject to the limitations of Minn. R. 70�7.1800 and 7017.0100,subp, 2, notwithstanding the c�nditions of this permit specifying compliance practices for applicablce requirements,any pecson (including the Permitlee)inay also ��se other credible evidence to establish compliance or noncompliance with applicable requirements. FACIL�7Y DESCRIPTION: Dal<ota A�;gregates UMore Parlc Facility will primarily be a sand and gravel minin�and processing site based on plant area.Coarse and fine aggregates for use in conslructinn projec.[s will Ue produced on-site, initially throu�h dry mining, and eventually phasing into dredging of a waler body that will be created oi�-site.7he raw materials will be crushed and then screened down to size.After screening,some of the material will also be washed.The finished products will then he conveyed int<�stocicpiles and then sold. "�his will Ue locatecl on a 1,722 acre area in the northwest seclion of ihe UMore Parl<properry.The facility is not engaging in silica sand mining operations. In addi�ion to sand and gravel mininf; and processing,the facility will also consist of a ready-mix concrete plant,an asphalt plani,a recycled aggregate processing area,a mainienancc garage, and a casting yard.l'his will be located on a 190 acre area within the UMore Park property.The construction of these (acilities will be phased over time. The primary emissions from the facility are particulates(Particulate ��atter(PMJ, PM less than 10 N�Yi in size and PM I�ss tl�an 2.5 micrometersJ frc�m processin�and storin�sand and gravel,concrete loadout, and from the hot mix asph�ilt plant,The facility also emiis Carbon Monoxide and Volatile Organir. Compounds,which are prirnarily from the production of hot mix asphalt and Hazardous�ir Pollutants from the production o(concrete. � , R�SEMOLINT FIRE DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M To: Eric Zweber, Planner From: Kevin Benshoof, Fire Marshal Date: October 22"d, 2014 Subject: Hardrives, Inc. Upon review of the Hardrives, Inc. Submittal dated July 23r� 2014. The Fire Marshal offers the following comments: • The Preliminary Plan as submitted substantially meets the minimum requirements of the 2007 MN State Fire Code. Dependent upon the application date and new code adoption in January, new codes may be required. Any changes to the Final Plan will require further review. • Facilities, building or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be accessible to fire department apparatus by way of an approved access road. 2007 MSFC 503.2 • � permit is required for any above ground storage tanks from Ciry of Rosemount. • Contact the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) for further requirements and or permits. • Contact MPC� for a Major Facility permit 60 days prior to starting construction. • Substance Transfer�rea may also need secondary containment, verify with MPCA. Thank you, Kevin Benshoof Fire Marshal City of Rosemount Fredrikson & Byron 10/21/2014 9: 35 : 37 AM PAGE 1/001 Fax Server JULIE TAYLOR 14425 Atwater Wa� Rosemounl., Minne�ota 5506a October 21,2014 City of Rosemount Planning Commission 2875 145�'Street West Rosemaunt, MN 55068 Re: Application by Hardrives,inc.for Interim Use Permit Public Hearing on October 28,2014 To Whom it May Concern: I received a copy of the Public Hearing Natice regarding the application by Hardrives, Inc.for an Interim Use Permit to allow an asphalt production plant on property located within UMore Park,which will be discussed at a hearing on Tuesday, Odober 28, 2014. I will be unable to attend that public hearing, but would like the Planning Commissian to note my objections. I am concerned about air and noise pollution from such a project in such close proximity to my praperty. I am also concerned about the potential threat to wildlife habitats. We have observed eagles, pheasants and turkeys in the area surrounding our property and object to any praject that would threaten the habitats of these anirnals. If the applicant has done appropriate the environmental assessments, I would be interested in the results and yau may emai3 them ta me at jtaulp.r.�frec�l�w:com, If such assessments have not been undertaken, I strongly encourage the Planning Commission to insist that suth environmental due diligence is engaged in prior to approving any project of this type. Sincerely, ,;,�F;���'��!',' '`::;�r;-.# , ,�,r. :.r-- -. --�.__•_-__._�:_..:.__. --"--. . Julie A.Taylor ta lor fredlaw.eam ce: Anna �Vills - 57B - MN House Greg Clausen- 57 -MN Senate John Kline - 2 -U.S.House Amy Klobuchar-U.S. Sez�ate A1 Franken-U.S. Senate October, 20, 2014 Rosemount Planning Commission 2875 145`h Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Planning Commission, We aze responding to the rivo "Public Hearing Notices" that we received. With regard to the notice regarding the Dakota Aggregates, LLC for an amendment to the Interim Use Permit to allow 24 hour operation of the aggregate processing facility. We are AGAINST this amendment. The 24 hour operation was a huge concern for residents during the initial request. The residents/city and Dakota Aggregates, LLC agreed at that time that there��vould NOT be 24 hour operation. All involved need to keep their initial word. I can't imagine having to hear all the equipment, noise, etc. 24 hours a day, especially summer time in MN when we like to have our windows open and also all the huge lights sending light into all the nearby homes. Please do NOT allow Dakota Aggregate 24 hours operation. With regard to the notice regarding Hardrives, Inc. for an interim use permit to locate an asphalt production plant on the UMore Park property, we believe that a plant of this nature�vith its constant smells and toxins released into the air, would not be good to have that close to people/homes. The proposed area is to close to people and homes. We aze totally AGAINST allowing this facility so close to our homes. Can they guarantee NO asphalt smells and NO toxins going into the air? We don't need to be subjected to any more toxins. Please take our concerns as tax paying citizens of Rosemount into consideration. Thank you, !��-�-�%�: Robert Pryor - , Ruth Pryor 14755 Bloomfield Circle Rosemount, MN 55068 EXCERPT OF DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 28, 2014 6.a. Request by Hardrives for an Interim Use Permit to Operate a Seasonal Asphalt Plant (14-50-IUP). Dakota Aggregates (a partnership of Ames Construction and Cemstone) received a Large Scale Mineral Extraction (LSME) permit on December 18, 2012. The LSME included an Ancillary Use Facility (AUF) which is essentially an industrial park of businesses that use significant amounts of aggregate in their production. The approved ancillary uses included recycled aggregate production (RAP), asphalt production, concrete production, concrete product casting yard and a maintenance facility for the vehicles used in the mine and AUF businesses. The Zoning Ordinance requires that each of the AUF businesses apply for and receive their own Interim Use Permit (IUP). Tonight, Hardrives is requesting an IUP use permit for a seasonal asphalt plant within the AUF. Chair Miller inquired as to why a letter of credit is chosen vs. surety bond. Ms. Lindquist stated that a letter of credit is easier to cash in if needed. Chair Miller also inquired as to whether or not there have been any noise or dust complaints. Ms. Lindquist stated that the police have not reported any complaints within last year. Due to the location of the plant on the southern part of the property and traffic being funneled to County Road 46 staff doesn't anticipate this permit to change the experience for the residents who are located mostly north of County Road 42. Commissioner VanderWiel inquired about the numerous storage tanks on the site. All of the tanks but the largest for the asphalt has a concrete floor. She wondered why the largest one doesn't have a concrete floor. Ms. Lindquist stated she will let the applicant respond. Commissioner Kenninger had concerns about twenty-four hour operations, and wondered if the renewal process is yearly. Ms. Lindquist indicated that staff is supportive of a 10- year IUP, due to the location and lack of development in the area which shouldn't cause any immediate concerns. She did note that the mining permit held by Dakota Aggregates does go through annual review and renewal process should issues arise with the proposed hours. Commissioner Forster inquired about the total site area relative to the amount of total impervious surFace area and if an IUP has standards for impervious surface and were they met. Ms. Lindquist stated that the entire site is so large beyond bounds of plant, that there is no impervious surface issue. Additionally, the applicant is addressing stormwater requirements through on site ponding. Commissioner Kurle stated his concerned about pollution and asked about the review by the MN Pollution Control Agency. Ms. Lindquist stated that permit encompassed all activities proposed for the site, including asphalt production in the permit. The public hearing was opened at 6:53 pm. Public comments: Applicant, Kevin Gannon VP for Hardrives. He indicated that all tanks are positioned closely together in a concrete bunker, MPCA requires 1 '/2 volume of the largest tank in the conglomerate of tanks. In order to combine multiple tanks in close proximity they use a bunker for containment. But the largest tank's bunker would be such a large area if done the same way; instead it sits 6 feet below the ground. Mr. Gannon also went on to explain about the process to obtain an air quality permit. All Operators are plant certified and follow a strict MPCA checklist that is completed 3 times a day which monitors air, temperature, pressure changes, wind direction, malfunctions at plant, and mechanical problems of the plant. Records are kept at plant and home office, yearly they report to MPCA including aggregate and oil usage at plant. If malfunction in air occur they would have to contact the MPCA immediately. Normal hours of operation 6:00 am-9:00 pm Monday-Saturday, additional hours could vary dependent on demand. MOTION by Kurle to close the public hearing. Second by Kenninger. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. The public hearing was closed at 6:58 pm. Additional Comments Commissioner Miller asked about City ordinances relating to noise and dust. Ms. Lindquist stated that the city adopts the PCA requirements for noise. She noted the City hasn't received any noise related complaints to date. Staff has been visiting the site and monitoring berm creations and hasn't seen anything surprising or concerning. Commissioner Forster inquired about condition #4 regarding the restrictions on local roadway use. He wondered if there have there been any complaints that result from this, and what actions are taken if found in violation. Ms. Lindquist stated that the plant is right on 46 and it would be unusual to use other routes. She also noted that there would have to be more than one incident to revoke IUP. MOTION by Kenninger to recommend that the City Council approve an Interim Use Permit (IUP) for Hardrives to Operate a Seasonal Asphalt Plant with the following conditions: 1. Compliance with the Interim Use Permit Application for the Primary Concrete Plant dated July 23, 2014. 2. Compliance with the Large Scale Mineral Extraction Permit for Dakota Aggregates (Resolution 2012-105). 3. The Interim Use Permit expires on December 31, 2023. 4. Concrete trucks shall access CSAH 46 either via the Station Trail access or the Akron Avenue access only. Concrete trucks my not use Biscayne Avenue or any UMore roadway (Akron, Angus, Barbara or Blaine Avenues) to access CSAH 42. 5. Stockpiles associated with the concrete plant cannot exceed 60 feet in height. 6. Provide a letter of credit in an amount equal to 110% of the cost of remove of the 70 foot diameter asphalt tank. 7. Conformance with the Fire Marshal's Memorandum dated October 22, 2014. Second by Kurle Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion approved.