HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.q. Request by Dakota Aggregates to Renew their Large Scale Mineral Extraction Permit through 2015 and to Renew their Aggregate Processing Interim use Permit through 2019 24 hour operation. Coinmissioner Forster inquired if the signal light at Akron Avenue and CSAH 42 would be installed due to the additional truck traffic. Staff stated that traffic likely will increase, but that the signal light cannot be installed until a traffic study shows that the light is warranted. Commissioner Kenninger inquired if and when the applicant can do additional berming in the northern area. The Planning Commission recommended that the additional berming be completed by the 2016 annual inining review permit. The Planning Commission recommended approval of 2015 Annual Operating Permit with the added condition that the berms on the north side of the haul road be installed and vegetated by the 2016 annual inining review permit. The Planning Commission recommended appYOVaI of the 2015-2019 Aggxegate Processing IUP with 24 hour, 7 day a week operation with no changes to the staff recommendations. Both recommendations passed on a 5-0 vote. Letter from Residents Julie Taylor and Robert and Ruth Pryor The City of Rosemount has received letters from Julie Taylor (14425 Atwater Way) and Robert and Ruth Pryor (14755 Bloomfield Circle) objecting to project and the expansion to the 24 hour operation. Ms. Taylor's letter expresses concerns about wildlife habitat, air and noise pollution. She insists that environmental due diligence is conducted before the requests are approved. The Pryors'letter expresses concern about noise and light from the 24 hour operation and smells and to�ns from the asphalt plant. These environmental studies have been conducted and have been approved. In November 2010, the University of Minnesota Board of Regents approved the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) of the aggYegate inining operation that included the review of air, noise, and�vildlife concerns. Follo�ving that approval,The City approved mining and ancillary use plans in DecemUer 2012 that includes requirements that no more than 160 acres be mined at any one time. Exhausted inining areas�vill need to be reclaimed to an agricultural condition before any addiuon mining areas can be approved. This reclamation aYea�vill preserve the e�sting habitat. Additionally, Dakota r,ggregates has a Minnesota Total Facility Operating Permit (r�ir Permit#03700370-001) to address an air pollution issues. SUMMARY Applicant: Dakota rlggregates Property O�vner: University of 1�linnesota (UMore) Location: Northwest corner of County Road 46 and Station TYail; and '/a mile south of Count�� Road 42 Mining area in acres: 113.48 acre total area; 35.02 acres about '/4 mile south of County Road 42 (Dry Mining) and 78.46 acres at the northwest corner of County Road 46 and Station Trail (Dry/Wet Mining). Comp Plan & Zoning: Agricultural Research Extraction progress: 4 Phases of 16 (approximately 4% complete). Nature of request: Annual renewal and expansion of hours of operation. Legal Authority The large scale mineral extraction renewal approval is a quasi-judicial action,meaning that if the application meets the City Code, the large scale mineral extraction perinit conditions and interim use peYmit regulations, then the large scale mineYal extraction renewal must be approved. Staff supports approval of the large scale mineral extraction renewal and finds that it is suUstantially in conformance with 2 the approved large scale mineral eYtraction permit and the interim use permit regularions with recommended conditions. The detailed analysis of this finding is provided below. Minmg Operation Dakota Aggregates began mining operation in 2013,in which they removed and paid aggregate taxes on 16,500 tons of sand and processed and placed 40,000 tons of Class 5 on the floor of the Aggregate Processing area. From January 1 through September 12, 2014, Dakota Aggregates sold 596,000 tons of material. Dakota Aggregates has not hauled back any material in 2014. The Large Scale Mineral Extraction Ordinance allows for t�vo separate mining areas of no more than 80 acres each. The four North Dry Mining sub-phases total 35.02 acres. The four Dry/Wet Mining sub- phases tota178.46. All acrivit�� the Dry/Wet Mining area in 2015 is planned to occur outside and above the ground�vater. They are currendy about 60 vertical feet deep and are working west�vhile maintaining the 60 foot depth. In the future, once the entire area of these four Dry/Wet Mining sub-phases are within a couple feet of the groundwater, Dakota Aggregates will bring in a barge and dragline to begin mining below the groundwater elevation. The rest of the Dry�/Wet Mining phases will be mined�vith the barge and dragline. Groundwater Monitoring Before the mining in the groundwater can occur,groundwater monitoring must be conducted to establish the pre-mining groundwater characteristics. The City has xetained Leggette, Brashears, & Graham, Inc (LBG) to evaluate the groundwater monitoring. American Engineering and Testing, Inc. (AET� has submitted a report on behalf of Dakota Aggregates that covers the first five groundwater samples. Barr Engineering,�vho Dakota r�ggregates used during the initial aggregate mining application, had conducted the first four samples and testing. AET used Barr's results in their report. LGB has identified some errors in the details of the equipment, such as the height of a well casting that has been shortened, but did not identify any errors in the testing results. AET has recommended reducing the monitoring to semi-annual for 2015, as called out in the approved 2012 groundwater monitoring plan. LBG is not prepared to support that recommendation at this time, mostly due to a detection of 1.5 mg/1 of diesel range organics (DRO) in well 4-D (4 deep) during their June 2014 sampling event. This result is surprising, but independendy does not indicate a health risk. There is a companion�vell, 4S (4 shallo�v) that did not detect any�DRO. l�dditionall�-, there�vas no detection of petroleum related�-olatile organic compounds (VOC) in any�vells. If there�vere a petroleum spill at the mine or up-gradient from the mine, DRO would expect to be detected the shallow well (4S) befoxe there was a detection in the deep well (4D) and there would expect to be a companion detection of VOC. City staff and LBG have meet�vith AET and Dakota rlggregates to discuss the report and the DRO detection. r�ET has stated that their pump had broken during this sample and that they had to bail the sample from the�vell and that there may have been some contact with the�vell casing. AET had already been scheduled to collect a November 2014 groundwater sample. LBG has suggested, and AET�vill include, a silica gel test foY DRO in the November testing if DRO is detected. The silica gel test can help to determine if the DRO is naturally occurring, such as from decaying plant material. The last condition in the recommended 2015 mineral extraction permit is for t,ET to revise their report to include the NovembeY 2014 testing results and submit that to the City by January 31, 2015. This�vill give LBG time to review the results before mining activity�vill resume in the spring. If there is no detection of DRO and no detection of any new chemicals, LBG�vill likely agree to reduce monitoring to semi-annual. If there is DRO detection or a detection of a ne�v chemical, City staff and LBG will require the continuation of quarterly monitoring in 2015. 3 North Dry Mining Area Dakota Aggregates is permitted in 2014 for North Dry Mining sub-phases 1A, 1B, 2C, and 2D and Dakota r,ggregates is proposing to continue in those same sub-phases in 2015. The North Dry Mining area will access County Road 42 through a haul road running west to east along the former rail line about a '/a mile south of County Road 42, then north along Akron Avenue to the intersection with County Road 42. They are currendy about 60 vertical feet deep and are working�vest and south�vhile maintauung the 60 foot depth. ThYOUgh SeptembeY 12, 2104, 429,000 tons of material has been processed thYOUgh a screen. Of that material, 65,000 tons (about 15% of the material pYOcessed) of rock was carried on a conveyor to the aggregate processing�vash plant in the Ancillar5�Use Facility (AUF). Of the remaining material, 155,000 tons of sand (about 27% of the total material) was sold and trucked off site via the Akron Avenue and CSAH 42 intersection. The remaining sand has either been used to construct berms on the north side of the haul road or piled on site to be sold in the future. The berms are being conducted to reduce dust migration and reduce visual unpacts. The 60 foot depth of the north mining area is about 30 feet deeper than the approved reclamauon plan. The current bottom elevation of the north inining area is 882.5 feet. A test hole in the bottom of the north mining area indicated the groundwater elevation at 879.3 feet. Staff has added a condition to the permit that limits the north mining to a depth of 882 feet. Dakota Aggregates �vill need to haul-back material from construction projects or re-deposit their sand to achieve the reclamation height. The north inining area currendy is permitted for about 35 acres. An additional 45 acres can be permitted in the north before reclamation would be required. No areas in the north beyond these 45 acres would be permitted until an equal amount of acres are reclaimed to the height approved in the interim reclamation plan. For 2015, Dakota Aggregates is requesting to be allo�ved to mine, to truck from the north mine area, and to operate the aggregate processing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Staff supports inining in the south Wet/Dry mining area 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Staff supports mining 24 hour a day, 7 days a week with the following conditions: no crushing or washing equipment allo�ved; and extra hours for only up to five (5) MnDOT or other public agency xoadway construction projects. The road�vay construcrion project condition is to have clearly defined beginning and end to the trucking schedule. Staff is not supportive of open ended or long term projects like the new Vikings stadium which is consistendy hauling material from the aggregate processing facility. With the annual inining permit renewals, the City can restrict hours of operations or place additional conditions into the permit if issues arise or if development begins within the proxirn.ity of the mining operations. South Dry/Wet Mining Area Dakota Aggregates is permitted in 2014 for Dry/Wet Mining sub-phases 1A, 1B, 2A and 2B; and Dakota r�ggregates is proposing to continue in those same sub-phases in 2015. The Dry/Wet Mining Sub-phases are located on the north�vest corner of County Road 46 and Station Trail and the trucks access County Road 46 at Station Trail. Through September 12, 2014, 554,176 tons of materials were processed and 441,000 tons of material were sold and trucked off site via CSAH 46. In 2015, material sales �vill include sales to the concrete and asphalt plants that�vill be located�vithin the r,UF. The berms around the south mining area and the AUF have been constructed, seeded and vegetated. In 2014, Dakota r�ggregates has been able to mine and operate their aggregate processing facility from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Monday through Friday and 7 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturdays. Dakota Aggregates has been able to truck material from the aggregates processing facility 24 hours a day, 7 days a�veek. Dakota rlggregates has stated that these hours cannot meet the market demand foY aggYegate products and that they have not been able to bid on some construction contracts because of the limitation on houYS of operation. In the concrete plant approval eaxlier this year, the concrete plant can operate and truck materia124 hours a week, 7 days a week. 4 Staff is supporrive of the operation of the aggregate processing facility 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with two additional conditions. First, that the trucks haul the same route as the concrete plant trucks: traveling east or west along County Road 46 to either South Robert Trail or U.S. Highway 52 before heading north. Second, that these extended hours can be adjusted if development occurs within 660 feet of the r�UF. This second condition reflects that the aggregate processing is a 5 year IUP (through 2019),unlike the mineral extraction permit that requires annual renewal. Annual Resident Correspondence Before the public hearing notice was mailed, the only complaints that the City has received regarding Dakota Aggregates has been the amount of time that some berms took to be seeded after they were graded. Staff has worked with Dakota Aggregates to ensure that the berms be seeded and vegetated within the time required by City and State regulations. The police department has not received any complaint regarding the Dakota Aggregates operation. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve of the renewal of the Dakota Aggregates Large Scale Mineral Extraction Permit for 2015 and the Aggregate Processing Interim Use Permit for 2015 through 2019. Staff has included conditions that would allow 24 hours a day, 7 days a week operations. This recommendation is based on the information submitted by the applicant, findings made in this report and the conditions detailed in the attached memorandums. 5 2015 Large Scale Mineral Extraction Annual Operating Permit Agreement for Dry/Wet Mining Sub-phases lA, 1B, 2A and 2B; and North Dry Mining Sub-phases lA, 1B, 2C and 2D DAKOTA AGGREGATES, LLC A. Dakota Aggregates, LLC (hereinafter "the Operator") signs a written consent to these conditions binding itself and its successors, heirs ar assigns to the conditions of said permit. B. The term of the permit shall extend from January l, 2015 until December 31, 2015 unless revoked prior to that for failure to comply with the permit requirements. C. Mining in Wet/Dry Mining Sub-phases 1 A, 1 B, 2A, and 2B may occur 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. D. Mining and screening in North Dry Mining Sub-phases lA, 1B, 2C, and 2D may occur 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. E. Trucks may haul from North Dry Mining Sub-phases lA, 1B, 2C, and 2D from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday and 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Saturday , except for hauling outside those hours for the execution of a contract requirement of up to five (5) MnDOT or other public agency roadway construction project. During the execution of the MnDOT or other public contracts, the hauling may occur 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. F. No crushing or washing equipment shall be located or used in the North Dry Mining Sub-phases 1 A, 1 B, 2C, and 2D. G. The North Dry Mining Sub-phases 1 A, 1 B, 2C, and 2D shall not be mined below the 882 foot elevation. H. Protection equipment that is installed on hauling trucks, such as covers for the truck beds, shall be used while traveling on public roads. Non-use will be considered a violation of the permit condition. L Trucks shall not use any locally designated road as part of their haul route except for the shortest route between the delivery site and the nearest County, State or U.S. highway. J. Trucks may not be loaded heavier that the public haul roads posted weight restrictions. K. Engineered designs for any reclamation steeper than a 3 to 1 slope must be submitted and approved by the City Engineer before the reclamation can occur. L. A gate and thirty (30) feet of fencing on each side of the gate shall be installed at the Station Trail access. The gate shall be closed and locked when the mining or 2015 Annual Operating Permit Dakota Aggregates, LLC 2 of 5 ancillary uses are not in operation. A knox box or similar devise shall be installed to provide emergency personal access to the key far the lock. M. Conformance with the City Engineer's Memorandum dated September 20, 2012. N. The University of Minnesota (or designated entity) shall obtain approval and/or concurrence from the MPCA regarding completion of appropriate investigations and/or actions taken in response to identified releases of hazardous substances, pollutants or contaminates as defined under Minn. Statute 115B, and as deemed reasonable and necessary by the MPCA. O. Dakota Aggregates shall clean dirt and debris from streets that has resulted from extraction or hauling operations related to the Mineral Extraction Permit. After Dakota Aggregates has received 24-hour verbal notice, the City will complete or contract to complete the clean-up at Dakota Aggregates' expense. In the event of a traffic hazard as determined by the City Administrator(or the Administrator's designee) or Rosemount Police Department, the City may proceed immediately to complete or contract cleanup at Dakota Aggregates' expense without prior notification. P. No topsoil shall be removed from the site unless Dakota Aggregates can demonstrate that there is topsoil in excess of the amount needed to reclaim the End Use Grading Plan with at least six (6) inches of topsoil. Dakota Aggregates shall take necessary measures to prevent erosion of the stockpiled topsoil. Q. Any costs incurred now or in the future in changing the location of existing public or private utilities including but not limited to pipelines, transmission structures and sewer infrastructure located within the permit area shall be the sole obligation and expense of Dakota Aggregates. R. All costs of processing the permit, including but not limited to planning fees, engineering fees, and legal fees, shall be paid by Dakota Aggregates prior to the issuance of the permit. Dakota Aggregates shall reimburse the City for the cost of periodic inspections by the City Administrator or any other City employee for the purpose of insuring that conditions of the permit are being satisfied. Dakota Aggregates agrees to reimburse the City for any other costs incurred as a result of the granting or enforcing of the permit. S. Dakota Aggregates shall deposit with the Planning Department a surety bond or cash deposit in the amount of Eight Hundred Fifty One Thousand one Hundred Dollars ($851,100) in favor of the City for the cost of restoration, regrading and/or revegetating land disturbed by mining activities and to ensure performance of all requirements of this resolution and City ordinances by Dakota Aggregates. The required surety bonds must be: 1. With good and sufficient surety by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota. 2. Satisfactory to the City Attorney in form and substance. 2015 Annual Operating Permit Dakota Aggregates, LLC 3 of 5 3. Conditioned that Dakota Aggregates will faithfully comply with all the terms, conditions and requirements of the permit; all rules, regulations and requirements pursuant to the permit and as required by the City and all reasonable requirements of the City Administrator (or the Administrator's designee) or any other City officials. 4. Conditioned that Dakota Aggregates will secure the City and its officers harmless against any and all claims, for which the City, the Council or any City officer may be made liable by reason of any accident or injury to persons or property through the fault of Dakota Aggregates. 5. The surety bond or cash escrow shall remain in effect from January 1, 2015 until July 31, 2016. Once the interim reclamation grades and vegetation have been established and approved by the City, the bond may be reduced by Five Hundred Sixty Seven Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($567,400 = 113.48 acres times $5,000 per acre). Once the end use grading grades and vegetation have been established and approved by the City, the bond may be reduced by Two Hundred Eighty Three Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars ($283,700 = 113.48 acres times $2,500 per acre). Upon thirty (30) days' notice to the permit holder and surety company, the City may reduce or increase the amount of the bond or cash deposit during the term of this permit in order to insure that the City is adequately protected. T. A landscape security of$42,625 (155 trees times $250 per tree times 110%) shall be provided. After the trees have been established, $38,362 (90%) of the landscaping security can be released. The final $4,263 (10%) shall be maintained through the existence of the berm for Dry/Wet Sub-Phase lA and 2A to ensure that as trees die, that those trees are replaced. The landscaping security shall be in the form of a letter of credit in favor of the City or cash escrow. U. Dakota Aggregates shall furnish a certificate of comprehensive general liability insurance issued by insurers duly licensed within the State of Minnesota in an amount of at least Five Hundred Thousand and no/100 ($500,000.00) Dollars for injury or death of any one person in any one occurrence, and at least One Million Five Hundred Thousand and no/100 ($1,500,000.00) Dollars for injury or death of more than one person arising out of any one occurrence and damage liability in an amount of at least Two Hundred Fifty Thousand and no/100 ($250,000.00) Dollars arising out of any one occurrence. The policy of insurance shall name the City as an additional insured and shall remain in effect from January 1, 2014 until July 31, 2015. V. Dakota Aggregates shall hold the City harmless from all claims or causes of action that may result from the granting of the permit. Dakota Aggregates shall indemnify the City for all costs, damages, or expenses, including but not limited to attorney's fees that the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims. W. Dakota Aggregates shall submit to the City semi-annually a written report indicating the amount of material extracted from the site for the prior six-month period. After said written report is submitted, the City shall perform an inspection of the site to 2015 Annual Operating Permit Dakota Aggregates, LLC 4 of 5 confirm compliance with the conditions within the Annual Operating Permit. X. Reclamation requires the replacement of the stockpile of topsoil to the mined area, reseeding, and mulching necessary to re-establish vegetative cover for permanent slope stabilization and erosion control, provided also that the minimum depth of topsoil shall not be less than six (6) inches after reclamation. No restored slopes may exceed the gradients shown on Interim Reclamation Plan. Y. No mining activity will occur within fifteen (15) vertical feet of bedrock. Z. Dakota Aggregates shall compact the entire reclamation site to a minimum compaction of 95% of maximum dry density. AA. If not utilized by the University of Minnesota for agricultural purposes, fully reclaimed areas will be permanently seeded within 14 days of final completion. All disturbed non-operating areas not utilized by the University of Minnesota for agricultural purposes shall be seeded at a minimum of once per year, prior to October 1 with MnDOT seed mix 130B. Operating areas including work faces, material stockpiles, haul roads, staging areas, and active reclamation areas are not required to be seeded. BB. Dakota Aggregates shall submit quarterly to the City documentation of the Barr Engineering, Inc. (or other City approved geotechnical testing firm) environmental and geotechnical testing with documentation verifying the source and quantity of the "haul-back" material. These reports shall be provided within fourteen (14) days after the end of the quarter. CC. Dakota Aggregates shall submit an incidence report to the City within three days of any testing that fails for contamination or hazardous materials, or will not produce a normal moisture-density relationship for compaction. DD. Truck operators within the pit area shall not engage in practices involving slamming tailgates, vibrating boxes, using of"jake" or engine brakes (except in emergency situations), or other such activities that result in excessive noise. EE. Dakota Aggregates shall incorporate best management practices for controlling dust, erosion, noise, and storm water runoff as specified by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the United States Environmental Protection Agency and proposed in the submitted LSME application to the City. FF. Compliance with Dakota County Ordinances No. 110 and 111, as well as all other applicable Federal, Minnesota, Dakota County, and Rosemount regulations. Soil materials in the Property will be managed in accordance with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Best Management Practices (BMPS)for the Off-Site Reuse of Unregulated Fill. 2015 Annual Operating Permit Dakota Aggregates, LLC 5 of 5 GG.Dakota Aggregates may not assign this permit without written approval of the City. Dakota Aggregates will be responsible for all requirements of this permit and all City ordinances on the licensed premises for the permit period unless Dakota Aggregates gives sixty (60) days prior written notice to the City of termination and surrenders permit to the City. Dakota Aggregates shall identify all Operators prior to their commencement of mineral extraction-related activities in the pit area. The City shall have the authority to cause all mineral extraction activities to cease at any time there is an apparent breach of the terms of this Permit. HH. Dakota Aggregates shall comply with such other requirements of the City Council as it shall from time to time deem proper and necessary far the protection of the citizens and general welfare of the community. II. Dakota Aggregates shall install and establish vegetation on a berm located on the north side of the haul road by the review of the 2016 annual permit. JJ. American Engineering Testing, Inc. (AET) shall revise the 2013-2014 Annual Monitoring Report to include the November 2014 groundwater testing and submit the revised report to the City by January 31, 2015. Leggette, Brashears, & Graham, Inc. (LBG) shall review the revised report on behalf of the City and has the authority to reduce the groundwater sampling to semi-annual based on the results of the November 2014 testing results. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Dakota Aggregates, LLC, the Operator, hereby consents and agrees to the foregoing conditions of said Annual Operating Permit this day of , 20 . Dakota Aggregates, LLC By: Tim Becken, Its Chief Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20 , by Tim Becken, Chief Manager of Dakota Aggregates, LLC, the Operator, on behalf of the Corporation. Notary Public CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2014- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE INTERIM USE PERMIT TO DAKOTA AGGREGATES TO OPERATE AGGREGATE PROCESSING AND RECYCLED AGGREGATE PRODUCTS PROCESSING WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount received an application from Dakota Aggregates LLC for an Interun Use Permit (IUP) to allow aggregate processing and recycled aggregate products processing at their inining facility concerning property legally described as: That part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 34 and the Southeast Quarter of Section 33, all in Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of Section 34; thence South 89 degrees 42 minutes 10 seconds East, assumed bearing along the south line of said Southwest Quarter of Section 34, a distance of 2192.17 feet; thence North 04 degrees 21 minutes 18 seconds East a distance of 142.12 feet; thence North 01 degrees 12 minutes 32 seconds West a distance of 368.88 feet; thence North 01 degrees 58 minutes 09 seconds West a distance of 266.72 feet; thence northeasterly 112.50 feet, along a tangential curve, concave to the southeast, having a central angle of 56 degrees 02 minutes 58 seconds and a radius of 115.00 feet; thence northerly 56.43 feet, along a non-tangential curve, concave to the east, having a central angle of 35 degrees 55 minutes 23 seconds, a radius of 90.00 feet and a chord which bears North 17 degrees 26 minutes 35 seconds West; thence North 00 degrees 31 minutes 07 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 206.76 feet; thence northerly 83.26 feet, along a tangenrial curve, concave to the west, having a central angle of 34 degrees 04 minutes 23 seconds and a radius of 140.00 feet; thence North 56 degxees 26 minutes 44 seconds East a distance of 45.08 feet; thence North 00 degrees 31 minutes 07 seconds Fast a distance of 299.38 feet; thence North 88 degrees 50 minutes 09 seconds West a distance of 537.90 feet; thence North 01 degrees 06 minutes 55 seconds East a distance of 542.56 feet to the following descriUed line; Commencing at the north�vest corner of said Southwest Quarter of Section 34; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West, along the west line of said Southwest Quarter of Section 34, a distance of 549.45 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 89 degrees 28 minutes 53 seconds East a distance of 2646.92 feet to the east line of said South�vest Quarter of Section 34 and there terminating. thence North 89 degYees 28 minutes 53 seconds West, along said described line, a distance of 1701.18 feet to said�vest line of the Southwest QuaYter of Section 34; thence South 89 degrees 42 minutes 48 seconds West a distance of 133.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 25 minutes 32 seconds West a distance of 1911.08 feet;thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 6.G9 feet; thence South 24 degrees 59 minutes 14 seconds East a RESOLUTION 2014- distance of 32.37 feet; thence South 38 degrees 36 minutes 54 seconds East a distance of 58.76 feet; thence South 24 degrees 49 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 21.39 feet; thence South 08 degrees 35 minutes 01 seconds East a distance of 17.27 feet; thence South 01 degrees 13 minutes 27 seconds East a distance of 55.61 feet; thence South 20 degrees 01 minutes 53 seconds East a distance of 40.77 feet; thence South 20 degrees 03 minutes 43 seconds East a distance of 111.64 feet; thence South 15 degrees 03 minutes 51 seconds East a distance of 118.93 feet; thence South 27 degrees 25 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 247.59 feet; thence South 21 degrees 09 minutes 19 seconds East a distance of 78.57 feet; thence South 18 degrees 19 minutes 12 seconds East a distance of 190.08 feet; thence South 26 degrees 25 minutes 05 seconds East a distance of 227.06 feet; thence South 46 degrees 46 minutes 51 seconds East a distance of 98.15 feet; thence South 33 degrees 47 minutes 16 seconds East a distance of 171.67 feet; thence South 23 degrees 42 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 90.20 feet; thence South 17 degrees 56 minutes 04 seconds East a distance of 178.92 feet; thence South 17 degrees 54 minutes 28 seconds East a distance of 132.38 feet; thence South 25 degrees 39 minutes 33 seconds East a distance of 126.20 feet;thence South 30 degrees 29 minutes 59 seconds East a distance of 103.92 feet; thence South 28 degrees 45 minutes 36 seconds East a distance of 250.67 feet to the south line of said Southeast Quarter of Section 33; thence North 89 degrees 34 minutes 22 seconds East, along said south line, a distance of 1060.22 feet to the point of beginning. E�CEPT that part lying southerly of north right of way line of Counry State Aid Highway No. 46 per DAKOTA COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO. 253 and DAKOTA COUNTY ROr�D RIGHT OF WAY Mr�P NO. 254, according to the recorded plats thereof, Dakota County,Minnesota. WHEREAS, on October 28, 2014, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing to review the IUP request from Dakota Aggregates; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion recommending that the City Council approve the interim use permit to allow operation of aggregate processing and recycled aggregate products processing; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion recommending that the City Council approve the Interim Use Permit subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on November 18, 2014, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendations; and WHEREAS, on November 18, 2014, the City Council of the City of Rosemount approved the interun use permit allo�ving operation of aggregate processing and recycled aggregate products processing; and NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the IUP for Dakota Aggregates LLC to allow operation of aggregate processing and recycled aggregate products processing, subject to the follo�ving conditions: 2 RESOLUTION 2014- 1. The University of Minnesota shall grant to the City,its agents, einployees, officers, and contractors and to any suret�� of Dakota Aggregates LLC performing Dakota Aggregate LLC's obligations and the agents, employees, officers, and contractors of the surety an irrevocable license,in a form approved by the City Attorney, to enter the Property to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City to enforce conditions imposed on the University to the extent the University engages in mineral extraction, or Dakota Aggregates, LLC in connection with permitting of mining operations on the Property,including�vork that the City elects to perform or requires the surery to perform as a result of the permittee's default. This license shall continue in effect until all mining operations on the Property are complete and all conditions imposed by the City have been complied with. 2. The term of the permit shall extend from November 19, 2014 until December 31, 2019 unless revoked prior to that for failure to comply with the permit requirements. 3. Crushing, screening,washing, and stockpiling at the aggregate processing facilit��may occur 24 houYS a day, 7 days a week. These hours may be adjusted if development occurs within 660 feet of the Ancillary Use Facility (AUF) that rezones anj�property to a nonagricultural zoning district. Loading and hauling at the aggregate processing facility may occur 24 hours a day, 7 days a week provided the loading and hauling does not allow trucks to back up or unload and the hauling conducted is for a construction contract requiring construction outside the normal operational hours. Trucks hauling outside of the 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Saturday shall access CSAH 46 either via the Station Trail access or the Akron Avenue access only and may not use Biscayne Avenue or any UMore roadway (Akron,Angus,Barbara or Blaine Avenues) to access CSAH 42. Trucks shall not use any locally designated road as part of their haul route except for the shortest route between the delivery site and the nearest County, State or U.S. highway. 4. Recycling aggregate products (Rr,P) shall not exceed 30% of the total aggregate production. An annual Yeport of the amount of mine aggregate processed and amount of RAP processed shall be submitted to the City by January 15`h of the year follo�ving issuance of the permit. 5. Protection equipment that is installed on hauling trucks, such as covers for the truck beds, shall be used while traveling on public roads. Non-use�vill be considered a violation of the permit condition. 6. Trucks may not be loaded heavier that the public haul roads posted weight restrictions. 7. A gate and thirty (30) feet of fencing on each side of the gate shall be installed at the Station Trail access. The gate shall be closed and locked when the mining or ancillary uses aYe not in operation. A knox box or similar devise shall be installed to provide emergencj�peYSOnaI access to the key for the lock. 8. Conformance with the City Engineer's Memorandum dated September 20, 2012. 9. The University of Minnesota (or designated entit��) shall obtain approval and/or concurrence from the MPCA regarding completion of appropriate investigations and/or actions taken in response to identified releases of hazardous substances, pollutants or contaminates as 3 RESOLUTION 2014- defined under l�iinn. Statute 115B, and as deemed reasonable and necessary by the MPCA. 10. Dakota Aggregates shall clean dirt and debris from streets that has resulted from extraction or hauling operations related to the l�2ineral Extraction Permit. r,fter Dakota rlggregates has received 24-hour verbal notice, the City will complete or contract to complete the clean-up at Dakota Aggregates' expense. In the event of a traffic hazard as determined by the City Adininistrator (or the Administrator's designee) or Rosemount Police Department, the City may proceed immediately to complete or contract cleanup at Dakota r,ggregates' expense without prior norification. 11. No topsoil shall be removed from the site and Dakota Aggregates shall take necessary measures to prevent erosion of the stockpiled topsoil. 12. Any costs incurred now or in the future in changing the location of e�sting public or private utilities including but not limited to pipelines, transmission structures, and sewer infrastructure located within the permit area shall be the sole obligation and expense of Dakota Aggregates. 13. All costs of processing the permit,including but not limited to planning fees, engineering fees, and legal fees, shall be paid by Dakota Aggregates prior to the issuance of the permit. Dakota Aggregates shall reimburse the City for the cost of periodic inspections by the City Administrator or any other City� employee for the purpose of insuring that conditions of the permit are being satisfied. Dakota Aggregates agrees to reunburse the City for any other costs incurred as a Yesult of the granting or enforcing of the permit. 14. Dakota r�ggregates shall furnish a certificate of comprehensive general liabiliry insurance issued by insurers duly licensed within the State of Minnesota in an amount of at least Five Hundred Thousand and no/100 ($500,000.00) Dollars for injury or death of any one person in any one occurrence, and at least One I�iillion Five Hundred Thousand and no/100 ($1,500,000.00) Dollars for injury or death of more than one person arising out of any one occurrence and damage liability in an amount of at least Two Hundred Fifty Thousand and no/100 ($250,000.00) Dollars arising out of any one occurrence. The policy of insurance shall name the City as an additional insured and shall remain in effect from November 19, 2012 until July 31, 2020. 15. Dakota Aggregates shall hold the City harmless from all claims or causes of action that may result from the granting of the perrYit. Dakota AggYegates shall indemnify the City for all costs, damages, or eYpenses,including but not limited to attorney's fees that the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims. 1 G. Truck operators within the ancillary use facility area shall not engage in practices involving slamming tailgates,viUrating boxes, using of"jake" or engine brakes (except in emergency situations) or other such activities that result in excessi�-e noise. 17. Dakota Aggregates shall incorpoYate best management practices for controlling dust, erosion, noise, and storm�vater runoff as specified by the I�Zinnesota Pollution Control Agency�and the United States Environmental Protection r'�gency and proposed in the suUmitted LSME application to the City. 4 RESOLUTION 2014- 18. Compliance�vith Dakota County Ordinances No. 110 and 111, as �vell as all other applicable Federal,Minnesota, Dakota Counry, and Rosemount regulations. Soil materials in the Propert��will be managed in accordance with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Be.rt Management Practice.i(BMPS�for the Of-Site Rear�e of Unregulated Fill. 19. Dakota Aggregates may not assign this permit without written approval of the City. Dakota Aggregates will be responsible for all requirements of this permit and all City ordinances on the licensed premises for the permit period unless Dakota Aggregates gives sixty (60) days prior written notice to the City of termination and surrenders permit to the City. Dakota r�ggregates shall identify all Operators prior to their commencement of aggregate processing-related activities in the pit area. The City shall have the authority to cause all aggregate processing or recycled aggregate product processing activities to cease at any time there is an apparent breach of the terms of this Permit. 20. Dakota Aggregates shall comply with such other requirements of the City Council as it shall from time to tune deem proper and necessary for the protection of the citizens and general welfare of the community. ADOPTED this 18`'' day of November, 2014 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Clarissa Hadler, Cit�- Clerk 5 Dakota Aggregates Miner-al Extraction and Aggregate Processing "�� � '�'�f.��`"��r-�s '�"' : � . .. � ,, � -' �����`���,}�E ���� _�' , �:- , � �t ,_ '.�t ��� 1'7 z,'� +� � �„�� � � a�- a� q� „ �i. � � ��°�,� ��� � ���:�� .i°;� ,p����:: ��� , , � .7�s�i: .�gr� r m ,�.'>^. _ ��,�J .�.'>�. 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Dakota County assumes no/ega!responsrbility for the information contained rn this data. 10/10/2014 �'�' MOYyi01.`C M�1I1f101130Y�lSi�li'iYi WWl fOYI ML9�U�LS6)�l1'J IIW-0!Y(LS6)3pN s cttss iw r...a te�a�s'e�si w w ma V.LOS3Nt�[ .d0 �SiS�ISAINII m '^ Wk � o S2JOA3�bf1S�SN33MqN3�S�DNNVId ..«M""A."�:a IlY'Id 91USYHd�li0lill�QdlD 8115 71YZ�A0 ��o� R Q� y„ � .�, u^ { V �� '��I II�H •b sawe� �"��-= o�,���do"�1�IIHIY( }RI�'d aio � � HIY � � , - � _ _ ,, ; . -� . V,;,..� ;,� ��Pti�°^'R ; 4:� I��.. , .,Yf� �„'� a. � ��.J"k#� � , � ' � . 4 . ' , ..'�' �,°'"'",. ,�.� 'q ;�!a' , . .,�*����y ,,ykyY � � .� .1. ..sy,.�..� . . �*}� ,, x �y . . � � . �yy�'}t ' u Y }3� `.t'�. g .. ��+'.'"Y� ' � �4 t i � � � . 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N Z _ � _ p ;Ww� ° � ° c " 000 Q - � � ....• .. � m _ _ _ _ _�____ _ __ � �V_ � Z � - � � o �o _ z�F___ _ _ 0 �y~'� ' w w w �� w w.i w..�..�..� w ww u...�w � rc rc ¢ m _ a � i. � a a �a 2 i : � .. . �n.u�vf ' I I I a � � � � � I . �'8 �1. � o.< � �0 � � ��'����0 0� f�'� � ' ,..... . Y , I I i � ndfe��s0 tl0i L.��- oxp�Sl-dOV��O-Zt9LL UMore Park Large Scale Non Metallic Mineral Extraction Annual Operating Permit Application for Dry/Wet Mining Sub-Phases lA-2B& North Dry Mining Phases lA,1B,2D&2C UMore Park City of Rosemount September 29, 2014 1. Land Owner• Regents of the University of Minnesota UMore Development LLC 1300 South 2"d Street, Suite 208 Minneapolis, MN 55455 2. A�plicant/Operator: Dakota Aggregates, LLC 2025 Centre Pointe Boulevard, Suite 300 Mendota Heights,MN 55120 (651) 688-9292 3. Le�al_Descr_ption of the Land upon which Excavation is active: That part South Half of Section 28, Township 1 15, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, lying westerly of the following described line; Commencing at the northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 28;thence South 89 degrees 48 minutes 43 seconds West, assumed bearing along the north line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 1058.90 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 18 degrees 23 minutes 48 seconds West a distance 1211.64 feet;thence South 07 degrees 11 minutes 26 seconds East a distance of 1472.46 feet; thence South 75 degrees 07 minutes 52 seconds East a distance of 126.03 feet to the south line of said Southeast Quarter and there terminating. EXCEPT the plat of i1NIVERSITY ADDITION, said Dakota County. AND Section 33, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota; EXCEPT the East 133.00 feet of the North 549.43 feet of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 33; EXCEPT the East 133.00 feet of the South 930.25 feet of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 33; also EXCEPT that part of said Northeast Quarter described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter;thence South 00 degrees 1 1 minutes 58 seconds West, assumed bearing along the East line of said Northwest Quarter,a distance of 800.63 feet;thence North 81 degrees 23 minutes 25 seconds West a distance of 40.76 feet;thence North 38 degrees 17 minutes 54 seconds West a distance of 819.06 feet; thence North 75 degrees 07 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 580.25 feet to the north line of said Northwest Quarter; thence North 89 degrees 51 seconds 14 seconds East, along said north line, a distance of 1111.53 feet to the point of beginning. AND 1 That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West, assumed bearing along the west line of said Northwest Quarter, a distance of 800.63 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described;thence continuing South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West, along said west line, a distance of 912.75 feet; thence North 89 degrees 51 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of 647.18 feet; thence North 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds East a distance of 813.16 feet;thence North 81 degrees 23 minutes 25 seconds West a distance of 654.21 feet to the point of beginning. AND That part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota Counry, Minnesota, lying southerly of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter;thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West, assumed bearing along the west line of said Southwest Quarter,a distance of 549.45 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 89 degrees 28 minutes 53 seconds East a distance of 2646.92 feet to the east line of said Southwest Quarter and there terminating And lying westerly, northwesterly and northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter;thence South 89 degrees 42 minutes 10 seconds East, along the south line of said Southwest Quarter, a distance of 2192.17 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described;thence North 04 degrees 21 seconds 18 seconds East a distance of 142.12 feet; thence North O1 degrees 12 minutes 32 seconds West a distance of 368.88 feet; thence North Ol degrees 58 minutes 09 seconds West a distance of 266.72 feet; thence northeasterly 194.60 feet, along tangential curve, concave to the southeast, having a central angle of 96 degrees 57 minutes 13 seconds and a radius of 115.00 feet; thence South 85 degrees 00 minutes 56 seconds East,tangent to last described curve, a distance of 157.25 feet; thence easterly 99.70 feet, along a tangential curve, concave to the north, having a central angle of 09 degrees 25 minutes 45 seconds and a radius of 605.84 feet; thence northeasterly 100.73 feet, along a reverse curve, concave to the northwest, having a central angle of 56 degrees O1 minutes 50 seconds and a radius of]03.00 feet to the west line of said Southwest Quarter and said line there terminating. 2 North Drv Mining Phases lA, 1B,2C&2D Annual Review Update North Dry Mining Phases: Sub phase lA: active mining (+/- 07.68 Acres) Sub phase 1B: active mining (+/- 10.05 Acres) Sub phase 2C: active mining (+/- 09.17Acres) Sub phase 2D: active except for approx. 3 acres to be opened in 2015 (+/- 08.12Acres) Total Acres North Dry Mining: (+/-35.02 Acres) Aggregate Material sold from January 1 2014- September 12, 2014: 155,000 Tons Aggregate stockpiles onsite as of September 12, 2014 Screened Sand: 207,000 Tons Screened Rock: 2,000 Tons Tons screened from January 1, 2014 through September 12,2014: 429,000 Tons of which approximately 65,000 Tons of rock was conveyed to the aggregate processing facility for mixing and production of various aggregate products. Dry/Wet Mining Sub-Phase lA-2B Annual Review Update: Dry/Wet Mining Phases: Sub phase lA: active mining (+/-25.32 Acres) Sub phase 1 B: active mining (+/- 18.21 Acres) Sub phase 2A: active except for approx.4 acres to be opened (+/- 17.03 Acres) Sub phase 2B: active except for approx. 14 acres to be opened (+/- 17.90 Acres) Total Acres Dry/Wet Mining: (+/-78.46 Acres) Material sold from January 1 2014- September 12, 2014: 441,000 Tons Aggregate Stockpiles in Aggregate Processing Facility as of September 12, 2014: Concrete Sand: 177,000 Tons Mason Sand: 24,000 Tons 3/8" Rock: 15,400 Tons #67 Rock: 11,500 Tons 1'/z" Rock: 4,100 Tons Tons Produced from January 1, 2014 through September 12, 2014: 554,176 Tons Recycled Ag�regate: TONS of RAP imported and processed January 1 2014- September 12, 2014: 30,000 Tons 3 Site Improvements Update: - 80 foot ornamental and power operated gate installed at Station Trail and County Road #46 - 50 foot ornamental and power operated gate to be installed at Akron Avenue in the Spring of 2015 - 50 foot custom gate on North Haul road at Akron - County Road#46 turn movement striping upgrades from Station Trail to Akron Avenue on County Road#46 - Internal road striping on Station Trail and Akron Avenue - Maintenance of existing trees situated on the berm abutting CSAH#46 including replacement of approximately 20 trees which were a victim of winter burn - Berm has been constructed behind the trees on the north side of the permitted North Dry mining phases and behind the tree line for added screening to the residents located north of County Road #42 and also to address the seasonal City of Rosemount opacity standards. - Berm Construction in progress abutting the North side of the North haul road to efficiently screen truck hauling operations. - Concrete curb and gutter and roadway pavement has been installed from Station trail at CSAH#46 up to the RAP yard and also from Akron Avenue up to the Asphalt Plant facility. The remainder of the concrete curb and gutter and roadway pavements section on l 58t" street will be completed in the Spring - Professional commercial entrance signage are scheduled for installation at both Akron and Station Trail entrances along#46 - Approximately 25 acres of area related to berms, ditch side slopes, common areas,and boulevards have been establislled with vegetation including over 65,000 Square yards of poly blanket this year alone. Cumulatively over 40 acres around the perimeter of the site have been established with permanent vegetation. - Electrical power looped From Station Trail to Akron Avenue - Construction of the North haul road for haul truck access onto County road#46. - Construction of the 10 acre Storm water Facility including permanent vegetation. Proposed Extension of Processin�Hours of Operation We would like to propose 24 hours of operation within the Wet- Dry Mining phases/aggregate processing facility and in the North Mining phases. Currently, under the permitted hours of operation, we are unable to produce an adequate supply of rock products for our customers. Both North Dry Mining and South Wet/Dry Mining operations are required to be operational 24 hours in 4 order to produce the quantity of rock products within the aggregate processing facility that are required to meet the market demand. The neighbors residing on the north side of County Road#42 will not be affected by 24 hours operation for there is over a mile of separation to the AUF processing wash plant and we have constructed a 40 plus foot berm to the north of the processing plant as welL In the North Dry Mining active phases we have constructed a berm to the north of the active phases behind the existing trees. Moreover, the North Dry Mining screening operations to date have not disrupted our neighbors during our pennitted hours of operation. Lighting that is required for nighttime operations will be shielded to prevent lights from being directed at traffic on public right of ways and will not exceed 1 lumen at the EIS boundary in order to not disturb the surrounding residential areas. To date we have hauled approximately 75,000 tons of material out of the aggregate processing area between the hours of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. with sufficient lighting and without complaints from residents so illuminated material processing during nighttime hours will not disrupt the residential areas adjacent to the facility. Proposed Extension of Truck Hauling Hours of Operation alon�the North Haul Road We would like to propose to extend our truck hauling hours to 24 hours a day in the North Mining phases which would utilize the north haul road to access Akron Avenue to County Road#42. A berm will be constructed abutting the north haul road to the north in order to screen truck hauling activities along the north haul road which is located approximately 1600 feet from the residents located on the north side of County Road #42. Additionally, a berm has been constructed behind the tree line which borders the active North Dry Mining phases to the north along the 130 acre mining buffer. This berm will be completed on a phase by phase basis as north mining activities progress. In line with MNDOT and other local agency guidelines, nighttime construction activities are required to occur to avoid peak hour traffic congestion to allow for increased safety along the roadways for the construction crews working at night. In 2014, we lost significant material sales out of the north mining phases to jobs where night hauling was required and the haul from County Road #46 out of the AUF increased the trucking time to where we were unable to be competitive. Truck hauling after the normal hours of operation utilizing the north haul road would be limited to public/MNDOT jobs only and not more than 5 jobs a year. 5 16C9-068(L56)-%tlj 6>09-068(dS6i'�3AOFd �°�_ �"° bbo9-BSOSS vrv'iHnorv35od'i53�%i33w5 tiio9�so9� '., I _ vios�xxr� 3o xsisx�niHn , � � ccess Hrv m,sw��e 'az�n��s�s,�oa•��M ocsa � m -, z i J'' S210A3Aaf1S/52133NI9N3/S213NNVld � -A-,» �� i� o� S Qo w'° ,°; �^� � I c��n � XYId 1f%INO�!l��S R NOLSOILi ONY NOIlYAY113N 3S(I ON3�AQB11U a � I II.H '� � �r e�os3� �rv3soa o �� �� OI,Ld8�d0 �HIHINi }I2IVd as�Y�III =� ��9 5 _ z�c_m�� ��` �e�s>g��y> �<���� �i - o� �� Us�m�o� ��_°�� � o�; ; � =s d�< o� p �sr�°� �� � ����<� ��' -"��"x�hsNN m"`°�' o� �` $"hF� o 's � �o�������_ �p�:� m� �: ���zoe �$ g �a �� e �° �z o�-Nad�'mmQQ� ��?��f so ao8s" �� �� ����i o �Fww'o if«'� . z -,� �,y a ���_� 3P � p: � �°" �`°�R59's_ °z�` ��," � `�m _ <$�°` T' $ ��6p@# 9�� $ � 9�A - S J�� z LL�+� �FR¢<� a� �� ��� I � ��`4 3 ��`�€ �yz o^ :m o���+,�o� � �z �' �v���a i?�vp§ �. pp��o� - <o -xro" _ " i� o « ��°`oi a��ja:Y R �p3p`yr - m: ��G���y,�,`&� `_"'�� o� ' -<se� $ve�'r I .�r � �.) - �9� ' i�e5 �m �� ��4.z�° A 9 ap5 a�.y�ie�m-"� =a"� - '.�i&at ",`-is3S; ai$�l�r �� - - ��" ��d - �� ����� y:,�,s >,� 3€'dy�l N �4 =�o�« :�4��y"�=- � � „ �o F e ��o� � �.d�A1 � - o ��s -'� �; ° m �� �� R� o� . � o o x N � " m<a� aa �� ��W' a �F� �; s�w=�= �F�3;� �� �a _ <- ��� Y�<oE��'�8�� o�,�igj �� �� z� � <a, �.6r°_.��s�€� �� _� _ �ys9� ,��,`�oh�<nva� �<«:� �zo �? i rp � v i �h �r � � ! h ii F N , F N�} �. i C � � Si �i h �� f � i M N * � h o d', � � p F ��� � � � g � F a � t�� !• !�, 3 ! h �' 1 � � � � !� !• h � � ��' I o ° �' �o 1 iid h � M j o � � ;•' I Q o �o M o F � i Q ; h F I } h � --- QI w oM�HVS� t. ---- _ ___ 6 � _ _ i_o_o, . ,I '__ . 4i 7 � h � � !� i' �fo ,� � =� I�'7 �, ��� � `�,��� � , -- , F • h � .� S �`�.t,b �/ �� � � �• � �'� �.�� ;� �. fh; F h�� � � �a`� ��� �p `` ''� ((� � � t _r� �� �, �(. ` .� f � M � � F `,3 - � ,��� �.�I--- \ i� � � ' . �\ �,�; . , " - , � � F h 'd h �'F ' ��� --� �rr � .� �� �i� j � �� , , � � ; , _ . _ ... i. , „ � :I�� , , - --� �I �_ M ' ,, � _. � � ; ' ` i �;�! �,�.`-F f �s� II"� F N M - - .� h L -:=—�- � � .y � --------- � - ' �----- - - --—s --- — `�r- h +i F -- -^t.-- �I-----o� o `.M1 I i h F ,' -- -- --� — - I ° :- , - - -- � � � ° i h F �,��� -F-- -_ t . �. � s:•(��' ' i !';, - � .s L� � i c;- f-- �,' .. ; , � , �' � -�.y...__._........h._.._�-,� wg � F F I F ; E�' ! 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CONSULTANTS • ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHNICAL • MATERIALS • FORENSICS 2013-2014 ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT UMore Mining Area Sections 33, 28, and 34, Township 115, Range 19W Rosemount, Minnesota AET Project No. 03-05081 Date: September 26, 2014 Prepared for: Dakota Aggregates, LLC 2025 Centre Pointe Blvd, Suite 300 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 www.amengtest.com w Z� A1IERIGI\ CONSULTANTS • ENVIRONMENTAL � E\GI�EERI\G • GEOTECHNICAL • MATERIALS � TEST��c� I�G . FORENSICS September 26, 2014 Mr. Patrick A. Bergin, PE Dakota Aggregates, LLC 2025 Centre Pointe Blvd, Suite 300 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 RE: 2013-2014 Annual Monitoring Report Sections 33, 28, and 34, Township 115, Range 19W Rosemount, Minnesota AET Project No. 03-05081 Dear Mr. Bergin: American Engineering Testing,Inc.(AET)has prepared this report for the above-referenced project in Rosemount, Minnesota. This report presents the results of the monthly groundwater monitoring and quarterly groundwater sampling that AET and Barr Engineering Co. (Barr) conducted at the Umore Mining Area for Dakota Aggregates, LLC in 2013 and 2014. In summary,AET and Barr have collected eight sets of groundwater elevations and quarterly water chemistry field measurements,including specific conductance,pH,temperature,redox potential,and turbidity. We have also collected five sets of groundwater samples that were analyzed for parameters specified in the Hydrogeologic Study and Water Monitoring Plan (WMP) prepared by Barr in September 2012.Based on our findings,we recommend decreasing same ofthe sampling parameters for 2014-2015 and continuing with semi-annual monitoring with slight adjustments to the monitoring schedule. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you on this project. If you have questions regarding the information in this report, please contact me. Sincerely, American Engineering Testing, Inc. �9-����� Jake T. Dalbec, PG Geologist Phone: (651) 603-6624 Email: jdalbec@amengtest.com Enclosures cc: Mr. Pat Mason, Dakota Aggregates, LLC cc: Mr. Eric Zweber, City of Rosemount cc: Mr. Steven Lott, University of Minnesota 550 Cleveland Avenue North�St.Paul, MN 55114 Phone 651-659-9001IToll Free 800-972-6364 IFax 651-659-1379 �www.amengtest.com�AA/EEO A� This document shall not be reproduced,except in full,without written approval from American Engineering Testing,Inc ` 2013-2014 ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT UMore Mining Area Rosemount, Minnesota AET Project No. 03-05081 September 26,2014 Prepared for: Prepared by: Dakota Aggregates, LLC American Engineering Testing, Inc. 2025 Centre Pointe Blvd, Suite 300 550 Cleveland Avenue North Mendota Heights, MN 55120 St. Paul, MN 55114 (651) 659-9001/www.amengtest.com Attn: Mr. Patrick A. Bergin, PE Report Authored By: Report Reviewed By: 09-��� ���-����'�� Jake T. Dalbec, PG Kathryn J. Kleiter, PG Geologist Principal Hydrogeologist Manager, Environmental Engineering Dept. Copyright 2014 American Engineering Testing,Inc. All Rights Reserved Unauthorized use or copying of thrs document is strictly prohibited by anyone other than the client for the specifrc project. TABLE OF CONTENTS 2013-2014 ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT UMore Mining Area Rosemount,Minnesota AET Project No. 03-05081 September 26,2014 1.0 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION....................................................................................................... 1 3.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES............................................................................................................2 4.0 GROUNDWATER MONITORING RESULTS ......................................................................4 4.1 Water Level Elevations.......................................................................................................4 4.2 General Chemistry Parameters............................................................................................4 4.3 Microbiological................................................................................................................... 5 4.4 Metals.................................................................................................................................. 6 4.5 SVOCs................................................................................................................................6 4.6 VOCs................................................................................................................................... 6 4.7 Pesticides............................................................................................................................. 6 4.8 DRO.................................................................................................................................... 7 5.0 DISCUSSION........................................................................................................................... 7 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS..........................................................................................................9 7.0 STANDARD OF CARE......................................................................................................... 10 TABLES 1. Monitoring Device Completion Information 2. Groundwater Elevations 3. Analytical Groundwater Data FIGURES 1. Site Location Map 2. Site Map 3a. Groundwater Contour Map (5/21/14 Shallow Monitoring Wells) 3b. Groundwater Contour Map (8/21/14 Shallow Monitoring Wells) 4a. Groundwater Contour Map (5/21/14 Deep Monitoring Wells) 4b. Groundwater Contour Map (8/21/14 Deep Monitoring Wells) APPENDICES A. Methods and Procedures B. Original Barr Data C. June 2014 Laboratory Analytical Reports D. MN DNR Water Level Data E. References 2013-2014 ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT UMore Mining Area Rosemount, Minnesota AET Project No. 03-05081 September 26, 2014 1.0 INTRODUCTION Dakota Aggregates, LLC obtained a mining extraction permit from the City of Rosemount for an aggregate mine in Rosemount, Minnesota. As part ofthe permitting process, Barr Engineering Co. (Barr)prepared the"Hydrogeologic StZrdy and Water Monitoring Plan"(WMP)dated September 2009 for Dakota Aggregates,LLC. The WMP outlines procedures to collect data on selected groundwater chemistry and flow characteristics as they may relate to the local baseline groundwater chemistry, mining and ancillary use facility (AUF) operations, and timely detection of various potential contaminants before they may reach future City of Rosemount water supply wells.The nearest City of Rosemount water supply well is proposed to be 1,900 feet northeast and downstream from the mining area. The purpose of this report is to present the monitoring results from April 2013, to August 2014, in accordance with the reporting requirements stipulated in the WMP. In this report, we present the results from eight sets of groundwater elevations, five sets of water chemistry field measurements, and five sets of groundwater samples that were analyzed for parameters specified in the WMP. 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The AUF and relevant portions of the UMore Mining Area (UMA) located within the City of Rosemount are hereafter collectively referred to as the Site. The Site is located in Section 33 and portions of 28 and 34, Township 1 15, Range 19W, Dakota County, Minnesota, and comprises approximately 946 acres in the northwestern corner of UMore Park (Figure 1). Approximately 20 to 180 feet of unconsolidated glacial deposits primarily consisting of sand,gravel, and till overly an erosional bedrock surface(Barr,2012). Sand and gravel will be extracted from the surface of the majority of the Site. There will be both wet and dry mining phases and the wet mining phases will resu(t in a groundwater lake approximately 132 acres in surface area. For further information regarding the background, setting, Site history, and previous investigations, proposed mining activities, and hydrogeologic setting, please refer to the WMP. For this monitoring period, six monitoring wells have been installed on the Site(Figure 2) by Barr and AET in accordance with the WMP and requests by the City of Rosemount. The six monitoring wells (RMW-3S, RMW-3D, RMW-4S, RMW-4D, RMW-SS, and RMW-SD) were installed as nested wells where "S" wells indicate a screened interval in the shallow outwash aquifer and "D" Dakota Aggregates,LLC 2013-2014 Annual Monitoring Report UMore Mining Area Page 2 of 10 AET Project No.03-05081 September 26,2014 wells indicate a screened interval in the deep outwash aquifer. An existing monitoring well, MW- B 1-001,was installed prior to completion of the WMP and was incorporated into the WMP for the initial stages of groundwater monitoring. Monitoring well completion information is included in Table l. 3.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES For this reporting period, Dakota Aggregates, LLC authorized AET to provide the following services. Groundwater Elevation Monitoring • Purchased and installed self-recording pressure transducer/data loggers(i.e.TROLLs)in two monitoring wells (RMW-4s and RMW-Ss) located on the Site. • Conducted monthly manual measurements of groundwater elevation in RMW-3s,RMW-3d, RMW-4s, RMW-4d, RMW-Ss, RMW-Sd, and MW-B1-001. Note, monthly manual measurements of groundwater were also collected in the Production We((once the Minnesota Department ofNatural Resources(MN DNR)Appropriations Permit 2014-0244 details were clarified by the MN DNR in June 2014. • Downloaded TROLL data concurrently with each monthly manual groundwater elevation measurement event,tracked TROLL data in a spreadsheet, and processed the TROLL data. Groundwater Quality Monitoring—First Semiannual Sampling Event One field duplicate sample and one equipment blank sample were collected during the June groundwater sampling event for quality control. Additionally, field parameters including specific conductance, pH, temperature, redox potential, and turbidity were measured while purging and/or upon sampling each monitoring well. In accordance with your requested scope of services and the WMP, AET collected groundwater samples from the following monitoring wells for laboratory analysis of the following parameters: • Baseline sampling of RMW-4s and MW-B1-001 which included laboratory analysis of: o Glyphosate o Total coliform o [Organochlorine pesticides, Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) List 1 pesticides, MDA List 2 pesticides] (pesticides) o [Total phosphorus, total cyanide, bicarbonate as CAC03, carbonate as CO3, chloride, nitrate+ nitrite as N, sulfate, total dissolved solids TDS] (general chemistry) Dakota Aggregates,LLC 2013-2014 Annual Monitoring Report UMore Mining Area Page 3 of 10 AET Project No.03-05081 September 26,2014 o [Dissolved arsenic,dissolved beryllium,dissolved calcium,dissolved copper,dissolved iron, dissolved lead, dissolved magnesium, dissolved mercury, dissolved potassium, dissolved sodium, dissolved thallium] (metals) o Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) o Diesel range organics (DRO) o Semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) limited to 2,4-dinitrotoluene and 2,6- dinitrotoluene • "Routine" sampling of RMW-3s, RMW-3d, RMW-4d, RMW-Ss, and RMW-Sd which included laboratory analysis of: o Total coliform o General chemistry o Pesticides (minus MDA List 2 Pesticides which were not detected in the previous four baseline sampling events) o Metals o VOCs o DRO Reporting For reporting services, AET: • Reported water level elevation data to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR) in spreadsheet format by July l SI and soon by October lst as required by Dakota Aggregates' Water Appropriations Permit No. 2014-0244 once the TROLLs were installed. • Transferred data including electronic data deliverables(EDDs),laboratory reports,and water level elevations to the City of Rosemount, Dakota County,and the Client after the first AET monitoring/sampling event with this annual report. • Prepared this annual report summarizing data collected from the quarterly sampling events and monthly water level measurements. The general methods and procedures followed by AET during the course of this project are summarized in Appendix A. These methods and procedures are in general conformance to the methods and procedures outlined in the WMP. Significant deviations, if any, from the standard methods as presented are discussed within the text of this report. Dakota Aggregates,LLC 2013-2014 Annual Monitoring Report UMore Mining Area Page 4 of 10 AET Pro�ect No.03-05081 September 26,2014 4.0 GROUNDWATER MONITORING RESULTS The groundwater sampling events for this period were conducted in April 2013, September 2013, November 2013,March 2014,and June 2014.The groundwater monitoring elements included water levels, general chemistry parameters, and the other analytical parameters specified in the scope above.Barr conducted the groundwater sampl ing through the March 2014 event and their data tables that were provided to AET are included in Appendix B. AET conducted the June 2014 sampling event.The analytical chemistry data is included in Table 3 and the laboratory analytical reports from the June 2014 event are included in Appendix C. 4.1 Water Level Elevations Water level elevations are listed in Table 2 and are shown on Figures 3A, 3B, 4A,and 4B. Figures 3A and 3B show groundwater contours forthe shallow monitoring wells(RMW-SS,RMW-3S,MW- B 1-001, RMW-4S) and Figures 4A and 4B show groundwater contours for deep monitoring wells (RMW-SD,RMW-4D,and RM W-3D). Groundwater contours for the shal(ow and deep monitoring wells were depicted separately because of a confining glacial till layer that exists between each independently screened interval at the nested well locations. The groundwater levels in the wells on the dates of monitoring ranged from elevation 880.11 to 891.72. The higher groundwater elevations thus far are consistently in RMW-SS whereas the lower groundwater elevations have been in RM W-3D. The hydraulic gradient was measured to be 0.003 foot per foot from the contour maps. 4.2 General Chemistry Parameters The general chemistry parameters were either measured in the field or measured in a laboratory.The general chemistry parameters above reporting limits for the sampled monitoring wells were statistically analyzed and a summary is presented in the following table: 2013-2014 Groundwater General Chemistry Parameter Statistics Parameter Average Minimum Maximum Standard Deviation Dissolved oxygen 6.67 mg/L 1.07 mg/I 10.75 mg/I 2.67 mg/I pH 7.22 6.50 7.79 0.24 Redox (oxidation 57.73 mV -81.00 mV 222.00 mV 58.26 mV potential) Specific Conductance @ 751.16 450.00 1169.00 161.90 25°C umhos/cm umhos/cm umhos/cm umhos/com Temperature 10.23 °C 9.19 °C 12.32 °C 0.77°C Turbidity 13.08 NTU 0.28 NTU 129.00 NTU 31.76 NTU Dakota Aggregates,LLC 2013-2014 Annual Monitoring Report UMore Mining Area Page 5 of 10 AET Project No.03-05081 September 26,2014 2013-2014 Groundwater General Chemistry Parameter Statistics Parameter Average Minimum Maximum Standard Deviation Alkalinity,bicarbonate,as CaCO3 266.63 mg/I 129.00 mg/I 347.00 mg/I 39.58 mg/I Chloride 33.16 mg/I 6.70 mg/I 100.00 mg/I 100.00 mg/I Cyanide 17.95 µg/I 16.90 µg/I 19.00 µg/I 19.00 µg/I Nitrate+Nitrite,as N 7.46 mg/I 0.17 mg/I 13.00 mg/I 13.00 mg/I Nitrogen, Nitrate as N 10.22 mg/I 8.30 mg/I 12.00 mg/I 12.00 mg/I Phosphorus,total,as P 0.08 mg/I 0.01 mg/I 1.20 mg/I 1.20 mg/I Solids,total dissolved 398.11 mg/I 140.00 mg/I 810.00 mg/I 810.00 mg/I Sulfate,as SO4 26.87 mg/I 6.70 mg/I 65.00 mg/I 65.00 mg/I mg/I=milligrams per liter µg/I=micrograms per liter mV= millivolts C=centigrade NTU =nephelometric turbidity unit umhos/cm =micro siemens per centimeter 4.3 Microbiological Total coliforms were detected at different counts throughout the past monitoring period as shown in the following table: Summary of Total Coliforms Results Well Location/Date Apr-13 Sep-13 Nov-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 MW-B1-001 N/A 1 cfu/100 ml 1 cfu/100 ml ND >1 cfu/100 ml RMW-5S 133 cfu/100 ml ND 2 cfu/100 ml ND >1 cfu/100 ml RMW-5D 5 cfu/100 ml ND 10 cfu/100 ml ND >1 cfu/100 ml RMW-35 165 cfu/100 ml N/A N/A N/A 1700 cfu/100 ml RMW-3D 3 cfu/100 ml ND 1 mpn/100 ml ND ND RMW-4S N/A ND 1 mpn/100 ml 19 cfu/100 ml ND RMW-4D 6 cfu/100 ml ND 1 mpn/100 ml ND ND Equip Blank N/A N/A N/A N/A >1 cfu/100 ml N/A= Not analyzed ND = Not detected above laboratory reporting limits mpn = most probable number cfu =colony forming unit ml = milliliter Dakota Aggregates,LLC 2013-2014 Annual Monitoring Report UMore Mining Area Page 6 of 10 AET Project No.03-05081 September 26,2014 4.4 Metals Calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, and sodium were the only metals detected above laboratory reporting limits in the groundwater samples collected over this last sampling period. Copper was only measured once in RMW-3S at 6 µg/1 during the June 2014 sampling event. 4.5 SVOCs No SVOCs were detected above (aboratory reporting limits during any of the sampling events.The herbicide glyphosate(Roundup)also was not detected above laboratory reporting limits during any of the sampling events. 4.6 VOCs Only one VOC, dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon), was detected above laboratory reporting limits during this past monitoring period. Freon was detected at low concentrations three times in RM W- 4S, twice in RMW-3D, and once in RMW-SD as shown in the following table: Summary of Dichlorodifluoromethane Results Parameter/Date Apr-13 Sep-13 Nov-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 MW-61-001 N/A ND ND ND ND RMW-5S ND ND ND ND ND RMW-5D ND ND ND 1.1 µg/I ND RMW-35 ND N/A N/A N/A ND RMW-3D ND ND ND 1.6µg/I 2.1µg/I RMW-4S ND 8.5 µg/I 6.8µg/I 1.9µg/I ND RMW-4D ND ND ND ND ND Equip Blank N/A N/A N/A N/A ND N/A= Not analyzed ND= Not detected above laboratory reporting limits µg/I= micrograms per liter 4.7 Pesticides Four pesticides, a-BHC, aldrin, desethylatrazine, and heptachlor were detected during this past monitoring period. Since the pesticides were measured at very low concentrations,we have summed the individual pesticide concentrations for each well during each sampling event to simplify the pesticide resuits below: Dakota Aggregates,LLC 2013-2014 Annual Monitoring Report UMore Mining Area Page 7 of 10 AET Project No.03-05081 September 26,2014 Summary of Pesticides Results(Non-Specific Summed Pesticide Totals) Parameter/Date Apr-13 Sep-13 Nov-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 MW-61-001 ND ND ND ND ND RMW-55 0.191 µg/I 0.15 µg/I 0.14µg/I 0.16µg/I ND RMW-5D ND 0.10µg/I 0.10µg/I 0.11µg/I ND RMW-3S 0.039µg/I N/A N/A N/A ND RMW-3D 0.041µg/I ND ND ND ND RMW-4S N/A ND ND 0.082µg/I ND RMW-4D 0.030µg/I ND ND 0.065µg/I ND Equip Blank N/A N/A N/A N/A ND N/A= Not analyzed ND= Not detected above laboratory reporting limits µg/I= micrograms per liter 4.8 DRO DRO was only detected above laboratory reporting limits during the April 2013 and June 2014 sampling events. Measured DRO concentrations were less than 2 mg/1 with all of the DRO concentrations measured at less than 0.3 mg/l except the RMW-4D sample collected in June 2014. A summary of the DRO results is provided in the table below: Summar of DRO Results Parameter Date A r-13 Se -13 Nov-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 MW-B1-001 N A ND ND ND ND RMW-5S 0.170 m 1 ND ND ND ND RMW-5D 0.160 m 1 ND ND ND ND RMW-3S 0.110 m 1 N A N A N A 0.15 m 1 RMW-3D 0.290 m 1 ND ND ND ND RMW-4S N A ND ND ND ND RMW-4D 0.230 m 1 ND ND ND 1.5 m 1 E ui Blank N A N A N A N A ND N/A=Not analyzed ND= Not detected above laboratory reporting limits m 1 =milli rams er liter 5.0 DISCUSSION In addition to the originally proposed scope of services, water levels were also measured in the Production Well in accordance with MN DNR Appropriations Permit 2014-0244. The continuous water level monitoring data from RMW-4S and RMW-5S and the manually measured Production Well water level data submitted to the MN DNR are included in Appendix D. The Production Well is located 600 feet southwest of monitoring well RM W-4S (Figure 2). Dakota Aggregates,LLC 2013-2014 Annual Monitoring Report UMore Mining Area Page 8 of l0 AET Project No.03-05081 September 26,2014 The Production Well is open hole within the Prairie Du Chien group 172 feet below ground surface whereas the monitoring wells are screened in the unconsolidated glacial sediments which overlay the Prairie Du Chien Group and St. Peter Sandstone. Therefore, groundwater elevation data from the Production Well should not be combined with the groundwater elevation data from the monitoring wells for purposes of the groundwater contouring because the wells are set within different hydrogeologic units. Based on Figures 3A and 3B,the Production Well or mining activities may be lowering the groundwater elevation southwest of RMW-4S (see Figures 3A and 3B). The groundwater elevations of the shallow monitoring wells indicate that local groundwater flow maybe highly variable near the ground surface. The groundwater elevations in the deep monitoring wells are consistent with a regional groundwater flow direction to the northeast also discussed in the WMP. Groundwater elevation data were not collected at each well on the same day until monthly water level monitoring activities commenced in May 2014. Future efforts will be made to measure water levels within all monitoring wells prior to sampling in order to have water levels measured on the same day rather than different days due to the amount of time necessary to sample all the wells. Same-day water level measurements will result in more accurate groundwater flow direction interpretations that may be correlated with the groundwater chemistry measured during sampling events. The first sampling event did not occur in MW-B1-001 and RMW-4S until September 2013. Consequently, baseline sampling (four sampling events) of those wells was recently completed in June 2014. Some parameters were not sampled in the other monitoring wells during the June 2014 semi-annual sampling event because those wells were being sampled for the fifth time and were considered to be in the routine sampling phase,as specified in the WMP. Section 5.1.5 ofthe WMP indicates that nitrates, pesticides, and DNT "may be sampled on a reduced frequency if baseline monitoring indicates that these are not detected in groundwater" (Barr, 2012). The only exception was RMW-3S,which has not yet been successfully sampled four times. RM W-3S was indicated as being dry during the September 2013 and November 2013 events and has only been successfully sampled twice for analysis of groundwater chemistry as of June 2014 due to the unreliable presence of water within the well. Only 0.66 feet of water column was measured during sampling of RMW-3S in June 2014. Such a low water volume in RMW-3S resulted in a very turbid water sample because sampling was only possible via use of a disposable bailer and rope. It should be noted that the highest turbidity and total coliform results were measured in this sample which was collected from RM W-3S during its lowest measurable water level. Dakota Aggregates, LLC 2013-2014 Annual Monitoring Report UMore Mining Area Page 9 of 10 AET Project No.03-05081 September 26,2014 The general chemistry parameters appear to be consistent with typical concentrations for groundwater within unconsolidated glacial deposits,except for what appear to be random detections of cyanide, spikes in turbidity, and consistent low levels of nitrate + nitrite as nitrogen. Spikes in turbidity may partially be attributed to sampling methods(e.g.bailer vs.Grunfos submersible pump) or lingering fines present in the newly installed wells.The consistent low levels of nitrate+nitrite as nitrogen detected within each of the wells during most of the sampling events may be attributed to agricultural activities including the use of fertilizers. Further laboratory analysis of some of the samples collected by Barr during the November 2013 sampling event indicated that the nitrogen detected was in the form of nitrate. The highest counts of total coliform appear to be within the shallow monitoring wells. As Barr has indicated with their data qualifiers, some the total coliform data appear to be suspect based on laboratory estimated results. Furthermore, total coliform reported units appear to be inconsistent when compared from sample to sample. It is possible that total coliform may result from manure spreading and other agriculture activities on and around the Site; however, it is unlikely these contaminants migrate easily from the ground surface to the groundwater table over 50 feet below the ground surface. It is more likely that the presence of total coliform may be a cross contaminant. Future concerted efforts will be made to disinfect sampling equipment prior to collecting a total coliform sample and minimizing potential cross-contamination from the ground surface around the well with sampling equipment and bottles. No contaminant trends are apparent from the groundwater chemistry data collected thus far.Many of the contaminant concentrations appear to be very low and contaminant detections appear to be sporadic in their occurrence.The metals concentrations measured in the groundwater samples appear to be consistent with typical background concentrations for metals within groundwater found in unconso(idated glacial sediments. Trends, if any, in the groundwater data, may become more apparent as the WMP continues to be implemented and more groundwater data is collected. Line graphs will be provided for various contaminants of interest in the 2014-2015 Annual Monitoring Report if the selected contaminants are consistently detected above reporting limits and further visual depiction of the groundwater chemistry results is warranted. 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the results from 2013-2014 groundwater sampling and monitoring, we recommend decreasing some of the sampling parameters for 2014-2015 and continuing with the semi-annual monitoring frequency with adjustments to the monitoring schedule. Since there were no detections of 2-4-dinitrotoluene, 2-6-dinitrotoluene, glyphosate, and MDA List 2 Pesticides above laboratory reporting limits during any of the baseline sampling events thus far, we recommend reducing the sampling of these parameters to once per year in accordance with Section 5.1.5 of the WMP. Dakota Aggregates,LLC 2013-2014 Annual Monitoring Report UMore Mining Area Page 10 of 10 AET Project No.03-05081 September 26,2014 Based on the continued agricultural use of lands immediately surrounding the active mining area,we recommend shifting the timing of the semi-annual sampling events to May and November of next year. Access to each of the wells may be easier during these months since there may be less crops and accumulated snowfall,both of which can prohibit travel to and from the remote monitoring well locations. We also recommend collecting one equipment blank sample for total coliform immediately before and after each future semi-annual sampling event based on the inconsistent total coliform results measured in the groundwater samples thus far. Other than the changes specified above, we recommend continuing monitoring and sampling in 2014-2015 in accordance with the WMP approved for this project. 7.0 STANDARD OF CARE The data derived through this monitoring program have been used to develop our opinions about the subsurface conditions at this site. Monitoring data represents point-in-time information for a specific location and variations are to be expected between monitoring locations as well as normal seasonal and yearly changes. The scope of services for this project was based on the parameters established in the WMP. AET has endeavored to perform its services for this project in a manner consistent with the level of skill and care ordinarily exercised by other members of the profession currently practicing in this area and under similar conditions. Other than this,no warranty,express or implied,is made. AET is available upon request to explore and review differing site conditions identified during the operations of the mine. Ta bles AET Project No. 03-05081 Table 1 -Monitoring Device Completion Information 2013-2014 Annual Monitoring Report UMore Mining Area AET Project No. 03-05081 Top of Bottom of Minnesota Ground Screen/Staff Total Well Monitoring Well ID Riser Screen Number Unique ID Date Installed Surface Elevation Elevation Interval(Elev.- Depth from Number Elevation Elev.) Surface(feet) (feet MSL) (feet MSL) RMW-3S 786792 4/10/2013 948.68 951.06 889.2 899.2-889.2 59.5 RMW-3D 786793 4/9/2013 948.76 951.19 804.8 814.8-804.8 144.0 RMW-4S 780925 8/9/2013 943.85 946.23 870.9 890.9-870.9 73.0 RMW-4D 786794 4/16/2012 944.10 946.64 791.1 806.1-791.1 153.0 RMW-SS 786795 4/15/2013 954.77 957.30 867.8 887.8-867.8 87.0 RMW-SD 786796 4/l5/2013 954.86 957.48 833.9 843.9-833.9 121.0 MW-B 1-001 769496 1/8/2009 948.00 949.29 877.0 887.0-877.0 71.0 Production Well 795453 8/19/2013 947.35 948.89 647.4 g19.4-647.4 300.0 (o en hole) Notes: 1. Elevations provided by James R. Hill, Inc. 2. Bottom of Screen, Screen Interval,and Total Depth are rounded to the nearest tenth of a foot Table 2-Groundwater Elevations 2013-2014 Annual Monitoring Report UMore Mining Area AET Project No. 03-05081 Minnesota Top of Riser Groundwater Monitoring Well ID Unique ID Elevation Measurement Depth to Water Elevation Number Number (feet MSL) Date (feet) (feet MSL) 9/24/2013 63.86 885.43 11/11/2013 63.90 885.39 3/26/2014 64.11 885.18 MW-61-001 769496 94929 5/21/2014 63.65 885.64 6/17/2014 63.21 886.08 7/17/2014 62.06 88723 8/21/2014 61.82 887.47 4/24/2013 61.10 889.96 9/25/2013 DRY DRY 11/12/2013 DRY DRY RMW-3S 786792 951.06 3/26/2014 62.03 889.03 5/21/2014 61.66 889.4 6/17/2014 61.3 889.76 7/17/2014 59.98 891.08 8/21/2014 59.59 886.64 4/24/2013 69.23 881.96 9/25/2013 68.86 882.33 11/12/2013 68.94 882.25 RMW-3D 786793 951.19 3/26/2014 69.20 881.99 5/21/2014 68.70 882.49 6/17/2014 68.15 883.04 7/17/2014 67.22 883.97 8/21/2014 66.41 884.78 9/24/2013 62.37 883.86 11/12/2013 62.48 883.75 3/26l2014 62.75 883.48 RMW-4S 780925 946.23 5/21/2014 61.79 884.44 6/17/2014 61.26 884.97 7/17/2014 60.32 885.91 8/21l2014 59.59 886.64 4/25/2013 66.53 880.11 9/24/2013 62.20 884.44 11/12/2013 62.18 884.46 RMW-4D 786794 946.64 3/26/2014 62.54 884.10 5/21/2014 62.11 884.53 6/17/2014 61.57 885.07 7/17/2014 60.41 886.23 8/21l2014 59.6 887.04 4/25/2013 68.29 889.01 9/23/2013 68.22 889.08 11/11/2013 68.13 889.17 RMW-5S 786795 957.30 3/26/2014 68.48 888.82 5/21/2014 67.5 889.8 6/17/2014 66.98 890.32 7/17/2014 65.96 891.34 8/21/2014 65.58 891.72 Page 1 of 2 9/12/2014 2:51 PM \\stp-fileservl\Data\03-ENV\Projects\03-05001-05200\03-05081 UMore Groundwater\Report\Tables\03-05081 UMore GW Table 2 Table 2 -Groundwater Elevations 2013-2014 Annual Monitoring Report UMore Mining Area AET Project No. 03-05081 Minnesota Top of Riser Groundwater Monitoring Well ID Unique ID Elevation Measurement Depth to Water Elevation Number Number (feet MSL) Date (feet) (feet MSL) 4/24/2013 68.51 888.97 9/23/2013 68.35 889.13 11/11/2013 68.39 889.09 RMW-SD 786796 957.48 3/26/2014 68.65 888.83 5/21/2014 67.73 889.75 6/17/2014 67.2 890.28 7/17/2014 66.17 891.31 8/21/2014 65.82 891.66 6/18/2014 62.1 886.79 Production Well 795453 948.89 7/17/2014 63.63 885.26 8/21/2014 60.58 888.31 DRY-No water present in well Page 2 of 2 9/12/2014 2:51 PM \\stp-fileservl\Data\03-ENV\Projects\03-05001-05200\03-05081 UMore Groundwater\Report\Tables\03-05081 UMore GW Table 2 E �1 �V � c c ,2 �5��0 °� 5,�° 5��� 3 _ ��E?�°,� EE IiEEE i � r � a 4 �,NE"o `Ec ` E`c �I` �,5,` � ` z o?p z E o E o E I I�E E I K � 3 ` °E° E°c °o � 5� °5� 5,rn � ii � � � � �< E �� o8R � � �8� ^Oo a -- V c o < << ;5� 5;` a 5� 5.5��, � E i'E o E� E�c 3 , z o E° � E i i n E t � � � I M - N � EryE^vi`E=5, `��p� 0 5�5�w` w5� 5�m � � ` e�m E I I n E E 1 V �$H _ V � -- W �' 0 3 , z E$E"oE' EE'° i i EE�' i �'S�S��� w5� 5�a5, � c - m � \ � In a,m � O 7 � p m a� C p � `o m - c O 5" - o - A � > �c 2 W i0 = 'u 3 Ch N '° f � y � E ��� e p u � �� 6 y E::°n C' Vl �a`g ° E i3� _ � N A �� � m a c o Q y o E co Q M sm H r^ ^°� - o ,-�n v�� m rr. 5� � H 3'E� , �' � 5��, _ �, 5, �' � w f 9 0 � N � (0 � 3 � c S$ ------ nRRS�m RR R�ARARRSA°� �d$ o a`� (� N �V a a a a a a a a aQ a a a a a a a a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o i i i QQ Q c� p N Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 2 Z Z Z Z Z Z 2 Z 2 Z .�� .�.0 N.N N��� Z Z Z C �'� O O O O O O O O O O�� � � � � � M O O � �I � N � N : � '-° U O U �^ O � a �rv U O O � y O a � �� zzz � � O u Y �" n� q� ���'1O2 o c c' M ., o �a U q �z=E9°p c°�� o o¢ O V - � �n� z 2 m u o E --�u N °U 2� �'u m+ v v 10_ A m �E E r '� �E E ��N U a � v° �d.eYY s`-�°-�e rna 9�r", `u `u c��n �����a oo� N � oo s a$ �a a u ci z z z a �� ¢m�u_���8 � a 5 z w c� 0 m N � .-`�- Z o `r � � o_ N t� p�N a m •- N a rn � y � � � �mam�m�mma��� ���a � ��mammm�°m-�a�a�m�a�- -aam�a�`�m�� ����� 3 , � z ' o � ���� 3 � z '� � � o � w5�a5�a5�5,5�`�5�3��,��5�3�5�5� 3�5�5,5,3�`5� 5�m5�m5,��5�5�m5� 5�5�5,�5��,5,�5�m5��5�5�5�5�5�w 3 , � o � � a n � c a ° ^ 5� 5�5�5�5��5�5�5�5,5�3,��5. 5�5�5�m5���,; 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"`RM W 5 S "`� ' . �(889 80) �4� �w r co � �� � � '� �, 4, c�„�� � m .�t� + ,. �.v � U, o o� � � � � � RMW-4D� � o �q� $a �65 � � „�. ; ,-� .b,�, . �. �,,��RMW-4S � r ,_.. � g�6��4j��-� .!R"'.�(884.,14�, aR � � W � � �e�. � -&` ``� � �"* � v ` `- � �Production Well � � � ��� �� �, � �� " � . �s�� +� .w�; � � �e �r � ,� � .,..,�,o,'. � �`s��- ,a�� � t + � �,;u: .��r�i ��i�;���; �« ��F �� . � � . . � ���`����: � . �R , � , _ � � � 1_ ,-, .. . . . � �a. ; "l.:.a„� 'W^" �.a"" "y ?y f .. .. . .. ... :.�.#�.°.� � � � . �E"ap� �� , # . ; � w � � n� �a .�:� "k �a.�.._ .. , , � . -• a. ti ..,. ,�:».»,.,«, � x � „ , r . , . .... _ ��+��'�"` . { _� . .�,..� _ . � •# Y :� �� � '' � � ,. Legend �I'� 7 ` , ' ��. 1 � -.� , � ���,�� � Monitoring Well � w � � � m f Groundwater Conrour � ��x��� � > � (Elevation in feet above Mean Sea Level) '��.� � }'� � � UMore Mining Area ' i '��� � � ,�.� { �<� �1r �� .��� Source:High Resolution Orthoimagery, F�g U re 3/q DakotaCounty,Minnesota,Spnng2013 Groundwater Contour Map AMERICAN (5/21/14 Shallow Monitoring Wells) � N 2013- 2014 Annual Monitorin Re ort ENGINEERING UMore Mining Area TESTI NG, �NC o soo ,zoo Sections 33, 28, and 34, Township 115, Range 19W - Rosemount, Minnesota Feec Date:09/12/2014 AET Project No.03-05081 File:UMMA_Fig3A_GVW52114-SH.mxd Date�.09/12/2014 ' r ° �� 43 , R � .,�, +�'"� „'t` w�`�� '1h �. „'� t+ w �. .e- �'* � "� �, ``�° , �w, " ���'a � 5 � �1'�; �� � ''� ��} �` �, �' �'� � �� �� ,p �"E r a��u.� � "���1. � � s T�q�.�' , , � ; y � �� � �,d� '�i � � *'���"�ta� �tl 'i~�'��- y:�°.M t��.����'E +G���� �� � i�. � y#r� � ��� �'` .�� � ��,„�'t f �.�� A�� �, � �M � ��;� ,..2��t��.:4="'"+..�' :€ �_., y a 1..,��� , . .,._...m......+... . . . .m.. 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RMW-4S S � �s � �b �' �`• (886.64) ' ` d 1 � T r"",�'"' � q�� � � � p' .,a �� � . ��.y�,� � ._ _ __ �� ` � �� .. �#�t.� .l �_ � � - `I�Q Producuon Well .� 4 j' �" .. , ' � , �' � .. '"�.. '•'T'- :+ac -. �_�• __ I]' ' ; a+S!k',"�+�� ��"L �p,' r �t ' +�"�i...a�C�q f � , � .�_.. r , ��� a � d ., . � � ; �.�a� . � « . ,� , �. � � � ° ° „ ,i , � � s � � .� �4f t� - . " �, �m - �. , , ,��. ��� � �� �� � � � � F „�'�r� a , � _ � °� : � �. e , . � � � . �- ` � .. .�n '�i` R , . :., ����, �-.� ' �T��� . ,p" €,.'�,� p�. � ,d �' R ..,,�� >. ��„ :��. .. �aF��.. �' ' c �r . .. "� � . * . r { c,�« ,.�; . �;;._ a�,. ,� �. . �. ,- � �--._ . � * .. ,_�„ _._ _ � , _... � ,�_, .. .. _ ,s�; :t� ' ""'��i. �� • .. � _ _ . w , � t�' ""' � a -r ` � , _ 4 � . Legend �; � � � `�� ; �� . .. ,: � �� • .: 9 Monitoring Well �� W t� ' ��++''�� ± �� :.,�,;�� Groundwater Contour (Elevation in feet above Mean Sea Level) ; ��+ ���� � `'� „ �UMore Mining Area �� � � . ��� �� �.;, � �: ��. .. , .. y Y� ,�, .. � . �2 . Po f t • i�.mr.. . 1 ,, v .: .� 6b e:. ' :..v+ Source:High Resolution Orthoimagery, F I g u re 3 g Dakota County,Minnesota,Spring 2013 Groundwater Contour Map AMERICAN 8/21/14 Shallow Monitorin Wells , ENGINEERING N 2013- 2014 Annual Monitoring Report TESTING, �NC A UMore Mining Area Sections 33, 28, and 34, Township 115, Range 19W - o soo ,,zoo Rosemount Minnesota Feet Date:09/12/2014 AET Project No.03-05081 File:UMMA_Fig3B_GVW82114_SH.mxd Date:09/12/2014 - r � , � ,��������� ,. � � , :� �,s '• t , i � ..�� � � . } . .0 � �� l. . �� , � i ,' . , ,_ .q, , ¢' l� � ¢�. � i � r � ���* �� � ��� ��s�. 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' . ..' � (� w�'�,. �. . �. _ ,. �RMW-4S�"!: _ �,, � � � , . � RMW 4D "� �� +�` � � .�>�µ; 1,rv,,.,M,;�.�, { (88'4�53)", � � �-�—'� k«. ,�,,. �.. � � ,- � ..�- � � ��-�y, , �.- � �. _ ... � -' � � . Production Well . �Pr -.�"���"s � �� Y °' �..� R * .+r ... ..,„e�-.... �... M . ,_.� ,' �i v , s..,',�.,, . —'w'� 7r�"� .as� � � ` � � �" � .-.��:. . . _... .__ :� �- � � � �:��� ... . �..,: � .... , �"e �� �� .,,,mb. {� tl:�� �.,, �.' $;:�8r . E`��,.i �... � .. � �� �� I . � �a � ���� `�`rr�' � �,�r � '�}�y�r'�� �,� � . , 7 �� ,, , _� . . � �, . s . . , r= , ,.'"_'� , w a .,,,....: u ,If� . . � � � <���.a. � ,� ,., _t��.��..� ;.�� , ��-�.. � a ., . „ � . t _, . a w *a�s � — Legend � �� a ��, � � •�`� ". '� fi�� ! i , � � �' �# . ��� �'} �' ;� , 9 Monitoring Well F "� : s ��.� Groundwater Contour ����o� � ,�� ��� (Elevation in feet above Mean Sea Level) # ' ��� ,� '^1k. Y +. �y� UMore Mining Area g�}�' �ry. � �� �+ x" ,„:�` ::_� ^�°� , bl �.` ' Source�.High Resolution Orthoimagery, F�g u re 4A Dakota County,Minnesota,Spnng 2013 Groundwater Contour Map /�MERICAN 5/21/14 Dee Monitorin Welis , ENGINEERING N 2013-2014 Annual Monitoring Report TESTING, �NC A UMore Mining Area Sections 33, 28, and 34, Township 115, Range 19W � o soo ,,zoo Rosemount, Minnesota Feet Date:09/12/2014 AET Project No.03-05081 File:UMMA_Fig4A_GVW52114_DPmxd Date:09/12/2014 [ � 6 . - x,� ,+� � • is .t"� � � 'kw . �"" _ t�i �r` _ �,,,, �t .4 ,+ �. i � ��'"s • !,� �� � '��1 . � � � ° �4�2 �e#� �� 3 "y�x . I �t'� k . '� ��,� 4 ����i A;,� . r ''`� � � �,. rM� � m' 'k� q A"� � �� C��� <�µF� S{y����'Y ���I fi.�'�� S� m#��'����e� {'',� A ��,e �• � ��� � �. � � � e . ' „, a % a `��� � � i� � „ �., ra-s , t � b�� , . - � '� . �+t= „� , ^�+,. . .. . + . i .-' .. +�' ' •_L �`.t ,'i. � _<v - _ _ ��-' � ,. _ . _ � .F�__ _ ..,..� . i �'� ����� �^; ` .' 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Legend ��;. �' �..+ r'wy � <� � ¢ � .t� ��� s � 1� '�` , �,y� ` 9 Monitoring Well ;,� � . �*;�' � ° ���, a � Groundwater Contour �� < (Elevation in feet above Mean Sea Level) ��j �; ��� �� � �� ' „� � p� ; � �" � � . �UMore Mining Area ����� � � ; �°�� `�`��y , � � �: , �" �� � � : � �' ., � •: �, ,. , , , y , � :� .�, � � �: � Source:High Resolution Orthoimagery, F�ry u re 4 g Dakota County,Minnesota,Spnng 2013 y Groundwater Contour Map AMERICAN 8/21/14 Dee Monitorin Wells � ENGINEERING N 2013- 2014 Annual Monitoring Report TESTING, �NC A UMore Mining Area o soo ,,zoo Sections 33, 28, and 34, Township 115, Range 19W � Rosemount, Minnesota Feet Date:0 911 2/20 1 4 AET Project No.03-05081 File:UMMA_Fig4B_GWU82114_DPmxd Date:09/12/2014 LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC. PROFESSIONAL CROUNDWATER AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 8 PINE TREE DRIVE SU►TE 250 ST.PAUL,MN 55112 (651)490-1405 FAX(651)490-1006 wtiwv.lb�web.com November 10, 2014 Eric Zweber Senior Planner Rosemount Community Development 2875 145r� Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 Re: 2013-2014 Annual Report Review Dakota Aggregates LLC, UMore Mining Area City of Rosemount, Minnesota Dear Mr. Zweber: On behalf of the City of Rosemount (City), Leggette, Brashears & Graham, Inc. (LBG) has reviewed American Engineering Testing, Inc.'s (AET) 2013-2014 Annual Monitoring Report, UMore Mining Area, September 26, 2014, prepared for Dakota Aggregates LLC (Dakota Aggregates). The annual report covers the period from Apri1 2013 through August 2014. The intent of the review was to verify that the monitoring activities were completed in accordance with the groundwater monitoring plan outlined in Barr Engineering Company's (Barr) Hydrogeologic Study and Water Monitoring Plan (WMP), dated September 2012, and the conditions of the mining permit. The following sections provide a brief background followed by a review of the monitoring data. BACKGROUND As part of the proposed sand and gravel mining area and ancillary use facility at the University of Minnesota Outreach, Research, and Experimental Park (UMore) shown on Figure 1, the WMP was developed for the purpose of establishing baseline groundwater qua(ity prior to mining and to provide a means for the timely detection of a potential release of petroleum and/or hazardous substances into groundwater after mining commenced within the City's Drinking Water Supply Management Area (Figure 2). The WMP provided for the phased installation and CONNECTICUT•FLORIDA•ILLINOIS•MICHIGAN•MINNESOTA•MISSOURf•NEW JERSEY NEW YORK•NORTH DAKOTA•OHIO•PENNSYLVANIA•SOUTH DAKOTA•TEXAS•WISCONSIN Mr. Zweber 2 November 10, 2014 sampling of monitoring wells with the intent of monitoring the shallow and deep groundwater flow systems both upgradient and downgradient of the proposed mine pit lake to be excavated below the water table. Additional downgradient monitoring wells will be installed in the future to monitor new potential source areas as mining proceeds. During April and August 2013, representatives from AET, Barr, and/or LBG were onsite to observe the initial phase of drilling and monitoring well installations. Drilling activities were performed at three locations (RMW-3, RMW-4, and RMW-5) presented in the WMP. Well pairs were installed at all three locations to monitor the shallow and deep portions of the unconsolidated outwash deposits. The shallow wells were denoted with an "S" (RMW-3S, RMW-4S, and RMW-SS) while the deep wells were identified with a "D" (RMW-3D, RMW- 4D, and RMW-SD). Figure 3 illustrates the monitoring well locations. A summary of LBG's observations were provided to the City in letter reports titled Drilling and Monitoring Well Installation Observations, Large Scale Mining District at UMore Park, City of Rosemount, Minnesota, LBG, June 10, 2013 (April observations) and RMW-4S Drilling and Monitoring Well Installation Observations, Large Scale Mining District at UMore Park, City of Rosemount, Minnesota, LBG, September 4, 2013 (August observations). In addition, the City requested LBG to review the 2°d round (September 2013) of sampling results associated with groundwater samples collected by from the newly installed we(1 pairs and one preexisting well. LBG's review was summarized in a letter report titled September 2013 Monitoring Data Review, Large Scale Aggregate Mining District at UMore Park, City of Rosemount, Minnesota, December 11, 2013. In brief, nitrate was the only parameter analyzed that exceeded a drinking water standard. Nitrates will be discussed later in more detail. GROUNDWATER MONITORING RESULTS AND DISCUSSION As presented in the WMP, baseline groundwater quality will be determined following the installation and development of each new monitoring well. This includes collecting groundwater samples from each location for four consecutive quarters with the groundwater samples being analyzed for the list of parameters on Table 4 in the WMP. Currently, all of the monitoring wells have been sampled a minimum of four times with the exception of RMW-3S which has been sampled twice. On occasion, RMW-3S has been dry or near dry which has prevented the collection of the required baseline samples. LEGGETTE,BRASHEARS& GRAHA�1,INC. Mr. Zweber 3 November 10, 2014 AET's 2013-2014 annual report covers the period from April 2013 through August 2014. Their report discusses water level monitoring, groundwater sampling, analytical results, compliance with the WMP, and proposes changes to the monitoring schedule. Barr performed groundwater monitoring activities from April 2013 through March 2014 while AET conducted subsequent monitoring activities. Water Level Elevations During the repocting period, manual water level measurements in the four shallow wells and three deep wells were conducted in April, September and November 2013, and in March, May, June, July and August 2014 (8 events). It is LBG's understanding that RM W-4S and RMW-SS are currently outfitted with pressure transducers/data loggers for the continual recording of water levels. Groundwater contour maps were presented in the annual report for both the shallow wells and deep wells for the monitoring events conducted in May and August 2014. LBG reviewed these data and associated maps and provide the following comments: • Deep Wells: LBG concurs with AET's assessment of groundwater flow in the deep wells being to the northeast at a gradient of approximately 0.003 foot/foot. This flow direction and gradient are consistent with the September 2013 data previously reviewed by LBG on behalf of the City. Well hydrographs illustrating the groundwater elevation changes over time for each deep well are presented on Figure 4. • Shallow Wells: LBG does not concur with AET's depiction of shallow groundwater contours shown on Figures 3A and 3B in the annual report. Flow path lines drawn perpendicular to the shallow groundwater elevation contours indicates that flow would be primarily to the northwest and to the southeast. Review of the water level data indicates RMW-3S is on occasion dry and/or the standing water column in the well is less than 2 feet from the bottom of the we(1 (Figure 5). Also, the water level fluctuations in this well do not mimic the other shallow wells as shown by the shallow well hydrographs on Figure 4. This is not surprising as RMW-3S is screened in perched groundwater present on top of low permeability till that extends above the regional water table aquifer. If RMW-3S is not used in contouring, the remaining shallow wells (RMW-4S, RMW-SS, and MW-B]-001) show the principal horizontal shallow groundwater flow direction to the northeast at a gradient of approximately 0.002 foot/foot for the May and August 2014 monitoring events (Figures 6 and 7). This flow direction is also consistent with previous submittals and also the deeper flow system. • Water Level Fluctuations: AET's report states that water levels ranged from 880.] 1 to 891.72 during the reporting period. It is believed that the 880.1 1 water elevation (RMW- 4D, April 2013) is in error and should be 883.95. LBG's records indicate the top of casing (TOC) elevation for RMW-4D in April 2013 was 950.48. In August 2013, RMW- 4D was shortened approximately 3.8 feet due to regrading and was subsequently resurveyed to an elevation of 946.64. The April 2013 depth to water measurement of LEGGETTE,BRASIIEARS& GRAHAM,INC. Mr. Zweber 4 November 10, 2014 66.53 appears to have been subtracted from the later resurveyed TOC. The error also creates an anomalously low water elevation at RMW-4D which in turn indicates a groundwater flow direction to the southeast which is contrary to data collected to date. � Well 208404: Section 5.1.1 of the WMP calls for the collection of water levels from the domestic well (208404) associated with the University of Minnesota North Beef Farm (Figure 17A in the WMP). The well was to act as a baseline water level monitoring point with monitoring to begin within 180 days of the permit approval and was to be part of the long-term monitoring program as outlined in Table 2 of the WMP. In correspondence dated September 2, 2014 from Barr to the City (Attachment 1), a number of modifications to the WMP were presented. One of the modifications was the removal of well 208404 from the monitoring program. LBG did not see any water level data for this well in the annual report. • Water Level Monitoring Frequency: AET's report notes that water levels measured during sampling events have at times been measured over multiple days. LBG concurs with AET's recommendation that all water level measurements should be collected on the same day and the time interval between them minimized to get a snap shot of groundwater elevations which will better represent shallow and deep groundwater flow conditions. • Production Well: LBG agrees with AET that the groundwater elevation data from the Production Well completed in the Prairie du Chien bedrock formation should not be combined with groundwater elevations in the overlying unconsolidated material as the wells are completed in different hydrogeologic units. • Transducer Data: It appears that the Ground Water Level Measurement Form commencing on page D1 in Appendix D ofthe annual report should be labelled RMW-4S versus RMW-SS. The RMW-SS data is believed to commence on page D10. It also appears that water level measurements presented on pages D 1 through D20 (May 21 to June 17, 2014) are repeated in subsequent pages covering the time period from May 21 to August 21, 2014. • Table 1 in AET's report indicates RMW-4D was installed on April 16, 2012. It was installed on April ] 1, 2013. Groundwater Qualitv As of the June 2014 groundwater sampling event, all four baseline rounds of quarterly groundwater samp(es had been collected from the monitoring wells (except RMW-3S, 2 rounds). In accordance with Table 4 of the WMP, the samples were analyzed for the required parameters using appropriate analytical methods and for the most part met the required laboratory reporting limits. Groundwater stabilization data (dissolved oxygen, pH, oxidation reduction potential, specific conductance, temperature, and turbidity) were also recorded in the field during the sampling events. Compounds analyzed by the laboratory included the following; LEGGE"I'TE,BRASHEARS& GRAHAM,INC. Mr. Zweber 5 November ]0, 2014 � Diesel Range Organics (DRO), • Glyphosate, • Metals: 11 compounds, • Pesticides: o MDA List 1: 22 compounds, o MDA List 2: 1 1 compounds, o Organochlorine Pesticides: 21 compounds, • Semi Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs): 2 compounds, • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): 68 compounds, and • General Chemistry: 8 compounds including Bicarbonate Alkalinity, Carbonate Alkalinity, Chloride, Nitrate + Nitrite as N, Sulfate, Total Cyanide, Total Phosphorus, and Total Dissolved Solids. The groundwater analytical results were compared to the criteria listed on Table 4 in the WMP to determine if any compound concentrations exceeded applicable criteria. Criteria included MDH Health Risk Limits (HRLs), MDH Health Advisory Table, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Drinking Water/Groundwater (DW/GW) Summary Table, and USEPA Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs). On occasion, laboratory reporting limits for select compounds have exceeded its associated MCL and/or HRL. This may have been the result of insufficient technological advances for the laboratory to achieve the MCL/HRL, sample matrix interference, and/or other laboratory issues. In most cases where the reporting limit exceeded the MCL/HRL, the laboratory method detection limit was less than the MCL/HRL. Elevated reporting limits were at times noted for arsenic, beryllium, thallium, 1,2,3-trichloropropane, 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene, 1,2- dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2-dibromomethane, cis-1,3-dichloro-l-propene, trans-1,3-dichloro- 1-propene, hexachlorobutadiene, vinyl chloride, dieldrin, heptachlor epoxide, and toxaphene. Because no positive detections have been reported for the above compounds, the elevated reporting limits do not appear to be cause for concern at this time. However, it is recommended to check with the (aboratory to verify their reporting limits can or cannot meet the established MCLs/HRLs. With the exception of Nitrate + Nitrite as N (nitrate), none of the parameters analyzed during the reporting period contained concentrations in excess of the criteria referenced above. Below is a discussion on nitrate detections and other parameters that may be of interest which may not have an MCL/HRL or the MCL/HRL applies to water distribution systems. LEGGETTE,BRASHEARS& GRAHAM,INC. Mr. Zweber 6 November 10, 2014 • Nitrates: Nitrates have been present to some degree in all of the monitoring wells. The MCL and HRL for nitrates are both 10 milligrams per liter (mg/L). Nitrate concentrations of 11 to 13 mg/L were reported to have been present in groundwater samples co(lected from RMW-3D, RMW-SS and RMW-SD during the April, September, and November 2013 monitoring events and in the MW-B1-001 sample collected in March 2014. Nitrates were not present above 10 mg/L in samples collected from RMW- 3D, RMW-SS and RMW-SD in March and June 2014 nor in the June 2014 sample collected from MW-B1-001. Concentrations in the remaining wells were less than 10 mg/L for all monitoring periods. Being that the surrounding land use is primarily agricu(tural and RMW-SS and RMW-SD are hydraulically upgradient of the mining operations, the elevated nitrate concentrations are not surprising. A water quality plot illustrating nitrate concentrations over time is presented on Figure 8. • Total Coliform: Total coliform has been present in at least one monitaring well during each monitoring event over the reporting period. Groundwater samples collected from upgradient wells RMW-SS/D have contained total coliform during three of the five sampling events. Total coliforms are the standard by which microbial contamination is measured. Coliforms will be one of the first bacteria present in the water should contamination occur, and they will be in much larger quantities than some pathogenic microbes that may be present. Therefore, coliforms act as indicators of possible contamination. In addition to total coliform being present in upgradient wells, the area has been used for livestock management which could also be a contributor to its presence. Because Dakota Aggregates will not be using the groundwater present in the shallow or deep unconsolidated formations as a potable drinking water source, exposure to total coliform through ingestion is unlikely. • DRO: As AET noted in the annual report, DRO was detected slightly above the laboratory reporting limits (typically near 0.10 mg/L) in all five wells sampled in April 2013 with concentrations that ranged from 0.11 to 0.29 mg/L. These low level DRO concentrations may be an artifact fram well instal(ations which took place earlier in the month. LBG does not have in its possession the April 2013 laboratory report which may indicate laboratory issues with the results or provide further insight into the detections. DRO was not detected in any of the well samples during the next three sampling events (September and November 2013 and March 2014), nor is LBG in possession of the laboratory reports associated with these events. In June 2014, DRO was detected slightly above the reporting limit in RMW-3S (0.15 mg/L) and at 1.5 mg/L in RMW-4D. Due to the location of RMW-4D in an active portion of the mining activities, the recent appearance of DRO is not alarming but is of interest. At this time, it is recommended to resample RMW-3S and RMW-4D for DRO and potentially conduct an additional DRO analysis using the Silica-Gel Cleanup Method which may be able to differentiate between petroleum products and naturally occurring organics. It is LBG's understanding that the next sampling round is scheduled for November 2014. • VOCs: Low concentrations of dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12, a refrigerant) have been detected at various times in RMW-3D, RMW-4S, and RMW-SD at concentrations that have ranged from l.l to 8.5 micrograms per liter (ug/L). The HRL for this compound is 700 ug/L and does not appear to be cause for concern. • Pesticides: As noted in AET's report, a-BHC, aldrin, desethylatrazine, and heptachlor have been reported to be present in very low concentrations in samples collected from LEGGETTE,BR�1SHEARS& GRAtIAM,INC. Mr. Zweber 7 November 10, 2014 RWM-3S/D, RMW-4S/D, and RMW-SS/D. All of the detections were flagged (J value) by the laboratory as being estimated concentrations that fell between the laboratory method detection limits and the laboratory reporting limits. Of the four pesticides detected, only heptachlor has an MCL (0.4 ug/L) and an HRL (0.08 ug/L). The only time heptachlor was reported to be present was in March 2014 in the sample collected from RMW-4D at a concentration of 0.014J which is less than the above MCL and HRL. AET's tabulated summary of pesticide detections in the body of the report may be misleading as the summed concentrations (0.030 to 0.191 ug/L) of all pesticide detections for each well for each sampling event are at times in excess of heptachlor's HRL (0.08 ug/L). Table 3 in the report shows that RMW-4S and MW-B1-001 were analyzed for the MDA List 2 Pesticides in June 2014 but two compounds (dinoseb and pentachlorophenol) on this list were not analyzed. The laboratory reports also reflect these two compounds were not analyzed. • Statistical Analysis: Under Section 4.2 of the annual report, AET provides a table summarizing statistical analyses conducted on general chemistry parameters that were detected above reporting limits. The values in the Standard Deviation column for the latter half of the table are the same as the values in the Maximum Concentration column. This appears to be an oversight. • General Comment: Tables in the body of the report refer to concentrations that are less than the laboratory reporting limit as ND (non-detect). It would be helpful to the reader if the laboratory reporting limit was referenced such as <5.0 ug/L or <0.1 mg/L etc. This provides insight as to what magnitude positive detections are above and in relation to the laboratory reporting limits. Samplin� Frequency and Schedule The WMP states a reduction in sampling frequency may take place after four consecutive quarters of baseline sampling if the data so warrants. It also mentions that a number of select compounds can be analyzed on an annual schedule if there are no detections during the baseline sampling. • Sampling Frequency: With the exception of RMW-3S, quarterly baseline sampling has been completed for all wells and the monitoring program has moved into the routine monitoring phase. This entails a reduction in sampling frequency from quarterly to semi- annual along with the potential to reduce analyzing select compounds (SVOCs, MDA List 2 Pesticides, and glyphosate) from semi-annually to annually. Due to the absence of positive detections of 2,4- and 2,6-dinitrotoluene (SVOCs), MDA List 2 Pesticides, and glyphosate, AET has recommended to analyze these compounds annually versus semi- annually. At this time, LBG concurs with the recommendation. However, if any of these compounds should be detected during an annual sampling event, the City should be notified and a collective decision made regarding the sampling frequency. Groundwater samples collected from RMW-3D, RMW-4D, and RMW-SS/D during June 2014 were not analyzed for the above compounds as these wells were being sampled for the fifth time and considered to be in the routine monitoring phase. It should be noted that these same compounds were not analyzed in the June 2014 sample collected from RMW-3S LEGGETTG,BRASHF,ARS& GRAHANI,INC. Mr. Zweber 8 November 10, 2014 which has only been sampled two times. These compounds should be added back to the (ist of parameters to be analyzed on a quarterly schedule until after the fourth round of samples have been collected from this well and the laboratory results justify a reduction in their sampling frequency. Justification to reduce the sampling frequency from quarterly to semi-annually at RMW-4D is currently unclear due to the elevated DRO detection in June 2014. The schedule will be reevaluated after the DRO results are reported for the upcoming November 2014 sampling event. Other than the above modifications, continued monitoring and sampling should be in accordance with the WMP. In accordance with Resolution 2012-105 Item 36 (Interim Use Permit), Dakota Aggregates shall provide the City notification of well sampling two weeks in advance of the testing. � Sampling Schedule: AET recommended establishing a semi-annual monitoring schedule with groundwater samples being collected in the spring (April/May) and fall (October/November). LBG concurs with this schedule as it allows for the collection of groundwater samples during high water levels (spring thaw) and low water levels (fall dry season) which may play a role in groundwater quality. • Reporting Schedule: AET's annual report did not contain a due date for annual reporting. The WMP states annual reports are due by March 1 of the year following the monitoring year. However, Barr's September 2, 2014 (Attachment 1) written update to the City states that annual reports will be due by September 30 of each year and shall summarize results from the 3`d and 4th quarters of the previous year and the 1 St and 2°d quarters of the current year. Based on the date of AET's report (September 26, 2014) it appears that the reporting schedule recommended by Barr has been initiated. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following summarizes the 2013-2014 annual report review as it pertains to the WMP and provides recommendations for future monitoring: • Water levels should be measured in all wells on the same day and the time interval between them minimized to get the most accurate groundwater elevation and flow conditions during each monitoring event. • Production well water levels should not be compared to those in the monitoring wells as the wells are completed in different aquifers. • Well 208404 has been removed from the monitoring program. • Perched groundwater is present at RMW-3S and water levels at this location are not representative of the shallow water table aquifer. Measurements from this well should not be included in groundwater elevation mapping. • The shallow and deep groundwater elevation contours indicate groundwater flow to the northeast. • Baseline sampling has been completed in all wells except RMW-3S due to the well being dry or near dry during the monitoring events. LEGGE"I'TE,BRASHEARS& GRAHAA7,INC. Mr. Zweber 9 November 10, 2014 • Groundwater samples from RMW-3S should only be collected if the standing water column in the well is equal to or greater than 2 feet unless consistent recharge occurs into the well and the water appears representative of the perched water zone. • Nitrate: Nitrate is the only compound detected that has exceeded an MCL and/or HRL. Given the surrounding land use, nitrate exceedances appear to be from historical land use and not associated with mining activities. • Total coliform: Given the presence of total coliform in upgradient wells and historical land use for livestock purposes, this compound does not appear to be a result of adverse mining operations. • Pesticides: Although estimated concentrations of four pesticides were reported by the laboratory, only heptachlor has an MCL and HRL, both of which have not been exceeded. • VOCs: The laboratory has reported the presence of dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon) in samples collected from upgradient and downgradient wells. The concentrations have been well below the HRL and its presence does appear to be of concern at this time. • DRO: DRO was present at an elevated concentration in the June 2014 RMW-4D groundwater sample. It is recommended to resample this well for the standard WI DRO Method listed in the WMP and potentially for DRO using the Si(ica Gel Cleanup Method which may be able to differentiate between petroleum organics and naturally occurring organics. � Due to the lack of glyphosate, 2,4- and 2,6-dinitrotoluene (SVOCs), and MDA List 2 Pesticides, LBG concurs with AET's recommendation to analyze these compounds on an annual basis versus semi-annually. RMW-3S should continue to be sampled for these compounds on a quarter(y schedule until the four baseline rounds of sampling have been completed. • Since the mining facility will not be using groundwater from the unconsolidated formations for potable purposes, the nitrate and total coliform concentrations in groundwater do not appear to be a threat to the health and safety of the workers in the mining area. • Currently, annual re�orts will be due September 30 and will summarize monitoring activities from the 3` and 4t" quarters from the previous year and the lst and 2°d quarters of the current year. • Pending the groundwater analytical results for the proposed November 2014 groundwater sa�npling event, the sampling schedule should be reevaluated for justification to reduce the sampling frequency from quarterly to semi-annually. • Based on review of the 2013-2014 annual report, it appears that the conditions of the WMP have been met. • Al( other monitoring activities shall continue to be conducted in accordance with the WMP. LEGGETTE,BRASHEARS& GF2:1HAN1,INC. Mr. Zweber ]0 November 10, 20 l4 LBG appreciates the opportunity to assist the City on this project. Please contact us if you have any questions or comments regarding the content of this report. Sincerely, LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS & GRAHAM, INC "�"�� David V. Strand, PG Senior Hydrogeologist l David S. Hume, PG Senior Associate DVS: ds S:\Tech\WSB-UMore Rosemount\UMore LBG Update 2014-1 I-10\UMore 2013-2014 Annual Report Review Draft dvs 2014-1 I-IO.doc LEGGE"I'TE,BRASHEARS& GRAHAM,INC. FIGURES LEGGETTE, BRASHEARS& GRAHAM,INC. � _ , � � K� �� �° � r� ; '� *.-� } �' ' � � ''� ' �� '� �, � � _ . �_ ��, i� ,.,.. , � �: _ � ;. � - , � ,,, ; �.� � � � r`° .� ,'. � �'- .�. � � # , ` , � ;, '. � � T� � s ' ` `t, � ^t � . �%k � ��YS."i"'�".�"'iva�Qs:"}4`•'.--�?'� S ! `^y�ry• 5 .:�.y,a 1' j � � F�` ».. .(--�y ._� �;*;s ,t L Y' f •' • '1 �`�- ,� ��" .i .. � ! .. , � } ,: . � /.;' �','C S . 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I__� Ancillary Use Facility Boundary Figure 1 � UMore Mining Area(UMA) �UMore Park Boundary O SITE LOCATION N Hydrogeologic Study and Water Monitoring Plan UMore Mining Area o s,000 s,000 �z,000 Rosemount, MN Feet Sour�e: MnDOT,MN DNR,Dakota County,Barr,SEH,HKGi. - USGS topographic map backgmuntl drnvnloatletl fmm the US. �A�R DepartmerR of AgricWture,Natural Resources Consenration Sen,lce. �� SOURCE:HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDYAND WATER MONITORING PLAN,UMORE MINING AREA,DAKOTA COUNTY,MINNESOTA,BARR,SEPTEMBER 2012 P�ePa�edBy: UMORE MINING AREA "� }� LEGGETTE,BRASHEARS&GRAHAM,INC. I'B �� Pro£essionalGroundwaterand R�SEM�UNT,M�NNESOTA � � Environmental Engineermg Sernces 8 Pine Tree Drive,Suite 2S0 AREA LOCATION MAP SL Paul,Minnesota 55112 651 490-1405 FILE: FIGURE 1.PPTX DATE: 4/18/2013 FIGURE: 1 s. � '` �_�� � �� �� ������ /i ' � � � . �oi- � ��. ji � � �� �„v�� , . �i / ." , � � -i� , ,,�,s / ' /�. 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BA�.� engineering and environmental consultants �I�IM� September 2,2014 Mr. Eric Zweber Senior Planner City of Rosemount 2875 145`�' St. W Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Re: Update to the Sampling and Analysis Plan, Phase 11 Environmental Investigation, SOCs 1-3 and 6-8, UMore Mining Area, Dakota County, Minnesofa and Hydrogeologic Study and Water Monitoring Plan, UMORE Mining Area, Dakota Counfy, Minnesota Dear Mr.Zweber: This update has been prepared to document addenda to the MPCA-approved Sampling and Analysis Plan, Phase 11 Environmental Investigation, SOCs 1-3 and 6-8, UMore Mining Area, Dakota County, Minnesota(SAP; Barr, 2009)and the Hydrogeologic Study and Water Monitoring Plan(WMP; Barr, 2012) for the UMore Mining Area(UMA) located in the City of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota. Background A SAP was required as a condition of Dakota Aggregates' mining permit. However,the SAP was originally developed for the Phase II Environmental Investigation(Phase II)at UMore Park which was conducted at the location now occupied by Dakota Aggregates' mining and ancillary activities. The purpose for sampling at Dakota Aggregates' mining facility differs from the purpose of Phase II sampling (as described in the WMP and Phase lI Work Plan, respectively). Therefore certain components of the SAP are not applicable to the sampling program described in the WMP. The modifications described herein which pertain to the SAP consist of changes to the parties responsible for conducting sample analysis and sampling activities, also includes changes to the parameter list to reflect concerns specific to Dakota Aggregates' mining and ancillary activities raised by the City of Rosemount. The WMP was developed prior to the start of Dakota Aggregates' mining activities. During implementation of the WMP,the discovery of additional information dictated changes to the well network (as described in correspondence from Barr Engineering and LBG during 2013). Modifications which pertain to the WMP consist of changes to the wells used for monitoring in addition to modifications to the reporting schedule(as discussed in communications between Barr Engineering and the City of Rosemount in 2013). Description of Modifications to the SAP The following sections describe modifications to the SAP. Changes are listed according to section number in the SAP document. __..__ _ __ __ _ __.____._ __. Barr Engineering Co. 4700 West 77�h Street, Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55435 952.832.2b00 www.barr.com _ ____.. Mr.Eric Zweber September 2,2014 Page 2 Secfions 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 Scope of Work,Schedule, and Phase II Investigation Report These sections are not applicable to Dakota Aggregates' activities. The scope of work, schedule, and reporting requirements for sampling at Dakota Aggregates' facility in the City of Rosemount are described in the WMP. Section 3.1 -Dakota Aggregate Responsibilifies Dakota Aggregates is responsible for overall implementation of the WMP. Dakota Aggregates' Project Manager is Pat Mason. Secfion 3.2-American Engineering Testing, Inc. Responsibilities American Engineering Testing, [nc, and its staff are responsible for the duties described in this section, with the exception of the official approved SAP. Barr is responsible for MPCA-approved SAP developed for the Phase ll investigation at UMore Park. Copies of this approved SAP Update will be distributed to Dakota Aggregates,AET, and the City of Rosemount by Barr. Upon its approval by the City of Rosemount,AET will be responsible for managing and controlling this Update to the SAP. Section 3.3-Contract Laboratory Responsibilities The Laboratory Providers outlined in the table below will be responsible for analysis of the majority of samples for this investigation. The laboratory project managers will oversee sample analysis, data validation and quality assurance activities at each laboratory. Laborato Name Pro'ect Mana er Anal ses Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Lori Castille Total coliform, organochlorine pesticides, -Minneapolis, MN total phosphorus,total cyanide, bicarbonate and carbonate alkalinity, chloride, nitrate+ nitrite as N, sulfate, TDS,metals, VOCs, SVOCs and WI DRO Eurofins Eaton Analytical- Jessie Varab Glyphosate South Bend, IN Environmental Chemistry Jessica Esser MDA list 1 and 2 pesticides Consulting Services(ECCS)- Madison, MN The Pace and Eurofins' analyses are accredited though the Minnesota Department of Health's(MDH) Enviromnental Laboratory Certification Program(when applicable for the target analytical list in Table 1). ECCS is approved by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA)for MDA List 1 and 2 pesticide analysis. Copies of the Laboratory Provider's accreditations are on file with each Laboratory Provider. Section 3.4-Regulating Agency Responsibilities The City of Rosemount and its staff have overall regulatory responsibility for this project. The MDNR has regulatory oversight of the Water Appropriations Permit for the project. P:\Mpls\23 MNU 9\23191101 Dakota Aggregates UMA Permitti\WorkFiles\GW Monitoring Plan\SAP Update_Aug 2014\UMA SAP Update- 2Sept2014.docx Mr.Eric Zweber September 2,2014 Page 3 Section 4.2-Field Investigation Tasks This section is not applicable to Dakota Aggregates' activities. The scope of work, schedule, and reporting requirements for sampling at Dakota Aggregates' facility in the City of Rosemount are described in the WMP. Secfion 4.3.1 -Sampling Labeling and Numbering Monitoring wells installed specifically for the purpose of monitoring groundwater in the vicinity of Dakota Aggregates' mining facility are represented with the prefix"RM W". Section 5.6 -Decontamination, Storage, and Transport of Equipmenf Following the Alconox wash, all non-disposable field equipment will be rinsed with a bleach solution. Submersible pumps will be disassembled prior to washing with Alconox and bleach. The bleach rinse and disassembly of the pumps will be discontinued if sampling for total coliform bacteria is discontinued. Table 2 -Analyfical Paramefers, Mefhods, and Reporting Limifs This table is not applicable to Dakota Aggregates' activities and has been replaced with Table 1 (attached). Table 3 -Sample Preservation and Holding Times Water samples for total coliform bacteria should be collected in a sterilized container, preserved with sodium thiosulfate, packed on ice and chilled to 4°C at the time of collection. Description of Modifications to the WMP The following sections describe modifications to the WMP. Changes are listed according to section number in the WMP document. Section 5.1.1 -Monitoring Well Locafions Well RMW-4 has been renamed RMW-4d. RMW-4s has also been added to the monitoring program. MW-C2-202 and MW-C2-002 have been abandoned. We11208404 has been removed from the monitoring program. Secfion Wells Well RMW-Ss has a 20-foot screen. Section 7.1-Reporfs Reports will be submitted by September 30 each year. The annual report will summarize results from the previous year. It will include data from the 3`d and 4`h quarters of the previous year and from the ls`and 2°a quarters of the current year. For the first annual monitoring report due September 30, 2014, data from the 2"d quarter of 2013 will also be included. Reports for subsequent years will follow the established schedule. References Barr, 2009. Sampling and Analysis Plan, Phase II Investigation, SOCs 1-3 and 6-8, UMore Mining Area, Dakota County, Minnesota, May 2009. P:Uvtpls\23 MN\19\23191101 Dakota Aggregates UMA Permitti\WorkFiles\GW Monitoring Plan\SAP Update_Aug 2014\UMA SAP Update- 2Sept2014.docx Mr.Eric Zweber September 2,2014 Page 4 Barr, 2012. Hydrogeologic Study and Water Monitoring Plan,UMore Mining Area, Dakota County, Minnesota, September 2012. Attachments Table 1 —Analytical Parameters, Methods and Reporting Limits Please contact Pat Mason at Dakota Aggregates if you have any questions. Sincerely, Ellen Considine, P.G. P:\Mpls\23 MN\19\23191 101 Dakota Aggregates UMA Pemiitti\WorkFiles\GW Monitoring Plan\SAP Update_Aug 2014\UMA SAP Update- 2Sept2014.docx Table 1 Analytical Parameters,Methods and Reporting Limits SAP Update UMore Mining Area Rosemount,Minnesota Method(EPA Method Proposed CAS Number unless noted Detection Limit Reporting Limit Test Unit otherwise) Glyphosate(Eurofins Eaton Analytical� Glyphosate 1071-83-6 ' 547 � - '� 6A I ug/L Microbiology�Pace-MPLS) Total Coliform(by Membrane Filtration) I TCOL SM 9222 B I Not Applicable � 1 j CFU Organochlorine Pesticides(Pace) 4,4'-DDD 72-54-8 8081 B 0.025 0.1 ug/L -- -- - --- � --._...___ _.._.. 4,4'-DDE 72-55-9 8081B 0.033 0.1 ug/L 4,4'-DDT 50-293 8081B 0.022 0.1 ug/L a-Chlordane 5103-71-9 8081B 0.01 0.05 ug/L Aldrin 309-00-2 8081B 0.009 0.05 ug/L alpha-BHC 319-84-6 80818 0.01 0.05 ug/L beta-BHC 319-85-7 8081B 0.012 0.05 ug/L delta-BHC 319-86-8 80818 0.009 0.05 ug/L Dieldrin 60-57-1 80818 0,016 0.1 ug/L Endosulfan I 959-98-8 8081B 0,021 0.05 ug/L Endosulfan II 332�3-65-9 8081B 0.027 0.1 ug/L Endosulfan sulfate 1031-07-8 80818 0.024 0.1 ug/L Endrin 72-20-8 80818 0.016 0.1 ug/L Endrinaldehyde 7421-93-4 8081B 0.02 0.1 ug/L Endrin ketone 53494-70-5 8061B 0.041 0.1 ug/L gamma-BHC(Lindane) 58-89-9 80816 0.009 0.05 ug/L gamma-Chlordane 556634-7 8081B 0.009 0.05 ug/L Heptachlor 76-44-8 80816 0.01 0.05 ug/L Heptachlorepoxide 1024-573 80818 0.01 0.05 ug/L Methoxychlor 72-43-5 80818 0.147 0.5 ug/L Toxaphene 8001-35-2 8081B 075 1.5 � ug/L MDA List 7 Pesticides(ECCS) EPTC 759-94-4 8270D 0.048 0.50 ug/L - --- ----._.- ._-- Propachlor 1918-16-7 8270D 0.017 0.50 ug/L Ethalfluralin 55283-68-6 8270D 0.10 0.50 ug/L Deisopropylatrazine 1007-28-9 8270D 0.041 0.50 ug/L Trifluralin 1582-09-8 8270D 0.013 0.50 ug/L Desethylatrazine 6190-65-4 8270D 0.014 0.50 ug/L Phorate 298-02-2 8270D 0.046 0.30 ug/L Prometon 1610-18-0 8270D 0.062 0.50 ug/L Simazine 12234-9 8270D 0.037 0.50 ug/L Atrazine 1912-24-9 8270D 0.032 0.50 ug/L Propazine 139-00-2 8270D 0.051 0.50 ug/L Terbufos 13071-79-9 8270D 0.025 020 ug/L Fonofos 944-22-9 8270D 0.025 0.50 ug/L Triallate 2303-17-5 8270D O.D47 0.50 ug/L Metribuzin 21087-64-9 8270D 0.026 0.50 ug/L Dimethenamid 87674-68-8 8270D O.D18 0.50 ug/L Acetochlor 34256-82-1 8270D 0.037 0.50 ug/L Alachlor 15972-60-8 8270D O.D38 0.50 ug/L Cyanazine 21725-46-2 8270D 0.072 020 ug/l Metolachlor 51218-45-2 8270D 0.022 0.50 ug/L Chlorpyrifos 2921-88-2 8270D 0.043 0.50 ug/L Pendimethalin 40487-42-1 8270D 0.030 0.50 ug/L MDA List 2 Pesticides(ECCS) Dicamba 1918-00-9 8151A 0.032 0.50 ug/L MCPA � � 94-74-6 8151A 0.048 0.30 ug/L 2,4-D 94-75-7 8151A 0.068 0.50 ug/L Triclopyr 55335-063 8151A 0.058 0.50 ug/L Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 8151A - NotAnalyzed ug/L 2.4.5 TP 93-72-1 6151A 0.040 0.50 - . ..-- uglL �---� P:\Mpls\23 MN\19\23191101 Dakota Aggrega[es UMA Permitti\WOrkFiles\GW Monitoring Plan\SAP Update_June 2014\Table 1 SAP_26Aug2014.x1sx 1 of 3 Table 1 Analytical Parameters,Methods and Reporting Limits SAP Update UMore Mining Area Rosemount,Minnesota Method(EPA Method Proposed CAS Number unless noted Detection Limit Reporting Limit Test Unit otherwise 2,4,5-T 93-76-5 i 8151A 0.042 i 0.50 ug/L --.._ _--- - ----- ------ -- Dinoseb 88-85-7 � 8151A - ; NotAnalyzed , ug/L 2,4-DB 94-82-6 8151A 0.035 0.50 ug/L Benlazon 25057-89-0 8151A 0.029 0.50 ug/L Picloram 2/1/1918 8151A 0.053 0.50 ug/L Generel Chemistry(Pace) Alkalinity,Bicarbonate as CaCO3 71-523 SM 2320 B � 2.5 � 5 mg/L Alkalinity,Carbonale as CO3 72608-12-9 � SM 2320 B ' 2.5 5 mg/L Chloride 16887-00-6 SM 4500 CI-E 0.5 1.0 mg/L Cyanide,total 57-12-5 SM 4500-CN-E 0.005 0.010 mg/L Nitrate+Nitrite as N N+N SM 4500 NO3-H 0.1 0.2 mg/L Phosphorus,Total 7723-14-0 SM 4500 P-E 0.0250 0.05 mg/L Solids,Total Dissolved TDS SM 2540 C 5 10 mg/L Sulfate 14808J9-8 ASTM D516 t25 '� 2.50 I mg/L Metals'(Pace) Arsenic,dissolved 744038-2 6020A 025 0.5 ug/L Beryllium,dissolved 7440-41-7 6020A 0.066 02 ug/L Calcium,dissolved 7440-70-2 6020A 8.385 40 ug/L Copper,dissolved 7440-50-8 6020A 0216 1 ug/L Iron,dissolved 7439-89-6 6020A 8.015 50 ug/L Lead,dissolved 7439-92-1 6020A 0.046 0.1 ug/L Magnesium,dissolved 7439-95-4 6020A 2.846 10 ug/L Potassium dissolved 9!7/7440 6020A 8.342 50 ug/L Sodium,dissolved 7440-23-5 6020A 1824 50 ug/L Thallium,dissolved '� 7440-28-0 6020A 0.025 0.1 ug/L Mercury(Pace) Mercury,dissolved 7439-97� 7470 0.026 0.2 ug/L VOCs(Pace) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 I 8260 0.5 1 �'� ug/L -- - ----- --- -__ ..---- -_ ._. 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ' 71-55-6 �i 8260 0264 ' 1 ' ug/L 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 7934-5 8260 0.5 1 ug/L 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 6260 0.127 1 ug/L 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane 76-13-1 8260 0.5 1 ug/L t,t-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 8260 0.159 1 ug/L t,t-Dichloroethene 7535-4 8260 0.199 1 ug/L 1,1-Dichloropropene 563-58-6 8260 0.5 1 ug/L 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 6260 0.5 1 ug/L 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 6260 1.22 4 ug/L 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-62-1 8260 0.5 1 ug/L 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 8260 0.5 1 ug/L 1,2-Dibromo3-chloropropane 96-12-8 8260 2 4 ug/L 1,2-Dibromoethane(EDB) 106-93-4 8260 0.148 1 ug/L 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 8260 0.16 1 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 8260 0.131 1 ug/L 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 8260 0.142 4 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 8260 0.5 1 ug/L 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 8260 0.5 1 ug/L 1,3-Dichloropropane 142-26-9 8260 0.5 1 ug/L 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 8260 0.5 1 ug/L 2,2-Dichloropropane 594-20-7 8260 0.174 4 ug/L 2-Butanone 78-93-3 8260 2.5 5 ug/L 2-Chlorotoluene 95-49-8 8260 0.138 1 ug/L 4-Chlorotoluene 106-43-4 8260 0.083 1 ug/L Acetone 67-64-1 8260 10 20 ug/L Allyl chloride 107-05-1 8260 0.446 4 ug/L Benzene 71-43-2 8260 0.15 1 ug/L P:\Mpls\23 MN\39\23191101 Dakota Aggregates UMA Permitti\Workfiles\GW Moni[oring Plan\SAP Upda[e_lune 2014\Table 1 SAP_26Aug2014.z1sx 2 of 3 Tabie 1 Analytical Parameters,Methods and Reporting Limits SAP Update UMore Mining Area Rosemount,Minnesota Method(EPA Method Proposed CAS Number unless noted Detection Limit Reporting Limit Test Unit otherwise Bromobenzene 108-86-1 8260 0.132 1 ug/L Bromochloromethane 74-97-5 8260 0.115 1 I uglL Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 8260 0.202 1 ug/L Bromoform 75-25-2 8260 2 4 ug/L Bromomethane 74-83-9 8260 2 4 ug/L Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 8260 0.159 1 ug/L Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 6260 0.066 1 ug/L Chloroethane 75-00-3 8260 0241 1 ug/L Chloroform 67�63 8260 0.161 1 ug/L Chloromethane 74-873 8260 0.341 4 ug/L cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 6260 0.133 1 ug/L cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 6260 0.127 4 ug/L Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 8260 0.5 1 ug/L Dibromomethane 74-95-3 8260 0.185 4 ug/L Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 8260 0.5 1 ug/L Dichlorofluoromethane 75�3� 8260 0202 1 ug/L Ethyl ether 60-29-7 8260 0.141 4 ug/L Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 8260 0.165 1 ug/L Hexachlorobutadiene 87-683 8260 0.5 1 ug/L Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 8260 0.5 1 ug/L 10838-3 m,p-Xylene 8260 0.31 2 ug/L 106-023 Methyl isobutyl ketone 108-10-1 8260 2.5 5 ug/L Methyl tert-butyl ether 1634-04-0 8260 0.169 1 uglL Methylene chloride 75-09-2 8260 2 4 ug/L Naphthalene 91-203 6260 2 4 ug/L n-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 8260 0.5 1 ug/L n-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 8260 0.5 1 ug/L o-Xylene 95-47-6 8260 0.094 1 ug/L p-ISOprapyltoluene 99-87� 8260 0.5 1 ug/L sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 8260 0.5 1 ug/L Styrene 100-42-5 8260 0.063 1 ug/L tert-Butylbenzene 98-06-6 8260 0.5 1 ug/L Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 6260 0.157 1 ug/L Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 8260 1.99 10 ug/L Toluene 108-88-3 6260 0.11 1 ug/L trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 6260 0231 1 ug/L trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02� 6260 0.185 4 ug/l Trichloroethene 79-01F 6260 0.091 0.4 ug/L Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 6260 0216 1 ug/L --- �-- ----- — -......— ----- Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 8260 0.082 �0.4 . ug/L Diesel Range Organics(Pace) Diesel Range Organics(C10-C28) �i DRO WI DRO � 21 100 ug/L SVOCs(Pace) 2,4-dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 8270 �.04 10 ug/L 2,6-dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 8270 1.01 10 ug/L Notes: " Surface water samples will be comparetl to groundwater standards and will be field fltered with a 0.45 micron f Iler and analyzed for dissolved metal constituents. CFU=Colony Forming Units P:\Mpls\23 MN\19\23191101 Dakota Aggregates UMA Permit[i\WorkFiles\GW Monitoring Plan\SAP Update_lune 2014\Table 1 SAP_26Aug2014.x1sx 3 of 3 Fredrikson & Byron 10/21/2014 9: 10 ; 33 AM PAGE 1/001 Fax Server JULIE TAYLOn 14425 Atwater We, I�osemonni, Minnesota 55068 October 21,2014 City of Rosemount Planning Commission 2875 145th 5treet West Rosempunt, MN 55068 Re: Application by Dakota Aggregates, LLC for Renewal of Extraction Permit and amendment of Interim Use Permit to allow for 24 hour operation Public Hearing on October 28,2014 To Whom it May Concern; 1 received a capy of the Public Hearing Notice regarding the application by Dakota Aggregates, LLC for renewal of their Extraction Permit and for amendment to the existing Interim Use Permit ta allow for 24 hour operation of the aggregate processing facility, which will be discussed at a hearing on Tuesday,October 28,2014, I will be unable ta attend that public hearing, but would like the Planning Commission to note my objections. I am concerned about air and naise pollution from such a project in such close proximity to my property, particularly any 24 haur operation of the facility. I am also concerned about the patential threat to wildlife habitats. We have observed eagles, pheasants and turkeys in the area surrounding our property and objed to any project that wouid threaten the habitats of these animals. If the applicant has done apprapriate the environmental assessments, I would be interested in the results and you may email them to me at 'ta iar fr�dlaw,carri. If such assessments have not been undertaken, I strangiy encourage the Planning Commission to insist that such environmental due diligence is engaged in priorto approving any project of this type. Sincerely, 44 ,.i._« �+ .•,;;f � .. .. , . ,,...� . . t.. . _,....r........................._,.,,.., ,.....,..,..,.,.,,.....,.,,.:...,,:.,,. Julie A.Taylor jfi�yla.r�a�f red I�w..cnm tc: Anna Wills-57B - MN House Greg Ciausen- 57 -MN Senate John K1ine-2 -U.S.House Amy K1oUuchar-U.S. Sen�te Al Franken-U.S. Senate October, 20, 2014 Rosemount Planning Commission 2875 145`h Street West Rasemount,MN 55068 Planning Commission, We are responding to the two "Public Hearing Notices"that we received. Wi�h regard to the notice regarding the Dakota Aggregates,LLC for a�n amendment to the In�erim Use Permit to allow 24 hour operation of the aggregaCe processing faaility. We are AGAINST this amendment. The 24 hour operation was a huge concern for residents during the initial request. The residents/city and Dakota Aggregates,LLC agreed at that time that there would NOT be 24 hour operation. A11 involved need to keep their initial word. I can't imagine having to hear all the equipment, noise,e#c. 24 hours a day, especially stunnier tirne in MN when we like to have our windows open and also all#he huge lights sending ligilt into all the nearby homes. Please do NOT allow Dakota Aggregate 24 hours operatian. With regard to fhe notice regarding Hardrives, Inc. for an interim use permit to locate an asphalt productian plarit on the UMore Park property,we believe th�t a plant of this nature with its constant smells and toxins released into�ze air,would not be gaod to have that close to people/homes. The praposed area is to close to people and homes, We are totally AGAINST allowing this facility sa close to our homes. Can they guarantee NU asphalt smells and NO toxins going into the air? We don't need to be subjected to any more toxins. Please talce ot�r concerns as t�paying citizens of Rosetnotmt into consideration. Thank you, ; ��N� Robert Pryor ' i` � , r(-2— / Ruth Pryor 14755 Bloomfield Circle Rosemount, MN 55068 EXCERPT OF DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 28, 2014 6.d. Request by Dakota Aggregates to Renew their Large Scale Mineral Extraction Permit through 2015 and to Renew their Aggregate Processing Interim Use Permit through 2019. (14-53-ME and 14-58-IUP). Dakota Aggregates has applied for the annual renewal of their large scale mineral extraction permit and renewal of their aggregate process interim use permit on the UMore property. Their requests include expanding the mining and aggregate processing to 24 hours a day. For 2015, Dakota Aggregates is proposing to continue mining the same south mining area adjacent to County Road 46 and Station Trail and the same north mining area about '/4 mile south of County Road 42. Commissioner Forster wanted clarification on whether the 24 hour production would be for the north operations only or both north and south. Ms. Lindquist stated it is for both sites. He inquired as whether the north access road is being used currently. Ms. Lindquist stated it is being used for sand hauling activity. Commissioner Forster wanted to know if there are any concerns with additional traffic on Akron Ave and if lights would be installed. Ms. Lindquist stated that there is a likelihood that volume would increase, and a light is slated for that intersection in future, when warrants are met. Commissioner Kenninger inquired as to when the applicant would do the additional berming in northern area and if there is a requirement for the berming. Ms. Lindquist stated that a condition could be added regarding completion of the northern berm. Commissioner Kenninger wondered what would happen if issues arise seeing that the north side is closer to residents. Ms. Lindquist stated that staff would work with applicant on how to best correct the problem. Commissioner Kurle would like the applicant to explain mining process and any noise associated with night mining. Commissioner Miller inquired as to whether or not at any point if staff got a quality assurance plan. Ms. Lindquist stated that yes a report from Barr Engineering was received within last month. Commissioner Miller would like the applicant to address the quality concerns. The public hearing was opened at 7:30 pm. Public comments: Kent Layman, 14515 Bloomfield Path, Rosemount, is a board member of the Enclave association. He stated that most residents have accepted that the mine is there. He said that lights can be seen at 10:00 pm and the berms help reduce lights and noise some. He is concerned about the 24 hours of operation and the noise and lights associated with those operations. Ms. Lindquist encouraged citizens to call the police if they have any problems. That way staff can address any issues that arise before renewal with applicant. MOTION by Kenninger to close the public hearing. Second by Forster. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. The public hearing was closed at 7:33 pm. Additional Comments Commissioner Miller encouraged staff and the Council to review current ordinances on noise and light. He also stated that he wants to protect applicants and citizens. He also encouraged residents to bring concerns forward so they can be addressed. Commissioner Forster asked for further clarification on 3�d page of staff report relating to the 24/7 hours of operation. It stated that the extra hours would be for 5 MnDot projects. Ms. Lindquist clarified that mining can be done 24 hours a day but hauling is only during their regular business hours. Commissioner Kenninger attended Dakota Aggregates' open house; they are open to working with the city and residents. Dakota Aggregates presented what they are doing with lighting and dust control at the open house. She encouraged that everyone work together to handle complaints. She supported a condition to require the northern berm be finished. Shaun Dahl with Dakota Aggregates stated it is their intent to build the east/west berm this summer. They understand importance of the berm. MOTION by Kenninger to recommend that the City Council renew the Dakota Aggregates Large Scale Mineral Extraction Permit for 2015, subject to the terms and conditions in the attached 2015 Draft Conditions for Mineral Extraction. With addition of item II. Requiring installation of the northern berm to be completed by the next annual review, and also amend to also include "and screening" in section D Second by Kurle Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion approved. MOTION by Kenninger to recommend the City Council renew the Aggregate Processing Interim Use Permit through 2019, subject to the terms and conditions in the attached draft Interim Use Permit Resolution. Second by Forster Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion approved. i ' ��� i/ � � � �\ ��° j % /c / /O /�`� �a � s fr�; ,. .�, �n.�y���� ��£v. 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